05/02/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
I still think her voice fits fine. She's Edinian. Just because she has darker skin now should not matter. Even if she was "black", there are plenty of African American women who speak just like Tanya anyway.

More and more I just keep loving this new design. She looks soo good now and stands out so much more now from the rest of the roster. Can't wait!!!!
05/02/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I was thinking they made her look so white because of her voice actress.

me too. and i'm also thinking they made Jennifer Hale her voice actress cause of fan rumours.
05/02/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
I'm so anxious to see new gameplay of her. Hopefully some video surfaces soon!!!
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/02/2015 07:39 PM (UTC)
I see now that everyone is fine with her looks we have moved on to nitpicking her voice. *sigh* Never the end, is it?

Her voice is fine. Anyone complaining about that is simply reaching. Skin color doesn't even relate to the way one may speak to suggest otherwise is ignorant. That said, if you've always had reservations about the voice actress- then that's fine, but if you're just now starting to get them all because her skin has been darkened...yeah, you're an idiot then. What do you want her to sound like? "Ole' sweet chile' hunny pie Mama gon' fatality you!". Absurd. Come on people.

I can't believe some want her man voice back. Crazyness.

Anyway, I love me some Jason, but I couldn't care less about him right now- I just want Tanya.

Only then will this game fill somewhat complete. Well, add Fujin and Li Mei and it'll feel REALLY complete.

05/02/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
I complained about her look, am very happy they fixed it, and also think her voice is fine. And I agree, thinking a person's voice has a matching skin tone is ignorant.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/02/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
I still think her voice fits fine. She's Edinian. Just because she has darker skin now should not matter. Even if she was "black", there are plenty of African American women who speak just like Tanya anyway.

Exactly. To suggest otherwise is pretty damn stereotypical. People are people and speak different ways. I'm "black" and have had ignorance thrown at me because I don't sound *cough* like my "Skin color".

It's pure ignorance. That's one of the main reasons why I love Jacqui- her voice, at least to me, isn't stereotypical and it perfectly suits her as a character. The same with Tanya.

Funny how the same people who call for diversity are quick to thrust the world into nothing but stereotypes. That said, it's even more of a stupid complaint anyway considering she has no Earthly race- because she's not from Earth. Herp derp.
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05/03/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I think you're looking way too much into this. I am pretty sure their decision to give her white eyes and black makeup in MKD was purely because they liked the concept and didn't care much to justify it. The fact that she has gone from black with human eyes, to black with white eyes and black makeup, to lighter with human eyes, to darker with white eyes again, kinda proves my point that they don't care all that much.

The problem with Tanya is that she was a last-minute Kitana replacement, and it seems like NRS never really quite knew what to do with her. And seeing how her "traitor" storyline (probably he only consistent thing about her in the OT) has just been shuffled off to D'Vorah, I'm not entirely sure they still do, which is why people suddenly claiming that her being a dark sorceress was somehow an integral part of her character is just strange to me.

Considering how little actual information on Tanya is available, I, naturally, had to do quite a bit of conjecture and reasonable speculation based on the information we do have. And even then this statement is a hell of a stretch.

Her suddenly turning out to be the only actual Edenian loyalist is a pretty interesting twist, though. I hope they actually follow up on it.

Point is, before NRS gets to the point of updating Tanya's design while staying mindful of the iconic elements that are representative of her as a character, they really need to zero in on what those elements really are and figure out what makes her unique as a character. And it seems that we're not quite there yet.

projectzero00 Wrote:
She was updated due to the fact that people liked her Deception look and have associated her with it, so they just decided to go back.

I thought that the thing that people liked the most about her MKD design was the swanky little skirt/scarf thing she has wrapped around her hips, and the new haircut certainly didn't hurt either.

But I'm pretty sure that even back then, the overall response to the domino mask was along the lines of "wait, is she supposed to be in the Brotherhood of Shadows now or what?"

projectzero00 Wrote:
The MK team has never been as careful and aware of the story as the community has let's be real.

In my experience, people who say things like this have never bothered to follow the story in the first place.

Because the original trilogy, Mythologies and MKDA were all pretty airtight.

And don't try to pretend that they're incapable of putting thought behind their character designs, either - MKDA Quan Chi, Li Mei's MKD main and Bo Rai Cho's MKD main are all great examples of the team clearly thinking about the events the characters lived through and how their experiences might be reflected in their design (and I haven't even used the much more obvious ones like Shredder Zero or Scorpion's Hanzo alt).

Their track record is not very consistent, yes, but that's another issue.

Windice Wrote:
Tanya was suppose to be good in mk 4. Would anyone believe she was good with her other looks? Nope.

Good point. I agree.

And that's another reason why the mascara doesn't make sense.

Windice Wrote:
Also she was the daughter of the ambassador not a ambassador her self.

I dunno m8, see for yourself:

I guess while her father officially held the position of the Edenian ambassador to new realms, he was trying to groom his daughter to follow in his footsteps. Maybe, y'know, arranged to have her work alongside him, had her get some actual work experience, gave her limited ambassador duties. Because in her bio, it also mentions that she "invited" a group of refugees into Edenia, which kind of implies that she had the authority to do so.

