08/10/2014 05:49 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Rain has always struck me as the least masculine (but not effeminate) of all the "ninja" characters, and it's not because of the purple.

And that is bad because? Ninjas aren't supposed to be masculine anyway
08/10/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
I always liked the idea of Rain being a kind of arrogant, egocentric king... Someone who is addicted to power, has to be in control and this stuff, I think this can be very well explored in MKX if they want to.
08/10/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Rain has always struck me as the least masculine (but not effeminate) of all the "ninja" characters, and it's not because of the purple.

And that is bad because?

I don't recall ever implying there was anything bad about it.
08/10/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
I have always seen the Edenians to be the elves of Mortal Kombat - forever beautiful, long lifespans, have a natural affinity for magic etc.

So of course Rain should be a beautiful man as well.
08/11/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Rain has always struck me as the least masculine (but not effeminate) of all the "ninja" characters, and it's not because of the purple.

And that is bad because?

I don't recall ever implying there was anything bad about it.

This cracks me up.

On topic, I think Rain has tons of potential. Some MK fans have this twisted idea that all characters follow a preordained path determined by their introduction. Yes, Rain was a "joke character" upon entering the series, but damn near any character can become compelling with good writers developing the character, as well as good artists designing the character.

There are a number of good reasons for the devs to seriously consider Rain this time around, one being that he is a familiar face and a blank slate at the same time. With the new timeline, the only fragments of story have come from his DLC bio and ending. It leaves plenty of room for development. This is pure speculation, but as a creative person myself (and I'm sure tons of other forum users could chime in), developing characters form the ground up can make for a more satisfying experience than deciding where a Scorpion-type character with years of history will move forward. One allows for more creative freedom. It seems NRS is already having a good time doing this with their new characters, so Rain might be a nice addition, who knows.

Also, I would selfishly love to see his narcissistic god complex further developed at some point. He's honestly been a favorite for me since MKA, despite the fact that that was only his third appearance (or so) in an MK game.
08/11/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Anyway, if Ed's tweets about Ermac, Reptile and Rain are anything to by, I'd say they could all make it!

What tweets? I've seen the obvious Rain tweets but that's it.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/11/2014 01:49 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
What tweets? I've seen the obvious Rain tweets but that's it.


There were like 10 back to back tweets about Reptile and Ermac.
08/11/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
What tweets? I've seen the obvious Rain tweets but that's it.


There were like 10 back to back tweets about Reptile and Ermac.

Funny, all I seem to see on his account lately are fanart retweets and people's lame hidden-character suggestions (Beetlejuice?!) among the usual trolling.
08/11/2014 07:59 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Rain has always struck me as the least masculine (but not effeminate) of all the "ninja" characters, and it's not because of the purple.

And that is bad because?

I don't recall ever implying there was anything bad about it.

Well the way you said it didn't necessarily make it seem like a great attribute. Still tho, I love the fact that Rain isn't that bulky, masculine and with a super deep voice like the rest of them. I think they wanted to differentiate Smoke in MK9 in that aspect but they kinda failed.
Rain's element is similar to Smoke's since they are both supposed to be elusive and fast. So if he makes it in MKX I wouldn't mind him not being that "masculine".
08/11/2014 09:58 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Rain has always struck me as the least masculine (but not effeminate) of all the "ninja" characters, and it's not because of the purple.

And that is bad because?

I don't recall ever implying there was anything bad about it.

Well the way you said it didn't necessarily make it seem like a great attribute. Still tho, I love the fact that Rain isn't that bulky, masculine and with a super deep voice like the rest of them. I think they wanted to differentiate Smoke in MK9 in that aspect but they kinda failed.
Rain's element is similar to Smoke's since they are both supposed to be elusive and fast. So if he makes it in MKX I wouldn't mind him not being that "masculine".

Rain DID have a very super annoying deep voice in Armageddon, something I want gone, if not i'm not liking Rain's character that much, as a deep manly voice doesn't suit a egocentric, selfish character at all.
08/11/2014 10:50 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Rain DID have a very super annoying deep voice in Armageddon, something I want gone, if not i'm not liking Rain's character that much, as a deep manly voice doesn't suit a egocentric, selfish character at all.

I was not counting the super annoying voices from MKA. This game -along with all the 3D era ones- were just full of bad voice acting. His MK9 voice wasn't like that. Well at least from what I could tell from the sounds he made during gameplay coz we didn't really hear him talk.
MK9 started taking Rain to the right direction imo. He did see glimpses of his egocentric and greedy self. His voice wasn't as deep and rough as most of the ninjas (Scorp, Noob, Sub-Zero, Ermac). His appearance and outfit were on point too. Not super masculine, not that bulky. More of a nimble fighter, which definitely suits him and his element and sets him apart from the rest of the palette swaps. Really hope they keep fleshing him and his story out in MKX.
08/11/2014 12:17 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Anyway, if Ed's tweets about Ermac, Reptile and Rain are anything to by, I'd say they could all make it!

