06/15/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
At the end of the day, does it really matter who Sub-Zero is?

You all get on the game to fight, right? Whoever this Sub-Zero is, will you not use him just because he is Bi-Han and not Kuai, or vise-versa? ..I highly doubt that. They all fight the same in the end, at least he is in the game. Some people characters will never return, and probably, their special attributes won't be passed on to new characters either.

Just wait for the game to come out to see who the hell it really is.
06/15/2014 10:52 PM (UTC)
My post got completely ignored. XD
I'll try again:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I can understand why people would be upset with a whole new character replacing another character, even if he both looks and plays the same.

It's like Soul Calibur V. Namco replaced Taki with Natsu, Xianghua with Leixia, Kilik with Xiba, and Sophitia/Cassandra with Patroklos/Pyrrha.

Yes, they basically play the same, with some changes, and even look very much alike those they replaced, but in the end, they are NOT the same characters!

For someone who only cares for the gameplay, it isn't a problem, but for someone who cares about the whole character, the story behind it, having followed that character and had him as a favourite due to the WHOLE package... it has an impact!

And I find it disrespectful that there are people who just go "and so what?"...
It DOES matter. Maybe not to you guys, but to others. Please respect that.
06/15/2014 10:54 PM (UTC)
lFrost Wrote:
At the end of the day, does it really matter who Sub-Zero is?

You all get on the game to fight, right? Whoever this Sub-Zero is, will you not use him just because he is Bi-Han and not Kuai, or vise-versa? ..I highly doubt that. They all fight the same in the end, at least he is in the game. Some people characters will never return, and probably, their special attributes won't be passed on to new characters either.

Just wait for the game to come out to see who the hell it really is.

It does matter, it matters alot, especially for those of us who love the story of MK. It's not just another fighter, i for one love mk for it's mythos, and story (even tho they fucked up mk 9 and have so many issues the story has a lot of potential)
06/15/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
Sekktor Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
IGN posted a tweet and in it is their site. It has the 6 confirmed characters and a little bit about them. However, only Scorpy, Subby and Cassie has the little bio. Nothing on D'Vorah, Kotal or Ferra/Torr.
Subby is infact Kuai Liang.

Wrong. It says right here that "(It is unconfirmed which Sub-Zero features in the game. Histories follow for both characters)."

Did you read the whole thing?

It also says that Cyber-Sub (Kuai Liang) was re-transformed back to his human form.
About Me

06/15/2014 11:47 PM (UTC)
Yes, and like I said before, that whole last part reads more like an assumption on their part, that Kuai Lang somehow returned from the dead.
06/15/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
My post got completely ignored. XD
I'll try again:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I can understand why people would be upset with a whole new character replacing another character, even if he both looks and plays the same.

It's like Soul Calibur V. Namco replaced Taki with Natsu, Xianghua with Leixia, Kilik with Xiba, and Sophitia/Cassandra with Patroklos/Pyrrha.

Yes, they basically play the same, with some changes, and even look very much alike those they replaced, but in the end, they are NOT the same characters!

For someone who only cares for the gameplay, it isn't a problem, but for someone who cares about the whole character, the story behind it, having followed that character and had him as a favourite due to the WHOLE package... it has an impact!

And I find it disrespectful that there are people who just go "and so what?"...
It DOES matter. Maybe not to you guys, but to others. Please respect that.
I didn't even see this post. But very good points. I was like "at least your character is always in" at first but then I kind of understood where they're coming from.
06/16/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
on a side note World BOX FINALLY released him, had it pre-ordered since last October. http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr145/hydro21188/WOB10005.jpg

can't wait for him to arrive. smilesmilesmile not sure how to make the link appear in my message, but you can copy it and check it out.
06/16/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
on a side note World BOX FINALLY released him, had it pre-ordered since last October. http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr145/hydro21188/WOB10005.jpg

can't wait for him to arrive. smilesmilesmile

not sure how to make the link appear in my message, but you can copy it and check it out.

Ooooh, awesome! :D
06/16/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
on a side note World BOX FINALLY released him, had it pre-ordered since last October. http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr145/hydro21188/WOB10005.jpg

can't wait for him to arrive. smilesmilesmile

not sure how to make the link appear in my message, but you can copy it and check it out.

