Hi all
i repeat my question and i add something else:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, are i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
i repeat my question and i add something else:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, are i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
I find it interesting that Tier Lists dont take a Personal Prefrence into consideration. Someone who turtles wouldnt use someone like scorpion or something. I know i sound Biased but Cyrax is my main character and i can play him better than i could like Shinnok, i defintly could also play at a high level. See i like Cyrax UP 4 in pulse blades and his bombs. he also has a good mid his hand to hand style that allows u to spam it better than darrius. i want to go on but im in school
i like cyrax too.....but i can't use him properly.....i can't manage to play him in a good way like sektor,reptile etc.....
him Ninjitsu seems too clunky and unsafe....his pulse blade style is good but imho isn't good as dual pulse blades sektor's style....
but however, the really bad part about him, is that i can't manage to use his bombs properly.....they are too slow to be launched and also to explode.....if you launch close bomb while being near the enemy (f,b,4), he will punish you easily.....
if you launch a far bomb, he will easily move away,sidestep or sometimes kick the bomb back (sometimes the bomb roll back by itself!!!)......
it's very rare that it hits......i can manage to hit the opponent only if he is caught when he is punishing me....but obviously, my damage is higher than his, so it's useless to use a close bomb.....and how i already told, it's also useless to use a far bomb.....or maybe, the only thing that maybe can work (i'm thinking about it now), is to launch a far bomb and then teleport....maybe the opponent will not expect it....
cyrax, do you have some good hints for me about cyrax, expecially for his slow bombs? tnx :D
him Ninjitsu seems too clunky and unsafe....his pulse blade style is good but imho isn't good as dual pulse blades sektor's style....
but however, the really bad part about him, is that i can't manage to use his bombs properly.....they are too slow to be launched and also to explode.....if you launch close bomb while being near the enemy (f,b,4), he will punish you easily.....
if you launch a far bomb, he will easily move away,sidestep or sometimes kick the bomb back (sometimes the bomb roll back by itself!!!)......
it's very rare that it hits......i can manage to hit the opponent only if he is caught when he is punishing me....but obviously, my damage is higher than his, so it's useless to use a close bomb.....and how i already told, it's also useless to use a far bomb.....or maybe, the only thing that maybe can work (i'm thinking about it now), is to launch a far bomb and then teleport....maybe the opponent will not expect it....
cyrax, do you have some good hints for me about cyrax, expecially for his slow bombs? tnx :D
You guys have to realize what a “Tier List” accomplishes.
Personal preference? That’s the EXACT thing you do NOT want in a tier list. You see its not about who the best character is, because that question is objectionable.
In fact tier lists altogether are pretty lame because you can win with anyone. In the arcades you just KNOW who’s top tier and who isn’t, and the information is not all that handy unless your new to the game and looking to play a cheesy character. The job of a tier list is if you had a player, who was equally skilled with every character, it would list the characters who would win the most. That does not mean they suck. I too play Cyrax, but mostly because I did in MK3, however he is the WORST character in the game.
Understand what I am saying, I pick him online against skilled players and can win alot, but still he has VERY weak moves. His bomb can be sidestepped and the fuse is too long. Comparatively in MK3 his bomb explosion took up about 20% of the entire screen. Coupled with the fact that Cyrax was standing in another 50% of the area, that did not leave a lot of places for the player to go. But in MKA, taking into account the 3D terrain his bomb takes up like 2%. His teleport is slow and you can see it coming, unlike say, kitanas. The blades out of his chest is a great move, but any expert can walk up to it, block it and your open. His kicks are a pretty ok move, albeit generic.
I enjoy doing his pop up (B+1) then throwing the bomb when it hits, by the time they get up its going to blow, and they either take it or jump, which leaves them open. His pulseblades standing 4 has the same insane priority and difficulty in blocking that it does on everyone else.
The bottom line is, you might play like a God with cyrax and never lose with him, but that does not change the fact that that he is naturally a crappy char.
Personal preference? That’s the EXACT thing you do NOT want in a tier list. You see its not about who the best character is, because that question is objectionable.
