06/23/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Back on topic of Sub. I hope to God he has an alternative costume because his primary one has not grow on me yet.

Yeah im in the same boat, still not a fan of the mask especially.
06/23/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
Red summy is NOT a troll. He just strongly dislikes those that have different opinions than him. Also he's no doubt a little odd. Heck even his avatar gives me the heeby jeebies every time it see a post from him on this thread. That being said just ignore him everybody!
06/23/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Back on topic of Sub. I hope to God he has an alternative costume because his primary one has not grow on me yet.

Yeah im in the same boat, still not a fan of the mask especially.
Yeah the mask is an eye sore.
06/23/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Back on topic of Sub. I hope to God he has an alternative costume because his primary one has not grow on me yet.

Yeah im in the same boat, still not a fan of the mask especially.
Yeah the mask is an eye sore.

I feel like they gave it that weird gray look just for the unbreakable stance makes him look like he has a neon ice frozen version of his mk9 one.
06/23/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
I am not sure about new Sub-Zero's costume. His "vest"-thing looks like it was made for modern special forces not ninjas.
But at least they finally got rid of his stupid respirator mask from MKvsDC, which made Sub-Zero look a bit like duckbill in the past games.

Scar_Subby Wrote:

Quakeman Wrote:
Bla. Bla.

Now two tools have sticked together. What an exciting event. Seems, soon it be possible to open a hardware store. grin

I can agree with opinion of others. But only if those opinions laid out with proper arguments and don't boil down to petty whining, childish tantrums and complete disregard of reality. P.S. And what's wrong with my avatar? It depicts beautiful ancient ghost-woman...
06/24/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I am not sure about new Sub-Zero's costume. His "vest"-thing looks like it was made for modern special forces not ninjas.
But at least they finally got rid of his stupid respirator mask from MKvsDC, which made Sub-Zero look a bit like duckbill in the past games.

Scar_Subby Wrote:

Quakeman Wrote:
Bla. Bla.

Now two tools have sticked together. What an exciting event. Seems, soon it be possible to open a hardware store. grin

I can agree with opinion of others. But only if those opinions laid out with proper arguments and don't boil down to petty whining, childish tantrums and complete disregard of reality.

And what's wrong with my avatar? It depicts beautiful ancient ghost-woman...

Seriously you didn't like the vents on the sides? It looked pretty cool seeing the steam from his breathe come out of it.
06/24/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
People complaining about Subby's main costume....wow wow. I really like it as it is better then his MKDA main.
Maybe he will look somewhat like Glacius from KI for his alt? A full ice design. That would be cool glasses
Back in the day I was on a MK site under the username Automated_Zero. I made a thread/post about Sub-Zero becoming automated. A lot of users were against or didn't like the idea, but, it came true for me in MK9.
Can we expect this full ice design to become for real?
06/24/2014 02:34 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
People complaining about Subby's main costume....wow wow. I really like it as it is better then his MKDA main.
Maybe he will look somewhat like Glacius from KI for his alt? A full ice design. That would be cool glasses
Back in the day I was on a MK site under the username Automated_Zero. I made a thread/post about Sub-Zero becoming automated. A lot of users were against or didn't like the idea, but, it came true for me in MK9.
Can we expect this full ice design to become for real?

No thank you
06/24/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

And what's wrong with my avatar? It depicts beautiful ancient ghost-woman...

Just for saying that sumac, I've decided I like you
06/24/2014 08:09 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Seriously you didn't like the vents on the sides? It looked pretty cool seeing the steam from his breathe come out of it.

I think it was cool back in MKDA, but later they gave it slightly different shape and it started looking a bit strange, like it was disproportionate.
Besides, I really tired from this design and hoped that NRS will give him some new mask after MKvsDC. It's not really important, but I'd prefer something new. It's like the case with Quan Chi - his MKDA design is cool and everything, but it was overused too much.

