Im really worried about my Subby
posted06/25/2014 06:35 AM (UTC)by
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06/08/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
Ever since he got turned into that damn cyborg I've worried what would become of my Kuai Liang aka the TRUE Sub-Zero, or just Subby for short. Ed boon doesn't really seem to even recognize Subby as a person, just an identity. At least that's the vibe I got from him after he was asked about him during gamespot's E3 coverage. So If that means Subby won't be Kuai Liang, or if Kuai Liang isn't even a character, I will cry sad
Based on Scorpion and Sub-Zero's dialogue, it seems that Scorpion does know this Sub-Zero.... but who knows?
06/12/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused
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06/12/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
I'd just like to point out that the "Untrue" Sub-Zero had an entire game of his own years after he was killed off, and years before he was retconned into being a shadow soldier who prior to that had no story to speak of.

It's clear to me that the core MK team has always seen Sub-Zero as an identity that gets passed on, and aren't averse to passing the torch. Hell, it's in their history.

There's no harm in having favorites. But it is a lineage that can't be denied.
06/12/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Take a deep breath, have a glass of water, calm down and then go call a therapist, because your feelings towards this fictional character seems a bit too unhealthy.

As for which Subbie is in MKX is unknown, but Ed Boon said in an interview that we would know which one of them he is through the Story Mode, so that is a big hint to that it is already one of the two Subbies we know - either Bi Han or Kuai Liang. And he is obviously not a cyborg anymore, so there's no need to worry about that part.
06/12/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Butthurt of Kuai Liang fans is delicious.
It'l be even more delicious, if Sub-Zero in MKX is neither of the past versions of character.
06/12/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Butthurt of Kuai Liang fans is delicious.
It'l be even more delicious, if Sub-Zero in MKX is neither of the past versions of character.

Please stop being an asshole.
06/12/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused

Actually yes I do need to express my discomfort for a character considering this is a Mortal Kombat website. I figured I'd be able to share my thoughts and hear others with out such hostility.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/12/2014 09:16 PM (UTC)
Not to be an insensitive bitch, but at the end of the day Sub-Zero is still Sub-Zero. The whole point of the character is that he's the identity of several warriors and at the end of the day you still have an ice shooting character in the game named Sub-Zero. What difference does it make if it's not one of the brothers you wanted? That changes nothing at all. He still wears blue, still shoots ice, and is still named Sub-Zero. O.o

Be greatful you have a Sub-Zero in this game even if it's not the exact one you wanted. My favorite characters are definitely not going to make it while yours did.
06/12/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused

Actually yes I do need to express my discomfort for a character considering this is a Mortal Kombat website. I figured I'd be able to share my thoughts and hear others with out such hostility.

I'm sorry you are met with hostility, but sadly that's how most people are on this forum. Try your best to shake it off, and if it becomes too much, report the users to the mods. ^^
06/12/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
Ever since he got turned into that damn cyborg I've worried what would become of my Kuai Liang aka the TRUE Sub-Zero, or just Subby for short. Ed boon doesn't really seem to even recognize Subby as a person, just an identity. At least that's the vibe I got from him after he was asked about him during gamespot's E3 coverage. So If that means Subby won't be Kuai Liang, or if Kuai Liang isn't even a character, I will cry sad

He's not YOUR Sub Zero. Let's just get that out of the way.

Now, there's no bigger Sub Zero fan than me, but personally I really like the whole "Mantle, heritage" philosophy of the character. It's a great device that can keep the character from ever getting old or stale. It also brings a great deal of gravity and honor to whoever takes the name. I'm PSYCHED at the idea of getting a new Sub Zero. I can't wait to see what NRS can do. Since Injustice they've been impressing the shit out of me.

Also, I HIGHLY doubt we've seen the last of Kuai Liang. There's too much story there to let it go to waste. Perhaps he will be similar to Cyrax in MK DA - Armageddon. Cyrax was one of the few characters that seemed to really evolve.

