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Attention all gods of MK gaming. Need kick-ass Sindel info please. Will flash man boobies if neseccary...
gaijin01 Wrote:
I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
subby is top tier, get over it. hes actually better then noob. noob is better when the player has alot of lag on his side tho.I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
Keith Wrote:
Attention all gods of MK gaming. Need kick-ass Sindel info please. Will flash man boobies if neseccary...
pick her, then close your eyes and pray they 1~ Dont pick a high tier 2~ hardly ever parry 3~ Never duck 4~ Do lots of dumb things. sindel has nothing new that wasnt known in MKD. try and bait them into parring your weapon attacks. like do 4,4 wait they may parry. she can throw half the cast. all of her unparriable attacks are so slow its so sad Attention all gods of MK gaming. Need kick-ass Sindel info please. Will flash man boobies if neseccary...

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danadbab Wrote:
1~ Dont pick a high tier
2~ hardly ever parry
3~ Never duck
4~ Do lots of dumb things.
sindel has nothing new that wasnt known in MKD.
try and bait them into parring your weapon attacks. like do 4,4 wait they may parry.
she can throw half the cast.
all of her unparriable attacks are so slow its so sad
gaijin01 Wrote:
I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
subby is top tier, get over it. hes actually better then noob. noob is better when the player has alot of lag on his side tho.I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
Keith Wrote:
Attention all gods of MK gaming. Need kick-ass Sindel info please. Will flash man boobies if neseccary...
pick her, then close your eyes and pray they Attention all gods of MK gaming. Need kick-ass Sindel info please. Will flash man boobies if neseccary...
1~ Dont pick a high tier
2~ hardly ever parry
3~ Never duck
4~ Do lots of dumb things.
sindel has nothing new that wasnt known in MKD.
try and bait them into parring your weapon attacks. like do 4,4 wait they may parry.
she can throw half the cast.
all of her unparriable attacks are so slow its so sad
Thanks. My poor Sindy. If only B+1 and 3 were faster. And why the hell can the opponent block after the first 4 in Zha Chuan? What the hell? Thank god for the Kwan Do.
gaijin01 Wrote:
I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
I of course expect at he people named SUB-ZERO5512 to disagree with me. Its not that subbie cant pwn. Anyone who has been to any REAL tourneys can tell you that while a character is bottom tier, you can still own with them, all tier refers to is how many powerful moves a character has in comparison with some other characters. Sub has some great moves, and I MUSt agree with the guy who said he was a great turtle, imo its the only way to play him, the un-parrayable kick is great, and not something I was aware of, but when compared with the likes of noob or sareena, his amount of powerful moves is not as high as many others, that is why he is not top tier imo.
Hear what I am saying, yes you can PWN with sub zero, but I do not think his array of moves qualifies him for a top tier char...
I ́m not really the one to explain this to you cause I don ́t play Sub for real but he just has everything = Top tier.
Keith - Sindel is just sad.

I am one of the sad few that dont have the game yet :\
How are people finding Kitana?
Are her new special moves any good?
What are her stances like?
I hope she is better than she was in Deadly Alliance.
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Thanks a heap for your help
How are people finding Kitana?
Are her new special moves any good?
What are her stances like?
I hope she is better than she was in Deadly Alliance.
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Thanks a heap for your help
Its clear that most of these people on these forums spend most of their time on the forums, talking about mk rather than playing. Im never scared of a sub zero, he has nothing to worry about, you can see ALL of his moves coming from a mile away. The only guy I respect here is the one who actually tried to LIST why he thinks subbie is top tier. All of you noobs who just say, "Sub-Zero is top tier, trust me" are speaking with a char bias, and not talking anything about tier. The bottom line is, the top tier chars are the ones that win the most, most of the time. The real killers online NEVER pick sub zero. I have 1200 games under my belt online and have never once said, "wow sub zero is powerful" however I have said that about nearly every other char on the list. And shujinko is VERY playable. Unblayable? Nice inventing tier ranks out of nowhere. Your placing shujinko below cyrax? he still has some KILLER resources in his arsenal, and when I tested this more damage theory, the combos seemed to do the same damage. My ultimate point here was to give credit to the one who made the list, as its very good. It said that its not final and will change but I doubt it, seeing as that its not open to discussion.
