10/07/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't care if the roster size is 24 (very unlikely) or 32..
As long as we get AT LEAST one revamped MK4-MKD character BESIDES Quan Chi and Shinnok.
The reason why I really want this is not a matter of being a Fan boy, it has already been explained on this treat by many other people
10/07/2014 05:23 AM (UTC)
I just want Reiko and Tanya. ^^
10/07/2014 05:44 AM (UTC)
I'm way more interested in the new characters and the story to be told, so I don't care what the final shipping roster size is. I got all of the nostalgia out of my system with MK9. Time for me to move on.

10/07/2014 07:13 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I assume the main reason some of those MK4 onward new comers didn't return more often (Excluding Armageddon) is because most people didn't take a huge liking to them in the first place.

Now I am not saying nobody likes/liked them, but probably not enough for Boon and friends to want to bring them back for another game.

There in lies the problem I have with this game. So many new characters are coming in and basedoff of their previous track record, we'll likely never EVER play as these characters again until another Trilogy/Anthology styled game. The MK team abandons tons of characters after 1 or 2 games but they fail to realize it takes several games to get a character right, to make them click. The only reason the MK1/MK2 cast is so iconic is because they have the luxury of being in SO MANY titles thus they're infused into the brains of the general gaming public.

If say, Kenshi, Shinnok, Li Mei or any other post MK3 character made several appearances since then, chances are, they'd be just as memorable or 'iconic' as the originals. THAT is what pisses me off. Not the fact we're getting ONLY 24, but the fact this roster will only be diverse BECAUSE of new characters, characters most of whom we wont play as for another decade or so because they'll vanish as quickly as Moloch.

While I can understand your point, and it is a somewhat valid one, I disagree to an extent. I don't think the MK1-3 characters are iconic purely because they've been featured in several games.

I think they are iconic because:
-They were a part of MK's peek in popularity during the 90's(MK 1-3 is when MK was all the craze, It died off considerably after MK4).
-They are a part of the original trilogy(first 3 games), thus veterans and nostalgic.
-They were in the 2 feature films(2nd one was meh, but they were still exposed to many in theatres).

Beyond those reasons, the characters in MK4-MK:D, to a degree, are very lacking in terms of originality and interesting aspects. Be it their specials, stories, or looks, they just don't stand out as much. Sure, these characters can be revamped and given another shot, but a lot of them felt tacked on to begin with, and others felt like they just ran out of idea and threw together what they could...Most of these characters just don't have the fanbase to warrant a revamp, and there's only so much you can do with story before you have people calling foul at the inconsistencies and retcons. So why not just start fresh altogether, and avoid that baggage? They can make whatever characters they want now, with all new stories, looks, and specials, without having to remain true to their "mistakes"(depending on your viewpoint) of the past.

With that said, there are some characters with potential, that weren't bad, that COULD be given another shot. That's a rather short list IMO, 12 or less. Such as Fujin, Bo, Havik etc. And so far, there's nothing ruling them out in this game, on disc, as DLC, or at the very least a prominent story cameo to gauge interest.

Regardless, my main point in replying was the part about the MK1-3 characters' being icons, and how that was achieved. I disagree with the notion that seeing them over and over equated to them being deemed "iconic". Did that maybe play a small role? Sure. But the other reasons are far bigger factors at play. With MK hitting a new wave of popularity with the reboot, maybe they just feel they can make better characters all around, than the MK4-MK:A era, where inspiration was clearly lacking with most of them, so now that they have some attention again, they want to start fresh, rather than fixing flaws of the past.

Just something to think about...it's not always the man trying to hold things down, and doing things for poor reasons. There's a story they want to tell, a direction they want to take, and they probably have a refreshed creative mind after taking a 4 year break and doing Injustice...so maybe starting fresh and cherry picking 2-3 characters from MK4-MK:A, that have the potential to be salvaged, and the fan backing, is the better option.

Lastly, have you ever looked back at some of the things youve said/done/created in the past, and just thought "wow, that sucked, what was I thinking? That's nothing like what we're doing now! We've improved so much!"? Back then they were with Midway, fighting to keep them afloat. Midway was pressuring them out the door just to get the profits. That, coupled with obvious creative burnout, and decline in popularity and quality, might have led to those characters being...not so good. At the time, the general consensus was that msot of those characters were not liked. So maybe, they look back at some of those characters, besides the better ones, and think to themselves "wow, they really suck!" "what were we doing?"...thus they want to wipe it clean and start anew, without having to be tied to staying somewhat true to that character of before?

