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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/30/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
LOL If Rain was the next official reveal I'd laugh my ass off and prepare for all the haters going "OMGZZZZ! THAT PURPLE PEICE OF SHIT MADE IT IN BEFORE ________! HOW FUCKING DARE HE!"

And I'd just be like

About Me
07/31/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
I wonder if MKX really will be the first non-compilation game Rain appears in.
07/31/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
I wonder if MKX really will be the first non-compilation game Rain appears in.

God, I hope so. I have to say this is rather interesting that he has posted so many tweets in Rain's direction over the past month or so.

So many people wanting Reptile's useless ass when he does nothing substantial whatsoever. Time to RAIN on their fucking parade.lol

Seriously though, I like Reptile. However, this is a chance to add a Zaterran that does something useful. Reptile has proved time and again that he's not going to do anything besides get his ass kicked. Same for Baraka. Leave his ass out too.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/31/2014 02:28 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
I wonder if MKX really will be the first non-compilation game Rain appears in.

God, I hope so. I have to say this is rather interesting that he has posted so many tweets in Rain's direction over the past month or so.

So many people wanting Reptile's useless ass when he does nothing substantial whatsoever. Time to RAIN on their fucking parade.lol

Seriously though, I like Reptile. However, this is a chance to add a Zaterran that does something useful. Reptile has proved time and again that he's not going to do anything besides get his ass kicked. Same for Baraka. Leave his ass out too.

I'd be butthurt for a bit if Reptile doesn't make the cut, but I won't be heartbroken. It'd just make his MK11 appearance all the more special. As much as I hate to admit it, Reptile is the punching bag. But hey, SOMEBODY has to do it, right? tongue
Hoping he finally receives a pay raise in MKX though, or I could get down with a new Zaterran. And if that's the case, I'm not okay with completely losing the concept of "Reptile". Need him in muh life.

Also, I can't see Boon tweeting Rain this much for the hell of it. Not when Rain is such a volatile subject among the fans.
07/31/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
I wonder if MKX really will be the first non-compilation game Rain appears in.

God, I hope so. I have to say this is rather interesting that he has posted so many tweets in Rain's direction over the past month or so.

So many people wanting Reptile's useless ass when he does nothing substantial whatsoever. Time to RAIN on their fucking parade.lol

Seriously though, I like Reptile. However, this is a chance to add a Zaterran that does something useful. Reptile has proved time and again that he's not going to do anything besides get his ass kicked. Same for Baraka. Leave his ass out too.

I'd be butthurt for a bit if Reptile doesn't make the cut, but I won't be heartbroken. It'd just make his MK11 appearance all the more special. As much as I hate to admit it, Reptile is the punching bag. But hey, SOMEBODY has to do it, right? tongue
Hoping he finally receives a pay raise in MKX though, or I could get down with a new Zaterran. And if that's the case, I'm still not okay with completely losing the concept of "Reptile". Need him in muh life.

Also, I can't see Boon tweeting Rain this much for the hell of it. Not when Rain is such a volatile subject among the fans.

Haha sorry to diss your character man. Reptile really is fun to play, but so is Rain. Rain could also be much more important to this storyline being a demi-god and all. Meanwhile, I'm afraid Reptile would just get his ass kicked again. Plus, Reptile has been in like every game. Not every, but most games. While Rain has made a measily 3 appearances and one was as a DLC spot. It's time for Boon to give him some fucking love. He's like the redheaded stepchild of the ninjas.

I will like Reptile again if he can go back to changing into his Reptilian form at will. This whole de-evolution thing just does not make fucking sense to me. However, him being able to blend with humans makes him ten times more dangerous and way cooler than being the lame ass he is now. He's just lizard man. It makes me even more pissed off when I seen that concept art where he was fully human looking in MK9. Only to get what we got. Ugh. See, I actually do like Reptile. I just don't like the abomination of a punching bag he's become. If they can't do anything better with him then put a new Zaterran in.
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Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/31/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Curious about the posts making references to DLC sales. How do we know which ones sold better? Just curious.

