10/06/2014 06:21 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in their game. I don't like 24. Yes the characters are very fleshed out with the 3 variations but if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY. Coz that lessens the chances of my favs being in. I mean Sheeva and Rain have no chance of appearing and the only one I was hoping for was Mileena. I would love to have many 3D era returnees but at least if Mileena was in, I would at least settle for 24. Now it would just be painful if no character that I like returns :/

You'd be wrong. Cyrax is my favorite, has been since MK3. He was left out of Deception, still enjoyed the game, because I'm a fan of MK as a whole, regardless if my favorite is included. Also, I like several other characters, because you're only hurting yourself is you latch onto 1 or 2 B-C tier characters and it hinders your enjoyment of the game if they aren't included. But I still stand by 24 characters being perfectly acceptable.

Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in their game. I don't like 24. Yes the characters are very fleshed out with the 3 variations but if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY. Coz that lessens the chances of my favs being in. I mean Sheeva and Rain have no chance of appearing and the only one I was hoping for was Mileena. I would love to have many 3D era returnees but at least if Mileena was in, I would at least settle for 24. Now it would just be painful if no character that I like returns :/

You don't sound like an MK fan; you sound like a fan of three select characters from MK. If you can't find enjoyment in an MK game because it doesn't feature your favorite character, even though there are 25+ different characters for you to choose from, you don't have my sympathies. Reptile, Baraka and Kabal are my faves; I don't see them anywhere and I wouldn't mind it if none of them were in the game. I can find new favorites.

if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY.

I respectfully disagree SO MUCH.

Agreed, agreed. Hurray for liking MK and not just a character, and setting aside bias and favorites to realize the quality of the game is better than the quantity of the characters(as if 24 is anything to scoff at...). I'll take MK:DA and MK:D over MK:A any day.
10/06/2014 06:21 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Whether it's set and stone or not, boo fucking hoo. You're gonna buy the game nonetheless.

I swear, anything that gets shown will always have a dramatic complaint behind it. And yes, it's dramatic, because you're over reacting to something that isn't confirmed at all yet. No need to get your panties in a bunch over nothing solid.

Dude, just let me be pissed. Why are you boo-fucking-hooing me?
My wife won't let me get pissed at home, my boss won't let me at work.
It's a fuc**** forum, that's why I'm here. I'm just not happy with the roster being 24ish. If that's not confirmed, then I don't know what CONFIRMED means. It will be around 24 (meaning 26 max., unlikely!)

So, excuse, I'll just stay pissed grin
10/06/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I'm not wanting 60 + characters. I'm not wanting fucking Mokap and Meat. I just want a little "surprise". Someone like Fujin or Tanya or Havik. Characters who fans like that haven't been relevant since 2004 or prior.

No reason to complain yet then. Most of the roster hasn't been revealed. Hell, even with my low-ass expectations, I do expect at least one MK4-7 character who isn't Quan Chi or Shinnok. Otherwise, yep, there wouldn't be any real surprises, which means NRS would have been talking out their asses in earlier interviews (unless we get get the most random MK2-3 characters, like Sheeva or Stryker).
10/06/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
If there isn't a single MK4-Deception character I've waited 10 years for, to accommodate the likes of Kang, Sonya, Cage for their 1000th return (and their SLOT WASTING daughter Cassie FFS), I will probably flip a table and seriously consider giving this game a skip, or waiting a few months til it's bargain price. I know I'm ranting, but previous sequels have always included a good range of characters from across the entire franchise. I don't mind the roster number of 24 so far as the 24 they're choosing to include. THIS IS A POOR MIX. We've waited 3 years since MK9, hoping and expecting one thing, and so far they've lunged off in this silly quasi-Street Figther 3 like tangent.

I'm done with the "Oh not all's been revealed yet", "I didn't really want X but he looks cool here so I'm okay with them skipping over Y". No. That's horseshit.

I know there are people happy with the roster so far, but I haven't had a single character I like announced yet, it's starting to piss me right off, not even some decent post-MK1 reveals, and stories like this do not help fill me with faith or confidence.

