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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
Check Wrote:
mkf, my wall otgs are still in the game. kenshi 221, bo f3, you do them as they land, off the wall, so is ermacs choy inf
and cyrax has a inf in first stance, but u can tech roll out of it, ive done 50 hits with him
some of the air infs can only be done in corner, but some are like jades and simple as fuck and can be done midscreen
i dont get people why dont understand it, i found it in 5 minutes,lol
and we tested it online, and wow, LOL, air kombat sucks online, combos period, miss em everytime,except kenshi
Pm me if u wanna learn the air kombat branch inf
mkf, my wall otgs are still in the game. kenshi 221, bo f3, you do them as they land, off the wall, so is ermacs choy inf
and cyrax has a inf in first stance, but u can tech roll out of it, ive done 50 hits with him
some of the air infs can only be done in corner, but some are like jades and simple as fuck and can be done midscreen
i dont get people why dont understand it, i found it in 5 minutes,lol
and we tested it online, and wow, LOL, air kombat sucks online, combos period, miss em everytime,except kenshi
Pm me if u wanna learn the air kombat branch inf
When you guys keep mentioning infintes, are referring to 100% juggle combos or are you referring to glitchy "Looping" combos by way of throws?
For example:
Smokes MKD corner throw infinte is a loop
A powerful juggle combo that drains 100% or more health is known as a 100% combo
As crazy as it sounds, there is a big difference you know.
its a air combo with a air throw that never ends, and u just keep repeating it, but u can roll out after first one, so its not a inf.
its just funny its in the game. and so many characters have it
ill PM how its done, do not tell anyone, please.
and ermacs is 1, 1 , 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1 on ground. ( tried telling ya MM!!!
wall OTGs are the ones from deception, you can see many in my new combo movie, destruction. ( check the link in the sig please )
working on a free clone right with sub. he can crossover kick into clone for big damage too.
he does not have any free pillars, which is good
but noob... oh man, is he broke, 70, 80, 90 percent combos easily. as well as the air combo inf.
its just funny its in the game. and so many characters have it
ill PM how its done, do not tell anyone, please.
and ermacs is 1, 1 , 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1 on ground. ( tried telling ya MM!!!
wall OTGs are the ones from deception, you can see many in my new combo movie, destruction. ( check the link in the sig please )
working on a free clone right with sub. he can crossover kick into clone for big damage too.
he does not have any free pillars, which is good
but noob... oh man, is he broke, 70, 80, 90 percent combos easily. as well as the air combo inf.
duck canceling is also back,another one of my finds in MKD.
im sure not many people here have bothered to learn about it, so ill explain here. and do a short vid of it in mka later >br/>
you press and hold down on the first frame you recover after lows that start with D. and you will stand but really be ducking, its even better now in mka
this strat is even more important with the lack of mids and faster projectiles
but it still works, thats 3 things so far ive found and still work, hehe pretty sure thats it tho, lol.
take care
im sure not many people here have bothered to learn about it, so ill explain here. and do a short vid of it in mka later >br/>
you press and hold down on the first frame you recover after lows that start with D. and you will stand but really be ducking, its even better now in mka
this strat is even more important with the lack of mids and faster projectiles
but it still works, thats 3 things so far ive found and still work, hehe pretty sure thats it tho, lol.
take care
i had edited my last post and changed it, but ima go back say that u can definitly parry before your able to block for certain moves
i havent really gotten far, but i know for a fact u can parry right after d3 in shotokan sooner than u can block, not by much but u can, just hard to time.
interesting indeed
i havent really gotten far, but i know for a fact u can parry right after d3 in shotokan sooner than u can block, not by much but u can, just hard to time.
interesting indeed
So it's not quite a "true" infinite since you can tech roll. Hopefully this is the worst we find (I doubt it). I wouldn't be surpised if we found a lot more Shaolin Monks-like air infinites.
How broken the online play will be or not will determine whether I actually buy a real copy of this game. Since I can't buy it yet I've been kind of wondering how it was.
How broken the online play will be or not will determine whether I actually buy a real copy of this game. Since I can't buy it yet I've been kind of wondering how it was.
and malone u were right about the jumping, but even more so, i just noticed that if u do the jump kick too late, you will land smooth with no recovery time from the jump, might be useful, hehe..
just thought that was a good mention of some sort, sure its already known
just thought that was a good mention of some sort, sure its already known
So it's not quite a "true" infinite since you can tech roll. Hopefully this is the worst we find (I doubt it). I wouldn't be surpised if we found a lot more Shaolin Monks-like air infinites.
How broken the online play will be or not will determine whether I actually buy a real copy of this game. Since I can't buy it yet I've been kind of wondering how it was.
So it's not quite a "true" infinite since you can tech roll. Hopefully this is the worst we find (I doubt it). I wouldn't be surpised if we found a lot more Shaolin Monks-like air infinites.
How broken the online play will be or not will determine whether I actually buy a real copy of this game. Since I can't buy it yet I've been kind of wondering how it was.
not quite, but if u dont roll, you can just relaunch with a air throw over and over
havent really gone online yet but it is so much fun, but the lag is not good for combos at all. there is no really adjusting to it
scorpions 23u4 gets blocked after 2
air combos usually stall after 2 hits, and one person hits the ground MUCH sooner than the other
i could be wrong about air combos, but they dont seem to work well online, including this tech roll inf

Oh boy.... I went through Konquest nearly two times already..... So I haven't played as many character's yet as I thought I would have. I've yet to actually go into practice mode with any character. Not playing it online, so only got CPU to test against really.... Anyways a little bit of what I think of the character's I have played with so far....
