08/21/2007 09:23 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Hat-Toss Wrote:
woah I just read through one huge argument and it means shit to me, I mean how good the games are is based on opinion nothing more. Like with me personally I think that Cryax is awesome in every mk game man, in the newer ones he just takes practice, and every game is gonna have minor and major flaws but the thing is that there are over 3 million mortal kombat fans out there and they all have something that they want put in and that they hope for. Sure the testers may need to be improved but that what I am sayin is that it mainly because of fans wants and needs.

ps. to anyone who says something like that was like a two months ago I know I am just throwing my two cents ingrin

This is a stickied thread, so you don't really have to worry about bumping it.

What you're saying is something that has been said by others in the past. You are ignorant of the fact that how good the characters' gameplay styles are is not something based on opinions, but facts. They are based on what kind of moves each character has and how good they are.

For example, let's bring up Cyrax, who you think is awesome in every MK game. I think what you're thinking is that he's very fun for you to play as, therefore, you think he's awesome. However, fun factor has nothing to do with how good the character's gameplay actually is. In both MKDA and MKA, he is in the bottom tier, because his damage is poor and he has very few useful tools, and I mean VERY few.

The problem with these last few MK fighters is that the major problems, which severely hamper the quality, have not really been fixed at all.

That's not entirely true, it's not the engine per-se it's the glitches such as FT's, easy OTG's, AC nonsense that needs to be fixed. MK:DA is a good game actually, the most balanced out of the 3D MK's by far. Only thing I don't like about that game is the charge ups, the counters/parries suck in that game since you can only counter the hand to hand styles and the jumping mechanic in both MK:DA and MKD sucked, it was much better in MKA but that game could have done without the air kombat, if not for that there would be no AC and the game would be down to merely ground combos. It would be less damaging? Yes, but who cares. The old MK's hardly relied on the "big fancy combos" and was more about basic tactics, turtle game, special moves, sweeps, jabs etc.

I'd like to see this brought back again personally in MK8 mix up some UMK3, improved parries and that would be an interesting game.

I like all of them though, afterall no game is perfect.glasses
08/21/2007 10:50 PM (UTC)
And what do you think is the cause of those glitches? It's the poorly designed fighting system, that's what. If it had things like throw escapes, counter hit, etc. the gameplay would be better.

Even if MKDA is supposedly the most balanced of the 3D MK games, that's not saying a whole lot as its 50/50 reliant and several characters dominate the game, such as Scorpion and his ridiculously easy strategy.
08/22/2007 02:16 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
And what do you think is the cause of those glitches? It's the poorly designed fighting system, that's what. If it had things like throw escapes, counter hit, etc. the gameplay would be better.

Even if MKDA is supposedly the most balanced of the 3D MK games, that's not saying a whole lot as its 50/50 reliant and several characters dominate the game, such as Scorpion and his ridiculously easy strategy.

Reason why I disagree with you is because MK:DA proved to be a good game or let's say better since "good and bad" most of the time are a matter of personal preference. MK:DA had like a few infinites, not a big deal, it didn't have nearly the amount of glitches as MKD and MKA have. Trust me, I play them online well enough to compare them to MK:DA and I totally see and agree with the people who believe MK:DA is the best balance wise and glitch wise.

I'd rather deal with MK:DA scorpion any day of the week before MKD Dairou/Bo or MKA sareena, believe me if you had the time to play against elite players with those characters you would want MK:DA scorpion
About Me
On the first page of our story,
The future seemed so bright.
But this thing turned out so evil,
I don’t know why I’m still surprised.
Even angels have their wicked schemes,
And you take that to new extremes.
But you’ll always be my hero,
Even though you lost your mind...
10/02/2007 05:24 AM (UTC)
Hey, I need a lil favour from you more... professional players of mka. I've randomly picked up MKA and started playing again. There are a few characters I use, but I wanna know if I'm using them right. I know the 1st page says the best moves and all that, but I still need a more direct opinion.

I pretty much just use the teleport to keep myself away from the opponent, then randomly throw out fireballs and TS Drops + (weapon) 1, 1, f+3. If I get too close, I throw or use (weapon) d+1, then move back and do more fireballs and TS Drops. Is that how Dairou should be played?

Also, I know his (h2h) b+4 is meant to be a good move, and I occassionally throw it out, but what do you do once the opponent is in the air? I usually just go for an air combo cause I cant find any good combos with Dai. Any good 1's you might know of?

I play her very similarly to Dairou. Her TS drop, then (h2h) 2, 2, cs, 3 is the main part of my game, and throwing fireballs out randomly. If an opponent throws their own projectile, except Sareena, they will get stomped, and if they try and come close, (h2h) d+4 and Untamed Fury are used to keep them away. Is that how Sheeva should be used?

