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06/27/2014 12:07 PM (UTC)
Every release Ed loves to troll the community. I never know what to believe from him, lol.
06/27/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Traitors, cutthroats and other such assassins are in every freaking game, think about Assassins Creed.

But because you don't like such achtypes, they should disappear from the game all together?

I'm happy that not all characters are heroes or powerhouse villians such as Shao Kahn.

So what if they're in every other game? How the fuck does that even remotely relate to this?

Yeah I don't like disloyal characters but when did I say anything about them disappearing from the games? Seriously? Now you're just putting words in my mouth.

KL is still good though. Sure he's kinda sour about being second banana to Liu Kang, but he's not such a crybaby that he'd straight up betray his friends. He's still a good guy.
06/27/2014 12:16 PM (UTC)
You can't hate everything that is evil... That is insane.

Are you a police-man in real life or something? What do you like about law so much?

You must hate Havik very much...
06/27/2014 12:17 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
You can't hate everything that is evil... That is insane.

Well, you hate everything that is good, so...
06/27/2014 12:19 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
You can't hate everything that is evil... That is insane.

Well, you hate everything that is good, so...

I hate the normal ordinairy humans (with no specialities on them such as sonya and stryker) that are good.

I don't hate Fujin, Kung Lao, Jax, Sindel, Kenshi, Ermac, Nightwolf, Kabal, Ashrah, Kai and Jade.
06/27/2014 12:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
You can't hate everything that is evil... That is insane.

Well, you hate everything that is good, so...

I hate the normal ordinairy humans (with no specialities on them such as sonya and stryker) that are good.

I don't hate Fujin, Kung Lao, Jax, Sindel, Kenshi, Ermac, Nightwolf, Kabal, Ashrah, Kai and Jade.

And Kunglaodoesntsuck has never said he hated all the evil characters.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

06/27/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
Today would b perfect to announce Rain. Prince's 30th anniversary bs, it's raining in half the country, and it would spark the return of Fatality Friday!
06/27/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
You can't hate everything that is evil... That is insane.

Are you a police-man in real life or something? What do you like about law so much?

You must hate Havik very much...

Well in the Favorite Characters thread I listed Shinnok in my top 5. And he's straight up evil. I like Baraka too because he's loyal. I just don't care for backstabbing types where that's all they do.
06/27/2014 01:34 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I like Baraka too because he's loyal.

"Blind loyalty is not a good thing, as I have learned."
- Jade, MK9.

06/27/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Traitors, cutthroats and other such assassins are in every freaking game, think about Assassins Creed.

But because you don't like such achtypes, they should disappear from the game all together?

I'm happy that not all characters are heroes or powerhouse villians such as Shao Kahn.

So what if they're in every other game? How the fuck does that even remotely relate to this?

Yeah I don't like disloyal characters but when did I say anything about them disappearing from the games? Seriously? Now you're just putting words in my mouth.

KL is still good though. Sure he's kinda sour about being second banana to Liu Kang, but he's not such a crybaby that he'd straight up betray his friends. He's still a good guy.

Stop it you two.

You are both being hypocritical. A game such as mortal kombat cannot exist with out its vast variety of character's whether they are good evil, normal, or special-abled. If there were no normal characters then the characters with special abilities wouldn't be so special would they? And if all characters had solid moral compass then everyone would get a long and hold hands and stop fighting.

now.. where were we?.. oh yes

I am hoping to see rain because I think he has a unique ability and could possibly (and plausibly) have 3 unique variants in fighting style. What 3 variants would you guys like to see?

I am hoping for:
1. a zoning variant where he can call upon tides of water to block, encapsulate and push back opponents.
2. a weapon style variant where he summons water weapons (much like subby's cyromancer variant however I think the weapons and moves can be unique due to the change in phase of h2o.) allowing rain to create such weapons as whips, and hydro blades fused with electricity to inflict damage. The whip can latch on to opponents and send a charge of electricity through it to inflict more damage upon contact.
3. A variant including a few more special moves otherwise not included in the previous two variants. This variant could possibly be gear more towards lightning base special attacks.

I also want rain to be fleshed out story wise. I personally want to know more about this demi-god from edenia.

What variants do you guys want to see?
06/27/2014 01:47 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:

I also want rain to be flushed out story wise

I hope you mean "fleshed out", as "flushed out" would mean he would be removed from the story. :P
06/27/2014 01:53 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:

I also want rain to be flushed out story wise

I hope you mean "fleshed out", as "flushed out" would mean he would be removed from the story. :P

heh yea, edited that, good looks. those pesky "u" and "e" keys are so close to each other
06/27/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
And if all characters had solid moral compass then everyone would get a long and hold hands and stop fighting..

I never said I wanted everyone to be good.
06/27/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
And if all characters had solid moral compass then everyone would get a long and hold hands and stop fighting..

