Worst news ever- only around 24 characters
posted10/08/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)by
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07/23/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
Adam Urbano, senior producer of Netherealm Studios, pretty much confirms that the game will be released with only about 24 characters in an interview for Russian mobs..... I mean television at the 6:30 mark.

10/06/2014 10:28 AM (UTC)
Nothing is "confirmed", he doesn't seem sure about the final number.
10/06/2014 10:41 AM (UTC)
Why is it the worst news ever?
24 is a reasonable amount of characters, though of course I would like more.
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10/06/2014 11:59 AM (UTC)
Haha, Russian mobs.

I can imagine NRS giving a statement to the Bratva.
10/06/2014 12:37 PM (UTC)
How is this the worst news ever? I would be fine with around 24 characters, with 8 extra as DLC. Every character we've been shown so far is very fleshed out, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lower amount of characters this time around.
10/06/2014 01:15 PM (UTC)
24 seems reasonable to me. Especially with 3 variations, and the detail they are putting into each character. I'd rather have 24 fleshed out detailed characters than 28 characters with less polish and substance.
10/06/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
24 seems reasonable to me. Especially with 3 variations, and the detail they are putting into each character. I'd rather have 24 fleshed out detailed characters than 28 characters with less polish and substance.

10/06/2014 01:40 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
24 seems reasonable to me. Especially with 3 variations, and the detail they are putting into each character. I'd rather have 24 fleshed out detailed characters than 28 characters with less polish and substance.

this. quality over quantity.
10/06/2014 01:46 PM (UTC)
You can't always get what you want. But 24 is a reasonable amount of characters. However, he didn't actually confirm it was 24. He gave us a number and said it would be something similar to that.

So we may see more than 24.
10/06/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
24 is a perfect number. This thread title needs to chill. The number will probably be higher anyway.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 01:55 PM (UTC)
I called it.

And for everyone who are saying "How is this bad news? Quality over Quantity, Mind Over Matter, Love, Peace, and LIBERTY!!!!" - I wouldn't have an issue with 24 characters, but since that lessens the returning character slots then that means the chances of seeing characters we've been wanting to return is now almost at zero. If Sonya, Johnny, and Liu are in, then there goes three more precious spots. At this point we'll be lucky if ANY post MK3 character makes the cut(Quan Chi excluded of course). Hell, we'll be lucky if any more post MK1 characters made it with the way things are going.

So 24 characters with three variations each IS decent. I just hope this roster ends up being somewhat evenly distributed between New characters, MK4-MKD characters, and the popular MK1-MK3 characters. But I doubt it.

Oh and one of those 24 spots will most likely be a guest. So there goes another spot. Yay. Sigh, I just wish they show the other 8 new characters since they'll probably be the only interesting thing about the roster.
10/06/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
At this point we'll be lucky if ANY post MK3 character makes the cut(Quan Chi excluded of course). Hell, we'll be lucky if any more post MK1 characters made it with the way things are going.

I highly doubt there won't be atleast 5 returning post MK3 characters. Also what? There will definitely be more post MK1 characters returning. There's still a very decent amount to be reveaed, wtf are you talking about?
10/06/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
24 characters to launch, and 6-8 for DLC, will be around 30-32 characters so what's the big deal?
10/06/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I called it.

Called what? Nothing is written in stone yet. Did anyone even watch the video? Or are they just settling for 24?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 02:21 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
At this point we'll be lucky if ANY post MK3 character makes the cut(Quan Chi excluded of course). Hell, we'll be lucky if any more post MK1 characters made it with the way things are going.

I highly doubt there won't be atleast 5 returning post MK3 characters. Also what? There will definitely be more post MK1 characters returning. There's still a very decent amount to be reveaed, wtf are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that there are only 15 spots left and majority of those will most likely be new characters- Most new characters ever introduced in any MK- as Boon has stated over and over again. The rest of the "retuning" character slots will be filled with more (in my humble opinion) boring "expected" characters such as Liu, Sonya, and Johnny. We might get "lucky" by getting a few MK2 characters to fill out the last few slots but that's it. And one of these 24 slots will be for a guest as Boon have stated.