I haven't really got a very structured game with her. I just whore out her (weapon) b+2, b+1... b+2, 1, 1, u+1 when close up, with occassional (weapon) d+4 and throws. I prefer to play her invisible, but its pointless seeing as I dont have online to do that. When I play with mates I use invisibility though, and use lots of low attacks and her Drill Kick. What else is good when invisible? And any suggestions to fix up my Tanya play?

The next few characters I only started using recently, like a few days ago. I can beat Arcade on hard with them, maybe using 1 continue, and on max using a few. So yeh... probz need more practice with them. But yeh... this is how I use them mostly.

Quan Chi
Quan is becoming one of my best characters. I stay in his weapon always pretty much, and continuously attack. The main attacks I use are 1, 1, 3; 2, 3, b+3; d+1, d+3; throw. That's about it really... I steal weapons often and I stomp projectile whores. Other than that... my game is pretty shallow I think. Any hints on how to improve?

I use his specials a lot - his backwards slide, his side slide and his sliding low kick thingy. I don't use his charge, which I know is meant to be a good attack, but I dont find the need to. I use mainly his low slide kick special, (weapon) u+2, (weapon) u+3, (weapon) 1, 1, b+1, (h2h) 1, 1, b+2 and thats about it. The main thing I do is slide around and come in for 1 random hit, then back off, and keep moving around. Any advice?

I like him cause he can turn invisible, and I know he is a top tier so I wanna learn him. Atm, though, I'm pretty pathetic with him though. I just use his teleport grab and ninja stars when invisible, and his (h2h) 4... don't know anything else to do with him. Any good, safe moves anyone could suggest?

So any advice on how I could improve my game, maybe like different moves I should use, some I shouldn't... whatever you more expert ppl do lol. Btw, this is for offline play.

Thx to whoever helps! smile
10/11/2007 03:00 AM (UTC)
Umberella Wrote:
Hey, I need a lil favour from you more... professional players of mka. I've randomly picked up MKA and started playing again. There are a few characters I use, but I wanna know if I'm using them right. I know the 1st page says the best moves and all that, but I still need a more direct opinion.

I pretty much just use the teleport to keep myself away from the opponent, then randomly throw out fireballs and TS Drops + (weapon) 1, 1, f+3. If I get too close, I throw or use (weapon) d+1, then move back and do more fireballs and TS Drops. Is that how Dairou should be played?

Also, I know his (h2h) b+4 is meant to be a good move, and I occassionally throw it out, but what do you do once the opponent is in the air? I usually just go for an air combo cause I cant find any good combos with Dai. Any good 1's you might know of?

I play her very similarly to Dairou. Her TS drop, then (h2h) 2, 2, cs, 3 is the main part of my game, and throwing fireballs out randomly. If an opponent throws their own projectile, except Sareena, they will get stomped, and if they try and come close, (h2h) d+4 and Untamed Fury are used to keep them away. Is that how Sheeva should be used?

I haven't really got a very structured game with her. I just whore out her (weapon) b+2, b+1... b+2, 1, 1, u+1 when close up, with occassional (weapon) d+4 and throws. I prefer to play her invisible, but its pointless seeing as I dont have online to do that. When I play with mates I use invisibility though, and use lots of low attacks and her Drill Kick. What else is good when invisible? And any suggestions to fix up my Tanya play?

The next few characters I only started using recently, like a few days ago. I can beat Arcade on hard with them, maybe using 1 continue, and on max using a few. So yeh... probz need more practice with them. But yeh... this is how I use them mostly.

Quan Chi
Quan is becoming one of my best characters. I stay in his weapon always pretty much, and continuously attack. The main attacks I use are 1, 1, 3; 2, 3, b+3; d+1, d+3; throw. That's about it really... I steal weapons often and I stomp projectile whores. Other than that... my game is pretty shallow I think. Any hints on how to improve?

I use his specials a lot - his backwards slide, his side slide and his sliding low kick thingy. I don't use his charge, which I know is meant to be a good attack, but I dont find the need to. I use mainly his low slide kick special, (weapon) u+2, (weapon) u+3, (weapon) 1, 1, b+1, (h2h) 1, 1, b+2 and thats about it. The main thing I do is slide around and come in for 1 random hit, then back off, and keep moving around. Any advice?

I like him cause he can turn invisible, and I know he is a top tier so I wanna learn him. Atm, though, I'm pretty pathetic with him though. I just use his teleport grab and ninja stars when invisible, and his (h2h) 4... don't know anything else to do with him. Any good, safe moves anyone could suggest?

So any advice on how I could improve my game, maybe like different moves I should use, some I shouldn't... whatever you more expert ppl do lol. Btw, this is for offline play.

