m2dave Wrote:
Darrius' d,f+3 was parried,which means that MK:A's parry probably parries all attacks (highs,mids,and lows as well as all special moves that make contact with the opponent except (?) grabs).
And after the Darrius throw,the opponent can tech.You couldn't do that in MK:D.
MK:A should be a lot better than MK:D,but it will definitely have its amount of bull shit I would assume.60 characters is still a lot to handle even when you add the appropriate gameplay elements.
PS:Are Sheeva's TS Drop and Stomp both unblockable?What about Rain's Lightening Shock?
Darrius' d,f+3 was parried,which means that MK:A's parry probably parries all attacks (highs,mids,and lows as well as all special moves that make contact with the opponent except (?) grabs).
And after the Darrius throw,the opponent can tech.You couldn't do that in MK:D.
MK:A should be a lot better than MK:D,but it will definitely have its amount of bull shit I would assume.60 characters is still a lot to handle even when you add the appropriate gameplay elements.
PS:Are Sheeva's TS Drop and Stomp both unblockable?What about Rain's Lightening Shock?
I'm pretty certain Sheeva's TS move and her teleport aren't blockable, as for Rain I've seen a lot of his vids, his lightning move is definitely NOT blockable, you have to either jump or sidestep to avoid it.
Chameleon also has this move hehehe.
BTW, Chameleon has 5 key moves from some of the ninjas just in case you guys are wondering to those who don't know.
Sub's cold shoulder
Reptile's dash
Rain's Lightning bolt(unblockable)
Ermac's green wave fireball
Scorpion's MK:D teleport kick
His lightning bolt will be key and I know some here might disagree with this but the cold shoulder isn't a bad move when used wisely, if the match comes down to it you hold block and buffer it, I think it'll be a great tactic.
I've noticed something interesting with Chameleon's video, I could be wrong.
When Chameleon did Sub-Zero's move, he was blue.
When he did the telekinetic move, he was red.
When he did the lightning move, he was purple.
I was wondering if it was just when he did a certain move, then he changed into that particular color.
Or is it you have to wait to be that color, then you can do the move, like Chameleon in MKT?
Darrius special got parried. I don't know if I like having special moves being parried.
I have to admit I am kind of disappointed that majority the deception characters are pretty much copy and paste.
Especially when certain characters (Sindel) kind of need a revamping. I still can't believe she still has that leg throw..
Ashrah looks really weak in her video.
When Chameleon did Sub-Zero's move, he was blue.
When he did the telekinetic move, he was red.
When he did the lightning move, he was purple.
I was wondering if it was just when he did a certain move, then he changed into that particular color.
Or is it you have to wait to be that color, then you can do the move, like Chameleon in MKT?
Darrius special got parried. I don't know if I like having special moves being parried.
I have to admit I am kind of disappointed that majority the deception characters are pretty much copy and paste.
Especially when certain characters (Sindel) kind of need a revamping. I still can't believe she still has that leg throw..
Ashrah looks really weak in her video.
I think chamelion is like the MKT chamelion. You wait for the color and then you cast, but it did seem like the ermac shot came out really suddenly. Either way guessing from this movie and others I'm almost certain he gets all the male ninjas moves or at least a majority of them, not just one from each. I know i've seen scorps teleport.

Eji1700 Wrote:
I think chamelion is like the MKT chamelion. You wait for the color and then you cast, but it did seem like the ermac shot came out really suddenly. Either way guessing from this movie and others I'm almost certain he gets all the male ninjas moves or at least a majority of them, not just one from each. I know i've seen scorps teleport.
I think chamelion is like the MKT chamelion. You wait for the color and then you cast, but it did seem like the ermac shot came out really suddenly. Either way guessing from this movie and others I'm almost certain he gets all the male ninjas moves or at least a majority of them, not just one from each. I know i've seen scorps teleport.
You're pretty much wrong.
Chameleon only got the moves listed in previouse post. He won't have a move from Noob or Smoke. And he can do the specials at any time.
Yes he does change to a specific color when he does do a specific special as seen in the new vid of his. Although if you aren't doing any special moves he will still turn different colors throughout the fight.

