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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
If Rain makes it. I hope he has different fighting style, fatalities, and move set this time.

Don't most characters get that with each new game?
06/26/2014 05:04 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Started making friends here with your new profile already hanky? I give you a month until you're banned againwink
06/26/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Started making friends here with your new profile already hanky? I give you a month until you're banned againwink

It's fun to see you confuse me with another creature. Tells me enough about your online-human knowledge. And take a deep look into the online-mirror, you are no better than me. You have the same harshness in your soul, you are just to blind to see it.
06/26/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Started making friends here with your new profile already hanky? I give you a month until you're banned againwink

It's fun to see you confuse me with another creature. Tells me enough about your online-human knowledge.

Glad you're having fun. Make the most of it while it lasts :*
PS.I don't make exceptions on who I argue with. Ask Jaded lol

EDIT: Just saw the last part lmao. Okay Dalai lama thx for the tip
06/26/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Started making friends here with your new profile already hanky? I give you a month until you're banned againwink

It's fun to see you confuse me with another creature. Tells me enough about your online-human knowledge.

Glad you're having fun. Make the most of it while it lasts :*
PS.I don't make exceptions on who I argue with. Ask Jaded lol

I have like 10 computers spread over different houses, and 50 personality disorders to pick from. I'll be fine babe. But thank you. Anyway stop hating on newbies and talk about Rain, future lord of Edenia and ninja with style.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
I just really wish people would stop using the fact that he originated as a joke character as a reason for him to never be included. It's really annoying and tiresome. Especially when those same exact people enjoy characters who also have joke origins, but oh yeah, those characters are fine, right? *snorts*

projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I will buy two hundred copies of this game if my prince is in.


Yes! LOL But seriously, I don't know about Boon. Funny he mentions revealing the next character and next thing you know he brings up several allusions to Rain. I wanted Tanya to be revealed next but Rain is the next best thing...if he's in.grin
06/26/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Could have sworn this thread was about Rain.

I could honestly see Rain returning at some point. Even though the main villain is a returning character that nobody will expect; I'm just not sure if it would be Rain.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
And the newbie hater strikes again....

Could have sworn this thread was about Rain.

I could honestly see Rain returning at some point. Even though the main villain is a returning character that nobody will expect; I'm just not sure if it would be Rain.

Fantastic set Darkhound!

Also, I agree, it's not Rain. I doubt he'd be the big baddie. I have a feeling the shocking boss will be someone quite predictable actually. I could see NRS making Raiden or even a firegod Liu the big boss. It wouldn't be surprising, or clever, but for casual fans who don't give a crap about story I could see why it might be shocking to them.
06/26/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:

You ever heard of:"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? I guess not.

Better start following your own advice. You are the last person here that should be talking about manners...

Oh come on, when was I ever mean to someone (other than hankypanky that one time). I was nice even to you when you kept bashing and insulting me for no good reason. "Your always looking for fights with users" you say, thats nonsense. What the f*ck is wrong with you? Why do you hate me that much? What have I ever done to you?

You know what, I don't want to know. You will just hate on me some more and start another pointless argument. And i don't need sh*t like that.
06/26/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I will buy two hundred copies of this game if my prince is in.


Yes! LOL But seriously, I don't know about Boon. Funny he mentions revealing the next character and next thing you know he brings up several allusions to Rain. I wanted Tanya to be revealed next but Rain is the next best thing...if he's in.grin

If he is playing with us again and Rain doesn't even make the cut...
Oh man I really am getting emotional just thinking about itsad
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:29 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:

You ever heard of:"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? I guess not.

Better start following your own advice. You are the last person here that should be talking about manners...

Oh come on, when was I ever mean to someone (other than hankypanky that one time). I was nice even to you when you kept bashing and insulting me for no good reason. "Your always looking for fights with users" you say, thats nonsense. What the f*ck is wrong with you? Why do you hate me that much? What have I ever done to you?

