06/21/2014 11:02 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Question. When Bi Han/Noob was killed in the Soulnado is it possible that Bi Han's soul split from Noob? So that Noob could continue on but not through Bi Han?

As seen in the cutscene, the dark essence of Noob spread through the whole Soulnado and caused it to explode. So it's not farfetched to think the dark essence has infected other souls, causing them to turn into wraiths as well.
Thanks for your quick response. Ok if that's the case what became of Bi Han? Is it possible the rift caused his soul to return to who he was before being killed?

We can only wait and see.
I get the feeling a lot of stuff is going not be what some of us expect it to be...
06/22/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
To be fair, there's quite a chasm between 'pointless' and 'bad'. My assumption, wrong though it may be, is that Red prefers central plot to character development and side stories. Which is certainly understandable.

Yes!!! Finally!!! This place HAVE people who can read and understand text.

I thought, this thread was infested by obsessed punks, who had problems with understanding of even the most basic casual links...but somehow there are still normal people around!! Hoo-rah!! My faith in humanity in this particular segment of the WWW is restored!!

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, the Red Dragon weren't dropped just because Mavado's importance was. He was just an agent. Their leader was revealed and maybe you don't remember but he's, like, the main antagonist of MKA Konquest.

I remember it, thank you.
However, Mavado was seemingly set up as a new rival to Sonya which never became anything and Red Dragon comple absence in MKD was strange at best, which even you, "lrmstr" must admit.

Icebaby Wrote:
To sit here and actually state, "It's pointless to have side stories," has to be one of the most absurd things I've ever seen anyone state. Do you see how boring that is? If you honestly think having characters do something else rather than strictly focusing on getting rid of the main bad guy is something that is more entertaining to see than having them go through other obstacles first before reaching to the main bad guy, fine. Others, however, actually like seeing characters get developed.

How should I put it better for you so you can finally understand it? Maybe I should use chinese, klingonean, zeroes and ones or ancient latin, so you could finally get what I want to say?
I am not against character development, but I want it to be tightly integrated in the core story, instead of being just somewhere. Take Darrius from MKD for example. What his sidestory was about? How it ended? It doesn't matter at all. Not only it doesn't really important to the arc, but there is no resolution, because in the very next game he wasn't given story. And considering how "popular" he is, it's unlikely he'll return.

Hence, what i am saying: I don't want sit for two-three years and wait for the develompent of Random McRandom, which possibly will never came. I want story to be concluded, with every character being part of it in some way. MKDA still a brilliant example of how it's done. But since some people here have problems with reading comprehension, every time, when I mention it, nobody pay attention.

Viser Wrote:
I want to throw you into the Sun sometimes lol.

Oh, threatining life over videogame character? How pathetic.
I guess, you have subby-wubby blanket and I don't even dare to thing about your fantasies...I warn you, few years and you possible will need help of psychiatrist. grin
06/22/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
*snorts* One guy "gets" what he's "talking about." I hardly would consider that an achievement. I mean, one guy versus an entire site, yeah that's some victory!

You obviously don't care about development when you think every single person has to be integrated in the main plot. You're the only one saying that. And since you are, okay whatever. If you can't stand this site and who's in here then leave. I doubt you'd be missed. Maybe by that one who "gets" you but like I said, hardly something to cheer over.
06/22/2014 12:53 AM (UTC)
Side stories are a good thing to have in games, but they should be relevant. Sub-zero's story in MKD has a small and irrelevant connection to the main plot, as it is mostly just a continuation of his MKDA story, and it is the same for Kenshi. Is it a bad story as? No, it's ok, knowing the cyromancers were from outworld was interesting, and it was cool to see the armour "talk" to sub-zero, but it ended there, Kuai Liang came back from Outworld, took his armour off and forgot all about the cyromancers, so while the story is not bad, it lead to nothing at all. MKDA is an example of good side stories, where we have Nitara/Cyrax/Reptile's side story as something not very related to the main plot, but that story has a mayor role in setting the events for the next main storyline, hell, even Blaze is set as a cause of that.

