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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
It's true that MKD's best characters were always the ones who could keep mounting the offence relentlessly. But seeing as the parries in the gameplay videos look stiff, I'm not sure if they require adequate timing and skill to pull off.
MKD had breakers which reduced the need for long autocombos and juggles, but including the parries will also reduce the pokes. Maybe this will cause an increase in ranged attacks because they cannot be broken, nor parried. I'm not sue how I feel about this.
First question is what will the affect of the air combo system have on gameplay? Is it just an extension of dial a combo. Basically will it actually add more to the gameplay or is it just to make things look a little more interesting?
Well, there are many opinions on it, we'll never really know, untill the game comes out.
IMO, It will add to the gameplay simply because it adds jumping options to the game which were absent in MKDA/D.
Now when more characters have TS (Drhamin, Dairou, Sheeva, Jerek). And with the super fast projectiles, jumping them will be great.
Does anyone know how big the tweaks to the old movesets are going to be? I mean I know the tiers are guessing right now, but do you think they'll be almost the same, tweak out some of the more overpowered ones and buff the weak ones, or serious overhauls? It's seems to me like some characters especially are heavily screwed going into this if they don't get some major buffs in the move list are plus the lack of style change combos is a significat shift for the game itself. Well up to a point anyways.
We don't know yet, things can be changed untill it's the realese, so far you can say Jhonny Cage and Sindel are screwd, that's unless Midway gave them new stuff.
Still the single biggest thing that's caused major problems for the last 2 is glitches and oversights. Scorpion in Pi gua in the first one was amazing thanks to back dash cancells. Glitches in the second along with 50/50 games make Bo Rai Cho a monster. They really need to catch these early on since they totally ruin the game. It's like the G22 glitch in Soul Cal.
True, DA Scorp and MKD Bo were broken but they were just part of the bigger problem which was the engine.......
If the engine is fixed every character will be able to put up a fight against everyone.
Well, there are many opinions on it, we'll never really know, untill the game comes out.
IMO, It will add to the gameplay simply because it adds jumping options to the game which were absent in MKDA/D.
Now when more characters have TS (Drhamin, Dairou, Sheeva, Jerek). And with the super fast projectiles, jumping them will be great.
Does anyone know how big the tweaks to the old movesets are going to be? I mean I know the tiers are guessing right now, but do you think they'll be almost the same, tweak out some of the more overpowered ones and buff the weak ones, or serious overhauls? It's seems to me like some characters especially are heavily screwed going into this if they don't get some major buffs in the move list are plus the lack of style change combos is a significat shift for the game itself. Well up to a point anyways.
We don't know yet, things can be changed untill it's the realese, so far you can say Jhonny Cage and Sindel are screwd, that's unless Midway gave them new stuff.
Still the single biggest thing that's caused major problems for the last 2 is glitches and oversights. Scorpion in Pi gua in the first one was amazing thanks to back dash cancells. Glitches in the second along with 50/50 games make Bo Rai Cho a monster. They really need to catch these early on since they totally ruin the game. It's like the G22 glitch in Soul Cal.
True, DA Scorp and MKD Bo were broken but they were just part of the bigger problem which was the engine.......
If the engine is fixed every character will be able to put up a fight against everyone.
mastermalone Wrote:
Not you too versatile.
Let me put it to you guys this way so that there is no more of this nonsense. My knowledge of fighting games should never be questioned by anyone here. I have been playing fighters competitively before most of you could could even read and write. Don't forget, I am 32 years old. The first competitive game I played was Street Fighter 2 back in 1990 at a 7-11 convenience store in Reseda, CA. I was in 11th grade at the time and I focused on learning that game until my hands exploded into mush. From then on, it was over. My love for fighting games grew immensely. I went on to play obscure games like Fighters History, World Heroes, Fuun Saiki, the orginal Guilty Gear, VF1-4, Tekken 1-3, Soul Calibur 1-2, All of the KOF series, the list goes on and on. I studied priorities of certain attacks even before people began discussing frame advantage/disadvantage.
I come from the camp that started using the term "2-in-1" which today means to "buffer". I was part of the group that made the distiction between chain combos and "links". I was there when the first guy came back from a tournament in Japan and introduced "Kara throwing/combo's" in SF:3. You may question my knowledge for some reason or another, but I advise you that it is vast in this subject so don't get it twisted.
