04/29/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
MalibuWitch Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Tanya looked foking badasss before and looks even more badasss now.

Tanya is a flawless legend. She will be so epik in high definition, on the television, with all that bright yellow-ish gold.

I can't wait for the epik, mysterious, gold Edenian legend Tanya to be officially playable in MKX.

Tanya is extremely elusive and epik, no matter what anybody says.

Tanya will have epik moves and fatalities!

Nobody is even ready. LOL what a mess!

Tanya will prevail!!!

Dude drop the act. It's getting old and nobody is giving you attention anymorewink

In the words of the epik Kassonya Carlton Cage : "I am not a man" or dude.

You are absolutely klueless.

In the words of Sub-Zero : do you even know about the wisdom of peace?
What are you even worried about? lol

Tanya, the epik Edenian, remains, regardless of it all.

Tanya stays epik.

Who the hell is kassonya?

The nickname I have for my second favorite Mortal Kombat kharakter ever Kassie Blade Cage Carlton.

If you still don't know who the heck is this epik god of Earthrealm, you can kontinue to rack your brain trying to figure out this extreme rocket science.
04/29/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
Looks way better. Love that they made the outfit more yellow-y too. I personally like the white eyes.

Now if she has purple fire in at least one variation, she's perfect
04/29/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
MalibuWitch Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Tanya looked foking badasss before and looks even more badasss now.

Tanya is a flawless legend. She will be so epik in high definition, on the television, with all that bright yellow-ish gold.

I can't wait for the epik, mysterious, gold Edenian legend Tanya to be officially playable in MKX.

Tanya is extremely elusive and epik, no matter what anybody says.

Tanya will have epik moves and fatalities!

Nobody is even ready. LOL what a mess!

Tanya will prevail!!!

Dude drop the act. It's getting old and nobody is giving you attention anymorewink

In the words of the epik Kassonya Carlton Cage : "I am not a man" or dude.

You are absolutely klueless.

In the words of Sub-Zero : do you even know about the wisdom of peace?
What are you even worried about? lol

Tanya, the epik Edenian, remains, regardless of it all.

Tanya stays epik.

Who the hell is kassonya?

The nickname I have for my second favorite Mortal Kombat kharakter ever Kassie Blade Cage Carlton.

If you still don't know who the heck is this epik god of Earthrealm, you can kontinue to rack your brain trying to figure out this extreme rocket science.

I'm experiencing extreme second-hand embarrassment, right now.

Seriously, she jobbed HARD against Kotal and D'vorah.

I like me my dark-skinned lasses (rip Jade), but don't make them out to be something they aren't even close to being.
About Me

"Retirement my ass!"

04/29/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
I am very pleased with the new look. The hair alone is much better. Also loving the new shade of yellow. This version looks much more like Tanya than the first. About the eyes: Doesn't matter to me either way. I'll take either. This design is much more MKD Tanya (which happens to be my favorite version of the character) so all's good.
About Me

04/29/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
NRS counts Armageddon as a canon game in the series. NRS > you

Of course it's canon, that's not the issue here.

The issue is that when we're talking about comparing a character's different portrayals throughout the series in terms of design consistency, I think that bringing up the game that straight-up reused models for 75% of its cast is kind of silly.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I'm just saying it's a design choice. They never explained Shang Tsung's white eyes -- he's a dark sorcerer. That was enough. Tanya uses black magic? That's good enough for me. I'm sure Edenia had evil sorcerers as much as any other realm.

She has a purple sparkler, which, let's be honest, isn't exactly evocative of black magic. Not that much different from the kind of magic the other female ninjas are using, really.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Her dabbling in dark magic is also how she encountered Shinnok in the first place before MK4.

Tanya's MK4 bio Wrote:
As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The opened portal leads not into another world but into the pits of the Netherealm itself. The once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.

See, that's the impression I had too, but now that I'm looking back at the bios and the comic, it really sounds like she was just doing her job as an ambassador when she ran into (presumably) Quan Chi, who has apparently convinced/coerced her to turn against her realm.

Point is, there's really nothing to suggest that she was dabbling in dark magic before all this, which makes the "white eyes and black mascara" combo she ended up with in MKD all the more puzzling. The mascara in particular has generally been a trademark of the Brotherhood of Shadow (Shang being the notable exception), which she was never a part of. I suppose it's not unreasonable to assume that after working for Quan Chi for two straight games, she'd pick up a few things from him along the way here and there (which would explain the additional special moves she got in MKD), but I just think that whatever "black magic" appeal that her character had, it was never really established or emphasized enough to justify her looking like a KISS groupie.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Tanya's expertise in ancient magical texts was part of her storyline in Deception -- it's why Onaga wanted her services.

