Konqrr Wrote:
Darrius' location on the tier list was not based on his glitch combo. Sure it helped, but his throw - 3 - df3 game was why. You get thrown, he walks up and gets to mixup again...you get hit with 3, you eat a combo...you get hit with df3, he walks up and gets to mixup again. This is called containment and it makes him top tier. Him losing his free throws/glitches, means jack shit.
Darrius' location on the tier list was not based on his glitch combo. Sure it helped, but his throw - 3 - df3 game was why. You get thrown, he walks up and gets to mixup again...you get hit with 3, you eat a combo...you get hit with df3, he walks up and gets to mixup again. This is called containment and it makes him top tier. Him losing his free throws/glitches, means jack shit.
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
Yeah it wasn't the broken stuff that made Darrius good in MKD. Every one is broken in MKD lol. Never did bother learning any of the broken stuff myself.
Anyways to me it sounds like Darrius will still be able to kick butt with his Gauntlets, but with parries and throw escapes, it just balances it out better.
And just wondering... What do you guys think of Darrius' bf1 special? It is like df3, but sidesteps first. I've always found it useful to dodge the attacking opponent and hit them with the move and then do the mix up. Just wondering who else likes bf1 for the same reason I do. I just like never see any one mention useing it....
Darrius' B, F + 1 move hits mid while his D, F + 3 move hits low. I'd personally say the D, F + 3 move is better due to it being faster, but that's just me.
I still say that I would've like Darrius with Hung Gar instead of Goju Ryu. I mean, he's a revolutionary trying to overthrow the Seidan government, and Hung Gar is a Southern Kung Fu style used by anti-Qing revolutionaries. But meh...whatever...
I still say that I would've like Darrius with Hung Gar instead of Goju Ryu. I mean, he's a revolutionary trying to overthrow the Seidan government, and Hung Gar is a Southern Kung Fu style used by anti-Qing revolutionaries. But meh...whatever...
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
Yeah it wasn't the broken stuff that made Darrius good in MKD. Every one is broken in MKD lol. Never did bother learning any of the broken stuff myself.
Anyways to me it sounds like Darrius will still be able to kick butt with his Gauntlets, but with parries and throw escapes, it just balances it out better.
And just wondering... What do you guys think of Darrius' bf1 special? It is like df3, but sidesteps first. I've always found it useful to dodge the attacking opponent and hit them with the move and then do the mix up. Just wondering who else likes bf1 for the same reason I do. I just like never see any one mention useing it....
Konqrr Wrote:
Darrius' location on the tier list was not based on his glitch combo. Sure it helped, but his throw - 3 - df3 game was why. You get thrown, he walks up and gets to mixup again...you get hit with 3, you eat a combo...you get hit with df3, he walks up and gets to mixup again. This is called containment and it makes him top tier. Him losing his free throws/glitches, means jack shit.
Darrius' location on the tier list was not based on his glitch combo. Sure it helped, but his throw - 3 - df3 game was why. You get thrown, he walks up and gets to mixup again...you get hit with 3, you eat a combo...you get hit with df3, he walks up and gets to mixup again. This is called containment and it makes him top tier. Him losing his free throws/glitches, means jack shit.
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
Yeah it wasn't the broken stuff that made Darrius good in MKD. Every one is broken in MKD lol. Never did bother learning any of the broken stuff myself.
Anyways to me it sounds like Darrius will still be able to kick butt with his Gauntlets, but with parries and throw escapes, it just balances it out better.
And just wondering... What do you guys think of Darrius' bf1 special? It is like df3, but sidesteps first. I've always found it useful to dodge the attacking opponent and hit them with the move and then do the mix up. Just wondering who else likes bf1 for the same reason I do. I just like never see any one mention useing it....
Agreed, Darrius was annoying in MK:D when someone abused his flaws and all, however there wasn't a darrius player on live that I couldn't take out with Ermac or Dairou to counter gauntlet whores...now with the parries and TE's in there, Darrius will be MUCH toned down because of those elements used wisely.
A lot of players used his low charge move, wayy too predicatable IMO.
Did everyone forget that it was said in an interview that moves that use the body to attack (ex Darrius d+f 3) will be able to be parried? I remember that in one of the videos Ed Boon clearly said that, unless that idea was completely thrown out the window darrius will be utter shit.

