18 years ago
I just had a question about fatalitites...do the characters have regular fatalities too? Or is it just the kreate a fatality?
Ed boon has stated several times that there are only the create a fatality style enders available.

Old style fatalities are not in the game.
18 years ago
Again,throws are escapable with breakers.They act like a normal hit.

So,if you're at a disadvantage and you tap f+Block,you'll escape the throw if your opponent intended to do one.

You can also parry throws (but not when you're at a disadvantage).
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18 years ago
m2dave Wrote:
Again,throws are escapable with breakers.They act like a normal hit.

So,if you're at a disadvantage and you tap f+Block,you'll escape the throw if your opponent intended to do one.

You can also parry throws (but not when you're at a disadvantage).

So would any infinites (such as the one you thought you found earlier) be possible once you're out of breakers?

Is there anybody who can yet confirm free throws and universal tracking?
And what kind of properties does Smoke's stinky fingers have?
18 years ago
choy lay fut infinite is still in the game

having serious trouble playing this, might return it sad

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18 years ago
sonya suck sonya sucks wooo hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

every attack in kali stcisk can be paried MUAHAHAHAHAH
18 years ago
Check Wrote:
choy lay fut infinite is still in the game

having serious trouble playing this, might return it sad


Really? So far every infinite I've tried out doesn't work from MK:D thank god for that.

The lack of throw escapes is a little disappointing but it doesn't kill the game.

My friend has it on Sony PS, It's MUCH better then MK:D any day and for the record that prima guy doesn't seem to play high level online against tough players from some of his responces.The parries DO make a HUGE difference now compared to MK:D and the wake up alters the game totally if you ask me.

This game is great IMO, I like it a lot I have to admit.The air kombat seems more for showing off then it being actually "necessary" if you ask me.

Smoke, Bo are no longer broken.One thing I found though you guys can see if this works online though or not but Dairou's FT from MK:D when I tested it was still in there when you teleport next to a guy that's NOT blocking while on the stun.

M2dave, check this out see if you feel the same.When I did I was able to get a FT out of it.Still, though if that's dairou's only problem compared to MK:D then I'm not complaining the game is a lot faster paced and a lot more competitive if you ask me personally then MK:D due to the parries and wake up.

I'm liking Kabal, Chameleon, Cyrax, Scorpion(this guy never sucks lol), Ermac, Smoke, Noob etc.All the ninjas, although I didn't try out Reptile.Rain seems hard to play as IMO.

I'm pleased with MK:A, bleed dude I got nervous when you said you found glitches, those glitches are meaningless just something silly I thought you found a few infinites or something seriously.

But yeah, I agree dude MK:A is MUCH better then MK:D and I feel this game can actually be played on a more stable level like Malone said.

The KAK is awesome, looks like it'll take you a lot of time to make one.wow

The stuff available though is off the wall. lol grin
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

18 years ago
Ok, so I haven't decided whether to actually buy this thing or not. From what it sounds like, many things wrong with MK:D have been addressed but problems still remain. My question: Do the problems make the game worthless or can we overlook them? Basically I just want to know if the game is solid this time around.
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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

18 years ago
Having projectiles pass through and not register is serious. And characters falling from the sky - if I'm comprehending correctly what I read - is just stupid. Though, I may pick this up just for UMK and KAK...meh.

I'll wait a until Wii then make a decision based on the accumulated info.
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18 years ago
Drumz found the 1st new infinite w/ jade. im not gonna post it ill let him do it since its his thing, but BULL SHIT!!

also we cant swear in the rooms O_O
18 years ago
If the infinites are equivalent to UMK3 like calibur infinites(just for example) meaning rather difficult to pull off then I'll take them with a grain of salt, however if they're like MK:D's infinites then that's another story....

I still feel that this game is MUCH more playable then MK:D overall and worth it personally.

BTW, that gig with Blaze and the projectiles going through him I didn't notice but I do know that the projectiles don't do crap against most of the bosses, some do others don't.

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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
18 years ago
danadbab Wrote:
Drumz found the 1st new infinite w/ jade. im not gonna post it ill let him do it since its his thing, but BULL SHIT!!

Eh... bound to be one in the game. =/

MKA feels more 'technical', which I'm personally glad to see, but it feels a little strange to play. confused

>| Found an interesting offline 50% w/ Scorp. I'll have to test it online.
>| Found a neat combo with Kenshi that might be of use in a corner.
>| Nightwolf is utter shit in this game. Won't be using him online. sad

18 years ago
danadbab Wrote:
sonya suck sonya sucks wooo hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

every attack in kali stcisk can be paried MUAHAHAHAHAH

Could you provide more information,
Does the parry system make all her Kali sticks attacks useless and what about her Taek wan do, is it the deception version or the deadly alliance version.
Is her throw any good???
18 years ago
One question,

Is Ashrah's throw infinite still there?
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MKII is a Glorified RPG...Turn Based Chip Damage!
18 years ago
OTG's still in...some of them anyways.

