09/18/2006 10:42 PM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
It all depends on how many frames you have to escape the throws,which will consequently tell us whether they can be broken on reaction or not.If they can be broken on reaction,the game will be a complete and utter turtle-fest.It's going to be real hard to get close to turtling opponents and do some damage.Even if your opponent attempts a parry and you throw him/her and if the window frame for the throw escape is high,it can still be easily broken on reaction (like in Tekken with standard throws).

However,if the window frame for escaping throws is very low,then it's a little different.Throws would be useful.However,you would still have easy mix ups with that.For example,let's say BRC's f+3 in weapon stance still gives huge advantage on hit.The BRC player could either throw you or use f+3 on you again.That means,if you think the BRC player will throw you and you try to break it,you'll get hit by f+3.If you think he'll do f+3 again and you stand there and block,you'll get thrown.Still pretty much a 50/50 mix ups except it ends after the throw (assuming this time there are no glitches).

But anyway,everything was hard to tell from that video because those two guys basically had no idea what they were doing.

I believe this MK will be much better,but it will still contain pretty easy mix ups anyone can abuse unless of course they fixed the advantage on hit after some moves (especially on lows and some mids).

You seem to forget that his f+3 can be parried. Plus the hit window has been reduced.
09/19/2006 02:14 AM (UTC)
Wrong, because after an attack connects, the throw button is deactivated for a short period of time. This is Midway's way to make free throws impossible.

You fool. I wasn't even talking about free throws. I was talking about general 50/50 mix ups after his f+3. Like I said, if it gives too much advantage, you could easily have a 50/50 mix up after it with another f+3 or a throw. Of course it's just better to get thrown (assuming there are no glitches after throws this time).

There are moves like BRC's f+3 that give too much advantage on hit as well, but don't knock down. For example, Tanya's 1,1 in weapon stance, Mileena's 4 in her second stance, etc.

GaelX Wrote:
m2dave Wrote:
It all depends on how many frames you have to escape the throws,which will consequently tell us whether they can be broken on reaction or not.If they can be broken on reaction,the game will be a complete and utter turtle-fest.It's going to be real hard to get close to turtling opponents and do some damage.Even if your opponent attempts a parry and you throw him/her and if the window frame for the throw escape is high,it can still be easily broken on reaction (like in Tekken with standard throws).

However,if the window frame for escaping throws is very low,then it's a little different.Throws would be useful.However,you would still have easy mix ups with that.For example,let's say BRC's f+3 in weapon stance still gives huge advantage on hit.The BRC player could either throw you or use f+3 on you again.That means,if you think the BRC player will throw you and you try to break it,you'll get hit by f+3.If you think he'll do f+3 again and you stand there and block,you'll get thrown.Still pretty much a 50/50 mix ups except it ends after the throw (assuming this time there are no glitches).

But anyway,everything was hard to tell from that video because those two guys basically had no idea what they were doing.

I believe this MK will be much better,but it will still contain pretty easy mix ups anyone can abuse unless of course they fixed the advantage on hit after some moves (especially on lows and some mids).

You seem to forget that his f+3 can be parried. Plus the hit window has been reduced.

It doesn't matter. It would still be a 50/50 mix up except you get a reward for guessing correctly. If I knew you were going to parry, I would just let you mis-parry and punish you thereafter.
About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

09/19/2006 04:11 AM (UTC)
Bo will be a good character in MKA, not a great character like he was in MKD. Wake ups and temporarily disabled throws after a hit will prevent him from owning anyone without using a thoughtful strategy. Yes, everyone is correct about there being a few hardcore top tier characters in MKA. Every game has top tier characters. Street Fighter 3 had Ken, Chun Li, Urien and Yun. Cvs2 has Sagat, Cammy, Blanka, Bison, and E. Honda. DOA has Ryu Haybusa and Ayame etc. The difference now with MKA is just like the aforementioned games, you still have a fighting chance to win, since you are now given the proper tools. The deciding factor will be whether you have the skils to use them.

Anyone who is not smart enough to vary the F+3 with Bo in MKA will get owned. You better mix that F+3 with something else or risk getting parried. If you attempt to follow up his throw with an OTG, you will receive a wake up straight to the dome or in the shins. Play smart, win matches....that is all

About Me

I Rock

09/19/2006 05:46 AM (UTC)
I never thought MK will be at Tekken, VF, SC level. It will never be, let's face it.

All I want is for the game to be playable. And MKA looks like it will be very very playable.

I doubt there will be free throws = Wake Up alone means 70% are gone, the new fix where you can't throw after a move for a limited time will also kill most if not all of them.

About f+3 - This is not MKD.

The range has been fixed, you can sidestep it, you can parry it, break it, block it.

If you are hit, the max damage will be 16%. You also have wake up so Bo can't keep you guessing all the time like MKD.

This will be UMK3 - a fun, nice gameplay, playable MK.

Top Tiers -

Tekken 4 had Jin, Tekken 5 has Steve and Nina, there will always be top tiers.

