06/16/2014 11:02 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/16/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
Marty Sue.
06/16/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.
06/16/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
Siroj Wrote:
Okay, I have to ask this since it's been 'bugging' me for some time now. Does it matter, in the end, who the man behind the mask is? I'm sure that almost everyone became a fan of Sub-Zero because of his moveset and looks, rather than his personality. Sure, the personality gives some flavor, but it's not the main reason you like Sub-Zero.

Nah, the importance of the characters and story varies from person to person. It's safe to say that a lot of people value it more than you do. My favorite character before I got into the story was Cyrax because of his look and net move (during MK3), but when I got into the story and learned that Liu Kang was the hero he became my favorite and I learned to used him, and now he's my main.

Obviously Kuai Liang fans care a lot about him as a character. If I didn't care about the story I'd probably be with you on this, but when I think back on all that Kuai has done as a character and all the potential he has, I agree with the Kuai Liang fans.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/16/2014 11:15 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.

I was jokingly correcting him, not saying he was one.
06/16/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
The proper term is Gary Stu for male characters. Not that it matters.
06/16/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
Siroj Wrote:
Okay, I have to ask this since it's been 'bugging' me for some time now. Does it matter, in the end, who the man behind the mask is? I'm sure that almost everyone became a fan of Sub-Zero because of his moveset and looks, rather than his personality. Sure, the personality gives some flavor, but it's not the main reason you like Sub-Zero.

Nah, the importance of the characters and story varies from person to person. It's safe to say that a lot of people value it more than you do. My favorite character before I got into the story was Cyrax because of his look and net move (during MK3), but when I got into the story and learned that Liu Kang was the hero he became my favorite and I learned to used him, and now he's my main.

Obviously Kuai Liang fans care a lot about him as a character. If I didn't care about the story I'd probably be with you on this, but when I think back on all that Kuai has done as a character and all the potential he has, I agree with the Kuai Liang fans.

Thats pretty much what ive been trying to say, some of us really care for the story, and love the character. Then you have people just for sake of being dicks label you as a fanboy or whatever else for liking a character. Anyway i am excited to have more stuff revealed about the game within the months to come.
06/17/2014 06:12 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Sorry for liking a character, and feeling passionate about it? Anyway thats fine you don't need to speak to me, all you're doing is trying to put me down for liking something. Carry on. You really are douchebag to people just because they are fans of character. Also i don't want to be that guy, but i promise you that you'd never run your mouth to people like you do here in person.

Believe, what you want Su....hm, that not about one you like.

Anyway, let me explain something simple to you: I am not against people having favorite characters. I have my favorite characters too. But, I am against people being whiny joykills about it. You like Sub-Zero? OK, but there is no need to make some sort of crazy cult about it, making angry topics, when there is not much to be angry about (just yet), going into other threads and turn them into wet blankets, with your tears about how you "subby-wubby" (disgusting) is supposedly mistreated once more.
Keep it to yourself or at least be moderate about your...favorite character. Everyone will benefit from it. Passion is good in moderation and when its not being spilled on the others in enormous quantities. Then its annoying.

Quakeman Wrote:
My friend, I can still see his upper face. He does not look Asian. End of discussion.

Yeah, I wouldn't give it much thought, knowing NRS talents in modelling faces. Besides, Kuai Liang is still chinese, according to MK9, so how does this work is anyone guess. But whatever...I've seen people belived in more unprovable stuff.
> End of line.

Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.

I explained why I don't share this view in precise detail above. If everything you can say about it is just plain denial, without arguments, I don't think I can count it as a valuable piece of information.
With the same amount of confidence I can say that sun is green.
06/17/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Sorry for liking a character, and feeling passionate about it? Anyway thats fine you don't need to speak to me, all you're doing is trying to put me down for liking something. Carry on. You really are douchebag to people just because they are fans of character. Also i don't want to be that guy, but i promise you that you'd never run your mouth to people like you do here in person.

Believe, what you want Su....hm, that not about one you like.

Anyway, let me explain something simple to you: I am not against people having favorite characters. I have my favorite characters too. But, I am against people being whiny joykills about it. You like Sub-Zero? OK, but there is no need to make some sort of crazy cult about it, making angry topics, when there is not much to be angry about (just yet), going into other threads and turn them into wet blankets, with your tears about how you "subby-wubby" (disgusting) is supposedly mistreated once more.
Keep it to yourself or at least be moderate about your...favorite character. Everyone will benefit from it. Passion is good in moderation and when its not being spilled on the others in enormous quantities. Then its annoying.