Ashrah's throw inf no longer exists.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
danadbab Wrote:
Drumz found the 1st new infinite w/ jade. im not gonna post it ill let him do it since its his thing, but BULL SHIT!!

Oh well. Drumz, if you'd be so kind to PM the infinite to me so I can try it out with my girl when I get the game I'd be grateful.

Also, did they fix 3 in Fan Zi? Is it a mid?

And how is her overall safeness with moves like 2,3 in Bojutsu and her branchers and other hits?
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

18 years ago
Only in an MK game would a player find an infinite the entire QA staff missed 24 hours after launch.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
danadbab Wrote:
sonya suck sonya sucks wooo hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
every attack in kali stcisk can be paried MUAHAHAHAHAH

That's utter shit....
danadbab Wrote:
weapon has no mids furious furious furious

That's shit too.
18 years ago
If none of you don't mind answering, how does Sheeva play? Are her specials useless? Damage? Is she really slow? Combos? etc. anything i'm missing.

I've been reading throught the threads but i don't thnk anyone has mentioned her yet, sucks to be a Sheeva fan.
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I Rock

18 years ago
So baisicly the game is UMK:DA?

So far it looks and sounds a millions times better then MKD.

People, share with us, the infintes, glitches, combos.............
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18 years ago
my KAK is broke tongue

i gave him a whole shit load of axe kick attacks tongue one of my pop up combos splits into 2 separate combos tongue

Tgrant fan zi 3 hits mid now.

my top characters right now are


Shinnok~i did tyoe out abunch of stuff about shinnok but i decided to delete it, i wanna keep all his stuff to myself for as long asi can smile

Kitana w/ no real low poke sucks sad

sareena has those li mei free throws tongue

Tanya shes good because of her low poke and her easy 47% combo tongue and she has her 2nd stance free throw. her throw OTG is there, but i think most of the wake ups stop it.

Jax has the slam, then when you get folks jumping you pull out the gun AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

both kano and hsu hao have the same weapon (kira also) warning to any one dont end a combo w/ their cs combo. they sit there forever its awful!!

ok i need to sleep im all MKAed out.

it took me about 20 matches to get use to the controls.
danadbab Wrote:
my KAK is broke tongue

i gave him a whole shit load of axe kick attacks tongue one of my pop up combos splits into 2 separate combos tongue

Chuck Norris?
18 years ago
WomenOfMK Wrote:
If none of you don't mind answering, how does Sheeva play? Are her specials useless? Damage? Is she really slow? Combos? etc. anything i'm missing.

I've been reading throught the threads but i don't thnk anyone has mentioned her yet, sucks to be a Sheeva fan.

I just used her a little since I used all the characters with unblockable stomping/dropping moves.Let me just state that at this point the characters with unblockable moves are nothing special compared to the other characters.Fuck,people can be jumping IN YOU FACE 24/7 and it seems like there's not much you can do about it besides jumping up as well and attempt an aerial combo.The fucking jump in MK:A is so high that no standing attacks can track the opponent down from the air.

Also,none of the unblockables can be spammed like Dairou's TS Drop in MK:D.You may immediately block or attack after them but not do them consecutively.Also,all of the unblockables are rather slow.You can actually hit Dairou and Sheeva (when she's in the air) when the moves are initiated.

Also,in this game,jumping kicks have priority over low pokes (or there might be a trade-off);that means,if I low poke at the same time a jumping opponent tries to kick me,the jumping kick will beat the low poke.Moreover,jumping kicks seem to be un-breakable and un-parriable,and may even juggle in corners for more damage.

Jade's infinite combo is so damn easy.I was actually one of the first people to be informed about it,and then I abused it on the whole server...tongue
Props to Drumz for discovering it.

This game is better than MK:D at this point,but I'm sure there is some stuff that has potential to be broken.I'll test and post more soon.Feel free to ask any questions.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
danadbab Wrote:
Tgrant fan zi 3 hits mid now.

Excellent! grin Thanks, Danny!

Everyone on the PAL server is going to be owned by me and Jade! grin D+4 and 3 mix up! Awesome!

Now what's her infinite?

Edit: Thanks for the PM about the infinite, Dave.
18 years ago
not a inf
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