OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
10/28/2006 12:38 AM (UTC)
I'm loving Kitana, she's an excellent character in MKA. Dan, hit me up with some tactics so I can show these PAL guys what she's capable ofwink

Oh and HJS, update the front page with Kenshis combos please. Cheers then.
New FUJIN combos (he's fun!)
Lui He
DF+1, 2, 2, DU+2, DB+4 = 5 Hits 35% Damage
DF+1, DU+2, 1, 1, 3, CS, 3 = 7 Hits 30% Damage
U+2, jump, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4 = 37% Damage
DF+1, U+2, DU+2, U+2, jump, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4 = 36% Damage
Fujin isn't very powerful but he's got some nice mind game potential, throw out the Air Funnel (DU+2) after knocking em down and you're set up for another combo!!!
New MAVADO combo
2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, JUMP, 1, 1, 2 (next part can be evaded) 1, 1, 3, 4 = 15 Hits 51% Damage
10/28/2006 08:47 AM (UTC)
Sorry to interupt this forum, but if any of you are interested in signing a petition for a MKA revision, you can find it on pg. 1 of the MKA discussions. That's to any one who is disguntle with how rushed the game was and the obvious stuff that was left out. Only those who care...
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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

10/28/2006 09:44 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
any one else having an issue playing w/ frost?

she just seems slow and un moveable. her mids blow, i cant see her as being better then any of the other females. i now have sindel competing online, it took me a bit but i came up w/ ways. Frost on the other hand just blows if you ask me.

any one else agree and im not asking a fanboy who thinks she great, i mean forreal what were they thinking w/ that 1st style? she would have been better off w/ Eagle claw if kit wasnt getting it.

HJS kitana has a 64% combo, its hard only guys like Check, nukesgoboom and konqrr.

its up+2 in 1st then cs, 11,11, cs 1,2,2,3/4 i forget 1which one to end it w/ 3 or 4 confused

imagine her (kitana) w/ eagle claw =-o

if any one needs pointers w/ kitana ill let you know.

I don't think you guys are using Frost correctly. Frost is not the typical speedy female character. She's more of a baiting type of character in which you must set your opponent up for failure. Ever since I realized that, I have been owning with her online. Here is how to play her effectively:

(edit, I was sleepy :) Low kick/ground freeze buffer (d+4, d,b+1):
This little set up gets them 98% of the time. Once they've slipped, switch to weapon stance and hit b+3, b+3, for maiximum start-up damage then go into the combo of your choice. Almost any follow-up combo you land will do 30% or more such as, (air weapon) 1121134. Or, keep it simple by staying in weapon and just hit 2,3 for 31%. Additionally, her low ground freeze does not reduce her damage caused by hits/combos, similar to Kira's/Sonya's Kiss of Death. If you catch them with a ground freeze, go for her most damaging, inescapable air or ground combo.

Next up for Frost strats, (which no one seemed to notice) is that you can parry cancel out of the recovery frames from her Icy Teleport move. On block, imediately perform a parry to catch would be counter attackers of guard, then hit them with your own combo or throw. If you choose to throw the opponent, they'll be far away from you. Use this distance to set up another Icy Teleport parry cancel. If you manage to hit them with the Icy teleport, hit u+3 or u+4 and go into an air combo (works extreemely well on Xbox, not so good on PS2).

Use her slide to catch opponents off guard, most people fall for it if you haven't used it for a while. After contacting with the slide, walk around a bit then move in close and perform the slipping ground freeze (gets 'em every time). Train your opponet to block the low hitting ground freeze to bait them into eating the slipping ground freeze. Do you see where I'm getting at with the baiting thing? Frost's whole game revolves around baiting people into eating a slipping ground freeze or a "post" parry canceled move. Frost can parry cancel out of the recovery frames from almost all of her basic move set. Be sure to bait players into thinking the parry is comming by throwing them sometimes.

By the way, Frost does decent damage from just a couple of hits, 2,4 does 20% in Tong Bei, Weapon stance 2, b+2 does 24% etc. I rarely lose a match when I use Frost, I can clearly see her becoming mid tier within the next couple of months.