Ashrah looks, the same...Judging from other videos with tweaks to mkd's system, Ashrah will lose her free throws and her opponent will be able to roll away after being thrown...but it still juggles! Ash is not weak.

Cyrax; I'll take your word for it, mkf, see you online. It just seems dumb that everyone else has a functional projectile and Cyrax has this dumb thing that the opponet can actually just kick away from themselves. Unless its completely unblockable and you can do some creepy zone shit with timing it perfectly from far way, I dunno.
Darrius; m2, its definately not all attacks parryable because plenty of other vids (I think one of the Kitana / Mileena ones show generic low attacks beating properly timed parries. Then again, maybe all the specials are parryable regardless of range, that'd be dumb.
Chameleon; he just changes color to whoevers move you do, meaning, do a subby move he turns blue, do ermac red, etc. He doesn't seem to cycle on his own, and it doesn't really seem to matter much.
And on the subject of Rain's lightning, if you look at his video near the end his opponent literally walks out of the way of the Lightning on reaction, so they must've slowed it down. Wether that will translate online is yet to be seen.
Did anyone else notice that Frost's ground freeze whiff? I'd have to queue up MKDA again but I don't remember it being that easily sidestepped point blank.
Darrius; m2, its definately not all attacks parryable because plenty of other vids (I think one of the Kitana / Mileena ones show generic low attacks beating properly timed parries. Then again, maybe all the specials are parryable regardless of range, that'd be dumb.
Chameleon; he just changes color to whoevers move you do, meaning, do a subby move he turns blue, do ermac red, etc. He doesn't seem to cycle on his own, and it doesn't really seem to matter much.
And on the subject of Rain's lightning, if you look at his video near the end his opponent literally walks out of the way of the Lightning on reaction, so they must've slowed it down. Wether that will translate online is yet to be seen.
Did anyone else notice that Frost's ground freeze whiff? I'd have to queue up MKDA again but I don't remember it being that easily sidestepped point blank.

Fenix, like I said, Chameleon will change colors still if you don't do any specials. I've seen it in other video's.
Konqrr Wrote:
Ashrah looks, the same...Judging from other videos with tweaks to mkd's system, Ashrah will lose her free throws and her opponent will be able to roll away after being thrown...but it still juggles! Ash is not weak.
yea shes looking good still. her juggle damage looks to be the same after one hit pop ups (spin, f+1 etc). Ashrah looks, the same...Judging from other videos with tweaks to mkd's system, Ashrah will lose her free throws and her opponent will be able to roll away after being thrown...but it still juggles! Ash is not weak.
sindel poor poor poor sindel
darrius df+3 special got parried, but then mileenas roll didnt get parried. im guessing thats proof of the low and high parries. others may of had proof but thats the 1st i seen it.
Daegons Fu Jow Pai's new combos are DANCOCK approved!!
i always had an issue w/ the 1,1,13,3 combo now they made it a 1,1,3 combo
meat throw damage over 24% O_o yea his foe was in weapon but still O_o why have soem characters throw do 10% an others do over 20% ?? the damage should be the same for every character if you ask me.
WTF any one see Sonya do a 33% combo after the kiss move??? WTF is that shit Kira gets handcuffed w/ super lowered damage and sonya dishes out regular damage WTF
Im bored, few words on each character.
- Ashrah
Still has the throw
New combo, 2,2,1,cs (into u+2)
- Baraka
Nothing new from the vid.
- Blaze
Cant say much about him, his kinda slow.
- Bo Rai Cho
Nothing new.
- Chameleon
Reptile dash is really fast.
- Cyrax
Teleport looks ok, not too fast...........
New combo 1,1,cs - it does 22%, maybe they fixed Ninjitsu Damage........
- Deagon
So Fu Jow Pai has a new move, a roundhouse (like Nightwolf's u+3).
Two new combos, 1,1,3 and 1,1,roundhouse.
1,1,2,cs combo
His swords are new.
His specials are weird.
A low charge move, a rolling uppercut (maybe it's mid).
- Dairou
As I said, TS is slower.
- Darrius
Same throw but now you wake up from it.
- Drhamin
New combo, 1,2,2 or something like it.