The thing is that now in MKA unlike MKD, If character X gets a good throw, a safe mid, and a broken special it doesn't mean she will be top tier. Every character has parrys, wake ups, breakers, jumping ability. enough to stand a chance against anyone

It doesn't mean low tiers can beat top tiers. Just like you can't beat Steve with Kuma.
09/19/2006 02:55 PM (UTC)
Of course there are going to be stronger characters but the difference hopefully wont be as bad as say MKD Kira vs. Dairou. Its almost impossible for KIra to win. In games like Tekken Kuma can beat Steve there are no completely impossible matchups.
09/20/2006 03:29 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
I never thought MK will be at Tekken, VF, SC level. It will never be, let's face it.

All I want is for the game to be playable. And MKA looks like it will be very very playable.

I doubt there will be free throws = Wake Up alone means 70% are gone, the new fix where you can't throw after a move for a limited time will also kill most if not all of them.

About f+3 - This is not MKD.

The range has been fixed, you can sidestep it, you can parry it, break it, block it.

If you are hit, the max damage will be 16%. You also have wake up so Bo can't keep you guessing all the time like MKD.

This will be UMK3 - a fun, nice gameplay, playable MK.

Top Tiers -

Tekken 4 had Jin, Tekken 5 has Steve and Nina, there will always be top tiers.

The thing is that now in MKA unlike MKD, If character X gets a good throw, a safe mid, and a broken special it doesn't mean she will be top tier. Every character has parrys, wake ups, breakers, jumping ability. enough to stand a chance against anyone

It doesn't mean low tiers can beat top tiers. Just like you can't beat Steve with Kuma.

I disagree here a bit, first off MK:A is going to be great why does it have to be like tekken?Why does tekken keep being brought up man? lol I mean not for nothing but I don't care about Tekken, nothing original about the game and it hasn't changed dramatically one way or another other then improved key elements like counter moves, parries, throw escapes etc.It's always been a good game gameplay wise but what else does it offer other then JUST that of the same thing?Nothing really....Still no online play, still no KAK of any kind, unoriginal characters, still lame mini games like tekken bowling?!?!? LOL, still a lame ass storyline but enough about tekken from me...

No game is perfect dude, but we wanted a good MK game and that's what we got.Why grasp at straws for flaws that won't be there like in MK:D.

Anyway, MK is MK.You either like it or don't in the end. MK:A will own either way now I agree with Malone's post 100%, seriously you guys have to realize that infinites, 50/50's will be HARD to do compared to MK:D's chances because MK:D had major flaws that are now fixed.We got what we wanted so what more can you want? lol LOL@ some people complaining about parries being too slow or too fast now I mean come on, are you serious?Nobody in this thread really but some players in the Xbox forums that simply want perfection...

It will come down to mind games with who can outsmart who, enough said.Who's the smarter player now that glitches can't be relied on for a win.

If there are infinites in this game, I see it being extremely difficult seriously compared to MK:D.As in UMK3 difficult.

And of course there will be top tiers, insane characters but again as others before me stated EVERY fighting game has them, you just have to deal with it.To literally balanced EVERY character in every fighter out to perfection is an impossible task and the game would get rather dull if you ask me if that happened.Know what I mean?

The jumping mechanic, parries, throw escapes and the wake up will HELP MK and make it a million times better then MK:DA and MK:D.hands down.

I can't wait!

BTW, correct me if I'm wrong but did I see Dairou's TS drop at the same speed as MK:Ds?

wowStill, it won't mean shit because with the jumping mechanic back the TS will be crap.
09/20/2006 03:02 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Why does tekken keep being brought up man?

Because its been a solid 3d fighter since '94, nearly as long as MK has been a game.

nothing original about the game and it hasn't changed dramatically one way or another other then improved key elements like counter moves, parries, throw escapes etc.
Right because those elements are just being added to mk 12 years later.

Still no online play, still no KAK of any kind, unoriginal characters, still lame mini games like tekken bowling?!?!? LOL, still a lame ass storyline but enough about tekken from me...
Original characters? Man Mk1 was such a total rip-off of Big trouble in little china hehehe. True, no online... Tekken 5 had a huuuuuge character customization feature. Dont bring up lame storyline and mini games... Bowling, chess, kart racing, puzzle fighting? They all blow hahahahahaha

Nobody in this thread really but some players in the Xbox forums that simply want perfection...
What? Nobody but a few xbox players want perfection? Sorry i just dont understand that sentence. But who in their right mind doesnt want perfection?

I hope the patches that have been thrown together end up helping the gameplay, not throw more gas on the fire... I still wish theyd address the problems they actually have rather than working around them.
09/20/2006 03:50 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
I disagree here a bit, first off MK:A is going to be great why does it have to be like tekken?Why does tekken keep being brought up man? lol I mean not for nothing but I don't care about Tekken, nothing original about the game and it hasn't changed dramatically one way or another other then improved key elements like counter moves, parries, throw escapes etc.It's always been a good game gameplay wise but what else does it offer other then JUST that of the same thing?Nothing really....Still no online play, still no KAK of any kind, unoriginal characters, still lame mini games like tekken bowling?!?!? LOL, still a lame ass storyline but enough about tekken from me...

I find it funny that you don't want Tekken to be brought up but you talk about more than anyone else in this thread. Hypocrite.

