06/19/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Man guys, I have to say this worries me that it's Bi-Han. Watch this video.

Whoever this Sub-Zero is call Scorpion "Shirai Ryu Scum". Definitely not Kuai Liang like.


Seems more like a Bi-Han thing to say. Him and Scorpy seem to argue more like angry school children, and that just seems like the kind of exchange of words they would have. Also we all know how hurtful Bi-Han can be.
06/19/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
Well, Scorpion IS Shirai Ryu scum, so it doesn't matter who says it, be it Bi-Han or Kuai Liang. Could still be either of them. Kuai Liang could have become severely pissed at Scorpion for some reason we still do not know.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/19/2014 02:25 AM (UTC)
I've thought about this: What if the Soulnado destroyed Noob Saibot, allowing Bi-Han to roam free as Sub-Zero again. However, Quan Chi decides to turn Kuai Liang into Noob Saibot, but Kuai's soul is far too pure to be corrupted by Noob! Thus, we get a Noob Saibot that's moralistically good, and Kuai Liang takes advantage of this to betray and ultimately doom Quan Chi. So we have a douchebag Sub-Zero and a heroic Noob Saibot!

And Sareena can be there too. And they both tell Scorpion what Quan Chi done did! And then Shinnok and Quan Chi go kaboom, and Kuai Liang and Sareena become King and Queen of the Underworld.

You may have to neglect my delusions.

I have a feeling the Kuai Liang won't be the Sub-Zero of MKX. But I don't think that means Kuai Liang won't be in MKX, and that could mean many things.
06/19/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)
I do admire your excitement grin
06/19/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
Ugh, this worries me. I honestly wanted this to be anybody, but Bi-Han.

God, well if it's him. Congrats NRS. Let's continue the Scorpion/Sub-Zero rivalry forever. That's a real way to change things up.

Plus apparently Bi-Han is going to take part of Kuai's storyline. Friggin grandmaster and Cryomancer. WTF?

Please let this be a new Sub-Zero if it's not Kuai. That line worries me heavily though. Kuai has never cared about the Shirai Ryu.

I wouldn't doubt if they bring Bi-Han back to benefit Scorps either because then Scorpion=Hero. Bi-Han =Villain. We all know by now how they want to paint Scorpion as well.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/19/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
You never know. Nothing in the rulebook states Kuai Liang won't come back midway through Story to be Grandmaster again...but it must be said that the possibility now seems pretty damn remote.

At the very least, they're both of Cryomancer lineage so that's kind of legitimate no matter which way you look at it, really.

I think the important thing to take away from this is that in some how, some way, Mythologies still happened. If it IS Bi-Han and these aren't just time travel shenanigans, he still has that choice in front of him that Raiden left him with at the end. His time as Noob could have altered his perceptions of his own life to the point where he walks the path Kuai Liang originally did. Problem is, that's not exactly original.

Or he could fail to see the light again. But having him as an 'evil grandmaster' in parallel with Kuai Liang's original journey...I wouldn't be interested in that and hope it won't be the case.

I do hope that they find somewhere to go with him that isn't quite so black or white if he has to parallel his younger brother's character evolution.
06/19/2014 03:36 AM (UTC)
See, I'm just not interested in him period. Like at all. Not as Sub-Zero anyway. I love him as Noob Saibot, but eh this kind of turns me off if it's him. I'm not going to lie.

I can deal with a new Sub-Zero. I DO NOT want Bi-Han though. Especially when I feel like one of the reasons they are doing it is to make a villain out of Sub-Zero.It's just more crap for Scorpion. They want him to be a hero, and in their eyes that means Sub-Zero = villain.

I'll wait til details come out, but if this is indeed Bi-Han I'll just wait til price is reduced. I can play one of my friend's versions for fun, but I'll stop caring for the story period.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/19/2014 03:43 AM (UTC)
We don't know yet. Have faith. Kuai has been a beloved character in the franchise for years, and I don't think he's going to completely get the shaft (if he gets the shaft at all).

I don't know or think the new Sub-Zero is Bi-Han (or Kuai for that matter), but I severely doubt we've seen the end of Kuai. I'm very sure we'll see him in MKX somehow, someway.