Thx to whoever helps! smile

Hey dude, what's going on? Well, since I play often online via xbox live I can help you out and give you advice for the characters you listed that I use.

Dairou, Sheeva and Mavado.


Ok, What you said is pretty much how he's played but also his up+4 is also a good move online as well as B+4, his sweep is also good to. He didn't have any good sweeps in MKD but since they changed the styles of everyone and Dairou got a new style, he has a sweep for MKA. Use it man, it works. If you play online, I've noticed a lot of people seem to forget Dairou has that sweep for some reason.

He has some AC combos but I don't use them AC=air cancelling. That's a way to keep your foe up in the air, 33 and AC them to keep them up there for more combo damage. Personally, I don't use it because I feel it's just a way to get easy extra damage and you can keep your foe up in the air the whole day. For more info on this, contact user Check on here. He knows more then anyone as far as Air Cancelling, 33 etc. I'm more of a ground game player.

So, I'll try to help you out with the ground game. Dairou, one key factor to winning with him is this. Stay, away, away, away. The more you turtle with him, the better off you are with his arsenal of special moves and D+2 in autumn Dairou weapon style snuffs out and is AA(anti-air) against all jumpers coming in on you. If you time it correctly just like the oldschool MK's with uppercuts you'll snuff out their air attacks every time, whether it's a jumk kick, punch whatever.

Teleport usage, personally I would use this often but not TOO often. It's most effective when you're away from your opponent. Usually after a fireball, teleport or vice versa, teleport and fireball. Just whatever you do DON'T teleport when you're up close because all they have to do is block and counter you. Otherwise wisely using the teleport will annoy and be a key factor against your opponent.

Fireball:His fireball is IMO one of the fastest and most useful projectile in the game, it's a fast projectile and great anti air if shot right and timed right.

From far away use it, shoot away. But a tactic I've found out over time is this, side step then immediately shoot a fireball. For some reason I've noticed this seems to target better and almost track in a way. If you just shoot without side stepping, your foe will catch on and just jump it or side step it. By sidestepping and shooting you keep them on their feet.

Try to time it so that you side step and shoot it as they're trying to jump, you'll nail them every time.

TS:Use this move often, but not TOO often. Like in MKD if your abuse it, your foe will just jump and kick you every time. And since it's slower then MKD(balanced out this time around) it's easier for them to avoid it.

My advice is to use it close, often throws off your foe. You can buffer the TS and make it faster if you do it after a knockdown which I've done and the TS slams faster then normally. Also, if you time the buffer right the MKD trick works with the old fireball, stun and TS drop trick. I've done it several times in MKA, of course it's tougher to do in MKA then MKD since it was blazing fast in MKD but still possible none the less. Once you do it, you have a few choices you can do some of the AC combos which Check has listed in his thread on here or you can ask him about it, or you can just play the ground game which I do. Use the 1, 1, F+3 tactic then retreat and get space, start turtling. Personally, that's how I play and it's very useful I must say for me anyway.

Also, Dairou is the key character in this game that's great at having "turtle battles" Example, Sareena's, Dairou's, Sheeva's etc.

And he's the one character that can always go toe to toe against/with Sareena. Also the games top turtler with her knives and dash punch move.

Also, his pokes are pretty good D+1 in either style however use them rarely and wisely as they can be parried.(not all pokes can be parried but his can unfortunately)

Here's a video of my playing against xbox's top Sareena, I'm dairou and he's sareena. Check it out: You'll get an idea of how to play Dairou better I hope this helps man, good luck:


Also, if m2dave should pop up he'll give you more pointers for sure on dairou and the AC since he uses some of those combos.

Now, Mavado: I'll be some what brief with him. He has bigtime ground combos that Check also recently discovered, however that's offline. I'm almost 100% positive they won't work online(especially in MKA) But as for Mavado.

Here's some tips I use with him, turtle with him and mix up his slide take out with his hooksword 50/50's. That's how I play him and it works like a gem, because your foe won't know which one you're going to do. But although his 1, 1, L works awesome it can get predictable and your foe will parry it if they see it coming. The L (also UP+ 2) in weapon is AWESOME and safe most of the time and it's impossible to parry. I've never seen that move parried. Can't parry it. Just make sure you mix it up with 4 and go for the free throw every time dude after 4 connects. This is Kabal's MKD free throw that they took away from Kabal and gave to Mavado hookswords.

Anyway, make sure you mix those two up constantly and if you do it correctly your opponent won't know what the hell is coming. Also mix it up with Up+3, his spin around leg sweep in hooksword. I've found it to be safe and also a great mix up with 4, Up+ 2 and throwing in general.

