07/28/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
I have to agree with you. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Rain, Boon *has* been making more than a few references to him.

Who knows, maybe Rain will be in MKX afterall. Wouldn't bother me if he did make the cut, since he has a decent amount of fans and I'm sure they'd be pleased to no end to have their fave available right from the start. smile
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.
07/28/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?

Like I said, wouldn't mind seeing him in, especially since he has a very strong cult following, but to assume he's going to be in MKX just because of his vocal fanbase and because he was a popular DLC character is just kind of far-fetched imo.

I mean, he didn't even make it into MK9, and that had every trilogy character in it that wasn't a joke. Rain came later as DLC...that says something about how NRS views him...

But, hey, I won't cry if he's in. I'll actually be happy for all the Rain fans. Seriously. smile

And judging by Boon's recent tweets, he may very well make the cut against all odds. Wouldn't get my hopes too high, tho.

Not trying to start a flame war, btw. Just stating my opinion. If you like Rain (which you do, obviously), more power to you!
It's just you, really. Hopefully he won't be in.
07/28/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
If he makes it in, he's in. If he doesn't make the cut, he doesn't make the cut. I don't like this character, but it really wouldn't make a problem for me if he's in, I mean I did play as him in 2011 so it's not like I'll just let this character go to waste.
07/28/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?

Maybe he was a joke back in the 90s but come on now. They gave him an awesome look and revamp in MK9 which as you said gained him a lot of fans. I wouldn't exactly call him a joke nowadays.
Ermac started as a rumor/joke/palette swap and was also given a name based on that (error macro) and look how far he has come. Same with smoke. And I honestly believe those two are two of the most popular characters in the franchise now. Why can't the same thing happen with Rain? All he needs is some more exposure and some relevance in the storywink
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/28/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
If Rain is in then I hope NRS really flesh him out. In previous games he just felt like an afterthought. He basically has no story and is looked on like a joke character. If NRS decide that Rain is in they got to for once be serious about it. If not, then I hope he does not make it because the joke got old now and it needs to be done away with.
07/28/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
All he needs is some more exposure and some relevance in the storywink

I completely agree. However, and here's the kicker, NRS doesn't seem interested in really fleshing him out. They did a great job with him in MK9, but like the poster said below you, it just feels like an afterthought. Rain had no part in the story, when he should have been included in the core roster. That he wasn't, and that was relegated to DLC, says something about the level of esteem he holds with NRS.

Obviously, I think we can expect to always see Rain as some form of DLC, given his popularity with his fans and his ability to sell, but as for main roster? I just don't see him there realistically.

Yes, if NRS fleshed him out, I'm confident Rain could be more than an old joke doomed to be perpetual DLC. But so far, either NRS doesn't make that kind of effort with him, or they do (design-wise) but leave his story stagnant.

Sad, but true. Sorry Rain fans. But hey, at least your fave isn't a complete jobber/epic fuck-up (looking at you, Reptile...). wink
07/28/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
I would be ecstatic if he was in the game. It makes me wonder how many ninjas will be in the final build of the game though. I know boon confirmed at least 1 more ninja but failed to deliver an actual number. I personally think reptile and Ermac are shoe-ins. So how many spots will filled by ninjas? The more the merrier in my eyes but with limited roster spots the anti-ninja crowd would be up in arms.

But as for Rain, I would love to see him in story mode and with 3 variations.

We all have to consider the fact that NRS knows who will comprise the roster already. And they also know who will be DLC. So boons hints could be that he will be in the game but as a disc roster spot or dlc remains to be seen.
07/28/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
I'll be fine with Rain if he makes it in. He needs the roundhouse back from MKT though grin

Ermac will definetly be in and this will mostly likely be what he will look like for his main. I hope anyways.

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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/28/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
It's just you, really. Hopefully he won't be in.

You can't deny the fact that NRS has been hinting at him, especially mr Boon himself. More than numerous other characters which are very doutbful to make the cut. Same goes for Rain. There's a legit chance him not making it into MKX. So it could be Boon trolling as ever with the Rain fans.