MKD is probably the game that expanded the MK universe the most, it gave us new realms and it expanded in others, it gave us the notion of the one being (which was sadly abandoned), and some great story arcs, but there are a few characters that are just completely irrelevant to the story, Sub-zero, Kenshi, Li Mei, Hotaru, Noob-Smoke, Darrius, Dairou.... Nothing of what those characters did was relevant to either MKD or MKA's storyline.
06/22/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
So I'm replaying MK 2 and Trilogy and I have to say I like Sub-Zero more than I thought I did. Never really gave him a chance but he really shines in those games specifically. I can see why you guys prefer Kuai Liang over Bi Han. Kuai Liang seems to be more sensible than Bi Han was.
Historical Favorite
06/22/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You obviously don't care about development when you think every single person has to be integrated in the main plot.

Again, there's nothing wrong with having a preference in your entertainment. I don't think that Red's saying that every character necessarily needs to be integrated into the central plot, but that he has no time for those that aren't. I see his posts as being equivalent to someone who doesn't care for filler arcs in anime or someone (like me) who avoids comics that spin-off from some event series.

I doubt you'd be missed.

Weird insult to throw out, because it applies to all of us.
06/22/2014 01:46 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
To be fair, there's quite a chasm between 'pointless' and 'bad'. My assumption, wrong though it may be, is that Red prefers central plot to character development and side stories. Which is certainly understandable.

Yes!!! Finally!!! This place HAVE people who can read and understand text.

I thought, this thread was infested by obsessed punks, who had problems with understanding of even the most basic casual links...but somehow there are still normal people around!! Hoo-rah!! My faith in humanity in this particular segment of the WWW is restored!!

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, the Red Dragon weren't dropped just because Mavado's importance was. He was just an agent. Their leader was revealed and maybe you don't remember but he's, like, the main antagonist of MKA Konquest.

I remember it, thank you.
However, Mavado was seemingly set up as a new rival to Sonya which never became anything and Red Dragon comple absence in MKD was strange at best, which even you, "lrmstr" must admit.

Icebaby Wrote:
To sit here and actually state, "It's pointless to have side stories," has to be one of the most absurd things I've ever seen anyone state. Do you see how boring that is? If you honestly think having characters do something else rather than strictly focusing on getting rid of the main bad guy is something that is more entertaining to see than having them go through other obstacles first before reaching to the main bad guy, fine. Others, however, actually like seeing characters get developed.

How should I put it better for you so you can finally understand it? Maybe I should use chinese, klingonean, zeroes and ones or ancient latin, so you could finally get what I want to say?
I am not against character development, but I want it to be tightly integrated in the core story, instead of being just somewhere. Take Darrius from MKD for example. What his sidestory was about? How it ended? It doesn't matter at all. Not only it doesn't really important to the arc, but there is no resolution, because in the very next game he wasn't given story. And considering how "popular" he is, it's unlikely he'll return.

Hence, what i am saying: I don't want sit for two-three years and wait for the develompent of Random McRandom, which possibly will never came. I want story to be concluded, with every character being part of it in some way. MKDA still a brilliant example of how it's done. But since some people here have problems with reading comprehension, every time, when I mention it, nobody pay attention.

Viser Wrote:
I want to throw you into the Sun sometimes lol.

Oh, threatining life over videogame character? How pathetic.
I guess, you have subby-wubby blanket and I don't even dare to thing about your fantasies...I warn you, few years and you possible will need help of psychiatrist. grin

You don't do well with humor, it must really be annoying having that big ol stick up your butt all the time wink

Oh and i didn't threaten you maybe you need a subby wubby blanket since you clearly can't stay off this topic grin
06/22/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
To be fair, there's quite a chasm between 'pointless' and 'bad'. My assumption, wrong though it may be, is that Red prefers central plot to character development and side stories. Which is certainly understandable.

Yes!!! Finally!!! This place HAVE people who can read and understand text.

I thought, this thread was infested by obsessed punks, who had problems with understanding of even the most basic casual links...but somehow there are still normal people around!! Hoo-rah!! My faith in humanity in this particular segment of the WWW is restored!!

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, the Red Dragon weren't dropped just because Mavado's importance was. He was just an agent. Their leader was revealed and maybe you don't remember but he's, like, the main antagonist of MKA Konquest.

