10/31/2006 01:31 PM (UTC)

Smoke 100% unblockable / unbreakable

Ok this is really weird and I can only get it to work with alternate smoke. Its 100% combo, unblockable, ends match in a few seconds. Heres how to do it:

Right before fight happens hold weapon pickup button then:
AS SOON AS "FIGHT" happens:f+u+1,1,3****, 1,2,4,cs(HOLD THIS),b,b+4,(release and tap cs VERY quickly once),4,4,f+2,f+2,u,1,1,4,1,1,4

**** = release weapon pickup button but its not part of ur action, dont slow the button pressing down, must coordinate with 3. Basically as ur finger comes off 3 it also comes off weapon pickup.

If you do it right when you release the weapon pickup button smoke should appear to be behind the enemy and slightly higher than he should be (like off ground? I dunno its weird). Also the 2 players will be standing back to back except will be fighting as if they are correctly positioned. When you do the smokeycut between the change stances he will move body like hes doing it but he wont disappear or move (he just kinda does it in place, again its screwy) Also some of smoke's moves wont fully finish before going to next thing.

Computer does nothing while you do it. If another player its as if their controller doesnt work. I dunno exactly damage but they die and theres nothing they can do, works on any enemy. I can only get it to work with alternate smoke though. Sometimes on some lvls after you do it and it says "Smoke wins" both players will appear on different part of lvl. Like on the one where you hit people through ceiling... both will end up on higher lvl all the sudden. You also cant do fatalities. I think this is some sort of glitch although... ironically the starting move is "Ending It Now" lol who knows.
10/31/2006 01:40 PM (UTC)
Oh yea on sidenote... I debated on whether or not to post that because its well... extremely cheap and lame to use online. Please dont exploit this because it will make online play pointless.
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10/31/2006 01:46 PM (UTC)
Smoke007 Wrote:

Smoke 100% unblockable / unbreakable

Ok this is really weird and I can only get it to work with alternate smoke. Its 100% combo, unblockable, ends match in a few seconds. Heres how to do it:

Right before fight happens hold weapon pickup button then:
AS SOON AS "FIGHT" happens:f+u+1,1,3****, 1,2,4,cs(HOLD THIS),b,b+4,(release and tap cs VERY quickly once),4,4,f+2,f+2,u,1,1,4,1,1,4

**** = release weapon pickup button but its not part of ur action, dont slow the button pressing down, must coordinate with 3. Basically as ur finger comes off 3 it also comes off weapon pickup.

If you do it right when you release the weapon pickup button smoke should appear to be behind the enemy and slightly higher than he should be (like off ground? I dunno its weird). Also the 2 players will be standing back to back except will be fighting as if they are correctly positioned. When you do the smokeycut between the change stances he will move body like hes doing it but he wont disappear or move (he just kinda does it in place, again its screwy) Also some of smoke's moves wont fully finish before going to next thing.

Computer does nothing while you do it. If another player its as if their controller doesnt work. I dunno exactly damage but they die and theres nothing they can do, works on any enemy. I can only get it to work with alternate smoke though. Sometimes on some lvls after you do it and it says "Smoke wins" both players will appear on different part of lvl. Like on the one where you hit people through ceiling... both will end up on higher lvl all the sudden. You also cant do fatalities. I think this is some sort of glitch although... ironically the starting move is "Ending It Now" lol who knows.

Seems unlikly to me.

I'll test it, but most chances are it's not true.
10/31/2006 01:46 PM (UTC)
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10/31/2006 01:47 PM (UTC)
A few characters best moves are updated, I'll update more in time.
10/31/2006 03:11 PM (UTC)
I dont think its suppose to happen like it does. You will see when you do it. Its really glitchy. Try it a bunch before dismissing it, its hard to do.
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
10/31/2006 04:02 PM (UTC)
Some more best moves for ya

Smoke -
Play Dead (UD+3) - one of the best teleports in the game cos it doesn't put you close enough to be punished, it's also fast.

