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07/20/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
I think "world class" is a bit of an overstatement. He's the least featured of the original 7 in the games and was replaced by a literal carbon copy in Jarek in MK4, for Pete's sake.

I don't get how anyone can disregard a game because of one person not making the cut, and I hate to know that there are people like that out there.

I will be an MK fan to some degree till the day I die. However, I'm not as emotionally invested in the series nowadays because I don't have a gaming system and therefore don't actually play anymore.
Folks should be allowed to voice their opinion about how they'll react whether or not their fave character makes it or not, as long as nobody resorts to personal attacks. Thumbing your nose at a particular game doesn't equate jumping ship from the franchise entirely.

They can skip the game, it's perfectly understandable. It's the butthurt and unwarranted self-importance they seem to be intent on propagating is the problem.

It's human nature to think that you are the most important thing in the grand scheme of things, basically it's just immaturity without control. You can get a bit immature out for fun, but without backthought you are just an ass.

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-sig by MINION

07/20/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up.
But that'd never happen so you'd never be taken to task on that.

I mean you never really know what someone will do in a situation until they're in it and that's a situation you'll never be in.

That said people can buy what they want. If they're expecting something from a product and it doesn't have it why spend money on it?
07/20/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up.
But that'd never happen so you'd never be taken to task on that.

I mean you never really know what someone will do in a situation until they're in it and that's a situation you'll never be in.

That said people can buy what they want. If they're expecting something from a product and it doesn't have it why spend money on it?

That's what I tried to tell all the time, but still it can't find any sympathy.
07/20/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up.
But that'd never happen so you'd never be taken to task on that.

I mean you never really know what someone will do in a situation until they're in it and that's a situation you'll never be in.

That said people can buy what they want. If they're expecting something from a product and it doesn't have it why spend money on it?

Thank you. People act like mk is a gift. If a product you are spending YOUR money on doesn't include what you like it's your right to hate the game and not want it.
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Join the Mileena army on FB!

07/20/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.

The Mileena fan with the picture as her icon tried to make every excuse in the world as to why people didn't use her instead simply just owning up to the fact that Mileena sucks.

Well, no. Mileena doesn't suck. But I, as a Mileena fans, cant understand why a lot of Mileena's fans only throw bullshit at other characters to defend her favourite character. They start to looks like Jade fans xD.

I say something about Kano; I don't denied he is kind of iconic. But my point wasn't "Kano is bullshit". No, at all. I think Kano is a character with a lot of discontinuity in the main story; in fact, both in MK4 and MKD there are characters that try to rip part of her characteristics and habilities (Jarek, Kobra, Kira...). If Boon and cia. think someone could be replaced, I infer Kano is not as essential as others (of course, we can use the same logic with Kitana and her roll ball in MKvsDCU). But, of course, we could think exactly the opposite: they try to replace Kano and rip a lot of her qualities because he is an "iconic" character. My point was other: a lot of characters doesn't seem so popular and they appear in a lot of games (Jax is an example, he appear in almost every damn game since MK2 and is not as fucking popular as, don't know, Smoke or Ermac), and other ones who doesn't appear in MkvsDCU are, indeed, fanfavourites and iconic. That's all. I don't like Kano but I respect, a lot, fans of every character.

I think, again, Mileena will be in the game. They just show 7 characters, there's a lot of time to go.
07/20/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up.
But that'd never happen so you'd never be taken to task on that.

I mean you never really know what someone will do in a situation until they're in it and that's a situation you'll never be in.

That said people can buy what they want. If they're expecting something from a product and it doesn't have it why spend money on it?

But the thing is, I really wouldn't make a big deal about it. I'd just find soneone else to play as since there's twenty something others to play. Why ignore all of them because ONE favorite doesn't make the cut?

Those who somehow can't take the time to like another character to try and just pass the game up completely is something that will constantly boggle my mind. That's the point I'm trying to make. You don't have one of your favorites, why can't you find a liking to one of the newer characters and try to like them? Why immediately pass up on something that introduces new characters and not give them a chance because one of your favorite characters isn't in? That's just kinda... Odd. Honestly, if Sub-Zero was not in this game, I'd try out D'Vorah or Ferra/Torr. Giving them a chance than immediately blowing the game off because I have a favorite that's not in the game.

squirt007nc Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up.
But that'd never happen so you'd never be taken to task on that.