- Ermac
Nothing new
- Frost
Slide is really fast, you can juggle from the teleport.
- Fujin
Cant say much about his moves. His ground wind looks ok.
- Goro
His throw is 18%
- Hotaru
Same throw.
- Hsu Hao
New combo 1,2,cs
He has that overhead throw (why are they giving 8 people guys the same throw?)
- Jade
Her projectile is still slow, Jade looks bad...........
- Jax
New combo, 1,2,cs
- Johnny Cage
Nothing new.
- Kabal
Spin is still fast.
- Kai
Nothing new
- Kano
New charge move. New Power Up!
- Kenshi
Same throw.
- Kintaro
It's maybe a throw, maybe a new charge move but it juggles!
- Kira
Same throw.
- Kitana
Her throw sux, it's like 12%
- Kobra
Nothing new
- Kung Lao
Ok, not sure but I think he has a new 1,b+1,4 combo
His teleport, looks unsafe on block.
His throw is crap, 12%
- Li Mei
Nothing new.
- Liu Kang
Nothing new.
- Mavado
New low charge, new 1,1,pop up combo
- Meat
MEat iS C0ol!!!1
For real, meat looks good.
He did two grabs in the vid. The first is probably his wrestling throw (1), it does like 20%
His other throw might be his normal throw, it juggles, I'll doubt it will hit low.
- Mileena
Nothing new.
- Mokap
His projectile is slow.
- Moloch
Nothing new.
- Motaro
The dude is slow.
- Nightwolf
Same throw.
New 1,1,1,cs (into b+1) combo
- Nitara
New and really fast Kama combo.
- Noob Saibot
His projectile is fast.
The teleprt looks ok, we don't know what's happen on block.
His new move, (may I say wtf?) looks like it juggles (like Scorp's Spear)
Troll Hammer (may I say again wtf?) it might have the moves of the Axe.
- Onaga
Nothing new.
- Quan Chi
Nothing new.
- Raiden
New combo, 1,2,cs (into u+4)
Same throw.
- Rain
Nothing new.
- Reiko
Projectile is fast but if you sidestep the first one you can probably punish him.
Throw maybe does 16% (the opponent hit the object on the arena)
- Reptile
His ball is really fast.
His throw is 16%
- Sareena
She looks so good.
I'm so gonna play her.
- Scorpion
Nothing new.
- Shang Tsung
Nothing new
- Shao Khan
Nothing new.
- Sheeva
Her TS is so fast.
- Shinnok
Still dont know if his throw juggles.
His teleport will be so unasfe on block
- Shujinko
Nothing new.
- Sindel
Still the same throw.
New combo 1,1,cs (into 4)
- Smoke
Nothing new.
- Sonya
Nothing new.
- Sub Zero
Nothig new.
- Tanya
Nothing new
- Taven
Nothing new
- Ashrah
Still has the throw
New combo, 2,2,1,cs (into u+2)
- Baraka
Nothing new from the vid.
- Blaze
Cant say much about him, his kinda slow.
- Bo Rai Cho
Nothing new.
- Chameleon
Reptile dash is really fast.
- Cyrax
Teleport looks ok, not too fast...........
New combo 1,1,cs - it does 22%, maybe they fixed Ninjitsu Damage........
- Deagon
So Fu Jow Pai has a new move, a roundhouse (like Nightwolf's u+3).
Two new combos, 1,1,3 and 1,1,roundhouse.
1,1,2,cs combo
His swords are new.
His specials are weird.
A low charge move, a rolling uppercut (maybe it's mid).
- Dairou
As I said, TS is slower.
- Darrius
Same throw but now you wake up from it.
- Drhamin
New combo, 1,2,2 or something like it.
- Ermac
Nothing new
- Frost
Slide is really fast, you can juggle from the teleport.
- Fujin
Cant say much about his moves. His ground wind looks ok.
- Goro
His throw is 18%
- Hotaru
Same throw.
- Hsu Hao
New combo 1,2,cs
He has that overhead throw (why are they giving 8 people guys the same throw?)
- Jade
Her projectile is still slow, Jade looks bad...........
- Jax
New combo, 1,2,cs
- Johnny Cage
Nothing new.
- Kabal
Spin is still fast.
