I figured the the combo was escapable, I suppose; it looked good racking up 28 hits in practice mode at 4 am, though. If anything, though; this glitch/exploit/whatever might level the playing field for some of the weaker characters a bit. The damage it adds isnt ridiculous--and it should leave every character that can do it with, at the very least, a powerful combo in the mid 40s damage range. Whether these combos are potentially impractical/useless is up to you people to decide.
On an unrelated non-glitch/exploit/whatever note that I meant to post last night:
Sektor (2 more):
1) u+1, b+2 = 25 damage (i'm sure people know about this, but WTF, everybody)
2) (your back to the wall) f, f, 4, 1, 1, cs, jump, 3, 3, 2, cs, 1, 1, 3, 3, (opponent goes flying into the corner), u+1 = 66 percent....not very practical but looks really neat.
On an unrelated non-glitch/exploit/whatever note that I meant to post last night:
Sektor (2 more):
1) u+1, b+2 = 25 damage (i'm sure people know about this, but WTF, everybody)
2) (your back to the wall) f, f, 4, 1, 1, cs, jump, 3, 3, 2, cs, 1, 1, 3, 3, (opponent goes flying into the corner), u+1 = 66 percent....not very practical but looks really neat.

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
WOAH! I know some people are gonna use and abuse that sektor combo online.....
Would Some One PLEASE tell me if they like the combos i posted earlier!
Would Some One PLEASE tell me if they like the combos i posted earlier!
OK here's a few tips for you playing as Kai...
F+2 - Just like Scorpion in MKD gives you a free hit. Buffer UD+3 as it connects to juggle them and then air combo.
If I'm going for an air combo then I always use 1, 1, 2 in Moi Fah as it doesn't knock them down and they can't escape. Then quickly CS and hit em with 1, 1, 3, 4. This should get you around 28-29% depedning on which pop-up move you used.
If your opponent ever just lays there after a knockdown then use DU+2 to punish them.
The recovery time for his Rising Heel move is pretty good - so spam it! Plus it hits low and is a pop-up. For some reason people forget to block low against Kai???
Change between using part of a combo and the full string so your opponent doesn't expect it e.g. 1, 1 or 1, 1, 3 or 1, 1, 3, 3, 3. It confuses people and that's the name of the game with Kai.
Using the air combo I described above it's really easy to get your opponent to waste all their breakers. Then you can kick ass.
His damage is pathetic but as with any of the characters if you manually CS in an air combo then it gives you more damage.
That's all for now cos I don't wanna give away all my secrets
OK here's a few tips for you playing as Kai...
F+2 - Just like Scorpion in MKD gives you a free hit. Buffer UD+3 as it connects to juggle them and then air combo.
If I'm going for an air combo then I always use 1, 1, 2 in Moi Fah as it doesn't knock them down and they can't escape. Then quickly CS and hit em with 1, 1, 3, 4. This should get you around 28-29% depedning on which pop-up move you used.
If your opponent ever just lays there after a knockdown then use DU+2 to punish them.
The recovery time for his Rising Heel move is pretty good - so spam it! Plus it hits low and is a pop-up. For some reason people forget to block low against Kai???
Change between using part of a combo and the full string so your opponent doesn't expect it e.g. 1, 1 or 1, 1, 3 or 1, 1, 3, 3, 3. It confuses people and that's the name of the game with Kai.
Using the air combo I described above it's really easy to get your opponent to waste all their breakers. Then you can kick ass.
His damage is pathetic but as with any of the characters if you manually CS in an air combo then it gives you more damage.
That's all for now cos I don't wanna give away all my secrets
But can't the Rising Heel be parried since it's a physical-based special move? Also, are you sure that move hits low? From what I've tested, all of Kai's special moves hit mid and that both the Renegade Kick and Rising Heel can be crouch blocked like the crouching punches in the Tekken games.
Anyway, does anyone have any tips on how to use Shang Tsung?

Wow, I never knew about that 1,1,3,4,CS stuff in aerial kombat. So everyone has stronger combos than I thought because of these aerial cancels. BTW the aerial cancel doesn't seem to work with the Foot Assault combo that some characters have in their aerial kombat sets...
skysantosh Wrote:
WOAH! I know some people are gonna use and abuse that sektor combo online.....
Would Some One PLEASE tell me if they like the combos i posted earlier!
WOAH! I know some people are gonna use and abuse that sektor combo online.....
Would Some One PLEASE tell me if they like the combos i posted earlier!
These are very nice combos there just been known that's why I didn't post them.