Quakeman Wrote:
My friend, I can still see his upper face. He does not look Asian. End of discussion.

Yeah, I wouldn't give it much thought, knowing NRS talents in modelling faces. Besides, Kuai Liang is still chinese, according to MK9, so how does this work is anyone guess. But whatever...I've seen people belived in more unprovable stuff.
> End of line.

Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.

I explained why I don't share this view in precise detail above. If everything you can say about it is just plain denial, without arguments, I don't think I can count it as a valuable piece of information.
With the same amount of confidence I can say that sun is green.

See, what I don't understand is that most people don't flood other topics with Sub-Zero shit. It STAYS in the discussion at hand. Like this thread. It's a thread about worrying over Sub-Zero's storyline. So, naturally, the discussion will have fans discussing Sub-Zero.

So, then you come in and bitch about Sub-Zero fans being mad, which is so dumb. I mean just stay out of the thread, simple enough?

However, nearly every Sub-Zero thread you have to show up. You DON'T have to. You do every time though. Every time.

Several people have pointed out you're a borderline troll. I really have no idea why nobody has taken notice of you.
About Me

06/17/2014 08:40 PM (UTC)
At this point, I'm honestly curious to see what NRS will come up regarding Sub.

Think of it this way - after MK9, the only way for him to go is up, really.
06/17/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero would probably be my favorite character, wasn't it for the fact that Ed Boon chooses this one as his second lovechild, millions of others like him too much, he often gets too much attention and there are like 10.000 versions of him already, one being a cyborg, one being an older brother, and another being a female...

Still waiting for a Sub-God, Sub-Shokan and Sub-Boss...

Sub-Zero is a victim of overusedelness, a curious disease that made me like him less than I otherwise would.

he was by far my favorite in MK 1...
06/17/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
However, nearly every Sub-Zero thread you have to show up. You DON'T have to. You do every time though. Every time.

Because people like, yourself included, did it back in MK9, when almost every thread about characters, storyline and, sometimes, something else, turned into "Sub-Zero's depressed fans club". And this nearly happened again now.
All I am doing is trying to convince people to be more openminded and keep their emotions, regarding fictional characters, in check.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
Several people have pointed out you're a borderline troll. I really have no idea why nobody has taken notice of you.

Considering how other people act around here sometimes, I am not very noticeable person by any margin.
06/18/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Sorry for liking a character, and feeling passionate about it? Anyway thats fine you don't need to speak to me, all you're doing is trying to put me down for liking something. Carry on. You really are douchebag to people just because they are fans of character. Also i don't want to be that guy, but i promise you that you'd never run your mouth to people like you do here in person.

Believe, what you want Su....hm, that not about one you like.

Anyway, let me explain something simple to you: I am not against people having favorite characters. I have my favorite characters too. But, I am against people being whiny joykills about it. You like Sub-Zero? OK, but there is no need to make some sort of crazy cult about it, making angry topics, when there is not much to be angry about (just yet), going into other threads and turn them into wet blankets, with your tears about how you "subby-wubby" (disgusting) is supposedly mistreated once more.
Keep it to yourself or at least be moderate about your...favorite character. Everyone will benefit from it. Passion is good in moderation and when its not being spilled on the others in enormous quantities. Then its annoying.

Quakeman Wrote:
My friend, I can still see his upper face. He does not look Asian. End of discussion.

Yeah, I wouldn't give it much thought, knowing NRS talents in modelling faces. Besides, Kuai Liang is still chinese, according to MK9, so how does this work is anyone guess. But whatever...I've seen people belived in more unprovable stuff.
> End of line.

Icebaby Wrote:
Sub-Zero hasn't look Chinese since his Mortal Kombat 2 ending.

And he's not a Mary Stu.

I explained why I don't share this view in precise detail above. If everything you can say about it is just plain denial, without arguments, I don't think I can count it as a valuable piece of information.
With the same amount of confidence I can say that sun is green.

Well i agree maybe i take it overboard sometimes, like Ive told you before i just care for the character, the game, and the story for personal reasons. If i went overboard it's not with the intention of pissing anyone off believe me.
06/18/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

Considering how other people act around here sometimes, I am not very noticeable person by any margin.

But when you do post something or reply, it is usually to piss on others though. You've done that to me several times, for example. It would be nice if you tried to be nice to people and added something to the discussion instead of only responding to people you disagree with and piss all over their posts and opinions. It would make you a more pleasant person to discuss with and then you wouldn't get into these feuds with other people who from then on starts to consider you a troll and aren't going to consider anything you have to say as worth anything.