Hsu Hao - This guy is a BEAST! Atleast as far as I can tell. Sumo is a strong style as is, but with the powerup.... oh man.... I swear I did like near 50% one time, but think the guy was in his weapon stance... Still... Hsu Hao+Sumo+Powerup = kickass! Though since I haven't done a major ammount of testing, I'm unaware of how good he really is as far as mids are concerned. Like no pop up in Sumo and I don't think any great mid. I think his laser hits mid though and it is really fast. So possibly mix up with it?? Not sure.... With his SunMoon Blades he does, as far as I can tell, have 2 being a mid popup that if I recall right, I think it is safe. Not certain though. Still be able to do some good combo's with his weapon stance. Seems better than in MKDA atleast. As for his specials... Well he has the powerup and the laser that is pretty damn fast. Besides them, the others I don't think are really that great. His bouncing ball really easy to see comeing. His Klap not that good. His jump move seems like it maybe actually be unblockable and homes in on where they are when you first jump. All they gotta do is move a step or two though. Didn't really use it more than a couple times, so I'm not so sure. Overall so far I'm impressed with Hsu Hao and without playing with every one yet or even half the roster... Hsu Hao is still my early pick for top tier character.
Mavado - He has the powerup as well wich is good ofcourse. His otherspecials are pretty good too. His slide move has excellent range and seems to be pretty fast. His flying kick thing he does not safe on block, and not really reliable to use I guess. His evade move sucks too if used up close. You would figure you would use it while up close to make space, but I'll always end up giving them a free hit. His other side move like he has in MKDA is good if used right. If used right you can end up behind your opponent like a teleport kind of, wich for me so far has led to a free hit while their back was turned.
Anyways his styles are good. Long Fist is improved on. I don't think any thing really amazing, but not all that bad. It is still the Hookswords it seems that he really shines. Hookswords+Powerup can take like half the health easily I think depending on what you do exactly and if they don't block ya. Overall Hookswords haven't changed from what I can tell from MKD.
Overall with Mavado, I'm likeing him. I've always liked the Hookswords and now with the powerup and nice slide move, I like Mavado even more. I'm thinking..... upper-mid tier???? I can't really say for sure at this time. Got A LOT of playing and testing left to do. Still these are my impressions thust far...
Meat - Possibly a very sucky character against guys like Onaga, Blaze, Goro, Kintaro, and Moloch. (Not sure if Motaro can be thrown or not.) Against others though, he seems to be great!
His specials all are pretty good I'd say. His taunt gives him health. He can roll his head like a bowling ball wich is low. Probably will be able to block it easily though cuz of start up. And he has his teleport wich I like to use followed up by a grab move in wrestling with 1 (high) or f+1 (low). I can't remember if he had any other specials.....
Anyways Wrestling freakin rocks! 1 is a high grab that isn't blockable if I recall right. (Never had it blocked against AI) Does 20% while in hand to hand and 24% if they are in weapon stance. That is pretty damn NICE for a grab move. The f+1 is a low grab move (Hsu Hao's throw move from MKDA, though now a wrestling grab move in MKA). I believe it can be blocked low.Toss's them up into the air for either some air kombat, or a nice damaging juggle combo. There is also one other grab move in Wrestling, b+1, but not as good as 1 grab so might as well not bother. That is unless it is actually mid.... If it were to be mid, then there is a nice mix up right there. Not sure if it is mid or not, but I think b+1 grab is high.
As for his combo's in Wrestling..... I forgot..... lol sorry I forgot what his combo's were in Wrestling. I almost posted Hsu Hao combo's lol. Well I don't recall what the combo's were, but I do remember them doing good damage for being 2 and 3 hitters. Like 23%+ I think.....I think it also has a good pop up move.... not sure... Sorry I just can't remember....
His Cleavers I do remember somewhat better. They at first seem like the Hsu Hao, Kano, and Kira weapons, wich it is like them, but different. (From Hsu Hao atleast. Haven't played with Kano or Kira yet.) Different in the way of haveing different combo's, but still same kind of one hit moves. From what I recall his combo's in Cleavers can deal out some good damage like around 27%-30% if I remember right. Sorry that I'm haveing trouble remembering for sure for some reason.
Overall I'm likeing Meat. Top tier??? ah.... I wouldn't say that just yet, but he does seem to be pretty good and for sure one of the best character's I've played with so far imo. I'm thinking upper-mid. Maybe... just maybe top tier. Dunno yet....
Liu Kang - He still kicks ass with Jun Fan. Nothing really changed from what I remember. Jun Fan still rocks a nd Nunchuku's still suck pretty much. Overall Liu seems like he will remain being really good being atleast upper-mid imo.
Quan Chi - Oh boy! Escrima improved on and is great great great style in MKA from what I can tell. 4 is mid so doing like 2,4,4,cs (think it was a popup), and continue off of the popup = to like 41% or some thing if I recall. I can't remember what kind of lows he has in Escrima.... For some reason I'm thinking he has some thing low that is atleast decent to do mix up with.... Nevertheless, Quan Chi has some good damage if I recall correctly. Can't remember how I did the high damage combo's for sure, but yeah he has 'em. Escrima overall seems really good. It maybe only missing a really great low, but think it atleast has some thing good enough.
Broadswords are way way way better than before and have more combo's. Nice mixups as well with combo's that you can go low with or mid I believe. He was one of my first characters I played with so it is a little hard to remember every thing, but I do remember me likeing him very much. Atleast upper-mid tier would be my guess at the point.
Noob - He was the first character I played with in MKA. I choose randomly.... He is probably the worst I've played with so far. Monkey doesn't seem to have any thing really great about it from what I played. Troll Hammer I actually liked better as I could actually do more damage with it. Troll Hammer sucks though pretty much as far as I can tell. Also Noob's specials aren't that good. Weak projectile. Teleport grab can be blocked on reaction and then punished dearly. His black hole type move that you fall though and it stuns you for a sec seems like it would be useless against any smart players. They would have to back into it... Don't think many are that dumb and don't see how you could really make traps with it or any thing. Overall Noob is low tier no doubt imo. Nothing about him really seems that good to me. Maybe yall can find some thing good about him that makes him worth playing.
Sektor - mmmm... I'm not so sure about my boy Sektor. Before release I was thinking upper-mid judging from vids. Now thinking maybe just mid tier, possibly upper-mid, but not so sure....