(Edit) By the way, Do Not Use Frost's mids unless you know for certain that you will hit them. Her only somewhat useful mid is d+4 in weapon stance. Her only other mid in the secod hit of attack 2,2 in Tong Bei, do not use it!!. Frost was built around the use of her Ice puddle therefore, you must substitute it for a mid hit.

If I play you online, you will see as many others have before you.


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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/28/2006 10:59 AM (UTC)

I'm loving Kitana, she's an excellent character in MKA. Dan, hit me up with some tactics so I can show these PAL guys what she's capable ofwink

I'm already doing that lol. She stands with only one loss to her name.smile

Noob, Mavado, Kabal, Reiko, SmokeKung Lao, Kitana, Sonya, Jade, Ashrah, Tanya, Mileena and Quan chi (fucking love him so bad) are some that I'm using well.

Malone, thanks for the Frost tips. I too was disappointed with her. I've been doing the baiting stuff between the two feezes. that strat was obvious from I saw that she has it. It was just had to land them. I'm sure you guys can see why I said they should never have taken Yuan Yang off her. tong Bei is just not as good.

Kira is damn good now thanks to Yuan Yang.

Edit: I have two 36% damage combos with Frost now. She's awesome and has an amazing low poke. I love her again now lol. Thanks Malone.

Edit 2: Got a 39% and 41% now with Frost! Btw, the low of poke of choice should be D+4, imo. Not D+3 as Malone said. 2, B+2 in weapon has connection problems. The second hit has failed to connect everytime offline on practice lol. I guess it's one of those dodgy open and closed stance reliant combos. Frost had some of those in MKDA.

Edit 3: I need help with Frosts mids. Some of those I thought were mids don't seem to be.

Edit 4: Thanks for the mid stuff, Malone.
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Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/28/2006 12:55 PM (UTC)
I need help with Shujinko's 43%, I can't seem to pull it off.

Dan Tien Dao - u+2, b,f+1, throw, 1,1,2, (wall) ff+2 - 43%

Is the 1,1,2 supposed to be in Mantis? Anyways I can't seem to do the ff+2 after it.
10/28/2006 01:14 PM (UTC)

do not release combos that i have posted at the tko site only, please read the rules about sharing other peoples information over there at the site. i do not want anything spoiled for my movie, ive worked too hard on it

10/28/2006 06:55 PM (UTC)
lol, are your combos copywritten?

honestly, if you dont want people to use your stuff, then dont post em. thats like giving a retard a gun and expect him not to shoot something.
10/28/2006 11:27 PM (UTC)
Anyone with some Jade tips? I've been trying to use her online, and I've been getting beatdown seriously. Her movement speed just seems SOOOOOO SSLLOOOOOOWWWWW that I have trouble keeping up with opponents who run away (which is just about everyone). Once they're across the screen there's nothing I can do since her teleport can be easily punished by anyone good. I really need some general strategy tips, although so combos wouldnt hurt either. Thanks.
10/29/2006 03:02 AM (UTC)
Is it just me, or dont people give enough credit to Tanya in this game. Though I am fairly indifferent to the character, I think she is definitely top tier. Yue Chuan is awesome, one of the best styles in the game IMO. Her Kobu Jutsu are crazy - she has very easy 50% + combos. Her air kombat is also great. I know the tier list isnt just decided by damage, but I think she is definitely top tier.

Any bad things about her I may have overlooked?
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/29/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
Bronzefist Wrote:
Anyone with some Jade tips? I've been trying to use her online, and I've been getting beatdown seriously. Her movement speed just seems SOOOOOO SSLLOOOOOOWWWWW that I have trouble keeping up with opponents who run away (which is just about everyone). Once they're across the screen there's nothing I can do since her teleport can be easily punished by anyone good. I really need some general strategy tips, although so combos wouldnt hurt either. Thanks.

Jade is easy to use. You can bait them with her projectile since it's so fast. Be sure to have her invicibility up so they can't hurt you with their own and beware of teleports. If needed, hit B,F,2,1 which will give you both the invincibility and teleport together to get behind them safely if they projectile throw and punish them. You can sub the teleport for the Niro Kick (B,F,4).