Smokey Uppercut (FF+4) - can now be done in the air so leads to mind games e.g. keep jumping and missing your opponent on purpose, every now and then do the uppercut move mid-air and you'll be surprised how often you catch people out.

U+4 in Mit Zu is still a safe pop-up, D+1 is still one of the fastest pokes in the game.

Kenshi -
Tai Chi mix up combo 2, 2, 2, CS. Keep your opponent under attack with this combo often but don't change stance at the end. Then once trained hit em with the full combo and knock em down, SS their counter and use B+3 in Katana to keep em down. This then leads to...

Katana U+2, still Kenshi's best move fast and safe. Pop em up and combo of your choice! Evil.

Fujin -
Surely everyone has worked out his unbreakable combo by now?
DF+1, DU+2 ( you need to be about a jumps distance away for this funnel to connect) then spin em with DB+4 - 20% Damage, more if they're in weapon stance. It might not seem like a lot compared to some of the combos in MKA but it's unbreakable!

That's all of my tricks I'm giving you for nowwink
10/31/2006 11:41 PM (UTC)
Bronzfist are you sure you're not doing the 2,2,2 as a combo to juggle? You can't tele-slam after that. It needs to be three successive jabs try tapping forward just before each press.

Hope this helps?

Oooohhhhh. That was it! Thanks!
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/01/2006 07:24 AM (UTC)
I learnt Fujin yesterday morning and he rules. Sub-Zero seems alot better to me in this game and I'm hoping to play him at a high level for the first time ever. Stryker is difficult and I have an issue with Reptile. I dislike how they made alot of the mids in Pao Chui high attacks. Also, he has a severe issue with easy juggle combos failing which annoys greatly. It's all about timing.

Hado, we'll have some Fujin mirrors. I took out one of HJS' characters with him last night and DP's too. I'm liking him a great deal now. Thanks for the combos you've been posting. I tried them out and some others I thought up and they're all decent damage. Fujin is brilliant for mind games.

I see Raiden isn't mentioned much. He's absolutely brilliant on this game, imo. Anyone who plays me knows he can be a nightmare. tongue Does anyone else use him?

Jade, Kitana and Kira rule!
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11/01/2006 04:07 PM (UTC)
Whats really bothering me is people yelling "cheap/cheese" at sub-zero free throw. Alot of the time i pitbull players online and mix it up with 3+ throw and just throw. If they win, its fine but if they lose then im cheap. You would think that they could at least work on their wakeup game, but noooo. That is just ridiculous.
11/01/2006 06:37 PM (UTC)
Yeah tgrant fujin is awesome IF you know how to use him, turtling is key with him.

11/01/2006 06:44 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah tgrant fujin is awesome IF you know how to use him, turtling is key with him.

I've seen several Fujin clones now. All fight the same way.
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11/01/2006 06:46 PM (UTC)
Taven -

Drake sword - b+2, cs, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,2,cs - 44%


Swords - f,d+2, 1,1,2 (wall), 2 (wall) b,f+4
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11/01/2006 08:11 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
I learnt Fujin yesterday morning and he rules. Sub-Zero seems alot better to me in this game and I'm hoping to play him at a high level for the first time ever. Stryker is difficult and I have an issue with Reptile. I dislike how they made alot of the mids in Pao Chui high attacks. Also, he has a severe issue with easy juggle combos failing which annoys greatly. It's all about timing.

Cyrax is exactly the same way as Reptile. He has a move in Pulse Blade (4) that moves him forward when you use it, most of the time pushing you under and past your opponent when you try to juggle with it.
11/01/2006 08:52 PM (UTC)
Yeah a turtling Fujin seems to be very effective. I dunno some people say he's low tier when his defensive game and unbreakable juggles are very nice advantages.

Reptile seems pretty good to me as well. The biggest issue I have with him right now is that b,f+3 (dash elbow) is very unreliable online for some reason. He seems to have some decent mixups in normal stance and his 4,1,1,b+2 string seems to be safe on block and an excellent way to set them up for a parry afterwards. Invisibility is fun as well.

