07/23/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Reiko's super unlockable costume in MKX:

I'm not sure it is entirely within the rules of this forum to post that here. :P
07/23/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
How can Mileena just wear toilet paper than only covers her nipples and a tiny part of her butt and Reiko can't doe?glasses
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/23/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Reiko's super unlockable costume in MKX:

I'm not sure it is entirely within the rules of this forum to post that here. :P

Oh my.
Well, given that they're consistant, that would basically be golden.
projectzero00 Wrote:
How can Mileena just wear toilet paper
I lol'd.
07/23/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
How can Mileena just wear toilet paper than only covers her nipples and a tiny part of her butt and Reiko can't doe?glasses

Well, Mileena covered her essentials. Reiko is fully nude on that picture. :P
Though he doesn't show anything, that is. He is probably flat like a Ken doll behind that hammer, considering he is just a 3D model, but who knows.
07/23/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:Also cool in America: Teens that become 16 get cars, new houses, famous people that sing on their birthday. And still they cry for more.
THAT is bad for your children to watch, cry about MTV instead of one nipple on your television... geez in The Netherlands(Realm) nipples are in every freaking movie, and nobody cares.
God (I don't believe in it but 98% of the Americans do) made those things, so what is wrong about them? They suckle your babies for satans sake.

Hey, you watch your mouth, *Netherlands*...we Americans have a bloated military budget the size of your GDP and we're not afraid to use it...assuming Lockheed delivers the goods on schedule, of course...

Seriously tho, I'm just messin' with ya, D'Vorah.

You're definitely right that the US is exceedingly eccentric in a number of areas...but, then again, Europe and the rest of the world has its fair share of oddities as well. wink

Back to the topic, I have a number of characters that I like, so I'm not too concerned with a "main" being in. Would love to see Reptile, but I'm not going to lose sleep if he doesn't make the cut.
07/23/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
Some people and even some nations are just more open-minded about sex and nudity than others. As long it doesn't hurt others or prevent common sense - and that is something that goes for both sides of the spectrum.

Personally, I dislike all sorts of censorship. You can't censor reality, and you shouldn't, imo, whether it is sex or violence.

Mortal Kombat has both. It is rated for adults because of that. Those who don't like it has the ability to not touch it, but they cannot prevent others from buying it. Some people try, but luckily common sense seems to prevail... for the most part.

Is this part of the off-topic discussion put to rest then? Can we move on now?
07/23/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
Lol a fucking picture? That's your evidence that people like milenna. Also these pictures were voted for AFTER THE CHARACTERS WERE ALREADY REVELED. Who gives a shit about a picture after they can go on YouTube to see gameplay of a chracter. That proves nothing. So because more people wanted a picture of her compared to more people using characters in the game which was actually important matters? Lol I gurantee a huge number of people played online more so than voting for a fucking picture. Also I just remembered something YOUR WRONG ABOUT THE RENTAL THING. Remember mk9 came with a online pass. Unless someone who rented the game really cared about mk they wouldn't waste their money paying for a pass to play a game they don't really give a shit about that's there point in renting it in the first place. Nice try. Those stats are majority of people who actually bought the game. Also for all you know some Mileena fan boy could have constantly revoted just to see her reveal. Nice try though.
07/23/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
It doesn't really matter how high up Mileena is on that list.

Back in MK: Deception, Mileena was the cover girl. In MK9, Mileena was the cover girl. So obviously, the MK team/NRS likes her. That should be enough for Mileena to be ensured a spot in MKX.

Nothing is certain though. But Mileena does seem to be popular enough, both by fans and amongst the devs to get a chance to get into the roster.
07/23/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
This thread just keeps getting weird.
About Me

07/23/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This thread just keeps getting weird.

I already wondered what kind of person is weak enough to need reassurance from people in such a trivial matter.

Unless it was deliberately phrased as such for comical effect, in which case it's not working.
07/23/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:Is this part of the off-topic discussion put to rest then? Can we move on now?

Problem, Jaded?

Like I said, I'm just messing with him and no one's getting upset with each other over this...besides you, it seems?

You don't have to reply to the off-topic stuff if you don't want to. That simple. smile
07/23/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
Basically, if my main of a franchise doesn't make it to the roster, then I find a new main. Hence why I have several favourites in Mortal Kombat.

