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how many kookie kould a good kook kook if a good kook kould kook kookie?

10/08/2006 09:33 PM (UTC)
matthewhaddad Wrote:
theshredder13 Wrote:
did mokap steal scorpion backflip kick?

Mokap had a similar move in MKDA, where ot was also introduced to Scorpion, so I wouldn't exactly call it stealing.

but scorpion still have it right?
10/08/2006 09:37 PM (UTC)
Scorpion will still have the move
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10/09/2006 03:57 AM (UTC)
OMG Mokap is such a loser for borrowing scorpions move. ugg

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"Retirement my ass!"

10/09/2006 05:12 AM (UTC)
I just have a quick question.. has anyone been able to tell if Quan has Dai's version of Escrima or HIS from DA? Just wondering cause I liked Quan's version better. In deception I missed the 3, 1, +4 .. I wasn't overly impressed with Dai's version.
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10/09/2006 07:01 AM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
I just have a quick question.. has anyone been able to tell if Quan has Dai's version of Escrima or HIS from DA? Just wondering cause I liked Quan's version better. In deception I missed the 3, 1, +4 .. I wasn't overly impressed with Dai's version.

Good question! I'm now wondering the same. I do like Quan's version better.

Also I hope Hung Gar is more like Reptile's version than Baraka's with Drahmin. If it is more like Reptile, and even more so improved, I maybe a Drahmin player in MKA. Just some thing about that style I really like, though didn't feel right in MKD.
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10/09/2006 07:18 AM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
TomTaz Wrote:
I just have a quick question.. has anyone been able to tell if Quan has Dai's version of Escrima or HIS from DA? Just wondering cause I liked Quan's version better. In deception I missed the 3, 1, +4 .. I wasn't overly impressed with Dai's version.

Good question! I'm now wondering the same. I do like Quan's version better.

Also I hope Hung Gar is more like Reptile's version than Baraka's with Drahmin. If it is more like Reptile, and even more so improved, I maybe a Drahmin player in MKA. Just some thing about that style I really like, though didn't feel right in MKD.
cant comment on quan chis version, but dai's was good.

Drahmins Hung gar better be like barakas!!
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

10/09/2006 07:27 AM (UTC)
I'm confused... Did you not play Deadly Alliance??? Just wondering....

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10/09/2006 07:32 AM (UTC)
You know what's funny...

Every time, they give Hung Gar to some barbaric character (be it Reptile, Baraka, or Drahmin) and in all honesty, it makes no sense for any of them. From what I've read, Hung Gar is a combination of Shaolin elements, Leopard, Snake, Dragon, White Crane, and Five Elements Fist. (though Wikipedia says that it originated exclusively as a Shaolin style) It stresses blocking while attacking and because it was apparently developed in Chinese wetlands, Hung Gar also uses low, snapping kicks to take advantage of terrain. Doesn't sound like a style suited for nay of the above characters.

Side Note: "Hung" means to "stand tall with integrity"
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

10/09/2006 07:42 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
You know what's funny...

Every time, they give Hung Gar to some barbaric character (be it Reptile, Baraka, or Drahmin) and in all honesty, it makes no sense for any of them. From what I've read, Hung Gar is a combination of Shaolin elements, Leopard, Snake, Dragon, White Crane, and Five Elements Fist. (though Wikipedia says that it originated exclusively as a Shaolin style) It stresses blocking while attacking and because it was apparently developed in Chinese wetlands, Hung Gar also uses low, snapping kicks to take advantage of terrain. Doesn't sound like a style suited for nay of the above characters.

Side Note: "Hung" means to "stand tall with integrity"

Interesting... However I've heard that Hung Gar is a style used by revolutionist (sp?), and that it would fit Darrius the best probably cuz of that.

As for why Reptile had it... If what you say is true... I'd guess that they were trying to give him primal like fighting styles. Like Crab.... And if what you say is true, then Hung Gar is a combination of those other animal named styles. Maybe that was their thinking by giveing it to Reptile in MKDA? Possibly same reason for Barak since he isn't human and the Takartan race pretty much acts like animals... Anyways just a possible way they were thinking. However with Drahmin now makes no sense to me at all. First off... That Iron Clube on his right hand isn't suppose to be able to come off, so it just seems weird for that reason alone.
Hehe, that iron club also changes the side when he does a backstep or anything that changes his stance from left foot forward do right foot forward... very strange!
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10/09/2006 05:59 PM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
You know what's funny...

