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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

10/10/2006 06:18 PM (UTC)
If anyone can give an objective view of this game, that would be great. I'm still pondering its purchase, so hook those up who are lingering.

Also, any info on fujin, specifically the dive kick - recovery, priority, apex, etc - and do Nitara's new projectiles offer decent lock-down and zone options?
10/10/2006 06:25 PM (UTC)
One think i wanna know, and i think otehrs will too. Its something that no-one has told us (or atleast me, i may have missed something)

Is rieko's weapon the Wrath Hammer or teh Sword? Or both?
10/10/2006 06:30 PM (UTC)
Dive Kick recovers like Scorp's Teleport Kick on block.But the game overall is a lot faster-moving.

Damn,I hope the game has throws escapes or I just might have found the first infinite combo...

Reiko - "Crude Hammer"
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10/10/2006 06:59 PM (UTC)
Couple questions:

Is Bo's f+3 fixed?
Is there universal tracking?
Have some weaker styles been strengthened? Are there free throws?
10/10/2006 07:04 PM (UTC)
Dave you know better...
10/10/2006 07:07 PM (UTC)
other question:

If there's a wake-up game do the game has oki?

can we parry wake-up attack?

I too wants to know if univeral tracking is still there?

How big is the parry window?

And the move before the round thing is really fucked up.How they did not fixed it is beyond me.

Oh and by the way if the Khan,goro,motaro etc.. cannot be thrown.They're all gonna be mid top tier by default,rigth? Unless im missing something.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

10/10/2006 07:55 PM (UTC)
wonch-toi Wrote:
other question:

If there's a wake-up game do the game has oki?

can we parry wake-up attack?

I too wants to know if univeral tracking is still there?

How big is the parry window?

And the move before the round thing is really fucked up.How they did not fixed it is beyond me.

Oh and by the way if the Khan,goro,motaro etc.. cannot be thrown.They're all gonna be mid top tier by default,rigth? Unless im missing something.

Yes you can parry wake ups. How, Idk yet. I just know I got mine parried.

The parry window is very short.

I'm not sure about the universal tracking but it looks like its not bad.

Yeah the bosses have big advantages. Some can't be thrown and some can't be hit by projectiles. wow
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I Rock

10/10/2006 08:04 PM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
Dive Kick recovers like Scorp's Teleport Kick on block.But the game overall is a lot faster-moving.

Damn,I hope the game has throws escapes or I just might have found the first infinite combo...

Reiko - "Crude Hammer"

You're shitting me?

There are no throw escapes - 100% sure.

If you found an infinte combo, WOW, midway are a bunch of idiots........
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/10/2006 08:09 PM (UTC)
Also, some characters have new throws,

Jade has a throw similar to MKT, where she Kicks you and (wait, I think it might be Li Mei's MKDA throw)

Sektor brakes your leg and knocks you back. I'll have more later
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/10/2006 08:23 PM (UTC)
On a side note:

Some characters like Mileena and Sektor can do their specials in the air
10/10/2006 08:29 PM (UTC)
OK.Throws escapes are available! I just tested it with Moe.

Yes.You can apparently use your breakers to escape ANY throw with precise timing.I need to mess with this more,though.

ALL previous glitches from MK:D seem to be fixed.
About Me

I Rock

10/10/2006 08:34 PM (UTC)
K time I share some stuff with you guys.

Dr Dog (he user who came here a few months ago and asked questions about the gameplay) is the editor of the Prima Guide.

He's a really nice guy and I talked with him by Pm's, he answerd alot of my questions.

I couldn't post them but now the game is out, I can.

(He not a liar, he knew about stuff before they came out, Kano's power up, Kira Ying Yueng, Wake up Mid kick, stuff like that. He's real)

Here are some my questions and his answers:

1. How throw escapes work? In E3 you would press the throw button in the right time (few frames) and the throw was escaped. How does it work now? Can you assume how many frames you have to escape a throw?

There are no throw escapes. I've tried every possible combination of escapes I can think of and nothing works. I've also never seen the computer break a throw.