I never said I wanted everyone to be good.

You probably want everything to be loyal lab-dogs.

Such stories would get boring pretty quickly. Not everything can be Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

06/27/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
I Like those variations ThisIsCourage. But I have a question... Has it ever been stated that Rain had an electric ability? I know he has a Lightning strike move. But I always assumed this was caused by him controlling the moisture in the clouds (Just like Ocean Master in the DCU). During Rain's win pose in Mk9, he throws a waterblast into the sky, then u hear thunder and it starts raining. When I first saw that, I felt this was NRS trying to clarify it. LoL. Also, he's never had any other electric specials besides the Lightning Strike.
06/27/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Well I for one think Kung Lao does suck. I would very much rather have Rain back then Liu Kang's bootlicker.
06/27/2014 03:38 PM (UTC)
You are correct, orion. He seems to only have the ability to effect storm clouds (made of water) to produce electricity.

However once his foe is encapsulated in water whats to say he cant manipulate lightning to strike his foe at that time, using the water as conduction for said lightning attack.

EDIT: in regards to my 3rd proposed variant, perhaps this one would need to be changed to something else due to what ORION has brought up. Any thoughts on what variation 3 could be?
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

06/27/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
I was thinking one variation could give him a special where he makes it rain really hard for a few seconds, slowing down ur opponent and speeding up himself. But one big problem with that is... What about indoor stages? LoL
06/27/2014 05:32 PM (UTC)
Rain is one of my favorite characters. So, I'm hyped he's even getting mentioned.

Demi God - Gives him the lightning strike move,

Weather manipulator - (wishful thinking) makes it rain during the match which powers up all of rain's specials.

Can't think of a third right now. Someone help me out. Damn, NRS has worked hard because 3 styles for each character has to be difficult.

06/27/2014 06:12 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Rain is one of my favorite characters. So, I'm hyped he's even getting mentioned.

Demi God - Gives him the lightning strike move,

Weather manipulator - (wishful thinking) makes it rain during the match which powers up all of rain's specials.

Can't think of a third right now. Someone help me out. Damn, NRS has worked hard because 3 styles for each character has to be difficult.

I'd picture him having variations named after Prince songs.
06/27/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Rain is one of my favorite characters. So, I'm hyped he's even getting mentioned.

Demi God - Gives him the lightning strike move,

Weather manipulator - (wishful thinking) makes it rain during the match which powers up all of rain's specials.

Can't think of a third right now. Someone help me out. Damn, NRS has worked hard because 3 styles for each character has to be difficult.

I'd picture him having variations named after Prince songs.

Sexy Motherfucker has to be one of them then. xD
06/27/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
- Cream

- When Doves Cry

- Thieves in the Temple
06/27/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
Black Sweat trumps you all!!!lol
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

06/27/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Lmao at you guys! I wouldnt be surprised if NRS did this. Nitara was modeled after a KISS/Def Leopard groupie. Hence her fighting style "Leopard" and her KISS-Looking alt costume.

I've been thinking about these variations at work. Here's mine. (Not Prince songs)

V1: Hydro Ninja- Grants water-whip attacks, a watery teleport, and a Water-Slide (similar to SubZero's Ice-Slide)

V2: Rain God- Summons a Hard RainFall for a few seconds, slightly slowing down the opponent, while making Rain stronger and faster

V3: Water God- Rain BECOMES Water for a few seconds. He would look like the Water God from MKm:SZ (Link Below). In this form, your opponent's punches can't connect and projectiles are absorbed.

V4 (DLC): Sea God- Rain wields a golden trident, King of the Edenian Seas.

SZ vs Water God
07/28/2014 08:04 PM (UTC)
Boon has been mentioning/hinting Rain a lot recently. I can't be the only one who noticed. A few examples:

RT @mkKintaro pic.twitter.com/eWnfWTy1P6 EB: Poor little Rain. You go Ermac !!

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 18, 2014

MK9 DLC character "Skarlet" Cosplay. With blood and everything! Now all we need to see is (purple) RAIN !!a10;pic.twitter.com/KuDwhC9Q5r

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 27, 2014
And a few others I can't find right now. I remember another one a few weeks ago where he retweeted a fan's tweet asking about Rain. He basically tagged CDJr I think who has been a casual Rain player in tourneys and has been requesting him for years. Boon said something along the lines of "But I thought nobody liked Rain right CDJr?" Well some could say that this meant Rain would obviously not be in the game. However I was surprised to see many MK fans (myself included) believed it could be a hint since Rain was heavily requested in MK9 and Boon's tweeter was flooded with tweets asking for him when it was announced he wasn't gonna be in the original game.

Now I am a huge Rain fan and I might be a bit influenced by my love for the character but how do you guys feel about it? Is it just me? Or it's just wishful thinking? And how would you feel about him making the roster?
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