Remember how Kuai used to have his scar? Think about how he will look after trying to undo what the automation process did. It will leave much more than one little scar. He could turn out a disfigured monster, and be a reminder to everyone of the horrors of the clan's past. I'm in.

So yeah. You know.

*Puts on shades*

06/12/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused

Actually yes I do need to express my discomfort for a character considering this is a Mortal Kombat website. I figured I'd be able to share my thoughts and hear others with out such hostility.

If you do need to express it, you might as well do it in an already existing thread. Don't create another useless thread that leaves no room for interesting discussion betweem other users. We already got enough from Kanji. Plus Sub Zero is already in the game and looking awesome. Subby's fans were the closest they have been to not seeing their fav character in the game I'd say. You are lucky enough that the team knows where the money is and brought him back.
You don't even know the story yet. How can you make assumptions or even complain about it? I repeat: Sheeva and Rain are 2 of my fav characters and I might not even see them again. You already got your fav character and he looks badass. Can't you just be happy that he is in for now?
06/12/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Quakeman Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused

Actually yes I do need to express my discomfort for a character considering this is a Mortal Kombat website. I figured I'd be able to share my thoughts and hear others with out such hostility.

I'm sorry you are met with hostility, but sadly that's how most people are on this forum. Try your best to shake it off, and if it becomes too much, report the users to the mods. ^^

Yes I realize this now, but thanks for the tip ^_^

And to everyone else saying get over it. You may not have realized that this representation of Sub-Zero has been around for about 20 years, and has been in every major MK since the second. So I'd say if a major change were made it'd be worth talking about, whether your a fan or not. grintongueglassessleeptonguetonguetongue
06/12/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Quakeman Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Get over it. Do you really need a thread to express your discomfort about your fav character who WILL APPEAR in the game? 2 of my favorite characters might never even reappear in an MK game, you don't see me creating threads about it confused

Actually yes I do need to express my discomfort for a character considering this is a Mortal Kombat website. I figured I'd be able to share my thoughts and hear others with out such hostility.

If you do need to express it, you might as well do it in an already existing thread. Don't create another useless thread that leaves no room for interesting discussion betweem other users. We already got enough from Kanji. Plus Sub Zero is already in the game and looking awesome. Subby's fans were the closest they have been to not seeing their fav character in the game I'd say. You are lucky enough that the team knows where the money is and brought him back.
You don't even know the story yet. How can you make assumptions or even complain about it? I repeat: Sheeva and Rain are 2 of my fav characters and I might not even see them again. You already got your fav character and he looks badass. Can't you just be happy that he is in for now?

You sound extremely bitter...
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06/12/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Think of it this way:

I had to wait ten years to find out what happened to my favorite character and see him again. When I did, he didn't get the humanity I wanted him to have, or even a proper story. Smoke became a walking plot device with nary a mind to call his own.

In the space of one game where your character went through what mine did he already had his soul and independence back by the end. And even if whoever's under the mask this time through isn't Kuai Liang, you're guaranteed to find out what happened to him. And you'll at least have some version of your favorite MK character around, who you may even grow to like. I don't know if I'll be able to say the same.

Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
06/12/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Think of it this way:

I had to wait ten years to find out what happened to my favorite character and see him again. When I did, he didn't get the humanity I wanted him to have, or even a proper story of his own. Smoke became a walking plot device with nary a mind to call his own.

In the space of one game where your character went through what mine did; he already had his soul and independence back by the end. And even if whoever's under the mask this time through isn't Kuai Liang, you're guaranteed to find out what happened to him. And you'll at least have some version of your favorite MK character around, who you may even grow to like. I don't know if I'll be able to say the same.

Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

Smoke turned out great though! His MK9 appearance was easily the best he ever had, imo.
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06/12/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Think of it this way:

I had to wait ten years to find out what happened to my favorite character and see him again. When I did, he didn't get the humanity I wanted him to have, or even a proper story of his own. Smoke became a walking plot device with nary a mind to call his own.