2. Can you tell me about the wake up? What are your options, how it's done, etc.....

You have 4 options: High Uppercut (2), Low Kick (3), Mid Kick (1 or 4), Stay Grounded (hold block).

3. Is quick recovery (pressing b/d or d/f when you land on the ground on your back) still in the game?

It's done by pressing pretty much any button. If you use one of the wake-up attacks you'll do that as your QR.

4. Can you try this glitch for me and tell me if it works:

With Bo Rai Cho in weapon - Throw, walk up, f+3, can you tell me if it connects?

After the throw you will reach the opponent as soon as they're getting up if they don't QR or stay grounded. If you don't stay on the ground it looks like you can block, but it's hard to tell. If you stay on the ground or tech roll f+3 will not hit.

5. Midway mentioned in a recent vid that there's a "combo blocker" for air combos, do you know of something like that?

Only thing I've found is the standard Breaker move. Although if you bounce someone off the ground and try to continue your air combo, they can tech roll (QR) and stay on the ground instead of bouncing back up. That may have been what they were talking about. It basically ends the air combo and makes them pretty useless since the person in the air is open to attack.

Air combos are not going to add anything to MKA. The damage is low and against good players it will be much better to just use a normal combo. All of the highest damaging combos I've found do not use the new air system. The ones that do some damage you can get out of most of them just by tech rolling.

6. Suppose you've played MKD, Dairou's Tomb Stone (f,b,d+1) is it still so fast?

I don't know how fast it was in MKD, but it's still pretty fast.

7. There's a glitch in MKD and DA called "Universal Tracking", if you press up before a combo it will track and you can't sidestep it.

For example - If you're playing against Scorp, he does 2,3. If he holds up and does u+2,3 this will track and even if you've side stepped it will hit you.

Can you check if it's been fixed?

That's really hard to test with no one to play.

8. Can you try this combo with Kabal and tell me how much damage it does:

In Hookswords - b+2, 1,1,4 1,1,4

The first 1,1,4 knocks them too far back to get another 1,1,4. If you're getting close to a wall you can get another 1,1 after the first 1,1,4 but the combo gets stopped by the wall after the 1,1. But if you've got the spacing just right you can hit b+2, 1,1,4, 1,1 for 44%.

The best I've done in the open with Kabal is 39% using 2,1,4, 4, 1,1,4.

9. Is there a low parry in the game, if so how it's done?

No low parry as far as I can tell and the computer has never low parried me. They do high/mid parry all the time though, so I don't think there's a low parry.

10. How would you rate MKA compared to Tekken, SC, VF?

MKA is still basically MKDA and MKD with a few improvements. It requires no where near the skill needed to play Tekken, SC, VF at high levels. Even DOA4 requires more skill and features more depth. The parry and wake-up add a little bit, but it's still MKDA and MKD.


I'm pretty suprised about no throw escapes -

It was in E3, I don't see any reason why they will take it out.......

Maybe you can try again? it's done by pressing the throw button......

Trust me, I've tried everything I can think of for a throw escape. Unless it's some really weird notation they aren't in the game.

1. What version of the game do you play? is this the final version?

It's near final, but not yet final. Some of the attacks are not named yet and there's a little bit of stuff missing in Kreate a Fighter mode. UMK3 is also not optimized so it runs a little slow. Otherwise everything else is final.

I may be getting a 100% final version sometime soon, but that's still up in the air since the deadline for the guide is almost here.

<3. Did you find some glitches while playing?

A couple of throws did nothing but freeze the character and Frost's Ground Freeze was a little glitchy, but these should be fixed by the final version.

4. Hsu Hao has a Neijin (power up) can you try and see how much more damage it does? and maybe you remember if any other characters has them?

It doesn't add that much damage and it only lasts for 5 seconds with a 15 second down time. There are a couple other characters that have them. Kano, off the top of my head, I think that's it though.

There are also moves that regain some of your health. They're taunts basically, but you get a little bit of health back each time you do it.