My point is this:
Because I play at an arcade where 3D fighters are not viewd as "Superior", both you and m2dave have begun to make snive remarks about me, and it's not cool. If you go to Family Fun Time Arcade in Granada Hills, CA you will notice that the T5:DR cabinet is lonely while Street Fighter 3 is being played to death. Even whack ass games like Rumble Fish get more play there than T5 does. I'm not saying that T5 isn't a great game, what I'm saying is that I'm a product of my environment. I don't view T5 as a superior game in terms of play mechanics to Street Fighter at all. My opinion is my opinion and it should be left at that.
Like I told m2dave, I would never make funny remarks about you because I know better. I'm just asking for the same respect from you guys.
Versatile Wrote:
MKF, no offense, but you made yourself look hella ignorant over the last 3 pages. Some of the things you say in reference to MK/Tekken literally make me roll my eyes and sigh.
Some of the stuff MasterMalone said was MKF-eque, too. It was weird.
Anyway, I said 2 months this game would be a turtle fest guys! Get ready for some clock running.
MKF, no offense, but you made yourself look hella ignorant over the last 3 pages. Some of the things you say in reference to MK/Tekken literally make me roll my eyes and sigh.
Some of the stuff MasterMalone said was MKF-eque, too. It was weird.
Anyway, I said 2 months this game would be a turtle fest guys! Get ready for some clock running.
Not you too versatile.
Let me put it to you guys this way so that there is no more of this nonsense. My knowledge of fighting games should never be questioned by anyone here. I have been playing fighters competitively before most of you could could even read and write. Don't forget, I am 32 years old. The first competitive game I played was Street Fighter 2 back in 1990 at a 7-11 convenience store in Reseda, CA. I was in 11th grade at the time and I focused on learning that game until my hands exploded into mush. From then on, it was over. My love for fighting games grew immensely. I went on to play obscure games like Fighters History, World Heroes, Fuun Saiki, the orginal Guilty Gear, VF1-4, Tekken 1-3, Soul Calibur 1-2, All of the KOF series, the list goes on and on. I studied priorities of certain attacks even before people began discussing frame advantage/disadvantage.
I come from the camp that started using the term "2-in-1" which today means to "buffer". I was part of the group that made the distiction between chain combos and "links". I was there when the first guy came back from a tournament in Japan and introduced "Kara throwing/combo's" in SF:3. You may question my knowledge for some reason or another, but I advise you that it is vast in this subject so don't get it twisted.
My point is this:
Because I play at an arcade where 3D fighters are not viewd as "Superior", both you and m2dave have begun to make snive remarks about me, and it's not cool. If you go to Family Fun Time Arcade in Granada Hills, CA you will notice that the T5:DR cabinet is lonely while Street Fighter 3 is being played to death. Even whack ass games like Rumble Fish get more play there than T5 does. I'm not saying that T5 isn't a great game, what I'm saying is that I'm a product of my environment. I don't view T5 as a superior game in terms of play mechanics to Street Fighter at all. My opinion is my opinion and it should be left at that.
Like I told m2dave, I would never make funny remarks about you because I know better. I'm just asking for the same respect from you guys.
Thanks Malone about the SF3 lol and I'll try to do that man.Wish me luck lol.Very lucrative and competitive business.In show buiz it always is lol as I'm sure you know since you live in cali.You still live out there though, right?
But Yeah I'm just going to conceit that some people just don't understand the fact that there's another window to everything and that NO game is as perfect as some people make it out to be man.
What we said went over versatiles head completely but what ever..all I'm asking for is for my view to be respected like I respect yours for the people that don't understand what I post.
To be brief, Tekken isn't my cup of tea MK is and MK I've been playing for years literally, I know the drill as far as MK is concerned.
But to Malone, thanks again I'll give that a shot actually tonight lol.
Honestly, for what it's worth people should take malone more seriously.Remember, this is the same guy that talked to the midway team personally.I think people forget this.Just giving you your props man, everything you've described they have done.That's good enough for me.