In MK1, I mained Raiden.
In MK2, I mained Kitana, but also used Mileena alot.
In MK3, I mained Sektor.
In UMK3/MKT, I mained Jade... and she became my number one favourite character since then. I also used Rain, Kitana and Mileena alot.

However, she wasn't in MK4/MKG, so instead I mained Reiko along with Tanya.
In MKDA, I mained Kitana again, but also used Nitara a lot.
In MKD, Jade was back, so mained her, but also used Mileena alot.
In MKA, I mained Jade, but also used both Reiko, Tanya, Kitana, Mileena, Rain and Nitara alot. I loved having them all in one game.

And then full circle, in MK9, Jade was my main again, but Kitana, Mileena and later Rain when he became DLC were also high on my list.

I've used Sektor and Raiden less and less over the course of time.
And I was surprised to find both Smoke and Cyber Sub-Zero to be so enjoyable, and also Skarlet is incredibly fun to use, so they got pretty high on my list as well.

So basically, my top list of characters are:
- Jade (as she is my number 1 favourite character and my go-to character)
- Reiko
- Tanya
- Rain
- Smoke
- Skarlet
- Kitana/Mileena (share a spot, because I like Mileena visually better, but Kitana's gameplay is more enjoyable)
- Nitara
- Sektor

And Raiden has basically fallen out of my top ten list...

Out of those character, Mileena, Reiko and Tanya are probably the ones who are most likely to be in MKX.

Should none of the above return though, well... then a new character will be my main.
07/23/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Lol a fucking picture? That's your evidence that people like milenna. Also these pictures were voted for AFTER THE CHARACTERS WERE ALREADY REVELED. Who gives a shit about a picture after they can go on YouTube to see gameplay of a chracter. That proves nothing. So because more people wanted a picture of her compared to more people using characters in the game which was actually important matters? Lol I gurantee a huge number of people played online more so than voting for a fucking picture.

The pictures are not "evidence", it's just what fans were asking for. And I'd say the devs usually do what the fans ask for. "Evidence" lol wth is wrong with you this isn't an Agatha Christie novel. And if you think fans of the game don't want HD renders, wallpapers, vignettes, etc, then I'm sorry but there's sth wrong with you. This is MK. People go crazy about stuff like that! And wtf is that comparison between those things and a character's gameplay? You actually think fans were like "Um ok I can watch a youtube video, who cares about vignettes, renders and several other goodies of my fav character"???confused Get real
Also, no you weren't able to revote from the same computer ID so cut the "nice try" stupidity. I am not "trying" to convince you about anything. I am just stating how stupid you sound when you constantly talk about that list.
Anyway I am done with you. It's obvious that it's the first time you've been following the game before it comes out and you're just talking out of your ass right now. Or maybe you're just way too young to admit you might be wrong on this. So be my guest and keep thinking whatever you want. It's like you're trying to convince people that Mileena won't be in the game for some reason. I have no idea what your deal is but it will be pretty laffos to see your reaction when she gets revealed.
07/23/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

Just ignore him, pz. When Mileena is announced to be in MKX, you can rest easy knowing that all the talk coming from squirt meant absolutely nothing.

Crossing fingers. ^^
07/24/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Lol a fucking picture? That's your evidence that people like milenna. Also these pictures were voted for AFTER THE CHARACTERS WERE ALREADY REVELED. Who gives a shit about a picture after they can go on YouTube to see gameplay of a chracter. That proves nothing. So because more people wanted a picture of her compared to more people using characters in the game which was actually important matters? Lol I gurantee a huge number of people played online more so than voting for a fucking picture.

The pictures are not "evidence", it's just what fans were asking for. And I'd say the devs usually do what the fans ask for. "Evidence" lol wth is wrong with you this isn't an Agatha Christie novel. And if you think fans of the game don't want HD renders, wallpapers, vignettes, etc, then I'm sorry but there's sth wrong with you. This is MK. People go crazy about stuff like that! And wtf is that comparison between those things and a character's gameplay? You actually think fans were like "Um ok I can watch a youtube video, who cares about vignettes, renders and several other goodies of my fav character"???confused Get real
Also, no you weren't able to revote from the same computer ID so cut the "nice try" stupidity. I am not "trying" to convince you about anything. I am just stating how stupid you sound when you constantly talk about that list.
Anyway I am done with you. It's obvious that it's the first time you've been following the game before it comes out and you're just talking out of your ass right now. Or maybe you're just way too young to admit you might be wrong on this. So be my guest and keep thinking whatever you want. It's like you're trying to convince people that Mileena won't be in the game for some reason. I have no idea what your deal is but it will be pretty laffos to see your reaction when she gets revealed.