5. Do you know of any characters that to your opinion are overpowerd?

Scorpion, Cage, Ermac, Frost, Kabal, Mavado and Sareena all seemed very good. However, this is mainly based off of special move effectiveness and combo damage. I didn't have the time (or a second person) needed to test each character intricately.

6. Can you inform Midway of glitches?

I don't really have direct contact with Midway. Most of that is handled through Prima. However, it's too late to change anything at this point.

7. Can you hit people who stay on the ground?

Yes, but not with everything. For example, Scorpion's Backflip Kick will hit on the ground.


2. Why Cage is good? He's styles are not good.......

Cage felt good mainly because of his damage and the Sliding Uppercut. The Sliding Uppercut evades high attacks and projectiles and some mid attacks as well.

Most characters can't inflict more than 35% damage or so from my testing. Cage can do 41% anytime you use an unsafe attack or whiff an attack. He can also get 41% off of a parry.

His only issue right now is that he doesn't currently have any mid attacks in Shorin Ryu, but you can change to Nunchaku for mid mix-ups.

3. What's your opinion on the parry, is it good? too good?

It's okay, but it's easily punished. The active window on the parry is pretty long. I would say at least 10-15 frames. So you can execute a parry before the opponent attacks and still get the parry. But you can't parry throws and with the speed of MKA it'll be hard to parry on reaction. So if you guess wrong you'll definitely eat a throw at high levels. This isn't all that bad unless you're fighting a character with a throw that juggles though.

It's definitely not "too good" and it'll be useful, but it doesn't feel like something that will make or break your defense.

4. Can you tell me what moves Tanya has?

Yue Chuan and Kobu Jutsu styles. Human Cannon Drill, Air Fire Blast, Surging Blast, Split Flip Kick and Find Me (invisible) are her special moves.

She can get 39% damage off of a combo, but other than that she didn't really look very impressive to me.

5. Did you find any broken aspect in the game or something like that?

I haven't found anything really broken. Some characters just seem really bad because they have no safe mids, poor combo damage and lackluster special moves. A few characters seems really good, but nothing game breaking.

That stuff is hard to test by yourself though.


* Theres a missing PM here, I asked some questions, one of them was if Smoke throw infintes are still in the game. He said you can block after it.


1. Can you really block after Smoke's throw??


2. Can you get up close and do Smokes cloud or you can't do it from up close like Sub Zero's Clone?

If you're too close Smoke will jump back, but he won't do the cloud.

3. What Ashrah's throw does? is it still unbreakable juggle 20%

Still juggles. I can get 27% off of it.

4. Kira has her own moves or she still shares Kano's and Sonay's?

Still a mixture of Kano and Sonya.

5. Chameleon has Crane - Do you know if 2 is still a safe mid, and does is still has a sweep (in MKDA it was done by d+4)

2 is safe, but it's high and juggles. The sweep is in, but it looks slow from my point of view. Slower than some of the other lows in the game at least.

6. Am I allowed to share this info with someone, maybe just one?

I'd prefer you didn't tell anyone.

As for your other questions. In the build I have there are NO THROW ESCAPES. If they've been added in a more current build I have no way of knowing. I have asked Midway if they're in the game, so I'll see what they say.

Drahmin's ground slam is still in and still unblockable. It executes relatively quickly.


I just got word back from Boon himself. There are no throw escapes in MKA. It works on a rock, paper, scissors system similar to DOA.

Blocking > Attacks > Throws > Blocking


Yeah, I just received the final PS2 build today and there are major changes to several of the characters. Many of the combos that worked in my previous build no longer work due to balancing issues and the dev team has also rebalanced several of the fighting styles, including making the boss characters play better.

I thought I was done... now it seems as though I have a lot of work ahead of yet. Fun times. lol


That's most of what we talked, there's alot of info here.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/10/2006 09:09 PM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:

The big characters CANNOT be thrown and some moves don't have any effect on them whatsoever.
-You can still move before the round online.It's performed the same as in MK:D.