I remember it, thank you.
However, Mavado was seemingly set up as a new rival to Sonya which never became anything and Red Dragon comple absence in MKD was strange at best, which even you, "lrmstr" must admit.

Icebaby Wrote:
To sit here and actually state, "It's pointless to have side stories," has to be one of the most absurd things I've ever seen anyone state. Do you see how boring that is? If you honestly think having characters do something else rather than strictly focusing on getting rid of the main bad guy is something that is more entertaining to see than having them go through other obstacles first before reaching to the main bad guy, fine. Others, however, actually like seeing characters get developed.

How should I put it better for you so you can finally understand it? Maybe I should use chinese, klingonean, zeroes and ones or ancient latin, so you could finally get what I want to say?
I am not against character development, but I want it to be tightly integrated in the core story, instead of being just somewhere. Take Darrius from MKD for example. What his sidestory was about? How it ended? It doesn't matter at all. Not only it doesn't really important to the arc, but there is no resolution, because in the very next game he wasn't given story. And considering how "popular" he is, it's unlikely he'll return.

Hence, what i am saying: I don't want sit for two-three years and wait for the develompent of Random McRandom, which possibly will never came. I want story to be concluded, with every character being part of it in some way. MKDA still a brilliant example of how it's done. But since some people here have problems with reading comprehension, every time, when I mention it, nobody pay attention.

Viser Wrote:
I want to throw you into the Sun sometimes lol.

Oh, threatining life over videogame character? How pathetic.
I guess, you have subby-wubby blanket and I don't even dare to thing about your fantasies...I warn you, few years and you possible will need help of psychiatrist. grin

I like how you actually considered that to be threatening. That was probably the nicest gesture viser has ever made to you, he was clearly saying he finds you annoying sometimes but wrote lol to remain friendly. You could of said something like "you're a bastard too sometimes lol" but no, you decided to continue being a cock.
06/22/2014 03:58 AM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
To be fair, there's quite a chasm between 'pointless' and 'bad'. My assumption, wrong though it may be, is that Red prefers central plot to character development and side stories. Which is certainly understandable.

Yes!!! Finally!!! This place HAVE people who can read and understand text.

I thought, this thread was infested by obsessed punks, who had problems with understanding of even the most basic casual links...but somehow there are still normal people around!! Hoo-rah!! My faith in humanity in this particular segment of the WWW is restored!!

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, the Red Dragon weren't dropped just because Mavado's importance was. He was just an agent. Their leader was revealed and maybe you don't remember but he's, like, the main antagonist of MKA Konquest.

I remember it, thank you.
However, Mavado was seemingly set up as a new rival to Sonya which never became anything and Red Dragon comple absence in MKD was strange at best, which even you, "lrmstr" must admit.

Icebaby Wrote:
To sit here and actually state, "It's pointless to have side stories," has to be one of the most absurd things I've ever seen anyone state. Do you see how boring that is? If you honestly think having characters do something else rather than strictly focusing on getting rid of the main bad guy is something that is more entertaining to see than having them go through other obstacles first before reaching to the main bad guy, fine. Others, however, actually like seeing characters get developed.

How should I put it better for you so you can finally understand it? Maybe I should use chinese, klingonean, zeroes and ones or ancient latin, so you could finally get what I want to say?
I am not against character development, but I want it to be tightly integrated in the core story, instead of being just somewhere. Take Darrius from MKD for example. What his sidestory was about? How it ended? It doesn't matter at all. Not only it doesn't really important to the arc, but there is no resolution, because in the very next game he wasn't given story. And considering how "popular" he is, it's unlikely he'll return.

Hence, what i am saying: I don't want sit for two-three years and wait for the develompent of Random McRandom, which possibly will never came. I want story to be concluded, with every character being part of it in some way. MKDA still a brilliant example of how it's done. But since some people here have problems with reading comprehension, every time, when I mention it, nobody pay attention.

Viser Wrote:
I want to throw you into the Sun sometimes lol.