Stryker 39%
B+2,B+1, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4, CS, B+2,B+1,1,1U+1
Basically the same as Tanya's 55% that you posted, hjs-Q.
LOL, Stryker, Jax, and Tanya all share the same type of weapon, but do different damages with it. Tanya does a lot more damage with her Kobu Jutsu, I think Jax does more than Stryker with his Tonfas, but less than Tanya.
Actually I don't think Jax can do this combo, because he has Zero Gravity instead of Boot Slam. His aerial kombat isn't really that great anyways, becuase he lacks good flipper/bounceback combos such as Air Slinky. Regardless, he still does more damage than Stryker with the standard B+2,B+1, B+2,1,1,U+1.
And so the quest for 40%+ continues...
B+2,B+1, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4, CS, B+2,B+1,1,1U+1
Basically the same as Tanya's 55% that you posted, hjs-Q.
LOL, Stryker, Jax, and Tanya all share the same type of weapon, but do different damages with it. Tanya does a lot more damage with her Kobu Jutsu, I think Jax does more than Stryker with his Tonfas, but less than Tanya.
Actually I don't think Jax can do this combo, because he has Zero Gravity instead of Boot Slam. His aerial kombat isn't really that great anyways, becuase he lacks good flipper/bounceback combos such as Air Slinky. Regardless, he still does more damage than Stryker with the standard B+2,B+1, B+2,1,1,U+1.
And so the quest for 40%+ continues...
skysantosh Wrote:
hey hjs what do ya think about the combos i posted?
the fujin one's the most powerful, u shud update ur first page and include them if u like them
hey hjs what do ya think about the combos i posted?
the fujin one's the most powerful, u shud update ur first page and include them if u like them
He also has an 33 and 34% on certain characters that are easy.
Wind Tornado, 1, 1, 3, 3 5 hits 33%
Always buffer his wind moves at mid screen your opponent won't always block and a good tactic is use the tornado, then immediately do the wind lift.Most block the first move, attempt to charge then get nailed by the second move.You can finish it up with an air combo or windy spin.
Also, his wind kick is key for baiting and can be very, very useful.
Another thing that nobody talks about is his poke in Lui He owns D+1.

The most i've gotten with a variation of the sektor combo I posted before is 57 hits--84 percent damage. Mindless, yes, but fun.
For more realistic combos, I noticed if you start with a teleport punch and then do a combo with an air cancel you'll always get damage somewhere in the mid 70s.
I also can confirm that air cancels work with:
and not:
Kai ( of course)
---I can't imagine the kinds of things people will come up with from this--
For more realistic combos, I noticed if you start with a teleport punch and then do a combo with an air cancel you'll always get damage somewhere in the mid 70s.
I also can confirm that air cancels work with:
and not:
Kai ( of course)
---I can't imagine the kinds of things people will come up with from this--
RaymondQueneauEnthusiast Wrote:
The most i've gotten with a variation of the sektor combo I posted before is 57 hits--84 percent damage. Mindless, yes, but fun.
For more realistic combos, I noticed if you start with a teleport punch and then do a combo with an air cancel you'll always get damage somewhere in the mid 70s.
I also can confirm that air cancels work with:
and not:
Kai ( of course)
---I can't imagine the kinds of things people will come up with from this--
The most i've gotten with a variation of the sektor combo I posted before is 57 hits--84 percent damage. Mindless, yes, but fun.
For more realistic combos, I noticed if you start with a teleport punch and then do a combo with an air cancel you'll always get damage somewhere in the mid 70s.
I also can confirm that air cancels work with:
and not:
Kai ( of course)
---I can't imagine the kinds of things people will come up with from this--
Just tell me real quick how to air cancel.

What? I already posted detailed instructions on page 46.
just wanted to say, very nice find raymond... youve helped make this combo video even better...
its going to be delayed now for a few days till i get one wall one midscreen for everyone using this.
but congratulations on cracking the games biggest secret to the biggest combos.
note: i use 11cs4 twice on first pop up, anything after that is only once. 2 reps, 3 at most with wall, not trying to get too crazy here
peace, excellent work
now the game has over 100 infs, sad
its going to be delayed now for a few days till i get one wall one midscreen for everyone using this.
but congratulations on cracking the games biggest secret to the biggest combos.
note: i use 11cs4 twice on first pop up, anything after that is only once. 2 reps, 3 at most with wall, not trying to get too crazy here
peace, excellent work
now the game has over 100 infs, sad

Thanks a lot. I sincerely hope I didnt step on your toes. Looking foward to the video...

the mka video should be out around november 15. it will have many, pleasant surprises! im trying to think of a way to hype it up without spoiling anything.
most of the work is already done. if all goes according to plan i see no reason why there wouldnt be a nov 15 release or even before. runtime will be at least 45 minutes. size at least 300 mb.
im going to make sure there is a google video option when we post it as well as a filefront. youtube probobly too although its not necessary.
im very happy to say it will feature fighter speech as well as music. the voice acting in mka is very well done for the most part and its going to be sweet hearing them all in such a quick fashion. definitly one of the finer joys in life.
going to be close to 300 combos in the video, but i cant say for sure yet. next week ill be able to say probobly.
thanks for the interest!!
most of the work is already done. if all goes according to plan i see no reason why there wouldnt be a nov 15 release or even before. runtime will be at least 45 minutes. size at least 300 mb.
im going to make sure there is a google video option when we post it as well as a filefront. youtube probobly too although its not necessary.
im very happy to say it will feature fighter speech as well as music. the voice acting in mka is very well done for the most part and its going to be sweet hearing them all in such a quick fashion. definitly one of the finer joys in life.
going to be close to 300 combos in the video, but i cant say for sure yet. next week ill be able to say probobly.
thanks for the interest!!

