10/06/2014 07:37 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
How am I wrong if that is just my opinion? I don't like 24 as a number of characters. Plain and simple. It doesn't make it a good or bad choice on the developers' part coz it's just my unimportant opinion.
You probably misunderstood me. I have many characters I like in the franchise. Ermac, Reptile, Tanya, Fujin, Havik, Ashrah, Nitara, etc. However I have 3 main favs like I am sure everyone else does. The fact that Sheeva and Rain are C-tier characters doesn't mean jack to me. I know they won't appear in the next game (or possibly any other game for a fact) but it still doesn't change the fact that I love them. And I was ecstatic that I got to play the shit out of them in MK9.
I have settled on just one of my fav characters appearing in this but 24 means even Mileena might not make it. And I would hate that. I would be absolutely gutted. And having none of the characters I mentioned above would make things even worse for me. Would that mean I wouldn't buy and support the game? Hell noes! But I still think I have the right to be disappointed.

I said you're wrong because of this statement:
"I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in"

My favorite of favorites isn't in. I'm still ok with 24 characters. So that statement is untrue.

I'm glad you're still wanting to support the game and wanting to play it, but I still don't understand why someone would let themselves feel "gutted" because a character they like didn't make it in to the video game they like. Slightly disappointed? Sure. But gutted? I guess I just don't see why people put so much emotional stakes into all these things. To each their own, of course, but that just sounds like a bad way to go about things.

But I'm Mr. Positivity it seems, in most cases. I see your favorite not making it as a great opportunity to start liking other characters, old and/or new. The more you like, and find that you enjoy playing as, the better. Why wouldn't everyone strive to like as many as possible? Be it their story, appearance, gameplay etc. From the MK1-3 era, there's really only 3-4 I don't care for. So I guess it's easy for me to enjoy things. But anybody could try to expand their interests...
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10/06/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
24 seems alright, I hope they are all well integrated into the story and feel unique enough, gameplay wise. Plus, with like 3 DLC characters you have 27 which is not bad.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
My issue with this is (Not to offend anyone who likes these characters) I'm sick and tired of seeing the MK1 characters return. They need a rest. Scorpion and Sub-Zero I'm fine with, they're the faces of MK. However, Sonya, Johnny, Liu, Raiden, Kano, Shang.... they need a break. The games I always found the most enjoyable were the ones that sorta deviated from that path and had less MK1 characters in it than the others (prime example; Deception).

So far, every returning character we've seen has been an MK1 character (excluding Quan Chi). I understand it's all marketing but it's frustrating. Yes, we are getting new characters in this, a lot of them. But yes, there are many characters in this franchise that out-right DESERVE to be given the spotlight again yet time and time again we see the same old, same old just with a different dressing.

It's like eating steak every week except the only difference is you change the topping sauce so it's "different". Just because we have new 'variations' on classic characters doesn't make them anymore 'new and exciting' or more worthy than any others.

Yes, I'll still buy this game but it's getting to the point where, honestly speaking, this series is becoming stale to me (and I hate saying this because I love MK) but they FOR THE LOVE OF GOD need to give some characters a rest for a game or two.

Thank you! We're never going to be able to truly move on if the same characters are always returning. Of course there are vital staples that will ALWAYS remain(Subby Scorpion, duh) but we need to learn to flesh out some other characters for a change. That's what I loved about Deception, it brought back old favorites and truly revamped them.

Look at it this way- The new characters that debut in this game will no longer be "new" once MK11 comes about. I wouldn't be surprised if all but 4 or 3 of them is dropped kicked and thrown in the garbage and never seen again just like the MK4-MKD characters. It's a never ending cycle. The same faces remain and the new ones are never seen again. Imo, there's quite a few MK1 characters that need to be retired, at least for a few games.
10/06/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.
10/06/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
"For every Kitana and Mileena there's Sonya and Jade"

No. Just no. Kitana has a unique fighting style, and there's no way a die-hard fan like me will be satisfied with merely substituting her with Sonya or Jade. In fact, aside from tits, Sonya isn't even close to being anything like Kitana. Two completely different characters.

No Kitana, no buy.

I was implying that for every Kitana and Mileena fan, that feels their character deserves to be in, and holds out hope, there's a Sonya and Jade fan doing the same thing. So what makes one more iconic than the other? They're all unique, all have fans, and all have essentially the same argument that can be made.