Oh, threatining life over videogame character? How pathetic.
I guess, you have subby-wubby blanket and I don't even dare to thing about your fantasies...I warn you, few years and you possible will need help of psychiatrist. grin

I like how you actually considered that to be threatening. That was probably the nicest gesture viser has ever made to you, he was clearly saying he finds you annoying sometimes but wrote lol to remain friendly. You could of said something like "you're a bastard too sometimes lol" but no, you decided to continue being a cock.

Very true Quaker, and im sure he knows that too, its that stick in his pooper thats bugging himwink
06/22/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:

That makes two!!
What is it, "stop being stupid day" on MKO? Or "let's actually read what in the post" day?

OptimusGrime Wrote:
I don't think that Red's saying that every character necessarily needs to be integrated into the central plot, but that he has no time for those that aren't. I see his posts as being equivalent to someone who doesn't care for filler arcs in anime or someone (like me) who avoids comics that spin-off from some event series.

It's not that I don't have time. But I think the story of the game will benefit from having more focus on the core arc, rather than random stuff. As I said before, MK is not a weekly series, not even a montly one. So, waiting for a conclusion of development of the character whose whole story and setting could be abandoned for the rest of the series is annoying and doesn't make core plot much better. It's just take away focus from it.

Icebaby Wrote:
*snorts* One guy "gets" what he's "talking about." I hardly would consider that an achievement. I mean, one guy versus an entire site, yeah that's some victory!

You obviously don't care about development when you think every single person has to be integrated in the main plot. You're the only one saying that. And since you are, okay whatever. If you can't stand this site and who's in here then leave. I doubt you'd be missed. Maybe by that one who "gets" you but like I said, hardly something to cheer over.

I am not sure, why do you consider funny, that you still was unable to get what I was trying to say. It's like being proud, that you are illiterate or unable to understand how sleeves on your shirt works. What makes it even more sad, that you still didn't get it. I guess, I should be laughing, but I can't really. Laughing over poor person, who can't get the meaning of my simple words after I have repeated them several times...I would feel kind of bad about it.
On the other hand, there is nothing to lament either. Some people just don't get some simple things, it happens all the time and this is why the world is sometimes shitty place. Time to move on.

Also, I will decide to myself, what to do with my free time. Though, as a free token of what remains of my sympathy to you, I give you an advice: don't overestimate your importance - I doubt many people will miss you either. You are not centerfold of this place. Just one of the many users. So, there.

Viser Wrote:
Very true Quaker, and im sure he knows that too, its that stick in his pooper thats bugging himwink

You have strange obsession with asses and stuff in them. Do you have hemorrhoids or something?

As for the "threat"...LOL. I haven't found it threatining in the least, I found it stupid.
06/22/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:

That makes two!!
What is it, "stop being stupid day" on MKO? Or "let's actually read what in the post" day?

OptimusGrime Wrote:
I don't think that Red's saying that every character necessarily needs to be integrated into the central plot, but that he has no time for those that aren't. I see his posts as being equivalent to someone who doesn't care for filler arcs in anime or someone (like me) who avoids comics that spin-off from some event series.

It's not that I don't have time. But I think the story of the game will benefit from having more focus on the core arc, rather than random stuff. As I said before, MK is not a weekly series, not even a montly one. So, waiting for a conclusion of development of the character whose whole story and setting could be abandoned for the rest of the series is annoying and doesn't make core plot much better. It's just take away focus from it.

Icebaby Wrote:
*snorts* One guy "gets" what he's "talking about." I hardly would consider that an achievement. I mean, one guy versus an entire site, yeah that's some victory!

You obviously don't care about development when you think every single person has to be integrated in the main plot. You're the only one saying that. And since you are, okay whatever. If you can't stand this site and who's in here then leave. I doubt you'd be missed. Maybe by that one who "gets" you but like I said, hardly something to cheer over.

I am not sure, why do you consider funny, that you still was unable to get what I was trying to say. It's like being proud, that you are illiterate or unable to understand how sleeves on your shirt works. What makes it even more sad, that you still didn't get it. I guess, I should be laughing, but I can't really. Laughing over poor person, who can't get the meaning of my simple words after I have repeated them several times...I would feel kind of bad about it.
On the other hand, there is nothing to lament either. Some people just don't get some simple things, it happens all the time and this is why the world is sometimes shitty place. Time to move on.