What tweets? I've seen the obvious Rain tweets but that's it.

Check the Official NRS/MK tweets thread at the top of the MKX forum page. I uploaded all the ermac and reptile tweets. Check the time stamps, they all occurred in a short amount of time.
12/11/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
1.) I LOVE Rain. His combos in MK9 are easy to do, and awsome. His story could be better, but with him being such a big traitor, he could make a MAJOR plot twist. For example: He and Quan Chi work together. He is being tricked by Quan Chi, and double Crosses him, then decides to work with Gorro, or Kotal Kahn. Double Crossed yet again. Goes to Raiden. Supports him in every way, and stops outworld and Netherrealm. Edenia is restored, and a "revolution" begins years later. Ermac (King Jared) is overthrown by Rain, and Reptile, D'vorah, and maybe Kano pair up. Rain know's that he's a demi-god at this point (like in his MK9 ending), and he blackmail/threatens the other gods (Fujin, Evil Liu Kang{Liu Kang gets revived maybe and gets the powers of a god like in his MK9 ending} and the other gods that no one knows) Rain becomes leader of Outworld, Edenia, Netherrealm, that one other realm I can't remember, and goes after Earthrealm. The Elder Gods are corrupt, so they don't help this time.But you know what? This is all a theory. A Game Theory!
12/11/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
I am hoping to see rain because I think he has a unique ability and could possibly (and plausibly) have 3 unique variants in fighting style. What 3 variants would you guys like to see?

I am hoping for:
1. a zoning variant where he can call upon tides of water to block, encapsulate and push back opponents.
2. a weapon style variant where he summons water weapons (much like subby's cyromancer variant however I think the weapons and moves can be unique due to the change in phase of h2o.) allowing rain to create such weapons as whips, and hydro blades fused with electricity to inflict damage. The whip can latch on to opponents and send a charge of electricity through it to inflict more damage upon contact.
3. A variant including a few more special moves otherwise not included in the previous two variants. This variant could possibly be gear more towards lightning base special attacks.

I also want rain to be fleshed out story wise. I personally want to know more about this demi-god from edenia.

What variants do you guys want to see?

I think these would be cool:
1.) Vengeful. Rain gains that one move from MK9 where he gives himself a damage boost and looses blocking. Also, strength and agility up, defense lowered.
2.) Sea Breeze (lol sounds funny). Gains special move where he can turn into water vapor and teleport slightly like Freddy or Smoke. Defense up, agility down.
3.) Deep Sea. Rain gains the water bubble ability. Defense and Agility up.
What do you think?
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

12/12/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
Rain is one of my favorites but I doubt he is in MKX.
12/12/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
Way to bump a seven-month inactive thread. And with a double post, no less.
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I will rock you.

12/13/2014 04:35 AM (UTC)
They was another hint from Ed Boon today about Rain well sort of even though it was mostly about Batgirl.https://twitter.com/noobde/status/543567532573999105
02/13/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
I won't begin to look up all of the tweets since June but just recently he posted:

"@Zim_Ko @noobde did it make your day Komplete? EB: Yes! It put a Tremor on my RAINy day and cleared away all the smoke.

— Ed Boon (@noobde) February 11, 2015

Now he posts,

BoRaiCho: Can I have a swig? Rain: Get your own booze! BoRaiCho: I now have a quarrel with you! #FakeMKXintros

Yeah yeah, I get it. Don't take everything so seriously with Ed. However, it cannot be denied at this point that Boon teases Rain a lot.

If Rain doesn't have SOME sort of involvement in MKX I will be surprised at this point.
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Props to MINION
02/13/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
I think he just knows Rain is a fan favorite and likes to troll. i mean who doesnt like Rain, hes fucking awesome.
About Me
02/13/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
Tower reference.
They may use his model for a story cameo...
02/13/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
Just add rain to the main roster, Eddie.
02/13/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I think he just knows Rain is a fan favorite and likes to troll. i mean who doesnt like Rain, hes fucking awesome.

Not everyone likes Rain.

But I do hope he's in.
02/13/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
I used to like Rain, but I hated him in MKA, MK9 was a step in the right direction(for me) though.
02/13/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
if Rain is out for yet another game and he keeps just teasing, it's just plain cruel and like making fun of us, his fans. not funny at all. I try to keep my hope alive for him to be in, he deserves it
02/13/2015 07:05 AM (UTC)
I'm starting to believe Ed isn't trying to tease or troll anyone on twitter. He just loves MK puns.
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