10/08/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
There is absolutely no difference what-so-ever between outlining a novel and outlining a story for a video game.

As a publishing writer, I get what you are saying, but no. There are differences, quite a few. Concerning the problems we are takling about those are not that much relevant though.

There are differences, yes, as in the need for endless NPC dialogue, side quests, alternate endings if needed, blah blah blah. But as a narrative component, it's essentially the same with building a story including and concerning character development.

That is exactly not what I meant by differences.

The mere fact that it is a video game predisposes you to a certain method, aim and the fact that there is interactuivity severely restricts you. A story can only work if it is compatible with a video game model.

You cannot write Ulysses as a video game, and you cannot write a video game such as Ulysses. Or Doctor Zhivago. So no, there are fundamental differences.

And keep in mind, that MK is not a literary piece of art, because it wasn't intended as in the first place.

And yet it still does not provide an adequate excuse as to why it is so apparently impossible to re-hash certain, if any, characters other than bald old Quan Chi out of pure laziness.

Given the way MKX is probably going to go based on where MK9 left off, a passage of time, several Outworld rulers and Raiden having been a major fuck up, that almost certainly leaves space for AT LEAST Shinnok, Fujin, Tanya being the major suck-up ass-kisser that she is and maybe a Deadly Alliance or Deception player (Havik maybe given his ties to an ending from MKX?)

Differences or no differences aside, still not a valid enough reason to ignore these characters. We got our nostalgia with MK9, there's honest to God no reason half of this roster should be MK9 characters again. Absolutely no reason what-so-ever, especially given so many of them are (apparently, for story's sake) dead mindless zombies now in the control of Quan Chi and I'll literally scream at the top of my lungs for days if we're given a Zombie so-and-so instead of a zombie Liu Kang.

Then my argument about laziness will have been completely and fully solidified. And I'm not honestly expecting this games story to be compared to that of any work of art, no video game will meet that bar any time soon, but seeing as MK as known partially for its characters and story, it'd be nice to see some other characters that are usually for lack of better term ignored by the team and/or fans to get some time to shine. (Again, not saying all of them deserve that right)
About Me

10/08/2014 10:03 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
There is absolutely no difference what-so-ever between outlining a novel and outlining a story for a video game.

As a publishing writer, I get what you are saying, but no. There are differences, quite a few. Concerning the problems we are takling about those are not that much relevant though.

There are differences, yes, as in the need for endless NPC dialogue, side quests, alternate endings if needed, blah blah blah. But as a narrative component, it's essentially the same with building a story including and concerning character development.

That is exactly not what I meant by differences.

The mere fact that it is a video game predisposes you to a certain method, aim and the fact that there is interactuivity severely restricts you. A story can only work if it is compatible with a video game model.

You cannot write Ulysses as a video game, and you cannot write a video game such as Ulysses. Or Doctor Zhivago. So no, there are fundamental differences.

And keep in mind, that MK is not a literary piece of art, because it wasn't intended as in the first place.

And yet it still does not provide an adequate excuse as to why it is so apparently impossible to re-hash certain, if any, characters other than bald old Quan Chi out of pure laziness.

Given the way MKX is probably going to go based on where MK9 left off, a passage of time, several Outworld rulers and Raiden having been a major fuck up, that almost certainly leaves space for AT LEAST Shinnok, Fujin, Tanya being the major suck-up ass-kisser that she is and maybe a Deadly Alliance or Deception player (Havik maybe given his ties to an ending from MKX?)

Differences or no differences aside, still not a valid enough reason to ignore these characters. We got our nostalgia with MK9, there's honest to God no reason half of this roster should be MK9 characters again. Absolutely no reason what-so-ever, especially given so many of them are (apparently, for story's sake) dead mindless zombies now in the control of Quan Chi and I'll literally scream at the top of my lungs for days if we're given a Zombie so-and-so instead of a zombie Liu Kang.

Then my argument about laziness will have been completely and fully solidified. And I'm not honestly expecting this games story to be compared to that of any work of art, no video game will meet that bar any time soon, but seeing as MK as known partially for its characters and story, it'd be nice to see some other characters that are usually for lack of better term ignored by the team and/or fans to get some time to shine. (Again, not saying all of them deserve that right)

I agree.

