10/06/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Let people feel how they feel. Because it won't change. Not with MKX, or MK11 ,or MK12 ,or MK13 ect. It's a cycle and apart of the usual "hype" upon the release of a new MK game. There will be people who will love everything they see, people who hate everything they see, people who change their minds from love to hate or hate to love, to those who are indifferent ect. It's a part of the "season".

If you wanna gripe, vent, or complain then be my guest. I'm not telling you or anyone how to feel. NRS can't please everyone, so some people will be unhappy. 100% understand that.

It's just a shame it's usually the same people each time something is revealed. Then again, since it is the same usual people, that speaks more about the people than the reveals.

There's also a contrasting group that is usually trying to get people to be more positive and not always complaining.

It really comes down to personality types I'd suppose.
10/06/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
None of my current favorites have been confirmed but I am insanely excited for this game. Every. Single. Character so far looks incredibly fun to play as. Even if Scorp and Sub were the only two returning ninja like characters I would still be hype to rekindle my old fascination with them. And the chance of BI-Han becoming Sub Zero again is awesome. I'm excited to give Kano a try this time around and give Raiden more of a try as well. Don't even get me started on Quan or Goro. On the flip side I was disappointed to hear about Rain and have been a lil bit annoyed at the pattern of reveals so far since a revamped MK4 character would blow my hype levels through the roof, especially if it was Shinnok. I understand people who are worried/annoyed about their favorites (lookin at you, most likely non existent Moloch fan) but to let that ruin the rest of the game is crazy to me. Try something new this time around, you might like it.

At this point the hardest thing is the six month wait with only Boon troll tweets to snack on.
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10/06/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
A lot of butthurt here. First, Ed was asked if 24 would be the final roster count to which he said NO, 24 is not the final number. Later Ed confirmed the final roster size to be around the same number of MK9 or even a little more. MK9 had 32 characters including DLC and guest characters. That should tell you MKX will have a minimum of 32 characters in the game, right? I'd even say its safe to say we will have somewhere between 33-35 characters. With each one having three variations I'd say thats more than enough. Hell, I don't want them to add more if it means the variations for the characters in later development stages get less attention.

Stop assuming shit that is not even confirmed and save yourself some stress

10/06/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
I'm happy with whatever the roster size will be. Either 24 or 30, I'll be happy with what we get.
24 is actually a good size roster for most people. Considering some people like to or try to main all characters.

So be happy with what we get ppl grin
10/06/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.
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10/06/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
What was the drama about the heels? I only recently registered.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)


Roster of the game is decided before it enters full scale production. The same goes for DLC. Sorry, but your train went away and there is nothing you can do about it.

You sound like a grade school bully on the playground with that train comment. I almost expected to read "nana booboo!" or some other childish taunt. I've never said I expected "anything to be done". I was simply sharing my opinion as was others and then all of a sudden that turned into this whole "Shut up! You must not speak your mind! Nothing will change so deal with it! Shut up I said! " vibe from others. So I'm not expecting anything to be done. I will however continue to state rather I like or don't like something. I thought this was a messageboard for discussion. My mistake.

"Since MKDA-MKD newcomers failed to generate enthusiasm in the general audience and fans circles they are not popular and MK-Team do not want put efforts in characters, when 3/4 of audience don't care about them (and no, you are not the whole audience as neither am I). It's simple. There is nothing unfair, illogical or anything like that.

Thanks for the history lesson but I think I'm pretty well aware of how little NRS cares for the Post MK3 characters and I don't recall EVER saying "EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE THE MK4-MKD" characters. All I've been saying this whole time is how I'd love to see 2 or 3 Post MK3 characters break out and get a second chance. That's all. Everything else is stuff you're pissing into my mouth. That said, I do find a number of the MK1 characters tired, dry, and boring as fuck so of course I'm not happy with them making up the majority. That said, I know they're iconic and vital staples to this franchise, so I don't need you to deliver me a sermon on how superior they are. I get it. I got my Sermon yesterday in Service. That still has nothing to do with me wanting a little bit of a change every now and again. Big fucking deal.

It's a modern trend: whine about absolutely everything. And beyond. Everything should be turned into tragedy and drama, from high-heels to Moloch's head. Guess, those people just subconciously want to some attention.