I will post no more.
I will post no more.

Yeah Ima have 2 agree with you Gaijin. Sub-Zero is not what he was like in Deception or Deadly Alliance. I mean, Frost is more deadly than he is even though people refuse to accept it. Even Jade is higher tier IMO than Sub-Zero and she got screwed over majorly. LOL.
It doesn't matter if you can see sub's attacks coming. He's meant to be played as a turtle which means you force them to attack and then punish. For that he's got everything he needs and more. Ice clone of course is key here and if someone wants to try and spam projectiles so he can't counter; his new pillar move will make short work of that. Not everything is offense.
Sub is top tier. He is much better than frost and jade. NAKM, Jade is so unsafe, how can she be better than sub? Also, all you have to do against frost is keep away and block low.
shotokan 3 hits mid and gives free throw on hit.
3 and throw is a great 50/50. You can walk up to a fallen opponent and ss to nullify their wakeups most of the times. then use 50/50 again.
1132 gives a free throw as well. You can follow that up with more 50/50.
keep mixing up 113 and 1132 to keep the opponent guessing. I have played alot of opponents who think i will finish at the 3, only to get hit by the 2 and giving me a free throw.
ice clone can be done in mid air.
Easy 40% damadge from ice pillar, and no it is not as useless as people suggest. It is great against projectile happy characters like sareena.
Subbie is top 3 easy.
shotokan 3 hits mid and gives free throw on hit.
3 and throw is a great 50/50. You can walk up to a fallen opponent and ss to nullify their wakeups most of the times. then use 50/50 again.
1132 gives a free throw as well. You can follow that up with more 50/50.
keep mixing up 113 and 1132 to keep the opponent guessing. I have played alot of opponents who think i will finish at the 3, only to get hit by the 2 and giving me a free throw.
ice clone can be done in mid air.
Easy 40% damadge from ice pillar, and no it is not as useless as people suggest. It is great against projectile happy characters like sareena.
Subbie is top 3 easy.
I think Sub's good, but not that good.He's not better then Mavado, Sareena or Noob.
I also play online a lot, and most sub players aren't even that great.
His pillar and FT's do make him a lot better then he was in MK:D, however if you time it properly you can side step the pillar and he's in that animation for a while as in you can get in from mid screen and counter open.That's one of his weaknesses I've noticed, A great counter for Sub is Kabal.
If you avoid the pillar, sub eats a free spin every time.Not to mention Hookswords are always a bitch to play against.
I also play online a lot, and most sub players aren't even that great.
His pillar and FT's do make him a lot better then he was in MK:D, however if you time it properly you can side step the pillar and he's in that animation for a while as in you can get in from mid screen and counter open.That's one of his weaknesses I've noticed, A great counter for Sub is Kabal.
If you avoid the pillar, sub eats a free spin every time.Not to mention Hookswords are always a bitch to play against.
Its funny you say that sub isnt much better than he was in mkd, yet you forget to mention one of his most important improvements: the ability to do ice clone in air.
And anyone who uses the ice pillar like you described in your post, does not know how to use sub. The pillar is not a move you just randomly throw out, you have to set it up. The pillar is best used against projectile happy characters like Sareena, noob, kano, etc But even against them you have to use it wisely. Against a character like Kabal, i would rarely use the pillar since he doesnt rely that much on his projectile.
And anyone who uses the ice pillar like you described in your post, does not know how to use sub. The pillar is not a move you just randomly throw out, you have to set it up. The pillar is best used against projectile happy characters like Sareena, noob, kano, etc But even against them you have to use it wisely. Against a character like Kabal, i would rarely use the pillar since he doesnt rely that much on his projectile.
3 and throw is a great 50/50. You can walk up to a fallen opponent and ss to nullify their wakeups most of the times. then use 50/50 again.
I thought wakeup attacks tracked if you tried to sidestep? I've done it before and have seen my opponents do it as well, but not all the time.