There is a certain unignorable intention of bringing back characters that bring in money. This isn't even a debatable ground, it still works in literature as well (R. A. Salvatore and bringing back the classic companions of Drizzt, after they died off simply because they are what the fans want).

The aim is to strike a certain balance between appeasement and integrity. Rehearsing the old characters simply out of marketing value is dishonest towards artistic intention.

It is in their rights to not use their creations if they do not like them. Fair enough, but to my cultural sense the NRS rejects of MKDA and D are far the most interesting characters.

Hell, Hsu Hao seemingly had more purpose than goddamn Reiko, who is enigmatic to be engimatic and act as a roster filler, while hsu hao actually managed to do something and get his plotline tied up neatly by dying in MKDA. One shot character done well.

But no, homophobic pre-teens and post-20s could only see the YMCA dancer in Hsu Hao.
10/08/2014 12:13 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
There is absolutely no difference what-so-ever between outlining a novel and outlining a story for a video game...

Stopped reading after that line. It was laready explained, that writing for the game and the book have very different approaches and involve different factors.

MK-Team doesn't have any obligation to care about unpopular characters, no matter how much "untapped potential" you see in them. They have their own intention, their own preferences and their own ideas. Those are not lazyness and don't need justifications.

Will you be satissfied, if you'd created a bad character, that you come to depsise, but then somebody started pestering you, how you MUST include this character in the next book, even if said character has no connection whatsoever to the plot and just will be like fifth wheel in it, unless you completely rewrite the storyline to include said character, even if such action objectively will make story less coherent and good?

I would never do that. And ot won't be disrespect to the fans. It would be true to my original intention and because I, as a writer, can feel that returning this character or revamping him would be just a waste of time. I bet MK-Team feels the same about many post-MK3 chars and in that I share and understand they sentiments.

johnny1up Wrote:
Three variations per character does not justify having less characters in my opinion, because all the variations do is change a few of the character's special moves

Variations DO justify less characters, because every variation should be tested and balanced almost as separate character.
10/08/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
The MK-facebook page also posted a Kitana-picture today.

Really hope she isn't in the game, that would make matters even worse and her + Sonya would be the worse news EVAH! No Mileena and Tanya, but Mario Princess and BBB. Blerggg!
10/08/2014 01:54 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
The MK-facebook page also posted a Kitana-picture today.

It's just fanart which was uploaded on the MK Kollective tumblr site.
10/08/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
DLC or regular character, Kitana will be in MKX. The princess is an experienced army leader. She has thousands of devoted followers even in the real world. NRS just won't cope with the shitstorm in case of Kitana's total omission from the game.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/08/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
DLC or regular character, Kitana will be in MKX. The princess is an experienced army leader. She has thousands of devoted followers even in the real world. NRS just won't cope with the shitstorm in case of Kitana's total omission from the game.

She is an experienced army leader? Did not look like it in MK9 timeline. Looked more like helpless individual who follows other orders. One who got unceremoniously killed near the end of the story.

I think NRS would be fine with Kitana backlash. People are extremely impressed with the game so far.
10/08/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
DLC or regular character, Kitana will be in MKX. The princess is an experienced army leader. She has thousands of devoted followers even in the real world. NRS just won't cope with the shitstorm in case of Kitana's total omission from the game.

I don't care if she's DLC, I even hope she is.

I just think it would be unfair to have Kitana in this game and not Mileena, though Mileena survived and Kitana was obviously murdered by Sindel and controlled by Quan Chi.

If she will be in the main game, I hope she is this evil corrupted bitch to annoy the Kitana fans who love her because she is so sweet, a princess toadstool for MK and a damsel in distress. Turning her Noob-Saibot would cleanse her soul for me personally and I start to like her then.
10/08/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)

If Kitana turns up, that means Liu Kang must be there 100% to... Which means they probably have this awful excuse for a character-son or daughter which AGAIN destroys a precious spot on the roster.
10/08/2014 02:42 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just think it would be unfair to have Kitana in this game and not Mileena, though Mileena survived and Kitana was obviously murdered by Sindel and controlled by Quan Chi.

Just because she survived doesn't mean she'll be in the game. Look at Cyrax, Sektor, and Sheeva. They're all alive and I can say with certainty that all 3 of them won't make it in MKX. Maybe Cyrax and that's a slim chance.
10/08/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
... I want Sheeva in.