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game. Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is very fun. People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway. Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic game. As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything 2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character. Lets just hope the game is balanced. i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character. Lets just hope the game is balanced. i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
Thanks MKF, I really appreciate the fact that you and many others appreciate what I did at the E3. Remember, I don't deserve all the credit though. I took input from many of you on MKO as well as using the videos created by danadbab, which in turn were a collection of glitches discovered from accross the board of MKO members. Of course I did write up a 9 page document discussing the problems inherent in the current engine and prescribed remedies for them all. The team listened which means it was a victory for us all. Two more weeks and we can all get online to test out the new mechanics! See you all there....
firebrandxx Wrote:
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game. Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is very fun. People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway. Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic game. As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything 2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character. Lets just hope the game is balanced. i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
Well said man, great points also.The old SF's and MK's were simple to play, yet lots of fun.The good old times. Right, right malone.Dan gets my props also along with all who help him make that thread. i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game. Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is very fun. People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway. Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic game. As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything 2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character. Lets just hope the game is balanced. i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
The 9 page write up though man lol, that's some hardcore stuff right there to help out.I must confess, I don't know many people that would go that far to help a game out.
For this, I'm grateful.
Yep, two weeks man!! lol, can't wait
I don't know who I'll play with first, or if I'll mess around with the KAK first.Man, I'm going to be so excited I won't know what to try out first.
IMO, from the looks of MK:A so far I honestly believe this game will rock and be a hell of a lot more competitive then MK:D was.

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
firebrandxx Wrote:
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
Hello there! Welcome to MKO
I would just like to comment on your post with a few of my thoughts. I'm not saying that I'm right, but here it goes:
First of all, complexity does not = Fun.
A balance between simplicity and depth = A better competitive game due to all of the options given to the player, without the frustration. I just wanted to calrify that
The reason why the fans were complaining about MK: Deception was due to the really easy infinite combos that were made possible with throws. Once someone caught you with a particular attack, they could immediately grab you. After the throw, they could just hit you with the same attack as before, then throw you again. There was no escape from these throws. Since MKD lacked any way of escaping throws, players ran rampant online with as many infinites and free throws as they could find. There was also the problem of lacking any option to ward off a constant barrage of attacks after you were knocked down on the ground.
For example:
Say I just knocked you down, I could just walk up to to you without giving you a chance to stand and unleash an attack that you must predict correctly to avoid. The attack of my choosing will be either something you must duck, or something you must stand and block to avoid. I could do this to you all day once you ran out of breakers. If you keep guessing wrong, you will eventually loose the match and there is nothing you could do to stop me. If I caught you with a pop up, I'm going for a 50-80% juggle. High level competition boilded down to constant 50/50's like this. Every game has 50/50's but at least the proper defensive moves are in place to tone them down in those other games.
Character balance was a major issue in MKD. There were two characters that made playing online pretty much futile. They were Bo Rai Cho and Dairou who were grossly overpowered. The reason for these characters being overpowered wad largely due to the game lacking any defensive options other than breakers. They had too much of an advantage in MKD. Luckily for us, MKA has addressed all of these issues and will prove to be a much better gaming experience for both novice and expert players.
The good news is this: If you choose not to use the new defensive moves in MKA, you don't have to use them. The inclusion of these moves does hurt the game in any way. You can play the game any way you choose to.
There is also even better news: Since these new defensive moves are in the game, all of the experts can now compete in a game that has most of the proper mechanics making for a better competitive online experience. I'm sure a few overpowered techniques will rear there ugly heads, but at least now we will have a fighting chance to overcome them. This game may even one day gain the respect of the hardcore fighting game crowd, even though it's a long shot.
mastermalone Wrote:
Hello there! Welcome to MKO
I would just like to comment on your post with a few of my thoughts. I'm not saying that I'm right, but here it goes:
First of all, complexity does not = Fun.
A balance between simplicity and depth = A better competitive game due to all of the options given to the player, without the frustration. I just wanted to calrify that
The reason why the fans were complaining about MK: Deception was due to the really easy infinite combos that were made possible with throws. Once someone caught you with a particular attack, they could immediately grab you. After the throw, they could just hit you with the same attack as before, then throw you again. There was no escape from these throws. Since MKD lacked any way of escaping throws, players ran rampant online with as many infinites and free throws as they could find. There was also the problem of lacking any option to ward off a constant barrage of attacks after you were knocked down on the ground.