Both of those are bloody lame!
About Me


10/10/2006 09:59 PM (UTC)
throw escapes better be there, ill try it the way dave just said w/ the block button.
tried, your breaker is your throw escape O_o DUMB you lose a breaker :-X

i have been able to get free throws to work, the ones that stun. example li meis 2 and b+3 in weapon.

sindel 41% combo UP+1 in weapon jump CS 3,3,4,1,1,3,4= 41%

sindels throw still gets owned by the quick recover sad

new combos in Zha chaun 4,4,4 (no more 4,4,4,4) damage does14%

all of her mids from MKD are there.

her clip comes out faster smile not alot faster but faster then mkd

ok i guess this is why eagle claw isnt in the game, the juggle combos that worked in MKD still work in this game.


weapon has no mids furious furious furious

air kombat does crap damage for her, i could be wrong but sindels is better. how ever the ground juggles are there smile
Ba gua up+4 cs 1,1,1,1,b+2=40% you can also do ba gau up+4 cs 11 then air combo BUT the damage is crap like i said furious

free throws~
weapon B+2 teleport~throw.
Ba~1,2,2,4 ~throw

again i could be wrong about these ones, but i couldnt escape them.
Holy crap tanya weapon combos do JUST ABOUT 50 % O_o w/ no air kombat. FUCK AIR KOMBAT unless im sindel tongue
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I Rock

10/10/2006 10:19 PM (UTC)
Throw escapes?

So it's like breaking them, it costs you any breakers?

Tanya's weapon do crazy damage :)

Are you sure stun moves leads to free throws?

About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

10/10/2006 11:41 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:

weapon has no mids furious furious furious

Hahaha!! That's awsome.

Thanks for the info, hjs-Q. Good stuff. Also, thanks to all those posting shit up.
10/11/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
After reading this I bet their will be some lame kids playing online using ne unblockable they can do...

If thats the case then this game is ruined in the online mode just as MKD was....
10/11/2006 12:28 AM (UTC)
Don't hate the player, hate the game
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

10/11/2006 12:31 AM (UTC)
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/11/2006 12:45 AM (UTC)
At least they fixed smoke's Stinky cloud smile

Also, it seems that alot of characters have a round house move
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

10/11/2006 01:02 AM (UTC)
Is UMK playable online?
I've come across some glitches already.

Really basic stuff too.

1 = The first time I fought blaze, fireballs were going through him and not making any contact. The rest of the times I fought him, the fireballs hit.
When I first saw it, I though it was a special move, like Jade and Motaro, but I think it's just a glitch.

2 = Using smoke, when time came to do a fatality, I did his throw and scorpion fell down, but was floating about 5 feet off the ground.

3 = Sometimes the camera focuses on the back of the character for the win pose.

MKA feels much better though, better than MKD at least.
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10/11/2006 01:22 AM (UTC)
1st doing a fatality is dumb now. i blame every retard crying for 500 fatals

wake ups can be side stepped and punished like konqrr said a 1000 times.

i hate how the parry is b+block. i keep doing it when i dont want too furious furious its the same issue i had w/ the breaker in MKD
Smoke has a Tekken5 / DOA3 style air throw.

His 4,4,2 and his 4,4,1 (kick, kick, throw) in Judo can grab during a juggle.

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MKII is a Glorified RPG...Turn Based Chip Damage!
10/11/2006 02:04 AM (UTC)
Wow...they fixed a lot of things...mainly Smoke. Bo weapon has some new useful moves, f3 is faster and combos into other things. It doesn't have the range it had in mkd though thank god.

I've been messing around in Konquest, which I don't really like...the camera sucks badly. And I've been in KAF for about 30 mins. It's actually quite difficult to make something useful quickly, gonna take awhile.

UMK3...played it for 10 minutes or so to check it out. As far as I can tell, it's NOT online...and the hiddens are NOT unlocked furious. It seems to be an exact port of the arcade though. Worthy of EVO, though, now due to finally being on console grin
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