Every time, they give Hung Gar to some barbaric character (be it Reptile, Baraka, or Drahmin) and in all honesty, it makes no sense for any of them. From what I've read, Hung Gar is a combination of Shaolin elements, Leopard, Snake, Dragon, White Crane, and Five Elements Fist. (though Wikipedia says that it originated exclusively as a Shaolin style) It stresses blocking while attacking and because it was apparently developed in Chinese wetlands, Hung Gar also uses low, snapping kicks to take advantage of terrain. Doesn't sound like a style suited for nay of the above characters.

Side Note: "Hung" means to "stand tall with integrity"

Interesting... However I've heard that Hung Gar is a style used by revolutionist (sp?), and that it would fit Darrius the best probably cuz of that.

As for why Reptile had it... If what you say is true... I'd guess that they were trying to give him primal like fighting styles. Like Crab.... And if what you say is true, then Hung Gar is a combination of those other animal named styles. Maybe that was their thinking by giveing it to Reptile in MKDA? Possibly same reason for Barak since he isn't human and the Takartan race pretty much acts like animals... Anyways just a possible way they were thinking. However with Drahmin now makes no sense to me at all. First off... That Iron Clube on his right hand isn't suppose to be able to come off, so it just seems weird for that reason alone.

Heh, Drahmin really should have had either Netherrealm or Oni (the other, naturally, should go to Moloch). If they were so hell bent on putting Hung Gar in the game, it really should have gone back to Reptile, it makes the most sense for him out of the three. He has what, Pao Chui now? What the fuck is Midway thinking?
10/09/2006 07:43 PM (UTC)
From watching Sonya's video it looks like she has the Deception version of Tae Kwan Do (Nightwolf's) which isn't as good as the DA version, imo. It's alot slower and clunkier. She also lost D, 4 which was a great little kick for getting out of trouble if 1,1,D,3 was blocked. Well it looked like she lost that move when she did that low kick near the begining of the video. She didn't have it in Deadly Alliance and I think Nightwolf did. Still, as much as I prefer the Deadly Alliance version, I'm still ecstatic Sonya has TKD and the Kali Sticks.
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"Retirement my ass!"

10/09/2006 08:02 PM (UTC)
Wow, Kobra really got screwed! wow he's not gonna be anywhere near as good as he was in MKD.

I don't get it, from the looks of things, they alread have characters sharing Weapons:

Kabal / Mavado

Tanya / Jax / Stryker

Quan Chi / Daegon

They should have just given him back Kali Sticks, really wouldn't have been that big a deal.

Dan: Are you opposed to combos? confused the versions of both styles (escrima, and Hung Gar) that you prefer are very combo light when compared to their previous versions. Baraka's version of Hung Gar even more so than Escrima. Then again I don't play competitively... are combos a bad thing? Curious is all.
10/09/2006 08:23 PM (UTC)
Is it me or does it seem like Tanya's, Jax's, and Stryker's weapon styles will be too similar to each other?

As for Hung Gar, yeah, it does contain various animals in it, but is mainly a Tiger/Crane combo. Hung Gar was probably given to Reptile in MKDA since it contains various animal movements. For Baraka, it was probably because Hung Gar is a more external style.

I still think Reptile would've been better off with Crab. I heard it was a good style in MKDA. Plus, Crab is a nearly extinct style of Kung Fu that was passed onto Reptile through his lineage so it makes sense as to why he uses it in MKDA. Anyway, it'd be cool if he had his Super Krawl from MK4.
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10/09/2006 09:14 PM (UTC)
Midway got a bit crazy with the sharing thing.

3 characters have Tonfa moves....

3 other characters share Kano knifes moves.......

45 characters have that overhead throw......
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"Retirement my ass!"

10/09/2006 09:42 PM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Midway got a bit crazy with the sharing thing.

3 characters have Tonfa moves....

3 other characters share Kano knifes moves.......

45 characters have that overhead throw......

Very true. I think the throw thing is fixed though, cause in many of the character vids at the official site, a lot of characters have the throws they were introduced with. With the exception of Kitana, she switched to the leg flip thing Kenshi and Frost had in DA, while Tsung kept the one he and Kitana shared. Hopefully everyone will have a different throw when we get the actual game.
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10/09/2006 10:48 PM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
Wow, Kobra really got screwed! wow he's not gonna be anywhere near as good as he was in MKD.

I don't get it, from the looks of things, they alread have characters sharing Weapons:

Kabal / Mavado

Tanya / Jax / Stryker

Quan Chi / Daegon

They should have just given him back Kali Sticks, really wouldn't have been that big a deal.

Dan: Are you opposed to combos? confused the versions of both styles (escrima, and Hung Gar) that you prefer are very combo light when compared to their previous versions. Baraka's version of Hung Gar even more so than Escrima. Then again I don't play competitively... are combos a bad thing? Curious is all.
you have no idea how funny that question is tongue i am opposed to combos screw them!!

im a 50/50 whore.
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"Retirement my ass!"