24 is a piss poor roster number when you're skipping over so many highly requested characters to accommodate many who were not popularly requested this time and already over-exposed, plus the unnecessary new fodder who'll mostly be instantly forgotten and never included in an MK sequel again anyway. furious
10/06/2014 06:32 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
If there isn't a single MK4-Deception character I've waited 10 years for, to accommodate the likes of Kang, Sonya, Cage for their 1000th return (and their SLOT WASTING daughter Cassie FFS), I will probably flip a table and seriously consider giving this game a skip, or waiting a few months til it's bargain price.

You won't be missed, BYE!


With the limited roster size, i'll take some of my favorites like Sonya, and Cage, as DLC characters post launch. They're big part of the storyline anyway, and they'd be good sellers.

It'd be painful to have Kenshi as DLC again, not being part of the story mode again, but it'd still be better than nothing, but here's hoping he's an initial character since he'd be perfect for the 3-variation system in this game and he's post MK3.

Tanya also needs to be in the game, at launch. But i'm not holding my breath.
10/06/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You know it's bad when we're PRAYING for even the likes of iconic characters like Kitana/Mileena/Reptile/Ermac to make it in.

That was well said.
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

DjangoDrag Wrote:
I was a balanced, tight fighting game.

Wow were you at EVO? tongue
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/06/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
And now you're getting your hopes up at the idea that there are several unlockable characters, which nothing has given any indication towards. Why do you guys do this to yourself? Accept the least-pleasant outcome and you'll either be unfazed when proven right or pleasantly-surprised when proven wrong. Gluttons for disappointment, the lot of you. Don't say I didn't warn ya. grin

This is what I have been saying.

People expect the world, or for things to go exactly as they expect or desire, and then act disappointed and complain when it isn't what they expected. Expectations...expectations.

Expectations of marketing techniques and frequency.
Expectations of character count.
Expectations of story direction.
Expectations of box art.
Expectations of characters used in marketing materials.
Expectations of characters returning.
Expectations of female/male ratio.
Expectations of character appearance or fatality.
Expectations of no guest character(MK purity!!1).

I expect this sort of stuff from someone who is new to the world, who hasn't dealt with disappointment in life and how to manage expectations effectively and maturely... But c'mon...we're all old enough, and so many of us have been coming here for years and years, to know that expectations, especially high ones, or specific ones, are just going to disappoint you.

The only thing for certain is that nothing is for certain. Expect very little to nothing, you'll be a lot happier and less stressed/frustrated/disappointed in life, and that applies here.

How I live my life.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

10/06/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in their game. I don't like 24. Yes the characters are very fleshed out with the 3 variations but if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY. Coz that lessens the chances of my favs being in. I mean Sheeva and Rain have no chance of appearing and the only one I was hoping for was Mileena. I would love to have many 3D era returnees but at least if Mileena was in, I would at least settle for 24. Now it would just be painful if no character that I like returns :/

This! You know it's bad when we're PRAYING for even the likes of iconic characters like Kitana/Mileena/Reptile/Ermac to make it in.

And everyone keeps acting as if we're getting a large amount of DLC. Sure, it would make sense to role out all the ax'd favorites and rake up some huge cash but who knows. We can just as easily get 3 or 4 DLC characters(with yet another guest included like Freddy for MK9).

I sure wish for once I could sit pretty and enjoy the fact that my favorites made it in. At the end of the day, you're paying for this. If you're not happy when 24 characters and want more- you have every right to feel that way. There should be no "shame" in that and nor should you be labeled as "greedy" because of it.

The last game spoiled people. It can't be Trilogy every time with all of your classic favorites making it in. This is not a compilation game or remake of all three Trilogy era games- it's a new, regular installment of MK. Remember how Raiden was not in MK3(not even Ultimate)? Remember how Mileena was not in Deadly Alliance? Kano and Sonya absent from MKII?

The point is this: in a regular MK installment you're not going to get every single fan favorite coming back. That's just how it's always been. It's just been a decade now really since we've had a true regular MK installment. The last one before MKX was Deception IMO.