In the space of one game where your character went through what mine did; he already had his soul and independence back by the end. And even if whoever's under the mask this time through isn't Kuai Liang, you're guaranteed to find out what happened to him. And you'll at least have some version of your favorite MK character around, who you may even grow to like. I don't know if I'll be able to say the same.

Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

Smoke turned out great though! His MK9 appearance was easily the best he ever had, imo.

Damn straight. I'm just referring to Deception. That game did a number on him. Despite all my issues with MK9's Story, the game gave Smoke virtually everything I wanted for him and overall I came away a damn happy camper.
06/12/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Think of it this way:

I had to wait ten years to find out what happened to my favorite character and see him again. When I did, he didn't get the humanity I wanted him to have, or even a proper story of his own. Smoke became a walking plot device with nary a mind to call his own.

In the space of one game where your character went through what mine did; he already had his soul and independence back by the end. And even if whoever's under the mask this time through isn't Kuai Liang, you're guaranteed to find out what happened to him. And you'll at least have some version of your favorite MK character around, who you may even grow to like. I don't know if I'll be able to say the same.

Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

Smoke was pretty rad in MK9 to me, Story Mode aside. His Bio and Ending were probably my favorites.

And dat gameplay, tho.
06/12/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

Explain this to me: Did I talk to you?

And just to answer to your stupid post, if I was bitter I would have made multiple threads about how unfair it is that Sheeva and Rain get no love. Have you seen me do that? No. I am extremely grateful that they were in MK9 so yeah...don't make assumptions. And most importantly, don't try to come at me. I wasn't even talking to you. Just don't.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/12/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Smoke was pretty rad in MK9 to me, Story Mode aside. His Bio and Ending were probably my favorites.

And dat gameplay, tho.

The bio, the ending, the origin, a name, gameplay perfectly suited to my playstyle...HNNG. I'm still happy about it a few years down the line.
06/12/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Smoke was pretty rad in MK9 to me, Story Mode aside. His Bio and Ending were probably my favorites.

And dat gameplay, tho.

The bio, the ending, the origin, a name, gameplay perfectly suited to my playstyle...HNNG. I'm still happy about it a few years down the line.

Word. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of his and Kuai's bromance. Way better than any team up of Sub and Scorpion could be.
06/12/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

Explain this to me: Did I talk to you?

And just to answer to your stupid post, if I was bitter I would have made multiple threads about how unfair it is that Sheeva and Rain get no love. Have you seen me do that? No. I am extremely grateful that they were in MK9 so yeah...don't make assumptions. And most importantly, don't try to come at me. I wasn't even talking to you. Just don't.

Haha, whoa, the rage coming from you is completely unnecessary. Maybe you should step away from the forums for a while and take a deep breath, maybe go outside and get some sunshine, have some lemonade and relax a bit. Because this bitch mode of yours needs to deactivate.
DjangoDrag Wrote: Hopefully we haven't seen the last of his and Kuai's bromance.

Ah yes, the fuel for some MK yaoi... <3
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06/12/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
I hope its Bi Han. To me, that's the real Sub-Zero. The one who beat the crap out of the protectors of the amulet and then kicked the crap out of Shinnok and Quan Chi and retrieved it. If Noob Saibot is going to be a puppet of Quan Chi like he was in MK9, leave him out and let this be Bi Han.
06/12/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
I hope its Bi Han. To me, that's the real Sub-Zero. The one who beat the crap out of the protectors of the amulet and then kicked the crap out of Shinnok and Quan Chi and retrieved it. If Noob Saibot is going to be a puppet of Quan Chi like he was in MK9, leave him out and let this be Bi Han.

Well, it could be Bi Han. I mean, maybe his twirly turn in the soulnado pulled all the darkness out of him. Who knows.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/12/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Ok guys, while this bantering is giving me way more entertainment than any episode of Bad Girls Club or Real Housewives ever did, let's simmer down here guys. Anyway, guess we'll see what subby it actually is in a year...blah.
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