For example:
Say I just knocked you down, I could just walk up to to you without giving you a chance to stand and unleash an attack that you must predict correctly to avoid. The attack of my choosing will be either something you must duck, or something you must stand and block to avoid. I could do this to you all day once you ran out of breakers. If you keep guessing wrong, you will eventually loose the match and there is nothing you could do to stop me. If I caught you with a pop up, I'm going for a 50-80% juggle. High level competition boilded down to constant 50/50's like this. Every game has 50/50's but at least the proper defensive moves are in place to tone them down in those other games.
Character balance was a major issue in MKD. There were two characters that made playing online pretty much futile. They were Bo Rai Cho and Dairou who were grossly overpowered. The reason for these characters being overpowered wad largely due to the game lacking any defensive options other than breakers. They had too much of an advantage in MKD. Luckily for us, MKA has addressed all of these issues and will prove to be a much better gaming experience for both novice and expert players.
The good news is this: If you choose not to use the new defensive moves in MKA, you don't have to use them. The inclusion of these moves does hurt the game in any way. You can play the game any way you choose to.
There is also even better news: Since these new defensive moves are in the game, all of the experts can now compete in a game that has most of the proper mechanics making for a better competitive online experience. I'm sure a few overpowered techniques will rear there ugly heads, but at least now we will have a fighting chance to overcome them. This game may even one day gain the respect of the hardcore fighting game crowd, even though it's a long shot.
firebrandxx Wrote:
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
Hello there! Welcome to MKO
I would just like to comment on your post with a few of my thoughts. I'm not saying that I'm right, but here it goes:
First of all, complexity does not = Fun.
A balance between simplicity and depth = A better competitive game due to all of the options given to the player, without the frustration. I just wanted to calrify that
The reason why the fans were complaining about MK: Deception was due to the really easy infinite combos that were made possible with throws. Once someone caught you with a particular attack, they could immediately grab you. After the throw, they could just hit you with the same attack as before, then throw you again. There was no escape from these throws. Since MKD lacked any way of escaping throws, players ran rampant online with as many infinites and free throws as they could find. There was also the problem of lacking any option to ward off a constant barrage of attacks after you were knocked down on the ground.
For example:
Say I just knocked you down, I could just walk up to to you without giving you a chance to stand and unleash an attack that you must predict correctly to avoid. The attack of my choosing will be either something you must duck, or something you must stand and block to avoid. I could do this to you all day once you ran out of breakers. If you keep guessing wrong, you will eventually loose the match and there is nothing you could do to stop me. If I caught you with a pop up, I'm going for a 50-80% juggle. High level competition boilded down to constant 50/50's like this. Every game has 50/50's but at least the proper defensive moves are in place to tone them down in those other games.
Character balance was a major issue in MKD. There were two characters that made playing online pretty much futile. They were Bo Rai Cho and Dairou who were grossly overpowered. The reason for these characters being overpowered wad largely due to the game lacking any defensive options other than breakers. They had too much of an advantage in MKD. Luckily for us, MKA has addressed all of these issues and will prove to be a much better gaming experience for both novice and expert players.
The good news is this: If you choose not to use the new defensive moves in MKA, you don't have to use them. The inclusion of these moves does hurt the game in any way. You can play the game any way you choose to.
There is also even better news: Since these new defensive moves are in the game, all of the experts can now compete in a game that has most of the proper mechanics making for a better competitive online experience. I'm sure a few overpowered techniques will rear there ugly heads, but at least now we will have a fighting chance to overcome them. This game may even one day gain the respect of the hardcore fighting game crowd, even though it's a long shot.
Yeah man, well said.And second your last paragraph lol.Lets hope, but I know I'll enjoy MK:A's gaming experience for sure.
Hey btw, malone I was wondering do you still have any pics of your Khameleon KAK from E3?Thanks.
ahh ty for clarifying my point better. I ment complexity rather then depth because i know simple games have a ton of depth.
( i play smash very competitivly)
as for the parrys, throw escapes and the wakeup game it was definetly necessary to fix the bugs that made the predecessors glitchy (free throws, 50/50 game) but when reading through the posts on this topic i see many claims saying that the complexity of a fighting game is what makes it good. Most of the people who claim this bring up tekken which is why i wanted to post what i posted before. Also thanks again for clarifying my point
ill see you october 10 enjoying some online MKA
as for the parrys, throw escapes and the wakeup game it was definetly necessary to fix the bugs that made the predecessors glitchy (free throws, 50/50 game) but when reading through the posts on this topic i see many claims saying that the complexity of a fighting game is what makes it good. Most of the people who claim this bring up tekken which is why i wanted to post what i posted before. Also thanks again for clarifying my point

About Me
uhh what about having 4 on 4 combat online.. cuz ive seen on a site players 1-8....dunno
Are the parries easier to perform then mk:da's reversals?