You don't even know what you're talking about. I've APPLAUDED the fact that this game is going in a new direction, just as I've APPLAUDED the fact that it's sticking the middle finger up at those who want to remain living in 1995. This has nothing to do with wanting to "relive Trilogy". This is just me wishing some other cool characters that we haven't seen in 8-10 years could return with a cool design and kick some ass. As I said, I'd be fine with 24 characters if they were well diverse, but most of the returning characters are the same tired stagnant characters. Raiden....whooopy! Sonya and Cage, along with their daughter? How heartwarming. *yawn*.

And do not speak to me like a child. I understand not everyone favorites can get in every game, which is why some of these characters should take a back seat.

I'm not wanting 60 + characters. I'm not wanting fucking Mokap and Meat. I just want a little "surprise". Someone like Fujin or Tanya or Havik. Characters who fans like that haven't been relevant since 2004 or prior.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I honestly was not meaning to be a dick to you, man.
10/06/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You know it's bad when we're PRAYING for even the likes of iconic characters like Kitana/Mileena/Reptile/Ermac to make it in.

That was well said.

How so?

Since when are they guaranteed inclusions each game? Ermac wasn't in MK4 or Deadly Alliance. Mileena wasn't in Deadly Alliance. Kitana and Reptile were left out of Deception. Reptile, Ermac, and Mileena were left out of MKvsDC(it's relevant because they based their inclusions on iconic recognizability).

So no, that's not a solid point to make. Favorites are excluded in any game that isn't supposed to be a compilation/nostalgia trip such as Trilogy or Armageddon. And for every Ermac and Reptile, you have a Noob and Smoke that you could apply the same argument. For every Kitana and Mileena there's Sonya and Jade. And there's about 15 other characters you can claim that have that "iconic status" that's somehow a guarantee that they'll make it each time. But the fact is, people will be left out. Favorites will be left out. The only real guarantees are Sub-Zero and Scorpion, and to a lesser extent, Raiden.nbe it 24, 26, or 28. It's never gonna be enough to include them all and bring in a bunch of new, as well as MK4 and onward characters. 24 is fine. The best part about your favorite not being included? It opens up an opportunity for another favorite. Unless your favorite is Sub or Scorp, you've had the opportunity to like other people. I recommend everyone broaden their interests and not hang onto a couple of characters.
10/06/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:

DjangoDrag Wrote:
I was a balanced, tight fighting game.

Wow were you at EVO? tongue
Whoops! I meant I WANT... not was. I'm a derp. hahaha
10/06/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:-snip-

Voice of reason.
10/06/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
You know it's bad when we're PRAYING for even the likes of iconic characters like Kitana/Mileena/Reptile/Ermac to make it in.
That is SO well said. Here's some PRAYING for Kung Lao, too. wow
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.
10/06/2014 07:03 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have the feeling that people who are like "Chill man 24 is a great number don't be greedy" are those who already got their favs in their game. I don't like 24. Yes the characters are very fleshed out with the 3 variations but if I would pick 30 characters with one fighting style, over 24 with 3 fighting styles ANY DAY. Coz that lessens the chances of my favs being in. I mean Sheeva and Rain have no chance of appearing and the only one I was hoping for was Mileena. I would love to have many 3D era returnees but at least if Mileena was in, I would at least settle for 24. Now it would just be painful if no character that I like returns :/

You'd be wrong. Cyrax is my favorite, has been since MK3. He was left out of Deception, still enjoyed the game, because I'm a fan of MK as a whole, regardless if my favorite is included. Also, I like several other characters, because you're only hurting yourself is you latch onto 1 or 2 B-C tier characters and it hinders your enjoyment of the game if they aren't included.