Ooooh, awesome! :D

I was excited walking after work on friday the 13th no less :P, and got an email hes arrived, got him on the spot. Cost a pretty penny too $150 bucks.
06/16/2014 12:53 AM (UTC)
Sorry if somebody posted this already but there's a theory about Shao Kahn being in Sub-zeros body. Check out this video


Skip to 0:59 and look at Sub-zeros winning pose
06/16/2014 01:02 AM (UTC)
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Sorry if somebody posted this already but there's a theory about Shao Kahn being in Sub-zeros body. Check out this video


Skip to 0:59 and look at Sub-zeros winning pose

people think hes shao kahn now too.. really?
06/16/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Sorry if somebody posted this already but there's a theory about Shao Kahn being in Sub-zeros body. Check out this video


Skip to 0:59 and look at Sub-zeros winning pose

people think hes shao kahn now too.. really?

Ya I don't think NRS would go that far but it is an interesting theory
06/16/2014 02:15 AM (UTC)
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Sorry if somebody posted this already but there's a theory about Shao Kahn being in Sub-zeros body. Check out this video


Skip to 0:59 and look at Sub-zeros winning pose

people think hes shao kahn now too.. really?

Ya I don't think NRS would go that far but it is an interesting theory

Interesting as in.... stupid? Then yes; it is VERY fucking interesting.
06/16/2014 02:27 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Sorry if somebody posted this already but there's a theory about Shao Kahn being in Sub-zeros body. Check out this video


Skip to 0:59 and look at Sub-zeros winning pose

people think hes shao kahn now too.. really?

Ya I don't think NRS would go that far but it is an interesting theory

Interesting as in.... stupid? Then yes; it is VERY fucking interesting.

Lol something like that. My opinion is that the sub-zero is Kuai Lang. I don't know how they are going to do it but they should find a way to get him back into his body
06/16/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
I already posted the Shao Kahn theory. If you watch maximillion's review part 2 you can see it looks much more like his cryo-armor.

Also if you see it from the front it just looks like Ice. Nothing more nothing less.
06/16/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
lFrost Wrote:
At the end of the day, does it really matter who Sub-Zero is?

You all get on the game to fight, right? Whoever this Sub-Zero is, will you not use him just because he is Bi-Han and not Kuai, or vise-versa? ..I highly doubt that. They all fight the same in the end, at least he is in the game. Some people characters will never return, and probably, their special attributes won't be passed on to new characters either.

Just wait for the game to come out to see who the hell it really is.

It does matter, it matters alot, especially for those of us who love the story of MK. It's not just another fighter, i for one love mk for it's mythos, and story (even tho they fucked up mk 9 and have so many issues the story has a lot of potential)

Well yeah, I am one for the story as well. However, the game is going through a lot of changes, from altering pre-existing characters to getting new characters to new mechanics. Shouldn't we be open for change? If we are open-minded to the new characters and the new things that they are slinging our way, shouldn't we be open-minded to the possibility of a new Sub-Zero or Bi-Han transferring back to Sub-Zero? It's just another factor to the overall change that they are trying to bring to this new game (although a rather bad one).

Everyone is changing and altering that's been in the series before, at least that's what they are making it seem like. They are all aging and through aging comes change.

At the end of the day, it IS different for Sub-Zero though. They treat him like a title rather than an actual person. That's something we learned a long time ago, it's nothing new. Bi-Han died, got replaced by Kuai. Now Kuai died, and going by the little trend here. . . yeah, he may just get replaced too. This should be nothing new to you all.

Yes, we all grew up knowing and loving certain Sub-Zeros (whichever one you like more); however, this is a time for change, and he will not be omitted from that. Little do you know, if this is indeed a new Sub-Zero, you might even like him more than the last. You never know how the story will play out for him. Time will tell when we actually get knowledge and information of who he actually is. However, for now, since we DON'T know anything about him and that this is just a huge wildfire of speculation going on about his true identity, we should all be grateful that he is in the game in the first place, because that's what we DO know.