Maybe new Sub-Zero is Kuai and Sareena's kid! <3
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/19/2014 04:26 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
.It's just more crap for Scorpion. They want him to be a hero, and in their eyes that means Sub-Zero = villain.

You can look at it that way, I suppose. But consider the fact that Scorpion is infamous amongst the fanbase hereabouts as having absolutely zero depth and going on the same one-track revenge shtick for game after game after game. Deception was basically the one time he had something different going for him, and one game later he was angry again - at the Elder Gods. His character needs something, namely putting the entire cycle of vengeance behind him for starters.

One of the parts of MK9's Story mode that really had me nodding in appreciation was when Scorpion was that close to sparing Bi-Han. I thought to myself, "okay, they're going to give him a different direction, they're going to finally pull him out of his rut," but nope.

A glimmer of hope I hold out is that Sub-Zero's line in the trailer about him being tired of maintaining 'our innocence' - which apart from possibly showing that he's sticking up for his little bro, if not the Lin Kuei - means that this is, like MK4, going to be a game where Scorpion finds out what the real deal is about the murder of his loved ones and clan, and who knows how that will pan out. If it plays out like MK4 did, that could be over midway through Story mode and both characters could come away better for it, depending how it's handled. I hope we don't get 25 years of Scorpion hounding Bi-Han or anything. Ugh.

I know that all comes as absolutely zero (ha) comfort to Kuai Liang fans, but a thought crosses my mind. My latest lunatic theory is that if Kuai Liang is still in hell, and events play out as above, Scorpion could owe Bi-Han some manner of debt after or during the settling of their affairs. He might be in a key position to get Kuai Liang back to life somehow. Scorpion's all about the debts. I don't think it needs to be as simple as 'one's good, the other's evil'. Christ I hope it won't be.

I can absolutely not back any of this up. Just speculating.
06/19/2014 05:16 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Well, I have ignorant arguments, I hope its OK with you? grin

I don't like that you need to be ignorant with every one that's talking to you. However, you don't seem to care that much that not too many people here like you, so I guess I'll join the bandwagon then.

RedSumac Wrote:
Mary Sues are not neccessarily should adhere to all of the usual traits. In case of Sub-Zero he was becoming more and more powerful, but...even if it was explained it was never part of the main story. So in the end, Sub-Zero was getting more powerful, just because. There was no use of his powers in the story, it was not related to the core plot, his development and upgrades all were in vain. So, what we have in the end? A good natured character, with unchallenged views, an ideal hero, getting upgrades for no reason, other than becoming more powerful, without actual role in the core story arc...sounds a bit like wish-fulfillment.

You do realize that characters can have other things happen to them than just the core plot right? They're called "side stories." It's what helps develop characters even more. This is why Sub-Zero is one of the more successful and well-developed character. He has other things happen to him that explains more about him, even if it seems like he's getting more powerful and stronger. That can happen to characters in a game like this. They don't need to be thrown into the story just for the story's purpose, they can have other reasons to be included in Mortal Kombat rather than just killing the bad guy.

Again, he's not a Mary Sue. Nowhere near it. I don't see this character being goody-two-shoes where everything he does goes right for him. Like I said, if he was, he'd be the Champion of Mortal Kombat, he'd be the go to guy, he'd be someone Raiden would go to. But he's not.

RedSumac Wrote:
If Sub-Zero was actually used somehow in the stories of MKDA-MKD, other than existing somewhere, I would have another opinion, of course.

I'm confused here. Used where exactly? Because the last time I checked, he was pretty much in a lot of people's stories/endings, such as Frost's, Hotaru's, Kenshi's. He seemed pretty popular in those two games with other characters. How was he just "existing somewhere?"

RedSumac Wrote:
Even Scorpion, who usually receives a lot flac for his one-dimensional character, had more relation to the core story and his upgrade was actually part of it.

Pfff, yeah okay.

Viser Wrote:
Ice baby i have wanted to ask you this for a long time now, are you a Frost fan? i know its off topic, but i have always wondered.