I mean you never really know what someone will do in a situation until they're in it and that's a situation you'll never be in.

That said people can buy what they want. If they're expecting something from a product and it doesn't have it why spend money on it?

Thank you. People act like mk is a gift. If a product you are spending YOUR money on doesn't include what you like it's your right to hate the game and not want it.

I don't. I'm just asking a question is all. Although I do have the right to not really understand why to pass up for one character being missing. Just like DLC, why complain about a guest character being one of them if you're not going to buy it?
Mileena Stan
07/20/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
I just want someone to hug me and repeat "Mileena will definitely be in" over and over again in my ear a million times.
07/20/2014 09:00 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.

The Mileena fan with the picture as her icon tried to make every excuse in the world as to why people didn't use her instead simply just owning up to the fact that Mileena sucks.

Oh look. Squirt just posted saying that a character he doesn't like sucks. How original.
Also try to differentiate "excuse" from "reasoning". Why would I even make an excuse for Mileena's low stats in MK9? Hell I didn't even bother to get into that discussion about why some characters were used less than others so your post was overall a fail.
Anyway I don't care what you or direct think. I only care about Mileena being in the game, and there's a good possibility that she is so I'm happy. You can keep posting about how much Mileena, D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr suck. Such contribution in the site.
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I will rock you.

07/20/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
I like 90 percent of all of the characters that means I like some of the ones that some people thinks suck.grin
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07/20/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
It's like people think that their emotions are valid reasons for something when they argue about something that's quantifiable or objective.
07/20/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
Well, no. Mileena doesn't suck. But I, as a Mileena fans, cant understand why a lot of Mileena's fans only throw bullshit at other characters to defend her favourite character. They start to looks like Jade fans xD.

That was uncalled for. :/
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07/20/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Benetnasch Wrote:
Well, no. Mileena doesn't suck. But I, as a Mileena fans, cant understand why a lot of Mileena's fans only throw bullshit at other characters to defend her favourite character. They start to looks like Jade fans xD.

That was uncalled for. :/

Not to mention pretty lame.
About Me

-sig by MINION

07/20/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
Benetnasch Wrote:
My point was other: a lot of characters doesn't seem so popular and they appear in a lot of games (Jax is an example, he appear in almost every damn game since MK2 and is not as fucking popular as, don't know, Smoke or Ermac), and other ones who doesn't appear in MkvsDCU are, indeed, fanfavourites and iconic.
Jax is extremely popular though. He's ranked 12/12/9 on the MK website leaderboards for favorite character used across all modes he's familiar to casual MK fans and of course is well liked among more dedicated fans. He's not so popular on MKO where past palette swaps reign supreme but MKO isn't all that matters. I get what you're saying that sometimes some characters SEEM less popular but in actuality they do alright.

Icebaby Wrote:
But the thing is, I really wouldn't make a big deal about it. I'd just find soneone else to play as since there's twenty something others to play. Why ignore all of them because ONE favorite doesn't make the cut?
Those who somehow can't take the time to like another character to try and just pass the game up completely is something that will constantly boggle my mind. That's the point I'm trying to make. You don't have one of your favorites, why can't you find a liking to one of the newer characters and try to like them? Why immediately pass up on something that introduces new characters and not give them a chance because one of your favorite characters isn't in? That's just kinda... Odd. Honestly, if Sub-Zero was not in this game, I'd try out D'Vorah or Ferra/Torr. Giving them a chance than immediately blowing the game off because I have a favorite that's not in the game.
I mean it's great that you're open minded and positive about something that'll never come to pass in reality but that's not the case for everyone. I mean you SAY that and you might mean it but we'll literally never know because Sub-Zero is your favorite.

But people have certain expectations of products if that product doesn't meet the expectations I understand that people would become uninterested. If pretty much all forms of media things get sold on the strength of ONE name alone.

You think we'd have a Maleficent movie if Angelina Jolie wasn't playing her? Not at all. People would go out a pay money to see that movie on her name alone. It kind of a similar concept but in reverse. People excited to see how their favorite character continues to fit into the MK world might be disappointed. No one wants to pay 60 bucks to be disappointed.
07/20/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.

The Mileena fan with the picture as her icon tried to make every excuse in the world as to why people didn't use her instead simply just owning up to the fact that Mileena sucks.