I dunno, makes sense to me.

I wonder what happened to that guy when the Netherrealm invaded.

tl;dr If I haven't made it clear by now, but actually I like Tanya's original MKX design, and I hope that the domino mask is just a variation signifier (unless, of course, they'll finally establish that it has actual story relevance). I'm sure it's been pointed out before, but it seems like NRS were really going for the "Egyptian queen" vibe this time, and I'd say they succeeded. The black eyeliner is still there as a nod to her earlier MKD appearance, but it's a lot more subtle and actually makes sense this time when you consider the inspiration for the design.
05/03/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
Okay, so they darkened her skin, that's fine. I don't understand why they had to white out here eyes. I thought she looked really good with pupils.
05/03/2015 10:41 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
The MK team has never been as careful and aware of the story as the community has let's be real.

In my experience, people who say things like this have never bothered to follow the story in the first place.

Because the original trilogy, Mythologies and MKDA were all pretty airtight.

And don't try to pretend that they're incapable of putting thought behind their character designs, either - MKDA Quan Chi, Li Mei's MKD main and Bo Rai Cho's MKD main are all great examples of the team clearly thinking about the events the characters lived through and how their experiences might be reflected in their design (and I haven't even used the much more obvious ones like Shredder Zero or Scorpion's Hanzo alt).

Their track record is not very consistent, yes, but that's another issue.

Oh I know my MK story trust me. MKM was the peak of MK storytelling and I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the inconsistensies in MK9. A lot of the characters' original storylines got really fucked up in that game and it seemed that NRS wasn't expecting fans to react so much to stuff like Mileena suddenly being just born, or Kabal being a cop, or Quan Chi suddenly being everywhere in the story taking up Shang's role, etc. And let's not even begin with characters that have borrowed powers from others that didn't make sense at all.

All this to me proves that they were never as careful and thoughtful with the canon, or the characters' defining traits as the fans were. I am not dismissing their work totally of course, just saying that details like Tanya's skin and overall look, were never something they were extra consistent about.
05/03/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
IMO Her voicework was well done
05/03/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
I'm still leaning towards the idea she's an anti-monarchy freedom fighter. (Not sure how canon that comic is. All bios for Tanya state she is Edenian... not Trechian.)

If her true motive was to overthrow the Edenian Monarchy, it makes sense for her to ally herself against the Earthrealm, post-Shao Khan, as the Earthrealm warriors have sided with the Edenian Monarchs.

I guess we'll see her true motives in her MKX klassic tower ending.
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05/05/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
Seems much flatter. Personally I had no problem with how she looked before and while the skin correction is fine, everything else has changed for the worse.
05/05/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
When is Tanya released?
05/05/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
The worst aspect of her original design for mkx is the having the name "Tanya" next to it was the only connection. If they would have released that same render but instead called her Angela, I doubt anyone would have thought.....no, that looks like they replaced Tanya.

With her redesign, now you do not even need to be told her name, you can finally SEE its TANYA!

I soo hope her release is this month. With my overall lack of favorites on the roster, I feel like I'm waiting for Tanya to get truly excited for mkx.
05/05/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
I love black girls that sound white, that's Tanya.
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...And Justice For All

05/05/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
Nice to see Tanya story mode skin is preview for the new select screen. Hopefully they keep this skin one way or another as it's clearly the better one.
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05/05/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
Holy hell.. for all the people complaining about how her boobs don't look the same as before... Her shoulders are in slightly different positions in the two comparison photos... Physics..a womans shoulders are pushed more forward her boobs will look lower and change shape... her shoulders are raised back more it will make the boobs look more perky...

Some times what you guys nitpick really makes me facepalm...
05/05/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
Sorry if this has been already discussed, but when is her release date?
05/05/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
Probably early June.
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05/07/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Oh I know my MK story trust me. MKM was the peak of MK storytelling and I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the inconsistensies in MK9. A lot of the characters' original storylines got really fucked up in that game and it seemed that NRS wasn't expecting fans to react so much to stuff like Mileena suddenly being just born, or Kabal being a cop, or Quan Chi suddenly being everywhere in the story taking up Shang's role, etc. And let's not even begin with characters that have borrowed powers from others that didn't make sense at all.

I must've written what feels like a hundred pages explaining why MK9 was such a goddamn mess on this forum alone. So I'm probably the last person you should be telling that, m8.

Just sayin'. smile

projectzero00 Wrote:
All this to me proves that they were never as careful and thoughtful with the canon, or the characters' defining traits as the fans were.

projectzero00 Wrote:
never as careful and thoughtful

projectzero00 Wrote:

b-but you just said
projectzero00 Wrote:
MKM was the peak of MK storytelling

To be fair, one of the reasons why MKM's storytelling was so effective was because it wasn't a fighting game. But if we're talking strictly numbered entries, then MKDA is undoubtedly as good as it's ever gotten.

Now, whether that's because Vogel was given free reign and had several years to polish up the script, or whether that's because he was working off of Tobias' notes, I couldn't tell you. But fact of the matter is, there was a point where storytelling in MK was this good. That's the bar NRS has set for themselves.