No game is perfect dude, but we wanted a good MK game and that's what we got.Why grasp at straws for flaws that won't be there like in MK:D.

HJS was just saying that it won't be at the level fo Tekken, VF and whatnot. Whats wrong with saying that? He wasn't grasping at straws, if someone sees a flaw they'll mention it. I guess you're grasping at straws at Tekken complaining about little things as KAK and mini games.

Oh and i love how you mention unoriginal characters and start defending MK. Laughable.

We got what we wanted so what more can you want?

A self flushing toilet with a robot that wipes my arse for me.

LOL@ some people complaining about parries being too slow or too fast now I mean come on, are you serious?

I don't get whats so funny about it. It looked like to me that parry stayed active for way too long.

Nobody in this thread really but some players in the Xbox forums that simply want perfection...

Who doesn't?

It will come down to mind games with who can outsmart who, enough said.Who's the smarter player now that glitches can't be relied on for a win.

It's about time they realised that it's better to make a game that makes you use mindgames instead of glitches. They had enough times of failure.

If there are infinites in this game, I see it being extremely difficult seriously compared to MK:D.As in UMK3 difficult.

Well i see it as being easy if it has infinites in the game, but who really knows?

And of course there will be top tiers, insane characters but again as others before me stated EVERY fighting game has them, you just have to deal with it.

I think everybody in this thread realised this, BUT WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORT FOR TYPING UP WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW.

To literally balanced EVERY character in every fighter out to perfection is an impossible task and the game would get rather dull if you ask me if that happened.Know what I mean?

Street Fighter 1 = most balanced game EVER.

But how if a game was balanced how would that make it dull? If almost every fighter fought differently from one another and the game was balanced then it could be a fucking excellent game.

I seriously am baffled how you came to the conclusion of balance = dullness.

wowStill, it won't mean shit because with the jumping mechanic back the TS will be crap.

Eh? How will the jumping mechanic help? It's not like you can fly across the screen. If you jump predictably then when you land i would just TS drop you. If you can't jump on reaction from the TS drop then your screwed.
09/20/2006 04:06 PM (UTC)
MK_krazy Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:

We got what we wanted so what more can you want?

A self flushing toilet with a robot that wipes my arse for me.

I hear you can get one nowadays that inserts a cigarette.

Anyway, as for MKA, gameplay wise it looks much better than MKD, and to be honest, for now thats good enough for me. I was expected a big mess but I'm impressed. Now if they could only sort out the storyline. Once Armageddon is over I expect great gameplay from MK in the future as well as Storyline. No sacrificing one for the other. Or there will be hell to pay!
About Me

I Rock

09/20/2006 04:11 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote: I disagree here a bit, first off MK:A is going to be great why does it have to be like tekken?Why does tekken keep being brought up man? lol I mean not for nothing but I don't care about Tekken, nothing original about the game and it hasn't changed dramatically one way or another other then improved key elements like counter moves, parries, throw escapes etc.It's always been a good game gameplay wise but what else does it offer other then JUST that of the same thing?Nothing really....Still no online play, still no KAK of any kind, unoriginal characters, still lame mini games like tekken bowling?!?!? LOL, still a lame ass storyline but enough about tekken from me...

No game is perfect dude, but we wanted a good MK game and that's what we got.Why grasp at straws for flaws that won't be there like in MK:D.

Anyway, MK is MK.You either like it or don't in the end. MK:A will own either way now I agree with Malone's post 100%, seriously you guys have to realize that infinites, 50/50's will be HARD to do compared to MK:D's chances because MK:D had major flaws that are now fixed.We got what we wanted so what more can you want? lol LOL@ some people complaining about parries being too slow or too fast now I mean come on, are you serious?Nobody in this thread really but some players in the Xbox forums that simply want perfection...

It will come down to mind games with who can outsmart who, enough said.Who's the smarter player now that glitches can't be relied on for a win.

If there are infinites in this game, I see it being extremely difficult seriously compared to MK:D.As in UMK3 difficult.

And of course there will be top tiers, insane characters but again as others before me stated EVERY fighting game has them, you just have to deal with it.To literally balanced EVERY character in every fighter out to perfection is an impossible task and the game would get rather dull if you ask me if that happened.Know what I mean?

The jumping mechanic, parries, throw escapes and the wake up will HELP MK and make it a million times better then MK:DA and MK:D.hands down.

I can't wait!

BTW, correct me if I'm wrong but did I see Dairou's TS drop at the same speed as MK:Ds?

wowStill, it won't mean shit because with the jumping mechanic back the TS will be crap.

MKF, if you pull your head from Sub - Zero's ass for just 1 sec and start looking at MK for what it is, a very flawed, unblanced and untested game and start learning about how a proper fighting engine should be you would learn alot.

You took what I said and twisted it 180*

Tekken is based on frames. Online = Frame missing etc.... No reason to play it.

Tekken is not for story, finishers, stuff like that, it's only for gameplay.

Never compare MK to Tekken Gameplay wise. Throw escapes, parrys etc don't need to be changed. Why fix what aint broken?

For the matter, I agree, the parry stays there for too long.

I still think MKA will be very fun and very playable and that's all I want. I'm really happy.