Maybe, but last I checked most of the people in this thread who aren't happy with the roster or the roster number are simply stating their opinions. I don't see how that's "attention craving"
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10/06/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
I think leaving out Chaos/Order realm representatives would be a waste. Havik is one of the few post MK3 era people actually remember (the others being Quan, Tanya, Reiko, Kenshi and maybe Ashrah?). Unfortunately, none of the characters from Seido are really popular and their motives don't really work outside deception. A new character from the order realm could be a great addition.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
I think leaving out Chaos/Order realm representatives would be a waste. Havik is one of the few post MK3 era people actually remember (the others being Quan, Tanya, Reiko, Kenshi and maybe Ashrah?). Unfortunately, none of the characters from Seido are really popular and their motives don't really work outside deception. A new character from the order realm could be a great addition.

I'd love an orderealm female.
10/06/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
I think leaving out Chaos/Order realm representatives would be a waste. Havik is one of the few post MK3 era people actually remember (the others being Quan, Tanya, Reiko, Kenshi and maybe Ashrah?). Unfortunately, none of the characters from Seido are really popular and their motives don't really work outside deception. A new character from the order realm could be a great addition.

I'd love an orderealm female.

... Before people just stopped with it, I did try to see if this site was interested in making a character of their own and so far they all seem to want a Chaosrealm female.

I thought what we had going was pretty neat until it just stopped with the replies altogether. Shame though, I really wanted to see what the end result would look like.
Let's see here...

Reptile, Sheeva, Mileena, Baraka, Ermac, Skarlet, Kabal but he's dead and unlikely to come back which is fine.

Also Tanya, Ashrah, Kai, Sareena, Havik, Bo Rai'Cho, Fujin..We may not even get Kenshi.

NONE of my favorites have been revealed so far as well as characters I was hoping would get a revamp.

I don't see them as being possible either considering the small roster that would seem to have Johnny, Sonya, Console Exclusive Guest Character, Liu Kang, Shinnok oh and apparently 14 new characters.

So yeah...fuck.

We'll see what happens as the months go on I guess.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

10/06/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in their game. I don't like 24. Yes the characters are very fleshed out with the 3 variations but if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY. Coz that lessens the chances of my favs being in. I mean Sheeva and Rain have no chance of appearing and the only one I was hoping for was Mileena. I would love to have many 3D era returnees but at least if Mileena was in, I would at least settle for 24. Now it would just be painful if no character that I like returns :/

Nope. I'm cool with 24 fighters and none of my favorites have been announced:


Jax is dead, and Sheeva is shitted on; the chances of my favs making the cut are certainly uncertain.

And I'm still down for 24.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

10/07/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
If there isn't a single MK4-Deception character I've waited 10 years for, to accommodate the likes of Kang, Sonya, Cage for their 1000th return (and their SLOT WASTING daughter Cassie FFS), I will probably flip a table and seriously consider giving this game a skip, or waiting a few months til it's bargain price. >

Quan Chi was announced the other day - check out his cool trailer.
10/07/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
I'm okay with the number. 24 characters with three variations is a lot.

Not really feeling the new people or returnees so far (NRS will never make me like Kano or Raiden, EVER), but within the unknown lies potential promise. There's a pretty wide swath of existing characters that I like in the MK universe, so the odds of someone I like getting in are decent enough. And I may like a new character or two. That all said, I'm going to reserve judgement for now and not detonate nor get excited prematurely. It's a wait-and-see thing.

Just two things:

1) I hope all the characters get some decent development in story mode. Jade, Baraka, Sheeva, Reptile, Kano...they really didn't do much with those characters besides rehash the "Kitana's BFF" and "goon of Shao Kahn" thing ideas from the last timeline. I would like it if MKX's story mode fleshes out each character. That doesn't mean every character getting a chapter, mind you. But make each character count, give them an agenda and don't have them be just another body. This burden is especially large for the new characters. Lest they...

2) ...be a typical new MK character and hardly ever appear again. MK has enough "one/two-and-done" characters that rarely have a presence outside of their debut game and a "gang's all here" compilation, and I am quite tired of it. That is my main issue with this kind of thing. You wanna leave out some characters that people are clamoring for to bring in fresh new faces, all well and good. But don't just up and scrap those faces for future games! Now I'm nearing the point of "Why get excited for a new character, when they're just going to probably going to the junk heap anyway?"
10/07/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)
I assume the main reason some of those MK4 onward new comers didn't return more often (Excluding Armageddon) is because most people didn't take a huge liking to them in the first place.

Now I am not saying nobody likes/liked them, but probably not enough for Boon and friends to want to bring them back for another game.