As we all know, they haven't quite been able to reach that bar since, but that's why the fans have been so demanding. Because there IS a precedent. We know they've done it before, so it's well within their ability to do it again.

I have some problems with MKX, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. So if we want to encourage further steps that would bring them closer to that golden standard they’ve established for themselves, I think we as fans have to shoulder some responsibility for clearly communicating what we want.

“HURR IT WAS NEVER GOOD” (aside from being patently untrue, as we've just established) helps nobody.

projectzero00 Wrote:
I am not dismissing their work totally of course, just saying that details like Tanya's skin and overall look, were never something they were extra consistent about.

I'm repeating myself here, but Tanya started off as a last-minute Kitana replacement. I don't think they've ever had a definite vision for her as a character, but she definitely has potential and all it takes is for someone like Kittelsen to sit down and think about how that potential might be realized.

The Edenian loyalist thing could actually be their new plan for her, for all we know, but I guess we'll have to wait until MK11 to find out.

SJWMegatron Wrote:
I'm still leaning towards the idea she's an anti-monarchy freedom fighter. (Not sure how canon that comic is. All bios for Tanya state she is Edenian... not Trechian.)

It's canon.

I'm just not sure "Treche" was ever actually a thing that existed. It really sounds like a bunch of bogus bullshit that Quan Chi made up to justify his presence there. Sindel even kinda calls him out on it.

SJWMegatron Wrote:
If her true motive was to overthrow the Edenian Monarchy, it makes sense for her to ally herself against the Earthrealm, post-Shao Khan, as the Earthrealm warriors have sided with the Edenian Monarchs.

In the OT? I dunno, they never really established that. She's just kinda evil for no adequately explained reason.

Although I always thought it was kinda interesting that an Edenian noblewoman born into wealth and privilege would be seduced by what I guess was some vague promise of power from a fallen god and betray her entire realm. Always seemed like there was a story to be told there.

I mean, unless she was literally threatened into doing it, like I suggested earlier, and she just valued her own life too much to do otherwise.

SJWMegatron Wrote:
I guess we'll see her true motives in her MKX klassic tower ending.

There is no Edenia in the NT, though. She's not even allied with Shinnok at all this time. Not to mention that the entire Edenian royal family is dead right now.

I guess the real twist will be if they just play it straight like they did with Quan Chi, and she actually has no ulterior motives and is legitimately the only one who gives a shit about restoring her realm.

mkwhopper Wrote:
IMO Her voicework was well done

It's Jen fucking Hale. I don't understand how it's even possible to complain about that.
05/07/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
"There is no Edenia in the NT, though. She's not even allied with Shinnok at all this time. Not to mention that the entire Edenian royal family is dead right now. "

Edenia as a realm does not exist in this timeline (So a mortal killing Shao Kahn de-merged the realms... but the Elder Gods killing Shao Kahn didn't?) but it still exists as a subcontinent in Outworld. Backed up by Tanya's comments in the Story Mode.

As I theorize, in the OT, she only betrayed the Earthrealm warriors because Shinnok allegedly only wanted Earthrealm, not Edenia. And here, as the first chapter encompasses the entire story of MK4, except with Johnny Cage defeating Shinnok instead of Liu Kang.

And then presumably, Deadly Alliance and Deception never happened because without the help of Shang Tsung, Quan Chi never found the Dragon King's mummified army.

So here she is allied with Mileena, and as Rain gave up his ulterior motives EXTREMELY easy, I would guess the motives Tanya gives in the Storyline are sincere... or she's just better at keeping secrets than Rain.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/07/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

mkwhopper Wrote:
IMO Her voicework was well done

It's Jen fucking Hale. I don't understand how it's even possible to complain about that.

QFT. Oh and speaking of impossible complaints about voice acting... Sweet Jesus Phil LaMarr. I love you. Mmm, but yes....Tanya. I'm still not used to seeing her midriff.
05/07/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
So now that all the DLC characters are on the select screen I decided to hover over Tanya just to see what was up and, even though its her old design, she actually looks good there, nowhere near as bad as her initial DLC reveal.

I still like her new design better though lol
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/07/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
So now that all the DLC characters are on the select screen I decided to hover over Tanya just to see what was up and, even though its her old design, she actually looks good there, nowhere near as bad as her initial DLC reveal.

I still like her new design better though lol

Tanya was looking much better even before they gave her the white eyes and black skin.

I loved the light colored eyes she had in her most recent renders, she was looking sexy.

Still happy with the new look. But I still think this was awesome.
05/07/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
All this to me proves that they were never as careful and thoughtful with the canon, or the characters' defining traits as the fans were.

projectzero00 Wrote:
never as careful and thoughtful

projectzero00 Wrote:

b-but you just said
projectzero00 Wrote:
MKM was the peak of MK storytelling

Umm...you did notice how I said the peak of "MK" storytelling right? I still think they haven't been thoughtful and careful of their own canon. The fact that MKM was their peak of storytelling, doesn't cancel that. The first games were the ones that established the canon (that eventually games like the 3D era ones and MK9 didn't follow as closely) so I don't know how that's relevant or what exactly you're trying to prove hereconfused
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