Still, MK was never, is not, and will never be at Tekken level.

And Dairou TS should be either taken out of the game or not juggle, you just can't have a unblockable juggle that hits from anywhere on the screen. You just can have it in a fighting game.
09/20/2006 05:28 PM (UTC)
^^^ the parry stays there for too long, or the animation after the parry? 2 seperate things, I THINK. lol

About Me
09/20/2006 06:07 PM (UTC)
I'm trying to up my level of gameplay in time for the next MK, is there any gameplay tutorials that would help, or does it come down to practice?

Also, for the mindgames, is that simply predicting what others will do, and tricking them?
Bear with me, I never had taken gaming this seriously, but I think since I love this game so much, that I should learn to rock at it, without being a cheap douche-bag about it.
A tutorial? - I don't think there is one!
This thread just tries to figure out what the gameplay will be like when MKA is finished; how write a tutorial with only an idea of the gameplay?
Your definition of mindgame sounds good to me.
09/20/2006 08:27 PM (UTC)

I will post here now, because i'd like to say some things about this.
MK is not and probably will not be as good as the others regarding gameplay.

All i want in MK is a minimum decent fight engine that gives me some fun while playing matches. All the Parries, Wake up and other things really improve some of the competitiveness of the franchise. At least they are there and some glitches probably wont be in MKA. Ok, and probably others will make thei debut (62 characters seems to lead in that direction).

I think some things lack in MK. More background interactivity, like people using walls to attack, more wake up options, attacking moves to ground characters, lateral attacks and back attacks, and so on.

Ok, the comparision here is Tekken and VF, etc. I just have one question why people keep buying Tekken? It's not for the addiciton of some new gameplay elements as they are basically settled since a decade ago. So, it's the bullshit of introduction new characters and stupid minigames? That's why i don't buy tekken anymore. if it's not broken, then the same thing i played in Tekken 3 is the same in Tekken 5, so why spend more money on it?

But in another game i like to play alot is Pro Evolution Soccer (Wining Eleven) wich each year it becames better and better. Wiser gameplay, fantastic fun, the better. Although Fifa Soccer continues to improve it will be the kid compared with PES. But in this case they continue to improve the gameplay and the features present in the game. They don't stall. That's why i keep buying every year PES. If it was the same as PES1 what is the point buying it?

In overall. MK is not better than the others but i like what i saw and i hope they keep improving at least to be a good game.


09/21/2006 02:28 AM (UTC)
I just have one question why people keep buying Tekken? It's not for the addiciton of some new gameplay elements as they are basically settled since a decade ago. So, it's the bullshit of introduction new characters and stupid minigames? That's why i don't buy tekken anymore. if it's not broken, then the same thing i played in Tekken 3 is the same in Tekken 5, so why spend more money on it?

Some of the things you people say is simply amazing to me.It's like the word "logic" is a total foreign word to you.

OK,then,why do you buy MK games?You like the story?You like the mini games?You like the (new) characters?You like the new gameplay elements?Do you know where I'm heading...I could assume the same thing about you or anyone else buying MK.Why keep buying a broken game that may introduce a few new characters and a "new" mini-game?

Anyway,words like "parry" or "wake up game" or "throw escapes" may be a huge gameplay element in your mind,but to people who've been playing Tekken,VF,or DOA it's really nothing new.These games had all of that since their third instalment at the latest.It's why there are better gameplay wise than MK.

And to some of you thinking MK is now on par with the other fighting games,you're being ridiculous.The animation in MK:D and even in MK:A is just so sloppy.


now look at:


Look at the throw escapes,movement,move properties (stuns,plants,etc.)
It's not even comparable.

I just hope MK:A will be a decent fighter.That's all.

About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

09/21/2006 03:01 AM (UTC)
You know, Tekken's movement when the characters are strafing and dashing about looks like garbage now. The animation for the attacks and throws looks awesome but I don't like the actual character movement when they dash around. I watch the matches at my local arcade quite a bit. When the game first came out, the shoddy character movement was the first thing I noticed. Oh well, it did improve the pace of the matches though grin. My question is this:

Why does everyone here seem to think Tekken is the shit?

I know the gameplay is superior to MK, but I honestly think that it doesn't hold a candle to Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike. It doesn't even hold a candle to Virtua Fighter no matter what version. Tekken seems a bit like VF, with more forgiving/sloppy gameplay mechanics. There is skill to be found in it, but not along the same lines as Street fighter or VF. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending MK. I'm just amazed at how many people think that Tekken is the "end all be all" of today's current fighters. Compare this MK game to VF and Street Fighter in terms of superior play mechanics and you have yourself a legitimate conversation. Those games walk all over MK.

Tekken's gameplay is a joke to me, it has been since Tekken 3.

MK has a certain charm about it that makes me want to play it. Its fun to play as well as fun to watch. The "new" gameplay additions will finally bring MK into a higher playing field. You will actually be able compete in the game unlike MKD with it's plethora of infinites and free throws. My all time love will forever be Street Fighter, but when it comes to all out fun, MK has a place my my heart and will forever.