Yes, I am. I even have a story as to how she can make sense to be in this game. I have a thing for characters who wields ice, I don't know why.
06/19/2014 05:42 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Ice baby i have wanted to ask you this for a long time now, are you a Frost fan? i know its off topic, but i have always wondered.

Yes, I am. I even have a story as to how she can make sense to be in this game. I have a thing for characters who wields ice, I don't know why.

Yeah me too, and honestly i know it might sound stupid, but pretty much as soon as i saw her she instantly became my favorite female character. I feel like she has so much potential, and could offer up a great story. Really want to see her return.

Would you like to share your idea as to how she would return? I always wanted to see more of her roots, who she is. Sub-Zero's sister? possible love interest? ( i know this ones far-fetched)
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/19/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
Scorpion's going to be the hero of MKX, and thus, Sub-Zero the villain? I'm sorry, do we recall our little poster boy's story in MK9?

Scorpion: I will kill Sub-Zero!
Raiden: If you don't kill Sub-Zero, I'll revive your family and get you a brand new car.
Scorpion: Hmm... Let me think about that...
Sub-Zero: You smell.
Scorpion: YOU BASTARD!

*one murder later*

Scorpion: Sub-Zero is dead. I killed him. *mic drop* *Bi-Han's skull drop*

*one several chapters later

Sub-Zero: I'm here to avenge my brother!
Scorpion: Heard you were talking shit!

*one ass beating, one Noob Saibot being sent to Oz, and one Sindel massacre later*

Raiden: Wow! Quan Chi's apartment is so tacky!
Scorpion: *sleeping on a futon* ....Wha? OH!

Honestly, you guys need to chill. We've known information about this game for less than a month.
06/19/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Would you like to share your idea as to how she would return? I always wanted to see more of her roots, who she is. Sub-Zero's sister? possible love interest? ( i know this ones far-fetched)

I've tried to make a couple of comic strips showing this, but for some reason I just can never stay in focus on something for long, I have a story where Frost is in the Lin Kuei rather than being recruited into the new Lin Kuei. She and a few other people are trying to escape from the Automation Program, and she successfully does (after a friend of hers sacrifices himself for her escape). She heads out and suddenly gets recruited by the good guys.

And I also had it where they come across Cyber Sub-Zero undead, they fight and somehow Raiden finds a way to resurrect him... it's a work in progress. But that's really what I have.
06/19/2014 02:39 PM (UTC)
Viser, Icebaby. I know you guys like Kuai. What's your opinion on that video I posted? It's at the bottom of page 9. It just is not something Kuai would say. In fact it just sounds like ugh Bi-Han.
06/19/2014 03:12 PM (UTC)
I don't mean to be a pessimist here guys, but you're best off not expecting anything great from the story in this game. It's built on an uneven foundation with the amount of fuck ups from the last game, I can't forsee how any miracle can salvage that.

It's a cruel truth, because I'd be one of the Sub-Zero fans who absolutely loved his story in the old timeline. To me, that's Sub-Zero. Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, a loyal ally of Raiden, a man desperate to pass on an honorable successor who'd lost so much (with his only family dead and reborn as a wraith, his best friend transformed into a soulless robot, and his most promising link to the Cryomancer race turning against him in a bid for power). In the old timeline, he was easily the most developed and interesting male character in the series.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but I've had to accept many of my favourite characters just aren't what they used to be, and with the changes in the new timeline, they've been rushed through 3 of the most influential events in the timeline (from the first tournament to Kahn's invasion of Earth) only to be left as underdeveloped botched retcons of characters...half of which are rotting away in the NetherRealm. Jade, Kitana, Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Mileena...the list goes on. With half of the technology and a million more restrictions, they managed to achieve more character depth and a better story back in the 90's within 3 games than they ever achieved back in 2011.