Wasn't really thinking about the peak of interest but you're absolutely right. However, with MK's resurgence, I still think there are certain characters (not all of them, mind you) that desperately need to sit out a while and some that need a fresh start.

There are tons of things I've done (I write for a living) that I think are total crap. But most the time, if I go back and fix things, they usually turn out alright or even better. There are a few instances where nothing I do helps matters but usually I can arrange things to finally get a piece to work and flow. The same could be said for these characters. I honestly think fans and general fighting fans would get on the band wagon if most of these characters were either A) given their own stylized move sets and not borrowing from others or B) fleshed out more to make a more positive impression on the casuals.

If they are NOT featured in the game (the majority of them at least) then they at least deserve something like a DLC character pack, maybe four MK4-MKA characters sold together and then a separate four dubbed the Klassic Pack of original trilogy characters left out, that way they at least get some sort of spotlight for possible inclusion in the future based off of how well they sell.

They just need to do SOMETHING instead of tossing 3/4 of their new characters away after every game. It's annoying, frustrating and bewildering. Why do they want us to like these characters so much just to toss them aside so quickly in favor of more classics? It's almost like instead of working with these characters through several games, developing them, making them grow into their own and learning from their mistakes they're just like "eh....fuck it, toss him out and throw in Cyrax instead."
10/07/2014 07:58 AM (UTC)
^^^ "There's that word "deserve" again.

This is still something that bothers me. People are still holding NRS to the same standard as Midway. NRS are not being forced to shove out a game almost yearly. They aren't charged with keeping their company afloat. They are not strapped by their budget. Additionally, they have a host of new resources and artists working for them.

Midway may have done things a certain way in the past, but that company is gone. Do not expect the same things from NRS.
10/07/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
Honestly, even the game featuring 24 kharakters might not be that bad of a news after all.

Would you prefer 24 unique, well developed, interesting (and hopefully balanced) fighters, or 30+ with an army of Kobras and Hsu-Haos? Sometimes less is more I reckon.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2014 09:44 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Even if we have just 24, I think the roster breakdown ratios can still make most happy. If I had it my way, I'd cut back a tad on the completely new characters, and fill 2-3 of those 10 with more from MK4-MKD. Because as much as I want new and fresh, do we really need 10+ at once? I would have done it like this:

If I'm given 24 to have on disc at launch:

13 MK9:
5.Quan Chi
7.Johnny Cage OR Sonya
8.One of the dead warriors under Quan's control
9.One of the dead warriors under Quan's control
11.Shang Tsung

5 MK 4-D:

6 New:
2.Kotal Kahn
4.Cassie Cage

+ Goro (pre order)
+ Guest/console exclusive

8 DLC:
1.Sonya OR Johnny Cage (whichever doesn't make the cut)
2.Dead warrior Quan controls


Everybody wins.

17 from MK9 + Goro
7 from MK4-MKD
7 new + 2 guests

34 total after DLC.

Anything more than that, is just gravy.

Now THIS is something I think we can both agree on. Nice list!
10/07/2014 01:18 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

You are awesome, good sir!!
Just brilliant!!

And I'd like to add another thing. If they try to revamp post-MK4 characters and make'em different / better some of them could end up drastically different from their initial outings.

It rises a question: what would be the differences between barely recognizable revamped old character and completely new one?

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
If they are NOT featured in the game (the majority of them at least) then they at least deserve something like a DLC character pack, maybe four MK4-MKA characters sold together and then a separate four dubbed the Klassic Pack of original trilogy characters left out, that way they at least get some sort of spotlight for possible inclusion in the future based off of how well they sell.