I like glowing "sigil" on Sub-Zero's mask and it's design. I wish NRS had released Sub-Zero render from MKX to see his costume in better details. Maybe I liked it more.

My favorite Sub-Zero costumes were both his looks from MKDA and MKD. Especially his "maskless old man " costume from MKDA. One of the best designs from MK-Team ever, IMO, of course.

Quakeman Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

And what's wrong with my avatar? It depicts beautiful ancient ghost-woman...

Just for saying that sumac, I've decided I like you


Full version of the picture:
06/24/2014 09:37 AM (UTC)

Now I am sure this Sub-Zero will not be Kuai Liang in this link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2KUSGHTk5w
(dont know how to mak a click link)

In 4:10 Sub-Zero says to Scorpion 'Shirai Ryu Dog!'

Why would Kuai Liang say that? He has no animosity to the Shirai Ryu while Bi-Han as the Sub-Zero did had animosity with that clan. When Kuai Liang become Sub-Zero the Shirai Ryu were long exterminated and not conflicts withe clan.

While Bi-Han participated in the war of the two clans
06/24/2014 01:46 PM (UTC)
Unless Kuai Liang suddenly becomes a dick like his brother was, I can see him say that.
06/24/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Seriously you didn't like the vents on the sides? It looked pretty cool seeing the steam from his breathe come out of it.

I think it was cool back in MKDA, but later they gave it slightly different shape and it started looking a bit strange, like it was disproportionate.
Besides, I really tired from this design and hoped that NRS will give him some new mask after MKvsDC. It's not really important, but I'd prefer something new. It's like the case with Quan Chi - his MKDA design is cool and everything, but it was overused too much.

I like glowing "sigil" on Sub-Zero's mask and it's design. I wish NRS had released Sub-Zero render from MKX to see his costume in better details. Maybe I liked it more.

My favorite Sub-Zero costumes were both his looks from MKDA and MKD. Especially his "maskless old man " costume from MKDA. One of the best designs from MK-Team ever, IMO, of course.

Quakeman Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

And what's wrong with my avatar? It depicts beautiful ancient ghost-woman...

Just for saying that sumac, I've decided I like you


Full version of the picture:

I am trying to get used to the new look, just not 100% sold just yet, but yeah i wish they would have released a full costume render. Would surely help in making the choice.
06/24/2014 10:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Unless Kuai Liang suddenly becomes a dick like his brother was, I can see him say that.

Would rather have no Kuai at all than have nrs make him a dick. That would piss me off
06/24/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
I'm not in loved with the new costume, but I do like it a lot more than his MKDA/vsDC/MK9 costumes, so that is good. The previous mask was something I could never get around. I hope the alt. costume is even better.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/25/2014 06:35 AM (UTC)
Fuck, was wondering how this thread blew up.

Consider the following:
Noob soul gets ripped.
Goes to Cyborg Sub.
They fuse into one.
New Sub born.

u guys mad or naw?

Insider2000 Wrote:
Scorpion's going to be the hero of MKX, and thus, Sub-Zero the villain? I'm sorry, do we recall our little poster boy's story in MK9?

Scorpion: I will kill Sub-Zero!
Raiden: If you don't kill Sub-Zero, I'll revive your family and get you a brand new car.
Scorpion: Hmm... Let me think about that...
Sub-Zero: You smell.
Scorpion: YOU BASTARD!

*one murder later*

Scorpion: Sub-Zero is dead. I killed him. *mic drop* *Bi-Han's skull drop*

*one several chapters later

Sub-Zero: I'm here to avenge my brother!
Scorpion: Heard you were talking shit!

*one ass beating, one Noob Saibot being sent to Oz, and one Sindel massacre later*

Raiden: Wow! Quan Chi's apartment is so tacky!
Scorpion: *sleeping on a futon* ....Wha? OH!

Honestly, you guys need to chill. We've known information about this game for less than a month.

That was hilarious. My type of humor.
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