MK9 poured salt into the Earth. Don't expect anything to flourish from that mess. The fact we have a human Sub-Zero in the game either means three things: Bi Han reverts from Noob Saibot, Kuai Liang is restored from being a Cyborg in the Nether Realm, or else there's a new Sub-Zero entirely. All of which entirely undermine the events of the last game and anything either brothers ever stood for independently. It'll be another horrible retcon that will explain his human form being in the game this time. Learn to appreciate his gameplay and not focus on his story before they leave you disappointed again. sad
06/19/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Would you like to share your idea as to how she would return? I always wanted to see more of her roots, who she is. Sub-Zero's sister? possible love interest? ( i know this ones far-fetched)

I've tried to make a couple of comic strips showing this, but for some reason I just can never stay in focus on something for long, I have a story where Frost is in the Lin Kuei rather than being recruited into the new Lin Kuei. She and a few other people are trying to escape from the Automation Program, and she successfully does (after a friend of hers sacrifices himself for her escape). She heads out and suddenly gets recruited by the good guys.

And I also had it where they come across Cyber Sub-Zero undead, they fight and somehow Raiden finds a way to resurrect him... it's a work in progress. But that's really what I have.

It's interesting, if you make more i would love to hear it, like i said im a big fan of hers i want to see more.

@Scar Honestly man at this point i am very fed up, mostly because of this board and it's completely idiotic theories. Sub-zero is (insert any random MK character) it has become silly. This place has some great posters, and a lot of toxic people (and before projectzero loves to chum in, no not the people who are 'against" sub-zero) I'm thinking and looking at it like this. In mk9 before sektor and cyrax came and cock-blocked him Kuai was about to kill Scorpion in Kahn's Arena, maybe in this go around he is just completely sick of scorpions shit, and has had enough of him. I am just going to wait to see what we get, and i am still waiting and hoping to see that its Kuai.
06/19/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
I don't mean to be a pessimist here guys, but you're best off not expecting anything great from the story in this game. It's built on an uneven foundation with the amount of fuck ups from the last game, I can't forsee how any miracle can salvage that.

It's a cruel truth, because I'd be one of the Sub-Zero fans who absolutely loved his story in the old timeline. To me, that's Sub-Zero. Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, a loyal ally of Raiden, a man desperate to pass on an honorable successor who'd lost so much (with his only family dead and reborn as a wraith, his best friend transformed into a soulless robot, and his most promising link to the Cryomancer race turning against him in a bid for power). In the old timeline, he was easily the most developed and interesting male character in the series.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but I've had to accept many of my favourite characters just aren't what they used to be, and with the changes in the new timeline, they've been rushed through 3 of the most influential events in the timeline (from the first tournament to Kahn's invasion of Earth) only to be left as underdeveloped botched retcons of characters...half of which are rotting away in the NetherRealm. Jade, Kitana, Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Mileena...the list goes on. With half of the technology and a million more restrictions, they managed to achieve more character depth and a better story back in the 90's within 3 games than they ever achieved back in 2011.

MK9 poured salt into the Earth. Don't expect anything to flourish from that mess. The fact we have a human Sub-Zero in the game either means three things: Bi Han reverts from Noob Saibot, Kuai Liang is restored from being a Cyborg in the Nether Realm, or else there's a new Sub-Zero entirely. All of which entirely undermine the events of the last game and anything either brothers ever stood for independently. It'll be another horrible retcon that will explain his human form being in the game this time. Learn to appreciate his gameplay and not focus on his story before they leave you disappointed again. sad

Very well written post. Sub-Zero is Kuai Liang, what sea of Sub-Zero's was Ed referring to? We have only had 2, and Kuai has been the man with the title since 93. His original story was the best story of any mk character imo. We actually saw him grow, experience loss, losing friends, and his one link to his ancestry in Frost. Him becoming Grandmaster and reforming the LK was one of my favorite points. You are right i shouldn't hold out to much hope fora good Story, but a small part of me is still praying that we get one.

p.s sorry i don't know how to quote multiple people in one post, and i wish i new how to put up those picture signatures that everyone has. Can anyone let me know how please grin
06/19/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
The fact that there are 3 Subby-Scorp dialogues makes me think at least one of them will be story mode only.

The voice on the "maintain my innocence" and "shirai ryu scum" sounds a bit different, what if there is one flashback moment in the story mode recalling Scorpion's death during Mytholigies to give some perspective?