Why they deserved anything? They are fictional characters. Most of them are lacking or outright bad.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
They just need to do SOMETHING instead of tossing 3/4 of their new characters away after every game. It's annoying, frustrating and bewildering

I like characters in the game, where their appear. It's enough for me. If some of them will make it in the next game - awesome. If not, I find new favorites and won't be bothered much.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You sound like a grade school bully on the playground with that train comment. I almost expected to read "nana booboo!" or some other childish taunt. I've never said I expected "anything to be done". I was simply sharing my opinion as was others and then all of a sudden that turned into this whole "Shut up! You must not speak your mind! Nothing will change so deal with it! Shut up I said! " vibe from others. So I'm not expecting anything to be done. I will however continue to state rather I like or don't like something. I thought this was a messageboard for discussion. My mistake.

You soundlike somebody who want to be victimized.
Sharing your sentiments is nice and dandy, but repeating same thing over and over like a broken is stupid. OK, you shared your point of view, you are disatissfied. What next?
Repeating the same thing again, won't change anything. At this point it's more likely to make you look like obsessed person.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Everything else is stuff you're pissing into my mouth. That said, I do find a number of the MK1 characters tired, dry, and boring as fuck so of course I'm not happy with them making up the majority. That said, I know they're iconic and vital staples to this franchise, so I don't need you to deliver me a sermon on how superior they are. I get it. I got my Sermon yesterday in Service. That still has nothing to do with me wanting a little bit of a change every now and again. Big fucking deal.

I am not into that kind of fetishes...but if you are, OK then.
As for the rest of your sentiment - it's the same thing you have already said, just in different words. So, basically what I have said already - repeating the same thing over and over.
And I honestly think, people like you need somebody to give them a piece of mind. Even if a little.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Maybe, but last I checked most of the people in this thread who aren't happy with the roster or the roster number are simply stating their opinions. I don't see how that's "attention craving"

Last time I checked amount of people satissfied with roster or disatissfied, but not because their favorite characters were not in it was pretty equal.

Besides, the whole thing is pretty stupid. We don't know if 24 characters is a final number. We don't know half of the roster. We don't know how many DLC characters will be available after laucnch of the game.

Basically the whole thread is bitching over unconfirmed rumor and bunch of the unknowns, which is typical for the fandom, but absolutely, ultimately, laughably stupid, if look at it from rational point of view. And my point of view is rational because I am not throwing a hissy fit over something that is pretty much unknown.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I just want Reiko and Tanya. ^^

I wanna see Reiko back because of his looks lol. Terrible, I know but he's one of the few attractive males in the series.
10/07/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I just want Reiko and Tanya. ^^

I wanna see Reiko back because of his looks lol. Terrible, I know but he's one of the few attractive males in the series.

Haha, agreed, though I also like him for his gameplay. ;P
I am also VERY curious to learn more about his story... which we know almost nothing about.
10/07/2014 04:45 PM (UTC)
Ahhhh so the game actually has even less characters!

- Sonya Blade = Spot wasted
- Liu Kang = Spot wasted
- Jax = Spot wasted
- Guest Character = Spot wasted.
- Cassie Cage = Spot wasted
- Johnny Cage = Spot wasted.

it has 17 characters! Cool news! The game keeps on getting better!

Well at least i'm happy to see the MK1-characters-being-revealed-after-one-another thing being destroyed by Quan Chi.

I hope that means Liu Crap, Sonya Bland and johnny Cage aren't in.
10/07/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)


Right, OP?

But seriously, 24 is enough for me, quality over quantity.

I'm happy.
10/07/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:


Right, OP?

But seriously, 24 is enough for me, quality over quantity.

I'm happy.

Yes, because your precious overused ice-clown is in anyway, so all other people can suffer.

I would be fine with 24 characters, but more mixed, not ALL freaking MK1 clowns.
10/07/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)

DVorah Wrote:
Ahhhh so the game actually has even less characters!

- Sonya Blade = Spot wasted
- Liu Kang = Spot wasted
- Jax = Spot wasted
- Guest Character = Spot wasted.
- Cassie Cage = Spot wasted
- Johnny Cage = Spot wasted.

it has 17 characters! Cool news! The game keeps on getting better!

Well at least i'm happy to see the MK1-characters-being-revealed-after-one-another thing being destroyed by Quan Chi.

I hope that means Liu Crap, Sonya Bland and johnny Cage aren't in.

Sonya, Liu, Jax, and Johhny are NOT confirmed playable characters. They are actually likely DLC picks.

