07/19/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
I think "world class" is a bit of an overstatement. He's the least featured of the original 7 in the games and was replaced by a literal carbon copy in Jarek in MK4, for Pete's sake.
I don't get how anyone can disregard a game because of one person not making the cut, and I hate to know that there are people like that out there.

I will be an MK fan to some degree till the day I die. However, I'm not as emotionally invested in the series nowadays because I don't have a gaming system and therefore don't actually play anymore.
Folks should be allowed to voice their opinion about how they'll react whether or not their fave character makes it or not, as long as nobody resorts to personal attacks. Thumbing your nose at a particular game doesn't equate jumping ship from the franchise entirely.
07/19/2014 04:36 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
I think "world class" is a bit of an overstatement. He's the least featured of the original 7 in the games and was replaced by a literal carbon copy in Jarek in MK4, for Pete's sake.

I don't get how anyone can disregard a game because of one person not making the cut, and I hate to know that there are people like that out there.

I will be an MK fan probably till the day I die. However, I'm not as emotionally invested in the series nowadays because I don't have a gaming system and therefore don't actually play anymore.
Folks should be allowed to voice their opinion about how they'll react whether or not their fave character makes it or not. It doesn't equate jumping ship from the franchise entirely.

And still used more than Mileena. What's your point? By your logic Kitana is irrelevant as well since they replaced her with Tanya, and we all know that's not true.
07/19/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Kano is a first class character, as he debuted in the original MK and is one of the original 7. His Heart Rip fatality is clearly one of the most iconic fatalities in the franchise and was probably the most shocking in MK1, no lie, everyone loved that fatality in MK1. That makes him iconic. He is HUGE among casuals because of these and other reasons.

Jax is also a popular character, he gets too much hate on MKO and other fansites but let's be real, he's pretty iconic and also huge among casuals, casual gamers who loved MK2, and did not play or didn't like post-MK3 games love Jax and do not care for Quan Chi or Kenshi or whatever. Just ask NEOGAF.

I guess the Mileena/Baraka thing is a valid point, but Boon and co. picked Baraka over Mileena for a reason. I agree with the member who said Johnny Cage was truly the shocking exclusion from MKvsDCU.

Gosh you're being so subjective towards the characters you like. What are you trying to prove? Ok Kano is iconic and many people from the nineties remember him. Does that mean they care if he's not gonna make it?
What matters is how popular a character is and it looks like Mileena is quite popular which gives us hope she will be in. What's your problem with that trying to make it look like she ain't gonna be in? Leave us the eff alone believing she'll make it jeez.
Point is, MKvDC was a different time. Even tho Jax, Kitana, Liu Kang and Sonya made it in that game, chances are that they won't in this one after the events of MK9. Deal with it. As people already mentioned, we cant really take that game seriously since characters like Cage and Kung Lao didn't make it, while Quan was the next in lineconfused
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-sig by MINION

07/19/2014 11:23 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Point is, MKvDC was a different time. Even tho Jax, Kitana, Liu Kang and Sonya made it in that game, chances are that they won't in this one after the events of MK9. Deal with it.
Y'all are really holding on to that. Keep hope alive I guess.
07/19/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Icybaby - Not used that guys aren't always nice to you because your a girl on a forum or something?

Geez take a chill pill.

Where in that post did I express ANY hate toward Sub-Zero? WHERE? please show me.

I only said that some people have favorites like Mileena/Tanya/Ermac/Smoke and whatever, and that they always in stress because their favorite characters have a big chance to not appear in a game, while Sub-Zero is 100% in. So having some understanding that people will flip out when they learn their favorites aren't in is logical, they will grow over it once the game is out, but it's never cool to learn that your favorites aren't in the game at first... Empathy would help you a lot.

What in the name of the Devil is the connection between hate and that? Really?

I don't even hate Sub-Zero at all in fact, I only dislike that they use 3 versions of him instead of just one (but that is his story-part), but I love playing as the character in fact.
07/19/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Point is, MKvDC was a different time. Even tho Jax, Kitana, Liu Kang and Sonya made it in that game, chances are that they won't in this one after the events of MK9. Deal with it.
Y'all are really holding on to that. Keep hope alive I guess.

Your post was irrelevant since I never said I "hope" those characters aren't gonna make it. I said "chances are" they're not gonna make it which is true. At least some of them. I don't hope that some characters are left out since almost everyone has fans. And I know ppl want their favs in the game just as much as I do.
My post was directed especially to him since I've seen him dish numerous characters he doesn't like and say they wont make it. It's starting to become really annoying and the fact that he "thinks" Kano has more fans than Mileena or Reptile or whoever doesn't mean that he's gonna make it while they won't. We cant be sure but damn! The point of the thread wasn't for ppl to be like "Yeah your favs suck, they aren't gonna be in the game lolz" -.-'
07/19/2014 01:23 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kano is a first class character, as he debuted in the original MK and is one of the original 7. His Heart Rip fatality is clearly one of the most iconic fatalities in the franchise and was probably the most shocking in MK1, no lie, everyone loved that fatality in MK1. That makes him iconic. He is HUGE among casuals because of these and other reasons.

