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sektor has higher, keep looking
m2dave Wrote:
Naw,it's a decent full-screen punishing tool at best.You have to know that your projectile will connect and then you can grab.
Besides the bosses (Moloch and Blaze),there's only one thing that pisses me off,and that's MK:A's scubby parry.You can "parry cancel" from your unsafe pop up move online.For example,if someone does 2,4 with Noob (jn his first stance),you're usually left unsafe (i.e. you can move,but you cannot block for a while).In MK:A,however,you can "parry cancel" during your recovery.Thus,when fighting Noob,you need to be careful when to punish 2,4 because you might get parried at any time.If you get parried,Noob will cause 45%-50% of damage from 2,4 to you.This is a good risk/reward ratio for Noob (since you can spam 2,4s all day and possibly get away with it unpunished),but it's bad for some other characters who can't deal nowhere near so much damage.
MK:A is definitely better than MK:D overall,but trust me,it's only a matter of time before people start using only 5 characters,and maybe a few more for possible mis-matches.Sareena,Noob,and Scorp (probably in that order) seem to be the best characters so far.
DarkPurple Wrote:
But doesn't that make the game unplayable? Won't people do it all the time when they find out about it?
m2dave Wrote:
It works when you can grab before (or apparently at the same time) when an attack had hit.
Sareena is the best example.Throw the knife (at mid-screen or further away),and then tap the "throw" button before it hits.You will then grab your opponent from any distance as long as you threw before (or at the same time) the knife had hit.
This only works when the knife hadn't been blocked.
DarkPurple Wrote:
Can you explain how this glitch works? Can any character use it at any time?
Surely this would make the game unplayable!
Pneophen Wrote:
Bleh, the grab glitch isn't limited to just overhead projectiles.
There also seems to be a juggle limit when you are near a wall bounce area in the bell tower stage.
Bleh, the grab glitch isn't limited to just overhead projectiles.
There also seems to be a juggle limit when you are near a wall bounce area in the bell tower stage.
Can you explain how this glitch works? Can any character use it at any time?
Surely this would make the game unplayable!
It works when you can grab before (or apparently at the same time) when an attack had hit.
Sareena is the best example.Throw the knife (at mid-screen or further away),and then tap the "throw" button before it hits.You will then grab your opponent from any distance as long as you threw before (or at the same time) the knife had hit.
This only works when the knife hadn't been blocked.
But doesn't that make the game unplayable? Won't people do it all the time when they find out about it?
Naw,it's a decent full-screen punishing tool at best.You have to know that your projectile will connect and then you can grab.
Besides the bosses (Moloch and Blaze),there's only one thing that pisses me off,and that's MK:A's scubby parry.You can "parry cancel" from your unsafe pop up move online.For example,if someone does 2,4 with Noob (jn his first stance),you're usually left unsafe (i.e. you can move,but you cannot block for a while).In MK:A,however,you can "parry cancel" during your recovery.Thus,when fighting Noob,you need to be careful when to punish 2,4 because you might get parried at any time.If you get parried,Noob will cause 45%-50% of damage from 2,4 to you.This is a good risk/reward ratio for Noob (since you can spam 2,4s all day and possibly get away with it unpunished),but it's bad for some other characters who can't deal nowhere near so much damage.
MK:A is definitely better than MK:D overall,but trust me,it's only a matter of time before people start using only 5 characters,and maybe a few more for possible mis-matches.Sareena,Noob,and Scorp (probably in that order) seem to be the best characters so far.
Interesting point, there are other characters that can counter Sareena from my experience so far.Jarek for one, from a far his kick move goes right through the knives.I tried this against Killer B, it's not easy but ss and use B, F+3 sareena eats a foot to the face.His TS is also useful and faster then Dairs hehe.
I also found that Mavado is a good Sareena killer, since Up+2 can't be parried that's a big up for him, then there's the safeness of him and his power ups.
Scorpion is definitely a badass, lol I was laughing to myself the other day saying you know....this guy has never really sucked in any MK game if you think about it.Then again it is Ed's favorite character so Scorpion will never suck.
Subby on the other hand..different story over the years lol.
As for Noob, yeah he seems a lot better then MK:D.Thank god he doesn't have that teleport back from MK:D.He's just got a new one the one he had in MK4/MKG.It's very punishable though when anticipated I've noticed unlike some other teleports in the game.
His stars are faster too then MK:D, he's definitely improved.
That parry cancel gig, not a lot of people use that on xbox live but perhaps on PS2 but I've only seen it done a few times, I did it a few times benefited from it once.I don't really use it that much if at all to be honest.
You gotta love those characters that can parry immediately after a missed/blocked combo lol.That can get annoying but there's ways around it.
This game is indeed better then MK:D, also more defensive a lot more IMO.I like that though, it's a lot more interesting if you ask me personally.
KF, yeah those are nice.Cham is one of my better guys and some of those I didn't know about like the 55%.I have done a 44%, but not 55%.
The cool thing about that is that they're all grounded combos, not air which is good because air combos online don't always connect with lag at times playing a role.I like the safer combos.