We don't know his true identity, so we should just acknowledge him from his title for now: Sub-Zero. At least they didn't kill off the entire title from the game (maybe because they knew it would be a bad idea).But this playable "title" that's been around since day one, and it is back again. That's all that should matter. . . at the point in time, since that's all we know.

Or maybe this is something I would never understand since I don't have that strong of an attachment to him like some of you do. Don't get me wrong, I like Sub-Zero as Kuai. But when I saw him get converted and then die in MK9, I already had the mindset that he will be replaced. However, I for one am open for the change of who this could be. I'm sure if it is NOT Kuai, there will be an interesting back story and what not to get us to like this new one, or at least pique everyone's interest of how this one came to be.

If he is new, don't debunk him yet. Let's just wait for the story to unveil. Maybe this is their way to keep a normal Sub-Zero, a new one. And keep Kuai a cyborg. They could play as two completely different characters. You get the best of both worlds. Two Sub-Zeros.
06/16/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
lFrost Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
lFrost Wrote:
At the end of the day, does it really matter who Sub-Zero is?

You all get on the game to fight, right? Whoever this Sub-Zero is, will you not use him just because he is Bi-Han and not Kuai, or vise-versa? ..I highly doubt that. They all fight the same in the end, at least he is in the game. Some people characters will never return, and probably, their special attributes won't be passed on to new characters either.

Just wait for the game to come out to see who the hell it really is.

It does matter, it matters alot, especially for those of us who love the story of MK. It's not just another fighter, i for one love mk for it's mythos, and story (even tho they fucked up mk 9 and have so many issues the story has a lot of potential)

Well yeah, I am one for the story as well. However, the game is going through a lot of changes, from altering pre-existing characters to getting new characters to new mechanics. Shouldn't we be open for change? If we are open-minded to the new characters and the new things that they are slinging our way, shouldn't we be open-minded to the possibility of a new Sub-Zero or Bi-Han transferring back to Sub-Zero? It's just another factor to the overall change that they are trying to bring to this new game (although a rather bad one).

Everyone is changing and altering that's been in the series before, at least that's what they are making it seem like. They are all aging and through aging comes change.

At the end of the day, it IS different for Sub-Zero though. They treat him like a title rather than an actual person. That's something we learned a long time ago, it's nothing new. Bi-Han died, got replaced by Kuai. Now Kuai died, and going by the little trend here. . . yeah, he may just get replaced too. This should be nothing new to you all.

Yes, we all grew up knowing and loving certain Sub-Zeros (whichever one you like more); however, this is a time for change, and he will not be omitted from that. Little do you know, if this is indeed a new Sub-Zero, you might even like him more than the last. You never know how the story will play out for him. Time will tell when we actually get knowledge and information of who he actually is. However, for now, since we DON'T know anything about him and that this is just a huge wildfire of speculation going on about his true identity, we should all be grateful that he is in the game in the first place, because that's what we DO know.

We don't know his true identity, so we should just acknowledge him from his title for now: Sub-Zero. At least they didn't kill off the entire title from the game (maybe because they knew it would be a bad idea).But this playable "title" that's been around since day one, and it is back again. That's all that should matter. . . at the point in time, since that's all we know.

Or maybe this is something I would never understand since I don't have that strong of an attachment to him like some of you do. Don't get me wrong, I like Sub-Zero as Kuai. But when I saw him get converted and then die in MK9, I already had the mindset that he will be replaced. However, I for one am open for the change of who this could be. I'm sure if it is NOT Kuai, there will be an interesting back story and what not to get us to like this new one, or at least pique everyone's interest of how this one came to be.

If he is new, don't debunk him yet. Let's just wait for the story to unveil. Maybe this is their way to keep a normal Sub-Zero, a new one. And keep Kuai a cyborg. They could play as two completely different characters. You get the best of both worlds. Two Sub-Zeros.

I respect your opinion, but i respecfully disagree. cyber sub was lazy and unneeded for the story at all, and honestly pissed me off to no end. Also you mentioned things are all changing yet Scorpion remains the same character game after game with nearly 0 story progression. I just want my sub-zero back YSZ. having bi han as subzero is a mistake because then you lose an amazing character in noob saibot. YSZ took the title subzero how you like to say, and made it his own. HE IS Sub-Zero and always will be in my eyes.
06/16/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
AJAX75, brilliant post!! Really, really brilliant post!!