Jax is also a popular character, he gets too much hate on MKO and other fansites but let's be real, he's pretty iconic and also huge among casuals, casual gamers who loved MK2, and did not play or didn't like post-MK3 games love Jax and do not care for Quan Chi or Kenshi or whatever. Just ask NEOGAF.

I guess the Mileena/Baraka thing is a valid point, but Boon and co. picked Baraka over Mileena for a reason. I agree with the member who said Johnny Cage was truly the shocking exclusion from MKvsDCU.

Gosh you're being so subjective towards the characters you like. What are you trying to prove? Ok Kano is iconic and many people from the nineties remember him. Does that mean they care if he's not gonna make it?
What matters is how popular a character is and it looks like Mileena is quite popular which gives us hope she will be in. What's your problem with that trying to make it look like she ain't gonna be in? Leave us the eff alone believing she'll make it jeez.
Point is, MKvDC was a different time. Even tho Jax, Kitana, Liu Kang and Sonya made it in that game, chances are that they won't in this one after the events of MK9. Deal with it. As people already mentioned, we cant really take that game seriously since characters like Cage and Kung Lao didn't make it, while Quan was the next in lineconfused

Why don't you go get your glasses and reread my post, darling? I never said Kano or Jax were more popular than Mileena, i was replying to whoever said that the MKvsDCU point was not valid because they were in when in fact they are iconic. The fact that you get so heated when i never said Your favorite is less popular/not iconic is extremely funny.

Also you're quick to act like MKvsDCU doesn't matter because other icons weren't in there, bit there's something called budget and time, you know? Boon and co picked the ones who made it for a reason: because they are iconic, wether the characters that were left out are or not iconic.

And last, you say "MKvsDCU were different times" but all the characters you consider less popular than your favorite were played more in both consoles in MK9, and you still haven't answered why Mileena is one of the 5 least playdd characters in MK9, according to official stats. I wonder why is it?
07/19/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
Mileena will NEVER be killed off, don't worry. She's too popular and amazing. I thought she was the main female in MK 9 even for the series. So much focus was put on her. She should return in MKX most definitely. grin
About Me

07/19/2014 03:20 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Mileena will NEVER be killed off, don't worry. She's too popular and amazing. I thought she was the main female in MK 9 even for the series. So much focus was put on her. She should return in MKX most definitely. grin

Despite that, she has pretty much been killed/fucked in most of her appearances - - >

MK2 -> killed
UMK3 -> ressurected and is on Shinnok's payroll methinks.
MK4 -> gets imprisoned
MKD -> get's killed by Baraka * rendered noncanon by ways of bring everyone in for Armageddon.
MKA -> gets Strykered in the mouth and then thrown to her death by Shang Tsung....

They sure like to put some characters through the grinder, don't they? but as long as those boobs and that veil sells, then it's pretty much guaranteed that she returns.
07/19/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Mileena will NEVER be killed off, don't worry. She's too popular and amazing. I thought she was the main female in MK 9 even for the series. So much focus was put on her. She should return in MKX most definitely. grin

Despite that, she has pretty much been killed/fucked in most of her appearances - - >

MK2 -> killed
UMK3 -> ressurected and is on Shinnok's payroll methinks.
MK4 -> gets imprisoned
MKD -> get's killed by Baraka * rendered noncanon by ways of bring everyone in for Armageddon.
MKA -> gets Strykered in the mouth and then thrown to her death by Shang Tsung....

They sure like to put some characters through the grinder, don't they? but as long as those boobs and that veil sells, then it's pretty much guaranteed that she returns.

Lets not forget she was nothing but a punching bag in MK9. And they did ruin her story which leads me to believe they don't give a cr*p about her. By that logic there is a small chance she'll be playable in MKX.
07/19/2014 03:48 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Icybaby - Not used that guys aren't always nice to you because your a girl on a forum or something?

What the hell does that have anything to do with what I called you out on? If people cannot handle that a girl is talking to them, that's their problem, not mine. Also, can you read? Clearly that's not my username. Get it right. Kay? Thanks.

DVorah Wrote:
Where in that post did I express ANY hate toward Sub-Zero? WHERE? please show me.

Here you are provoking fans in calling him boring

Here is where you stated your opinion that you kinda want him to die for good because he's boring

Here you constantly blame Sub-Zero and Scorpion fans for hating upon your favorite, previous Smoke

Here's the thread I was looking for. I called you out on this because you constantly antagonized the fans of Sub-Zero... and you PROMISED me that if no more Tanya threads get merged, you'd stop with your crap... Which is a stupid promise.