I don't doubt it. I suspected I was only skimming the surface! Most of the combos I posted were actually cited (no, listed) in the linear notes to Conflict's 1967 anarcho punk masterpiece, "INCREASE THE PRESSURE" years before both the album and the game's releases. Do you see?
You understand, then, that we (I say 'we' referring solely to me) eagerly await (no! anticipate!) your insight. Additionally, we can see (I say 'we' referring to, of course, you and I) that your forthcoming remarks will hardly be forthcoming come 2067 (incidentally: 1000 years after the initial combo charts were released). So stop tickling our plummage! Post COMBOS! No, post insights--we'll (who?) do the work!
You understand, then, that we (I say 'we' referring solely to me) eagerly await (no! anticipate!) your insight. Additionally, we can see (I say 'we' referring to, of course, you and I) that your forthcoming remarks will hardly be forthcoming come 2067 (incidentally: 1000 years after the initial combo charts were released). So stop tickling our plummage! Post COMBOS! No, post insights--we'll (who?) do the work!
Welcome newbie, hope you enjoy MKO.BTW, we can talk about tactics, combos, anything pertaining to MK:A gameplay wise in here.
Hope you like the game.
Hope you like the game.

Oh, much obliged. I posted some Sektor combos on the last page. I fully intend to contribute! Pardon my previous post, I was simply asking redsaleen02 for some insight on said combos.
More soon!
More soon!
Actually the safe air combo's change depending on the character.
Some can only do 1,1,2/1,1,4/3,3,2/,3,3,4 before the opponent will get out but some characters have a 1,1,3 that bounces to the ground but a 3,3,4 that will keep the airborne. It's easy to see if you just go through the KAK air styles and test each one, but you can see it on a lot of the main characters too. Of course there's also quite a few who can do 3,3,2 or 1,1,2 without a bounce like meat.
Some can only do 1,1,2/1,1,4/3,3,2/,3,3,4 before the opponent will get out but some characters have a 1,1,3 that bounces to the ground but a 3,3,4 that will keep the airborne. It's easy to see if you just go through the KAK air styles and test each one, but you can see it on a lot of the main characters too. Of course there's also quite a few who can do 3,3,2 or 1,1,2 without a bounce like meat.
KAK INF number 2
using u4 in pao chui, can be any of these types of moves, (b1 naginata, b1 tomahawks, etc )
u4, jumpover, hellfire, ss, throw, u4, jumpover, hellfire, ss throw.... etc...
im posting this because some idiot already posted the juggle inf for kak on youtube, MORON, that wasnt suppose to be let out.
if you have any brains youll take it down *shakes head*
since he ruined KAK for all of us, i decided to ruin it some more, good going pheneophen w/e the fuck your name is

yea peace or something
oh yea, if tornado wind is a selectable move in kak, then throw tornado wind, repeat
using u4 in pao chui, can be any of these types of moves, (b1 naginata, b1 tomahawks, etc )
u4, jumpover, hellfire, ss, throw, u4, jumpover, hellfire, ss throw.... etc...
im posting this because some idiot already posted the juggle inf for kak on youtube, MORON, that wasnt suppose to be let out.
if you have any brains youll take it down *shakes head*
since he ruined KAK for all of us, i decided to ruin it some more, good going pheneophen w/e the fuck your name is
yea peace or something
oh yea, if tornado wind is a selectable move in kak, then throw tornado wind, repeat

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im not at will to release the sektor combo publicly. its one of checks, u can see it when his vid comes out. all i will say is the damage is above 70%
chamelion has hella 60% combos not sure if these have all been posted but here they are
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2 cs 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 64%
sword 2,3 cs 2,2,2,u2 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 63%
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2,2 4,2,2 cold shoulder 68% (cold shoulder has too be walled)
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2 cs 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 64%
sword 2,3 cs 2,2,2,u2 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 63%
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2,2 4,2,2 cold shoulder 68% (cold shoulder has too be walled)