4 in weapon has long range as does U+3. Spam 4 as you move away and forward to stop attacks and keep them blocking., 1,1 if they duck or CS to Fan Zi and use 3 and then juggle them. 4 and 1,1 are what you need if they run. Try and catch jumpers with B+2 in weapon or aerial attack them. D+4 can come in handy if you need to get them to duck. Pressure them with a barrage of attacks and beware of the parry.

Also, if they jump in, try and catch them with the 2,1,U+3 combo.

I've not lost much with her. I think I've taken 3 losses with her maybe at the most. I've managed to take down Scorpion and a few others with her. She's brilliant.
10/29/2006 06:53 AM (UTC)
The Mighty Kintaro's combos lol

So Combos I work out with him

combo 1

Tiger fist

1, 4, B2(Juggle) Airsuck, B2. 32 percent damage.

Combo 2

Tiger fist

B2, B2, Airsuck, 2. 34 damage.

Combo 3

Tiger Fist

Airsuck, B2, Weapon Change, 4, 4, 3. 37 percent damage.

Combo 4
Tiger Fist
1, 4, B2(Juggle) Airsuck, 2. 33 percent damage.

I sure I can do more. But 37 percent is the highest I got. (Foe does not carry weapon.)

If you have better combos for him, that would help. Most of these are 7 hits.

B means Back. Its for the Uppercut he does.
10/29/2006 04:20 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Bronzefist Wrote:
Anyone with some Jade tips? I've been trying to use her online, and I've been getting beatdown seriously. Her movement speed just seems SOOOOOO SSLLOOOOOOWWWWW that I have trouble keeping up with opponents who run away (which is just about everyone). Once they're across the screen there's nothing I can do since her teleport can be easily punished by anyone good. I really need some general strategy tips, although so combos wouldnt hurt either. Thanks.

Jade is easy to use. You can bait them with her projectile since it's so fast. Be sure to have her invicibility up so they can't hurt you with their own and beware of teleports. If needed, hit B,F,2,1 which will give you both the invincibility and teleport together to get behind them safely if they projectile throw and punish them. You can sub the teleport for the Niro Kick (B,F,4).

4 in weapon has long range as does U+3. Spam 4 as you move away and forward to stop attacks and keep them blocking., 1,1 if they duck or CS to Fan Zi and use 3 and then juggle them. 4 and 1,1 are what you need if they run. Try and catch jumpers with B+2 in weapon or aerial attack them. D+4 can come in handy if you need to get them to duck. Pressure them with a barrage of attacks and beware of the parry.

Also, if they jump in, try and catch them with the 2,1,U+3 combo.

I've not lost much with her. I think I've taken 3 losses with her maybe at the most. I've managed to take down Scorpion and a few others with her. She's brilliant.

Thanks dude.

Honestly I haven't been using the weapon's u+3 much. I knew about the 4 and some of the other stuff you mentioned, but I was at a loss for a good mid-range poke and anti-air tool.

I'm still a little pissed about her forward walking speed though. I swear she walks faster backwards than she does forwards.
10/29/2006 04:28 PM (UTC)
Guys WTF is up with Scorpion's Hapkido 1 being a mid when used after his hellfire (d,b2). Why the fuck does it have this property?

I kept eating his standing 1 after hellfire because I was simply trying to crouch and block at the same time. I was wondering why I kept getting hit by it, so I went into Versus mode and tried the setup against a 2nd player. This exploit is so dumb I dunno how they missed it while playtesting. Here I thought Scorp gets a free 1 after hellfire, but oh no...he only gets it when you try to CROUCH and under a HIGH attack. Great coding MK devs....
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Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/29/2006 06:23 PM (UTC)
Raiden 36%
Nan Chuan - 2,1,CS, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4

Raiden 38%
Nan Chuan - 2,1,CS, CS, 2,1,1 (wall), F,F+4
Daegon 38%
Drakeswords - F,D+2, 1,1,2,4
Daegon 41%
Drakeswords - F,D+2, 1,1,2 (wall), CS, D+2 (or you can substitute D+2 with B,F+4 which is easier)
Jade 43%
Bojutsu - 2,1,U+3, jump, 3,3,2, 1,1,3,4
Jade 45%
Bojutsu - 2,1,U+3, 2,1,3 (wall), CS, D+2
About Me


10/30/2006 02:43 AM (UTC)
Bronzefist Wrote:
Guys WTF is up with Scorpion's Hapkido 1 being a mid when used after his hellfire (d,b2). Why the fuck does it have this property?

