07/29/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Also, have Rain unmasked for a variation if he's in. If they can have an unmasked version of Scorpion (forget which game..MK4?), Sub-Zero (MK3/MKDA), Reptile (MK4 pretty much and MKDA). I can't see why, they can't do it with Rain.

His design was cool in MK9, but, only if he was unmasked, it would of been cooler.

I'd love an unmasked variation. I think he should be unmasked period

07/29/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
I think it's a good sign for us Rain fans, either way.

Think about it. SOMETHING is prompting these tweets.

Is it the next reveal? Eh, probably not. It's generally not like Boon to be so forward about a new piece of information that they're set to reveal (his hints are more obscure regarding that).

My guess? A sizable number of Rain fans asking about him have gotten Boon's attention. Could he be screwing with us and teasing us? Absolutely. But the demand is there, and it seems to have caught Boon's eye.

The roster that comes with the game has already been (likely) decided. Rain may very well be part of that roster. Or he may not. But if he isn't, and DLC characters are still being planned, Rain is clearly being asked for, and Boon sees that.

And video games are a business, mind you. Sell what the people ask for, and they will buy.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yeah I feel like you're jumping to conclusions. He could tweet anything, he could be trolling you'd never know. And just because he referenced it more than once doesn't mean anything either.

All that needed to be said has been said, folks.
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07/29/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Forget Rain. Who is that girl acting as Skarlett?

But in all seriousness, Rain would be pretty cool to have gameplay wise. I'm all for it.
07/29/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
Rain down on us! tongue
07/29/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
Let's just give Rain credit. He actually would fit in this game and I hope for him. He's a demi-god. Bastard son of Argus. We can expect that this game will revolve around gods somewhat. Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok, and most likely Kotal are all gods. Plus, what is Shinnoks plan? To invade the heavens and take down the elder gods.

So, it can actually be concluded that Rain would fit.
07/29/2014 04:24 AM (UTC)
I hope Rain is in. ^^
Would be nice to see him make it for the main roster for once, and not just put in as a secondary addition which he more or less have been in all his other appearances.
07/29/2014 04:35 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Let's just give Rain credit. He actually would fit in this game and I hope for him. He's a demi-god. Bastard son of Argus. We can expect that this game will revolve around gods somewhat. Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok, and most likely Kotal are all gods. Plus, what is Shinnoks plan? To invade the heavens and take down the elder gods.

So, it can actually be concluded that Rain would fit.

You got it man =)
The reason why I want Rain in this game is much further than because I like him, is because he definitely FITS this game!
07/29/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
He fits this story a million times more than the other ninjas. The irony is he'll probably be sidelined again, in favor of those guys being shoehorned in yet again.

In regards to story relevance, how can people say he doesn't have any?? Or at least potential! He's super interesting, imo.

Not like Ermac. "We are many, you are but one. Derp! Bow to my ruler! DERP!!" I mean, seriously. What has this guy ever done to get everyone's panties so wet???


07/29/2014 04:56 AM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
What has this guy ever done to get everyone's panties so wet???

The same exact thing could be asked about Rain.
I can't really see a character with so little development suddenly having such a huge role as the ruler of Outworld.

Honestly, if Midway/NRS seriously gave a hoot about him, then why has he appeared in only a whopping three games since his UMK3 appearance? Two of them compilation titles and the third as DLC. Quan Chi supplanted him on the main MK9 roster, for Pete's sake.
And I'm sure I'll get flamed in an instant, but so be it.
07/29/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
phishstix17 Wrote:
What has this guy ever done to get everyone's panties so wet???

The same exact thing could be asked about Rain.

Well, first of all, Rain controls water...

Get it? Because then he can make panties wet...
07/29/2014 05:09 AM (UTC)
You're not gonna get flamed, Swing Batta. Different strokes. Besides, I'm clearly joking around.

My point being that EVERY character in this game is one dimensional and archetypal. People are trying to use that as an excuse to continue leaving Rain out, or saying other characters have more depth. Neither is true.