Considering how much you hate them, its funny that you would opt for the negative perpective and assume they are in. Is it because you enjoy the drama of your "worst case scenario?"

PS I dont care too much for them either. Especially Sonya.
10/07/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
I just want Sareena and Kitana. I already got my boy Sub
10/07/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
^^^ "There's that word "deserve" again.

This is still something that bothers me. People are still holding NRS to the same standard as Midway. NRS are not being forced to shove out a game almost yearly. They aren't charged with keeping their company afloat. They are not strapped by their budget. Additionally, they have a host of new resources and artists working for them.

Midway may have done things a certain way in the past, but that company is gone. Do not expect the same things from NRS.

Midway wanted MK out on a scheduled basis like Call of Duty. However, that does not excuse the fact that the actual production team outright refused to fix their own characters which honestly speaking could've taken about the same amount of time as delivering us brand new characters who also ended up disappearing just as quickly.

As for why I chose the word "deserve," it's because in terms of writing, most of the characters between MK4 and MKA are what I'd call 'first draft players'. They have just enough of a background to make it onto the page, but isn't fleshed out enough for people to actually give a shit yet. And then they complain nobody likes them and dumps them. Honestly, it's their own fault "no one likes" their newer creations because they only give them one chance when it takes more time than that to fully develop a character. If we'd only had one game with, say, Quan Chi, everyone would say "Wow, a Shang Tsung sorcerer rip off. Good for him, where's *insert classic character name here*?" and most would forget he ever existed. The fact he WORKS as a character is because they spent so many games ACTUALLY fleshing him out, something they apparently refuse to do with certain other characters either because of hardheaded-ness or because they didn't like the characters to begin with and were running out of development time.

As my daily profession is a writer, that honestly pisses me off. That's like writing a first draft of a story, a story that has a lot of potential with interesting characters and going "You know what, this is taking too long and it's too much work to figure this out, I'll just dump his/her ass and write about a character that worked in the past."

Sorry if it sounds rude, but it's lazy. No other way around it. They've been developing this game for 2-3 years now and for the same amount of time it would've taken to develop a brand new character, they could've put the same amount of work into fixing whatever they deemed was wrong with somebody else. And frankly, I don't see why they should expect their fans to take this new characters seriously when they obviously don't take their current roster seriously past a certain year. *cough 1997 cough*

RedSumac Wrote:
Why they deserved anything? They are fictional characters. Most of them are lacking or outright bad.

You answered your own question. NRS created these characters thus they should own up to it and develop their own characters properly. It's essential writing 101. You create a character, that character needs to be fully developed. MK isn't known just because its a fighting game, its also known because of its background lore and story (hence why there were so many live-action, cartoon and comic properties about it).

Thus again, I point out this obvious question, again. What the hell is the point of marketing all this new content when most of this new content is never going to come back because they will give them up in favor of other classics and forget they ever existed because, frankly, they are a little too lazy to fix whatever didn't work with a character in the first place.

Just because these are *fictional characters* doesn't mean squat. It's storytelling 101 and thus should be part of developing a game 101. MAKE. YOUR. CHARACTERS. INTERESTING. Gameplay wise AND story wise.
About Me

We share blood, we are not brothers

10/07/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero
- Kano
- Raiden
- Quan Chi
- Johnny
- Sonya
- Liu Kang
- Shinnok
- Fujin
- Ermac
- Tanya

Rest 11 new.

DLC: Goro, 2 MK4-MKA characters, 2 fallen MK9 warriors, Shang Tsung, another guest.

I tried to be objective in this roster speculation, leaving out many guys I would like to see (Reptile, Havik, Baraka, Mileena, and so on).

BTW, don't you think MK4-MKA characters could be considered as half-new? I mean, with the treatment they got and the small amount of games they appeared in...
10/07/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
ReptileFinally Wrote:


Right, OP?

But seriously, 24 is enough for me, quality over quantity.

I'm happy.

Yes, because your precious overused ice-clown is in anyway, so all other people can suffer.

I would be fine with 24 characters, but more mixed, not ALL freaking MK1 clowns.

Meh, I'm still waiting for Reptile, so until then I'm suffering with the rest of you.
10/07/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
^^^ "There's that word "deserve" again.