09/21/2006 04:07 AM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
You know, Tekken's movement when the characters are strafing and dashing about looks like garbage now. The animation for the attacks and throws looks awesome but I don't like the actual character movement when they dash around. I watch the matches at my local arcade quite a bit. When the game first came out, the shoddy character movement was the first thing I noticed. Oh well, it did improve the pace of the matches though grin. My question is this:

Why does everyone here seem to think Tekken is the shit?

I know the gameplay is superior to MK, but I honestly think that it doesn't hold a candle to Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike. It doesn't even hold a candle to Virtua Fighter no matter what version. Tekken seems a bit like VF, with more forgiving/sloppy gameplay mechanics. There is skill to be found in it, but not along the same lines as Street fighter or VF. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending MK. I'm just amazed at how many people think that Tekken is the "end all be all" of today's current fighters. Compare this MK game to VF and Street Fighter in terms of superior play mechanics and you have yourself a legitimate conversation. Those games walk all over MK.

Tekken's gameplay is a joke to me, it has been since Tekken 3.

MK has a certain charm about it that makes me want to play it. Its fun to play as well as fun to watch. The "new" gameplay additions will finally bring MK into a higher playing field. You will actually be able compete in the game unlike MKD with it's plethora of infinites and free throws. My all time love will forever be Street Fighter, but when it comes to all out fun, MK has a place my my heart and will forever.


EXACTLY ^^^ thank you very much, since Tekken 2 even it hasn't really CHANGED as far as the overall game and Hjs Q you show your ignorance a bit with that sub-zero comment, play me and I will show you just how much I know about MK's gameplay, believe me you'll have a BIG run for your money then you'll know that I know how MK works.Especially the older ones like UMK3, I know the drill.Aside from that, we all know about MK:D's problems, point is enough is enough.MK:A is NOT, NOT MK:D.Is this going through?

Second, you're DEAD wrong about your MK comment.*clears throat* lets see here, MK2, MK3 and UMK3 bad gameplay games are you kidding me?..apparently you never played these games at high level, only the 3D mks, not saying much.

Everyone knows the MK's of 3D SO FAR have been lacking in certain areas, but the bitching and complaining WENT through, haven't you been watching and reading about MK:A?

You're the type of player that will grasp at straws to find any little thing to complain about, so what will be next, let me guess the parry isn't fast or slow enough for you?The throw escapes looks dumb, yet work....seriously man, either play the game or don't.We got what was NEEDED, end of story.

KF garra same for you, and apparently you haven't played the older MK's NEARLY as much as I have.MK2, MK3 and UMK3 were GREAT games.

Some time in the future play me on live and I'll gladly show you guys why.wink

The games play well and are NOTHING like MK:Ds gameplay.

LOL@ some people in here judging every MK based on MK:D, how close minded really....and ignorant I might add.

Also, KF please..rip off of Big trouble in little china my ass man lol.Just because a guy has a smaller hat of that dude called Raiden ohh all of a sudden it's a ripoff, right....

If that's what you believe then, lets see here man.Marvel ripoff of DC, Japanese cars rip off of Henry Fords idea despite performance in SOME cases, point is man everyone started something FIRST.Then later took that concept and made their own game, so please none of that ripoff bs seriously...because HOW many games now took the fatality concept?LEts see here External Champions, Killer Instinct, right......so sure MK had NOTHING to do with their fatality concepts.

MK_Krazy, you're way too young to even know the concept of a lot of these gameplay elements I can tell.....

LOL@ you calling yourself an MK fan yet you bash it more then anyone, and you call me the hypocrit...please...

Also your MK failing post is a joke, lol again one of these users that NEVER played MK at high level, go play your SF man seriously....

MK:A will have many infinites you see?Yeah...we will see ok bud.And if there is and they're hard, please make a video of them pulling them off because I don't see any MK:D like infinites arising.

You don't even play MK at high level ,all you do is ride on other peoples posts not knowing a thing of what we talk about...

LOL@ your SF 1 was sooo balanced, I said perfect.Find me a game that's PERFECT you won't because there is none!!!

BTW, where's your outdated SF now?Exactly...

And LOL@ your well what are you going to do about Dairou's TS, it's still in there WOW, just WOW at that comment.You DEFINITELY never played MK at high level now I can tell.

Here's a hint kid, play smart and JUMP kick.

winkFor your VF and Tekken comments, same that I said to q, this is a MK forum not a tekken forum.If I cared about those games I would belong to a tekken site now wouldn't I?

09/21/2006 04:47 AM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
You know, Tekken's movement when the characters are strafing and dashing about looks like garbage now. The animation for the attacks and throws looks awesome but I don't like the actual character movement when they dash around. I watch the matches at my local arcade quite a bit. When the game first came out, the shoddy character movement was the first thing I noticed. Oh well, it did improve the pace of the matches though grin. My question is this:

Why does everyone here seem to think Tekken is the shit?

I know the gameplay is superior to MK, but I honestly think that it doesn't hold a candle to Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike. It doesn't even hold a candle to Virtua Fighter no matter what version. Tekken seems a bit like VF, with more forgiving/sloppy gameplay mechanics. There is skill to be found in it, but not along the same lines as Street fighter or VF. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending MK. I'm just amazed at how many people think that Tekken is the "end all be all" of today's current fighters. Compare this MK game to VF and Street Fighter in terms of superior play mechanics and you have yourself a legitimate conversation. Those games walk all over MK.