Dunno if this has been found but
Chameleon 56%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4, 4,1 4,1,1,3
I was trying to substitute the last 3 with a b,f+3 or b,f+4 to see if it that'd be any better, but couldn't pull it off.
Chameleon 56%
Ninja Sword - 1,3, 4,4, 4,1 4,1,1,3
I was trying to substitute the last 3 with a b,f+3 or b,f+4 to see if it that'd be any better, but couldn't pull it off.

whatup snisely
BOOYA123 Wrote:
chamelion has hella 60% combos not sure if these have all been posted but here they are
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2 cs 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 64%
sword 2,3 cs 2,2,2,u2 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 63%
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2,2 4,2,2 cold shoulder 68% (cold shoulder has too be walled)
chamelion has hella 60% combos not sure if these have all been posted but here they are
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2 cs 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 64%
sword 2,3 cs 2,2,2,u2 2,2,2,u2 cold shoulder 63%
sword 2,3 4,4 4,2,2 4,2,2 cold shoulder 68% (cold shoulder has too be walled)
"im posting this because some idiot already posted the juggle inf for kak on youtube, MORON, that wasnt suppose to be let out."
I'm a bit curious about this statement. I couldn't find any mention of there being a KAK infinite in the previous pages, and I'm not aware of any rule that says that if I find an infinite with a KAK I can't make a video.
I don't even mention what attacks are used, not that putting the correct attacks together to create it is rocket science or anything.
Why did you just decide to freak out about it now and not a week ago when I posted the video, or when when I posted the grab glitch video showing it being done on Moloch.
Also, it's a bit difficult to get your point across with insults, and have the other person take you seriously. I will not remove the videos showing the infinite, but keep in mind that it is by choice and not out of spite, regardless of how "brainless" this action is considered.
I'm a bit curious about this statement. I couldn't find any mention of there being a KAK infinite in the previous pages, and I'm not aware of any rule that says that if I find an infinite with a KAK I can't make a video.
I don't even mention what attacks are used, not that putting the correct attacks together to create it is rocket science or anything.
Why did you just decide to freak out about it now and not a week ago when I posted the video, or when when I posted the grab glitch video showing it being done on Moloch.
Also, it's a bit difficult to get your point across with insults, and have the other person take you seriously. I will not remove the videos showing the infinite, but keep in mind that it is by choice and not out of spite, regardless of how "brainless" this action is considered.

Reptile 33%
Pao Chui - 4,U+4, B+2, jump, 1,1,2, CS, 1,1,3,4
Noob Saibot 44%
Monkey - 2,1,1,B+2, CS, 3, CS, jump, 1,1,2, CS, 1,1,3,4 - 44%
Noob Saibot 41%
Monkey - 1,1,B+2, CS, 3, jump, 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Man, is it just me, or do all of Reptile's moves have no recovery time at all?
Pao Chui - 4,U+4, B+2, jump, 1,1,2, CS, 1,1,3,4
Noob Saibot 44%
Monkey - 2,1,1,B+2, CS, 3, CS, jump, 1,1,2, CS, 1,1,3,4 - 44%
Noob Saibot 41%
Monkey - 1,1,B+2, CS, 3, jump, 1,1,3,4 - 41%
Man, is it just me, or do all of Reptile's moves have no recovery time at all?

About Me

MKA Kombo's of mine..
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.

MKA Kombo's of mine..
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.
MKA Kombo's of mine..
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.
Thx dude. I really liked that Mavado combo, you didn't use the power-up either.
BTW I noticed it's possible to repeat popups where you have to press up, instead of jumping into aerial kombat.
Like for instance, you can do Sektor's U+1 twice. I think you have the press the buttons both at the same exact time or something.
BTW sorry if someone explained it, but what advantages does parry canceling have?
Hmm Minion, you might like this one. Another variation of a Stryker combo.
Stryker 34%
Night Sticks - B+2,B+1, B+1, B,F+3
Kabal 36%
Hookswords - 2,1,4, 1,1,B+1
Too bad Kabal's 1,1,4 in Hookswords is a knockdown, it really limits his combo possibilities. You can still juggle with Mavado's 1,1,4 though. That's like the only difference they have in their Hookswords stances, other than having different aerial kombat sets.
Nightwolf 31%
Tomahawks - B+1, 1,2,3, F,F+4
Nightwolf 33%
Tomahawks - B+1, jump, 1,2,3, 3,1,1,4
Reiko 38%
Ying Yeung - D,F+4, CS, 3, jump, CS, 1,1,2, CS, 1,1,3,4
About Me
B+2, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, DB+4 = 10 Hits 46% Damage (done exactly the same as MKD, time the 2 so not to perform the dial-a-combo)
U+2, CS, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, DB+4 = 10 Hits 48% Damage
U+2, CS, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, BF+3 = 11 Hits 44% Damage
I can't get over 50% with Kenshi (yet) anyone else manage it?
B+2, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, DB+4 = 10 Hits 46% Damage (done exactly the same as MKD, time the 2 so not to perform the dial-a-combo)
U+2, CS, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, DB+4 = 10 Hits 48% Damage
U+2, CS, 2, 2, 2, BDB+1, 2, 2, 2, BF+3 = 11 Hits 44% Damage
I can't get over 50% with Kenshi (yet) anyone else manage it?