We're all part of the community here. Me, you, and all the others on this forum. We all have a right to be here and we all share the same passion and interest in Mortal Kombat. It is why we're here! And personally, I'd love to lead a good conversation with you and share your thoughts and opinions without getting insulted by you, because you disagree with me.

Mutual respect. Can we do that?
06/18/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
However, nearly every Sub-Zero thread you have to show up. You DON'T have to. You do every time though. Every time.

Because people like, yourself included, did it back in MK9, when almost every thread about characters, storyline and, sometimes, something else, turned into "Sub-Zero's depressed fans club". And this nearly happened again now.
All I am doing is trying to convince people to be more openminded and keep their emotions, regarding fictional characters, in check.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
Several people have pointed out you're a borderline troll. I really have no idea why nobody has taken notice of you.

Considering how other people act around here sometimes, I am not very noticeable person by any margin.

Nope, it wasn't every story discussion. There were several discussions back then discussing Sub-Zero/Cyber Sub-Zero. You showed your face in all of them. Even cyber sub hate threads you would jump in and you like him. So, no it wasn't us hijacking EVERY thread. It's YOU hijacking EVERY Sub-Zero thread. That's why I say you don't have to enter the thread.
06/18/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I explained why I don't share this view in precise detail above. If everything you can say about it is just plain denial, without arguments, I don't think I can count it as a valuable piece of information.
With the same amount of confidence I can say that sun is green.

I don't have to explain anything because he's not a Mary Sue. Sub-Zero isn't perfect, he has flaws. Mary Sues are like that, they can over come every single obstacle just like that, and no Sub-Zero is no where near that. Yeah, he's gotten stronger, whoopty do, it was explained HOW and WHY his powers got stronger. They evolved, it's clear as glass on how noticeable that is in the series. If he was a Mary Sue, he'd be the Champion of Mortal Kombat in every single game. Mary Sues also are unoriginal, uninspiring, completely bland... Except, Sub-Zero has been the most developed character, has the most things happen to him whether or not people think it's interesting to see what they've put him through.

Not to mention, if he was a Mary Sue, he wouldn't have gotten himself transformed into a cyborg and got killed by a punch in the head.

Thus, he's not. I'm assuming you're going to have some ignorant response seeing how every post you've made in this thread has gotten some one pissed off at you. Don't reply unless you can actually, for once, be nice for a change. Am I asking too much here?
06/18/2014 04:32 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
I explained why I don't share this view in precise detail above. If everything you can say about it is just plain denial, without arguments, I don't think I can count it as a valuable piece of information.
With the same amount of confidence I can say that sun is green.

I don't have to explain anything because he's not a Mary Sue. Sub-Zero isn't perfect, he has flaws. Mary Sues are like that, they can over come every single obstacle just like that, and no Sub-Zero is no where near that. Yeah, he's gotten stronger, whoopty do, it was explained HOW and WHY his powers got stronger. They evolved, it's clear as glass on how noticeable that is in the series. If he was a Mary Sue, he'd be the Champion of Mortal Kombat in every single game. Mary Sues also are unoriginal, uninspiring, completely bland... Except, Sub-Zero has been the most developed character, has the most things happen to him whether or not people think it's interesting to see what they've put him through.

Not to mention, if he was a Mary Sue, he wouldn't have gotten himself transformed into a cyborg and got killed by a punch in the head.

Thus, he's not. I'm assuming you're going to have some ignorant response seeing how every post you've made in this thread has gotten some one pissed off at you. Don't reply unless you can actually, for once, be nice for a change. Am I asking too much here?

Ive actually tried having a somewhat normal convo with him, hes changed his tone slightly, but i agree Sub is by no means a marry he never was king of the world or fell ass backwards into power hes earned, and learned about his history.

Ice baby i have wanted to ask you this for a long time now, are you a Frost fan? i know its off topic, but i have always wondered.
About Me

06/18/2014 04:48 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
muh respect

What is this, reddit?

Even though Sumac's posts rustle my jimmies on occasion, they never really cross the line into outright trolling, and this is coming from a card-carrying member of "Sub-Zero's depressed fans club", as he puts it.

Hell, and even assuming they do, it's fine with me, because I actually enjoy having my opinion challenged. Which would be impossible if this place was a fucking emotional hugbox.
06/18/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
muh respect

What is this, reddit?