In fact tier lists altogether are pretty lame because you can win with anyone. In the arcades you just KNOW who’s top tier and who isn’t, and the information is not all that handy unless your new to the game and looking to play a cheesy character. The job of a tier list is if you had a player, who was equally skilled with every character, it would list the characters who would win the most. That does not mean they suck. I too play Cyrax, but mostly because I did in MK3, however he is the WORST character in the game.
Understand what I am saying, I pick him online against skilled players and can win alot, but still he has VERY weak moves. His bomb can be sidestepped and the fuse is too long. Comparatively in MK3 his bomb explosion took up about 20% of the entire screen. Coupled with the fact that Cyrax was standing in another 50% of the area, that did not leave a lot of places for the player to go. But in MKA, taking into account the 3D terrain his bomb takes up like 2%. His teleport is slow and you can see it coming, unlike say, kitanas. The blades out of his chest is a great move, but any expert can walk up to it, block it and your open. His kicks are a pretty ok move, albeit generic.
I enjoy doing his pop up (B+1) then throwing the bomb when it hits, by the time they get up its going to blow, and they either take it or jump, which leaves them open. His pulseblades standing 4 has the same insane priority and difficulty in blocking that it does on everyone else.
The bottom line is, you might play like a God with cyrax and never lose with him, but that does not change the fact that that he is naturally a crappy char.
That wouldnt make sense to not take account Personal Prefrence, Dont start making up ur own reason why Tier Lists were made. I know why Tier List was made as a Universal High Level Gameplay and with that they use all the tools that are most effective in High Level Gameplay and create the Tier List. But ive seen Really good people use so called mid or low tier and end up winning, but cant accomplish this with high tier. What should be said is how to effectivily use a character and not down claim characters and say have no chance and will rarely be seen in turnies because thats just not cool. Thats y i always see so many people using the high tiers and nothing else. But KAI WILL ALWAYS SUCK NO DOUBT.
But i defintly agree with this that cyrax is Low tier but could possibly be considered high low tier LOL or low MID to MID. Im a very good cyrax player maybe the best cause hes so easy to master. If anyone needs a guide on him i can make a very comprehensive one.
I also think smoke is down played to much. No doubt the guy is high tier. The fact that he has a counter for every type of character is amazing.
But i defintly agree with this that cyrax is Low tier but could possibly be considered high low tier LOL or low MID to MID. Im a very good cyrax player maybe the best cause hes so easy to master. If anyone needs a guide on him i can make a very comprehensive one.
I also think smoke is down played to much. No doubt the guy is high tier. The fact that he has a counter for every type of character is amazing.
I love Cyrax more then most do as a character and in general, but glad to see the fans are rising.
Anyway, since I play competitively online Cyrax I must say sucks in MK:A unless you really work on him.His sword style is good mixing it up with B+1 in Ninjitsu is good to do, the bombs are good but only and literally sparingly.
In UMK3 Cyrax was also a low tier but the BIG difference was that in that game, Cyrax was a beast and awesome if you played him well.
I for example can use him very, very well in that game.I love playing UMK3 on my friends 360 online and sadly haven't seen anyone use him well.
I can though, IMO without his Net Cyrax is a pain in a ass to use well.
He's hard to use in UMK3, now that they've taken away his Net in the newer games.He flat out sucks compared to the rest of the cast.Hate to say it but it's the truth, tier wise he's near the bottom in MK:A.
There is this one guy on xbox though named pighut that uses him well.I use him well in UMK3 and in MK 3 though.
If he comes back in future MK games, please give him back his net.He's naked without it overall.
And they need to improve his bombs, make them more like they were in UMK3 with faster recovery and being able to shoot one right after the other.
Anyway, since I play competitively online Cyrax I must say sucks in MK:A unless you really work on him.His sword style is good mixing it up with B+1 in Ninjitsu is good to do, the bombs are good but only and literally sparingly.
In UMK3 Cyrax was also a low tier but the BIG difference was that in that game, Cyrax was a beast and awesome if you played him well.
I for example can use him very, very well in that game.I love playing UMK3 on my friends 360 online and sadly haven't seen anyone use him well.
I can though, IMO without his Net Cyrax is a pain in a ass to use well.
He's hard to use in UMK3, now that they've taken away his Net in the newer games.He flat out sucks compared to the rest of the cast.Hate to say it but it's the truth, tier wise he's near the bottom in MK:A.