I'm not trying to rag on anyone. If everyone is cool with the same popular characters grabbing the few remaining slots, then good for you. I'm just PERSONALLY not thrilled by how the roster is going. I foolishly thought this was going to be a shot at redemption for some of the outcasts.
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I will rock you.

10/06/2014 02:47 PM (UTC)
This isn't the worst news ever about the 24 characters. The worst news ever is if this game never had fatalities then it would suck big time.confused
10/06/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
Im not going to lie im happy with 24 it seems like a solid number. It gives the developers an easier time to balance the game. Plus I bet it can be pretty difficult to come up with 3 variations for 28 characters heck having 24 characters with 3 variations each is going to be very difficult.
10/06/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
LiteBulb_ Wrote:
24 is a perfect number. This thread title needs to chill.

The number will probably be higher anyway.

By thread you mean user? grin My thread- my f****** title tongue

I would be chill if we hadn't already received Kano and if the entire Blade bunch wasn't right around the corner. That would make 8 (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Kano, Quan Chi, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Liu Kang) out of 12 or 14 old ones cause the game must surely have 10-12 new characters. I really don't care about any Earthrealm characters. They're boring, have nothing special about them and occupy slots for other interesting concepts. I hope I never see Earth in another MK game, ever. They escaped their invasion, good for them, peace and virtue! MK is so much bigger than that, there are so many worlds to explore. I had really high hopes for:

Reptile, who is still alive and never won a fight in the entire MK history sad

Ermac- and the whole King Jerrod plot

Mileena- in a possible alliance with Rain for the Edenian throne

Tanya- ok, she'll surely be in, cause she's someone's favourite girl

Fujin- darker and more furious than ever before

Reiko- becoming a major player

Shinnok- to finally be the boss who kicks sissy hero ass

Kenshi- swords are always welcomed

Bo'Rai'Cho- cameo in MK9

Havik- 2 cameos in Hell, one in Armegeddon, the other in Noob's ending from MK9 (Kochal= Shinnok??)

Hotaru- cause Seido is a cool place with technology surpassing our Earth's

Frost- probably in, NRS team loves her, cameo in MK9

Sareena- cameo in MK9

Kira- cameo in MK9

Daegon- cameo in MK9 and badass leader of the Red Dragon, which was around since before egyptians or babylonians.

So, only 4-6 of those will actually be playable. I swear, if this game didn't have Quan Chi....... I wouldn't even touch it.

10/06/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
redman Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
At this point we'll be lucky if ANY post MK3 character makes the cut(Quan Chi excluded of course). Hell, we'll be lucky if any more post MK1 characters made it with the way things are going.

I highly doubt there won't be atleast 5 returning post MK3 characters. Also what? There will definitely be more post MK1 characters returning. There's still a very decent amount to be reveaed, wtf are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that there are only 15 spots left and majority of those will most likely be new characters- Most new characters ever introduced in any MK- as Boon has stated over and over again. The rest of the "retuning" character slots will be filled with more (in my humble opinion) boring "expected" characters such as Liu, Sonya, and Johnny. We might get "lucky" by getting a few MK2 characters to fill out the last few slots but that's it. And one of these 24 slots will be for a guest as Boon have stated.

I'm not trying to rag on anyone. If everyone is cool with the same popular characters grabbing the few remaining slots, then good for you. I'm just PERSONALLY not thrilled by how the roster is going. I foolishly thought this was going to be a shot at redemption for some of the outcasts.

Well, nobody ever stated that would be the case. It was never said, promised, or even hinted at in any interview, that this game's roster would consist of any number of pre or post MK4 characters. So of course anybody has the right to feel disappointed, but nobody should have been expecting anything. If anything, when they announced that this game was set over a 25 year span following MK9, and that there would be the most new characters introduced in an MK game, that anybody that isn't an A or B tier character in terms of popularity or story relevance, is likely a long shot to return. I expect maybe 1 is 2 C tier characters(a lot of MK4-MK:D characters fall into that) to get a spot.