Also, I will decide to myself, what to do with my free time. Though, as a free token of what remains of my sympathy to you, I give you an advice: don't overestimate your importance - I doubt many people will miss you either. You are not centerfold of this place. Just one of the many users. So, there.

Viser Wrote:
Very true Quaker, and im sure he knows that too, its that stick in his pooper thats bugging himwink

You have strange obsession with asses and stuff in them. Do you have hemorrhoids or something?

As for the "threat"...LOL. I haven't found it threatining in the least, I found it stupid.

You just can't stay away, you are the one who called it a "threat". But you probably think i could throw you into the sun, we should try.
06/22/2014 04:57 AM (UTC)
Back on topic, Does anyone notice slight similarities between Noob Saibot's Mk9 belt and Subz MKX belt. Just the design. Not the size.

I may just be imagining things, but damn I'm worried this is that fucker Bi-Han.
06/22/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Back on topic, Does anyone notice slight similarities between Noob Saibot's Mk9 belt and Subz MKX belt. Just the design. Not the size.

I may just be imagining things, but damn I'm worried this is that fucker Bi-Han.

Its going to be all crazy speculation till we get some more details. I hope it isnt, but its best to just wait to see what we get.
06/22/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
06/22/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
You obviously don't care about development when you think every single person has to be integrated in the main plot. You're the only one saying that. And since you are, okay whatever. If you can't stand this site and who's in here then leave. I doubt you'd be missed. Maybe by that one who "gets" you but like I said, hardly something to cheer over.

I am not sure, why do you consider funny, that you still was unable to get what I was trying to say. It's like being proud, that you are illiterate or unable to understand how sleeves on your shirt works. What makes it even more sad, that you still didn't get it. I guess, I should be laughing, but I can't really. Laughing over poor person, who can't get the meaning of my simple words after I have repeated them several times...I would feel kind of bad about it.
On the other hand, there is nothing to lament either. Some people just don't get some simple things, it happens all the time and this is why the world is sometimes shitty place. Time to move on.

Also, I will decide to myself, what to do with my free time. Though, as a free token of what remains of my sympathy to you, I give you an advice: don't overestimate your importance - I doubt many people will miss you either. You are not centerfold of this place. Just one of the many users. So, there.

What I consider funny is that I can literally detect the "effort" you try to put in to your so-called "insults." I'm not really mad or even annoyed, the fact that you try your hardest to write what you think is a clever way to insult me proves that you really give a damn to be mean for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I mean, I'm not even trying to be rude myself, but since you're really trying your hardest to strike the right nerve or push the wrong button, it's like you really want those you're arguing with to stoop to your level of maturity. Sorry, you're not getting that from me.

It's not that hard to see that you want characters to have their stories be apart of the main plot and any other character that doesn't shouldn't be in it. I'm not "illiterate," but when you say that you don't want to see "pointless story line" that has nothing to do with the main plot for these characters, you're technically are saying you don't care for character development. Side stories made us know more about Sub-Zero and all these other characters. You claim these games are not our TV shows and whatnot, so why should the writers waste their time splurring out these random other events happening to these characters? Because their focus should be on the main plot?

06/22/2014 05:26 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
06/22/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's not that hard to see that you want characters to have their stories be apart of the main plot and any other character that doesn't shouldn't be in it. I'm not "illiterate," but when you say that you don't want to see "pointless story line" that has nothing to do with the main plot for these characters, you're technically are saying you don't care for character development. Side stories made us know more about Sub-Zero and all these other characters. You claim these games are not our TV shows and whatnot, so why should the writers waste their time splurring out these random other events happening to these characters? Because their focus should be on the main plot?


I am not even sure at that point, what I need to do to make myself clear. At this point you either trolling or there is something clearly wrong with your ability to understand text.

How you came to conclusion, that I don't want character development, because I don't want to have what is essentially empty filler stories in the game? Ok, let's try again, this time I try to make it SO clear, that even you will be able to understand it (I hope).

