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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/29/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm all for the guy coming back. Living proof you can take an awful uninspired character and improve on the concept until he's solid.

Exactly. They did it with Smoke!

Hurr hurr. Except Smoke had one of the single most interesting storylines in all of MK3, and the dichotomy between his human and cyber supporters ensured an instant rabid fanbase and ongoing support until his return in Deception. Weak stolen moves, sure, but at least he was interesting from the get-go. It did take them a while to fully flesh him out, but he was never an awful character.

But Rain kinda was, when he started out. In addition to the Prince joke, my grievances were that he was what, the seventh or so ninja character, the roundhouse kick just looked silly (the hydro ball was kinda cool but awkward), that terrible uppercut fatality (seriously, what the hell), and a thoroughly unremarkable story; he was just another Kahn goon; the fact that he was an Edenian male with a 'general parent' who died under Kahn's hand was midly interesting, but kind of a recycling of Kitana's plot. Coming around shortly after we were introduced to en entity entirely made up of souls, that's kind of underwhelming.

It was Armageddon that fixed him up proper, the emphasis on water manipulation, his revealed connection to Argus and the arrogance they imbued his character with made him really stand out. And MK9 fleshed him out even more and made him the utter bastard I've come to enjoy.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
It's emotionally draining. It's like a constant battle having to defend your favorite character to people who just don't care and continues to hurl the same insults time and time again.

I apologize if I came off as aggressive toward anyone. This is just a passionate subject for me.
07/29/2014 04:02 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Heh, it can be pretty rough to be a fan of a lesser popular character. Because many people don't like the character, they also seem to dislike those who do like him, especially when we talk positive about him. Indeed, not everyone does this, but as seen on this forum time and time again, people who disagree with eachother can throw some pretty nasty shit at one another. :/

I have a few times heard that some of the people on here say that they don't like fans of certain characters. I think it's because that because we are a minority, we have to be vocal to be heard. And because the character we love is hated on by so many, it is easy to get very defensive.

It also means that there is a less chance for that character to return to the franchise in future games, because usually, the majority are the ones the game devs are listening to. That we got Rain as DLC was actually rather unexpected, to be honest. I'm glad it happened, though I still think he should have been in the main roster - but it just means that NRS are willing to feed the minority a cookie. ^^

My favourite characters usually lie in the "lesser popular" category - and just to be clear, they aren't my favourites BECAUSE they are lesser popular, they just happen to be so. Personally, I don't care at all that people don't like the things I like, however, as said above, it can be tough.

I really wish I could respond to this at length, but unfortunately my job beckons. grin

Suffice to say, I can see where folks can get defensive over this. Obviously, everyone wants their fave to be taken seriously, get exposure, and grow in terms of story. And I know how it feels to be in the minority. Hell, I want Li Mei to return, and I'd absolutely love it if Khameleon got the Stryker treatment and was made into a solid character. I'd also like for Reptile to stop being a goober and getting his ass handed to him. tongue

But, I realize that most of that won't happen. Khameleon is far too obscure and not well-liked by the MK fanbase, and Li Mei is similarly not popular. And Reptile, well, he'll always probably just be a lackey for whoever's in charge. That's just life. lol That's why I have other faves too, both popular and not, like Ermac, Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Kitana, Jade, ect.

As you're well aware, MK has a rich and diverse cast of characters. Nothing wrong with liking a bunch of 'em, as it really softens the blow when another fave is sidelined.

I get that it can be tough, and folks really shouldn't hate on others just because they don't like a certain character. Because at the end of the day, these characters are nothing more than pixels on a screen, and that's not worth getting indignant over.

Really hope Rain get's his due, but to realistically expect it I feel is just setting one's self up for disappointment. One can always hope, tho, and the tweets should be enough to give any Rain fan pause smile
07/29/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's emotionally draining. It's like a constant battle having to defend your favorite character to people who just don't care and continues to hurl the same insults time and time again.

I apologize if I came off as aggressive toward anyone. This is just a passionate subject for me.

I don't think your wrong at all. It's just very annoying to see those annoying blind people hammering on the same old stuff.

I'm all for Rain being in, hell of al Trilogy characters I want him in most!

Mostly because I really wanna hear his voice, I want to hear him talk to other characters in the beginning of the battles, and I'm really interested to see him in the storyline for once.

All those people that are too blind to see a chance for Rain to become something in the storyline are blind. Like Scorp and Sub are always so interesting in the storylines, they have flaws too. And what is not to like about an Edenian male? Really are the Edenian girls all strange creatures that don't need males?

I can see Reiko, Rain, Tanya and maybe Mileena beginning some interesting stuff together. Can't wait to find out!

But anyway, about the tweets, Boon is obviously trolling again, he just enjoys torturing Rain fans, and then he releases Rain as non-speaking DLC again for some extra cash.
07/29/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's emotionally draining. It's like a constant battle having to defend your favorite character to people who just don't care and continues to hurl the same insults time and time again.

I apologize if I came off as aggressive toward anyone. This is just a passionate subject for me.