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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
GaelX Wrote:
Did everyone forget that it was said in an interview that moves that use the body to attack (ex Darrius d+f 3) will be able to be parried? I remember that in one of the videos Ed Boon clearly said that, unless that idea was completely thrown out the window darrius will be utter shit.
Did everyone forget that it was said in an interview that moves that use the body to attack (ex Darrius d+f 3) will be able to be parried? I remember that in one of the videos Ed Boon clearly said that, unless that idea was completely thrown out the window darrius will be utter shit.
You are correct! Any special moves that involve bodily contact from one character to another can be parried. I tested this at the E3 and mentioned it in my E3 report, remember
I have this to say about the parry:
It will keep players like Bo, Darrius, Scorpion, Kung Lao, Mileena, Ashra, etc. in check. You will still be able to play them effectively in MKA, except now you must be aware of the skill level of your opponent. If you know your opponent is "hot on the parry", simply go for a throw or a low attack. You must mix up your strategy against hot parry players in order to bypass the parry attempt and make them pay. Savy players will know when and when not to parry an attack and will force you to play by their rules. Beware of these types of players, you will be parried when you least expect it and it could cost you the match.
On another note, to anyone who thinks they will side step a wake up attack, I have this to say:
Hahahahahahahahahahah! Wrong.
You will eat a wake up attack if you are crazy enough to be near the floored opponent, no matter what you do with the exception of blocking correctly. These wake ups will track you, I am sure of it. A successful block will allow you to punish a wake up attack, but depending on the circumstances, it could cost you.
To all my cheesy homies out there in MKD land:
This weekend represents your last chance to get in some good ol' fashoned free throws, f+3's, ss cancels, and easy infintes online. Be prepared to face opponents who will now be able to compete with you on a whole new level. I'm sure MKA will have it's B.S, but not on the same level as MKD by a long shot. See you on Monday PS2....be there.

Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
You should change your attiude if you want anyone to answer you.
First you offend HJS, now Konqrr, who is the next?
Everybody who claims being smarter than you are probably is smarter

Uranius Wrote:
You should change your attiude if you want anyone to answer you.
First you offend HJS, now Konqrr, who is the next?
Everybody who claims being smarter than you are probably is smarter
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
The great Konqrr has spoken lol!
You should change your attiude if you want anyone to answer you.
First you offend HJS, now Konqrr, who is the next?
Everybody who claims being smarter than you are probably is smarter
What are you talking about? With HJS, I simply just misread some things at first. My mistake. How the hell have I offended Konqrr though??? I'm confused... And why you being a dick I dunno.
Parry imo will hurt some more then others. Pitbulls - Darrius will be hurt by it more then turtles - Sub.
Also -
Why mix up after throw - 3 - d,f+3 when you can get more then half of your opponent life bar?
Darrius without glitch combos and free throws is weak.
Its not that his basic stuff is amaizing (Sonya, Kung Lao.....) his glitch combo from any hit is what made him so good.
Really can you parry shoulder charge and things like that?
That great, but d,f+3 is low and you cant parry low attacks? or can you?
Also -
Why mix up after throw - 3 - d,f+3 when you can get more then half of your opponent life bar?
Darrius without glitch combos and free throws is weak.
Its not that his basic stuff is amaizing (Sonya, Kung Lao.....) his glitch combo from any hit is what made him so good.
Really can you parry shoulder charge and things like that?
That great, but d,f+3 is low and you cant parry low attacks? or can you?

Ok, maybe I took it too serious.
But trust me, Konqrr and HJS both have enough experiance to make statements about tier lists and stuff.
Also I don't want to argue further, since it spams this post.
But trust me, Konqrr and HJS both have enough experiance to make statements about tier lists and stuff.
Also I don't want to argue further, since it spams this post.

About Me
Does that mean that moves such as Sonya's Flying Kick, Mileena's Kick From Above and Sindel's Leg Grab can all be parried? I don't like the sound of that. Those moves aren't that great as they are without being able to be parried.

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
Keith Wrote:
Does that mean that moves such as Sonya's Flying Kick, Mileena's Kick From Above and Sindel's Leg Grab can all be parried? I don't like the sound of that. Those moves aren't that great as they are without being able to be parried.