I also want Rain in. MKA and MK9 were awesome for him, but he needs more. Will it happen? Who knows....

I dont know where or what the numbers are but its been reported that freddy did best, then rain, kenshi, and skarlet in that order.
07/31/2014 12:54 PM (UTC)
I am starting to allow myself to believe that rain is a possibility for MKX.. which makes me real nervous. There is only a handful of returning spots left. And I could envision any of the ninja's returning. But how many is possible? Idk what to think anymore
07/31/2014 12:59 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
There is only a handful of returning spots left.

Says who?
07/31/2014 01:21 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
There is only a handful of returning spots left.

Says who?

Well assuming boon is correct in saying the most new characters ever in an MK game. That starts us at 11. There were 10 new chars in mkda (not including Moloch). Lets round that up to an even 12 new characters for MKX. (Thats generous for returning characters because 14 new is the most popular number flying around here) 28 to 30 spots on roster leaves 18 returning characters. That is a max. It is probably less than that. Out of those 18* returning 7 of which could possibly be ninja's; that is 40% of returning roster. OK smoke and noob might be least likely to return? 5 ninjas is still 30% of returning roster. Which still would really piss anti-ninja fans off. (and they are really, really loud)

Idk makes me nervous for Rain, but I still have hope.. This of course is all based on the fact that I consider Ermac and Reptile Shoe-ins. But alas I could be wrong on all accounts.
07/31/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
There is only a handful of returning spots left.

Says who?

It's all speculation at this point.
About Me

Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/31/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
Im still not convinced that there will be more than 24 chars in total at launch. For one thing each character can be considered like three. Also Eds choice of words arent always best so you cant always take what he says as cold hard facts.... Plus he can always change his mind, or have a goal set that changes. For example he could of originally planned on 30 chars but then with the whole variations thing now he possibly could of settled on 24 or different number. Basically i dont think its good to get your hopes up for bigger roster than there might be. I mean Ed doesnt even know the whole mk mythos as good as hardcore mk fans..... Like when talking about what subby is in mkx abd him saying lin kuei is filled with subbys is bull shit. Only been 2 subs ever in mk and they brothers, and those brothers are the only ones that would use that name and have ice powers besides frost. No one is in lin kuei is a cryomancer..... Point is you cant take to heart every thing that comes out on Boons mouth... He isnt god.
07/31/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Im still not convinced that there will be more than 24 chars in total at launch. For one thing each character can be considered like three. Also Eds choice of words arent always best so you cant always take what he says as cold hard facts.... Plus he can always change his mind, or have a goal set that changes. For example he could of originally planned on 30 chars but then with the whole variations thing now he possibly could of settled on 24 or different number. Basically i dont think its good to get your hopes up for bigger roster than there might be. I mean Ed doesnt even know the whole mk mythos as good as hardcore mk fans..... Like when talking about what subby is in mkx abd him saying lin kuei is filled with subbys is bull shit. Only been 2 subs ever in mk and they brothers, and those brothers are the only ones that would use that name and have ice powers besides frost. No one is in lin kuei is a cryomancer..... Point is you cant take to heart every thing that comes out on Boons mouth... He isnt god.

As creative director.. he actually is god when it comes to the direction of MKX.

And my ultimate point was on the number of ninja's that would be in the game. I picked the least possible new characters and the most roster spots (within reason) So sure.. there could only be 24 roster spots which would mean 4 ninja's would be 33% of the roster which is alarming to me as they are my favorite characters.

I hate grouping the ninja's together because by now they are all their own identity and are vastly different from one an another. But it seems that people just can't get over the fact that they were once palette swaps of each other. If all the old palette swap ninja's made it into the game certain fans would refuse to see them as individual characters and complain that they are crowding the roster. Which doesn't make any sense when you really think about it. It would only make sense if they were all still scorpion palette swaps.
About Me

Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/31/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
What i ment by saying Ed isnt god is that not everything he says is correct or turns out exactly in the final game. Anyways im not really trying to bash Ed so.....