We've been fed the same story and character motivations for a long time. I say let the Prince flag fly, baby! At least we haven't been continually hit over the head with THAT story yet wink
07/29/2014 05:16 AM (UTC)
Haha! Nice, Jaded!
07/29/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
Haha! Nice, Jaded!

07/29/2014 07:01 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
phishstix17 Wrote:
What has this guy ever done to get everyone's panties so wet???

The same exact thing could be asked about Rain.

I can't really see a character with so little development suddenly having such a huge role as the ruler of Outworld.

Honestly, if Midway/NRS seriously gave a hoot about him, then why has he appeared in only a whopping three games since his UMK3 appearance? Two of them compilation titles and the third as DLC. Quan Chi supplanted him on the main MK9 roster, for Pete's sake.
And I'm sure I'll get flamed in an instant, but so be it.

Well you cant really say a character with so little development cant have a big role in the next game. Shao Kahn, Sindel, Shinnok, Onaga, etc, all had little to no development when they took center stage in the games they appeared in. The same could happen with Rain because he hasn't been fleshed out much yet. What I think phixstix was saying is that Ermac kinda had the chance to do sth important in MKD and MK9 while Rain hasn't, which is exactly why he could play a big role in the game.

About him appearing in very few games, what we were discussing is that his popularity rose after MK9. That's why we are hoping Boon might take notice. Because his tweeter was flooded with requests about him for MK9 and MKX after they decided not to include him in the previous game. Lets be real we know before that, very few people gave a shit about him. What we hope is that after MK9, Boon notices that that is not the case any more.

Not reason to get flamed, we just have different opinions on the subject.
07/29/2014 11:32 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Honestly, if Midway/NRS seriously gave a hoot about him, then why has he appeared in only a whopping three games since his UMK3 appearance? Two of them compilation titles and the third as DLC. Quan Chi supplanted him on the main MK9 roster, for Pete's sake.

This, in a nutshell.

NRS has shown almost zero interest in developing Rain, and just because he sold well as DLC and has a vocal fanbase, that doesn't mean NRS is going to suddenly take him serious. If anything, it means he'll likely be DLC again. If not in this game, then the next.

Yes, he has potential...but, so do a lot of characters. And yes, he could fit in this game...but, again, so could a lot of characters. When it comes down to roster spots, I don't think NRS is going to waste a Trilogy/classic slot on Rain. They're going to be filled with the likes of Scorpion, Subby, Ermac, a cyborg, ect. And if the rumors of 8 Trilogy returnees is true, you can bet Rain won't be one of those returnees (possible, yes, but highly unlikely). He just isn't developed, isn't as popular, and is played by like ONE tourney-level player.

Now, as DLC, I can definitely see a strong possibility of Rain returning. Beyond that, though, well, I wouldn't hold my breath, unfortunately...

projectzero00 Wrote:
Not reason to get flamed, we just have different opinions on the subject.

True story. Good for everyone to remember. smile

If Rain makes it in, awesome. If he doesn't, *shrug*.
07/29/2014 01:00 PM (UTC)
The returning cast should be Raiden and all 8 of the ninja's mwuahaha wowfurioustongueglassessadgrinfurioustonguesleepglasses
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07/29/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind Rain returning and having a brand new story. One that would impact more on other characters.
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07/29/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
I'm all for the guy coming back. Living proof you can take an awful uninspired character and improve on the concept until he's solid.
07/29/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm all for the guy coming back. Living proof you can take an awful uninspired character and improve on the concept until he's solid.

Exactly. They did it with Smoke!
07/29/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm all for the guy coming back. Living proof you can take an awful uninspired character and improve on the concept until he's solid.

I don't think he's ever been that awful. His gameplay and story in UMK3 were rather solid. Looking away from the Purple Rain joke and that he was a palette swap, Rain was solid from the start in other respects.

All his moves were unique! A water orb which allowed you to temporarily move your opponent a bit, a lightning strike that tossed you opponent up in the air and a roundhouse kick that caused your opponent to fly out of the screen and come out the other end of the screen... None of the other characters had something like those.