There is this one guy on xbox though named pighut that uses him well.I use him well in UMK3 and in MK 3 though.
If he comes back in future MK games, please give him back his net.He's naked without it overall.
And they need to improve his bombs, make them more like they were in UMK3 with faster recovery and being able to shoot one right after the other.
Check, is that infinite escapable man?
Dave, yeah I love using dairou I know early on most felt he was bad but he's still good, however NOT nearly as good as he was in MK: D.
The FT's in first stance, sweep and same weapon make him very good IMO.
I actually enjoy his first style more then his first style in MK:D, I do miss escrima though I'll admit but Quan has it again.
top tier though?He's not top 3 if you ask me, but top ten I can agree with that.
Dave, yeah I love using dairou I know early on most felt he was bad but he's still good, however NOT nearly as good as he was in MK: D.
The FT's in first stance, sweep and same weapon make him very good IMO.
I actually enjoy his first style more then his first style in MK:D, I do miss escrima though I'll admit but Quan has it again.
top tier though?He's not top 3 if you ask me, but top ten I can agree with that.
You have to realize, that this tier list is only the opinion of a few. There is hardly a "science" to tier lists, and also why I hate seeing some definitive black and white listing of characters.
Your concept of High Low is the most retarted thing ever. Cyrax is crap as a character. Yes you can still beat people all day with him, but it does not change that hes a weak character. Just because you are good whith him doesnt mean that the tier list needs to be redone... Its just the opinion of the guy who made the list. He lists shujinko as "unplayable" lol. There are some powerhouse characters that have been left out as well.
I personally think this should be changed to just "Gameplay Discussion" and the teir list thing needs to be chopped out. Because when all is said and done, it serves no purpose. When might you ever need to consult such a list? All it does is piss off people who see things differently.
In SF2T Zangief was listed as bottom tier, but I went to 3 tournaments where he took top EASILY. When people saw how cheesy he was they changed their opinion of him. Tier lists really are pointless.
Your concept of High Low is the most retarted thing ever. Cyrax is crap as a character. Yes you can still beat people all day with him, but it does not change that hes a weak character. Just because you are good whith him doesnt mean that the tier list needs to be redone... Its just the opinion of the guy who made the list. He lists shujinko as "unplayable" lol. There are some powerhouse characters that have been left out as well.
I personally think this should be changed to just "Gameplay Discussion" and the teir list thing needs to be chopped out. Because when all is said and done, it serves no purpose. When might you ever need to consult such a list? All it does is piss off people who see things differently.
In SF2T Zangief was listed as bottom tier, but I went to 3 tournaments where he took top EASILY. When people saw how cheesy he was they changed their opinion of him. Tier lists really are pointless.
tgrant Wrote:
For real? I've seen nothing top tier about him at all. Care to explain?
m2dave Wrote:
Dairou = top tier.
Dairou = top tier.
For real? I've seen nothing top tier about him at all. Care to explain?
-There's a way to TS Drop way faster as found by Check,which means your opponent can't react to TS Drops any longer...as coined by Check the "GS Drop" or the "TKO Drop"...
-Side step, fireball will track jumpers better,but not reliably
-b+4 is so safe it's a joke.It helps bait so many things (Kabal's Spin,Scorp's f+1,etc.).You can also buffer almost anything from it.
-u+4 has priority over jumping kicks (but not all the time).It hits mid and is very safe for a mid juggle starter
-b+3 is a knock down low hit.Very safe
-1,2,2 - high,high,high, but it's probably his best tracking tool (if you tap U+1,2,2) and punishes many things since it's started by a fast jab.It's very safe,too.
-OTG Drops (as found by Check)
He's not the best in the game (at least not yet) because he has some stupid mismatches so far (Smoke,Jarek,and others).However,he's definitely fun to play with.It almost feels like playing MK:D Dairou.
The thing that saves Dairou in MK:A is because he's stupidly safe.d+1, b+4, u+4, b+3, and 1,1,2.You can barely go wrong abusing any of these,EPECIALLY b+4.
Yeah, his moves are pretty nice and I've noticed some of his moves are safe but there's something I want to try out next time I play online with him.
But this "super fast TS" move or what ever, this can work online also?
And an OTG drop?I gotta see this..
But this "super fast TS" move or what ever, this can work online also?