Do we have any clear idea as to whether or not some styles will have added features to them? I know lots are hoping for some, but has there been any confirmations on new movesets for less then desirable stances?
If so, could this possibly turn the speculation tier list on it's head?
Do we have any clear idea as to whether or not some styles will have added features to them? I know lots are hoping for some, but has there been any confirmations on new movesets for less then desirable stances?
If so, could this possibly turn the speculation tier list on it's head?

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
firebrandxx Wrote:
ahh ty for clarifying my point better. I ment complexity rather then depth because i know simple games have a ton of depth.
( i play smash very competitivly)
as for the parrys, throw escapes and the wakeup game it was definetly necessary to fix the bugs that made the predecessors glitchy (free throws, 50/50 game) but when reading through the posts on this topic i see many claims saying that the complexity of a fighting game is what makes it good. Most of the people who claim this bring up tekken which is why i wanted to post what i posted before. Also thanks again for clarifying my point
ill see you october 10 enjoying some online MKA
ahh ty for clarifying my point better. I ment complexity rather then depth because i know simple games have a ton of depth.
as for the parrys, throw escapes and the wakeup game it was definetly necessary to fix the bugs that made the predecessors glitchy (free throws, 50/50 game) but when reading through the posts on this topic i see many claims saying that the complexity of a fighting game is what makes it good. Most of the people who claim this bring up tekken which is why i wanted to post what i posted before. Also thanks again for clarifying my point
No problem!

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
mkflegend Wrote:
Yeah man, well said.And second your last paragraph lol.Lets hope, but I know I'll enjoy MK:A's gaming experience for sure.
Hey btw, malone I was wondering do you still have any pics of your Khameleon KAK from E3?Thanks.

Yeah man, well said.And second your last paragraph lol.Lets hope, but I know I'll enjoy MK:A's gaming experience for sure.
Hey btw, malone I was wondering do you still have any pics of your Khameleon KAK from E3?Thanks.
I sure do! Just PM me with an email address and I'll send it to you! I still have all the pics I took at E3.

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
KillJoy Wrote:
Are the parries easier to perform then mk:da's reversals?
Do we have any clear idea as to whether or not some styles will have added features to them? I know lots are hoping for some, but has there been any confirmations on new movesets for less then desirable stances?
If so, could this possibly turn the speculation tier list on it's head?
Are the parries easier to perform then mk:da's reversals?
Do we have any clear idea as to whether or not some styles will have added features to them? I know lots are hoping for some, but has there been any confirmations on new movesets for less then desirable stances?
If so, could this possibly turn the speculation tier list on it's head?
The parries are easy to perform, although not easy to time and land every time. In MKDA, the reversal stopped both high and low attacks, this is not the case in MKA. If you guess wrong and attempt to parry me witha high parry, I'll just sweep you to beat the parry attempt. I don't know if there is a low parry in the game or not, be even without a low parry, the high parry will still be useful. Just predict and duck low attacks, predict and parry high/mid attacks. You can in turn, counter my parry attempt with a throw if you choose to do so.
As for the styles which were lacking viable options in MKD such as Mileena's first style, I asked the MK Team about that. They said that they would beef up all of the styles because the characters would be reduced to two styes. The "beef-up" will not be that huge, but it should make the lesser styles more playable and competitive. This could very well render the speculated tier list useless. But remember, it's only a speculated tier list anyway. We'll see what happens in 2 weeks.
firebrandxx Wrote:
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
i just like to point out that more depth doesnt = more fun or better game.
Look at street fighter 2 for example, a rediculously fun game with no parry's
and half the things tekken has but its still a very competitive game that is
very fun.
People keep complaining Mortal kombat doesnt have the depth that tekken has which makes mortal kombat a worst game in gameplay. If you feel that way you shouldnt be playing Mortal Kombat anyway.