I'd be fine with that as long as it's just that flashback and the model belongs to Kuai Liang (both, alt and main costumes). There are 2 dialogues that really sound like 2 different persons, one bitterly agressive and another one that doesn't want unnecesary trouble.
06/19/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
The fact that there are 3 Subby-Scorp dialogues makes me think at least one of them will be story mode only.

The voice on the "maintain my innocence" and "shirai ryu scum" sounds a bit different, what if there is one flashback moment in the story mode recalling Scorpion's death during Mytholigies to give some perspective?

I'd be fine with that as long as it's just that flashback and the model belongs to Kuai Liang (both, alt and main costumes). There are 2 dialogues that really sound like 2 different persons, one bitterly agressive and another one that doesn't want unnecesary trouble.

That is a good point, just like in mk9.
06/19/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
The fact that there are 3 Subby-Scorp dialogues makes me think at least one of them will be story mode only.

The voice on the "maintain my innocence" and "shirai ryu scum" sounds a bit different, what if there is one flashback moment in the story mode recalling Scorpion's death during Mytholigies to give some perspective?

I'd be fine with that as long as it's just that flashback and the model belongs to Kuai Liang (both, alt and main costumes). There are 2 dialogues that really sound like 2 different persons, one bitterly agressive and another one that doesn't want unnecesary trouble.

What was the third dialogue? All I remember is "I tire of maintaining our innocence, and "Shirai Ryu scum".
06/19/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
The fact that there are 3 Subby-Scorp dialogues makes me think at least one of them will be story mode only.

The voice on the "maintain my innocence" and "shirai ryu scum" sounds a bit different, what if there is one flashback moment in the story mode recalling Scorpion's death during Mytholigies to give some perspective?

I'd be fine with that as long as it's just that flashback and the model belongs to Kuai Liang (both, alt and main costumes). There are 2 dialogues that really sound like 2 different persons, one bitterly agressive and another one that doesn't want unnecesary trouble.

What was the third dialogue? All I remember is "I tire of maintaining our innocence, and "Shirai Ryu scum".

Yeah I don't recall third dialogue, also it's shirai ryu dog, don't matter though tongue
But scar, why would you rather have a new sub rather than Bi-Han? I'd rather have him than someone totally new
06/19/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Because he's not guaranteed to be evil. I know you guys may not see it that way, but I'm telling you this is just more NRS painting Scorpion as the good guy. Everyone realizes they're rivals and with Kuai being the good guy he is/was they don't want Scorpion being seen as evil. He's their hero now.

That's why I'd rather it just be an all new Sub-Zero. Also, it will end the damn debate about which one is in the game. Kuai vs. Bi-Han would be a discussion that could end.
06/19/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
OK after seeing it... I'm sold that it is for sure not Kuai Lang!

Either it is Bi-Han or someone new... if it is Kuai Lang we have to have a plot twist reviving Bi-Han but as completely evil asshole
06/19/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
The fact that there are 3 Subby-Scorp dialogues makes me think at least one of them will be story mode only.

The voice on the "maintain my innocence" and "shirai ryu scum" sounds a bit different, what if there is one flashback moment in the story mode recalling Scorpion's death during Mytholigies to give some perspective?

I'd be fine with that as long as it's just that flashback and the model belongs to Kuai Liang (both, alt and main costumes). There are 2 dialogues that really sound like 2 different persons, one bitterly agressive and another one that doesn't want unnecesary trouble.

What was the third dialogue? All I remember is "I tire of maintaining our innocence, and "Shirai Ryu scum".

Yeah I don't recall third dialogue, also it's shirai ryu dog, don't matter though tongue
But scar, why would you rather have a new sub rather than Bi-Han? I'd rather have him than someone totally new

There is a third dialogue (second in order of aparition, the "dog-scum" one was the third).

- For the Lin Kuei!
- For the Shirai Ryu!
- To the death! (this part is difficult to hear)

It sounds like a more polite version of refering to the clan rivalry than the third one.
06/19/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
It's pretty clear that it is a new sub zero. Boon practically said it "there are a sea of sub zero's" in the lin kuei. I am looking forward to finding out more about the new sub zeros past and his allies. Will be refreshing to get a new spin on an old friend.
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