Tanya's MKD bio Wrote:
I had been called an enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. I preferred the term "ambassador". It was my duty to impose the will of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung upon the denizens of Outworld. But the sorcerers' rule was short-lived and I found myself leaderless, longing to return to my birthplace in Edenia. When Baraka caught up with me, he gave me a choice: Serve his new lord of Outworld ? or die. I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions. I pledged my service to the Dragon King.

Onaga was aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of Edenia so many years ago. Apparently the Dragon King had been watching Shao Kahn from beyond death. Whatever the late emperor had been attempting, Onaga was determined to complete it. He was looking for lost information, ancient spells that would fuse the Elder Gods' six Kamidogu into one and therefore make it possible for him to wield their combined might. I brought him to Edenia, where I believed that information still existed.

She was kinda forced into servitude, really. Her knowledge of history didn't really seem to factor into it, and it really sounds like it's something she brought up on her own for the chance to score some brownie points with the Dragon King.

Now that I'm looking at it again, one line in particular kinda stands out:
Tanya's MKD bio Wrote:
I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions.

It's interesting because it almost makes her sound less of a backstabber who'd go for a powergrab whenever the opportunity presents itself and more of a dedicated survivalist who values her life above all else and would go to any means necessary to preserve it. I'd say this lends a bit of credence to my theory that she didn't voluntarily seek out Shinnok and was instead coerced into doing his bidding.

Keep in mind that Hotaru is also there at the time.
If I was writing it, I would maybe have a bit of a rivalry going on between these two, constantly trying to upstage one another. Seeing her for the opportunist and the chaotic element that she is, he'd obviously be suspicious of her, possibly even to the point of encouraging Onaga to get rid of her. And I'm sure the commander of the Seidan Guard can be pretty persuasive.

So when push comes to shove, her knowledge of ancient Edenian texts would be the ace up her sleeve that she could use to prove her worth to her master and convince him to keep her alive. Would've made for an interesting character dynamic, I think.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/29/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
riomarz Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
You all turn on and backstab eachother as quick as Tanya.

I'm literally enjoying the ever living shit out of it honestly lol....

I will admit, it is pretty funny. Tany fans are both annoying and hilarious at the same time.

From what I've been reading, most Tanya fans are cancer as all hell.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Especially one on this site.
04/29/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)

"Fire Goddess" variation in pc archives.
04/29/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:

"Fire Goddess" variation in pc archives.

Yep, still think she looks better here.

But what I do I care, I hate Tanya.
^ You're sure checking up on her quite often...you know, for a "hater".
04/29/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
You're sure checking up on her quite often...you know, for a "hater".

Two reasons:

1. I like Jen Hale.

2. It is endlessly amusing watching Tanya fans consume themselves.

04/29/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)

"Fire Goddess" variation is old without her new darker look
04/29/2015 06:54 AM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:

"Fire Goddess" variation in pc archives.

I was wondering what those tattoo markings were for.....I could faintly see them in her story mode model.
04/29/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
Love the Fire Goddess tribal tattoo visuals. They'll be even brighter and more striking on the new model.

04/29/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

Point is, there's really nothing to suggest that she was dabbling in dark magic before all this, which makes the "white eyes and black mascara" combo she ended up with in MKD all the more puzzling. The mascara in particular has generally been a trademark of the Brotherhood of Shadow (Shang being the notable exception), which she was never a part of.

I think you're looking way too much into this. The MK team has never been as careful and aware of the story as the community has let's be real. I am pretty sure their decision to give her white eyes and black makeup in MKD was purely because they liked the concept and didn't care much to justify it.

The fact that she has gone from black with human eyes, to black with white eyes and black makeup, to lighter with human eyes, to darker with white eyes again, kinda proves my point that they don't care all that much. She was updated due to the fact that people liked her Deception look and have associated her with it, so they just decided to go back.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2015 09:53 AM (UTC)
Fire goddess, eh?

Can't wait to resurrect that old fashioned Tanya/Liu rivalry via a supermatch up of her Fire Goddess and his Flaming Fists variations!
04/29/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
NRS counts Armageddon as a canon game in the series. NRS > you

Of course it's canon, that's not the issue here.

The issue is that when we're talking about comparing a character's different portrayals throughout the series in terms of design consistency, I think that bringing up the game that straight-up reused models for 75% of its cast is kind of silly.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I'm just saying it's a design choice. They never explained Shang Tsung's white eyes -- he's a dark sorcerer. That was enough. Tanya uses black magic? That's good enough for me. I'm sure Edenia had evil sorcerers as much as any other realm.