And if "No Kitana equals No buy", sucks for you. I'll be enjoying the game.
About Me

10/06/2014 07:49 PM (UTC)
Pfeh, no character no buy?

How about no PC version, no buy?

Have you an iota of an idea how hard was it to get the console MK games working on a Pc through an emulator?

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10/06/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
I don't necessarily think every game should have Scorpion and Sub, taking a rest is important so fans don't get fed up. I like to believe no character is untouchable. I mean, who knows? in the future, we could have a human Hanzo with a completely new moveset instead of Scorpion.
10/06/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
Lol the drama! Love it!

Fuck Injustice, MK FO-EVAAAAAAA!!! tongue

Oh and... Guess what...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)


No Kitana -> NO BUY


No Fujin -> NO BUY!!!

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

j/k j/k

MK <3
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/06/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.

I do not think it is. There is no evidence either to prove your assertion and I do not know how you came up with it:

Street Fighter IV: 25 characters.
Marvel vs Capcom: 36 characters.
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma: 24 characters.
Soul Calibur V: 28 characters.
Dead or Alive 5: 24 characters.
Tekken 6: 41 characters.

Only two games released with more then 30 characters.

To me having 30 plus is bloated. I do not feel adding characters for the sake of having a bigger roster makes a better game. I want to be invested in the characters and if there are too many it dilutes my time with them. For example, I am playing Smash Bros 3DS for about 15 or so hours right now and still I have not even touched some of the characters on the roster and might never get round to.
10/06/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:-snip-

Voice of reason.

Absolutely agree.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
But yes, there are many characters in this franchise that out-right DESERVE to be given the spotlight again yet time and time again we see the same old, same old just with a different dressing.

It's up to developers to decide who deserve spot on the roster and who is not.
They primary concern - is to make roster according to the story of the game and make characters unique and interesting. Also, they must include some "iconic characters" to make game recognizable for the general audience. They are not free to cater to fans individual tastes and ("suprise") MK-Team also have their own preferences, when it comes to characters. That's why there is little chance to see the likes of Hsu Hao or Mokap in anything, except cameo similar to that of Moloch's.

diirecthit Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
If there isn't a single MK4-Deception character I've waited 10 years for, to accommodate the likes of Kang, Sonya, Cage for their 1000th return (and their SLOT WASTING daughter Cassie FFS), I will probably flip a table and seriously consider giving this game a skip, or waiting a few months til it's bargain price.

You won't be missed, BYE!

I support this sentement. Less fans like this in the fandom - the better.
Besides, the fact that MKX is like SF3 was revealed from the very begining. I am not sure why are you pissed off right now that the game is exactly what it was said by developers.
Just another fanboy.

projectzero00 Wrote:
How am I wrong if that is just my opinion?

Opinions can be wrong.
"Eartth is flat" is a wrong opinion, for example.

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.

To me having 30 plus is bloated. I do not feel adding characters for the sake of having a bigger roster makes a better game. I want to be invested in the characters and if there are too many it dilutes my time with them. For example, I am playing Smash Bros 3DS for about 15 or so hours right now and still I have not even touched some of the characters on the roster and might never get round to.

And I respect that. That's YOU and how YOU feel. Not others. If someone does want 30 characters, it's nothing wrong with them wanting that. That's what I'm trying to really get across here. They shouldn't get jumped on if they're not happy with only having 24 characters. That's all.
10/06/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
My issue with this is (Not to offend anyone who likes these characters) I'm sick and tired of seeing the MK1 characters return. They need a rest. Scorpion and Sub-Zero I'm fine with, they're the faces of MK. However, Sonya, Johnny, Liu, Raiden, Kano, Shang.... they need a break. The games I always found the most enjoyable were the ones that sorta deviated from that path and had less MK1 characters in it than the others (prime example; Deception).

So far, every returning character we've seen has been an MK1 character (excluding Quan Chi). I understand it's all marketing but it's frustrating. Yes, we are getting new characters in this, a lot of them. But yes, there are many characters in this franchise that out-right DESERVE to be given the spotlight again yet time and time again we see the same old, same old just with a different dressing.

It's like eating steak every week except the only difference is you change the topping sauce so it's "different". Just because we have new 'variations' on classic characters doesn't make them anymore 'new and exciting' or more worthy than any others.