And an OTG drop?I gotta see this..
1. You got an attitude
2. I said high low tier as a joke thats y i said lol
3. never said Cyrax was good because i win with him
4. Dont mis read, mis interprtate and then flame
5. makes u look retarded and chilidish. 6. Tier lists are really important and shouldnt be cut from this disscusion 7. i wanna play u what do u play xbox or ps2.
1. You got an attitude
2. I said high low tier as a joke thats y i said lol
3. never said Cyrax was good because i win with him
4. Dont mis read, mis interprtate and then flame
5. makes u look retarded and chilidish. 6. Tier lists are really important and shouldnt be cut from this disscusion 7. i wanna play u what do u play xbox or ps2.
gaijin01 Wrote:
You have to realize, that this tier list is only the opinion of a few. There is hardly a "science" to tier lists, and also why I hate seeing some definitive black and white listing of characters.
Your concept of High Low is the most retarted thing ever. Cyrax is crap as a character. Yes you can still beat people all day with him, but it does not change that hes a weak character. Just because you are good whith him doesnt mean that the tier list needs to be redone... Its just the opinion of the guy who made the list. He lists shujinko as "unplayable" lol. There are some powerhouse characters that have been left out as well.
I personally think this should be changed to just "Gameplay Discussion" and the teir list thing needs to be chopped out. Because when all is said and done, it serves no purpose. When might you ever need to consult such a list? All it does is piss off people who see things differently.
In SF2T Zangief was listed as bottom tier, but I went to 3 tournaments where he took top EASILY. When people saw how cheesy he was they changed their opinion of him. Tier lists really are pointless.
You have to realize, that this tier list is only the opinion of a few. There is hardly a "science" to tier lists, and also why I hate seeing some definitive black and white listing of characters.
Your concept of High Low is the most retarted thing ever. Cyrax is crap as a character. Yes you can still beat people all day with him, but it does not change that hes a weak character. Just because you are good whith him doesnt mean that the tier list needs to be redone... Its just the opinion of the guy who made the list. He lists shujinko as "unplayable" lol. There are some powerhouse characters that have been left out as well.
I personally think this should be changed to just "Gameplay Discussion" and the teir list thing needs to be chopped out. Because when all is said and done, it serves no purpose. When might you ever need to consult such a list? All it does is piss off people who see things differently.
In SF2T Zangief was listed as bottom tier, but I went to 3 tournaments where he took top EASILY. When people saw how cheesy he was they changed their opinion of him. Tier lists really are pointless.
The tier list is more or less agreed by the top players of MK that have been playing online competetive.
You think someone else should be inculded in the top tier? I'll be more than happy to hear why.
A combo that would do 40% on one character will do 60% on him and 80% if he is in weapon.
Without the extra damage thing he would have been low tier anyways. The extra damage bs makes him unplayable, don't argue it's a fact.
Hi all
i repeat my question for the third time :P:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, am i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
i repeat my question for the third time :P:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, am i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
Honestly man i used to think Jarek was really good but hes really not. Ill tell you why. When playing people who know how to play he has really big flaws.
1. TS drop can be jumped by people who know how to play and punish you.
2. His Lazzo will most likely not catch anyone its a way to slow.
3. His charge is good to catch someone off gaurd but if your vsing someone whos smart all they have to do is side step or block and they can easily punish you. But i think its still useful only when you know your opponent is off gaurd (when you have that feeling na what im sayin
4. I think his dragon stly eis his best style. Ill tell you why
a. You can mix it up just with i think 1 2 4 and 1 2 u4. Also his low mid combo is good which i think is 4 b2. Probably more reason i just cant ponder on it right now.
5. Now everyone might ARGUE that kick axe kicks ass > not true. Back then but not in the parry era. After the 1 2 if you keep pressing parry it will automatically parry in between 1 2 parry 444. So i think that totally destoyed ermac and jarek.
I Think if u use jarek sparringly people wont realize his flaws right away.
Honestly man i used to think Jarek was really good but hes really not. Ill tell you why. When playing people who know how to play he has really big flaws.