She has a purple sparkler, which, let's be honest, isn't exactly evocative of black magic. Not that much different from the kind of magic the other female ninjas are using, really.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Her dabbling in dark magic is also how she encountered Shinnok in the first place before MK4.

Tanya's MK4 bio Wrote:
As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The opened portal leads not into another world but into the pits of the Netherealm itself. The once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.

See, that's the impression I had too, but now that I'm looking back at the bios and the comic, it really sounds like she was just doing her job as an ambassador when she ran into (presumably) Quan Chi, who has apparently convinced/coerced her to turn against her realm.

Point is, there's really nothing to suggest that she was dabbling in dark magic before all this, which makes the "white eyes and black mascara" combo she ended up with in MKD all the more puzzling. The mascara in particular has generally been a trademark of the Brotherhood of Shadow (Shang being the notable exception), which she was never a part of. I suppose it's not unreasonable to assume that after working for Quan Chi for two straight games, she'd pick up a few things from him along the way here and there (which would explain the additional special moves she got in MKD), but I just think that whatever "black magic" appeal that her character had, it was never really established or emphasized enough to justify her looking like a KISS groupie.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Tanya's expertise in ancient magical texts was part of her storyline in Deception -- it's why Onaga wanted her services.

Tanya's MKD bio Wrote:
I had been called an enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. I preferred the term "ambassador". It was my duty to impose the will of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung upon the denizens of Outworld. But the sorcerers' rule was short-lived and I found myself leaderless, longing to return to my birthplace in Edenia. When Baraka caught up with me, he gave me a choice: Serve his new lord of Outworld ? or die. I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions. I pledged my service to the Dragon King.

Onaga was aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of Edenia so many years ago. Apparently the Dragon King had been watching Shao Kahn from beyond death. Whatever the late emperor had been attempting, Onaga was determined to complete it. He was looking for lost information, ancient spells that would fuse the Elder Gods' six Kamidogu into one and therefore make it possible for him to wield their combined might. I brought him to Edenia, where I believed that information still existed.

She was kinda forced into servitude, really. Her knowledge of history didn't really seem to factor into it, and it really sounds like it's something she brought up on her own for the chance to score some brownie points with the Dragon King.

Now that I'm looking at it again, one line in particular kinda stands out:
Tanya's MKD bio Wrote:
I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions.

It's interesting because it almost makes her sound less of a backstabber who'd go for a powergrab whenever the opportunity presents itself and more of a dedicated survivalist who values her life above all else and would go to any means necessary to preserve it. I'd say this lends a bit of credence to my theory that she didn't voluntarily seek out Shinnok and was instead coerced into doing his bidding.

Keep in mind that Hotaru is also there at the time.
If I was writing it, I would maybe have a bit of a rivalry going on between these two, constantly trying to upstage one another. Seeing her for the opportunist and the chaotic element that she is, he'd obviously be suspicious of her, possibly even to the point of encouraging Onaga to get rid of her. And I'm sure the commander of the Seidan Guard can be pretty persuasive.

So when push comes to shove, her knowledge of ancient Edenian texts would be the ace up her sleeve that she could use to prove her worth to her master and convince him to keep her alive. Would've made for an interesting character dynamic, I think.

Tanya was suppose to be good in mk 4. Would anyone believe she was good with her other looks? Nope. Also she was the daughter of the ambassador not a ambassador her self.
04/29/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
Tanya in MK4 had no white eyes. Her eyes were normal. I dont know why people really want that eyes, she is not dead.

04/29/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:

"Fire Goddess" variation in pc archives.

Of course Tanya is a fire god with a fire god variation.

My favorite kharakters are extremely epik, regardless of how anybody feels about it.

Kassandra Karlton Cage is the new god of Earthrealm.
Tanya is the flawless god of fire.

MKX is a flawless game.

04/29/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
Never seen those pictures of her with the glowing marks, they look pretty awesome.

They will look even better with her new design :)
04/29/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)

Her new look would have been cool for a new character, but that was not quite Tanya. She looks so much more menacing now with so much more depth & character.

If they do not patch her story mode look, that would be just goofy.
04/29/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
What if her white eyes are only for a variation? wow
04/29/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
Really pleased with her new look - much much better in my opinion. Can't wait to play as her!
04/29/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
"Fire Goddess" variation?

Funny how we all expected "Fire God" Liu Kang... and it's Tanya that gets it instead.

Works for me!
Shinomune Wrote:
What if her white eyes are only for a variation? wow

That'd be cool..put it on Sun Goddess even.
04/29/2015 07:13 PM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:

"Fire Goddess" variation in pc archives.

Why isn't the fire variation purple?

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