What do you guys think of Li Mei? I've been trying to play her competitively with mixed results. She's another character who I see people dismiss as low tier, but.....I dunno about that. She seems to have a good mixups game, nice pokes, a great weapon stance and strong juggles. My biggest issue with her right now is that I'm having an extremely difficult time doing her big damage juggles online. I'm trying to find some alternatives to the f,f+2 juggle ender since I seem to whiff that ALOT. So far I'm using her 1,1,2,4,CS as a juggle ender instead of the 1,1,2 f,f+2 listed on the first page of this thread. Plus I like that Li Mei is fast which allows me to play a more offensive style when needed. Anyway I'd love to hear some tips or general knowledge on her.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/01/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
Bronzefist Wrote:
What do you guys think of Li Mei? I've been trying to play her competitively with mixed results. She's another character who I see people dismiss as low tier, but.....I dunno about that. She seems to have a good mixups game, nice pokes, a great weapon stance and strong juggles. My biggest issue with her right now is that I'm having an extremely difficult time doing her big damage juggles online. I'm trying to find some alternatives to the f,f+2 juggle ender since I seem to whiff that ALOT. So far I'm using her 1,1,2,4,CS as a juggle ender instead of the 1,1,2 f,f+2 listed on the first page of this thread. Plus I like that Li Mei is fast which allows me to play a more offensive style when needed. Anyway I'd love to hear some tips or general knowledge on her.

I practiced with her earlier today and she's still fun as she was on MKD.

She has easy damage off the Clock Kick. You can do circa 40% damage from either of her stances as shown below. You have to wait a second before doing the Flip Kick otherwise the opponent ends up behind you.

Kunlun Dao: F,D,3 D,B,4 1,1,3 = 41% (6 hits)

Kunlun Dao: F,D,3 D,B,4 2,B+3 = 41% (This is full damage provided all 8 hits connect. 7 hits gives 37% and 6 gives 33%)

Any stance: F,D,3 D,B,4 F,F,2 = 42%

Lui He Ba Fa: F,D,3 D,B,4 1,1,2,B+1 = 32% (6 hits - one hit whiffs)

Lui He Ba Fa: F,D,3 D,B,4 2,4,CS =40% (6 hits)

Lui He Ba Fa: F,D,3 D,B,4 1,1,2,4,CS =43% (7 hits - one hit whiffs)

Ive been unable to do a double Flip Kick like you could on MKD.

Anyone, I hope the above combos help you.
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11/01/2006 11:01 PM (UTC)
Posted by Hadouken

"Katana U+2, still Kenshi's best move fast and safe. Pop em up and combo of your choice! Evil."

Well it being a great up move, you are punishable if the move is blocked. I know for a fact that it's not 100% safe.

Kenshi is one of my best characters and 3,3 should be mixed up a lot.
11/02/2006 12:58 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I don't know what's up with people calling Li Mei a low tier character either. I mean, that weapon style of hers is pretty damn good as well as her two kicking specials. I would've liked her projectile to have been toned up a bit and for Lui He Ba Fa to have some better lows.

Btw, I was wondering about Fujin. How do you really know how to use him effectively? I mean, I'm kind of frustrated a bit with him due to his styles. So I was wondering what some of his key moves and strategies are.
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
11/02/2006 01:37 AM (UTC)
Alexei09 Wrote:
Posted by Hadouken

"Katana U+2, still Kenshi's best move fast and safe. Pop em up and combo of your choice! Evil."

Well it being a great up move, you are punishable if the move is blocked. I know for a fact that it's not 100% safe.

Kenshi is one of my best characters and 3,3 should be mixed up a lot.

He's one of mine toowink

As long as you've trained your opponent it's safe to use!

For Fujin tips look above a few posts ^ Turtle well with Fujin and take advantage of any fuck ups.