Tekken's gameplay is a joke to me, it has been since Tekken 3.

MK has a certain charm about it that makes me want to play it. Its fun to play as well as fun to watch. The "new" gameplay additions will finally bring MK into a higher playing field. You will actually be able compete in the game unlike MKD with it's plethora of infinites and free throws. My all time love will forever be Street Fighter, but when it comes to all out fun, MK has a place my my heart and will forever.


You have yourself a "legitimate conversation" when you compare Tekken 2 to MK:D not to mention Tekken 5:DR to MK:A.

What's so special about Tekken 3 anyway?You do realize it probably had the most bullshit out of all the recent Tekken games,right?Do I need to point TruKing to this topic?

And I don't play VF competitively.Never have.Tekken is the most dominant 3D fighter being played in the U.S. on a competitive level.So,tell me what makes VF so damn deep.I always hear people talking about it,but people never go into specifics.Is it the complicated throw escapes?Oki?Parrying/reversal options?I always thought of VF as a more complicated Tekken;that is,Tekken has all the options VF does except that they are harder to execute in VF,or am I wrong by saying this?

And finally,if there's something Tekken sucks in,it's character balance.You know all the BS characters in T3,T4 and T5 and their ease of use,so I won't bother telling you about them.However,I heard in Tekken 5:DR 75% of the characters are mid-tier (i.e. Mishimas are top and need work to win,Armor King is mediocre,etc.).

I just find it funny that just because MK:A gains all the basic gameplay elements now (Tekken has had for over 6+ years),all of a sudden VF and SF walk over MK,but not Tekken.WTF?
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09/21/2006 07:16 AM (UTC)
m2dave, there is nothing special about Tekken 3, infact there is nothing special about any of the Tekken Games as far as I am concerned. I have given them all a chance. I paid for Tekken 1,2,3 and Tag. I learned Lei Wulong, Anna Williams, Nina Williams, Bruce Irving, and Wang across all of the afformentioned versions. Not because they were good, just because I wanted to be great with them. As time went on, I noticed more and more that the game just seemed to be too shallow for my tastes as far as that type of game goes. You see, I don't classify MKDA/D/A in the same category as VF, DOA, Tekken or even Bloody roar for that matter. The new MK's seem to be more of a mixture between 2D and 3D game play styles.

Sort of like Street Fighter EX, but not as rediculous. I guess that's why I let MK slide so much. As time went on, Tekken became more of a chore to play than it was fun to play and compete. I felt that the controls were too loose in some areas, and too tight in others. Characters like Xioyu, Eddie Gordo and Christie seemed like they were reaching in terms of design and gameplay. Some may even say that they were "Mash" friendly. Of course an expert player could easily dispatch them, but why put characters like them in a game that's supposed to be all about skill?

When you play VF, the controls are spot on. The character movements are nice and tight. The hit detection feels right, when you pull off a special move, you get it everytime. It is also very difficult to find and even pull off any infinte combos in VF which is a big plus. Tekken has never had that level of polish when it comes to the gameplay. I don't even want to get started on Street Fighter 3 but I have to. That game has more strategy in it than any other fighter that I have ever played. From the precision of the parry to knowing when and when not to parry, it's untouchable.

That game is almost 8 years old and it runs circles around Tekken 5: DR. You create your own wake ups in SF3. In order to be successful at parrying your opponent, you have to know his habits and anticipate well. You have to know how to play footsies and trick opponents into either eating a throw or a cross up combo. You have to understand when to quick recover and when not to. You must know better than to "show off" your parry skills to another high level player, believe me, you will pay for it. The list goes on and on. Tekken has nothing on that level.

Tekken is big in the U.S., even bigger than VF. But then again, so is Marvel vs Capcom 2 wich is nothing more than a huge glitch fest with overpowered characters like Cable, Magneto, Sentinel etc. I can classify Tekken and MvC2 in same group of messy fighters. MKD can squeeze in there too. As you can tell, I have lost much love for Tekken, no offense Tekken fans, but for a game that takes itself serious, the gameplay left me laughing out loud at Family Funtime Arcade. I quelled that laughter when I went back over to the SF3 area and began to truely play a competitive game.

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09/21/2006 08:32 AM (UTC)
From what we've seen, can you guys predict what level Blaze will be at in terms of gameplay.
I mean he just seems too big to be useful against really good, quick players.
09/21/2006 08:48 AM (UTC)
Wow.You really surprise me,man.I thought I was reading one of MKF's posts.

I don't care that you don't like Tekken since everyone has their own taste,but the reasons you listed feel like something I've read on gamefaqs.com.Tekken has loose controls and bad movements?What the...?Even VF players admit that Tekken is definitely one of the best fighting games in these two categories.You don't like "masher friendly" characters like Eddy?Damn,fool.Eddy hasn't been top tier since Lord knows when.If you bitched about TTT's backdash or Mishima's Wavedash in that game, or about T4's poking oriented system and Jin/Steve, or T5's ridiclous high damaging juggles next to walls or Steve,etc. Sure,who could blame you for hating that,but this?It's like me saying I think SF:3rd Strike is a joke because I don't like the way you parry in that game or I don't like it because I think fireballs should be more useful.I hope that people call me ignorant (or worse) if I every say this.