About Me

egotistic Wrote:
Hmm Minion, you might like this one. Another variation of a Stryker combo.
Stryker 34%
Night Sticks - B+2,B+1, B+1, B,F+3
MKA Kombo's of mine..
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.
MKA Kombo's of mine..
57% Mavado: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMOM6a_AzHQ
51% Shao Kahn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC6cWCCEY94
39% Noob Saibot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2G5Ie_mrIM
Edit* Nice combo's egotistic.
I'll post more later.
Hmm Minion, you might like this one. Another variation of a Stryker combo.
Stryker 34%
Night Sticks - B+2,B+1, B+1, B,F+3
I'll defiantly give this a go. Thanx man and good looking!
Edit*_____ 57% Shao Kahn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7redBnSodU
That's not a combo.
The last hit is blockable.
Once the opp even touches the floor everything is blockable (expect helfire and some stuff)
any one else having an issue playing w/ frost?
she just seems slow and un moveable. her mids blow, i cant see her as being better then any of the other females. i now have sindel competing online, it took me a bit but i came up w/ ways. Frost on the other hand just blows if you ask me.
any one else agree and im not asking a fanboy who thinks she great, i mean forreal what were they thinking w/ that 1st style? she would have been better off w/ Eagle claw if kit wasnt getting it.
HJS kitana has a 64% combo, its hard only guys like Check, nukesgoboom and konqrr.
its up+2 in 1st then cs, 11,11, cs 1,2,2,3/4 i forget 1which one to end it w/ 3 or 4
imagine her (kitana) w/ eagle claw =-o
if any one needs pointers w/ kitana ill let you know.
she just seems slow and un moveable. her mids blow, i cant see her as being better then any of the other females. i now have sindel competing online, it took me a bit but i came up w/ ways. Frost on the other hand just blows if you ask me.
any one else agree and im not asking a fanboy who thinks she great, i mean forreal what were they thinking w/ that 1st style? she would have been better off w/ Eagle claw if kit wasnt getting it.
HJS kitana has a 64% combo, its hard only guys like Check, nukesgoboom and konqrr.
its up+2 in 1st then cs, 11,11, cs 1,2,2,3/4 i forget 1which one to end it w/ 3 or 4
imagine her (kitana) w/ eagle claw =-o
if any one needs pointers w/ kitana ill let you know.
^ I was so disapointed with Frost
She's just meh.......................
She's so slow and unsafe, her mids suck her damage is just sad.............
The only thing I see that may save her is her Ice Puddle but it reduces damage so much.........
Anyways, I thought she will be top 10, now maybe top 30.
Kitana - lol I knew you can get 1,1 twice....... I just gave up trying after 5 minutes. I hate trying combos too long, I get so bored.........
I actually like Kitana she's really fun to use...........
Anything good in her Fans? I almost never use them.......
She's just meh.......................
She's so slow and unsafe, her mids suck her damage is just sad.............
The only thing I see that may save her is her Ice Puddle but it reduces damage so much.........
Anyways, I thought she will be top 10, now maybe top 30.
Kitana - lol I knew you can get 1,1 twice....... I just gave up trying after 5 minutes. I hate trying combos too long, I get so bored.........
I actually like Kitana she's really fun to use...........
Anything good in her Fans? I almost never use them.......

About Me

hjs-Q Wrote:
That's not a combo.
The last hit is blockable.
Once the opp even touches the floor everything is blockable (expect helfire and some stuff)
That's not a combo.
The last hit is blockable.
Once the opp even touches the floor everything is blockable (expect helfire and some stuff)
Correct, This is just a follow up variation to a legit combo done in practice. I labeled it combo because the last part isn't really considered part of a juggle.

Does anyone have anything good for Kai? His damage seems so weak...the best I have so far is:
Kai 30%
Moi Fah - D,F+1, jump, CS, 3,3,2, 1,1,3,4
Anyone got anything more than 30%?
Kai 30%
Moi Fah - D,F+1, jump, CS, 3,3,2, 1,1,3,4
Anyone got anything more than 30%?
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