1. TS drop can be jumped by people who know how to play and punish you.
2. His Lazzo will most likely not catch anyone its a way to slow.
3. His charge is good to catch someone off gaurd but if your vsing someone whos smart all they have to do is side step or block and they can easily punish you. But i think its still useful only when you know your opponent is off gaurd (when you have that feeling na what im sayin
4. I think his dragon stly eis his best style. Ill tell you why
a. You can mix it up just with i think 1 2 4 and 1 2 u4. Also his low mid combo is good which i think is 4 b2. Probably more reason i just cant ponder on it right now.
5. Now everyone might ARGUE that kick axe kicks ass > not true. Back then but not in the parry era. After the 1 2 if you keep pressing parry it will automatically parry in between 1 2 parry 444. So i think that totally destoyed ermac and jarek.
I Think if u use jarek sparringly people wont realize his flaws right away.
Dark_Schneider84 Wrote:
Hi all
i repeat my question for the third time :P:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, am i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
Hi all
i repeat my question for the third time :P:
1)i saw online that someone with subzero was able to cancel the ice pillar move if it missed.....how can i cancel it? and also, is it a glitch or legit thing?
2)do you have some hints for Jarek? i want to use him...yesterday.i learned his moves....but i saw that dragon style doesn't do much damage....any good combos? and some hints for the lazo catch move? some ideas to how to use properly the pop up after the lazo catch?
some good juggles?
also, am i blind or dragon style have only a pop up, and only as a combo (1,1,2)??????
3)some hints for chameleon? good juggles?
1. As far as I know Ice Pillar that whifs (opponent sidesteps / jumps it) cannot be canceld.
Ice Pillar on block automatecly stops.
Maybe Check can correct me on this.
2. Don't use Dragon.
Axe - 1,3,4,4,4 - safe, gives free throw. Bad part is, online top players will parry between the 4's.
Use his slam wisely.
Use the Rhino Kick here and there to catch the people who jump the Slam.
3. Chameleon is ok at best.
Best moves and juggles are in the first post.
I use Jarek and rarely lose with him.
Dragon is not a bad style but you dont pick Jarek for his combos.
Turtle far away, slam to frustrate, when they suddenly appear next to you, down +2, rhino kick, slam.
keep it up.
then when theyve had it with you turtling...
walk in (right next to them), slam, (infinite possibilities here since they are thrown off) ((most likley they'll block)), back foward 2, slam.
you can win effectivly with just his slam and rhino kick if you mix it up good enough.
and always, always, always slam when you see them falling to the ground.
free hit almost garunteed.
Dragon is not a bad style but you dont pick Jarek for his combos.
Turtle far away, slam to frustrate, when they suddenly appear next to you, down +2, rhino kick, slam.
keep it up.
then when theyve had it with you turtling...
walk in (right next to them), slam, (infinite possibilities here since they are thrown off) ((most likley they'll block)), back foward 2, slam.
you can win effectivly with just his slam and rhino kick if you mix it up good enough.
and always, always, always slam when you see them falling to the ground.
free hit almost garunteed.
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah, his moves are pretty nice and I've noticed some of his moves are safe but there's something I want to try out next time I play online with him.
But this "super fast TS" move or what ever, this can work online also?
And an OTG drop?I gotta see this..
Yeah, his moves are pretty nice and I've noticed some of his moves are safe but there's something I want to try out next time I play online with him.
But this "super fast TS" move or what ever, this can work online also?
And an OTG drop?I gotta see this..
Yes,GS Drop works easily online.The OTG Drop is just a SET UP that can hit your opponent when he or she lands from a jump (The TS Drop kind of hits your opponent even though his or her feet are in the air).
I'm sure that Dairou is a top tier.I'm also sure he can compete with Noob,Scorpion,Tanya,Drahmin,and all the other top tiers with Sareena being his hardest match up.It's just that Dairou has some retarded mismatches against mid and high-mid characters.
You simply can't mess up with Dairou by just abusing b+4 and the fast TS Drop.b+4 can rarely be punished (if at all) even if your opponent side steps it.In addition,even if your opponent jumps at you and you do b+4,you can still block the jumping kick BEFORE they land (then,when your opponent lands,you can TS Drop/b+4/b+3/u+3/fireball as a mix up).
Hmm, interesting.I use him some what often not as much as I did in MK:D but I do use him so that's interesting to know.