Kenpo suits Sektor really well and it isn't a bad style. Not sure what it has for mids though..... Many launchers that lead into juggle combo's or air kombat.
His Pulse Blades seemed good to me.
In all honesty I need to play with Sektor again. When I first did I didn't really have the feel of the game down just yet, so I think there maybe some unexplored things by me with this character. His special's are pretty good though to combo with from what I can tell, and overall seems like a good character to me. He probably is actually kickass, but cuz I hadn't got use to the feel of the game completely then, I feel I may of not really seen what Sektor is really capable of. I dunno....
Chameleon - First off, he looks awsome and is just fun to play with!
Anyways good special moves pretty much. Well atleast a few of them. I really like that he has Reptile's back elbow, cuz it is really fast!
Crane is still kickass like it was in MKDA, but with more combo's now. Pretty much same strategy will work with it though from what I can tell.
Ninja sword doesn't seem to have changed at all from what it was in MKDA. Personally it was my fav weapon in MKDA and I still like it in MKA. I dunno if it is the best or not, but it sure as hell works and is better than some weapons for sure. Overall it is the same so it doesn't suck, and personally I think it is one of the better weapon styles. I think some may not agree, but whatever.... Well maybe not one of the better ones now. Can't say till I play with every one.
Anyways Chameleon overall seems great. Before release I was thinking top tier. Now I'm honestly not so sure considdering how good a couple other characters I've played seem to be. Plus all the other character's I've yet to play. He seems to be atleast upper-mid imo.
Reptile - I love the Pao Chui! It was a good style in MKD with Liu Kang, and is still a good style in MKA with Reptile as far as I can tell. I don't think it changed all that much, if at all though.... Haven't done any really high damageing combo's with Reptile, but still seems to be a good character. His weapon got some new moves, but don't seem to be much better than it was in MKDA, but maybe I haven't tested it enough. Not sure.... But yeah with Pao Chui and good specials that he has like the reverse elbow that is really fast, and a new ball move that I think is a low and is pretty fast as well..... Reptile overall I think will be some where in the mid tier. Not a bad thing I wouldn't say... He is still a good character to play with from what I can tell.
Ermac - He has Choy Lee Fut and his Axe from MKD. As far as I can tell they are pretty much the same, if not exactly the same. Don't seem like Ermac changed much besides for loseing a style. Overall if ya know how to do his high damaging combo's from MKD, I think you should be able to still do them (Not talking about OTG's or any thing like that. Talking about legit combo's). I personally didn't test what best damage I could do with him since he seemed to be just the same. So yeah overall... mid tier.
Drahmin - I don't wanna get into it on how Hung Gar is so wrong for him... So yeah Hung Gar.... It sadly isn't like Reptil's Hung Gar from MKDA. I really liked that Hung Gar. Reptile is my best character in MKDA and it is cuz of Hung Gar. I'm a Hung Gar master in MKDA. Anyways from what I recall from Hung Gar in MKD, it seems pretty much the same, if not exactly the same now with Drahmin. So overall I don't really care to use it. His Iron Club is better anyways as far as I can tell. It has COMBO'S!!!!! Some good damaging stuff in Iron Club from what I recall. Not so sure if really has a great mix up game. Seems to be able doing juggle combo's. His specials not that great really, besides for his projectile wich is just another projectile to check the opponent with from a far distance away. Overall Drahmin seems somewhat decent. I'm thinking mid or low-mid tier.
Motaro - I need to test him more, but his specials seem pretty good. You can go into a special stance wich from there you can either then get up and do charge, shoot a projectile, or do like a leaping head-butt that maybe hit low??? I'm unaware of where his head butt move hits, but I never had it blocked, so I think it may possible be low??? I dunno.... Anyways he can do the charge move when not in the special stance as well wich goes full screen. His teleport is very fast as well, so could be helpful to set up deathtraps, or get out of danger or whatever.
As for his fighting moves... He has some combo's. They do good damage. He doesn't exactly feel overpowered though, but still got some power behind his punches.
OH! He also has this mule kick special wich pops them up into the air, and I think it is the only popup that he has that he can juggle off of. (4 is a popup as well, but you can't juggle off of it cuz they go flying too far away.)
I can't remember exactly what "Boss Character" qualities he has. Well Blaze actually threw me. I didn't think Motaro could be thrown. I guess he can be though, but not sure if only by other big guys, or by every one.... I don't think projectiles hurt him like they don't with the other boss characters (Besides Kahn). I don't remember if less damage is done on him or not though like with Moloch or Onaga. I wasn't really paying attention to how much damage was being done to me exactly..... And I've yet to actually fight Motaro so I dunno....
In the end Motaro feels like an alright character. Probably mid tier cuz of his boss character qualities, assuming he doesn't take as much damage. I don't think he does take normal damage so yeah... But from what I know, he can be throw. Atleast by other big guys, yet he can't throw them.
Taven - Last one for now.....
I played a lot with Taven cuz of Konquest. I don't like him.... His sword is like Kenshi's. So whatever Kenshi combo whoever was talking about before, maybe be able to do it with Taven as well. I dunno... Anyways I don't think the sword is really good. It is decent.... Gold Dragon, his hand to hand style, doesn't seem to be any thing special. Kinda sucky from what I can tell. He has this interesting special though that is d,b+1. He like teleports/runs very fast up to the opponent (doesn't go full screen) and if not blocked, he hits them three times. Only like 11% I think.....
Overall I don't think Taven is really all that great. I'd say low-mid. Maybe even low tier.....
Well that is my report on the characters I've played with so far. Sorry if I wasn't detailed enough. These impressions are primarly judged on playing with them through Arcade mode once. Once seeing every ones ending, I plan on going into practice mode with every one, or with most atleast so I can really spend time figureing every one out. Anyways these are my impressions of these characters thust far. I'd like to see what yall think of these characters so far as well.