How am I wrong if that is just my opinion? I don't like 24 as a number of characters. Plain and simple. It doesn't make it a good or bad choice on the developers' part coz it's just my unimportant opinion.
You probably misunderstood me. I have many characters I like in the franchise. Ermac, Reptile, Tanya, Fujin, Havik, Ashrah, Nitara, etc. However I have 3 main favs like I am sure everyone else does. The fact that Sheeva and Rain are C-tier characters doesn't mean jack to me. I know they won't appear in the next game (or possibly any other game for a fact) but it still doesn't change the fact that I love them. And I was ecstatic that I got to play the shit out of them in MK9.
I have settled on just one of my fav characters appearing in this but 24 means even Mileena might not make it. And I would hate that. I would be absolutely gutted. And having none of the characters I mentioned above would make things even worse for me. Would that mean I wouldn't buy and support the game? Hell noes! But I still think I have the right to be disappointed.
10/06/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You know it's bad when we're PRAYING for even the likes of iconic characters like Kitana/Mileena/Reptile/Ermac to make it in.

That was well said.

How so?

Since when are they guaranteed inclusions each game? Ermac wasn't in MK4 or Deadly Alliance. Mileena wasn't in Deadly Alliance. Kitana and Reptile were left out of Deception. Reptile, Ermac, and Mileena were left out of MKvsDC(it's relevant because they based their inclusions on iconic recognizability).

So no, that's not a solid point to make. Favorites are excluded in any game that isn't supposed to be a compilation/nostalgia trip such as Trilogy or Armageddon. And for every Ermac and Reptile, you have a Noob and Smoke that you could apply the same argument. For every Kitana and Mileena there's Sonya and Jade. And there's about 15 other characters you can claim that have that "iconic status" that's somehow a guarantee that they'll make it each time. But the fact is, people will be left out. Favorites will be left out. The only real guarantees are Sub-Zero and Scorpion, and to a lesser extent, Raiden.nbe it 24, 26, or 28. It's never gonna be enough to include them all and bring in a bunch of new, as well as MK4 and onward characters. 24 is fine.

The best part about your favorite not being included? It opens up an opportunity for another favorite. Unless your favorite is Sub or Scorp, you've had the opportunity to like other people. I recommend everyone broaden their interests and not hang onto a couple of characters.

That was SO well said. Thank you. I also find it extremely hypocritical when some of those people are complaining about getting Cage, or Sonya, or Raiden saying "the same old boring characters" and then... CRY about Reptile, or Ermac, or Kitana or Mileena being left out. Please. As if they haven't been given the same chances.

Just deal with it. Thankfully Kano and Raiden and Cassie look great so i'll be playing them if none of my mains from previous games make it in the game, but i can see why MK4-MKA characters' fans are dissapointed since they really haven't been given the chance to shine, but the classic characters' fans need to deal with it.
10/06/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.

If you're not happy with the roster number, then don't buy the game. Don't make it sound like you are being forced to buy it. If you feel that strongly, then let your wallet speak for you.

24 along with 6+ DLC is a fine roster size for a AAA fighting title. Don't state otherwise as fact.
10/06/2014 07:16 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.

If you're not happy with the roster number, then don't buy the game. Don't make it sound like you are being forced to buy it. If you feel that strongly, then let your wallet speak for you.

24 along with 6+ DLC is a fine roster size for a AAA fighting title. Don't state otherwise as fact.

Yeah i agree. Obviously i'd like 30+ characters, but the game's being made from scratch, they can't just have 36 characters at launch before DLC or upgrade. The reason the Tekken games have so many playable characters is because they've been recycling yearls old models, movesets and animations. The reason Ultra SF4 has almost 50 characters is because they've updated the game for 5 years, the original SF4 arcade release had 16 playable characters.

MKX is being made from scratch, you just can't expect the game to ship with 36 characters like it's easy.
10/06/2014 07:17 PM (UTC)
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10/06/2014 07:17 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

A prime example is the user MINION. The dude was always sporting Stryker leading up to MK9, he got what he wanted, he was excited and happy. Come Injustice, he was all about Martian Manhunter, when it was revealed he wouldn't be in the starting roster, he blew gasket on those who tried to cheer him up and remain positive. He was completely distraught at the fact that the character he thought was a shoe-in, that he spent so much time getting hyped about being included, didn't make the cut. At first, he wasn't even happy about a potential DLC inclusion, but after calming down and realizing he had his expectations into overdrive, he realized it'll all be good in time, and the game will still be great.