Exactly how I feel as well. ^^
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/29/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)

Nothing has changed here on MKO when it comes to Rain. Some very passionate fans against some people who can't past the ancient joke. Although I feel the opinions about Rain are changing up. That started during Armageddon and became more and more serious after the DLC entrance in MK9.

As with others characters in MK9... he was given the right treatment as many others this game. That sets him up for MKX. He could be in and he is welcome. His water manipulation is unique to MK just as wind manipulation is unique to Fujin. I'm all for that. Rain should reign! wink
07/29/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

I think just about everyone is aware of Rain's moves and, tbh, quaint story. So, we're not dismissing him because we forgot he could fire a water orb or that he is an Edenian male. We're not dismissing him at all, really. What we are saying is that when you look at the facts, like him being the only MKT character to miss the MK9 roster and his absence from every post MKT game besides MKA, it doesn't really bode well for him. Add in his relative lack of exposure and popularity and I really have doubts about him returning in any meaningful way to the story, besides DLC or cameos.

With all due respect, this is not relevant since Rain's fanbase grew after MK9. It grew after he missed out all those games and then returned in MK9 with a bang. And you might think I am exaggerating using those words, but if you think about it, Rain -along with the rest of the DLC- was one of the very few characters to get great exposure in MK9 with advertising, wallpapers, vignette videos, etc. So he might have missed out the original roster, but some characters that were in the original game missed out on a lot of goodies that Rain got. Honestly if you think about it, Baraka, Sheeva, etc, were in a worse place than Rain was lol.
Anyway my point is, you look at facts that are not really relevant as to whether Rain is gonna be in the game. Because before MK9, when Boon decided not to put him in the original roster, it was true that the team didn't really give a crap about him. But it is after his appearance in that game (and consequently his absence from all those games you mentioned) that his popularity among the community rose. Just take a look at Boon's tweeter.
Even I was surprised to see so many people request that he is in MKX. A few years ago I thought I was the only one to wish he came back so it's kinda weird now. Crossing fingers that they listen to the fans once again. His good sales as DLC should at least help him out.
07/29/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
I think the only thing that really aggravated me with him in 2011 was in intro. I don't get why he spun when he never had any kind of ability like that because I see no use for him. If you give him the ability to make him create watersprouts (tornadoes that can occur on water), and if Fujin can make mini tornadoes, then that's two moves (despite I'm sure they can easily create it where one does something different).

I really never got that at all as to why he had to spin. He just couldn't do the whole Alex Mack thing and just rise from the ground while being in water form?
07/29/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

I think just about everyone is aware of Rain's moves and, tbh, quaint story. So, we're not dismissing him because we forgot he could fire a water orb or that he is an Edenian male. We're not dismissing him at all, really. What we are saying is that when you look at the facts, like him being the only MKT character to miss the MK9 roster and his absence from every post MKT game besides MKA, it doesn't really bode well for him. Add in his relative lack of exposure and popularity and I really have doubts about him returning in any meaningful way to the story, besides DLC or cameos.

With all due respect, this is not relevant since Rain's fanbase grew after MK9. It grew after he missed out all those games and then returned in MK9 with a bang. And you might think I am exaggerating using those words, but if you think about it, Rain -along with the rest of the DLC- was one of the very few characters to get great exposure in MK9 with advertising, wallpapers, vignette videos, etc. So he might have missed out the original roster, but some characters that were in the original game missed out on a lot of goodies that Rain got. Honestly if you think about it, Baraka, Sheeva, etc, were in a worse place than Rain was lol.
Anyway my point is, you look at facts that are not really relevant as to whether Rain is gonna be in the game. Because before MK9, when Boon decided not to put him in the original roster, it was true that the team didn't really give a crap about him. But it is after his appearance in that game (and consequently his absence from all those games you mentioned) that his popularity among the community rose. Just take a look at Boon's tweeter.
Even I was surprised to see so many people request that he is in MKX. A few years ago I thought I was the only one to wish he came back so it's kinda weird now. Crossing fingers that they listen to the fans once again. His good sales as DLC should at least help him out.

I suppose we'll just have to wait until MKX debuts before we see who's opinion is validated. grin

Either Rain will be there, day one, on the roster.

Or he won't.

I personally don't think he will be, but like I said before, I wouldn't mind NRS proving me wrong and giving Rain his due. smile
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I think the only thing that really aggravated me with him in 2011 was in intro. I don't get why he spun when he never had any kind of ability like that because I see no use for him. If you give him the ability to make him create watersprouts (tornadoes that can occur on water), and if Fujin can make mini tornadoes, then that's two moves (despite I'm sure they can easily create it where one does something different).

I really never got that at all as to why he had to spin. He just couldn't do the whole Alex Mack thing and just rise from the ground while being in water form?

I didn't care for the spin either lol
07/30/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
Personally I think his intro should have involved it actually raining and then him appearing slightly through the rain. Like hollow man. Like he's invisible, but the rain comes in and you can see him appearing because of it. Haha. Okay I'm bad at descriptions. Hopefully someone gets my drift.
07/30/2014 06:21 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I think the only thing that really aggravated me with him in 2011 was in intro. I don't get why he spun when he never had any kind of ability like that because I see no use for him. If you give him the ability to make him create watersprouts (tornadoes that can occur on water), and if Fujin can make mini tornadoes, then that's two moves (despite I'm sure they can easily create it where one does something different).