Hsu Hao - This guy is a BEAST! Atleast as far as I can tell. Sumo is a strong style as is, but with the powerup.... oh man.... I swear I did like near 50% one time, but think the guy was in his weapon stance... Still... Hsu Hao+Sumo+Powerup = kickass! Though since I haven't done a major ammount of testing, I'm unaware of how good he really is as far as mids are concerned. Like no pop up in Sumo and I don't think any great mid. I think his laser hits mid though and it is really fast. So possibly mix up with it?? Not sure.... With his SunMoon Blades he does, as far as I can tell, have 2 being a mid popup that if I recall right, I think it is safe. Not certain though. Still be able to do some good combo's with his weapon stance. Seems better than in MKDA atleast. As for his specials... Well he has the powerup and the laser that is pretty damn fast. Besides them, the others I don't think are really that great. His bouncing ball really easy to see comeing. His Klap not that good. His jump move seems like it maybe actually be unblockable and homes in on where they are when you first jump. All they gotta do is move a step or two though. Didn't really use it more than a couple times, so I'm not so sure. Overall so far I'm impressed with Hsu Hao and without playing with every one yet or even half the roster... Hsu Hao is still my early pick for top tier character.
Mavado - He has the powerup as well wich is good ofcourse. His otherspecials are pretty good too. His slide move has excellent range and seems to be pretty fast. His flying kick thing he does not safe on block, and not really reliable to use I guess. His evade move sucks too if used up close. You would figure you would use it while up close to make space, but I'll always end up giving them a free hit. His other side move like he has in MKDA is good if used right. If used right you can end up behind your opponent like a teleport kind of, wich for me so far has led to a free hit while their back was turned.
Anyways his styles are good. Long Fist is improved on. I don't think any thing really amazing, but not all that bad. It is still the Hookswords it seems that he really shines. Hookswords+Powerup can take like half the health easily I think depending on what you do exactly and if they don't block ya. Overall Hookswords haven't changed from what I can tell from MKD.
Overall with Mavado, I'm likeing him. I've always liked the Hookswords and now with the powerup and nice slide move, I like Mavado even more. I'm thinking..... upper-mid tier???? I can't really say for sure at this time. Got A LOT of playing and testing left to do. Still these are my impressions thust far...
Meat - Possibly a very sucky character against guys like Onaga, Blaze, Goro, Kintaro, and Moloch. (Not sure if Motaro can be thrown or not.) Against others though, he seems to be great!
His specials all are pretty good I'd say. His taunt gives him health. He can roll his head like a bowling ball wich is low. Probably will be able to block it easily though cuz of start up. And he has his teleport wich I like to use followed up by a grab move in wrestling with 1 (high) or f+1 (low). I can't remember if he had any other specials.....
Anyways Wrestling freakin rocks! 1 is a high grab that isn't blockable if I recall right. (Never had it blocked against AI) Does 20% while in hand to hand and 24% if they are in weapon stance. That is pretty damn NICE for a grab move. The f+1 is a low grab move (Hsu Hao's throw move from MKDA, though now a wrestling grab move in MKA). I believe it can be blocked low.Toss's them up into the air for either some air kombat, or a nice damaging juggle combo. There is also one other grab move in Wrestling, b+1, but not as good as 1 grab so might as well not bother. That is unless it is actually mid.... If it were to be mid, then there is a nice mix up right there. Not sure if it is mid or not, but I think b+1 grab is high.
As for his combo's in Wrestling..... I forgot..... lol sorry I forgot what his combo's were in Wrestling. I almost posted Hsu Hao combo's lol. Well I don't recall what the combo's were, but I do remember them doing good damage for being 2 and 3 hitters. Like 23%+ I think.....I think it also has a good pop up move.... not sure... Sorry I just can't remember....
His Cleavers I do remember somewhat better. They at first seem like the Hsu Hao, Kano, and Kira weapons, wich it is like them, but different. (From Hsu Hao atleast. Haven't played with Kano or Kira yet.) Different in the way of haveing different combo's, but still same kind of one hit moves. From what I recall his combo's in Cleavers can deal out some good damage like around 27%-30% if I remember right. Sorry that I'm haveing trouble remembering for sure for some reason.
Overall I'm likeing Meat. Top tier??? ah.... I wouldn't say that just yet, but he does seem to be pretty good and for sure one of the best character's I've played with so far imo. I'm thinking upper-mid. Maybe... just maybe top tier. Dunno yet....
Liu Kang - He still kicks ass with Jun Fan. Nothing really changed from what I remember. Jun Fan still rocks a nd Nunchuku's still suck pretty much. Overall Liu seems like he will remain being really good being atleast upper-mid imo.
Quan Chi - Oh boy! Escrima improved on and is great great great style in MKA from what I can tell. 4 is mid so doing like 2,4,4,cs (think it was a popup), and continue off of the popup = to like 41% or some thing if I recall. I can't remember what kind of lows he has in Escrima.... For some reason I'm thinking he has some thing low that is atleast decent to do mix up with.... Nevertheless, Quan Chi has some good damage if I recall correctly. Can't remember how I did the high damage combo's for sure, but yeah he has 'em. Escrima overall seems really good. It maybe only missing a really great low, but think it atleast has some thing good enough.
Broadswords are way way way better than before and have more combo's. Nice mixups as well with combo's that you can go low with or mid I believe. He was one of my first characters I played with so it is a little hard to remember every thing, but I do remember me likeing him very much. Atleast upper-mid tier would be my guess at the point.
Noob - He was the first character I played with in MKA. I choose randomly.... He is probably the worst I've played with so far. Monkey doesn't seem to have any thing really great about it from what I played. Troll Hammer I actually liked better as I could actually do more damage with it. Troll Hammer sucks though pretty much as far as I can tell. Also Noob's specials aren't that good. Weak projectile. Teleport grab can be blocked on reaction and then punished dearly. His black hole type move that you fall though and it stuns you for a sec seems like it would be useless against any smart players. They would have to back into it... Don't think many are that dumb and don't see how you could really make traps with it or any thing. Overall Noob is low tier no doubt imo. Nothing about him really seems that good to me. Maybe yall can find some thing good about him that makes him worth playing.