About thr ninjas.... I believe it was at e3 in an interview he said there will be couple more ninjas returning besides scorp and sub.
07/31/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon is a good guy. He's always being so pleasant whenever we see anything from him, so I would never tear him down because of anything. I might disagree with some decisions made in some of the games, however, I know that being the lead director of a game means you have to make some tough decisions. You simply cannot please everyone! That's just the way it is.

If Rain isn't going to be in... hell, if Reiko and Tanya aren't in MKX either... then yes, I will be disappointed. But I am never going to hate Boon because of it, because I am aware that whatever decision he might make, it is NOT personal. It is NOT an attack on me or other fans of these characters. And it is definately NOT just to piss off some people.

Thinking otherwise is just extremely selfish and ignorant.

Yes I want Rain to be in the game, and yes, I will be disappointed if he doesn't make it, but I am not going to raise hell about it. I will express my disappointment and explain why I don't agree with the decision that's been made, and I will make sure Boon knows that there are people who wanted Rain to be in the game... but I won't think lesser of Boon because of it.
07/31/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Ed Boon is a good guy. He's always being so pleasant whenever we see anything from him, so I would never tear him down because of anything. I might disagree with some decisions made in some of the games, however, I know that being the lead director of a game means you have to make some tough decisions. You simply cannot please everyone! That's just the way it is.

If Rain isn't going to be in... hell, if Reiko and Tanya aren't in MKX either... then yes, I will be disappointed. But I am never going to hate Boon because of it, because I am aware that whatever decision he might make, it is NOT personal. It is NOT an attack on me or other fans of these characters. And it is definately NOT just to piss off some people.

Thinking otherwise is just extremely selfish and ignorant.

Yes I want Rain to be in the game, and yes, I will be disappointed if he doesn't make it, but I am not going to raise hell about it. I will express my disappointment and explain why I don't agree with the decision that's been made, and I will make sure Boon knows that there are people who wanted Rain to be in the game... but I won't think lesser of Boon because of it.

I wouldn't hate Boon for not putting rain in the game if it wasn't for his cruel jokes that make Rain fans hyped over probably nothing.
07/31/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Ed Boon is a good guy. He's always being so pleasant whenever we see anything from him, so I would never tear him down because of anything. I might disagree with some decisions made in some of the games, however, I know that being the lead director of a game means you have to make some tough decisions. You simply cannot please everyone! That's just the way it is.

If Rain isn't going to be in... hell, if Reiko and Tanya aren't in MKX either... then yes, I will be disappointed. But I am never going to hate Boon because of it, because I am aware that whatever decision he might make, it is NOT personal. It is NOT an attack on me or other fans of these characters. And it is definately NOT just to piss off some people.

Thinking otherwise is just extremely selfish and ignorant.

Yes I want Rain to be in the game, and yes, I will be disappointed if he doesn't make it, but I am not going to raise hell about it. I will express my disappointment and explain why I don't agree with the decision that's been made, and I will make sure Boon knows that there are people who wanted Rain to be in the game... but I won't think lesser of Boon because of it.

I wouldn't hate Boon for not putting rain in the game if it wasn't for his cruel jokes that make Rain fans hyped over probably nothing.

Here's a nickel. Buy yourself a sense of humour.
07/31/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
That isn't humor, that is cruelty, giving hope to a big group of people only to let them down in the end.

07/31/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
That isn't humor, that is cruelty, giving hope to a big group of people only to let them down in the end.

Making jokes about a character does not equal the character being confirmed. The sooner you get that, the better.
07/31/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
That isn't humor, that is cruelty, giving hope to a big group of people only to let them down in the end.

Making jokes about a character does not equal the character being confirmed. The sooner you get that, the better.

Then I dislike Boon for disliking Rain because he can't look past his own joke.
07/31/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
That isn't humor, that is cruelty, giving hope to a big group of people only to let them down in the end.

Making jokes about a character does not equal the character being confirmed. The sooner you get that, the better.