Does that mean that moves such as Sonya's Flying Kick, Mileena's Kick From Above and Sindel's Leg Grab can all be parried? I don't like the sound of that. Those moves aren't that great as they are without being able to be parried.
Yes, you can parry most of those moves except Sindels leg grab. What's not to like about the ability to parry those moves? The fact remains that it is not that easy to time the parry to be able to parry successfully every time. I know this from playing the game at E3. The window for a successful parry is quite small and you are left open if you miss the parry attempt. Games like Street Fighter 3 offer the ability to parry 99% of the moves in the game, the exception being throws and Gil's Blesser of all Souls attack. The parry did not make the moves in that game useless at all. The parry only forces you to be more strategic while playing.
If you know that your opponent is not expecting a certain move, by all means throw it out there an hit him with it! If you are a very predictable player, you will get owned very easily by a savvy opponent who is "hot on the parry". In your favor, if you know your opponent is "parry happy", simply throw him and make him pay for being over zealous. You guys shouldn't worry so much about the parry feature. The game has made huge steps in the way of balance to prevent most attack/defense options from being too dominant.

From what I'm reading, it kinda reminds me of DOA4. In that game doing counters is very important to know how to do and you gotta time just right. Though if some one keeps on countering you like on a wake up or some thing, then instead of kicking while getting up, just get up and get a free grab as they are left wide open as they try to counter nothing. Sounds like it will be similare in MKA that parries are probably gonna be frequently used, but some one who does try to parry too much is probably gonna pay by getting thrown. Really sounds like a huge step up for MK, so I'm pretty excited.
Will we be able to parry wake up kicks and what not though?
Will we be able to parry wake up kicks and what not though?

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r.i.p nujabes
Some things from the Gametrailers gameplay vid:
Noob has fast shurikens
Liu Kang's weapon 1,1,1,1 has fast recovery [he jumped back.]
Taven's Gold Dragon stance has a B+3/4 Kira Kenpo sweep
You can get hit by breakable objects/pillars while planted and can wakeup almost right away
Cyrax has cyclone kick back but with a fire effect
Scorp's throw does alot of damage
Rain's propeller kick goes about full screen
Drahmin still has Hung Gar
EDIT From the home pages character vids: Noob has a black hole stun move and a troll hammer for weapon Cyrax has Teleport Bah screw this just go o the official website yourself.
Noob has fast shurikens
Liu Kang's weapon 1,1,1,1 has fast recovery [he jumped back.]
Taven's Gold Dragon stance has a B+3/4 Kira Kenpo sweep
You can get hit by breakable objects/pillars while planted and can wakeup almost right away
Cyrax has cyclone kick back but with a fire effect
Scorp's throw does alot of damage
Rain's propeller kick goes about full screen
Drahmin still has Hung Gar
EDIT From the home pages character vids: Noob has a black hole stun move and a troll hammer for weapon Cyrax has Teleport Bah screw this just go o the official website yourself.

Yeah Noob has Troll Hammer for his weapon. Doesn't look good on him, but I wonder how good the weapon actually is gameplay wise??? I get the feeling it is gonna be some what similare to Kahn's hammer though.
Meat has Cleavers for his weapon! They look pretty kool. Can't really say how good the Cleavers will actually be, but from a 3 hit combo with them Meat did 29% damage. So damage wise so far looks like it will be good. But don't know what kind of lows or mid popup and mid moves he has with it. Just some thing to look forward to I guess.
I also noticed a move of Meat's that does 24% damage. Looks to be either his throw move or a grapple move in Wrestling. Either way looks like it will have to be ducked or sidesteped. Nevertheless it does 24%, and overall I think Wrestling style is looking to be better than I thought it would be, and Meat could really be a great character it looks.
Bo' Rai Cho seems like he got toned down a little bit as far as how much damage he does. Maybe I'm mistaken since I've never been a big Bo player.
Kung Lao has his teleport back and looks pretty kool. Kung Lao overall looks like he will be a pretty good character with Shaolin Fist. That was already known though as that is a pretty good style.
Motaro looks pretty bad sadly, but his vid on the site doesn't really show a great deal of his moves. I wonder if his charge move or whatever it is that he jumps at you, I wonder if that is low by any chance? Probably mid, but if it was low then he would have a mix up he could do with his charg and projectile. Neither are safe to do that close up it has looked though.