Sektor - mmmm... I'm not so sure about my boy Sektor. Before release I was thinking upper-mid judging from vids. Now thinking maybe just mid tier, possibly upper-mid, but not so sure....
Kenpo suits Sektor really well and it isn't a bad style. Not sure what it has for mids though..... Many launchers that lead into juggle combo's or air kombat.
His Pulse Blades seemed good to me.
In all honesty I need to play with Sektor again. When I first did I didn't really have the feel of the game down just yet, so I think there maybe some unexplored things by me with this character. His special's are pretty good though to combo with from what I can tell, and overall seems like a good character to me. He probably is actually kickass, but cuz I hadn't got use to the feel of the game completely then, I feel I may of not really seen what Sektor is really capable of. I dunno....
Chameleon - First off, he looks awsome and is just fun to play with!
Anyways good special moves pretty much. Well atleast a few of them. I really like that he has Reptile's back elbow, cuz it is really fast!
Crane is still kickass like it was in MKDA, but with more combo's now. Pretty much same strategy will work with it though from what I can tell.
Ninja sword doesn't seem to have changed at all from what it was in MKDA. Personally it was my fav weapon in MKDA and I still like it in MKA. I dunno if it is the best or not, but it sure as hell works and is better than some weapons for sure. Overall it is the same so it doesn't suck, and personally I think it is one of the better weapon styles. I think some may not agree, but whatever.... Well maybe not one of the better ones now. Can't say till I play with every one.
Anyways Chameleon overall seems great. Before release I was thinking top tier. Now I'm honestly not so sure considdering how good a couple other characters I've played seem to be. Plus all the other character's I've yet to play. He seems to be atleast upper-mid imo.
Reptile - I love the Pao Chui! It was a good style in MKD with Liu Kang, and is still a good style in MKA with Reptile as far as I can tell. I don't think it changed all that much, if at all though.... Haven't done any really high damageing combo's with Reptile, but still seems to be a good character. His weapon got some new moves, but don't seem to be much better than it was in MKDA, but maybe I haven't tested it enough. Not sure.... But yeah with Pao Chui and good specials that he has like the reverse elbow that is really fast, and a new ball move that I think is a low and is pretty fast as well..... Reptile overall I think will be some where in the mid tier. Not a bad thing I wouldn't say... He is still a good character to play with from what I can tell.
Ermac - He has Choy Lee Fut and his Axe from MKD. As far as I can tell they are pretty much the same, if not exactly the same. Don't seem like Ermac changed much besides for loseing a style. Overall if ya know how to do his high damaging combo's from MKD, I think you should be able to still do them (Not talking about OTG's or any thing like that. Talking about legit combo's). I personally didn't test what best damage I could do with him since he seemed to be just the same. So yeah overall... mid tier.
Drahmin - I don't wanna get into it on how Hung Gar is so wrong for him... So yeah Hung Gar.... It sadly isn't like Reptil's Hung Gar from MKDA. I really liked that Hung Gar. Reptile is my best character in MKDA and it is cuz of Hung Gar. I'm a Hung Gar master in MKDA. Anyways from what I recall from Hung Gar in MKD, it seems pretty much the same, if not exactly the same now with Drahmin. So overall I don't really care to use it. His Iron Club is better anyways as far as I can tell. It has COMBO'S!!!!! Some good damaging stuff in Iron Club from what I recall. Not so sure if really has a great mix up game. Seems to be able doing juggle combo's. His specials not that great really, besides for his projectile wich is just another projectile to check the opponent with from a far distance away. Overall Drahmin seems somewhat decent. I'm thinking mid or low-mid tier.
Motaro - I need to test him more, but his specials seem pretty good. You can go into a special stance wich from there you can either then get up and do charge, shoot a projectile, or do like a leaping head-butt that maybe hit low??? I'm unaware of where his head butt move hits, but I never had it blocked, so I think it may possible be low??? I dunno.... Anyways he can do the charge move when not in the special stance as well wich goes full screen. His teleport is very fast as well, so could be helpful to set up deathtraps, or get out of danger or whatever.
As for his fighting moves... He has some combo's. They do good damage. He doesn't exactly feel overpowered though, but still got some power behind his punches.
OH! He also has this mule kick special wich pops them up into the air, and I think it is the only popup that he has that he can juggle off of. (4 is a popup as well, but you can't juggle off of it cuz they go flying too far away.)
I can't remember exactly what "Boss Character" qualities he has. Well Blaze actually threw me. I didn't think Motaro could be thrown. I guess he can be though, but not sure if only by other big guys, or by every one.... I don't think projectiles hurt him like they don't with the other boss characters (Besides Kahn). I don't remember if less damage is done on him or not though like with Moloch or Onaga. I wasn't really paying attention to how much damage was being done to me exactly..... And I've yet to actually fight Motaro so I dunno....
In the end Motaro feels like an alright character. Probably mid tier cuz of his boss character qualities, assuming he doesn't take as much damage. I don't think he does take normal damage so yeah... But from what I know, he can be throw. Atleast by other big guys, yet he can't throw them.
Taven - Last one for now.....
I played a lot with Taven cuz of Konquest. I don't like him.... His sword is like Kenshi's. So whatever Kenshi combo whoever was talking about before, maybe be able to do it with Taven as well. I dunno... Anyways I don't think the sword is really good. It is decent.... Gold Dragon, his hand to hand style, doesn't seem to be any thing special. Kinda sucky from what I can tell. He has this interesting special though that is d,b+1. He like teleports/runs very fast up to the opponent (doesn't go full screen) and if not blocked, he hits them three times. Only like 11% I think.....
Overall I don't think Taven is really all that great. I'd say low-mid. Maybe even low tier.....