Which would be harse. Rain is a characters that gets love from quite some fans. I'm not amongst those. I thought it was good to see him becoming a water based character, making him somewhat more unique. But I simply don't care for the guy.

We'll see what happens.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?!

Yes, because that doesn't describe 80% of the fucking Mortal Kombat roster. The whole "Rain is a joke character" excuse is bullshit. He, like most "joke characters", isn't even a joke any more. He has a legitimate story, a serious design, and decent moves. If he wasn't "purple" or his name wasn't "Rain"- you or any of the other Rain dismissers wouldn't have anything to cling to. There's nothing "jokey" about him besides being named after a prince pop song, just like there's nothing jokey about Ermac besides him being named after a damned MK1 glitch. Stop with this boring ass "joke argument".

And I never said him having a fanbase or any other reasons I listed above were reasons why he would be in, I was simply saying they could "help". I don't think Rain will be in but if he does I wouldn't be surprised. Some of you are acting like fucking Hsu Hao has a better chance of making it in.

Tired of these same old arguments..
07/28/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?!

Yes, because that doesn't describe 80% of the fucking Mortal Kombat roster. The whole "Rain is a joke character" excuse is bullshit. He, like most "joke characters", isn't even a joke any more. He has a legitimate story, a serious design, and decent moves. If he wasn't "purple" or his name wasn't "Rain"- you or any other the other Rain dismisses wouldn't have anything to cling to. There's nothing "jokey" about him besides being named after a prince pop song, just like there's nothing jokey about Ermac besides him being named after a damned MK1 glitch. Stop with this boring ass "joke argument".

And I never said him having a fanbase or any other reasons I listed above were reasons why he would be in, I was simply saying they could "help". I don't think Rain will be in but if he does I wouldn't be surprised. Some of you are acting like fucking Hsu Hao has a better chance of making it in.

Tired of these same old arguments.

Whoa, chill bro. Like I said, if you like Rain, cool story. You don't have to convince me.

I maintain my position, tho. If NRS was serious about Rain, he would have been with the rest of the MKT roster...not DLC...

I'd be happy with Rain becoming something better than what he is, but he probably won't. After MKT, he never appeared again as a playable charactet until MKA...and every fucking character was in that game. Hell, Fujin has been in more games than Rain, and I'd argue the God of Wind has a better story than Rain. lol

It's not my fault, and it's not your fault. NRS owns the character, and if they chose to do something with him, I'm sure Rain would shine. But as it is, he's just going to be DLC...because he'd popular enough to sell, but not waste a roster spot. Boon knows you'll buy him, so all he has to do is give Rain a neat outfit and a cool intro and *BAM*...money...all without furthering Rain's story.

Don't get pissed at me. Get pissed at NRS. grin
07/28/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Also, have Rain unmasked for a variation if he's in. If they can have an unmasked version of Scorpion (forget which game..MK4?), Sub-Zero (MK3/MKDA), Reptile (MK4 pretty much and MKDA). I can't see why, they can't do it with Rain.

His design was cool in MK9, but, only if he was unmasked, it would of been cooler.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?!

Yes, because that doesn't describe 80% of the fucking Mortal Kombat roster. The whole "Rain is a joke character" excuse is bullshit. He, like most "joke characters", isn't even a joke any more. He has a legitimate story, a serious design, and decent moves. If he wasn't "purple" or his name wasn't "Rain"- you or any other the other Rain dismisses wouldn't have anything to cling to. There's nothing "jokey" about him besides being named after a prince pop song, just like there's nothing jokey about Ermac besides him being named after a damned MK1 glitch. Stop with this boring ass "joke argument".

And I never said him having a fanbase or any other reasons I listed above were reasons why he would be in, I was simply saying they could "help". I don't think Rain will be in but if he does I wouldn't be surprised. Some of you are acting like fucking Hsu Hao has a better chance of making it in.

Tired of these same old arguments.

Whoa, chill bro. Like I said, if you like Rain, cool story. You don't have to convince me.