I want and I like character development. I just think, that all this development should be more deeply integrated in the core story of the game.
And once again, MKDA is an example of how it's done.

Did you get finally get it or do I need to ask my nephew to drew you a picture book version of what I mean?

Icebaby Wrote:
What I consider funny is that I can literally detect the "effort" you try to put in to your so-called "insults." I'm not really mad or even annoyed, the fact that you try your hardest to write what you think is a clever way to insult me proves that you really give a damn to be mean for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I mean, I'm not even trying to be rude myself, but since you're really trying your hardest to strike the right nerve or push the wrong button, it's like you really want those you're arguing with to stoop to your level of maturity. Sorry, you're not getting that from me.

Considering what you've wrought, I got you. Otherwise you wouldn't spent time, pretending, that you wasn't insulted and typing wall of text explaining how my words didn't get to you. It's what insulted people do.
I don't want to be your enemy or whatever. So if you reconsider your behavior , maybe we can become friends.

Viser Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Ah...I see. Whiny troll and whiny tool united their efforts. I believe, there is a saying about unclear substance sticking to another unclear substance, which would be fairly fitting here. grin
06/22/2014 11:20 PM (UTC)
I'm just curious, where did a few of you go to get your troll degrees? I only ask because you're not even proper and effective trolls. It's like some of you say stuff on here just to say it. And half the time what you say you don't even believe. And I'm not talking about Icebaby or Razor......
06/22/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
None of them are trolls. A troll is someone who actively does what he can to make life on a forum sour. Red Sumac isn't a troll, he's just not very likeable. They are just clashing due to disagreeing, and have started to call eachother names, like trolls, because there's not much else to do.

It's just mud-throwing, nothing more.
06/22/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
What I don't understand is why people are still responding to him? You give him power when you do so. However, if you just go on discussing the topic like he didn't comment, then he has no power.

He can't disrupt threads and we have no more walls of text. Just ignore him. He is trying to get a rise out of you guys and he's succeeding with petty insults and belittling of people. He doesn't deserve a response IMO.
06/22/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
None of them are trolls. A troll is someone who actively does what he can to make life on a forum sour. Red Sumac isn't a troll, he's just not very likeable. They are just clashing due to disagreeing, and have started to call eachother names, like trolls, because there's not much else to do.

It's just mud-throwing, nothing more.
Yeah but in every thread he seems to love to turn the threads into hell fire and brimstone. Maybe he/she is indeed not a troll.
Historical Favorite
06/22/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
I'm just curious, where did a few of you go to get your troll degrees?

My beginnings were humble enough with a local community college. The trolling program there was solid, enough to find steady trolling work, but I wanted more. After taking about a year away from higher education to scrimp and save, I just barely covered tuition to Vanderbilt university and their doctorate program. The rest, as they say, is history.
06/22/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
Back on topic of Sub. I hope to God he has an alternative costume because his primary one has not grow on me yet.
06/22/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
None of them are trolls. A troll is someone who actively does what he can to make life on a forum sour. Red Sumac isn't a troll, he's just not very likeable. They are just clashing due to disagreeing, and have started to call eachother names, like trolls, because there's not much else to do.

It's just mud-throwing, nothing more.
Yeah but in every thread he seems to love to turn the threads into hell fire and brimstone. Maybe he/she is indeed not a troll.

Yeah, this feud between Razor and Sumac sure makes them go out of bounds and fill up several threads with their endless arguing.

Sometimes agree to disagree is the only thing to do.
06/22/2014 11:51 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
None of them are trolls. A troll is someone who actively does what he can to make life on a forum sour. Red Sumac isn't a troll, he's just not very likeable. They are just clashing due to disagreeing, and have started to call eachother names, like trolls, because there's not much else to do.

It's just mud-throwing, nothing more.
Yeah but in every thread he seems to love to turn the threads into hell fire and brimstone. Maybe he/she is indeed not a troll.

Yeah, this feud between Razor and Sumac sure makes them go out of bounds and fill up several threads with their endless arguing.

Sometimes agree to disagree is the only thing to do.
I learned to do that so long ago. That way it doesn't carry on to the point where it never ends.
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