Well that is my report on the characters I've played with so far. Sorry if I wasn't detailed enough. These impressions are primarly judged on playing with them through Arcade mode once. Once seeing every ones ending, I plan on going into practice mode with every one, or with most atleast so I can really spend time figureing every one out. Anyways these are my impressions of these characters thust far. I'd like to see what yall think of these characters so far as well.
i dont have taven, sorry
maybe someone else can, i know konqrr did it with fujin, so yea it should work for taven
alot of them are gone, all the d4 ones are there, but most of them are gone, all i know for sure is kenshis 221, and jades 3 in weapon.
maybe someone else can, i know konqrr did it with fujin, so yea it should work for taven
alot of them are gone, all the d4 ones are there, but most of them are gone, all i know for sure is kenshis 221, and jades 3 in weapon.
well daegons weapon has zero mids O_O his Fu Jow Pai D+1 is one of those low attacks that can be parried so dont use it. the d+4 and d+3 cant be parried so thats good. B+2 is there his throw is lame its the over head throw that half the cast has O_o why couldnt they give this to sindel????
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
can you find me a big kitana and shinnok combo? thanks in advance!!
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
Liu_Kang187~tavens weapon combos are different then kenshis weapon actually.
thats all im gonna comment upon about that post of yours. last time i told some no no your wrong (it was check by the way way back when) i ended up wrong so ill wait to comment some other day. good stuff tho.
thats all im gonna comment upon about that post of yours. last time i told some no no your wrong (it was check by the way way back when) i ended up wrong so ill wait to comment some other day. good stuff tho.
danadbab Wrote:
well daegons weapon has zero mids O_O his Fu Jow Pai D+1 is one of those low attacks that can be parried so dont use it. the d+4 and d+3 cant be parried so thats good. B+2 is there his throw is lame its the over head throw that half the cast has O_o why couldnt they give this to sindel????
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
can you find me a big kitana and shinnok combo? thanks in advance!!
well daegons weapon has zero mids O_O his Fu Jow Pai D+1 is one of those low attacks that can be parried so dont use it. the d+4 and d+3 cant be parried so thats good. B+2 is there his throw is lame its the over head throw that half the cast has O_o why couldnt they give this to sindel????
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
So wait,
some low moves can be parried and some can't?
2 things i've noticed.
1. Unthrowable characters are throwable by other unthrowable characters. You still can't air combo them but kintaro can throw blaze and vice versa. Not sure how important this is but it is interesting.
2. Some of the air combos don't seem to suck. I haven't tested many characters but basically any air combo that hits the opponent into the ground for them to be bounced back up can be tech rolled out of, but some characters have 1,1,2 or 3,3,2 strings where they uppercut/flipkick to keep them in the air. As far as I can tell you can't escape these at all which means you have some serious damage potential(sometimes anyways. Juggles still seem to be better for the most part). Edit: Do any of the currently discovered inf's work on boss characters? In MKD I think all of them depended on throws and juggles which you cannot do to the boss characters except maybe shao khan and motaro. Jade will still kick ass but if her inf's don't work on say kintaro there might be hope(however small) yet. Unless you jsut ban all of them.
1. Unthrowable characters are throwable by other unthrowable characters. You still can't air combo them but kintaro can throw blaze and vice versa. Not sure how important this is but it is interesting.
2. Some of the air combos don't seem to suck. I haven't tested many characters but basically any air combo that hits the opponent into the ground for them to be bounced back up can be tech rolled out of, but some characters have 1,1,2 or 3,3,2 strings where they uppercut/flipkick to keep them in the air. As far as I can tell you can't escape these at all which means you have some serious damage potential(sometimes anyways. Juggles still seem to be better for the most part). Edit: Do any of the currently discovered inf's work on boss characters? In MKD I think all of them depended on throws and juggles which you cannot do to the boss characters except maybe shao khan and motaro. Jade will still kick ass but if her inf's don't work on say kintaro there might be hope(however small) yet. Unless you jsut ban all of them.
try motaros triangle, triangle combo its mid and always safe does 26% damage on characters in normal stance, you can mix that up with his 2+circle its his best moves
try motaros triangle, triangle combo its mid and always safe does 26% damage on characters in normal stance, you can mix that up with his 2+circle its his best moves
hjs-Q Wrote:
So wait,
some low moves can be parried and some can't?
right, ill make a vid when i get home 9 hours from now. danadbab Wrote:
well daegons weapon has zero mids O_O his Fu Jow Pai D+1 is one of those low attacks that can be parried so dont use it. the d+4 and d+3 cant be parried so thats good. B+2 is there his throw is lame its the over head throw that half the cast has O_o why couldnt they give this to sindel????
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
can you find me a big kitana and shinnok combo? thanks in advance!!
well daegons weapon has zero mids O_O his Fu Jow Pai D+1 is one of those low attacks that can be parried so dont use it. the d+4 and d+3 cant be parried so thats good. B+2 is there his throw is lame its the over head throw that half the cast has O_o why couldnt they give this to sindel????
How ever quan chis weapon is good quan and daegons weapon may look alike but thats as far as it goes. quans has mids and a free throw.
Mileenas D+1 in mian can be parried
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
And i was wrong SONYA has 1 attack in Kali that cant be parried LOL its F+3 its not a good low attack but its all shes got
Sonya business in the front part in the back LOLOL gotta love those mullets
again to all those fuck tards that wanted 1,000 fatals ~ FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU ALL for making the morons at midway come up w/ this lame fatality system
i rather see quan pull some ones neck over these any day!!
Check baby
So wait,
some low moves can be parried and some can't?

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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Since I'm not as advanced as you guys are with this stuff, I'll simply pose a question:
Does it annoy you guys that only some characters have Neijins? I think they should have just been removed entirely.
Does it annoy you guys that only some characters have Neijins? I think they should have just been removed entirely.

firebrandxx Wrote:
try motaros triangle, triangle combo its mid and always safe does 26% damage on characters in normal stance, you can mix that up with his 2+circle its his best moves
try motaros triangle, triangle combo its mid and always safe does 26% damage on characters in normal stance, you can mix that up with his 2+circle its his best moves
Didn't know 2,2 was mid. My brother is out of town, don't remember when he said he'd be back, but yeah I haven't a human to test with till he gets back. Anyways thnx for letting me know this. That makes Motaro better in my eyes now.