I maintain my position, tho. If NRS was serious about Rain, he would have been with the rest of the MKT roster...not DLC...

I'd be happy with Rain becoming something better than what he is, but he probably won't. After MKT, he never appeared again as a playable charactet until MKA...and every fucking character was in that game. Hell, Fujin has been in more games than Rain, and I'd argue the God of Wind has a better story than Rain. lol

It's not my fault, and it's not your fault. NRS owns the character, and if they chose to do something with him, I'm sure Rain would shine. But as it is, he's just going to be DLC...because he'd popular enough to sell, but not waste a roster spot. Boon knows you'll buy him, so all he has to do is give Rain a neat outfit and a cool intro and *BAM*...money...all without furthering Rain's story.

Don't get pissed at me. Get pissed at NRS. grin

You're not stating anything groundbreaking, you're just stating the obvious. We know NRS never gave a shit about Rain, that being said, that doesn't mean the reaction to him in MK'11 didn't open their eyes a bit and make them realize that fans actually gave a shit. All I'm saying is it's not that crazy to hope that Rain is in MKX and while you may want to act like "fan demand" and DLC sales isn't "relevant"- they are, they play a big role. Them putting Rain in MKX after seeing a positive reaction to him in MK9 is not this huge out of this world possibility and I should be locked up in a mental asylum for thinking.

Fact of the matter is, Boon obvious has Rain on the brain and it wouldn't be outrageous if Boon realized he's a well liked character and wants to flesh him out.

Earth shattering, right?
07/28/2014 10:58 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

Tbh I highly doubt Rain will be DLC again in MKX. I don't know why but it seems unrealistic for them to put the same character as DLC in 2 consecutive games. Especially if we are talking about Rain.
If they are gonna put any MK1-MK3 characters as DLC, it's gonna be the most popular ones that people are gonna miss in MKX. Because quite frankly, it is already known that A LOT of the veterans are gonna sit this one out so they can please the fans by adding them later in the game without having to include them in the story.
As for Rain, if he is not gonna make it in the original roster, he is not gonna make it in MKX in general. As I said, there is a bunch of characters that will be more requested, granted they are gonna miss out, and that will be chosen to be included in the game as DLC before Rain. So my prediction is, if he is in the game, he has to make the original roster. If not, then I can safely say he is gonna sit this one out.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/28/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink
07/28/2014 11:08 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink

That would be a wow twist.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Also, have Rain unmasked for a variation if he's in. If they can have an unmasked version of Scorpion (forget which game..MK4?), Sub-Zero (MK3/MKDA), Reptile (MK4 pretty much and MKDA). I can't see why, they can't do it with Rain.

His design was cool in MK9, but, only if he was unmasked, it would of been cooler.

I'd love an unmasked variation. I think he should be unmasked period
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/28/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink

That would be a wow twist.

Indeed! Talk about instant validation. Take THAT Rain h8ers.

Have Rain and Tanya ever crossed paths? They'd make a fantastic team.
07/28/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
Yeah I feel like you're jumping to conclusions. He could tweet anything, he could be trolling you'd never know. And just because he referenced it more than once doesn't mean anything either.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 11:55 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink

That would be a wow twist.

Indeed! Talk about instant validation. Take THAT Rain h8ers.

Have Rain and Tanya ever crossed paths? They'd make a fantastic team.

No they haven't but them teaming up could be awesome.
07/29/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's more than possible, I don't know why certain people *cough* Rain haters *cough* acts like it's an outlandish idea about him returning. He was one of the best selling DLC characters from MK9, had a great design, gained a decent sized following, and could definitely have an interesting role in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised if both him and Kenshi returned.

If Rain does make the cut I'll probably sob. It'll be too much emotionally for me. But I'll be happy.

Umm, because he's a joke character without much of an impact on the overall story?!

