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For some characters air combat does suck, but it's Kais' best way of getting high damage...well as high as he can get LOL
And I told everyone Fujin wasn't low tier ages ago but no-one believed me! You have to play him differently to the majority of characters. He can be aggressive but he fares better if you turtle with him
And I told everyone Fujin wasn't low tier ages ago but no-one believed me! You have to play him differently to the majority of characters. He can be aggressive but he fares better if you turtle with him

mkflegend Wrote:
Jarek is a top tier in the right hands
Jarek is a top tier in the right hands
You should never say in the right hands when placing some in a tier list. Tiers are conducted on a equal level. Because low tiers can beat high tiers in the right hands also.

EDIT: Nevermind

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
anythings possible in MK!
Does anyone have any combos for sektor over 40%?
Does anyone have any combos for sektor over 40%?

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
and D+1 in Kenpo rocks as well as i think D+3 in pulsblades
Bushin Wrote:
You should never say in the right hands when placing some in a tier list. Tiers are conducted on a equal level. Because low tiers can beat high tiers in the right hands also.
mkflegend Wrote:
Jarek is a top tier in the right hands
Jarek is a top tier in the right hands
You should never say in the right hands when placing some in a tier list. Tiers are conducted on a equal level. Because low tiers can beat high tiers in the right hands also.
Ok, well Jarek is a higher tier anyway due to his godly like turtling game.His kick move and TS ground pound own from a far, trust me.
And I know what you're saying but that can be said about anyone, there are people that aren't good with mavado, scorpion or noob yet they're higher tiers.
In the "right hands" anyone can be very good with any character, know what I'm saying?But I do honeslty believe that Jarek and Fujin are very good characters in this game.Jarek especially.2 out of his 4 special moves are unblockable making him good already.He's got some FT's in weapon stance, you can buffer the TS and get an free hit off of it in certain instances such as off a breaker, he's got nice combos in kickaxe and he's a god character to turtle with.
For the guy that said the lasso sucks, up close it's not that effective however from a far like his other moves it's a good move and should be used here and there, not often though.You can get away without it and just whore his other specials such as the rope kick and TS drop.
For the guy that said Dragon sucked, yeah...it's not the best however Jarek's KickAxe is Kick ass hehe.Same combos as Ermac including the Free throw after his 5 hit combo or 3 hit depending on which one you like to use.
And I agree with Hadoken, Fujin is awesome.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Hey nindz. Good to see ya around here.
About Sub-Zero's Freeze, it's some weird error. While the damage read is lower, it seems to me that the actual damage on the bar is still the same.
nindz Wrote:
Experimenting with Sub-Zero:
Shotokan - 3, b+2 (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 26% Damage
Shotokan - b+2 (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 27% Damage
Shotokan - 1, 2, b+2, (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 29% Damage
Kori Blade - b+2, b+2 (juggles) 1, b+1 - 25% Damage
Just noticed that if you setup by using Subbies Freeze, it takes away some of the damage from the combo's
Experimenting with Sub-Zero:
Shotokan - 3, b+2 (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 26% Damage
Shotokan - b+2 (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 27% Damage
Shotokan - 1, 2, b+2, (juggles) 1, 1, 3, CS - 29% Damage
Kori Blade - b+2, b+2 (juggles) 1, b+1 - 25% Damage
Just noticed that if you setup by using Subbies Freeze, it takes away some of the damage from the combo's
Hey nindz. Good to see ya around here.
About Sub-Zero's Freeze, it's some weird error. While the damage read is lower, it seems to me that the actual damage on the bar is still the same.
Thanks bro, nice to see you again,
Thats really weird, i never noticed that before, il check that out later.
It would have been nice to show the real damage, i think i was talking to you about a similiar thing where i kept thinking sub was weak in mk4 when he used his freeze? Remember that?