The issue is, some still believe this game was supposed to follow the same timeline and events of MK4-MK:D, when that wouldn't make any sense to repeat history, the reboot/timeline switch was to start fresh and take it into a new direction after MK3, hopefully not painting themselves into a corner again. So seeing the same faces again, isn't a guarantee, and since 25 years is being done in 1 game, you're basically getting cherry picked characters from MK1-MK:D era, because all of that will be long gone by the conclusion of this game's story. So expecting a bunch of rejects or underwhelming attempts to be given a. 2nd chance, just never seemed likely when you took that all into account.

Besides, what's the most new characters introduced into one game this far? If this game is supposed to have the most, are we talking around 9-10? 14 returnees is a fair number IMO. Plus DLC.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 03:53 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
redman Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
At this point we'll be lucky if ANY post MK3 character makes the cut(Quan Chi excluded of course). Hell, we'll be lucky if any more post MK1 characters made it with the way things are going.

I highly doubt there won't be atleast 5 returning post MK3 characters. Also what? There will definitely be more post MK1 characters returning. There's still a very decent amount to be reveaed, wtf are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that there are only 15 spots left and majority of those will most likely be new characters- Most new characters ever introduced in any MK- as Boon has stated over and over again. The rest of the "retuning" character slots will be filled with more (in my humble opinion) boring "expected" characters such as Liu, Sonya, and Johnny. We might get "lucky" by getting a few MK2 characters to fill out the last few slots but that's it. And one of these 24 slots will be for a guest as Boon have stated.

I'm not trying to rag on anyone. If everyone is cool with the same popular characters grabbing the few remaining slots, then good for you. I'm just PERSONALLY not thrilled by how the roster is going. I foolishly thought this was going to be a shot at redemption for some of the outcasts.

Well, nobody ever stated that would be the case. It was never said, promised, or even hinted at in any interview, that this game's roster would consist of any number of pre or post MK4 characters. So of course anybody has the right to feel disappointed, but nobody should have been expecting anything.

That's why I said I "foolishly" assumed. They never said anything about bringing back any MK4-MKD characters, but I, along with others thought it could be a chance at redemption for some. And I was one of the main activist FOR change and for the series to go down a different path, so what are you talking about? Where does me wanting to see a few rarely seen characters like Tanya or Havik translate into "REPEAT THE ENTIRE MK4-MKD STORYLINE!"? MK9 altered the timeline, it didn't obliterate everyone post MK3(Except Quan Chi) from existence.

I just wanted to see a few non-popular characters given a chance to shine. That's it. Plain and simple. Oh well, there's always MK11.
10/06/2014 03:58 PM (UTC)
24 is a joke! Having variations does not excuse them to give us less characters than MK9,that's BS! If that's the case then we better get more than 6 DLC characters cuz this is ridiculous!
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/06/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
24 is a joke! Having variations does not excuse them to give us less characters than MK9,that's BS! If that's the case then we better get more than 6 DLC characters cuz this is ridiculous!

Ha! We'll probably get four characters again (with one of them being a second guest). Because, as they say, "quality over quantity" and anyone who wants more bang for their buck is essentially a greedy and ungrateful pig. *snorts*

10/06/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say that's the worst news ever lol

Excluding DLC, 24 is the exact number of playable characters in Injustice, and that game didn't feel lacking in the playable character department IMO.

I would like more characters too, but im not disappointed with 24.
10/06/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

Besides, what's the most new characters introduced into one game this far? If this game is supposed to have the most, are we talking around 9-10? 14 returnees is a fair number IMO. Plus DLC.

The game with the most new characters was Deadly Alliance, clocking in with 10 (Mokap and Blaze included, 11 if you count Moloch). So, with the 4 that we already have, we're talking about at least 6 or 7 additional newcomers, minimum. So that would leave, at a maximum, 6 spaces for returnees (not counting Sonya and Cage).

Either way, there's going to be some disappointment. With the roster containing so many new characters, they're not going to be able to resume the stories of all the surviving characters of MK9 AND bring back even the most popular MK4 - MKD characters.

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/06/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
Adam said the roster would be about the same as Injustice and MK9. Injustice had 24 playabe characters. MK9 had 27 playable characters not including Kratos on the PS3.

24 is the number I wanted. I think any more and the roster gets too bloated. 24 to 26 is a good number for me.
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