10/08/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just think it would be unfair to have Kitana in this game and not Mileena, though Mileena survived and Kitana was obviously murdered by Sindel and controlled by Quan Chi.

Just because she survived doesn't mean she'll be in the game. Look at Cyrax, Sektor, and Sheeva. They're all alive and I can say with certainty that all 3 of them won't make it in MKX. Maybe Cyrax and that's a slim chance.

Lord knows I enjoy the cyborgs but I also doubt we'll see them in this game. Which I'm not upset about..NRS did a hell of a job with them in MK9.
10/08/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Stopped reading after that line. It was laready explained, that writing for the game and the book have very different approaches and involve different factors.

MK-Team doesn't have any obligation to care about unpopular characters, no matter how much "untapped potential" you see in them. They have their own intention, their own preferences and their own ideas. Those are not lazyness and don't need justifications.

It IS lazy if they blatantly ignore characters, any characters, except for literally one post MK3 because they don't know what to do with them. They have a team of how many people exactly that clearly have good enough ideas for new ideas for old and new characters, the fact they refuse to work on any others is a shame. I know for a fact they do not dislike them all which leads me to the assumption that yes, it comes down to laziness that either A) They only want to work on Trilogy characters or they're too afraid to bring back those era characters because the work in their eyes was sub-par (except if you ask me, the 3D era storylines were the best they've still ever done and the most engrossing but that's just me).

RedSumac Wrote:
Will you be satissfied, if you'd created a bad character, that you come to depsise, but then somebody started pestering you, how you MUST include this character in the next book, even if said character has no connection whatsoever to the plot and just will be like fifth wheel in it, unless you completely rewrite the storyline to include said character, even if such action objectively will make story less coherent and good?

First of all, disccusion on a message board where our opinions literally mean squat to them isn't exactly them being pestered as you put it. Secondly, if I create a bad characer, usually the thing to do is figure out WHY that character is bad and usually there's a way to fix it. If I create a character with a weak background, I add to it. If they come off as unintentially two dimensional, I add depth. However, if all my attempts to correct them fail, I cut them. However, I do NOT give them one or two shots and then cut the strings and say farewell. That's the lazy and easy way out. For example, Ian Fleming grew to hate and despise writing James Bond before he died, as a fan of that series, I can honestly say it would unimaginably suck if he'd just given up despite the fact his creations were so popular just because he'd grown tired and stale of the idea. Which leads me to...

RedSumac Wrote:
I would never do that. And ot won't be disrespect to the fans. It would be true to my original intention and because I, as a writer, can feel that returning this character or revamping him would be just a waste of time. I bet MK-Team feels the same about many post-MK3 chars and in that I share and understand they sentiments.

...Except some of these post-MK3 characters don't even need that much of a re-vamping. Fujin, for example, would fit in nicely to the MKX story alone just based off of how badly of a fuck up Raiden was in MK9 and how the Elder Gods had to come clean up his mess for him in the end after his ignorance resulted in so many deaths yet how much do you want to bet he'll be ignored. Or Kenshi, despite being DLC, despite having ties to a post MK3 world, despite even being a more popular character and being able to fit in because 90% of Raiden's allies are now dead will still be ignored? Or Shinnok, despite being shown off as a potential bigger baddie in the end credits, wouldn't it suck if he was just a background character in story mode and not a boss or playable? Or Tanya, despite her ties to Quan Chi and Shinnok both and the fact she could be an ally to just about any Edenian/Outworld leader because of how much of a manipulating kiss-ass she is, what are the chances she too may be ignored?

Despite your claims, no, it is not that hard to fit some of these characters into a sequel to MK9 where they left off. As Chrome cleverly pointed out above us, NRS is simply bringing back incredibly well known characters just to sell the game, not because they may or may not fit the story. And that, again, is lazy storytelling.

As of now, this is just my opinion so arguing back and getting pissy is rather pointless. I've already stated multiple times that if post MK3 characters are revealed, even just a few, then I'll gladly admit my hostility and anger towards this situation at current time was premature. As of right now though, again, they haven't done anything except show me the 'norm' as far as returning characters and it's bland and uninspired.
10/08/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just think it would be unfair to have Kitana in this game and not Mileena, though Mileena survived and Kitana was obviously murdered by Sindel and controlled by Quan Chi.