New KAI combos

Moi Fah
DF+1, JUMP, 1, 1, 3, CS, 1, 1, 3, 4 = 9 Hits 32% Damage

Moi Fah
In Corner
DF+1, 1, 1, 3 (hit wall) CS, D+2 = 5 Hits 30% Damage

Kai really is shit for damage and you can't follow up B+3 in his weapon stance WTF???- I don't think you can beat 32%furious
EDIT: Using D+2 with spiked club against a wall or corner you can follow it up, very strange...anyway
Spiked Club
D+2, CS, 1, 1, 3, CS, D+2 = 5 Hits 38% Damage (you can add B+1 at the end to get 40% but it still only registers as 5 hits or you can try his rising heel DF+1 to get 41% but both of these prob wouldn't connect in a real fight)
D+2, CS, 1, 1, 3, CS, F+2 = 5 Hits 35% Damage
Maybe Kai isn't so crap after all?!wow
I'd like to see anyone beat these combos with him tho.
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11/02/2006 02:35 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Taven -

Drake sword - b+2, cs, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,2,cs - 44%


Swords - f,d+2, 1,1,2 (wall), 2 (wall) b,f+4

i had posted this already, but i guess you missed it.

Deagon~combo no walls and stuff.

Fu Jow Pai F,D+2, 1,1,2,WAIT,CS 1,1,2,4 = 55%

i can cap this combo if you dont believe me.
11/02/2006 05:04 AM (UTC)
please do, im having trouble connecting the swords. Im trying to use daegon properly.

His best moves are:

b2 in fjp
d1 and d4 for his poke
4 in fjp is good

his words have b4 and also 11 is great, online none of the strings in the sword attach besides 113 I think. This guy cant us air combos for shit
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I Rock

11/02/2006 06:19 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
hjs-Q Wrote:
Taven -

Drake sword - b+2, cs, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,2,cs - 44%


Swords - f,d+2, 1,1,2 (wall), 2 (wall) b,f+4

i had posted this already, but i guess you missed it.

Deagon~combo no walls and stuff.

Fu Jow Pai F,D+2, 1,1,2,WAIT,CS 1,1,2,4 = 55%

i can cap this combo if you dont believe me.

Ohh that's nice..........

I missed it, it's updated
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
11/02/2006 08:29 AM (UTC)
I was very busy last night testing out new combos LOL It appears that changing stance manually in an air combo helps you beef up the damage!

Here's some more

Smoke -

4, 4, B+2, CS, JUMP, 1, 1, 4, FF+4 (mid air), D+1, 1, 2, 4, CS = 13 Hits 48% Damage

Mi Tzu
FF+4, JUMP, 1, 1, 4, FF+4 (mid air), 1, 2, 4, CS = 10 Hits 42% Damage

That's all for nowwink
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11/02/2006 10:32 AM (UTC)
Daegon 55%
IndridCold99 Wrote:
please do, im having trouble connecting the swords. Im trying to use daegon properly.

His best moves are:

b2 in fjp
d1 and d4 for his poke
4 in fjp is good

his words have b4 and also 11 is great, online none of the strings in the sword attach besides 113 I think. This guy cant us air combos for shit
there ya go his combo. cant wait to see check get that shit higher O_o

D+1 in FJP is good, but it can be parried. so i dont use it. how is 4 in FJP good confused ill give it a look see again, but i dont recall it being good.

1,1,2 into parry cancel is nice tongue

im the Daegon player on the PS2 side. have you noticed in lag fights his b+4 in weapon how it stops then resumes furious its a good move, but in laggy fights its worth less sad

also on or offline most of his combos can be blocked after the 2nd hit. only FJP 1,1,1 and 1,1,2 cant be blocked after 2 hits. GREAT TESTING BOON furious furious furious oddly bunch of my characters have this problem. kitana (fans)1 1 the 2nd 1 can be blocked ~ sindel 4,4,4 the 3rd 4 can be blocked.
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
11/02/2006 10:49 AM (UTC)
Uh-oh, I think I may have found an air infinite wit Kai. Would only work if opponent has no breakers tho...

Needs testing online, and I've gotta go to work now. Will keep you guys posted, but for now you'll have to waittongue
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