He was the first Edenian male as well, given the chance to come back to the Edenian forces and fight by Kitana's side, but ultimately chose to stay with Shao Kahn. That was pretty unique amongst the MK characters as well.

However, as I've said many times before - people choose ONLY to focus on the Purple Rain joke and completely dismisses the rest. There's a word for that; ignorance.

If you don't like his moves, story and looks, then sure, it is completely understandable why you wouldn't want him to return... but if the Purple Rain joke is your standing point and you choose to ignore the rest of him, then I'd say that's pretty ignorant, not to mention shallow.
07/29/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm all for the guy coming back. Living proof you can take an awful uninspired character and improve on the concept until he's solid.

I don't think he's ever been that awful. His gameplay and story in UMK3 was rather solid. Looking away from the Purple Rain joke and that he was a palette swap, Rain was solid from the start in other respects.

All his moves were unique! A water orb which allowed you to temporarily move your opponent a bit, a lightning strike that tossed you opponent up in the air and a roundhouse kick that caused your opponent to fly out of the screen and come out the other end of the screen... None of the other characters had something like those.

He was the first Edenian male as well, given the chance to come back to the Edenian forces and fight by Kitana's side, but ultimately chose to stay with Shao Kahn. That was pretty unique amongst the MK characters as well.

However, as I've said many times before - people choose ONLY to focus on the Purple Rain joke and completely dismisses the rest. There's a word for that; ignorance.

If you don't like his moves, story and looks, then sure, it is completely understandable why you wouldn't want him to return... but if the Purple Rain joke is your standing point and you choose to ignore the rest of him, then I'd say tha's pretty ignorant.

Ignorance means to be unaware of something, or otherwise oblivious to it. Or to not know something.

I think just about everyone is aware of Rain's moves and, tbh, quaint story. So, we're not dismissing him because we forgot he could fire a water orb or that he is an Edenian male. We're not dismissing him at all, really. What we are saying is that when you look at the facts, like him being the only MKT character to miss the MK9 roster and his absence from every post MKT game besides MKA, it doesn't really bode well for him. Add in his relative lack of exposure and popularity (among the casual MK fans, not the hardcore fanbase he has here), and I really have doubts about him returning in any meaningful way to the story, besides DLC or cameos.

Not hating on Rain simply because of Purple Rain, although that doesn't help his case, especially when NRS continually brings it up. He just doesn't get much attention from NRS beyond that, and that's why I don't think he's going to be MKX. Could be wrong, obviously, but I think Rain has only a slightly better chance than Khameleon of coming back.

Would love to be proven wrong and see Rain made into something awesome, both design and storywise. smile

Hell, judging by the twitter posts by Boon, Rain fans might be in luck! Maybe NRS is actually going to do something with him. Who knows?
07/29/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Ignorance means to be unaware of something, or otherwise oblivious to it. Or to not know something.

I've always thought that choosing to ignore something would also mean to be ignorant. Well, at least those people are still quite shallow then.
07/29/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, at least those people are still quite shallow then.

Very true, and not to mention intellectually dishonest. smile
07/29/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
Heh, it can be pretty rough to be a fan of a lesser popular character. Because many people don't like the character, they also seem to dislike those who do like him, especially when we talk positive about him. Indeed, not everyone does this, but as seen on this forum time and time again, people who disagree with eachother can throw some pretty nasty shit at one another. :/

I have a few times heard that some of the people on here say that they don't like fans of certain characters. I think it's because that because we are a minority, we have to be vocal to be heard. And because the character we love is hated on by so many, it is easy to get very defensive.

It also means that there is a less chance for that character to return to the franchise in future games, because usually, the majority are the ones the game devs are listening to. That we got Rain as DLC was actually rather unexpected, to be honest. I'm glad it happened, though I still think he should have been in the main roster - but it just means that NRS are willing to feed the minority a cookie. ^^

My favourite characters usually lie in the "lesser popular" category - and just to be clear, they aren't my favourites BECAUSE they are lesser popular, they just happen to be so. Personally, I don't care at all that people don't like the things I like, however, as said above, it can be tough.
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