- Kai
Nothing new
- Kano
New charge move. New Power Up!
- Kenshi
Same throw.
- Kintaro
It's maybe a throw, maybe a new charge move but it juggles!
- Kira
Same throw.
- Kitana
Her throw sux, it's like 12%
- Kobra
Nothing new
- Kung Lao
Ok, not sure but I think he has a new 1,b+1,4 combo
His teleport, looks unsafe on block.
His throw is crap, 12%
- Li Mei
Nothing new.
- Liu Kang
Nothing new.
- Mavado
New low charge, new 1,1,pop up combo
- Meat
MEat iS C0ol!!!1
For real, meat looks good.
He did two grabs in the vid. The first is probably his wrestling throw (1), it does like 20%
His other throw might be his normal throw, it juggles, I'll doubt it will hit low.
- Mileena
Nothing new.
- Mokap
His projectile is slow.
- Moloch
Nothing new.
- Motaro
The dude is slow.
- Nightwolf
Same throw.
New 1,1,1,cs (into b+1) combo
- Nitara
New and really fast Kama combo.
- Noob Saibot
His projectile is fast.
The teleprt looks ok, we don't know what's happen on block.
His new move, (may I say wtf?) looks like it juggles (like Scorp's Spear)
Troll Hammer (may I say again wtf?) it might have the moves of the Axe.
- Onaga
Nothing new.
- Quan Chi
Nothing new.
- Raiden
New combo, 1,2,cs (into u+4)
Same throw.
- Rain
Nothing new.
- Reiko
Projectile is fast but if you sidestep the first one you can probably punish him.
Throw maybe does 16% (the opponent hit the object on the arena)
- Reptile
His ball is really fast.
His throw is 16%
- Sareena
She looks so good.
I'm so gonna play her.
- Scorpion
Nothing new.
- Shang Tsung
Nothing new
- Shao Khan
Nothing new.
- Sheeva
Her TS is so fast.
- Shinnok
Still dont know if his throw juggles.
His teleport will be so unasfe on block
- Shujinko
Nothing new.
- Sindel
Still the same throw.
New combo 1,1,cs (into 4)
- Smoke
Nothing new.
- Sonya
Nothing new.
- Sub Zero
Nothig new.
- Tanya
Nothing new
- Taven
Nothing new
Thank god for that, low parries I was against a bit because that makes pokes virtually pointless if you ask me.My opinion.
It's not necessary, with high parries, te's and wake up in there now.
Fenix, yeah man he won't be that bad if you know how to use him.HIs moves aren't dumb if you know how to use them.
BTW, I know it wasn't in recent vids but one about a month or so ago with Kabal.Some of his hooksword combos altered a bit and now has juggle starters for air kombat.
It's not necessary, with high parries, te's and wake up in there now.
Fenix, yeah man he won't be that bad if you know how to use him.HIs moves aren't dumb if you know how to use them.
BTW, I know it wasn't in recent vids but one about a month or so ago with Kabal.Some of his hooksword combos altered a bit and now has juggle starters for air kombat.

Is it possible there actually is a low parry? I'd imagine you would press one direction and whatever button to do high/mid parry, and press like down and whatever button to do a low parry.
I'm just saying that the Mileena and Kitana thing isn't proof that you can't parry low. Though I'm not saying that you can parry low. Maybe you can parry any special that uses their body like Darrius' df+3 no matter where it hits? Or maybe df+3 isn't low in MKA???
I'm juss sayin'....
Question: What looks so good about Sareena so far? Ba Shan Fan isn't all that great of a style is it? And I forget how good her Demon Feng is (Li Mei's sword)? But is it her specials taht are makeing her look pretty good? She does have one crazy fast projectile.
I'm just saying that the Mileena and Kitana thing isn't proof that you can't parry low. Though I'm not saying that you can parry low. Maybe you can parry any special that uses their body like Darrius' df+3 no matter where it hits? Or maybe df+3 isn't low in MKA???
I'm juss sayin'....
Question: What looks so good about Sareena so far? Ba Shan Fan isn't all that great of a style is it? And I forget how good her Demon Feng is (Li Mei's sword)? But is it her specials taht are makeing her look pretty good? She does have one crazy fast projectile.
hjs-Q Wrote:
Yes you can...Darrius' df3 was parried...where does that hit?