Yes, I'll still buy this game but it's getting to the point where, honestly speaking, this series is becoming stale to me (and I hate saying this because I love MK) but they FOR THE LOVE OF GOD need to give some characters a rest for a game or two.

Thank you! We're never going to be able to truly move on if the same characters are always returning. Of course there are vital staples that will ALWAYS remain(Subby Scorpion, duh) but we need to learn to flesh out some other characters for a change. That's what I loved about Deception, it brought back old favorites and truly revamped them.

Look at it this way- The new characters that debut in this game will no longer be "new" once MK11 comes about. I wouldn't be surprised if all but 4 or 3 of them is dropped kicked and thrown in the garbage and never seen again just like the MK4-MKD characters. It's a never ending cycle. The same faces remain and the new ones are never seen again. Imo, there's quite a few MK1 characters that need to be retired, at least for a few games.

Wait, weren't you the one saying "it's wrong when we're praying for Kitana, Mileena, Ermac & Reptile to be in the game" as if they ALSO haven't been used enough and as much as the MK1 characters, especially Kitana and Reptile? I don't get the doble standards.
10/06/2014 08:04 PM (UTC)
"The Earth is flat" is not an opinion. It's an incorrect statement, nothing opinion-related comes into it.
10/06/2014 08:05 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.

I think this is essentially how everyone who's not happy about the roster number feels except it is with their favorite character.

At this point, I'm just going to say to those who are not pleased, tough shit. You have a right to complain, just know that it won't do anything.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
My issue with this is (Not to offend anyone who likes these characters) I'm sick and tired of seeing the MK1 characters return. They need a rest. Scorpion and Sub-Zero I'm fine with, they're the faces of MK. However, Sonya, Johnny, Liu, Raiden, Kano, Shang.... they need a break. The games I always found the most enjoyable were the ones that sorta deviated from that path and had less MK1 characters in it than the others (prime example; Deception).

So far, every returning character we've seen has been an MK1 character (excluding Quan Chi). I understand it's all marketing but it's frustrating. Yes, we are getting new characters in this, a lot of them. But yes, there are many characters in this franchise that out-right DESERVE to be given the spotlight again yet time and time again we see the same old, same old just with a different dressing.

It's like eating steak every week except the only difference is you change the topping sauce so it's "different". Just because we have new 'variations' on classic characters doesn't make them anymore 'new and exciting' or more worthy than any others.

Yes, I'll still buy this game but it's getting to the point where, honestly speaking, this series is becoming stale to me (and I hate saying this because I love MK) but they FOR THE LOVE OF GOD need to give some characters a rest for a game or two.

Thank you! We're never going to be able to truly move on if the same characters are always returning. Of course there are vital staples that will ALWAYS remain(Subby Scorpion, duh) but we need to learn to flesh out some other characters for a change. That's what I loved about Deception, it brought back old favorites and truly revamped them.

Look at it this way- The new characters that debut in this game will no longer be "new" once MK11 comes about. I wouldn't be surprised if all but 4 or 3 of them is dropped kicked and thrown in the garbage and never seen again just like the MK4-MKD characters. It's a never ending cycle. The same faces remain and the new ones are never seen again. Imo, there's quite a few MK1 characters that need to be retired, at least for a few games.

Wait, weren't you the one saying "it's wrong when we're praying for Kitana, Mileena, Ermac & Reptile to be in the game" as if they ALSO haven't been used enough and as much as the MK1 characters, especially Kitana and Reptile? I don't get the doble standards.

You probably don't get it because you're looking through a narrow peephole and not at the entirety of what I was saying. Personally, I've been talking about post MK3 characters like Tanya, Fujin, Havik, ect I ONLY brought up Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, and Ermac as strictly an example of how few the character spots are that even extremely popular and iconic characters like those are having a hard time getting in. That doesn't mean I'm saying OMG! THEY DESERVE TO BE IN MORE THAN THE MK1 CHARACTERS!. It was simply a way of saying, if these other hugely popular characters are having a hard time making it in, then Post MK3 characters are pretty much fucked.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 08:10 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.

I think this is essentially how everyone who's not happy about the roster number feels except it is with their favorite character.

At this point, I'm just going to say to those who are not pleased, tough shit. You have a right to complain, just know that it won't do anything.