His combos are easy as hell to, I recommend 2, 3, 4 then 1, 1, B+1 ( or 1, 1, 4) with the power up it should be at least 40% either way it's a good ground combo that's good enough damage.

You can try ones that work great offline but might not online due to lag that's pretty good like 2, 3, 4, 4, slide for around 40% or 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, B+1 for 40%+ these combos will be more with the power up.

That's how I play mavado along with lots of turtling. Mix these tactics up with long fist combos and you'll do fine.

BTW, for special moves use his slide move wisely but not too much where it can be parried, the side step rubber band move works great use this a lot especially if you're away. Mixing this up with the slide is good.

His kick rubber band move is useless, don't use it.

Now, for Sheeva:

I've started using her actually 3 months ago, she's awesome. Her first style lacks some nice moves but they can be useful.

Use her weapon more though, my recommendation. Use her 1 in weapon followed by free throw, works great and it's a fast move the 1 I mean. Use that, spam it but not too much and you'll get a lot of free throws. Don't over use it though as your foe will parry you after a while, so mix up some lows and grab moves or her throw.

Her untamed fury does little damage but is a great move IMO to get some damage anyway because it comes out very fast and is often unpredictable. She kind of slides towards you as she grabs so it's tough to see coming.

Mix it up with her 1 in weapon tactics. Also, be sure to mix up some lows in there also. Her lows in weapon suck, use her Toward+4 move in kuatan style. It's not a sweep but a little fast kick that believe me you foe won't see coming. It's great to mix up with her highs and throws.

Her fireball is awesome also, a good fast, projectile that works well away and mid.

Her teleport stomp is great against projectile happy players...players that use Sareena, Dairou, Sub-Zero and anyone really who spams their projectiles man. If timed right you'll nail them EVERY time from mid to far.

Also, her B+1 in weapon is great launcher also. Follow it up with 1, 2, 4 it's a great combo. Or use B+1, B+1, 1, 2, 4 is a great combo. 2, 3 is good to after the launch.

I believe check also discovered recently a big 100% midscreen ground combo, however that's offline again. So, the really big combos I wouldn't even try online with lag....

Now, lastly her TS stomp is also very good. Not as good as Dairou's but just as effective if used rarely but wisely. Use it from mid or far, far mainly though because if you use it mid and your foe catches on you'll eat a JK.

After you connect use the weapon combos I listed for good damage. Also, I recommend turtling with her but not as much as you would with dairou, in close Sheeva can be annoying with her combos and 1, free throws, mixed up with her untamed fury.

Now, Quan-Chi I don't use so I really don't know that much about him. Same goes for Tanya, I hate her personally so I don't know much about her.

Noob, I used more in MKD but I recommend turning invisible, mixing up his 2, 4, 4, stars(unbreakable) 1, 1, L combos are good. If you mix this up with utilizing his invisibility you'll do well with him. I know basics about Noob, but I'm not a super expert with him or anything. I used him a lot more in MKD then I do in MKA personally. You can also bait people with his noob shadow floor thru move, but personally I don't see many players doing this online. You're better off using his safe 2, 4 combos visible or not but if you're invisible obviously this helps you out more since your foe can't see you or what you're doing lol.

He can be parried also but not easily, mix up his lows in monkey with his kicks, and D+4 also. Also, when you're invisible dude mix up his 2, 4 in monkey with throws and D+4.

His teleport slam is also effective if your opponent is a jumper and can be taken off guard with it, another move honestly that's awesome when mixed up well.

Well, good luck dude I hope this helped you out. wink Good luck
About Me
On the first page of our story,
The future seemed so bright.
But this thing turned out so evil,
I don’t know why I’m still surprised.
Even angels have their wicked schemes,
And you take that to new extremes.
But you’ll always be my hero,
Even though you lost your mind...
10/11/2007 06:36 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:

Thanks heaps, that should help a lot. That sweep with Dairou is useful and those are some good combos with Mavado. I just tried some of the stuff out, and its good to have a bigger arsenal of attacks to use. Thx so much smile
10/11/2007 07:30 PM (UTC)
Anytime man.wink Glad I could be of help.
12/18/2007 10:23 AM (UTC)
Ok, maybe someone can help me with a move I've seen rarely used because probably few know it. Using Taven, after the Godly Charge how do you come out of it with a combo. So basically its a Godly Charge into an elbow or combo. How is this done?
05/30/2008 03:25 PM (UTC)
i no how to do finish him/her want to know some?
01/02/2009 01:43 AM (UTC)
Looks like a bug to me... Where have you seen it? On video?
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01/08/2010 02:52 AM (UTC)
umm.. does anyone recommend this game
i like mortal combat but i only own one
for the game cube..
01/17/2011 12:07 AM (UTC)
I wonder if they'll ever make a MK 4 reboot?
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