This is still something that bothers me. People are still holding NRS to the same standard as Midway. NRS are not being forced to shove out a game almost yearly. They aren't charged with keeping their company afloat. They are not strapped by their budget. Additionally, they have a host of new resources and artists working for them.

Midway may have done things a certain way in the past, but that company is gone. Do not expect the same things from NRS.

Midway wanted MK out on a scheduled basis like Call of Duty. However, that does not excuse the fact that the actual production team outright refused to fix their own characters which honestly speaking could've taken about the same amount of time as delivering us brand new characters who also ended up disappearing just as quickly.

As for why I chose the word "deserve," it's because in terms of writing, most of the characters between MK4 and MKA are what I'd call 'first draft players'. They have just enough of a background to make it onto the page, but isn't fleshed out enough for people to actually give a shit yet. And then they complain nobody likes them and dumps them. Honestly, it's their own fault "no one likes" their newer creations because they only give them one chance when it takes more time than that to fully develop a character. If we'd only had one game with, say, Quan Chi, everyone would say "Wow, a Shang Tsung sorcerer rip off. Good for him, where's *insert classic character name here*?" and most would forget he ever existed. The fact he WORKS as a character is because they spent so many games ACTUALLY fleshing him out, something they apparently refuse to do with certain other characters either because of hardheaded-ness or because they didn't like the characters to begin with and were running out of development time.

As my daily profession is a writer, that honestly pisses me off. That's like writing a first draft of a story, a story that has a lot of potential with interesting characters and going "You know what, this is taking too long and it's too much work to figure this out, I'll just dump his/her ass and write about a character that worked in the past."

Sorry if it sounds rude, but it's lazy. No other way around it. They've been developing this game for 2-3 years now and for the same amount of time it would've taken to develop a brand new character, they could've put the same amount of work into fixing whatever they deemed was wrong with somebody else. And frankly, I don't see why they should expect their fans to take this new characters seriously when they obviously don't take their current roster seriously past a certain year. *cough 1997 cough*


You're essentially saying that NRS should make it a priority to flesh out each of their characters to an equal degree, regardless of anyone's opinions, story needs, gameplay design, etc. This is a silly request. They made the characters. They have every right to push which ever ones they choose. It would actually hurt the games if they were to decide to explore every character they've ever had equally, retroactively. It would also lead to uninspired ideas being used because the team was trying to accomplish that goal, instead of following ideas their art and design team are interested in. Keep in mind that NRS have a lot of new talent working on these games. Artists and designers that had nothing to do with Midway games.

Also, you mentioned that you're a writer. Do you write once a year? Once every 4-5 years? If so you probably would be pretty torn between revising something that old and making something new, considering you only have one chance to do something for another several years. In the medium of a game that is released once every several years, it is IMPOSSIBLE to flesh out 50ish characters all equally and deeply. Impossible. Perhaps if there were side games and media, such as comics, there would be a greater opportunity to explore the characters you feel have been short changed.

10/07/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
^^^ "There's that word "deserve" again.

This is still something that bothers me. People are still holding NRS to the same standard as Midway. NRS are not being forced to shove out a game almost yearly. They aren't charged with keeping their company afloat. They are not strapped by their budget. Additionally, they have a host of new resources and artists working for them.

Midway may have done things a certain way in the past, but that company is gone. Do not expect the same things from NRS.

Midway wanted MK out on a scheduled basis like Call of Duty. However, that does not excuse the fact that the actual production team outright refused to fix their own characters which honestly speaking could've taken about the same amount of time as delivering us brand new characters who also ended up disappearing just as quickly.

As for why I chose the word "deserve," it's because in terms of writing, most of the characters between MK4 and MKA are what I'd call 'first draft players'. They have just enough of a background to make it onto the page, but isn't fleshed out enough for people to actually give a shit yet. And then they complain nobody likes them and dumps them. Honestly, it's their own fault "no one likes" their newer creations because they only give them one chance when it takes more time than that to fully develop a character. If we'd only had one game with, say, Quan Chi, everyone would say "Wow, a Shang Tsung sorcerer rip off. Good for him, where's *insert classic character name here*?" and most would forget he ever existed. The fact he WORKS as a character is because they spent so many games ACTUALLY fleshing him out, something they apparently refuse to do with certain other characters either because of hardheaded-ness or because they didn't like the characters to begin with and were running out of development time.