Why does it feel like I walked in on a taping of an episode of As The World Turns?

projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I will buy two hundred copies of this game if my prince is in.


Yes! LOL But seriously, I don't know about Boon. Funny he mentions revealing the next character and next thing you know he brings up several allusions to Rain. I wanted Tanya to be revealed next but Rain is the next best thing...if he's in.grin

If he is playing with us again and Rain doesn't even make the cut...
Oh man I really am getting emotional just thinking about itsad

That'd be fucking amazing, actually.
06/26/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:

Oh come on, when was I ever mean to someone (other than hankypanky that one time). I was nice even to you. Why do you hate me that much?

That one time that you called me a jerk. Oh and that other time that you called me ignorant. Oh and the other day I made a really interesting and insightful post and you shut me down by saying "whoah nigga do you expect me to read all this shit". Ok it was a bit long...But you really hurt my fellings you know :'(

PS.I don't hate. I just strongly dislike

Back on topic. I reaaaally don't want Rain to be the big boss. And I love him as a character. Is that weird?
06/26/2014 05:43 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Blah, Rain... I really don't like this character because of his stories. You go from a guy who is from Argus and an unknown mother, talked about how he's a Demi-god, to a story that's nowhere near any of this royalty stuff.

His 2011 bio doesn't even mention anywhere about being a prince or being related to Argus. It talks about being an orphan that was raised by the Edenian Resistance and stayed with them until he was denied leadership. That's when he turned against them and joined Kahn.

His MK9 ending states "His heroics were befitting of a son of Argus" and "direct descendant of an Edenian god". I would say there is cohesion to his story. He is clearly a son of Argus, and a demi-god, and royalty according to both MKA and MK9....

If you weren't too busy picking fights with users, you would have clearly seen that I had mentioned his 2011 ending in a second post that has me actually having a little bit more respect for this character.
06/26/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
I love how fans of this series look down on Rain as a joke character yet nobody ever views Noob Saibot or Ermac that way despite similar jokey origins. He's one of my favourite characters and in MK9 he's an absolute beast to play as. I would love to see him return.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)

Not at all! I wouldn't want him to be a big boss either. I just think that would be too much too soon. He's just now starting to get his feet in the door- I'd like him to have a nice build up in the story department for at least a few more games because he reaches boss level. I do hope for his default that he has an unmasked look. He can have his ninja garb as an alternate, but I really would like to see his face. Hopefully NRS don't make him look like a monkey in the face. They suck at men faces. Hell, they suck at faces in general.

I still cry at what they did to Liu's face in MK9. I thought his face looked great in MKVSDC, very Robin Shou, nice and attractive.
06/26/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
Personally I don't mind whether or not Rain makes it in. I'm just excited we have more MK coming out! Plus I'm excited that there is a time skip.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/26/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Hmm, the "first impression" might be the wrong term I'm using then. It's that he was based on a joke that people can't seem to get over, and then they ignore everything else about him.

Rain is more than that joke. But people don't care.
See I was too young to appreciate "purple rain". To me he was just another rainbow brigade ninja. And the joke doesn't really work now anyway because Prince is known as the eccentric little weird guy with his ass out.

There's really no reason he should still be considered a joke character.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/26/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
"Once a joke character- ALWAYS a joke character! Unless it's a character *I* like..."

^^^ MK fans and their thinking mentalities crack me up.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/26/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
You guys can knock the "this poster is hankypanky lol xP" bullshit right now. He's not here. Drop it.
06/26/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
That one time that you called me a jerk.

I said you were acting like one, suggesting you to try to be more nice, not that you were one. I would almost never insult anyone.

projectzero00 Wrote:
Oh and that other time that you called me ignorant.

I don't remember that. confused

projectzero00 Wrote:
Oh and the other day I made a really interesting and insightful post and you shut me down by saying "whoah nigga do you expect me to read all this shit".

Lots of people around here (even in MKO) use the world "nigga" as a compliment, so I had no idea you would take it so offensively.