Special moves with body can be parried.
Read Master Malone before you go smart ass on me.
Yes you can...Darrius' df3 was parried...where does that hit?
Special moves with body can be parried.
Read Master Malone before you go smart ass on me.
Hmm,so low special moves can be parried by the parry,but not normal low moves?
This makes no sense.
hjs-Q Wrote:
Yes you can...Darrius' df3 was parried...where does that hit?
Special moves with body can be parried.
Read Master Malone before you go smart ass on me.
or it could be a low parry being don eon darrius and a high one being done on mileena. simmer down, not even malone knows 100% for sure. its all speculation. Yes you can...Darrius' df3 was parried...where does that hit?
Special moves with body can be parried.
Read Master Malone before you go smart ass on me.
mkflegend~ kabal has 2 pop up comboc in MKD hook swords. b+2 and 2,1,4. where did you see the new pop up attack? are you talking about the new cs combo that pops up?

About Me
There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
I couldn't see any new pop-ups for Kabal's hookswords. By the by I think Mavado's moveset will be exactly the same as Kabal's.
The likely absence of a low parry reinforces my impression that this game will be all about turtling and poking.
The likely absence of a low parry reinforces my impression that this game will be all about turtling and poking.
danadbab Wrote:
mkflegend~ kabal has 2 pop up comboc in MKD hook swords. b+2 and 2,1,4. where did you see the new pop up attack? are you talking about the new cs combo that pops up?
hjs-Q Wrote:
or it could be a low parry being don eon darrius and a high one being done on mileena. mkflegend~ kabal has 2 pop up comboc in MKD hook swords. b+2 and 2,1,4. where did you see the new pop up attack? are you talking about the new cs combo that pops up?
That's maybe the case...........
simmer down, not even malone knows 100% for sure. its all speculation.
I would love to do that, if only I knew what "to simmer down" means lol
I think the parry countering special low moves make sense IMO.Like the darrius move.
Reasons is because if the special move was a plant or broken that lead to FT's or infinites like in Darrius's case, you couldn't do shit.NOW you can thank god.
If the high parry works on both low and high special moves as long as there's no magic involved then hey, I'm all for that.As long as it works.
As for Liu Kang's post, well dude I can be wrong but I just think that if there was a low parry it would have been announced by now.
Don't you guys think?
But who knows, last year as malone told us they pulled a last minute move with the QR that was apparently a last minute decision for their wake up as it wasn't seen in ANY MK:D guides.
So, who knows if they decide to have the low parry in there.
If it's in there, what ever I'll use it if it's not I'll still enjoy this game regardless and believe I have enough now to help my game.
Reasons is because if the special move was a plant or broken that lead to FT's or infinites like in Darrius's case, you couldn't do shit.NOW you can thank god.
If the high parry works on both low and high special moves as long as there's no magic involved then hey, I'm all for that.As long as it works.
As for Liu Kang's post, well dude I can be wrong but I just think that if there was a low parry it would have been announced by now.
Don't you guys think?
But who knows, last year as malone told us they pulled a last minute move with the QR that was apparently a last minute decision for their wake up as it wasn't seen in ANY MK:D guides.
So, who knows if they decide to have the low parry in there.
If it's in there, what ever I'll use it if it's not I'll still enjoy this game regardless and believe I have enough now to help my game.
are harakiris still in MKA? I haven't seen one in any of the videos i watched lately.
are harakiris still in MKA? I haven't seen one in any of the videos i watched lately.

Lunatic08 Wrote:
are harakiris still in MKA? I haven't seen one in any of the videos i watched lately.
are harakiris still in MKA? I haven't seen one in any of the videos i watched lately.

About Me
how many kookie kould a good kook kook if a good kook kould kook kookie?
did mokap steal scorpion backflip kick?
theshredder13 Wrote:
did mokap steal scorpion backflip kick?
did mokap steal scorpion backflip kick?
Mokap had a similar move in MKDA, where ot was also introduced to Scorpion, so I wouldn't exactly call it stealing.
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