Any one know for sure where Motaro's d,b+3.....3 special hits???
As for Taven's sword being different from Kenshi, OK nice to know. I haven't played with Kenshi yet.
I think I'm bound to have atleast a few mistakes in that long post of mine above. So I am wondering what other people think of those characters if you have played with them.
Anyways good stuff so far guys.
Well, I got the Premium Edition on Tuesday and have been playing it since Tuesday night. I gotta say that I have really mixed feelings about this game. For now, I'll just briefly cover three characters.
It's a no-brainer that I picked him first and beat the arcade mode with him. I gotta say he's pretty good in this game and definitely not low-tier or low-mid tier. I might be proven wrong later on, but whatever...
Shotokan: Doesn't fit him due to its much more offensive focus, and the accuracy is still off, but in terms of gameplay, it plays almost exactly like the MKD version. Attack 3 hits mid like in MKDA (Thank God!!). He still has his D + 1 poke, which is fast and good. Overall, attack 3 being a mid is mainly what it needed improving on.
Kori Blade: Plays exactly like the MKD version, which is good.
Special Moves
Freeze: The same as in MKDA and MKD, which means it isn't really useful.
Ice Clone: Still the same. Not sure if it's like the PS2/X-Box version of the GC version of MKD's. It's useful nonetheless.
Cold Shoulder: not that useful but still hits mid
Icy Pillar: To me, this move is pretty useless. It's a very risky move that's blockable and has bad recovery time.
Throw: It's an ok looking throw. It sort of goes with Shotokan as both of them are very direct. From a gameplay perspective, it's nothing special.
Overall: Sub-Zero is one of the better characters of the game.
Noob Saibot
He's the second character I beat the game with, and he's definitely not as good without Smoke.
Monkey: This style fits him, but I don't like the stance for it. It has new combos like 1, 1, 3 and 1, 1, B + 2. D + 4 is still the same, which he needs. Overall, it's a fast, decent style.
Troll Hammer: ....Not only is this a bad fit for him, but it has the same moves as Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer. There isn't much to say about the Troll Hammer aside from that it's useless and absolute garbage.
Special Moves
Teleport Slam: decent move, but not without its risks
Black Hole: weird looking move that sort of teleports the opponent and kind of allows for free hits, I guess. I suppose it's useful.
Shuriken toss: I don't like that he has this as it makes him out to be a stereotypical ninja character, but whatever....It's a fast projectile that doesn't do that much damage, but it's good to use anyway.
Darkness: his invisibility move from MKD; I don't really use it.
Throw: the same one he used in MKD
Overall: Noob Saibot is decent, but not that great.
Shao Kahn
I feel really bad for him. He's actually one of my top favorite characters, but he gets bad treatment.
Tai Tzu: If you saw videos of Tai Tzu, you probably wouldn't think it fits him. If he's going to be a Kung Fu villain type character, he needs to use something really powerful and deadly, namely Baji Quan (Eight Extremities Boxing). Anyway, he still moves slowly in Tai Tzu and his overhead pop up from MKD (B + 1) is still in there. Other than that, his moves are either highs or lows. His combos suck and he doesn't really have any safe moves.
Wrath Hammer: It's crap yet again.
Special Moves
Exploding Blast: It's an ok projectile. It should've been a bit faster.
Uplifting Knee: Good move and one of his better ones.
Emperor's Shield: It's kind of a good move, but it's punishable of course.
Magic Choke (or whatever it's called): It's a very weird looking move that's risky.
Ridicule: It's an ok move that I don't use that often. You should probably use it after knocking someone into the air.
Charging Spikes: It's ok, but since it hits high, use it carefully.
Throw: Does 13% damage instead of 5 like in MKD.
Overall: Shao Kahn is terrible yet again. *gives Shao Kahn and lollypop*
It's a no-brainer that I picked him first and beat the arcade mode with him. I gotta say he's pretty good in this game and definitely not low-tier or low-mid tier. I might be proven wrong later on, but whatever...
Shotokan: Doesn't fit him due to its much more offensive focus, and the accuracy is still off, but in terms of gameplay, it plays almost exactly like the MKD version. Attack 3 hits mid like in MKDA (Thank God!!). He still has his D + 1 poke, which is fast and good. Overall, attack 3 being a mid is mainly what it needed improving on.
Kori Blade: Plays exactly like the MKD version, which is good.
Special Moves
Freeze: The same as in MKDA and MKD, which means it isn't really useful.
Ice Clone: Still the same. Not sure if it's like the PS2/X-Box version of the GC version of MKD's. It's useful nonetheless.
Cold Shoulder: not that useful but still hits mid
Icy Pillar: To me, this move is pretty useless. It's a very risky move that's blockable and has bad recovery time.
Throw: It's an ok looking throw. It sort of goes with Shotokan as both of them are very direct. From a gameplay perspective, it's nothing special.
Overall: Sub-Zero is one of the better characters of the game.
Noob Saibot
He's the second character I beat the game with, and he's definitely not as good without Smoke.
Monkey: This style fits him, but I don't like the stance for it. It has new combos like 1, 1, 3 and 1, 1, B + 2. D + 4 is still the same, which he needs. Overall, it's a fast, decent style.
Troll Hammer: ....Not only is this a bad fit for him, but it has the same moves as Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer. There isn't much to say about the Troll Hammer aside from that it's useless and absolute garbage.
Special Moves
Teleport Slam: decent move, but not without its risks
Black Hole: weird looking move that sort of teleports the opponent and kind of allows for free hits, I guess. I suppose it's useful.
Shuriken toss: I don't like that he has this as it makes him out to be a stereotypical ninja character, but whatever....It's a fast projectile that doesn't do that much damage, but it's good to use anyway.
Darkness: his invisibility move from MKD; I don't really use it.