The Red Dragon is looking pretty tight imo. Mavado looks sweet. Hookswords, improved Long Fist, and new specials. Hsu Hao with his new specials and Sumo and hopefully a better SunMoon Blades. I'm really looking forward to checking Hsu's powerup move and how much of a heavy hitter he will really be. Just saying I'm looking forward to both these character. I feel like the only one lol!
Anyways Kano... He has a new charge move for some reason.... I'm not sure what one new move is. His hands would like glow red. I'm guessing this is maybe Kano with a powerup?
There is some other things like Cyrax with his teleport, and Kitana with same teleport as Jade.
Those new vids are pretty kool
Meat has Cleavers for his weapon! They look pretty kool. Can't really say how good the Cleavers will actually be, but from a 3 hit combo with them Meat did 29% damage. So damage wise so far looks like it will be good. But don't know what kind of lows or mid popup and mid moves he has with it. Just some thing to look forward to I guess.
I also noticed a move of Meat's that does 24% damage. Looks to be either his throw move or a grapple move in Wrestling. Either way looks like it will have to be ducked or sidesteped. Nevertheless it does 24%, and overall I think Wrestling style is looking to be better than I thought it would be, and Meat could really be a great character it looks.
Bo' Rai Cho seems like he got toned down a little bit as far as how much damage he does. Maybe I'm mistaken since I've never been a big Bo player.
Kung Lao has his teleport back and looks pretty kool. Kung Lao overall looks like he will be a pretty good character with Shaolin Fist. That was already known though as that is a pretty good style.
Motaro looks pretty bad sadly, but his vid on the site doesn't really show a great deal of his moves. I wonder if his charge move or whatever it is that he jumps at you, I wonder if that is low by any chance? Probably mid, but if it was low then he would have a mix up he could do with his charg and projectile. Neither are safe to do that close up it has looked though.
The Red Dragon is looking pretty tight imo. Mavado looks sweet. Hookswords, improved Long Fist, and new specials. Hsu Hao with his new specials and Sumo and hopefully a better SunMoon Blades. I'm really looking forward to checking Hsu's powerup move and how much of a heavy hitter he will really be. Just saying I'm looking forward to both these character. I feel like the only one lol!
Anyways Kano... He has a new charge move for some reason.... I'm not sure what one new move is. His hands would like glow red. I'm guessing this is maybe Kano with a powerup?
There is some other things like Cyrax with his teleport, and Kitana with same teleport as Jade.
Those new vids are pretty kool

D'oh, Liu beat me to it.
Gonna be a long weekend. Details from new char vids (that aint on front page); (my apologies if this was already known from GC vids, but I've never seen those)
Chameleon, if he's any indication, Rain's lightning has abit more startup than E3 build, and Reptile has his dashing elbow back from UMK.
Cyrax, worthless buzzsaw, worthless bomb, worthless spinkick, and probably worthless teleport. No net sightings, no hope. Think that branch from Ninjitsu to Pulse is new.
Daegon, has Fu Jow and Drakeswords (appears same as Quan's Broadswords). One Fu Jow combo looks new, I might be wrong. A flaming shoulder charge and some kind of rolling uppercut launcher, went through Taven once, maybe goes through projectiles? That'd be right.
Darrius, doesn't look like he can set up shit after his throw. Hotaru gets up with the quickness and d,f+3 doesn't even get halfway there. Also, d,f+3 parryable. Hotaru has a teleport!?
Hsu Hao, Jax has subby's throw.
Jade, Kitana shares her teleport.
Kano, some sort of new straight punch, some sort of new powerup move too.
Kira, new throw?! I don't remember it.
Kung Lao, TELEPORT IS IN! Looks like new string in Shaolin Fist too.
Mavado , tight ass low cord kick.
Meat, slide move, face first version of smoke's new teleport, life recovering taunt, cleavers looks like new style.
Motaro, no style, a 3 hit 18%'r and a 4 hit 20%r
Nightwolf, same throw confirmation.
Noob, has the mkt teleslam and a new one where he shoots a cloud(?) that does it for him. Fast ninja stars. looks like he blocks a projectile with a parry. Weapon is Troll Hammer, har de har har.
Reptile, has invis.
Gonna be a long weekend. Details from new char vids (that aint on front page); (my apologies if this was already known from GC vids, but I've never seen those)
Chameleon, if he's any indication, Rain's lightning has abit more startup than E3 build, and Reptile has his dashing elbow back from UMK.