I was messing around with Sektor today, and came up with the following combos:
- Kenpo - 1,1,2 (juggles) f,f+4 (juggles), 1,1,CS 28%
- Kenpo - 1,1,4 (juggles) f,f+4 (juggles), 1,1,CS 28%
- Kenpo - 4 (juggles) f,f+4 (juggles), 1,1,CS - 29%
- Kenpo - 2 (juggles) f,f+4 (juggles), 1,1,CS - 29%
- Kenpo - f,f+4 (juggles) 2, (juggles) 1,1, u+1 - 29%
- Kenpo - f,f+4 (juggles) 1,1,2 - 29%
- Kenpo - f,f+4 (juggles - step in slightly if you) 1,1,u+1 - 30% (this one works but is abit tricky to pull off)
- Kenpo - f,f+4 (juggles) 1,1,CS - 32%
- Kenpo - d,b+1, f,f+4, 1,1,CS - 32 (Best done when the opponent is on the other end of the level and if the chest missile connects)
- Kenpo - u+1, (juggles) 4 (juggles), 1,1,CS 34% (you need to step in abit after 4)
- PulseBlades - f,f+4 (juggles) , 1,1,4 - 26%
Bronzefist Wrote:
Doesn't Jarek's Dragon style suck? Last I checked it has NO mids whatsoever. Everything is either high or low. Does his axe style *really* make him that good?
His lasso special seems slow as crap also. How are you guys even hitting people with it?
Doesn't Jarek's Dragon style suck? Last I checked it has NO mids whatsoever. Everything is either high or low. Does his axe style *really* make him that good?
His lasso special seems slow as crap also. How are you guys even hitting people with it?
The only mid in Dragon is B + 4.
To nindz: Yeah, I think the same thing was also in MKD. As for MK4, not sure if it's the same thing. Pretty much everyone in that game was capable of high damage. I actually prefer how Sub-Zero did his Ice Clone back in the older MKs like MK4 as it felt more effective to me.
MKF,Jarek isn't that great.
Everyone can be played effectively by turtling at some point.Jarek's Rhino Drop can be jumped on reaction.His Rope Drop Kick can be side stepped and also punished on block.Lasso can be side stepped and punished on block,too,I think.1,3,4,4,4 is parriable on block (the third hit is),and doing just 1,3 doesn't necessarily put you at the best advantage.
I don't see how he can be better than Scorp,Sareena,Noob,Sub-Zero,Quan Chi,Tanya,Mavado,Drahmin,etc.
He's mid-tier.
Everyone can be played effectively by turtling at some point.Jarek's Rhino Drop can be jumped on reaction.His Rope Drop Kick can be side stepped and also punished on block.Lasso can be side stepped and punished on block,too,I think.1,3,4,4,4 is parriable on block (the third hit is),and doing just 1,3 doesn't necessarily put you at the best advantage.
I don't see how he can be better than Scorp,Sareena,Noob,Sub-Zero,Quan Chi,Tanya,Mavado,Drahmin,etc.
He's mid-tier.
m2dave Wrote:
MKF,Jarek isn't that great.
Everyone can be played effectively by turtling at some point.Jarek's Rhino Drop can be jumped on reaction.His Rope Drop Kick can be side stepped and also punished on block.Lasso can be side stepped and punished on block,too,I think.1,3,4,4,4 is parriable on block (the third hit is),and doing just 1,3 doesn't necessarily put you at the best advantage.
I don't see how he can be better than Scorp,Sareena,Noob,Sub-Zero,Quan Chi,Tanya,Mavado,Drahmin,etc.
He's mid-tier.
MKF,Jarek isn't that great.
Everyone can be played effectively by turtling at some point.Jarek's Rhino Drop can be jumped on reaction.His Rope Drop Kick can be side stepped and also punished on block.Lasso can be side stepped and punished on block,too,I think.1,3,4,4,4 is parriable on block (the third hit is),and doing just 1,3 doesn't necessarily put you at the best advantage.
I don't see how he can be better than Scorp,Sareena,Noob,Sub-Zero,Quan Chi,Tanya,Mavado,Drahmin,etc.
He's mid-tier.
Well, I didn't say he's better then all of those names.I just said he's a higher tier in this game.To be honest he's better then Quan-Chi, Sub-Zero, Tanya and Drahmin if you ask me.
Not better then Sareena, Noob and Scorpion.But the others, I honestly don't believe those guys are that much better then Jarek.
I'll admit his dragon sucks and is hardly good, but his kickaxe makes up for it if you ask me.
His TS is much better then Dairous also speed wise.
He's also another character that nobody uses....His TS is the fastest in the game or definitely one of the fastest unblockable ground pounds in MK:A, the reason why I say he's a great turtler is because his moves kill from a far.
Nobody else with the exception of Sareena really with the knives really have great specials from a far that can do good damage.
He's in the top 15, if not top 10.