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10/07/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
At no point in that interview did he say "only around" He said the same generic answer they have all gave. Similar to the last game MK9 had 27 characters with 4 DLC characters

I've said it since before the announcement

3 x Rows of 12 for 36 total characters
12 x from MK9 (including Quan Chi)
12 x NEW
6 x MK4-MKD
6 x DLC
10/07/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I assume the main reason some of those MK4 onward new comers didn't return more often (Excluding Armageddon) is because most people didn't take a huge liking to them in the first place.

Now I am not saying nobody likes/liked them, but probably not enough for Boon and friends to want to bring them back for another game.

There in lies the problem I have with this game. So many new characters are coming in and basedoff of their previous track record, we'll likely never EVER play as these characters again until another Trilogy/Anthology styled game. The MK team abandons tons of characters after 1 or 2 games but they fail to realize it takes several games to get a character right, to make them click. The only reason the MK1/MK2 cast is so iconic is because they have the luxury of being in SO MANY titles thus they're infused into the brains of the general gaming public.

If say, Kenshi, Shinnok, Li Mei or any other post MK3 character made several appearances since then, chances are, they'd be just as memorable or 'iconic' as the originals. THAT is what pisses me off. Not the fact we're getting ONLY 24, but the fact this roster will only be diverse BECAUSE of new characters, characters most of whom we wont play as for another decade or so because they'll vanish as quickly as Moloch.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

10/07/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)
I don't fret over character quantity.

Tempting me with dlc characters will not work; I will only join the hype train when more classic dlc stages with inbuilt fatalities are in MKX because I really enjoyed "The Chamber of The Flame" arena.
10/07/2014 03:20 AM (UTC)
NRS has a bad history of dropping new characters. Look at how many of the new characters for MK2 were in vanilla MK3.. then from MK3 to MK4. MK4 to Deadly Alliance. It's a problem they've had for years.
I fully expect only a few of these newbies to make it to MK11.

I'd much rather see ANY MK4-Armageddon characters over any of the ones that were in MK9. We've seen how they played in 2D many many times. I'd love to see what they could come up with for the characters that have to change from 3D to 2D.

Honestly, I think one of the biggest reasons people seem so upset about it, is because all the 'returning' MK characters were in MK9. I think showing just 1 postMK3 character not named Quan Chi would calm people some.

While the gameplay looks great, and I'll be buying day 1. With out an interesting character to play as I'm probably not going to touch it beyond completing the story mode and maybe the "Krypt"
10/07/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
NRS has a bad history of dropping new characters. Look at how many of the new characters for MK2 were in vanilla MK3.. then from MK3 to MK4. MK4 to Deadly Alliance. It's a problem they've had for years.
I fully expect only a few of these newbies to make it to MK11.

I'd much rather see ANY MK4-Armageddon characters over any of the ones that were in MK9. We've seen how they played in 2D many many times. I'd love to see what they could come up with for the characters that have to change from 3D to 2D.

Honestly, I think one of the biggest reasons people seem so upset about it, is because all the 'returning' MK characters were in MK9. I think showing just 1 postMK3 character not named Quan Chi would calm people some.

While the gameplay looks great, and I'll be buying day 1. With out an interesting character to play as I'm probably not going to touch it beyond completing the story mode and maybe the "Krypt"

If you dislike or are bored of the classic characters so much, surely one of the MANY new characters will be interesting to you?
10/07/2014 03:36 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I assume the main reason some of those MK4 onward new comers didn't return more often (Excluding Armageddon) is because most people didn't take a huge liking to them in the first place.

Now I am not saying nobody likes/liked them, but probably not enough for Boon and friends to want to bring them back for another game.

There in lies the problem I have with this game. So many new characters are coming in and basedoff of their previous track record, we'll likely never EVER play as these characters again until another Trilogy/Anthology styled game. The MK team abandons tons of characters after 1 or 2 games but they fail to realize it takes several games to get a character right, to make them click. The only reason the MK1/MK2 cast is so iconic is because they have the luxury of being in SO MANY titles thus they're infused into the brains of the general gaming public.

If say, Kenshi, Shinnok, Li Mei or any other post MK3 character made several appearances since then, chances are, they'd be just as memorable or 'iconic' as the originals. THAT is what pisses me off. Not the fact we're getting ONLY 24, but the fact this roster will only be diverse BECAUSE of new characters, characters most of whom we wont play as for another decade or so because they'll vanish as quickly as Moloch.

While I can understand your point, and it is a somewhat valid one, I disagree to an extent. I don't think the MK1-3 characters are iconic purely because they've been featured in several games.