I kept eating his standing 1 after hellfire because I was simply trying to crouch and block at the same time. I was wondering why I kept getting hit by it, so I went into Versus mode and tried the setup against a 2nd player. This exploit is so dumb I dunno how they missed it while playtesting. Here I thought Scorp gets a free 1 after hellfire, but oh no...he only gets it when you try to CROUCH and under a HIGH attack. Great coding MK devs....
a whole bunch of characters have this kind of high attack hitting mid on get up. this is how it was in MKD. almost every character has it like tanya's 2 in her 1st stance hits mid when they try to duck. raidens 11 in 1st. im can list a bunch more but im to lazy.

try jumping away after the hellfire.
About Me


10/30/2006 02:49 AM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
danadbab Wrote:
any one else having an issue playing w/ frost?

she just seems slow and un moveable. her mids blow, i cant see her as being better then any of the other females. i now have sindel competing online, it took me a bit but i came up w/ ways. Frost on the other hand just blows if you ask me.

any one else agree and im not asking a fanboy who thinks she great, i mean forreal what were they thinking w/ that 1st style? she would have been better off w/ Eagle claw if kit wasnt getting it.

HJS kitana has a 64% combo, its hard only guys like Check, nukesgoboom and konqrr.

its up+2 in 1st then cs, 11,11, cs 1,2,2,3/4 i forget 1which one to end it w/ 3 or 4 confused

imagine her (kitana) w/ eagle claw =-o

if any one needs pointers w/ kitana ill let you know.

I don't think you guys are using Frost correctly. Frost is not the typical speedy female character. She's more of a baiting type of character in which you must set your opponent up for failure. Ever since I realized that, I have been owning with her online. Here is how to play her effectively:

(edit, I was sleepy :) Low kick/ground freeze buffer (d+4, d,b+1):
This little set up gets them 98% of the time. Once they've slipped, switch to weapon stance and hit b+3, b+3, for maiximum start-up damage then go into the combo of your choice. Almost any follow-up combo you land will do 30% or more such as, (air weapon) 1121134. Or, keep it simple by staying in weapon and just hit 2,3 for 31%. Additionally, her low ground freeze does not reduce her damage caused by hits/combos, similar to Kira's/Sonya's Kiss of Death. If you catch them with a ground freeze, go for her most damaging, inescapable air or ground combo.

Next up for Frost strats, (which no one seemed to notice) is that you can parry cancel out of the recovery frames from her Icy Teleport move. On block, imediately perform a parry to catch would be counter attackers of guard, then hit them with your own combo or throw. If you choose to throw the opponent, they'll be far away from you. Use this distance to set up another Icy Teleport parry cancel. If you manage to hit them with the Icy teleport, hit u+3 or u+4 and go into an air combo (works extreemely well on Xbox, not so good on PS2).

Use her slide to catch opponents off guard, most people fall for it if you haven't used it for a while. After contacting with the slide, walk around a bit then move in close and perform the slipping ground freeze (gets 'em every time). Train your opponet to block the low hitting ground freeze to bait them into eating the slipping ground freeze. Do you see where I'm getting at with the baiting thing? Frost's whole game revolves around baiting people into eating a slipping ground freeze or a "post" parry canceled move. Frost can parry cancel out of the recovery frames from almost all of her basic move set. Be sure to bait players into thinking the parry is comming by throwing them sometimes.

By the way, Frost does decent damage from just a couple of hits, 2,4 does 20% in Tong Bei, Weapon stance 2, b+2 does 24% etc. I rarely lose a match when I use Frost, I can clearly see her becoming mid tier within the next couple of months.