Throw: the same one he used in MKD
Overall: Noob Saibot is decent, but not that great.
Shao Kahn
I feel really bad for him. He's actually one of my top favorite characters, but he gets bad treatment.
Tai Tzu: If you saw videos of Tai Tzu, you probably wouldn't think it fits him. If he's going to be a Kung Fu villain type character, he needs to use something really powerful and deadly, namely Baji Quan (Eight Extremities Boxing). Anyway, he still moves slowly in Tai Tzu and his overhead pop up from MKD (B + 1) is still in there. Other than that, his moves are either highs or lows. His combos suck and he doesn't really have any safe moves.
Wrath Hammer: It's crap yet again.
Special Moves
Exploding Blast: It's an ok projectile. It should've been a bit faster.
Uplifting Knee: Good move and one of his better ones.
Emperor's Shield: It's kind of a good move, but it's punishable of course.
Magic Choke (or whatever it's called): It's a very weird looking move that's risky.
Ridicule: It's an ok move that I don't use that often. You should probably use it after knocking someone into the air.
Charging Spikes: It's ok, but since it hits high, use it carefully.
Throw: Does 13% damage instead of 5 like in MKD.
Overall: Shao Kahn is terrible yet again. *gives Shao Kahn and lollypop*

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Watching some matches on youtube, I've got some Q's.
1.) Looks like canned spam is not totally guaranteed? Is that true, do they feather out and allow you to block durring the latter hits?
2.) I've notcied some peeps, while blocking canned spam, would jump back out of the combo. Is that really possible, or am I just seeing things?
1.) Looks like canned spam is not totally guaranteed? Is that true, do they feather out and allow you to block durring the latter hits?
2.) I've notcied some peeps, while blocking canned spam, would jump back out of the combo. Is that really possible, or am I just seeing things?
pretty sure motaros charge move is med not down which makes it kinda pointless to switch between both of his charges.
also i found something nifty with noob, if you do his 6+O(launcher in monkey stance) it is unsafe but u can parry during its lag time. his launcher can lead to some damaging combos over 30%
also for shao kahn he isnt THAT bad. his new special is pretty safe also after parrys he can dish out 47% damage easily. he has 1 safe combo square,square,square but u can easily sidestep it and his shield move is now safe on hit.
if your really good at parrys shao kahn will definetly be a beast concidering u can take huge chunks of health off of parry's.
also i found something nifty with noob, if you do his 6+O(launcher in monkey stance) it is unsafe but u can parry during its lag time. his launcher can lead to some damaging combos over 30%
also for shao kahn he isnt THAT bad. his new special is pretty safe also after parrys he can dish out 47% damage easily. he has 1 safe combo square,square,square but u can easily sidestep it and his shield move is now safe on hit.
if your really good at parrys shao kahn will definetly be a beast concidering u can take huge chunks of health off of parry's.

About Me
scorpio Wrote:
"There aren't necessarily throw escapes in the game, but apparently some others who have tested out the mechanics of the game, you can use breakers against throws."
thats not new. you could break throws in mkd.
"There aren't necessarily throw escapes in the game, but apparently some others who have tested out the mechanics of the game, you can use breakers against throws."
thats not new. you could break throws in mkd.
Not all of the throws in MKD could you use the breakers, like Darrius, Kobra, or Liu Kang. Others like Scorpion and Shujinko whose throws could be breakered. Though in MKA, at least so far playing it, you can breaker any throw. I don't know 100%, but I'll keep on playing and check.
you CAN duck and parry throws its not really an issue

I can't speak for online (or against other people... yet) but either by intention or glitch, there are a lot of strings you can escape from on block. I can't really name any concrete examples (again, I'm playing with myself and the pc) but there are lots of times you can block the first hit or so of a combo and have time to jump away, jump over, stick your own attack in, or worse, drop a parry. Many many many blocked CS combos suffer from this. This would be fine except the boss guys have the really annoying habit of being able to do it even on being hit, like you get two hits of a combo and then just get owned, which I guess just means more reliance on the absolutely safe than sticking your feet and fists out.
Other, mysterious problems include air combos cannot dt, only ground strings and juggles. The wakeups, while easily sidestepped are too fast to punish (with any of my characters, anyway).
Also of note while the bosses cannot be air combo'd, the stupid high knockback does let you juggle with some special moves, and since just about everyone in this game has a dashing punch or kick, it actually feels kind of old school, of course if the timing or alignment is even slightly off, you can get abused.
Lastly, the instruction booklet says theres a random select has anyone actually found it?
I can't speak for online (or against other people... yet) but either by intention or glitch, there are a lot of strings you can escape from on block. I can't really name any concrete examples (again, I'm playing with myself and the pc) but there are lots of times you can block the first hit or so of a combo and have time to jump away, jump over, stick your own attack in, or worse, drop a parry. Many many many blocked CS combos suffer from this. This would be fine except the boss guys have the really annoying habit of being able to do it even on being hit, like you get two hits of a combo and then just get owned, which I guess just means more reliance on the absolutely safe than sticking your feet and fists out.
Other, mysterious problems include air combos cannot dt, only ground strings and juggles. The wakeups, while easily sidestepped are too fast to punish (with any of my characters, anyway).
Also of note while the bosses cannot be air combo'd, the stupid high knockback does let you juggle with some special moves, and since just about everyone in this game has a dashing punch or kick, it actually feels kind of old school, of course if the timing or alignment is even slightly off, you can get abused.
Lastly, the instruction booklet says theres a random select has anyone actually found it?

danadbab Wrote:
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
i made my KAK hes DANCOCK and he even has a cowboy hat on
hes been pulled on alot called GAY and folks even quit on the select screen when i pick him
ill make some vids tomorrow one w/ him and any one else want a certain vid i may make it or not.
Lol Dancock sounds funny! Cowboy hat indeed lol!
Make a Kitana video and make me a Sareena video pls! (Im sure I can find something to swap it for
Also, anyone know how Nightwolf or Nitara play?
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