Mortalkombat has always been simple fun and easy to pick up and play. That also doesnt mean theirs no depth within its simplicity look at super
smash brothers as another example of a simple fun and very strategic
As long as the game is BALANCED then their shouldnt be anything
2 complain about (looks to me MkA will be balanced). i actually enjoy
special moves(fireballs, spears, ice, and all that good stuff (tekkens got
none of that)), faster combat, and less complicated techniques then
rather dig into finding millions of counters for each and every character.
Lets just hope the game is balanced.
i also dont like tekken so u can add me to the list. (soul calibur player )
You talk alot but you know little.
1. More Depth = Better game.
2. Mortal Kombat was always simple but not as broken as it is now.
3. MKDA and MKD were NOT balanced.
4. In SF2 there is no safe mid that does 65%.
5. In MKD there is no depth.
6. We feel MKD was crap and we want it to be better.
If we wouldn't cry about gameplay we could never get parrys and wake up.
MKA will be better not because people cry about Scorpion's latest finisher but because of us.
As a SC player I would expect much much more.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Malone, everybody appreciates what you did at E3. Even that little east coast shit, who's just caught up in measuring E-cock. Which I find ironic, considering he's turned into the type of poster/player who, no more than two years ago, he despised.
Much love verse, much love.
Don't ever forget that we all appreciate, though. You're fucking god tier, and the people who supplied the "hate" for which to preach are god tier. Hopefully everything will work out.
Don't ever forget that we all appreciate, though. You're fucking god tier, and the people who supplied the "hate" for which to preach are god tier. Hopefully everything will work out.
Ok, malone I'll do that man.BTW, there's some kind of Khameleon contest on here from Shadaloo I believe, figured you might be interested.I'm sure you saw that thread by now.
First thing I thought of was you lol since you made that awesome Khameleon concept from E3.See, I rememeber these things.
I'll send you the pm.
First thing I thought of was you lol since you made that awesome Khameleon concept from E3.See, I rememeber these things.
I'll send you the pm.

About Me
-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)
Satyagraha Wrote:
Malone, everybody appreciates what you did at E3. Even that little east coast shit, who's just caught up in measuring E-cock. Which I find ironic, considering he's turned into the type of poster/player who, no more than two years ago, he despised.
Much love verse, much love.
Don't ever forget that we all appreciate, though. You're fucking god tier, and the people who supplied the "hate" for which to preach are god tier. Hopefully everything will work out.
Malone, everybody appreciates what you did at E3. Even that little east coast shit, who's just caught up in measuring E-cock. Which I find ironic, considering he's turned into the type of poster/player who, no more than two years ago, he despised.
Don't ever forget that we all appreciate, though. You're fucking god tier, and the people who supplied the "hate" for which to preach are god tier. Hopefully everything will work out.
Thanks man! Lets hope that everything concerning the gameplay additions works out in the end. I'm just happy about the fact that they've included the majority of the major missing gameplay elements. I hope more players chose to play this game online this time around so that there will be more competition on both consoles. It still amazes me that so many choose not to go online even when given the choice. It just extends the life of any game when you have a multiplayer feature that you can play online.
I've been tempted to go online, but frankly it's intimidating.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
KillJoy Wrote:
I've been tempted to go online, but frankly it's intimidating.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
I've been tempted to go online, but frankly it's intimidating.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
Don't let them ppl online intidate you! They are no where near you and can't do shit to you. So what if they can beat you at that time, you are a beginner and will get better. I'm still a beginner too but I'm startin to get a lot better.
The best advice I can give you is, don't chat, just play. Just fight anyone on the server thats willing to fight for as long as you wanna fight them.
I'm bout to go online right now to get a few matches in.
Subzero2 Wrote:
Don't let them ppl online intidate you! They are no where near you and can't do shit to you. So what if they can beat you at that time, you are a beginner and will get better. I'm still a beginner too but I'm startin to get a lot better.
The best advice I can give you is, don't chat, just play. Just fight anyone on the server thats willing to fight for as long as you wanna fight them.
I'm bout to go online right now to get a few matches in.
KillJoy Wrote:
I've been tempted to go online, but frankly it's intimidating.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
I've been tempted to go online, but frankly it's intimidating.
I'd go in rooms that are supposedly designated for people at my skill level, just to find some jerk that outclasses me by miles.
Or just get caught up against someone who can completely exploit the MK system and frustrate me.
I know that a win is a win, but it be nice if more tried to do it a bit more gracefully.