Search engine does wonders.

DVorah Wrote:
I only said that some people have favorites like Mileena/Tanya/Ermac/Smoke and whatever, and that they always in stress because their favorite characters have a big chance to not appear in a game, while Sub-Zero is 100% in. So having some understanding that people will flip out when they learn their favorites aren't in is logical, they will grow over it once the game is out, but it's never cool to learn that your favorites aren't in the game at first... Empathy would help you a lot.

You didn't only say anything. You called me out in saying that it's easy for me to say I wouldn't mind if Sub-Zero sat out for a game because I'm a fan of his. And that I need to have empathy on those who's favorites might not make the cut. That is all you said to me, not this shit that you're throwing out now.

And may I add, I feel like you completely disregarded what I said about me not having a care in the world if Sub-Zero sat out, because I honestly wouldn't. I also have other favorites too, so yes, I know how to feel "empathy" because I do have other favorites other than Sub-Zero. They don't have a lot of fans backing them up such as Hotaru, Sheeva, Bo Rai' Cho.

So before you come back at me with a useless attempt to "show me" something, actually read what I have to say, and know that just because I'm a huge Sub-Zero fan, doesn't mean I don't have other favorites.

DVorah Wrote:
I don't even hate Sub-Zero at all in fact, I only dislike that they use 3 versions of him instead of just one (but that is his story-part), but I love playing as the character in fact.

The threads I showed earlier begs the differ. You said you find him boring, and that you hate human characters. Doing the 180 thing again, Milaana?
07/19/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Blah blah blah

I am not gonna turn this thread into a discussion about the reasons some characters were played more than others in MK9. There was already a long discussion about that a few weeks ago and it was agreed by most users that there were many factors that played in that. Story mode playability, portrayal, gameplay accessibility, tier lists, etc. You know stuff that NRS were responsible for. So it's kind of hypocritical to be like "Um yeah Scorpion was played more than Sindel, Sheeva, Mileena, etc," while they were treated A LOT differently in the game. But anyway keep doing your thing. However please allow me to laugh in your face when Mileena makes it in the game and Kano doesn't. Feel free to do the same if the opposite happenswink
07/19/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.
07/19/2014 04:44 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Mileena will NEVER be killed off, don't worry. She's too popular and amazing. I thought she was the main female in MK 9 even for the series. So much focus was put on her. She should return in MKX most definitely. grin

Despite that, she has pretty much been killed/fucked in most of her appearances - - >

MK2 -> killed
UMK3 -> ressurected and is on Shinnok's payroll methinks.
MK4 -> gets imprisoned
MKD -> get's killed by Baraka * rendered noncanon by ways of bring everyone in for Armageddon.
MKA -> gets Strykered in the mouth and then thrown to her death by Shang Tsung....

They sure like to put some characters through the grinder, don't they? but as long as those boobs and that veil sells, then it's pretty much guaranteed that she returns.

Lets not forget she was nothing but a punching bag in MK9. And they did ruin her story which leads me to believe they don't give a cr*p about her. By that logic there is a small chance she'll be playable in MKX.

The fact that she was one of the least played characters in MK9, across all systems, also makes me worry for her. I'd like to see her in, but I wouldn't be surprised either way.
07/19/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
There is a... surprising amount of internet deviancy for the Mortal Kombat ninja girls. At least ONE of them is coming back between Kitana, Mileena and Jade. I'd bank on Kitana more than the others.
07/19/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
I called you Icy for a reason. You never seem to smile.

Anyway, I didn't hate on Sub-Zero in THIS F.TOPIC, don't bring up old topics in which I teased Sub-fans because they are just so easy to tease. Want proof? See your own reactions.

End of story, we couldn't get along as Icebaby and Milaana, we won't really get along now so we better stay away from eachother. Some souls just don't match, we are such souls.

07/19/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I called you Icy for a reason. You never seem to smile.

Yeah, you can totally see me smiling through a monitor. Says a person who's obsessed in being "evil."

DVorah Wrote:
IAnyway, I didn't hate on Sub-Zero in THIS F.TOPIC, don't bring up old topics in which I teased Sub-fans because they are just so easy to tease. Want proof? See your own reactions.

You asked where, I showed you. You never teased anyone, you were just acting like a moron for no reason other than being rude. And that bothers people. Big difference, and if you can't see that, sorry that you're too blind to notice.

DVorah Wrote:
IEnd of story, we couldn't get along as Icebaby and Milaana, we won't really get along now so we better stay away from eachother. Some souls just don't match, we are such souls.