It's not about "doing anything" it's simply about venting and expressing our opinions. Praising and cheering everything so far won't do anything either. lol
10/06/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)
"No Kitana = no buy" makes me laugh. Please leave.
diirecthit Wrote:
Wait, weren't you the one saying "it's wrong when we're praying for Kitana, Mileena, Ermac & Reptile to be in the game" as if they ALSO haven't been used enough and as much as the MK1 characters, especially Kitana and Reptile? I don't get the doble standards.

Don't you get it? The only thing that matters is what THEY want. They are selfish, and that's perfectly acceptable considering they choose what to spend their money on, but they shouldn't expect to be constantly pandered to for something so inconsequential (a specific character's inclusion).

People, your wishes are not a special snowflake. You're setting yourself up for disappointment by being unreasonable ("this ONE particular character MUST be in, I don't care about anyone else's favorites, just mine"). If everyone felt that way, everyone would be disappointed; you see the problem?
10/06/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
It's really bizarre when people start using the "Deserve" word for why characters should be in the game. These characters are characters. Utterly fictitious. How can they deserve anything? (They can't)

In truth, the statement should be "Character X has received an update, while Character Y has not. This is unfair."

It's more accurate, but still ludicrous. A roster's selection isn't about "fair." It's about how the developers need/want their game to be played. They may need a set of characters for plot, marketability, balance, franchise progress, etc.

There is never a reason for "fairness" to be involved. Fair to whom? The only argument that could be made there is "fairness" for a character's fans, but that is still ridiculous. New characters do not come with a guarantee to be revised and revisited in a future game, nor should they.

This is mostly aimed at people asking for/ expecting MK4-A characters. Those characters served their purpose in their respective games. The developers MAY choose to revisit a handful of them, but it isn't guaranteed, promised, or even necessary. Certainly not "Deserved."

I realize this post is futile. Carry on.
10/06/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

projectzero00 Wrote:
How am I wrong if that is just my opinion?

Opinions can be wrong.
"Eartth is flat" is a wrong opinion, for example.

I think you are confusing opinions with facts. Saying you don't like 24 characters is quite different from saying the Earth is flat. First one can't be argued with coz it's just an opinion. Second one is a false statement. Apples and oranges.
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10/06/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
Kitana and the other dead good guys have a slim chance of being in, they are in a similar situation than the good guys at the end of MKDA and beginning of MKD.

And if Cassie Cage is in and has a combination of moves from her parents, there's honestly no need for them to be in either. Why have Sonya and Kano when you have Kira, same thing.
10/06/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

There is never a reason for "fairness" to be involved. Fair to whom?

Fair to those characters' fans. The ones that usually don't get to play as their favorite characters compared to the ones that do so in every game.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
"No Kitana = no buy" makes me laugh. Please leave.
diirecthit Wrote:
Wait, weren't you the one saying "it's wrong when we're praying for Kitana, Mileena, Ermac & Reptile to be in the game" as if they ALSO haven't been used enough and as much as the MK1 characters, especially Kitana and Reptile? I don't get the doble standards.

Don't you get it? The only thing that matters is what THEY want. They are selfish, and that's perfectly acceptable considering they choose what to spend their money on

Damn straight! They can spend their money on whatever they want to spend their money on because it's theirs, not yours. If they don't want to buy the game because their favorite character is not in, then so be it. You'll go on with your life and be happy with your new game and they'll go on with their life happy with the fact they didn't waste money on something they truly didn't want(no matter how big or small the reason).

That's life. Nothing wrong with it.
10/06/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:

There is never a reason for "fairness" to be involved. Fair to whom?

Fair to those characters' fans. The ones that usually don't get to play as their favorite characters compared to the ones that do so in every game.

Sometimes those character's are favorites to begin with BECAUSE they dont appear in every game.
10/06/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.

I think this is essentially how everyone who's not happy about the roster number feels except it is with their favorite character.

At this point, I'm just going to say to those who are not pleased, tough shit. You have a right to complain, just know that it won't do anything.

It's not about "doing anything" it's simply about venting and expressing our opinions. Praising and cheering everything so far won't do anything either. lol

I said it's reasonable. I'm not about to lose my shit over something that isn't even confirmed yet.

What I don't quite understand is why people are knocking the returnees so far. I guarantee if the people crying about their favs had their favs in they wouldn't be bitching about anyone else in the game.

So all this "MK1 cast is so overused blah" is just code for "Oh no my fav character has a smaller chance of being in now blah". So hypocritical.
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10/06/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
As long as Kitana makes the cut, I don't care about the number.
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