Hapkido - b,f+1, u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs, d,b+2 - 8 hits (55%)
Hapkido - b,f+1, u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs - 8 hits (47%)
Hapkido - u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs - 7 hits (42%)
Shao Kahn
Tai Tzu - 2,2,cs, 3, cs, 1,1,3 - 7 hits (45%)
Hapkido - b,f+1, u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs, d,b+2 - 8 hits (55%)
Hapkido - b,f+1, u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs - 8 hits (47%)
Hapkido - u+4, b+1, b+1, 2,3,cs - 7 hits (42%)
Shao Kahn
Tai Tzu - 2,2,cs, 3, cs, 1,1,3 - 7 hits (45%)
Planche Wrote:
I thought wakeup attacks tracked if you tried to sidestep? I've done it before and have seen my opponents do it as well, but not all the time.
no the wake up game is a joke. as they get up just ss them and own. 3 and throw is a great 50/50. You can walk up to a fallen opponent and ss to nullify their wakeups most of the times. then use 50/50 again.
I thought wakeup attacks tracked if you tried to sidestep? I've done it before and have seen my opponents do it as well, but not all the time.
any way
at all the noobs saying subby isnt high tier.
Nakm you know better then to say frost and or jade are better. you for real?
if jade and frost are high tier then Kitana and Daegon are GOD tier. LOLOLOLOLOL
SubXer0 Wrote:
Its funny you say that sub isnt much better than he was in mkd, yet you forget to mention one of his most important improvements: the ability to do ice clone in air.
And anyone who uses the ice pillar like you described in your post, does not know how to use sub. The pillar is not a move you just randomly throw out, you have to set it up. The pillar is best used against projectile happy characters like Sareena, noob, kano, etc But even against them you have to use it wisely. Against a character like Kabal, i would rarely use the pillar since he doesnt rely that much on his projectile.
Its funny you say that sub isnt much better than he was in mkd, yet you forget to mention one of his most important improvements: the ability to do ice clone in air.
And anyone who uses the ice pillar like you described in your post, does not know how to use sub. The pillar is not a move you just randomly throw out, you have to set it up. The pillar is best used against projectile happy characters like Sareena, noob, kano, etc But even against them you have to use it wisely. Against a character like Kabal, i would rarely use the pillar since he doesnt rely that much on his projectile.
Actually, that's a good point and one thing I did forget.The clone is good, sorry for forgetting to mention that in my last post.
Yeah, the air clone makes him a lot more difficult then in MK:D also with the pillar, a good tactic around that is when you're near him shoot a projectile(preferably fast) the sub player will anticipate a move, so he'll do clone...however if sub's opponent is smart he'll pause and shoot a fireball or what ever projectile he has and sub eats a projectile.
There are lots of tactics to fight against everyone, these are just some of the ones I use and often work online.
Yeah, I totally agree that the ice pillar move is a set up move and can also be used right after a clone(or is it before) I don't use sub but I know you can do both of these moves right after the other, I think you can do a clone then buffer a pillar if I'm not mistaken.I've seen people set up with that, once I recognize their patterns I adapt and alter it, I prefer to get in on sub for a few reasons.
One, he hides and turtle behind the clone and pillar which can get irritating if you're playing a good subby.Two, if you get in really close the clone cancels out and sub has no defense other then pokes, wake up etc tactics up close etc.
The clone cancel out up close as we all know was fixed in UMK3, since it was broken in MK3.
Since you're a subby fan I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
But yeah I play on xbox, there's a few good subby players not many though.
Yeah, Kabal I tend to be aggressive offensively with him mixing up hookswords, dashes wisely and his fireball work good against sub-zero from my experience.
Since you're from the PS server(I'm guessing) you probably know that Versatile kid who uses subby a lot.
Yes, versa is probably the best subzero player out there. He is also pretty good with alot of other characters.
I havent tried it out alot online but versa told me that sub can do an ice pillar off a parry. If that is true, then its easy 40% off a parry for sub. Its still not a 100% sure and still in experimentation phase. Im guessing the lag factor will make this a risky move.
I havent tried it out alot online but versa told me that sub can do an ice pillar off a parry. If that is true, then its easy 40% off a parry for sub. Its still not a 100% sure and still in experimentation phase. Im guessing the lag factor will make this a risky move.