And klash of Wombats continues...

T-rex Wrote:
Kuai has been carrying the Sub-Zero name for 6 games out of 7 at the time when Armageddon came out. Since MK2 came out in 1993, and Armageddon was released in 2006, that's just over a dozen years. For a video game franchise, that's a lifetime.

It doesn't make Sub-Zero title his and only his alone. Sub-Zero is a title, that was established before Kuai Liang even was invented. It's known, that there were Sub-Zeroes before him and it constantly alluded in the series. Hell, there is a game featuring another Sub-Zero as a main character and Bi-Han reprises this role in MKSM.
It's not like there were many (if at all) comic books featuring somebody else as Batman prior to 90-s.
The rest of your comparision is of the wall. As, once again, Kuai Liang is not the only Sub-Zero.

T-rex Wrote:
How could making him antagonize Sub-Zero again (especially the exact same Sub-Zero that he's already killed once before) possibly work for the benefit of either of their characters?

It's not about just their conflict - it is how their characters can be handled in the conflict.

T-rex Wrote:
MK4 was the one time NRS actually tried to re-ignite that rivalry, and it fell completely flat.

MK4 is not the best example of the storytelling in the series, no matter what character you take. You admitted it yourself.

T-rex Wrote:
If this Sub-Zero is a brand new character, what benefit could it possibly serve to have him start a rivalry with Scorpion?

None, aside from satisfying general audience, who knows that those two character locked in Mortal Kombat. Besides, why are you adressing me about this? I said I am against their rivalry. I don't support it, but it is exists and will be existing, at least in MKX, so I am looking for the way how it can be make interesting. I am making best out of the wrost, that what I always do. Or at least trying to do.

T-rex Wrote:
Not to mention that it would effectively erase the character of Noob Saibot from existence. I thought most people liked Noob. Are you one of the few who don't? Would you prefer to see him gone? Why?

I am not against Noob Saibot, but if he dissapperas forever and Bi-Han will be developed further - I will not be against it. I am not against anything, if it develops story, characters and changes status quo. If it means letting go some of the characters - I am OK with it, because potential pay off is much more interesting, than same old same old stuff.

T-rex Wrote:
Because reducing the most well-developed character in the OT to a walking refrigerator who gets punked out like a chump and ends up stuck in the shittiest realm of them all as a mindless zombie puppet is not just disgraceful, it's fucking offensive.

You win something, you lose something. In order to move series forward, some characters should have been sacrificed. If you don't like this direction - well, nobody forces you to stay fan of this series. Ulitmately, as long as series sells, new MK games will be made and your opinion will be ignored as well as mine. So, there.

Accept some stuff, that you don't like or go away, because there will never be a game made 100% to your tastes. It's always happens with things that are not made by you. The same apllies to me as well. I don't like absolutely everything about MK9, but for me pros outweighs the cons, so I accepted negative things as part of the package and moved forward, waiting for the next game.
Bottom line: you can't have everything.

T-rex Wrote:

"Mishandling" is a better word.

Just what I said - you win something, you lose something.

Lokheit Wrote:
Again, I'm really not too worried because I think there are very big chances that this is Kuai Liang indeed, but that argument of "hey it's the character that you wanted even if it's just some random person that for what we know could be the exact opposite of everything Kuai Liang represented as a person" doesn't make any sense.

Once again, Sub-Zero has started as a title, not a character. Kuai Liang can be character of his own, but not Sub-Zero.

This superdevotion to the fictional characters so annoying...especially, if those characters can be replaced.

Viser Wrote:
HE IS Sub-Zero and always will be in my eyes.

Well, nothing precludes him from being Sub-Zero in your eyes...grin
06/16/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
AJAX75, brilliant post!! Really, really brilliant post!!

And klash of Wombats continues...

T-rex Wrote:
Kuai has been carrying the Sub-Zero name for 6 games out of 7 at the time when Armageddon came out. Since MK2 came out in 1993, and Armageddon was released in 2006, that's just over a dozen years. For a video game franchise, that's a lifetime.