::::: Wrote:
Q: Does Jax's tonfa 1, 1 hit mid or high? I've been thinking it was mid, but it actually seems high. I can't test this myself right now is all. It had better be mid though, I neeeed it for mix ups.
Q: Does Jax's tonfa 1, 1 hit mid or high? I've been thinking it was mid, but it actually seems high. I can't test this myself right now is all. It had better be mid though, I neeeed it for mix ups.
It should hit mid.
I'm pretty sure it hits mid...last time I checked that is...
Obviously,it hits mid.Both of the hits.
MKF,his moves don't kill from far.Keep side stepping,and when you see him in the act of dropping that Rhino Drop,just jump.No one in this game has an over-powered keep away game except maybe Sareena,but even she has to get close to do major damage.
There's no way Jarek is better than Sub or Quan Chi or Tanya.I'm not sure about Drahmin,but I doubt that,too.
MKF,his moves don't kill from far.Keep side stepping,and when you see him in the act of dropping that Rhino Drop,just jump.No one in this game has an over-powered keep away game except maybe Sareena,but even she has to get close to do major damage.
There's no way Jarek is better than Sub or Quan Chi or Tanya.I'm not sure about Drahmin,but I doubt that,too.
"Well, I didn't say he's better then all of those names.I just said he's a higher tier in this game.To be honest he's better then Quan-Chi, Sub-Zero, Tanya and Drahmin if you ask me."
Maybe if you're on drugs. Those are all certified top 10 characters except Drahmin, and I'm starting to believe he's top tier, too.
Maybe if you're on drugs. Those are all certified top 10 characters except Drahmin, and I'm starting to believe he's top tier, too.

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
Judo: 4,4,B+2, {CS} (not a hit), 1 ,2 ,4 CS=40%
We are all free for our opinions on this matter, all I'm saying versatile and dave is that from experience since this game came out until this day, I've played every high level xbox player so far virtually and no Quan-Chi, Tanya or sub has defeated my Jarek as of yet.The one character that gives him trouble though is Sareena, nobody else can take him out though and if they do, it's not done easily.
Sucks that you guys don't have an xbox.
Sucks that you guys don't have an xbox.

About Me
really, so out of my 8 wins none came with sub or tanya???
I'm not gonna wade through 50 pages, so sorry if this has been posted, It's a variant on the page one combo. 1,1, cs, 3, cs, 2, 4.
43/50% weapon/no weapon
Plus it looks mean, and that always helps.
43/50% weapon/no weapon
Plus it looks mean, and that always helps.