10/09/2006 10:57 PM (UTC)
Ah. well then, that explains it all lol. I prefer the combos myself, though based on my comments you probably guessed that already. Ah well, I just hope that the actual game proves to be worth the wait. I don't want this to be another Deception: You know - Massive hype leading to HUGE let down. So far it's looking ok though.
10/09/2006 10:58 PM (UTC)
THe hung gar thing lol, who cares?It's a fictional game.But as Sub-Zerothe7th said it has animal elements in the style not as much as crab though but still, it fits him well imo.

For the overhead throw on a lot of characters, this is NOT a bad thing.A throw is an actual throw now with most characters which is better then MK:D with those stupid juggle launcher throws, wayyy too many of those that lead to infinites, partials, OTG's etc.

I'm tired of that crap lol.So, the throws being now better then they were back in MK:D is a lot better!! IMO.smile
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10/10/2006 12:16 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
THe hung gar thing lol, who cares?It's a fictional game.But as Sub-Zerothe7th said it has animal elements in the style not as much as crab though but still, it fits him well imo.

For the overhead throw on a lot of characters, this is NOT a bad thing.A throw is an actual throw now with most characters which is better then MK:D with those stupid juggle launcher throws, wayyy too many of those that lead to infinites, partials, OTG's etc.

I'm tired of that crap lol.So, the throws being now better then they were back in MK:D is a lot better!! IMO.smile

We care because Midway sucks at giving characters the styles that fit them best. Don't comment if you don't want to be constructive about it.
10/10/2006 12:51 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
THe hung gar thing lol, who cares?It's a fictional game.But as Sub-Zerothe7th said it has animal elements in the style not as much as crab though but still, it fits him well imo.

For the overhead throw on a lot of characters, this is NOT a bad thing.A throw is an actual throw now with most characters which is better then MK:D with those stupid juggle launcher throws, wayyy too many of those that lead to infinites, partials, OTG's etc.

I'm tired of that crap lol.So, the throws being now better then they were back in MK:D is a lot better!! IMO.smile

So what if it's a fictional game? I still would've liked certain styles for certain characters. A lot of the style choices in MKA don't make much sense. They should've just given all the good guys Kung Fu and incorrectly spell it "Kung Foo", all the bad guys Karate and misspell it "Karratay", and then give all the neutral and unknown aligned characters Jujutsu and misspell it as "Joojitzoo".

As for the overhead throw on a lot of characters, I think it's a bit of lazyness. For characters like Kung Lao, they could've just put in his MK2 throw. That would've been much better while someone like Sonya gets the throw Kung Lao has in MKA.
At least they put in new throws for Sub Zero and Scorpion,
so they can give away their Deception throws to someone else.
Anyhow, 60 different throws is quite a challange.

I don't like Mokap as a normal character, I would have put him into the game as follows:

All Hand to hand styles (would take ages to get back to the first one)
as the motion capturing guy performed all moves in order to record them.
No Weapon style
No special moves.

That would be funny, more like the easter egg he was before!

Cause for a normal character Mokap looks crap with the stupid balls on him.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/10/2006 12:34 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Is it me or does it seem like Tanya's, Jax's, and Stryker's weapon styles will be too similar to each other?

Jax uses one of Tanya's combos from MKD. He must pretty have have been the same moveset which sucks. I hope the same isn't done with Stryker.

mkflegend Wrote:
THe hung gar thing lol, who cares?It's a fictional game.

Uranius Wrote:
eone else.
Anyhow, 60 different throws is quite a challange.
I don't like Mokap as a normal character

You two obviously haven't played any of the Soul Caliburs.

And Mokap owns you.
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10/10/2006 05:43 PM (UTC)
i got the game, but i wont be able to play it for another 8 hours or so.
i read the manual it comes w/. it mentions everything but a throw escape confused to any one that has the game, do you know if there is a throw escape?
10/10/2006 06:16 PM (UTC)
OK...first is first...general info...

-Dairou's TS Drop has been slowed down.You can't machine drop anymore since after the inital TS Drop you have huge delay.

-Throws are PARRIABLE like normal attacks.However,I couldn't escape them,so there might be no throw escapes.

-You can remain on the ground for a little while when holding block (then pressing a button to do a wake up attack) then after a while you can get up automatically.

-The big characters CANNOT be thrown and some moves don't have any effect on them whatsoever.

-You can still move before the round online.It's performed the same as in MK:D.

More later maybe.
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