For the guy asking about Jarek, yes STAY in KickAxe.It's safe, more powerful and also something that wasn't covered ALWAYS abuse his D+1, especially if you're near a corner(your opponents back is to a corner) that's a GREAT mix up with 4, 4, 4.
Trust me, your opponent won't parry because he's too busy anticipating a poke.Works just about every time for me....it's a great tactic with Jarek up close.
From a far as I've said from the beginning of MK:A, he's a god in this game.Use the Rhino Drop often but wisely, meaning not every two seconds but when your opponent tends to land from a jump or when he's staying on the ground more then usual.
When he jumps to anticipate the Rhino Drop, do a flying kick.Trust me your opponent won't know what's coming, if you spam the flying kicks a few times he'll stay on the ground then you do the drop.Unless they get NEAR you, it'll be a pain for them to beat you if you use his moves well.
Also, use his B+F+2 grab move, it's also UNBLOCKABLE and is good to use in close here and there, it also gains you some good space for your next attack.
He's also got the easy FT's in kickaxe as mentioned, that's why it's important to mix it up with pokes, drops(making your opponent jump) and his 1, 3, 4, 4, 4.You'd be surprised how many opponents I'd made jump anticipating the drop, then they eat a 1, 3 or a 4, 4, 4 in mid air giving me at least an easy 35%+ or so.
BTW, to the guy that said the lasso sucks and rarely hits.Thats' wrong, it'll only miss if you abuse the hell out of it(like some noob) and your opponent blocks it at mid distance or sometimes if you're far, far away.But you should use it at safe distance, NEVER close, NEVER or against jumpers that love staying in the air.You'll snag them trust me if used wisely.
But I assure you, I've beaten top Noobs, Sareenas, KAKs, Subs and Scorps online with Jarek, you can EASILY catch someone jumping like a jelly bean with the lasso then go for the easy 55% combo in kickaxe.
I still say he's a higher tier but what ever, I mean hell nobody even uses him online that much except for me and I know for a fact I use him more then anyone does on xbox and use him well.
I tend to stay away from his Dragon, it sucks compared to KickAxe.It's got some good moves though and a few FT's in it, but I'd stay in KickAxe personally.
For the guy asking about Jarek, yes STAY in KickAxe.It's safe, more powerful and also something that wasn't covered ALWAYS abuse his D+1, especially if you're near a corner(your opponents back is to a corner) that's a GREAT mix up with 4, 4, 4.
Trust me, your opponent won't parry because he's too busy anticipating a poke.Works just about every time for me....it's a great tactic with Jarek up close.
From a far as I've said from the beginning of MK:A, he's a god in this game.Use the Rhino Drop often but wisely, meaning not every two seconds but when your opponent tends to land from a jump or when he's staying on the ground more then usual.
When he jumps to anticipate the Rhino Drop, do a flying kick.Trust me your opponent won't know what's coming, if you spam the flying kicks a few times he'll stay on the ground then you do the drop.Unless they get NEAR you, it'll be a pain for them to beat you if you use his moves well.
Also, use his B+F+2 grab move, it's also UNBLOCKABLE and is good to use in close here and there, it also gains you some good space for your next attack.
He's also got the easy FT's in kickaxe as mentioned, that's why it's important to mix it up with pokes, drops(making your opponent jump) and his 1, 3, 4, 4, 4.You'd be surprised how many opponents I'd made jump anticipating the drop, then they eat a 1, 3 or a 4, 4, 4 in mid air giving me at least an easy 35%+ or so.
BTW, to the guy that said the lasso sucks and rarely hits.Thats' wrong, it'll only miss if you abuse the hell out of it(like some noob) and your opponent blocks it at mid distance or sometimes if you're far, far away.But you should use it at safe distance, NEVER close, NEVER or against jumpers that love staying in the air.You'll snag them trust me if used wisely.
But I assure you, I've beaten top Noobs, Sareenas, KAKs, Subs and Scorps online with Jarek, you can EASILY catch someone jumping like a jelly bean with the lasso then go for the easy 55% combo in kickaxe.
I still say he's a higher tier but what ever, I mean hell nobody even uses him online that much except for me and I know for a fact I use him more then anyone does on xbox and use him well.
I tend to stay away from his Dragon, it sucks compared to KickAxe.It's got some good moves though and a few FT's in it, but I'd stay in KickAxe personally.
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