Even though Sumac's posts rustle my jimmies on occasion, they never really cross the line into outright trolling, and this is coming from a card-carrying member of "Sub-Zero's depressed fans club", as he puts it.

Hell, and even assuming they do, it's fine with me, because I actually enjoy having my opinion challenged. Which would be impossible if this place was a fucking emotional hugbox.

No, but you can get your point across without being an asshole. You don't have to go from one extreme to another, there's a middle ground.

It's basically in the rules of this forum:

Harassing and degrading other members is not acceptable. As such, there will be very little tolerance for "flaming". Arguments and debates are a healthy and natural part of the forum experience, but users must always remember to respect their fellow posters.
06/18/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
Who is Mary Sue?
06/18/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
Who is Mary Sue?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue

In fan fiction, a Mary Sue is an idealized character, often but not necessarily an author insert. Origin[edit] The term "Mary Sue" comes from the name of a character created by Paula Smith in 1973 for her parody story "A Trekkie's Tale" :15 published in her fanzine Menagerie #2
"Mary Sue" today has changed from its original meaning and now carries a generalized, although not universal, connotation of wish-fulfillment and is commonly associated with self-insertion. True self-insertion is a literal and generally undisguised representation of the author; most characters described as "Mary Sues" are not, though they are often called "proxies"[6] for the author. The negative connotation comes from this "wish-fulfillment" implication: the "Mary Sue" is judged as a poorly developed character, too perfect and lacking in realism to be interesting.[7]
06/18/2014 05:34 AM (UTC)
I get it now. Thanks wink
06/18/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Quakeman Wrote:
Who is Mary Sue?

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue

In fan fiction, a Mary Sue is an idealized character, often but not necessarily an author insert. Origin[edit] The term "Mary Sue" comes from the name of a character created by Paula Smith in 1973 for her parody story "A Trekkie's Tale" :15 published in her fanzine Menagerie #2

"Mary Sue" today has changed from its original meaning and now carries a generalized, although not universal, connotation of wish-fulfillment and is commonly associated with self-insertion. True self-insertion is a literal and generally undisguised representation of the author; most characters described as "Mary Sues" are not, though they are often called "proxies"[6] for the author. The negative connotation comes from this "wish-fulfillment" implication: the "Mary Sue" is judged as a poorly developed character, too perfect and lacking in realism to be interesting.[7]

Or just see any GI Joe fanfic that has an OC and Snake Eyes immediately having the hots for each other.
06/18/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't have to explain anything because he's not a Mary Sue. Sub-Zero isn't perfect, he has flaws. Mary Sues are like that, they can over come every single obstacle just like that, and no Sub-Zero is no where near that. Yeah, he's gotten stronger, whoopty do, it was explained HOW and WHY his powers got stronger. They evolved, it's clear as glass on how noticeable that is in the series. If he was a Mary Sue, he'd be the Champion of Mortal Kombat in every single game. Mary Sues also are unoriginal, uninspiring, completely bland... Except, Sub-Zero has been the most developed character, has the most things happen to him whether or not people think it's interesting to see what they've put him through.

Not to mention, if he was a Mary Sue, he wouldn't have gotten himself transformed into a cyborg and got killed by a punch in the head.

Thus, he's not. I'm assuming you're going to have some ignorant response seeing how every post you've made in this thread has gotten some one pissed off at you. Don't reply unless you can actually, for once, be nice for a change. Am I asking too much here?

Well, I have ignorant arguments, I hope its OK with you? grin

Mary Sues are not neccessarily should adhere to all of the usual traits. In case of Sub-Zero he was becoming more and more powerful, but...even if it was explained it was never part of the main story. So in the end, Sub-Zero was getting more powerful, just because. There was no use of his powers in the story, it was not related to the core plot, his development and upgrades all were in vain.

So, what we have in the end? A good natured character, with unchallenged views, an ideal hero, getting upgrades for no reason, other than becoming more powerful, without actual role in the core story arc...sounds a bit like wish-fulfillment.

If Sub-Zero was actually used somehow in the stories of MKDA-MKD, other than existing somewhere, I would have another opinion, of course.

Even Scorpion, who usually receives a lot flac for his one-dimensional character, had more relation to the core story and his upgrade was actually part of it.
06/19/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
Man guys, I have to say this worries me that it's Bi-Han. Watch this video.

Whoever this Sub-Zero is call Scorpion "Shirai Ryu Scum". Definitely not Kuai Liang like.

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