Yeah, lag makes a lot of things not possible that you could normally do offline in MK:A.I'm not complaining though because things such as air infinites, air cancelling tricks etc are difficult to time or pull off all the time online if at all possible.Like you said, the lag always plays a role in online gaming sometimes.
Yeah, sub has a lot of his oldschool tactics working for him with the jumping, clone etc in MK:A as oppose to MK:DA and MK:D.
Yeah, sub has a lot of his oldschool tactics working for him with the jumping, clone etc in MK:A as oppose to MK:DA and MK:D.

Yo, can someone give strats for Nitara? What special moves of her's are good? I'm guessing the air blood spit and throw.
Is Leopard like Darrius's version from MKD? What good stuff is in it? And what about Kamas?
I know she's one of the worst, but she's one of my favorite characters, and I want to use her for fun. I've never seen anyone really use Nitara online.
Is Leopard like Darrius's version from MKD? What good stuff is in it? And what about Kamas?
I know she's one of the worst, but she's one of my favorite characters, and I want to use her for fun. I've never seen anyone really use Nitara online.
egotistic Wrote:
Yo, can someone give strats for Nitara? What special moves of her's are good? I'm guessing the air blood spit and throw.
Is Leopard like Darrius's version from MKD? What good stuff is in it? And what about Kamas?
I know she's one of the worst, but she's one of my favorite characters, and I want to use her for fun. I've never seen anyone really use Nitara online.
Yo, can someone give strats for Nitara? What special moves of her's are good? I'm guessing the air blood spit and throw.
Is Leopard like Darrius's version from MKD? What good stuff is in it? And what about Kamas?
I know she's one of the worst, but she's one of my favorite characters, and I want to use her for fun. I've never seen anyone really use Nitara online.
She is a low tier man............
Her throw is her best move and you should always do set ups for it and try to get it everytime.
Other than that -
d+3 - low kick
4 - mid
Kama -
b+1 - mid.
Specials -
Air spit sometimes, not nearly as good as Tanya's........
That's preety much it. Her normal combos also sux ass. Kama b+1, cs, 2,3,cs -27%

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
Can anyone tell me a combo for Kabal which may reach over 40? the max i get is like 36%...
gaijin01 Wrote:
And shujinko is VERY playable. Unblayable? Nice inventing tier ranks out of nowhere. Your placing shujinko below cyrax? he still has some KILLER resources in his arsenal, and when I tested this more damage theory, the combos seemed to do the same damage.
And shujinko is VERY playable. Unblayable? Nice inventing tier ranks out of nowhere. Your placing shujinko below cyrax? he still has some KILLER resources in his arsenal, and when I tested this more damage theory, the combos seemed to do the same damage.
The more damage thing isn't a theory. Anyone can easily verify it with empirical data. If you pick Liu Kang and do a 39% combo, it will do 39% damage to every character in the game when they're in hand-to-hand stance (whether it's Noob, Scorpion, Sareena, Sindel, Hsu Hao, Kai, Sub Zero, Mavado, Nitara, etc.), except for Shujinko, who will take 47% in Mantis. Take Kung Lao and do a 33% combo on any other character, and it'll do 40% damage to Shujinko.
Anyway, can anyone tell me what they think of Li Mei? It seems like she's always absent from gameplay discussions. I have some thoughts of my own, but I'm not an expert when it comes to fighting games. Here's what I know about her so far.
Carnival Spin (f,d+3) is better than Li Mei's other launchers (or most launchers in the game for that matter) when it comes to damage potential, since the the damage scales down very little (relatively) when comboing off of it. It's especially good because Li Mei is definitely when of the stronger characters in the game when it comes to juggle potential, not as strong as Hsu Hao or Mavado, but in Kunlun Dao she has very easy to pull off 40% combos, and in Lui (sic) He Ba Fa she has very easy to pull off 40-50% (50+ if the enemy is in weapon) combos. The main disadvantage is that the move is unsafe on block, and it has a start up sequence that can be interrupted. Still, it also hits mid, meaning it'll break a low block (by comparison, Reiko's Flip Kick can be blocked low AND high), and the range is surprisingly long. Definitely not a move to be spammed, since it's unsafe, but it should be used and regulated, since it can lead to round-winning juggles.