As my daily profession is a writer, that honestly pisses me off. That's like writing a first draft of a story, a story that has a lot of potential with interesting characters and going "You know what, this is taking too long and it's too much work to figure this out, I'll just dump his/her ass and write about a character that worked in the past."

Sorry if it sounds rude, but it's lazy. No other way around it. They've been developing this game for 2-3 years now and for the same amount of time it would've taken to develop a brand new character, they could've put the same amount of work into fixing whatever they deemed was wrong with somebody else. And frankly, I don't see why they should expect their fans to take this new characters seriously when they obviously don't take their current roster seriously past a certain year. *cough 1997 cough*

RedSumac Wrote:
Why they deserved anything? They are fictional characters. Most of them are lacking or outright bad.

You're essentially saying that NRS should make it a priority to flesh out each of their characters to an equal degree, regardless of anyone's opinions, story needs, gameplay design, etc. This is a silly request. They made the characters. They have every right to push which ever ones they choose. It would actually hurt the games if they were to decide to explore every character they've ever had equally, retroactively. It would also lead to uninspired ideas being used because the team was trying to accomplish that goal, instead of following ideas their art and design team are interested in. Keep in mind that NRS have a lot of new talent working on these games. Artists and designers that had nothing to do with Midway games.

Also, you mentioned that you're a writer. Do you write once a year? Once every 4-5 years? If so you probably would be pretty torn between revising something that old and making something new, considering you only have one chance to do something for another several years. In the medium of a game that is released once every several years, it is IMPOSSIBLE to flesh out 50ish characters all equally and deeply. Impossible. Perhaps if there were side games and media, such as comics, there would be a greater opportunity to explore the characters you feel have been short changed.

Never said that they have to do every single one of their characters and I definitely never said it all had to be done at once, that's putting words in my mouth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing them back 3-4 at a time and finding ways to make them work as characters instead of abandoning them. What I said was they created these characters, thus it is their responsibility to flesh them out. There is no difference between creating a character for a novel and creating a character for a video game, the only difference is a novel can produce a sequel faster than a video game can but that is only because of production time spent with mechanics of hardware and software. If anything, that amount of added time should only give them even more time to come up with ideas and be creatively juiced instead of having to pump out ideas more quickly. But the fact they refuse to do even a single one besides the ones that had already been in a said game before MK4 (Quan Chi) is pretty telling and is still lazy.

Then there's the characters they attempted to actually bring back; Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi, Li Mei, Tanya and Blaze. That is 5 out of at least 26 (No, I'm not counting Mokap) that I'm counting and that is NOT a good track record to have. Again, lazy. I don't even think at this point that this is a case of the team playing favorites and just wanting classics to return. I think it's a case of them wanting instead to come up with new ideas and scrap anything that might need a redux because it's too much work, despite whether the original idea was a good one or not.

I still love this series but it wreaks of laziness in the character/story-telling department and thats a shame because at the end of the day, fighter or not, it's still a video game and video games come with storylines. They're what makes the characters interesting, not *insert flame ball here.* Any character can be given that and succeed.
10/07/2014 07:03 PM (UTC)
I don't totally disagree with what you're saying KenshiMaster, but I don't agree either.

I feel like a few things are being assumed, or overlooked here.

1. They may just not like some of those characters, thus have no desire to go beyond a "first draft". In which case, that's completely their choice to not bring them back, or try again with them. They shouldn't feel obligated to revamp them just to potentially make them better, if they don't like them they likely don't want to spend the time, effort, or resources on them.

2. The roster is decided, by more factors than simply "what characters are worth having?" or "what characters are cool?". Story plays a giant part, if the character doesn't fit the story being told, or there's someone else who better fits, they are going to go with those that fit the role they need. Gameplay plays another part, if 2 characters have similar gameplay elements or fit a specific gameplay role, it's not impossible to have both, but generally you want a variety. Development time plays a part, because they can only include so many, and they need to set on a number that fulfills the first 2 reasons. Then there's female vs male, and good vs evil representative necessities.