I really never got that at all as to why he had to spin. He just couldn't do the whole Alex Mack thing and just rise from the ground while being in water form?

A lot of things aggravated me about rain in MK9. I agree about the spin intro. But also the dancy fighting style he had.. it was very... how do I say?... soft. It didn't fit Rain's hard selfish demeanor.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/30/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Personally I think his intro should have involved it actually raining and then him appearing slightly through the rain. Like hollow man. Like he's invisible, but the rain comes in and you can see him appearing because of it. Haha. Okay I'm bad at descriptions. Hopefully someone gets my drift.

I kinda love that. It'd be nice to see him have a special move like that where he'd disappear but be barely visible in drops of rain. Very Hallow-man like.

I also would like if his intro could show a long trail of water racing into the arena and Rain then materializes from it.

His classic "win pose" would be replaced with a fresh new one, but I'd keep it as his fatality pose. That would be epic to see.
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Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
I think Rain has a decent chance to be in mkx. His fan base has grown a little bit and besides freddy, Rain was downloaded more which has to count for something. I question who is truly more popular? Rain or Kenshi? Because years back Kenshi was very very popular in mkda and mkd far beyond Rain. However im curiius if Rains fanbase truly has grown and surpassed Kenshis? DLC numbers suggest so....

Anyways it wont surprise me if Rain is in or out and i dont really care either way. I still think almost everyone from mk9 still has a chance being in the game. For example i have trouble imagining Jax not making the cut even though he got merced in mk9.... but so did subby...

07/30/2014 07:37 PM (UTC)

The one in the middle should have been it! Much better than the one that made it in. But with more purple plates on this legs like the one to the right.

I love that vega-like attitude and ponytail.

I hope he will be like that (but even better) in MKX.

And for his intro... hmmm something arrogant, rain is falling on the ground, and from that raindrops, Rain asembles himself, first in water form, then in the flesh, having a very arrogant stance toward the other player, and very cocky self-obsessed lines he says to the other player..

I don't want him to be invisible, as Tanya, Reptile and Smoke already have it.
07/30/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Loved the ponytail idea. It would suit Rain so much. I also liked the one where his arms are made out of water.
Aah..all the possibilities they have for his variations...damn. I've thought of some really cool stuff he could do. It would be such a shame if he didn't make it.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/30/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
Boon has hinted at Rain yet again via Twitter. He keeps on doing that. it ́s going to be really cruel if Rain ends up being left out.

I ́m sorry for not posting the image as I don ́t seem to get that working at this forum. Never got that done in the past and it still bugs me tongue
07/30/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
Boon has hinted at Rain yet again via Twitter. He keeps on doing that. it ́s going to be really cruel if Rain ends up being left out.

I ́m sorry for not posting the image as I don ́t seem to get that working at this forum. Never got that done in the past and it still bugs me tongue

Here you go Zwulle.

The ninja on the left looks suspicious... pic.twitter.com/QL5QHfPGcs

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 30, 2014 ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

If you can remember, there was an earlier tweet that boon said something like "no one wants Rain in MKX.. right MKKI_CDjr?" Here is the kids replies:

RT @MKKI_CDjr @noobde I dona39;t even know you anymore ;( EB: ¿por qué dices eso?

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 30, 2014 ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>

RT @MKKI_CDjr estas jugando con mis sentimientos! Quiero a lluvia EB: I never meant to cause U any sorrow. I never meant 2 cause U any pain.

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 30, 2014
ript async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">ript>
07/30/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
That was it:

The ninja on the left looks suspicious... pic.twitter.com/QL5QHfPGcs

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 30, 2014
Oh man I'm getting pumped. It will indeed be cruel if he doesn't make it!sad
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/30/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
Thanks thisiscourage and projectzero000! Those were the ones I meant indeed.

It would be cruelty... Cruelty at it's finest!
About Me

Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
Wow Ed is posting that stuff? Now im convinced.... Rain will probably be in and maybe the next official reveal. What is with the "U" stuff though in one of the post? Possible hint for a wii u version but if so then who cares?
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/30/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
Cool beans!

Funny how Rain is #1 and also the oddball in the group, considering he was the last to make a debut.

Boon, you effing troll.
07/30/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Wow Ed is posting that stuff? Now im convinced.... Rain will probably be in and maybe the next official reveal. What is with the "U" stuff though in one of the post? Possible hint for a wii u version but if so then who cares?

Not the first post he has used "U" as a place holder for "you" very interesting. I don't feel like digging them up tho, it was fairly recent tho.
07/30/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
Curious about the posts making references to DLC sales. How do we know which ones sold better? Just curious.

I also want Rain in. MKA and MK9 were awesome for him, but he needs more. Will it happen? Who knows....
07/30/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
Lol, i'm sure all the Rain fans will hate Boon now if he isn't in the game.

I don't think he can be that cruel, so that probably means good things for Rain fans.

Or he just hates them.
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