I don't know,fool.You talk about Tekken as if it didn't have any mind games or any sort of skill or work to be good at it.I personally think you've never experienced high level Tekken play (if you think that anyway).

I hope you take no offense from my posts.I'm just surprised someone with your knowledge would be giving me such ridiculous and nonsensical reasons.
09/21/2006 10:10 AM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
Wow.You really surprise me,man.I thought I was reading one of MKF's posts.

What does everyone have against MKF?
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I Rock

09/21/2006 05:50 PM (UTC)
MKF - WOW man you just don't get it.

UMK3 is considered the best MK cause it's just not broken as every other game.

And compared to any VF, SC and Tekken,


Get this to your head, MK gameplay is deep as the dead sea.
It only has finishers, story, interesting characters and stuff like that, the gameplay is bs

All I want is for MK to be playable, and MKA is playable.

Still, it's no way NEAR Tekken and the others, do you know anything about move properties, frame? You don't.
So go do an unblockable safe juggle that hits from anywhere on the screen or do a safe mid that is 65% and stop talking about Tekken.
09/21/2006 06:26 PM (UTC)
Matthew it's easy because guys like malone and myself don't want to discuss Tekken, we want to talk about MK and discuss that.Afterall it IS an MK forum is it not?

Well, I'll speak for myself in this case.Some people have a little problem with me because I don't go out of my way to find "things" on MK that simply aren't there in MK:A gameplay vids.So, because the parry doesn't look as good as Tekken it must be bad.Are you kidding me?People that make comments like this must hear my views, who the hell cares what it looks like as long as it works.Right?I mean as a veteran mk player who has played other fighters to be fair, I don't see bashing MK for something as trivial as that.

Very few high level players of MK in general will complain about that, we complained about these key elements NOT being in there such as parries, throw escapes and a wake up.People were SOOOOOOO sure that Boon wouldn't listen to us, I never doubted him.People talk about MK and midway as if they're dumb, not the case.

Yeah, they're a late bloomer in these elements but you people have to realize that Midway is relatively new to making 3D mks, they're more known for the oldschool games which played well mind you..

Some of us just don't care for or want to talk about tekken where we are talking about MK:A, I mean seriously is this a tekken forum or an MK forum? lol

I want to discuss MK, not Tekken, not DOA, not SC.

Yet some of these guys insist in bringing up a game that has NOTHING to do with MK lol.We must compare, why?Why must we compare because quite frankly as long as MK:A is a good game gameplay wise, I don't give a rats ass about comparing it to other fighters.

I can see if we were all on the general forums discussing fighters in general but we aren't.

Also, I'm a diehard MK fan that although admits MK's flaws in the past, won't dwell on them nor bash all future MK's that comes out because MK:D failed.That's just silly and I don't get that concept.

There is no game that is perfect, some think Tekken is well.....I can find you a handful of people that don't feel that way, malone does apparently, I feel the same...in fact VF came out first, then Tekken came out expanding on their ideas and making it better, yet people seem to forget this.

So, for the people that said MK rips off ideas, well Tekken must have ripped off VF then...although the games are indeed different, the concept is hauntingly similiar....

Where as you have SF vs. MK of oldschool, there were obviously KEY differences, yet both tons of fun to play.

hjs-Q Wrote:
MKF - WOW man you just don't get it.

UMK3 is considered the best MK cause it's just not broken as every other game.

And compared to any VF, SC and Tekken,


Get this to your head, MK gameplay is deep as the dead sea.
It only has finishers, story, interesting characters and stuff like that, the gameplay is bs

All I want is for MK to be playable, and MKA is playable.

Still, it's no way NEAR Tekken and the others, do you know anything about move properties, frame? You don't.
So go do an unblockable safe juggle that hits from anywhere on the screen or do a safe mid that is 65% and stop talking about Tekken.

UMK3 is NOT horrible, with that comment you show that you know nothing of the old MK's seriously, and not as broken?WHAT?!?!?!

WOW lol, dude there's a total of about 4 or 5 infinites in the whole game.Do you realize how difficult it is to pull those off?I don't think you do.

UMK3 is the best mk yet from a gameplay point of view and can easily compete against any other fighter, it's one of the best hands down.And I can tell you from personal experience that at the arcades in NJ, NY and AC in NJ people were surrounding the MK machines, and the SF machines NOT the tekken machines.Just so you know, I saw about 3 guys play Tekken 2 and 3 in those days where UMK3 I had a damn line to wait on and I had to put up my quarter as to say "I GOT NEXT"

I didn't see any of this with "the mighty Tekken" that's so perfect in your mind.

You might as well admit that you're a tekken fan that only plays MK it's exactly like Tekken, lol not going to happen.

Here's where you contradict yourself a bit, about a page or two back you said that MK:A looks to be a great game.