Cyrax, worthless buzzsaw, worthless bomb, worthless spinkick, and probably worthless teleport. No net sightings, no hope. Think that branch from Ninjitsu to Pulse is new.
Daegon, has Fu Jow and Drakeswords (appears same as Quan's Broadswords). One Fu Jow combo looks new, I might be wrong. A flaming shoulder charge and some kind of rolling uppercut launcher, went through Taven once, maybe goes through projectiles? That'd be right.
Darrius, doesn't look like he can set up shit after his throw. Hotaru gets up with the quickness and d,f+3 doesn't even get halfway there. Also, d,f+3 parryable. Hotaru has a teleport!?
Hsu Hao, Jax has subby's throw.
Jade, Kitana shares her teleport.
Kano, some sort of new straight punch, some sort of new powerup move too.
Kira, new throw?! I don't remember it.
Kung Lao, TELEPORT IS IN! Looks like new string in Shaolin Fist too.
Mavado , tight ass low cord kick.
Meat, slide move, face first version of smoke's new teleport, life recovering taunt, cleavers looks like new style.
Motaro, no style, a 3 hit 18%'r and a 4 hit 20%r
Nightwolf, same throw confirmation.
Noob, has the mkt teleslam and a new one where he shoots a cloud(?) that does it for him. Fast ninja stars. looks like he blocks a projectile with a parry. Weapon is Troll Hammer, har de har har.
Reptile, has invis.
Well i've been going through the new videos and has anyone else seen the frost video? Besides her gaining a teleport it seems at one point sub uses the normal freeze, and then hits her with a hand attack that freezes her again. I'm guessing this means he's got a new move where he hits you to freeze, but maybe it's something else.
Eji1700 Wrote:
Well i've been going through the new videos and has anyone else seen the frost video? Besides her gaining a teleport it seems at one point sub uses the normal freeze, and then hits her with a hand attack that freezes her again. I'm guessing this means he's got a new move where he hits you to freeze, but maybe it's something else.
Well i've been going through the new videos and has anyone else seen the frost video? Besides her gaining a teleport it seems at one point sub uses the normal freeze, and then hits her with a hand attack that freezes her again. I'm guessing this means he's got a new move where he hits you to freeze, but maybe it's something else.
I think that is his new grab move, it has been seen in other vids.
Konqrr Wrote:
That throw by Meat was only 24% due to his opponent being in weapon stance (drahmin?). It still is a HUGE amount for a throw. Meat looks to be a kontender.
That throw by Meat was only 24% due to his opponent being in weapon stance (drahmin?). It still is a HUGE amount for a throw. Meat looks to be a kontender.
Yeah, it does look pretty mean. I mean, that's just about 1/4 of the opponent's total health. I wonder if Wrestling will still have that D + 2 poke. lol with the whole "kontender" spelling.
Fenix: I wouldn't quite say the teleport is useles. As for the bomb, it seems to bounce off and stuff....you never know. Yes, the Ninjitsu to Pulse Blade style branch combo is new since Sambo was Cyrax's secondary style in MKDA.
Jax has Scorpion's MKD throw while Sheeva has Sub-Zero's MKD throw.
Kira's throw is the same one from MKD.
danadbab: cute....
Fenix Wrote:
D'oh, Liu beat me to it.
Gonna be a long weekend. Details from new char vids (that aint on front page); (my apologies if this was already known from GC vids, but I've never seen those)
Chameleon, if he's any indication, Rain's lightning has abit more startup than E3 build, and Reptile has his dashing elbow back from UMK.
Cyrax, worthless buzzsaw, worthless bomb, worthless spinkick, and probably worthless teleport. No net sightings, no hope. Think that branch from Ninjitsu to Pulse is new.
Daegon, has Fu Jow and Drakeswords (appears same as Quan's Broadswords). One Fu Jow combo looks new, I might be wrong. A flaming shoulder charge and some kind of rolling uppercut launcher, went through Taven once, maybe goes through projectiles? That'd be right.
Darrius, doesn't look like he can set up shit after his throw. Hotaru gets up with the quickness and d,f+3 doesn't even get halfway there. Also, d,f+3 parryable. Hotaru has a teleport!?
Hsu Hao, Jax has subby's throw.