Don't let them ppl online intidate you! They are no where near you and can't do shit to you. So what if they can beat you at that time, you are a beginner and will get better. I'm still a beginner too but I'm startin to get a lot better.
The best advice I can give you is, don't chat, just play. Just fight anyone on the server thats willing to fight for as long as you wanna fight them.
I'm bout to go online right now to get a few matches in.
Hehe, thanks for them encouraging words.
There isn't a free version for the ps2 like I heard there was for xbox huh?
It can't be too expensive anyways.
this is a reply to hjs-Q (i forgot to hit reply under his name)
sorry i ment complexity not depth. I used super smash brothers as an example but i guess u didnt get my point.
yes i know mkd and mkda are both broken games but MKA doesnt look like its broken. (this is a MKA board not mkd or mkda)
with no Free throws and a wake up game that pretty much gets rid of all the glitchs in deception.(not to mention we have parrys also)
my original post was directed towards people complaining about MKA and using tekken to explain why MKA will suck. not MKD or MKDA.
i do play soul calibur at a very competitive level i know all the terms and how it works but sometimes i rather give up its complexity and play a simple game of smash (which is usually more fun). this is why im excited for MKA.
sorry i ment complexity not depth. I used super smash brothers as an example but i guess u didnt get my point.
yes i know mkd and mkda are both broken games but MKA doesnt look like its broken. (this is a MKA board not mkd or mkda)
with no Free throws and a wake up game that pretty much gets rid of all the glitchs in deception.(not to mention we have parrys also)
my original post was directed towards people complaining about MKA and using tekken to explain why MKA will suck. not MKD or MKDA.
i do play soul calibur at a very competitive level i know all the terms and how it works but sometimes i rather give up its complexity and play a simple game of smash (which is usually more fun). this is why im excited for MKA.
Also, killjoy only telling you the truth here but expect A LOT of trash talkers if you play on xbox live, lol people will try to intimidate you, curse, shout, trash talk.Take it from me, I've played thousands of matches online for xbox, I've played malone.
Now, he's awesome on the mic but you'll run into the occassional dipshit who most of the time sucks also that will do nothing but trash talk.
Or, you can simply mute your mic lol.
Now, he's awesome on the mic but you'll run into the occassional dipshit who most of the time sucks also that will do nothing but trash talk.
Or, you can simply mute your mic lol.

Hell YEAH, it's been a LONG freaking time coming, but FINALLY they added throw escapes, liek EVERY OTHER fighting game.
The other info looks good, so hopefully we'll have a more fair and even engine.
The other info looks good, so hopefully we'll have a more fair and even engine.
Oh, the trash talk would amuse me, that I wouldn't let get to me.
What intimidates me is the skill level of some of you people... I watch gameplay vids on youtube, or I just listen to you guys talk about techniques and such, and I can tell you guys have this down to a science...
Your moves flow, and you plan them multiple steps in advance... You'll see me tendencies, and break down whatever strategy I can come up with, and then humiliate me...
Now that's the part that worries me, thats what I would probably more or less enjoy since I've never been happy with losing, especially not royally.
I've been reading a lot of whats said in this thread, and have started reading Versatiles stratedgy... Even though some of it sinks in, it's easier to understand then it is to put in practice. I'm almost to the point of trying special hand excercises to improve my manual dexterity, and try to focus my brain hand coordination.
EDIT: Also, the competion I have now is weak, it's just random aquaintances from my college residence, oftentimes who have never played the game, or haven't played it in a while... Since most mainstream players of the game forgot about it not to long after they got it.
What intimidates me is the skill level of some of you people... I watch gameplay vids on youtube, or I just listen to you guys talk about techniques and such, and I can tell you guys have this down to a science...
Your moves flow, and you plan them multiple steps in advance... You'll see me tendencies, and break down whatever strategy I can come up with, and then humiliate me...
Now that's the part that worries me, thats what I would probably more or less enjoy since I've never been happy with losing, especially not royally.
I've been reading a lot of whats said in this thread, and have started reading Versatiles stratedgy... Even though some of it sinks in, it's easier to understand then it is to put in practice. I'm almost to the point of trying special hand excercises to improve my manual dexterity, and try to focus my brain hand coordination.
EDIT: Also, the competion I have now is weak, it's just random aquaintances from my college residence, oftentimes who have never played the game, or haven't played it in a while... Since most mainstream players of the game forgot about it not to long after they got it.
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