Good. I really hope you never quote me from now on. Whether it's in this thread or others.
07/19/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
Bye Icebaby, have a nice life.

And when I say THIS TOPIC, I don't mean another topic, you had to find proof in this topic, not 20 others.

Anyway i'm not evil, just not so serious as humans, the galaxy is big, you are but small, relax, make fun and enjoy, that is my tip to you.

Now back to the topic, as we talked so much crap I don't even know where the real topic was about....
07/19/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Anyway i'm not evil, just not so serious as humans, the galaxy is big, you are but small, ...

DVorah Wrote:
Tanya is much like me, born evil.

You are a strange person Dvorah, I'll give you that.

DVorah Wrote:
Now back to the topic, as we talked so much crap I don't even know where the real topic was about....

The last ontopic response was mine right before Icebaby's
07/19/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Anyway i'm not evil, just not so serious as humans, the galaxy is big, you are but small, ...

DVorah Wrote:
Tanya is much like me, born evil.

You are a strange person Dvorah, I'll give you that.

DVorah Wrote:
Now back to the topic, as we talked so much crap I don't even know where the real topic was about....

The last ontopic response was mine right before Icebaby's

Well, well, Mileena was born evil, she can be reasoned with in some games, just give her power over the Edenian armies and she's nice! (give me power over this forum and i'd be nice to ya all!)

Don't take everything I say too seriously tho. I like fun, teasing fanboys, and RPG-stuff + i'm crazy as hell, that probably sums it up grin

oh yes... the real topic. Well if my mains won't be in it, i'm gonna send Boon some really bad hate-mails! So you better put all my 20 favorites in it Boonie! furious
07/19/2014 06:32 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
I think "world class" is a bit of an overstatement. He's the least featured of the original 7 in the games and was replaced by a literal carbon copy in Jarek in MK4, for Pete's sake.

I don't get how anyone can disregard a game because of one person not making the cut, and I hate to know that there are people like that out there.

I will be an MK fan to some degree till the day I die. However, I'm not as emotionally invested in the series nowadays because I don't have a gaming system and therefore don't actually play anymore.
Folks should be allowed to voice their opinion about how they'll react whether or not their fave character makes it or not, as long as nobody resorts to personal attacks. Thumbing your nose at a particular game doesn't equate jumping ship from the franchise entirely.

They can voice their opinion as much as they want. I just don't understand how someone could just pass up a game because one character does not make a cut that they wanted in. I don't understand how someone can just easily pass up something without giving a different character a chance to become their next favorite all because one of their favorites isn't in the game.

It bothers me because I don't get why they can't just find someone else, even a new character, to like rather than mope that someone they wanted isn't in.

Like I said before, if Sub-Zero was not in, I wouldn't pass this game up. I would have easily found someone else to play as. Seeing how the newer characters caught my attention, I could find my liking with one of them. Why can't some people just do that instead of just immediately passing a game like that and waiting five more years for the next game?
07/19/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:give me power over this forum and i'd be nice to ya all

Nobody has power over the forum dude, its all chaos (Havik would be proudsmile).

DVorah Wrote:
oh yes... the real topic. Well if my mains won't be in it, i'm gonna send Boon some really bad hate-mails! So you better put all my 20 favorites in it Boonie! furious

If Li Mei or Kitana are not in, I'll book a flight to Chicago, buy bobby pins, a screwdriver and explosive charges. Then I'll break into Boon's house while hes out and hide the ready charges on his toilet. Next time he goes, sh*t will hit the fan.
What can I say, I love explosions
07/20/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
My thoughts for some peoples dreams.Kitana makes it,or has offspring.Fujin gets in,his variations will be wind based(obv).and Tanya makes it,I think she's to important to the MK 4 story,plus a lot of people like her
07/20/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I called you Icy for a reason. You never seem to smile.

Um, it's the Internet, schmuck.
martin_m95 Wrote:
Lets not forget Mileena was nothing but a punching bag in MK9. And they did ruin her story which leads me to believe they don't give a crap about her. By that logic there is a small chance she'll be playable in MKX.

When you think about it, Kitana's treatment in the story mode wasn't much better. She had zero personality as opposed to Mileena and Jade, and spends most of the game in captivity, before she gets her rear handed to her by Sindel in the end.
I was thinking that Jade got the best treatment but then she got de-stomached. So all the female ninjas had it pretty rotten in MK9, but at least one of them will be in the new game anyway because that's how the world works.
07/20/2014 02:35 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
At the end of the day we can use a lot of excuses and assumptions, but t only official things we have are the official stats, and Mileena was one of the 5 least played characters n both cosoles. Have a nice day.

The Mileena fan with the picture as her icon tried to make every excuse in the world as to why people didn't use her instead simply just owning up to the fact that Mileena sucks.
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