Jade, Kitana shares her teleport.
Kano, some sort of new straight punch, some sort of new powerup move too.
Kira, new throw?! I don't remember it.
Kung Lao, TELEPORT IS IN! Looks like new string in Shaolin Fist too.
Mavado , tight ass low cord kick.
Meat, slide move, face first version of smoke's new teleport, life recovering taunt, cleavers looks like new style.
Motaro, no style, a 3 hit 18%'r and a 4 hit 20%r
Nightwolf, same throw confirmation.
Noob, has the mkt teleslam and a new one where he shoots a cloud(?) that does it for him. Fast ninja stars. looks like he blocks a projectile with a parry. Weapon is Troll Hammer, har de har har.
Reptile, has invis.
D'oh, Liu beat me to it.
Gonna be a long weekend. Details from new char vids (that aint on front page); (my apologies if this was already known from GC vids, but I've never seen those)
Chameleon, if he's any indication, Rain's lightning has abit more startup than E3 build, and Reptile has his dashing elbow back from UMK.
Cyrax, worthless buzzsaw, worthless bomb, worthless spinkick, and probably worthless teleport. No net sightings, no hope. Think that branch from Ninjitsu to Pulse is new.
Daegon, has Fu Jow and Drakeswords (appears same as Quan's Broadswords). One Fu Jow combo looks new, I might be wrong. A flaming shoulder charge and some kind of rolling uppercut launcher, went through Taven once, maybe goes through projectiles? That'd be right.
Darrius, doesn't look like he can set up shit after his throw. Hotaru gets up with the quickness and d,f+3 doesn't even get halfway there. Also, d,f+3 parryable. Hotaru has a teleport!?
Hsu Hao, Jax has subby's throw.
Jade, Kitana shares her teleport.
Kano, some sort of new straight punch, some sort of new powerup move too.
Kira, new throw?! I don't remember it.
Kung Lao, TELEPORT IS IN! Looks like new string in Shaolin Fist too.
Mavado , tight ass low cord kick.
Meat, slide move, face first version of smoke's new teleport, life recovering taunt, cleavers looks like new style.
Motaro, no style, a 3 hit 18%'r and a 4 hit 20%r
Nightwolf, same throw confirmation.
Noob, has the mkt teleslam and a new one where he shoots a cloud(?) that does it for him. Fast ninja stars. looks like he blocks a projectile with a parry. Weapon is Troll Hammer, har de har har.
Reptile, has invis.
That's not true at all if you know how to play at high level concerning Cyrax, ^^.I used Cyrax very well in ANY MK game he's ever been in, tough character to master and play with but is very possible.
I make USE of his moves, you have to know how to plant, bait, fool and turtle with Cyrax in the newer 3D games, he's looking a lot like MK:DA but a better.
You would know what I'm talking about if you played me in MK:DA.
Anyway, he's looking low tier again but I'll change that.
And his 5th move MIGHT be his net, remember in some of these vids they don't show everyone's move, in some only a few others all of them.
BTW, the far bomb is gone looks like, just a regular bomb now that you can poke or kick.
Teleport does NOT look pointless, the speed of it is really fast.And will make a great move in escape situations of a charging character or if you anticipate someone jumping towards you.
His PulseBlade has a nice sweep though like in MK:DA except reverse this time around.
Yep, malone is right the game looks and will be very balanced out.NO more relying on scrub bs tactics to win like plenty did with Bo, Darrius etc in MK:D.
Darrius' d,f+3 was parried,which means that MK:A's parry probably parries all attacks (highs,mids,and lows as well as all special moves that make contact with the opponent except (?) grabs).
And after the Darrius throw,the opponent can tech.You couldn't do that in MK:D.
MK:A should be a lot better than MK:D,but it will definitely have its amount of bull shit I would assume.60 characters is still a lot to handle even when you add the appropriate gameplay elements.
PS:Are Sheeva's TS Drop and Stomp both unblockable?What about Rain's Lightening Shock?
And after the Darrius throw,the opponent can tech.You couldn't do that in MK:D.
MK:A should be a lot better than MK:D,but it will definitely have its amount of bull shit I would assume.60 characters is still a lot to handle even when you add the appropriate gameplay elements.
PS:Are Sheeva's TS Drop and Stomp both unblockable?What about Rain's Lightening Shock?
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