(Edit) By the way, Do Not Use Frost's mids unless you know for certain that you will hit them. Her only somewhat useful mid is d+4 in weapon stance. Her only other mid in the secod hit of attack 2,2 in Tong Bei, do not use it!!. Frost was built around the use of her Ice puddle therefore, you must substitute it for a mid hit.

If I play you online, you will see as many others have before you.


HAHA wink your sure of yourself there buddy. Tanya wants some of that Frost maybe we can play some time monday night.

Tanya will show you that you need to get off of frost and move to the bigger breasted women grin
egotistic~Deagon combo no walls and stuff~ Fu Jow Pai F,D+2, 1,1,2,WAIT,CS 1,1,2,4 = 55% grin i wonder how much more check can get out of this one. if i can get 55% he could prolly get more.
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Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/30/2006 01:54 PM (UTC)
Nice find danadbab, I was trying to use 1,1,1 in FJP to find some combos because I saw it used in nuke's Sindel combo vid from Deception. That combo seems slower in this game though, didn't know about 1,1,2, cool stuff.
Anyone know of some good Taven, Havik, and Rain combos?
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/30/2006 05:44 PM (UTC)
Kira owns Mileena! She probably owns Tanya for that matter too! I just clean owned Mileena with Kira. Whenever Mileena attempts 4,1, if you backdash and then go in with 4,4 etc with Kira (I use 4,4,U+3 to juggle so that they breaker) and the first hit should connect and either knock Mileena out of 4 or hit her before 1 comes out. It got her everytime for me!

Kira rules! I love Yuan Yang! grin
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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10/30/2006 09:44 PM (UTC)
egotistic Wrote:
Nice find danadbab, I was trying to use 1,1,1 in FJP to find some combos because I saw it used in nuke's Sindel combo vid from Deception. That combo seems slower in this game though, didn't know about 1,1,2, cool stuff.

Anyone know of some good Taven, Havik, and Rain combos?

I'll PM you my Rain combos first chance i get.
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10/30/2006 09:53 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Kira owns Mileena! She probably owns Tanya for that matter too! I just clean owned Mileena with Kira. Whenever Mileena attempts 4,1, if you backdash and then go in with 4,4 etc with Kira (I use 4,4,U+3 to juggle so that they breaker) and the first hit should connect and either knock Mileena out of 4 or hit her before 1 comes out. It got her everytime for me!

Kira rules! I love Yuan Yang! grin
no way tanya owns alll the females. she ownes sareena because of her low poke. the only reason shes not higher on the list like sareena is mainly because tanya has and issue w/ noob, subby and ground slammers.
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
10/30/2006 11:31 PM (UTC)

B+2, B+1, B+2, 1, 1, U+1 = 8 Hits 36% Damage
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/31/2006 02:29 AM (UTC)

B+2, B+1, B+2, 1, 1, U+1 = 8 Hits 36% Damage

Yea, that's one of his best ones that I found.
Does anyone have anything else for Sektor or Reiko?

I posted some good Sektor combos ranging from 49-59 percent a few pages back, but another poster suggested he has substantially higher than that. I get the impression that there's definitely room to add something to the combos I posted, but i'm sort of stuck on what exactly that may be. If anyone else has anything, post or PM me and we can exchange what else we have and such.

As for Reiko, I havent found anything that useful other than standard air combos--most of which, unlike the sektor combos, are blockable (not worth posting--certainly nothing that i'm sure you people havent figured out). There was a decent corner combo for 49, but I had a bit of trouble pulling it off. Some more general discussion would help.

10/31/2006 07:47 AM (UTC)
I'm having severe difficulty doing Kenshi's teleslam (b,d,b+1) in the middel of his juggles. Any tips? I'm trying to do the juggles listed on the first page and I can't get the teleslam to come out at all. Help please. :)
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
10/31/2006 08:23 AM (UTC)
Bronzfist are you sure you're not doing the 2,2,2 as a combo to juggle? You can't tele-slam after that. It needs to be three successive jabs try tapping forward just before each press.

Hope this helps?
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