Li Mei's other specials aren't quite as important. Flying Flurry and Flipping Heel Kick contribute to Li Mei's juggle potential, but aren't quite as important as Carnival Spin. Nova Blast is one of the crappier projectiles in the game, but still has its uses (shooting it at someone who's about to get up).
Since it seems like no one knows much about Li Mei's moves, Kunlun Dao has the exact same moves as Sareena's Demon Fang, which I'm pretty sure is a good thing. 2 in Kunlun is an important move. It comes out really fast, It hits mid, and I think, but I am not positive, that it gives a free throw. I don't know exactly how you verify whether or not a move gives a free throw. I tested Sub Zero's 3 in Shotokan and Li Mei's 2 in Kunlun Dao in versus by trying to duck with one controller and throw with the other, and it seemed like both of them passed the same test, so I think Li Mei's 2 in Kunlun Dao gives a free throw. However, I don't know if my test was foolproof (which is why I'd like to know more about determining what moves give a free throw). 2, b+3 does 23% damage, hits mid, and is safe on block. d+1 is the standard good low for swords (similar to d+3 for Kori). 1, 1, 2 and 1, 1, 3 both do 20% damage, hit high, mid, mid, but are unsafe on block.
Lui He Ba Fa has some serious strengths and some serious weaknesses. The biggest weakness is the lack of any great lows. None are as good as d+1 in Kunlun. It's more important for pulling off those high damage juggles though. 3, 3 is a move that just sort of keeps the opponent aloft while in the air. Carnival Spin, 3, 3, Flying Flurry is a 47% combo that's also incredibly easy to pull off. The style transition combos are only so-so when used on a standing enemy. They hit high, high, high, high, mid and high, high, mid respectively, but that mid is unsafe. They offer good damage when used in juggles though.
xaanthius Wrote:
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Yeah, same, how is she shaping up? I think she is high - mid tier, but not really sure. I need *good* players' opinions, so yeah... any idea anyone?
hi boys!
i have a question on subzero...
many times i saw online that subzero users, can cancel the ice pillar animation if it fails....
so i want to know how to cancel it....and if in your opinion, it's fair or it's a glitch and so is a little lame.
tnx :)
i have a question on subzero...
many times i saw online that subzero users, can cancel the ice pillar animation if it fails....
so i want to know how to cancel it....and if in your opinion, it's fair or it's a glitch and so is a little lame.
tnx :)

matthewhaddad Wrote:
Yeah, same, how is she shaping up? I think she is high - mid tier, but not really sure. I need *good* players' opinions, so yeah... any idea anyone?
xaanthius Wrote:
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Also how is Sheeva shaping up? There seemed a buzz about her early on but I have not heard much about her since.
Yeah, same, how is she shaping up? I think she is high - mid tier, but not really sure. I need *good* players' opinions, so yeah... any idea anyone?
Well, I haven't really played with her or heard much about her. I played her a couple times, and from what I've seen...
Special Moves
D,F+2 seems good, it knocks em down so you can keep turtling.
U,D+3 seems decent, too slow though. If you can actually get it to hit do Shokan Blades: B+1,1,CS,2,2,CS,3 for easy 39 damage. I'd say not to do the B+1 at the start but it's hard to do the combo without it, and probably harder online.
D,U+3 would be better if it wasn't so slow, does 20 damage. I'd probably use it against someone who's just laying there on the floor, but even then you're risking it and I don't know if it's breakable.
D+4 - Your standard spinning low kick unparryable
2,1 - Looks a lot like Noob's 2,4 in Monkey...is it safe? Follow up with CS,1,CS,2,2,CS,3.
Shokan Blades
1 - Looks like a nice safe mid, might can 50/50 afterwards.
B+1 - This seems like a very good move. It might be safe, I'm not sure, it looks a lot like Darrius's 3 in Gauntlets. If it hits, do 1, CS, 2,2,CS,3 for an easy 52%. I'm not sure if hits mid but it looks like it.
4 - Looks like another safe mid that knocks down.
I really don't know much about her, but she has powerful combos and Shokan Blades seem pretty fast. It looks like she suffers from lack of good lows.
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