I appologise for all three of these, I never ment to hurt your feelings, just have some fun time with you. I even decided to stand by your side that one time you were having an argument war with hankypanky (And keep in mind that hanky was kind of a pal back then, and you were a stranger to me).

You also really hurt mine when you called me HankyPanky and felicia.
And even more when you said my English sucks. Cmon, it's not the best, but it's not that bad.sadsadsadsadsadsadsad

I appologise for everything, like I said I never ment to hurt your feelings. Lets leave that Sh*t in the past and hug. Come on.

06/26/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Blah, Rain... I really don't like this character because of his stories. You go from a guy who is from Argus and an unknown mother, talked about how he's a Demi-god, to a story that's nowhere near any of this royalty stuff.

His 2011 bio doesn't even mention anywhere about being a prince or being related to Argus. It talks about being an orphan that was raised by the Edenian Resistance and stayed with them until he was denied leadership. That's when he turned against them and joined Kahn.

His MK9 ending states "His heroics were befitting of a son of Argus" and "direct descendant of an Edenian god". I would say there is cohesion to his story. He is clearly a son of Argus, and a demi-god, and royalty according to both MKA and MK9....

If you weren't too busy picking fights with users, you would have clearly seen that I had mentioned his 2011 ending in a second post that has me actually having a little bit more respect for this character.

What's wrong? You're back to your bitch-self already? I remember the thread you made about how sorry you were for being an ass to a lot of users a week ago. Oh well it was good while it lasted.
"Picking fights"...Seriously you're the one to talk? -.-'
And pardon my correcting your highness but your first post showed that you were unaware of Rain's ending in MK9. Even though you obviously went to watch it afterwards and saw what you said was false. You know correcting people here is something I've seen you do a lot so I am kinda surprised at how defensive you instantly became when someone did that to you.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Not at all! I wouldn't want him to be a big boss either. I just think that would be too much too soon. He's just now starting to get his feet in the door- I'd like him to have a nice build up in the story department for at least a few more games because he reaches boss level. I do hope for his default that he has an unmasked look. He can have his ninja garb as an alternate, but I really would like to see his face. Hopefully NRS don't make him look like a monkey in the face. They suck at men faces. Hell, they suck at faces in general.

I still cry at what they did to Liu's face in MK9. I thought his face looked great in MKVSDC, very Robin Shou, nice and attractive.

Not sure I want to be able to see his face for the exact reason you just stated. They suck at making faces. I remember trying to get a peek of his face in his bio when you turn the damage on lol. I think the mask fits him. Maybe it's because I love the mystery in some characters and Mileena definitely lost that in MK9
06/26/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:

You also really hurt mine when you called me HankyPanky and felicia.

I admit it. That made me chuckle.
Ok let's be besties <3
06/26/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

PS.I don't make exceptions on who I argue with. Ask Jaded lol

Though this is true, I have no problem with you other than your behaviour sometimes on these forums. I just want us all to get along. :/
06/26/2014 07:22 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
What's wrong? You're back to your bitch-self already? I remember the thread you made about how sorry you were for being an ass to a lot of users a week ago. Oh well it was good while it lasted.
"Picking fights"...Seriously you're the one to talk? -.-'
And pardon my correecting your highness but your first post showed that you were unaware of Rain's ending in MK9. Even though you obviously went to watch his it afterwards and saw what you said was false. You know correcting people here is something I've seen you do a lot so I am kinda surprised at how defensive you instantly became when someone did that to you.

At least I have the balls to apologize to people when realizing I was a dick to people for no reason, unlike you. I've seen you countless of times arguing with random users for nothing, that's why I said that. I don't think I've seen you post nice things at all. But whatever, if that's how you communicate with people on here so be it.

Also, how can you correct someone when they've just stated something you obviously missed? That's why I said, "had you not been too busy picking fights." I never went back to re-read or re-watched something, I know how Rain's story is and how it ended in 2011. So whatever high horse you're riding, please get off of it.
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