Just because she survived doesn't mean she'll be in the game. Look at Cyrax, Sektor, and Sheeva. They're all alive and I can say with certainty that all 3 of them won't make it in MKX. Maybe Cyrax and that's a slim chance.

I'm really pissed if Sektor and Cyrax don't turn up but Jax returns to mentor Cassie Bland.

Cyrax would make SO much more sense, with Kano taking most of jax appearance and moves and Cyrax being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more special, original and awesome as Jax, of course Sektor beats Cyrax in awesomeness and Sektor makes even more sense to return.
10/08/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just think it would be unfair to have Kitana in this game and not Mileena, though Mileena survived and Kitana was obviously murdered by Sindel and controlled by Quan Chi.

Just because she survived doesn't mean she'll be in the game. Look at Cyrax, Sektor, and Sheeva. They're all alive and I can say with certainty that all 3 of them won't make it in MKX. Maybe Cyrax and that's a slim chance.

I'm really pissed if Sektor and Cyrax don't turn up but Jax returns to mentor Cassie Bland.

Cyrax would make SO much more sense, with Kano taking most of jax appearance and moves and Cyrax being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more special, original and awesome as Jax, of course Sektor beats Cyrax in awesomeness and Sektor makes even more sense to return.

Another thing about a 24 man roster that I havent heard people saying.

It leave a higher possibility that everyone will be fleshed out in the story.

It also increases the chances of having a chapter for every character in story mode.
10/08/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
It IS lazy if they blatantly ignore characters, any characters, except for literally one post MK3 because they don't know what to do with them.

It was already explained in details why there is no conclusive proof that MK-Team don't want to work with post-MK3 characters.

MKA was a "Kompilation" game.
MKvsDC was desperate and rushed crossover.
MK9 was a reboot of MK1-MK3.

So when and where they should had prooved they great love for the post-MK3 chars? If you look at that list of all games and what they were it becomes obvious that you are literally pulling arguments out of your ass, because there is no conсlusive prove of your words whatsoever.

MKX is the first game in the series, since MKD, that's truly bringing something new to the table. Since we don't know the whole roster and since we don't know its completely storyline, we can't say for sure who is in. And because of it, talking about "how devs lazy and hates certain chars" is premature.

When it comes down to it, your whole position is boiling down to shouting over bunch of unknowns. Which is unreasonable.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
First of all, disccusion on a message board where our opinions literally mean squat to them isn't exactly them being pestered as you put it. Secondly, if I create a bad characer, usually the thing to do is figure out WHY that character is bad and usually there's a way to fix it.

I make it more clear. Going with hypothetical situation: you've created weak character and his in the book that have already been published and you can't retcon or change him. When you write next book you want to do something new. You don't want to revisit this character, because, there is no time and no place for him. He is simply do not have any place in the story you have built. So, will you force him in the story, which can damage it or just admit that he is out of place and abandon this idea?

I personally would have gone with the first option. I'd better create new characters who fit new storyline rather than remolding old / bad characters to the work, where there is simply no place for them.

The rest is basically retreading of the previous points: hating on something we don't know. Which is stupid, IMO.

Lazy storytelling is making bad story. Not using bad characters and using popular ones is not lazy. It's practical and rational.
10/08/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
It was already explained in details why there is no conclusive proof that MK-Team don't want to work with post-MK3 characters.

I stated about 5 times already that my entire argument is based off of what we know thus far and again stated about 5 times that if I'm wrong, so be it, I'm wrong. I'm just going off of previous comments the team has made about these characters, this game and anything dealing with the mention of these characters in general. I never said the devs are lazy BECAUSE they will not be included, I said they are lazy IF or WHEN it is revealed none of them (besides Quan) are not included so please stop twisting my words, thanks.

RedSumac Wrote:
MKX is the first game in the series, since MKD, that's truly bringing something new to the table. Since we don't know the whole roster and since we don't know its completely storyline, we can't say for sure who is in. And because of it, talking about "how devs lazy and hates certain chars" is premature.

Hence my statement above. My entire argument is theoretical as to which I blatantly stated.

RedSumac Wrote:
When it comes down to it, your whole position is boiling down to shouting over bunch of unknowns. Which is unreasonable.

Seeing as Shinnok and Kenshi have gone as far to appear (one albeit in cut footage and one in a highly watched web series) in other MK media, as well as characters like Frost and Tanya always showing up as cosplay at cons as well as stupid characters like Bo Rai Cho leaving a mark on casuals because of his...shall we say 'unique' moveset, calling them unknowns is just your personal opinion and its slightly misguided.