I remember this all to well. Now that I look back I was so destined to see him in I didn't care about any other characters being in as much. But after he was included yes I was very happy. But I felt bad for others here alike who all had someone they want included to. I've mellowed out a lot since then and have a better outlook. Tremor is a prime example as of late. I'd like to see him included but if dlc or not at all I still have others in this game I will enjoy. Shinnok being one of those if playable. If not I'm sure ill feel compelled to give other characters love.
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10/06/2014 07:22 PM (UTC)
Plus, the returning MK9 characters are completely redone from the ground up. They are basically new characters...I don't understand the tired & boring characters comments.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
24 sucks. Sorry, I just think it sucks. If that makes me a scummy entitled spoiled ingrate who is "not a REAL mk fan" well then excuse me for wanting a little more.

Also a bloated roster is 59 not 30-36.

Exactly. 30-36 is the bare minimum seem like for fighting games these days. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting that. As I said, we're paying for this. We have every right to not be happy with the roster number. I could see the shaming if people were screaming out absurd numbers like 50 and 60 or more characters.

If you're not happy with the roster number, then don't buy the game. Don't make it sound like you are being forced to buy it. If you feel that strongly, then let your wallet speak for you.

24 along with 6+ DLC is a fine roster size for a AAA fighting title. Don't state otherwise as fact.

Last I checked this was a FORUM. I can speak my opinion and give my thoughts on any subject, the same as you, just because you do not agree doesn't mean I have to "be quiet". Believe me, I WILL let my wallet speak for me if I'm not happy with the game, but that doesn't mean I'm going to not speak my opinion and chime in just like every other user on this site.

And I never stated ANYTHING as fact- in the post above I said it "seems" which obviously mean it's coming from my point of view. I've been stating strictly my opinion this entire time. It may be passionate, but it's mine.

And As I said before, I'm fine with 24 characters. I'm just not happy with some of the characters. Big difference. That said however, I DO support those who want more characters than 24 because they have every right to want more. Just as you have every right to not want more and be completely fine with the roster as it is.

10/06/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
My issue with this is (Not to offend anyone who likes these characters) I'm sick and tired of seeing the MK1 characters return. They need a rest. Scorpion and Sub-Zero I'm fine with, they're the faces of MK. However, Sonya, Johnny, Liu, Raiden, Kano, Shang.... they need a break. The games I always found the most enjoyable were the ones that sorta deviated from that path and had less MK1 characters in it than the others (prime example; Deception).

So far, every returning character we've seen has been an MK1 character (excluding Quan Chi). I understand it's all marketing but it's frustrating. Yes, we are getting new characters in this, a lot of them. But yes, there are many characters in this franchise that out-right DESERVE to be given the spotlight again yet time and time again we see the same old, same old just with a different dressing.

It's like eating steak every week except the only difference is you change the topping sauce so it's "different". Just because we have new 'variations' on classic characters doesn't make them anymore 'new and exciting' or more worthy than any others.

Yes, I'll still buy this game but it's getting to the point where, honestly speaking, this series is becoming stale to me (and I hate saying this because I love MK) but they FOR THE LOVE OF GOD need to give some characters a rest for a game or two.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 07:31 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Plus, the returning MK9 characters are completely redone from the ground up. They are basically new characters...I don't understand the tired & boring characters comments.

I think it's more about the fact that those characters always get the opportunity to be "completely redone from the ground up". What about some other favorites who's been missing in action for nearly a decade? Throwing in one here and one there won't hurt anything.
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10/06/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
"For every Kitana and Mileena there's Sonya and Jade"

No. Just no. Kitana has a unique fighting style, and there's no way a die-hard fan like me will be satisfied with merely substituting her with Sonya or Jade. In fact, aside from tits, Sonya isn't even close to being anything like Kitana. Two completely different characters.

No Kitana, no buy.
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