3. Not everyone CAN be changed enough to work. Some of the characters from MK4-A really just suck. They would need a visual, moveset, and ability overhaul. At that point, you really are just changing the character to the point where it's no longer the character, then what's the point? I'd say about half of them fall under this list.

4. Characters from the trilogy had to sit out at times too. One thing people aren't taking into account... when exactly were the MK4, MK:DA, and MK:D characters supposed to be brought back again? We've had Armageddon, Vs DC, then a reboot focused on MK1-3. They were in Armageddon, no way they'd be in vs DC(wouldn't make any sense), and didn't belong in MK9. So what's the issue here? There hasn't been a NEW new MK since Deception... Baraka sat out MK3, and MKDA. Ermac sat out MK4 and MKDA. Reptile sat out Deception. Sindel sat out MK4 and MKDA. Sonya and Kano sat out MK2, Kano MK4 as well. Nightwolf, Jade, Kabal, and Smoke didn't come back til Deception, 3 games later. See what I mean? People have always sat out games, it doesn't mean they were abandoned. The MK4 and on debut characters are no exceptions, there just hasn't been an opportunity for them to come back after Armageddon. Hell, Tanya and Quan have been featured in games past MK4. Kenshi and Bo past MKDA. So it's not like everyone was forgotten. But not everyone can come back for every game. Not even the MK1-3 crowd.
10/07/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Ahhhh so the game actually has even less characters!

- Sonya Blade = Spot wasted
- Liu Kang = Spot wasted
- Jax = Spot wasted
- Guest Character = Spot wasted.
- Cassie Cage = Spot wasted
- Johnny Cage = Spot wasted.

it has 17 characters! Cool news! The game keeps on getting better!

Well at least i'm happy to see the MK1-characters-being-revealed-after-one-another thing being destroyed by Quan Chi.

I hope that means Liu Crap, Sonya Bland and johnny Cage aren't in.

Sonya, Liu, Jax, and Johhny are NOT confirmed playable characters. They are actually likely DLC picks.

Considering how much you hate them, its funny that you would opt for the negative perpective and assume they are in. Is it because you enjoy the drama of your "worst case scenario?"

PS I dont care too much for them either. Especially Sonya.

Negative emotions are just SOO delicious! I can't help it! Everything in my life is negative emotions, I force them upon others so I can feed off on them.
So yes, I always presume the worst, so I get something "positive" out of the negative, and if its not true, its good news, which is actually bad new, but good news. You follow?

Its like you eating icecream. (I hope your not allergic)

10/07/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)

It really isn't their "responsibility" to do anything. You saying otherwise makes you sound silly. They make the game they want to make, and that game is completely different than the game a few of those guys worked on 10+ years ago. Deciding to go in a new direction isn't lazy. Like I said, since NRS can only iterate every few years let them focus on moving things forward instead of trying to hit a quota of revising obscure old characters.

Also, writing a novel and making a videogame are not easily compared. A novel has one or two authors, then maybe an editor or two and a publisher for approval. A modern video game can easily have 50 to 100 or more people working on it, often with a decent number of them having some creative input. Furthermore, a videogame is not just a story. A game is gameplay, audio and video. There are so many more avenues to consider when making a game and every dollar and resource spent on an asset is valuable. You want a character in a novel? Write him. You want a character in a game? We got artists, designers, technicians, modelers, software limitations, budgets, voiceovers, etc. to discuss.

I know I'm not going to change any minds here, but it is ridiculous to believe that NRS aren't allowed to to let some old characters stay in the past, and that past characters are inherently entitled to a second or third revision.
10/07/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:


Right, OP?

But seriously, 24 is enough for me, quality over quantity.

I'm happy.

Right. What did I say bad? confused

10/07/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
I don't think we really have to worry about NRS making new characters and then just ditching them.

The characters they've made already shit on anything from MK4-MKD. They have put more emphasis on uniqueness and personality. Something many characters from the 3D area lacked.

Now they can't bring every single new character they make in this game to the next game. There will always be a few characters people just don't like. But that doesn't mean they'll just fade into obscurity. NRS has put more time and effort into these characters than they did with the 3D era newbies.

Especially legacy characters like Cassie Cage. You think they'd introduce Johnny and Sonya's daughter just to shelf her? Hell no. I have a strong feeling she'll be a mainstay.
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