Oh look. Squirt just posted saying that a character he doesn't like sucks. How original.
Also try to differentiate "excuse" from "reasoning". Why would I even make an excuse for Mileena's low stats in MK9? Hell I didn't even bother to get into that discussion about why some characters were used less than others so your post was overall a fail.
Anyway I don't care what you or direct think. I only care about Mileena being in the game, and there's a good possibility that she is so I'm happy. You can keep posting about how much Mileena, D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr suck. Such contribution in the site.

I said they sucked and didn't appeal to me. If they were the most played as characters than so be it. I won't argue with facts. But facts say Mileena wasn't one of the most used characters in MkX. Never said what I was saying was fact but you can't argue against milenna the numbers don't lie.
07/21/2014 02:46 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.

The Mileena fan with the picture as her icon tried to make every excuse in the world as to why people didn't use her instead simply just owning up to the fact that Mileena sucks.

Oh look. Squirt just posted saying that a character he doesn't like sucks. How original.
Also try to differentiate "excuse" from "reasoning". Why would I even make an excuse for Mileena's low stats in MK9? Hell I didn't even bother to get into that discussion about why some characters were used less than others so your post was overall a fail.
Anyway I don't care what you or direct think. I only care about Mileena being in the game, and there's a good possibility that she is so I'm happy. You can keep posting about how much Mileena, D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr suck. Such contribution in the site.

I said they sucked and didn't appeal to me. If they were the most played as characters than so be it. I won't argue with facts. But facts say Mileena wasn't one of the most used characters in MkX. Never said what I was saying was fact but you can't argue against milenna the numbers don't lie.

I'm gonna have to agree. The girl with the Mileena avatar jumped at me for stating facts, saying a character is good or not is subjective, but as you said, numbers don't lie, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters in MK9, according to the official site. I never trashed Mileena as a character (she's one of the few female characters in the series i find appealing) but the fact that people didn't play her, even after all the promo and hype she got, is worrying.
Mileena Stan
07/21/2014 06:09 AM (UTC)
I just want someone to hug me and repeat "Mileena will definitely be in" over and over again in my ear a million times.
07/21/2014 10:07 AM (UTC)
I hate this list of online-players that have favorites that are ALWAYS high tiers..

That's unfair.

Many offline players probably play with Mileena, Stryker, Sheeva and all others that are low on that boring, fucking list which I hate with passion beyond passion and probably gets characters like Mileena, Rain and Sektor to sit this one out, while dead-meat from MK9 comes back again for no reason other than that people like to spawn online tournaments with overused, high-tier characters that Boon & Co themselves made more powerful than the other ones + he didn't gave attention in the storymode.
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-sig by MINION

07/21/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Rain was really horrible in MK9 though. I don't think anyone used him that didn't already love him. Like I was so disappointed when I bought Rain because he's my favorite male ninja and there was just nothing that can be done with him lol.
07/21/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate this list of online-players that have favorites that are ALWAYS high tiers..

That's unfair.

Many offline players probably play with Mileena, Stryker, Sheeva and all others that are low on that boring, fucking list which I hate with passion beyond passion and probably gets characters like Mileena, Rain and Sektor to sit this one out, while dead-meat from MK9 comes back again for no reason other than that people like to spawn online tournaments with overused, high-tier characters that Boon & Co themselves made more powerful than the other ones + he didn't gave attention in the storymode.

So because everyone doesn't use the characters you like but instead use the characters you hate which happen to be the most popular characters at their respective genders it's unfair? And maybe boon and co payed more attention to characters they know people WANT to use. Why would they make scorpion and subzero hard? They know majority of the players will constantly use them as they are the icons. Same thing with kitana and Sonya. Now jade is surprising. I perfer get over Mileena but I didn't think most people did. And Stryker is cool but let's be real he isn't all that popular. Cyrax was always more liked than sektor. And kabal was one of the most used characters in the tournament if not the most but isn't even top 5 in the rankings(correct me if I'm wrong). The tournament doesn't explain the whole story and also females are barely used in the tournament.
07/21/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)

That stupid, annoying, hateful, fucking online-uses list will be used to see which freaking characters will get into MKX.

So I hate it with passion, especially since they probably mean that Sektor and Mileena will be out of MKx and Sonya and Kitana will be in.