Well everybody here is what ive come up with...Note none of these combos are air juggles....
(Weapon Stance) (Note When done on shujinko)
1,3,44,4,1,1,cs,1,1,1,up3,back+frw 4 = 85% 12 hit combo.
(First Stance)
back+frw 1,11,11,1,1,cs = 50% 8 hit combo.
(Weapon Stance)
4,cs,1,1,walk frw,1,1,cs,2,4,4,4 = 54% 9 hit combo.
(Weapon Stance)
back+1,cs,back+2,free throw = 42% 2 hit combo.
(First Stance)
2,back+1,down+1,2,2,4,free throw,2,2,cs = 59% 11 hit combo.
(note) This is performed by the wall.
Johnny Cage
(Weapon stance)
back+2,cs,11,11,2,1,1,3,3 = 47% 9 hit combo.
Liu Kang
(First stance)
back+1,11,11,1,1,3,4,cs = 51% 9 hit combo.
(Second Stance) (Judo)
4,4,back+2,cs,(step frw) d1,(step frw) d1,1,2,4,cs = 45% 9 hit combo.
(First Stance)
up+dwn 2,1,2,1,1,3,cs = 50% 7 hit combo.
Well that is all ill post for now but enjoy guys.
p.s. Will i get dragon points for this? I have never gotten one.
(Weapon Stance) (Note When done on shujinko)
1,3,44,4,1,1,cs,1,1,1,up3,back+frw 4 = 85% 12 hit combo.
(First Stance)
back+frw 1,11,11,1,1,cs = 50% 8 hit combo.
(Weapon Stance)
4,cs,1,1,walk frw,1,1,cs,2,4,4,4 = 54% 9 hit combo.
(Weapon Stance)
back+1,cs,back+2,free throw = 42% 2 hit combo.
(First Stance)
2,back+1,down+1,2,2,4,free throw,2,2,cs = 59% 11 hit combo.
(note) This is performed by the wall.
Johnny Cage
(Weapon stance)
back+2,cs,11,11,2,1,1,3,3 = 47% 9 hit combo.
Liu Kang
(First stance)
back+1,11,11,1,1,3,4,cs = 51% 9 hit combo.
(Second Stance) (Judo)
4,4,back+2,cs,(step frw) d1,(step frw) d1,1,2,4,cs = 45% 9 hit combo.
(First Stance)
up+dwn 2,1,2,1,1,3,cs = 50% 7 hit combo.
Well that is all ill post for now but enjoy guys.
mkflegend Wrote:
We are all free for our opinions on this matter, all I'm saying versatile and dave is that from experience since this game came out until this day, I've played every high level xbox player so far virtually and no Quan-Chi, Tanya or sub has defeated my Jarek as of yet.The one character that gives him trouble though is Sareena, nobody else can take him out though and if they do, it's not done easily.
Sucks that you guys don't have an xbox.
We are all free for our opinions on this matter, all I'm saying versatile and dave is that from experience since this game came out until this day, I've played every high level xbox player so far virtually and no Quan-Chi, Tanya or sub has defeated my Jarek as of yet.The one character that gives him trouble though is Sareena, nobody else can take him out though and if they do, it's not done easily.
Sucks that you guys don't have an xbox.
Naw,I don't think we really need one although I will get on X-Box live when the time is right.
And saying you beat every single X-Box high level player isn't saying too much because there are maybe 10 players on X-Box that can be considered good (as in,they know the right strats and what to do).
I used Jarek on Versa's and Jade-OWN's Sub,on Dan's Tanya,and maybe on Versa's Quan Chi (I can't recall) as well as on any character when I fought Check.These people are all easily top 10 players.
Jarek is mid-tier,man.You need to understand that Pounds/Slams in MK:A are worthless for turtling.You can jump them with a trained eye 90% of the time and punish/duck/side step the projectile/close-up move.

I just got a new modem, so I can finally play PS2 online now for the first time, never do I have to keep playing the CPU again? What's everyone's online names? I'm xJagox and I use NTSC btw.
Also, anyone got any good Rain strats? For some reason I like playing with him.
From my experience...
B+3,F+3 in Zin Ran Men seems to be good, it's two low hits for 16% damage. This combo seems to be hard to do at times for some reason though, for me at least.
1,1,3 seems to be a good combo, probably good as a punisher.
I don't know much about Storm Sword.
As for special moves...his B,F+1 and B,F+4 don't seem that useful. D,U+2 seems good though since it's a popup...haven't really messed with his teleport yet.
Also, anyone got any good Rain strats? For some reason I like playing with him.
From my experience...
B+3,F+3 in Zin Ran Men seems to be good, it's two low hits for 16% damage. This combo seems to be hard to do at times for some reason though, for me at least.
1,1,3 seems to be a good combo, probably good as a punisher.
I don't know much about Storm Sword.
As for special moves...his B,F+1 and B,F+4 don't seem that useful. D,U+2 seems good though since it's a popup...haven't really messed with his teleport yet.
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i imed "subzero" on myspace. asked about a possible patch for infinites and other gameplay bugs. i dont expect to get a patch, or even an answer for that matter. it was probably a waste of time, but ya never know.
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