RedSumac Wrote:
I make it more clear. Going with hypothetical situation: you've created weak character and his in the book that have already been published and you can't retcon or change him. When you write next book you want to do something new. You don't want to revisit this character, because, there is no time and no place for him. He is simply do not have any place in the story you have built. So, will you force him in the story, which can damage it or just admit that he is out of place and abandon this idea?

Then I'd say the writer is pretty weak in his skill because it's fairly easy to find and fix flaws within your own writing if you're skilled enough. No character or problem is unsolvable unless you give up. It's the reason rough drafts exist, to fix these things. And as far as weak characters, I take it we've read mostly different things. Generally speaking, most the time you read a continuing series, most recurring characters start out mostly fleshed and by the end of the series, they are seen as pretty bare bones and weakly written looking back at the beginning. It takes time to fully develop a character, time a lot of these fighters have yet to receive. It's rare that a character makes a debut and is instantly a smash and doesn't require any further development to make him or her a better character.

As for a place in the story, one of my previous posts already gave an example based off of what we already know and what was left hanging from MK9 of characters who could easily be written in. However, I would not be surprised if they are replaced by completely new or returning characters. However, based on what we previously know of their backgrounds, they'd fit right in so them "not belonging" is an excuse maybe fit for Hsu Hao or Mavado or Dairou and Darrius, but not all of them and since Shinnok was hinted at, especially not all of the MK4/Mythologies cast.

RedSumac Wrote:
I personally would have gone with the first option. I'd better create new characters who fit new storyline rather than remolding old / bad characters to the work, where there is simply no place for them. The rest is basically retreading of the previous points: hating on something we don't know. Which is stupid, IMO. Lazy storytelling is making bad story. Not using bad characters and using popular ones is not lazy. It's practical and rational.

Retreading the same ground every story with the same characters just with new ones sprinkled in is pretty lazy story-telling. I know for a fact I certainly wouldn't be rather thrilled watching the same characters go through the same motions in different movies just with different supporting players because let's face it, these new guys, half of them will be gone by the next installment so we might as well just go ahead and resort to calling them so. Cassie will more than likely stick around because of her ties to her parents but the others as of now until we see the finished product, 50/50.

Either way, you're still missing my point. My point is, there are characters there that are in desperate need of character growth and development. Also would like to point out, no where am I stating this franchise sucks, the developers suck, the characters suck or anything sucks for that matter because I'm not hating, I'm giving constructive criticism. I want them to write better. I want them to flesh out MORE characters than just brand new faces and the same tired ones. Everytime they 'think' they have a grand idea for an old character, we've gotten some shitty, contrived setback (i.e. Evil Raiden, Zombie Liu Kang, Jerrod/Ermac). I wonder why that is....most likely either lazy writing (see previous posts) or they've completely run out of places to go with these characters (come back to this later because I'm willing to bet Liu Kang is now evil in this game) because they are too stubborn to bring back anyone else meanwhile not wanting to over-saturate the franchise with new players at one time.

Arguing with me on this is pointless because it's just my opinion and rather you think it or not, I WANT them to get better because I don't want this franchise to just be middle of the road writing, I know based on the lore it can be better than that. I'm still buying this game, I'm still buying the DLC and I'll still play the shit out of it, but that doesn't mean I can't be upset (for the time being until or IF I'm proven wrong, since you apparently keep missing that word IF) about their character selections.

Now I'm done discussing this.

Back on topic for me. 24 is fine.
10/08/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
There comes a point where you gotta agree to disagree. Nearly 99% of arguments/debates online lead to no change in stance from either party. At that point you have to realize it's wasted effort all around. I thought we reached that point yesterday...but 24 hours later you guys are still goin at it. C'mon fellas.
10/08/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
... I want Sheeva in.


Are you being serious?

I actually wouldn't mind her over some of the other Trilogy characters. Especially given the 'Sexy Sheeva' video on YouTube by Maximilion. That video is hilarious.
10/08/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
... I want Sheeva in.


Are you being serious?

I actually wouldn't mind her over some of the other Trilogy characters. Especially given the 'Sexy Sheeva' video on YouTube by Maximilion. That video is hilarious.

Yes, I am.
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