And yes its not fair that Boon & CO give his favorites special treatments and let the others die in waste-form.

Mileena, Rain and Sektor have enough fans, just check out freaking deviantart for example, most pictures are from Mileena.

I think ALL characters should be given a chance, not only the good (alignment) and overused ones.

And that stupid list of on online-uses should be burned and tortured. I hate that list and want to destroy it, as really that saying that characters high in that list will make it into MKX is like telling people on facebook they will win with the most likes and then their entire friend-list will help them out, so that mostly means the one with most friends will win. (which is insane). They should DROP that list and just put in the characters that make most sense of being in. Turn the most-played ones that died into DLC, so the spawners can still use their favorites in online boring tournaments.
07/22/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Well by your nationality flag your aren't American and this game is developed by American people. In the USA MAJOIRTY RULES. Just the way it is. Also we are at a point in time with gaming where all most care about is online. My favorite all time game gta had a subpar story in my opinion due to rockstar wanting to focus everyone on gta online. That's just the way gaming is now. And why keep including characters most don't use over characters that most do use. Why do you think sub and scorp as always in the first reveals and always in every game. Because they know people will buy the game just because of them. Same with kitana and Sonya they are the mainland most popular females in MkX. And I doubt Sonya gets in it's a maybe but due to Cassie I think johnny has a better chance. And milenna may get in but due to new females and someone like Tanya who is almost a shoe in kinda hurts her chances. Id rather her sit this one out along with kitana and the rest to bring in maybe ashrah, Sareena and bring skarlet back.
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Thanks to MINION for this awesome signature

07/23/2014 11:39 AM (UTC)
Jade is my all-time favourite MK character.

God dammit Jade why you gotta be so sassy, cool, sexy and fun to play as but not as popular as the others :(

Really hoping that they actually do DLC PACKS this time.

How cool would it be to see an Edenian Pack? Kitana & Jade + Klassic Kostumes for them, Mileena, Tanya and Rain (providing they all make it) as well as an Edenian Stage?

I am totally just grasping for any Jade-coloured straw right now :(
07/23/2014 12:05 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Well by your nationality flag your aren't American and this game is developed by American people. In the USA MAJOIRTY RULES. Just the way it is. Also we are at a point in time with gaming where all most care about is online. My favorite all time game gta had a subpar story in my opinion due to rockstar wanting to focus everyone on gta online. That's just the way gaming is now. And why keep including characters most don't use over characters that most do use. Why do you think sub and scorp as always in the first reveals and always in every game. Because they know people will buy the game just because of them. Same with kitana and Sonya they are the mainland most popular females in MkX. And I doubt Sonya gets in it's a maybe but due to Cassie I think johnny has a better chance. And milenna may get in but due to new females and someone like Tanya who is almost a shoe in kinda hurts her chances. Id rather her sit this one out along with kitana and the rest to bring in maybe ashrah, Sareena and bring skarlet back.

America is a strange country. They like big things (only wishing for Kaiju in monster manuals and bestiaries, something I hate) and brag about big things, crying when they see nipples at tv, and cry at Oprah's show when they get a free car, something I can't understand..

But I doubt you are right about that. I hope Boon was a troll again and the list-thing was just a lie or whatever, and the characters chosen to be in X are more because they suit than they are played much on some stupid online-spammers list.
07/23/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Well by your nationality flag your aren't American and this game is developed by American people. In the USA MAJOIRTY RULES. Just the way it is.

America is a strange country. They like big things (only wishing for Kaiju in monster manuals and bestiaries, something I hate) and brag about big things, crying when they see nipples at tv, and cry at Oprah's show when they get a free car, something I can't understand..

The stupidity in here sometimes is truly mind-boggling.
07/23/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Well by your nationality flag your aren't American and this game is developed by American people. In the USA MAJOIRTY RULES. Just the way it is.

America is a strange country. They like big things (only wishing for Kaiju in monster manuals and bestiaries, something I hate) and brag about big things, crying when they see nipples at tv, and cry at Oprah's show when they get a free car, something I can't understand..

The stupidity in here sometimes is truly mind-boggling.

really if you live in Europe you probably have a very different view on American people, especially Texas people are fun to watch on tv.

Having commercials like every 5 seconds must be hard too...
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