I think they are iconic because:
-They were a part of MK's peek in popularity during the 90's(MK 1-3 is when MK was all the craze, It died off considerably after MK4).
-They are a part of the original trilogy(first 3 games), thus veterans and nostalgic.
-They were in the 2 feature films(2nd one was meh, but they were still exposed to many in theatres).

Beyond those reasons, the characters in MK4-MK:D, to a degree, are very lacking in terms of originality and interesting aspects. Be it their specials, stories, or looks, they just don't stand out as much. Sure, these characters can be revamped and given another shot, but a lot of them felt tacked on to begin with, and others felt like they just ran out of idea and threw together what they could...Most of these characters just don't have the fanbase to warrant a revamp, and there's only so much you can do with story before you have people calling foul at the inconsistencies and retcons. So why not just start fresh altogether, and avoid that baggage? They can make whatever characters they want now, with all new stories, looks, and specials, without having to remain true to their "mistakes"(depending on your viewpoint) of the past.

With that said, there are some characters with potential, that weren't bad, that COULD be given another shot. That's a rather short list IMO, 12 or less. Such as Fujin, Bo, Havik etc. And so far, there's nothing ruling them out in this game, on disc, as DLC, or at the very least a prominent story cameo to gauge interest.

Regardless, my main point in replying was the part about the MK1-3 characters' being icons, and how that was achieved. I disagree with the notion that seeing them over and over equated to them being deemed "iconic". Did that maybe play a small role? Sure. But the other reasons are far bigger factors at play. With MK hitting a new wave of popularity with the reboot, maybe they just feel they can make better characters all around, than the MK4-MK:A era, where inspiration was clearly lacking with most of them, so now that they have some attention again, they want to start fresh, rather than fixing flaws of the past.

Just something to think about...it's not always the man trying to hold things down, and doing things for poor reasons. There's a story they want to tell, a direction they want to take, and they probably have a refreshed creative mind after taking a 4 year break and doing Injustice...so maybe starting fresh and cherry picking 2-3 characters from MK4-MK:A, that have the potential to be salvaged, and the fan backing, is the better option.

Lastly, have you ever looked back at some of the things youve said/done/created in the past, and just thought "wow, that sucked, what was I thinking? That's nothing like what we're doing now! We've improved so much!"? Back then they were with Midway, fighting to keep them afloat. Midway was pressuring them out the door just to get the profits. That, coupled with obvious creative burnout, and decline in popularity and quality, might have led to those characters being...not so good. At the time, the general consensus was that msot of those characters were not liked. So maybe, they look back at some of those characters, besides the better ones, and think to themselves "wow, they really suck!" "what were we doing?"...thus they want to wipe it clean and start anew, without having to be tied to staying somewhat true to that character of before?
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10/07/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)

@blackcyborg made a very good point, also there were a lot of scrapped ideas and character concepts that, due to system limitations and resources, never came to light during the Midway era, now they have more creative liberty than they ever had before.
10/07/2014 04:17 AM (UTC)
MK Deception I thought had the best breakdown of a roster, but not perfect by any stretch:
8 new characters (I'm not counting the quality of them)
6 carrying over from Deadly Alliance
10 who had sat out at least 1 game

With a roster of 28 I'd break it down like this for MKX:
10 new
12 from MK9
6 from MK4-Armageddon (not counting Quan Chi)

It allows us to have the iconics like Scorpion, Sub-Zeo, Raiden, and others from the MK2 era, while allowing a significant chunk of new characters. Plus it allows NRS to cherry pick the best of post MK3.
10/07/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
Even if we have just 24, I think the roster breakdown ratios can still make most happy. If I had it my way, I'd cut back a tad on the completely new characters, and fill 2-3 of those 10 with more from MK4-MKD. Because as much as I want new and fresh, do we really need 10+ at once? I would have done it like this:

If I'm given 24 to have on disc at launch:

13 MK9:
5.Quan Chi
7.Johnny Cage OR Sonya
8.One of the dead warriors under Quan's control
9.One of the dead warriors under Quan's control
11.Shang Tsung

5 MK 4-D:

6 New:
2.Kotal Kahn
4.Cassie Cage

+ Goro (pre order)
+ Guest/console exclusive

8 DLC:
1.Sonya OR Johnny Cage (whichever doesn't make the cut)
2.Dead warrior Quan controls


Everybody wins.

17 from MK9 + Goro
7 from MK4-MKD
7 new + 2 guests

34 total after DLC.

Anything more than that, is just gravy.

10/07/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
I think leaving out Chaos/Order realm representatives would be a waste.

This. They so deserve to be fleshed out more after having been rushed out the door in Deception.
But Ermac's presence in the game would trump all, of course.
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