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
DANG HJS, people already knew those combos............and there was me thinkin i made them up and they were unique.......*cries*
lol, can anyone explain to me why it is that sometimes and only sometimes when i do Fujin's Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS,3=38%, it comes up as 44%? It happens rarely but it does happen and it does the same for Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS=32%, sometimes its 37%? Anyone explain?
lol, can anyone explain to me why it is that sometimes and only sometimes when i do Fujin's Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS,3=38%, it comes up as 44%? It happens rarely but it does happen and it does the same for Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS=32%, sometimes its 37%? Anyone explain?
skysantosh Wrote:
DANG HJS, people already knew those combos............and there was me thinkin i made them up and they were unique.......*cries*
lol, can anyone explain to me why it is that sometimes and only sometimes when i do Fujin's Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS,3=38%, it comes up as 44%? It happens rarely but it does happen and it does the same for Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS=32%, sometimes its 37%? Anyone explain?
DANG HJS, people already knew those combos............and there was me thinkin i made them up and they were unique.......*cries*
lol, can anyone explain to me why it is that sometimes and only sometimes when i do Fujin's Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS,3=38%, it comes up as 44%? It happens rarely but it does happen and it does the same for Wind Tornado,1,1,3,CS=32%, sometimes its 37%? Anyone explain?
I don't know, very weird......
Maybe it's because you're doing it on Jinko sometimes and he takes more damage?

Nice find on the CS during air throws.
I got one for Jade:
Fan Zi: 3, jump, 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,1,u+3 - 45%
Here's another basic combo for her in Bojutsu:
2,1,u+3, 2,1,u+3 - 41%
The second combo is hella basic and can be done/found by anyone, but last I checked there weren't any Jade juggles on the first page so it can take up some filler space. Plus the damage is pretty decent.
EDIT: woops now there IS a juggle for her on the first page. You guys can disregard mine second juggle if needed. Peace.
I got one for Jade:
Fan Zi: 3, jump, 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,1,u+3 - 45%
Here's another basic combo for her in Bojutsu:
2,1,u+3, 2,1,u+3 - 41%
The second combo is hella basic and can be done/found by anyone, but last I checked there weren't any Jade juggles on the first page so it can take up some filler space. Plus the damage is pretty decent.
EDIT: woops now there IS a juggle for her on the first page. You guys can disregard mine second juggle if needed. Peace.
For the guy who asked how to do air combo cancel:
Let's take Tanya as an example because she's easy.
Go to wepaon and b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2.
Now, the trick is to get the timing right on the cs.
Right after you see 1,1,3 fully connect and before the 4 animation starts press cs. This will make you land before the opponent and give you time to continue the combo.
Relaunch is possible,
Shinnok -
Amulet Staff - u+1 2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs b+1, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,4,4 (wall) d+2.
Crazy stuff................
Let's take Tanya as an example because she's easy.
Go to wepaon and b+1, jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4,cs 1,1,2.
Now, the trick is to get the timing right on the cs.
Right after you see 1,1,3 fully connect and before the 4 animation starts press cs. This will make you land before the opponent and give you time to continue the combo.
Relaunch is possible,
Shinnok -
Amulet Staff - u+1 2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs b+1, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4,cs, 2,4,4 (wall) d+2.
Crazy stuff................

Ermac 49% pure ground combo, Axe:
d2 .. Teleslam .. 1,3 .. Teleslam+CS .. 112 .. Telethrow
(you can press the CS before the slam, while pressing the directions, or right after the slam along with the first punch)
d2 .. Teleslam .. 1,3 .. Teleslam+CS .. 112 .. Telethrow
(you can press the CS before the slam, while pressing the directions, or right after the slam along with the first punch)

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
To HJS, no it wasnt against jinko. It happens randomly like against sektor or jarek.

About Me
Kenshi Wins-Fatality!
Thats what i thought as well, but just a minute ago, i was facing Noob in the wastelands and the same thing happened, and he was in MONKEY
About Me
a little late ray, i already posted the air switch glitch in this very thread and in this topc about air style branching
speaking of glitches, i have finally caused mka to lock up. ive successfully made every mk game crash and lock up, lol. i did it while using my kak. pick the voodoo trap projectile (which can be canceled btw) and tanyas throw. in the tekunin stage get the opponents back against one of the video screens (near the fans) back up, voodoo+throw glitch (pressing throw as a projectile hits) theyll smack the vid screen and get stuck in the air and the game kinda locks up. you cant move or anything, just gotta reset, lol.
speaking of glitches, i have finally caused mka to lock up. ive successfully made every mk game crash and lock up, lol. i did it while using my kak. pick the voodoo trap projectile (which can be canceled btw) and tanyas throw. in the tekunin stage get the opponents back against one of the video screens (near the fans) back up, voodoo+throw glitch (pressing throw as a projectile hits) theyll smack the vid screen and get stuck in the air and the game kinda locks up. you cant move or anything, just gotta reset, lol.
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