07/18/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.
07/18/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.

We'll see...
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07/18/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
Apart from the little problem of being dead, Smoke's newfound enenra background in MK9 and high place on the online usage list all but guarantees to me that one day he'll be back, although it may not be just now. If he's not, I am prepared to wait until such a time as the plot permits his return. No big if he's not in MKX, saves me from having to update my avatar and sig. :P
Mains were Reptile and Mileena. Baraka and Sheeva were characters I liked using against lesser skilled players who always picked Scorpion since it even the playing field.

Also hoping for Sareena, Kai, Dairou, Big Bo, Ashrah and Havik from the old games.

So yeah I'm a little worried.

Worst case scenario is If they're all cut I guess I'll just try to main D'vorah.
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07/18/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
The problem is always the fans want the same characters of his childhood in every game.

Why is that a problem? It is only natural that people want the characters they like to appear in future games as well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, there are people here who accept that due to the franchise's nature, that some of our favourites won't appear in the new game.

It's called not letting go of your security blanket.
07/18/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
The problem is always the fans want the same characters of his childhood in every game.

Why is that a problem? It is only natural that people want the characters they like to appear in future games as well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, there are people here who accept that due to the franchise's nature, that some of our favourites won't appear in the new game.

It's called not letting go of your security blanket.

Liking something and wanting to see it return does not mean making it your security blanket.

However, if someone disregarding a game due to the lack of a certain character, then your statement would make sense.
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07/18/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
My main is Ermac.wink
07/18/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
The problem is always the fans want the same characters of his childhood in every game.

Why is that a problem? It is only natural that people want the characters they like to appear in future games as well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, there are people here who accept that due to the franchise's nature, that some of our favourites won't appear in the new game.

It's called not letting go of your security blanket.

Liking something and wanting to see it return does not mean making it your security blanket.

However, if someone disregarding a game due to the lack of a certain character, then your statement would make sense.

Gotta agree with this.

I love Mileena and out of my 3 favs (her, Rain and Sheeva) she is the most likely to appear in MKX. So I definitely hope this happens, but I will play the shit out of the game no matter what. It pisses me off when people call themselves fans of the franchise, yet they disregard the game if their favs don't make it in.furious
07/18/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
It pisses me off when people call themselves fans of the franchise, yet they disregard the game if their favs don't make it in.furious

I am a Mortal Kombat fan. Jade is just my favourite character of the franchise. But that doesn't mean I dislike the games in the series that Jade isn't in. I like MK1, MK3, MK4/Gold and MKDA just as much as the rest of the franchise, even though Jade doesn't appear in those games. ^^
07/18/2014 05:49 PM (UTC)
My main is Baraka, there are a few other characters that could take his place as my main if he doesn't make the cut, but he is definitely the one I'm most worried about..

I've seen a lot of people say things like "he's a regular at this point, he's a sure thing." Which gets my hopes up a little, but with all these new characters coming in I can't help but feel a tad worried about him sitting this one out.
07/18/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
The only two characters who are 100% sure to be in all games are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Scorpion wasn't in MK3 which apparently caused an uproar in the MK community, so I doubt NRS will ever try to do something like that again. And Subbie has been in every single game, one way or another.

The rest of the MK characters can be switched out at any time.
07/18/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
I don't get how anyone can disregard a game because of one person not making the cut, and I hate to know that there are people like that out there. And some of them are like the most hardcore fan of them and constantly rubbing their noses in every place that talks about that character. But the moment that character isn't in, all hell breaks loose. I can't stand that. It bothers me that there are "fans" like that, and I'm being extremely generous in calling them "fans."

My main is Sub-Zero, I will always play as him first in every single game. But the moment he's not in, will I cry? Will I make the biggest hissy fit ever? Absolutely, positively not. Why? Because there are other characters that can easily win me over. One character should not make or break it for me.
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07/18/2014 06:28 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.

Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol
07/18/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.

Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Right? Mileena was nothing but a 2nd rate character until MK9 came out. And even then, everyone was so sure Cage/Sonya were going to be in MKX until they announced Cassie, God knows what trick they may pull out and Mileena ends up being left out of the game.
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07/18/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
We can't forget that Kitana's and Mileena's voice actress didn't get called back.
07/18/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
I'm a Sub-Zero fan. What is this of not having mains in games?
07/18/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
I'm a Sub-Zero fan. What is this of not having mains in games?

MK Tournament Edition
07/18/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.

Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Right? Mileena was nothing but a 2nd rate character until MK9 came out.

You probably haven't been following the games. She was the poster girl in MKD, with promotional videos, renders and overall exposure when the game was being advertised. That's when her popularity rose. You know the same time Ermac made a reappearance? And since then people consider him a staple? Yeah around the same time.wink
07/18/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm the type of person who won't be completely sure about a character's appearance in a game until he/she is officially confirmed.

Mileena MIGHT be in the game, but it is not definite yet.
Kitana and Sonya are the main two female characters of Mortal Kombat, yet neither of them are sure to return either. Especially not Sonya now that Cassie might've taken her place in the roster. But who knows? No one on this forum sure does. We can only speculate.

And I'm the type of person who doesn't need to be right on top of a sign to see what it says. Like with Raiden, did we really NEED a confirmation to know he was in the game? Nope. Same thing with Mileena.

Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Right? Mileena was nothing but a 2nd rate character until MK9 came out.

You probably haven't been following the games. She was the poster girl in MKD, with promotional videos, renders and overall exposure when the game was being advertised. That's when her popularity rose. You know the same time Ermac made a reappearance? And since then people consider him a staple? Yeah around the same time.wink

Ermac is HARDLY a staple, lol. And even after all the promo and hype, Mileena was left out of MKvsDCU, and was one of the 5 of least used characters in both 360 and PS3 on MK9. WHY do you think she's on the same level as Raiden/ sure to be in every game?
07/18/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Look at it like this:

Top 3 males are Scorp, Sub, and Raiden.

Top 3 females are Sonya, Kitana, and Mileena. (Kitana and Sonya are interchangeable)

Mileena and Raiden are both 3rd popular among their gender. So its not crazy to think based on popularity that Mileena would be in.
07/18/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
My mains are Jade and Smoke... I'm not too hopeful that either of them return as playable characters in this game since they are dead!

I hope my favourite 3d era characters (Havik, Kenshi and Li Mei) return to soften the blow. Either way I'm sure the game will be great anyway smile
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07/18/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Look at it like this:

Top 3 males are Scorp, Sub, and Raiden.

Top 3 females are Sonya, Kitana, and Mileena. (Kitana and Sonya are interchangeable)

Mileena and Raiden are both 3rd popular among their gender. So its not crazy to think based on popularity that Mileena would be in.

If you look at it like that, then sure. But Mileena is not one of those that you are sure to be in every game like Raiden.
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07/18/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
I love this whole "Mileena will not be ruling Outworld she's too dumb lel xD" bullshit. This game is spanning 25 years. She'd have matured by then. C'mon. She was born in the MK9 storyline so of course she acted ditzy and childish. No one has told her how to act yet. Just give it some time.
07/18/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Mileena is nowhere near Raiden's level. Lol

Look at it like this:

Top 3 males are Scorp, Sub, and Raiden.

Top 3 females are Sonya, Kitana, and Mileena. (Kitana and Sonya are interchangeable)

Mileena and Raiden are both 3rd popular among their gender. So its not crazy to think based on popularity that Mileena would be in.

If you look at it like that, then sure. But Mileena is not one of those that you are sure to be in every game like Raiden.

Not every game, but definitely for MKX.
07/18/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I love this whole "Mileena will not be ruling Outworld she's too dumb lel xD" bullshit. This game is spanning 25 years. She'd have matured by then. C'mon. She was born in the MK9 storyline so of course she acted ditzy and childish. No one has told her how to act yet. Just give it some time.

But when she is finally matured, it is probably too late and someone else have snatched the throne from her.
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