Then you say this, MK:A will be broken, it'll have flaws it's NOT tekken so it'll automatically suck more or less is what you're saying.

Wrong man, first of all I love your "faith" in MK and you're a fan again?

Second, so even if MK:A is a great game because of the balance, gameplay elements and them ridding OTG's and FT's, it still won't be a good game because it's not tekken?

If you're seriously going to judge MK based on that concept then all I have to say is WOW and you might as well not even play MK.

So, what about Marvel vs. Capcom and SF 3 alpha, correct me if I'm wrong people but I do believe there are infinites in those games, even though they're difficult to pull off they're still in there none the less.

Just like the ones in UMK3, yet because it's "Mortal Kombat" it sucks since there's infinites, yet with the other games ohh they get a free pass because it's not MK.That's nonsense.

UMK3 is a great game, this is a fact.Deny it and you just show how blind you are.

BTW, care to post this in the classic forums how you feel about UMK3 and you're get verbally killed on there, not kidding.But you know that, which is why you're posting it here.wink

BTW, please amuse me man why is UMK3 a broken game since you said it's only good because it's "less broken" right.....................

Your UMK3 is not as good as SC, VF and Tekken is a mere matter of opinion.VF and Tekken I just don't like and SC is s mere button masher compared to the other games, I know at high level in SC the button masher is not seen often however a lot of fighter fans even admit that SC is more of a button masher then the others....

I think UMK3 is better personally.I don't see the hype about Tekken to be dead honest, I don't like it and feel it's way overrated.
09/21/2006 07:53 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
MK_Krazy, you're way too young to even know the concept of a lot of these gameplay elements I can tell.....

Yes because we all know age shows intelligence. Oh what i would do for a roll eyes smiley.

Even with my so called lack of knowledge i managed to help someone out with there FAQ with fighting game term definitions. What have you done with your all mighty knowledge of fighting games.

LOL@ you calling yourself an MK fan yet you bash it more then anyone, and you call me the hypocrit...please...

I was thinking about changing my name for a while now and changing it to something that would spite a few people, thanks for giving me that drive again.

Also your MK failing post is a joke, lol again one of these users that NEVER played MK at high level, go play your SF man seriously....

I don't see why it is a joke. Are you trying to imply that MK:DA and MK:D succeed?

MK:A will have many infinites you see?Yeah...we will see ok bud.And if there is and they're hard, please make a video of them pulling them off because I don't see any MK:D like infinites arising.

The point flew well over your head. I was TRYING to say that how can you, I, or anyone else see this game having easy infinites or not. While the new implements are good for the game, if they are implemented badly it could seriously break the game. Like i was saying, if the parry window stays open for to long and has a quick recovery, we could have a turtle fest game, but with a game like Mortal Kombat you never know what type of game it will be untill it's released.

You don't even play MK at high level ,all you do is ride on other peoples posts not knowing a thing of what we talk about...

So i guess i can't say that Thierry Henry is a good football player because i don't play football at a professional level and only watch him.

I guess i can't say Tiger Woods is a great golfer because I don't play golf at a professional level, i don't play golf at all actually i just watch him from time to time.

See where i'm going with this? Even after all that there is a difference between understanding high level play and playing at high level at a particular game. I understand that in a decent fighter you must have a good risk vs reward system, in order to have a good risk vs reward system you must break the game down into frames and see how much of a advantage/disadvatage you are when at these times; start up and recovery on both hit and blocked and how much range the attack hits at. Now depending on how much of a advantage/disadvantage i am at i must find a way to utilize said move into my gameplay, whether it be used as a poke, mix up, counter move etc

Now using that and looking at a few Bo videos you can blantently see that his f+3 has superior range with great startup and recovery times. With Dairou you can plainly see his TS drop also has excellent range, with great start up and recovery times for what it's worth and juggles. This is just basing on a few videos you might see around.

You will have to play the game to get a FULL understanding, but you can still get a BASIS on whos goos and whos not without even playing the game and looking at a few videos.

Also, notice i never comment on people that have talk about the combo damage and what not, it's because I DON'T KNOW. I just comment on what i DO KNOW which is usually about the posts that represent fighting games stuff in general that happens to be in MK. So i might comment about the parry, okizeme, throw escape etc.

LOL@ your SF 1 was sooo balanced, I said perfect.Find me a game that's PERFECT you won't because there is none!!!

I can see you have no sense of humor. Remind me not to joke around a bit when your around.

BTW, where's your outdated SF now?Exactly...

And where would MK be without it's gore and fatalities? Exactly.

And LOL@ your well what are you going to do about Dairou's TS, it's still in there WOW, just WOW at that comment.You DEFINITELY never played MK at high level now I can tell.

Here's a hint kid, play smart and JUMP kick.

Oh how i see now! Thank you o' almighty one of fighting games i can only dream to have the knowledge you possess. Please teach me more, as i'm only a kid that when i am at a certain age i cannot learn no more untill i get older.

winkFor your VF and Tekken comments, same that I said to q, this is a MK forum not a tekken forum.If I cared about those games I would belong to a tekken site now wouldn't I?

You seem to care enough about that you write a 50 page rant on how you don't like Tekken when someone was just making a simple COMAPARISON.
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