Then I dislike Boon for disliking Rain because he can't look past his own joke.

See, you are taking it personal that Rain is considered a secondary character by Boon and the rest of NRS.
07/31/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)
Yes, we must hate Boon forever if one character doesn't make the cut. Boon is the only person working at Netherrealm Studios, not a bunch load of other people. Boon is to only be blamed, not anyone who's on the team that is responsible for creating the roster.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
LOL If Rain was the next official reveal I'd laugh my ass off and prepare for all the haters going "OMGZZZZ! THAT PURPLE PEICE OF SHIT MADE IT IN BEFORE ________! HOW FUCKING DARE HE!"

And I'd just be like

And sir I will ask you to eat with your mouth closed! Rude! tongue
07/31/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
And sir I will ask you to eat with your mouth closed! Rude! tongue

Considering his current condition, I don't think Mr. Jackson is able to hear you.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/31/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
And sir I will ask you to eat with your mouth closed! Rude! tongue

Considering his current condition, I don't think Mr. Jackson is able to hear you.

*Taps you on the head* Naughty Jaded, very naughty!

And yes, I wouldn't be angry if Rain didn't make It because I'm not expecting him too. I know I get a little "enthusiastic" in Rain debates and discussions, but I like to think I'm a pretty rational guy. I'm still glad he made it in MK9, DLC regardless, so if he misses the cut this go around- oh well. As far as Boon goes, he's still my baby daddy.

My main person I want in is Tanya. Rain would simply be the delicious turtle cheesecake desert to a Lobster feast...

Great...Now I'm hungry.furious
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/31/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)

Quite alright, I'm not that sensitive. smile Plus I've come to expect it, especially after his MK9 portayal. Gameplay was fantastic though. Oh and you'll get no argument from me about Rain's gameplay.
07/31/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
I wonder if MKX really will be the first non-compilation game Rain appears in.

God, I hope so. I have to say this is rather interesting that he has posted so many tweets in Rain's direction over the past month or so.

So many people wanting Reptile's useless ass when he does nothing substantial whatsoever. Time to RAIN on their fucking parade.lol

Seriously though, I like Reptile. However, this is a chance to add a Zaterran that does something useful. Reptile has proved time and again that he's not going to do anything besides get his ass kicked. Same for Baraka. Leave his ass out too.

I'd be butthurt for a bit if Reptile doesn't make the cut, but I won't be heartbroken. It'd just make his MK11 appearance all the more special. As much as I hate to admit it, Reptile is the punching bag. But hey, SOMEBODY has to do it, right? tongue
Hoping he finally receives a pay raise in MKX though, or I could get down with a new Zaterran. And if that's the case, I'm still not okay with completely losing the concept of "Reptile". Need him in muh life.

Also, I can't see Boon tweeting Rain this much for the hell of it. Not when Rain is such a volatile subject among the fans.

Haha sorry to diss your character man. Reptile really is fun to play, but so is Rain. Rain could also be much more important to this storyline being a demi-god and all. Meanwhile, I'm afraid Reptile would just get his ass kicked again. Plus, Reptile has been in like every game. Not every, but most games. While Rain has made a measily 3 appearances and one was as a DLC spot. It's time for Boon to give him some fucking love. He's like the redheaded stepchild of the ninjas.

I will like Reptile again if he can go back to changing into his Reptilian form at will. This whole de-evolution thing just does not make fucking sense to me. However, him being able to blend with humans makes him ten times more dangerous and way cooler than being the lame ass he is now. He's just lizard man. It makes me even more pissed off when I seen that concept art where he was fully human looking in MK9. Only to get what we got. Ugh. See, I actually do like Reptile. I just don't like the abomination of a punching bag he's become. If they can't do anything better with him then put a new Zaterran in.

I dont know how i missed this post.. Scar-subby, you hit the nail on the head. Reptile would be SOOO much more badass if he could willingly change between human and reptile. Like a chameleon property to evade enemies.

..And yeah.. look at my sig.. really depressed we didnt see that human costume. It is perfect.
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