Never said she won't be in but people like you try to make every excuse in ever which way as to why someone won't play or like their character. Never said anyone doesn't like Mileena pretty sure evey character in mk has a following whether it's big or small. Even characters who never were even playable like tremor have a fan base. You just seem to couldn't accept the fact that some people like kitana or Sonya better and you are saying how they shouldn't be in over Mileena even if people like them more. You kept making up every excuse as to why this and that didn't happen for Mileena. And it's easy to delete your history and mask your ip I do it all the time for certain reasons. Also exactly the superdoe hard mk fans are probably the only ones who voted for it. Those are probably not Even majority of the people who bought the game and played it. Ed boon doesn't dedicate the game to only diehards that's why things like unlockable characters are no longer in ed appeals to the larger audicance which is the people who just play mk to fight and picks the character who's lost badass and doesn't care about story. That's the point your missing. Stop thinking like every person who plays mk are people on the forums.
07/24/2014 06:02 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

Just ignore him, pz. When Mileena is announced to be in MKX, you can rest easy knowing that all the talk coming from squirt meant absolutely nothing.

Crossing fingers. ^^

But but...Who will hold me and reassure me that Mileena will be in?
Jkwink For real tho, will do. It's obvious this discussion leads to nowhere.
And thx, crossing fingers for Tanya too.
07/24/2014 01:31 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

Just ignore him, pz. When Mileena is announced to be in MKX, you can rest easy knowing that all the talk coming from squirt meant absolutely nothing.

Crossing fingers. ^^

When did I ever say she won't be in? That's not the point of this argument. Stop jumping in stuff when you don't know shit.
07/24/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:

When did I ever say she won't be in?

I never said that you said she won't be in.
About Me
07/24/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
But but...Who will hold me and reassure me that Mileena will be in?

Can I?


Mileena had her spotlight in MKD. We need another girl to take center stage for a change.

07/24/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:

When did I ever say she won't be in?

I never said that you said she won't be in.

Apologies. Your right I didn't read the quote you responded to I thought it was me my mistake.
07/25/2014 06:43 AM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
But but...Who will hold me and reassure me that Mileena will be in?

Can I?


Mileena had her spotlight in MKD. We need another girl to take center stage for a change.

Well technically Sonya and Kitana have been the poster girls of the franchise for so long, which makes Mileena the change in a sense. Wasn't she only featured in MKD and MK9?
Also I wouldn't exactly say that she took the center stage in MK9. She was mostly a punching bag that contributed nothing to the story tbh. We can have a girl take the center stage as you say, but we can have Mileena in the game toowink
07/25/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Judging by official stats, she shouldn't be in the game. Why waste so much promotional material and money on a character that people will end up ignoring? Better give the spotlight and the spot on th roster to characters that people will play.
07/25/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Judging by official stats, she shouldn't be in the game. Why waste so much promotional material and money on a character that people will end up ignoring? Better give the spotlight and the spot on th roster to characters that people will play.

same point ive been making but i can care less whos is long as fujin mkaes it.
07/25/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Judging by official stats, she shouldn't be in the game. Why waste so much promotional material and money on a character that people will end up ignoring? Better give the spotlight and the spot on th roster to characters that people will play.

same point ive been making but i can care less whos is long as fujin mkaes it.

The fact that Mileena had a large promotional campaing and was played as much as Stryker, who didn't even get a proper reveal. Lol.
07/25/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
You two are wasting so much time of your lives agreeing with each other that Mileena had such low stats and that she shouldn't be in the game.
I really wanna be here to see your reactions when she gets revealed. Don't be too sad :'(

Really tho, don't you have nothing else to do? Get a hobby, a friend, something. Getting so worked up about not wanting a character in a video game is unhealthy.
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