Yes, because that doesn't describe 80% of the fucking Mortal Kombat roster. The whole "Rain is a joke character" excuse is bullshit. He, like most "joke characters", isn't even a joke any more. He has a legitimate story, a serious design, and decent moves. If he wasn't "purple" or his name wasn't "Rain"- you or any other the other Rain dismisses wouldn't have anything to cling to. There's nothing "jokey" about him besides being named after a prince pop song, just like there's nothing jokey about Ermac besides him being named after a damned MK1 glitch. Stop with this boring ass "joke argument".

And I never said him having a fanbase or any other reasons I listed above were reasons why he would be in, I was simply saying they could "help". I don't think Rain will be in but if he does I wouldn't be surprised. Some of you are acting like fucking Hsu Hao has a better chance of making it in.

Tired of these same old arguments.

Whoa, chill bro. Like I said, if you like Rain, cool story. You don't have to convince me.

I maintain my position, tho. If NRS was serious about Rain, he would have been with the rest of the MKT roster...not DLC...

I'd be happy with Rain becoming something better than what he is, but he probably won't. After MKT, he never appeared again as a playable charactet until MKA...and every fucking character was in that game. Hell, Fujin has been in more games than Rain, and I'd argue the God of Wind has a better story than Rain. lol

It's not my fault, and it's not your fault. NRS owns the character, and if they chose to do something with him, I'm sure Rain would shine. But as it is, he's just going to be DLC...because he'd popular enough to sell, but not waste a roster spot. Boon knows you'll buy him, so all he has to do is give Rain a neat outfit and a cool intro and *BAM*...money...all without furthering Rain's story.

Don't get pissed at me. Get pissed at NRS. grin

You're not stating anything groundbreaking, you're just stating the obvious. We know NRS never gave a shit about Rain, that being said, that doesn't mean the reaction to him in MK'11 didn't open their eyes a bit and make them realize that fans actually gave a shit. All I'm saying is it's not that crazy to hope that Rain is in MKX and while you may want to act like "fan demand" and DLC sales isn't "relevant"- they are, they play a big role. Them putting Rain in MKX after seeing a positive reaction to him in MK9 is not this huge out of this world possibility and I should be locked up in a mental asylum for thinking.

Fact of the matter is, Boon obvious has Rain on the brain and it wouldn't be outrageous if Boon realized he's a well liked character and wants to flesh him out.

Earth shattering, right?

Why are you getting so hostile over this? I thought you were one of the more level-headed folks here.

Listen, I'm not saying it's outside the realm of possibility for Rain to be in MKX. It's very much possible, and even more so given Boon's tweets (assuming he's not trolling). But the fact of the matter is, there's just as good a chance he won't be in...given his track record and his lack of development.

He's lacking.

Yes, he sold well. Yes he has a decent-sized (and apparently militant) fanbase. Yes, NRS may have taken note of that. And yes, they may decide to do something finally with Rain.

All I'm saying, is don't get your hopes up just because Boon is making some references or because you imagine NRS has some newfound interest in the character. There's still a very strong chance Rain will not be in MKX, and he's got a lot working against him (lack of decent story, lack of interest from the majority of MK fans, lack of roster real-estate, ect).

It would be cool if he made the cut, but I wouldn't count on it. You're not crazy or mental for thinking so. I just think it's more likely he won't be in. And no, I'm not a Rain hater or Rain-dismisser. I don't care for the character, but I'm not out to bash him unmercifully. I recognize that he has fans, and I would genuinely love to see those fans get their fave to play with and have him relevant to the story.

Above all else, he's just a character in a fictional universe. If he doesn't make, who gives a fuck? Same goes for Ermac, Reptile, Kenshi, Jade, Sub-Zero, ect.

You're getting worked up over nothing, friend. smile
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 12:23 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink

That would be awesome. I'd love to see Rain, Tanya and Mileena all in some form of power.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/29/2014 12:45 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Rain is the "surprise" returning character who has now assumed control of Outworld. wink

That would be awesome. I'd love to see Rain, Tanya and Mileena all in some form of power.

I'd imagine there's gonna be lots of competition for the throne of Outworld this time around. Would love to see one or more of them succeed in their quests. Mileena, Reiko and Rain seem to be the most aspiring. Hoping Shinnok's crusade isn't fruitful.
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