It doesn't make Sub-Zero title his and only his alone. Sub-Zero is a title, that was established before Kuai Liang even was invented. It's known, that there were Sub-Zeroes before him and it constantly alluded in the series. Hell, there is a game featuring another Sub-Zero as a main character and Bi-Han reprises this role in MKSM.
It's not like there were many (if at all) comic books featuring somebody else as Batman prior to 90-s.
The rest of your comparision is of the wall. As, once again, Kuai Liang is not the only Sub-Zero.

T-rex Wrote:
How could making him antagonize Sub-Zero again (especially the exact same Sub-Zero that he's already killed once before) possibly work for the benefit of either of their characters?

It's not about just their conflict - it is how their characters can be handled in the conflict.

T-rex Wrote:
MK4 was the one time NRS actually tried to re-ignite that rivalry, and it fell completely flat.

MK4 is not the best example of the storytelling in the series, no matter what character you take. You admitted it yourself.

T-rex Wrote:
If this Sub-Zero is a brand new character, what benefit could it possibly serve to have him start a rivalry with Scorpion?

None, aside from satisfying general audience, who knows that those two character locked in Mortal Kombat. Besides, why are you adressing me about this? I said I am against their rivalry. I don't support it, but it is exists and will be existing, at least in MKX, so I am looking for the way how it can be make interesting. I am making best out of the wrost, that what I always do. Or at least trying to do.

T-rex Wrote:
Not to mention that it would effectively erase the character of Noob Saibot from existence. I thought most people liked Noob. Are you one of the few who don't? Would you prefer to see him gone? Why?

I am not against Noob Saibot, but if he dissapperas forever and Bi-Han will be developed further - I will not be against it. I am not against anything, if it develops story, characters and changes status quo. If it means letting go some of the characters - I am OK with it, because potential pay off is much more interesting, than same old same old stuff.

T-rex Wrote:
Because reducing the most well-developed character in the OT to a walking refrigerator who gets punked out like a chump and ends up stuck in the shittiest realm of them all as a mindless zombie puppet is not just disgraceful, it's fucking offensive.

You win something, you lose something. In order to move series forward, some characters should have been sacrificed. If you don't like this direction - well, nobody forces you to stay fan of this series. Ulitmately, as long as series sells, new MK games will be made and your opinion will be ignored as well as mine. So, there.

Accept some stuff, that you don't like or go away, because there will never be a game made 100% to your tastes. It's always happens with things that are not made by you. The same apllies to me as well. I don't like absolutely everything about MK9, but for me pros outweighs the cons, so I accepted negative things as part of the package and moved forward, waiting for the next game.
Bottom line: you can't have everything.

T-rex Wrote:

"Mishandling" is a better word.

Just what I said - you win something, you lose something.

Lokheit Wrote:
Again, I'm really not too worried because I think there are very big chances that this is Kuai Liang indeed, but that argument of "hey it's the character that you wanted even if it's just some random person that for what we know could be the exact opposite of everything Kuai Liang represented as a person" doesn't make any sense.

Once again, Sub-Zero has started as a title, not a character. Kuai Liang can be character of his own, but not Sub-Zero.

This superdevotion to the fictional characters so annoying...especially, if those characters can be replaced.

Viser Wrote:
HE IS Sub-Zero and always will be in my eyes.

Well, nothing precludes him from being Sub-Zero in your eyes...grin

You know what i meant Sumac, and i might be in the minority on this but i still prefer to call him John.
Updated: i went back and reread this whole insane thread. This is how i feel Bi Han as Sub-Zero If this Sub-Zero is Bi-Han. I'm going to lose respect for NRS completely. They already shafted Kuai Liangs evolution. Now the're going to fuck Bi-Hans too? Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero If this is Kuai Liang i will be very happy. But wonder what direction he'll go in... Last we saw of him, he was a cyborg zombie. Did Quan Chi fully resurrect Kuai Liang? Maybe Scorpion finds out that truth? And Quan Chi offers Kuai Liang resurrection in return for stopping Scorpion. New Guy as Sub-Zero If this is a in fact a new Sub-Zero... i really really hope the story of this guy makes since. Ps. None of this transgender shit with Frost. Leave her the fuck alone furious
Historical Favorite
06/16/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
My post got completely ignored. XD

One can hardly imagine why.

Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:

If this Sub-Zero is Bi-Han. I'm going to lose respect for NRS completely. They already shafted Kuai Liangs evolution. Now the're going to fuck other Bi-Hans too?

Probably. And why not? What, when all is said and done, would be the point of a reboot if the series followed the same path after the fact?
06/16/2014 07:04 AM (UTC)
I think a lot of you who are overly concerned about the story should already prepare yourselves for that reality that this Sub-Zero will be a new character. He refers to himself in a third person plural form which likely means that this person considers himself and all the Sub-Zeroes to be the same.
Historical Favorite
06/16/2014 07:08 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
He refers to himself in a third person plural form which likely means that this person considers himself and all the Sub-Zeroes to be the same.

Sort of like how The Rock considered himself to be all rocks?
06/16/2014 07:09 AM (UTC)
Sure. Whatever that means.
06/16/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
AJAX75 Wrote:
This thread is a perfect example of how MK fans hate and despise change. Kuai Lang was Sub-Zero for a long time, and I appreciate that he has a large fan-base, but you guys just have to accept that there could be someone else filing the role of Sub-Zero. This is the perfect time to do it, seeing as Kuai Lang is dead and there is no visible sign of him coming back anytime soon. I've always assumed that Sub-Zero was simply a role that someone would play until they either died or gave it up and I've always assumed that there were hundreds of people outside Bi-Han's and Kuai Lang's family that were cyromancers, Frost being a prime example. Boon has said twice now that Sub-Zero is simply a role for someone to fill, and both times he strongly hinted that it was someone new filling the role.

Trying to make Batman and Bruce Wayne similar to Sub-Zero and Kuai Lang is useless, as Bruce Wayne was the creator of Batman and will always be the man behind the role, whereas Kuai Lang did not create Sub-Zero and will probably not always be the role. Just because he was featured the most times as Sub-Zero doesn't make the role his and his alone. What I find funny is that the person behind the role of Sub-Zero in this game has already been decided, and none of you can change that. I admit, I felt like NRS were going to go the cheap and lazy way by somehow resurrecting Kuai Lang and making him Sub-Zero again, but I personally hope that Kuai Lang stays a Cyborg and I hope he can become his own character, just like Bi-Han and Noob became their own character. NRS have grown some balls since MK9, and it's clear that they are willing to displease a few fans in order to really shake the foundations of MK and really give us something new. It's unfortunate that the people who they're displeasing are complaining the hardest. I mean, look how long it took for people to calm down about new characters, and now a new wave of fans have found something new to complain about.

Anyway, to the people who are general fans of Sub-Zero, the role is still in the game, so be happy that your favorite title is back once again. For people who are fans of Kuai Lang, accept that some characters need a break, and god forbid Kuai Lang needs a LONG break. The guy's been in every fucking MK game (except the first) and I think he's long overdue for a rest. Let someone else take the role and actually give the new guy a chance before you shit on him and continue crying about Kuai Lang. But who am I kidding, the people on this thread will read this post and then 50% of them will ignore it once they realize I don't agree with them and just go back to spewing the same three points they've been banging on about for the last five pages, but I don't care. I've given my two cents and I'm out. Have fun wallowing in this shit storm.

Well it's no surprise to me that you might get ignored. You think you're special just because you're saying everything every other Subby hater on this thread have said a little bit differently? You literally have said nothing new. It's no fucking surprise that Sub-Zero is in the game. He will be in every MK game there is weather it's Kuai or not. This whole thread was created because I was just wondering if Kuai Liang would even be in this game at all and to me and i'm sure most Sub-Zero fans, he IS Sub-Zero.
Though at this point I'm not even sure if I want this Sub-Zero to be Kuai Liang, if he ends up being sinister. Also this Sub looked far more Chinese than Kuai in that reveal trailer. Kuai always had more of an American appearance since MK3. I'd rather have no character than character assassination, but we'll just have to wait and see.

I really don't understand the anger in the Subby haters, especially that dude with the Mileena avatar. Did Kuai kill your grandmother or something?
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