09/21/2006 08:26 PM (UTC)
MK_krazy Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
MK_Krazy, you're way too young to even know the concept of a lot of these gameplay elements I can tell.....

Yes because we all know age shows intelligence. Oh what i would do for a roll eyes smiley.

Even with my so called lack of knowledge i managed to help someone out with there FAQ with fighting game term definitions. What have you done with your all mighty knowledge of fighting games.

LOL@ you calling yourself an MK fan yet you bash it more then anyone, and you call me the hypocrit...please...

I was thinking about changing my name for a while now and changing it to something that would spite a few people, thanks for giving me that drive again.

Also your MK failing post is a joke, lol again one of these users that NEVER played MK at high level, go play your SF man seriously....

I don't see why it is a joke. Are you trying to imply that MK:DA and MK:D succeed?

MK:A will have many infinites you see?Yeah...we will see ok bud.And if there is and they're hard, please make a video of them pulling them off because I don't see any MK:D like infinites arising.

The point flew well over your head. I was TRYING to say that how can you, I, or anyone else see this game having easy infinites or not. While the new implements are good for the game, if they are implemented badly it could seriously break the game. Like i was saying, if the parry window stays open for to long and has a quick recovery, we could have a turtle fest game, but with a game like Mortal Kombat you never know what type of game it will be untill it's released.

You don't even play MK at high level ,all you do is ride on other peoples posts not knowing a thing of what we talk about...

So i guess i can't say that Thierry Henry is a good football player because i don't play football at a professional level and only watch him.

I guess i can't say Tiger Woods is a great golfer because I don't play golf at a professional level, i don't play golf at all actually i just watch him from time to time.

See where i'm going with this? Even after all that there is a difference between understanding high level play and playing at high level at a particular game. I understand that in a decent fighter you must have a good risk vs reward system, in order to have a good risk vs reward system you must break the game down into frames and see how much of a advantage/disadvatage you are when at these times; start up and recovery on both hit and blocked and how much range the attack hits at. Now depending on how much of a advantage/disadvantage i am at i must find a way to utilize said move into my gameplay, whether it be used as a poke, mix up, counter move etc

Now using that and looking at a few Bo videos you can blantently see that his f+3 has superior range with great startup and recovery times. With Dairou you can plainly see his TS drop also has excellent range, with great start up and recovery times for what it's worth and juggles. This is just basing on a few videos you might see around.

You will have to play the game to get a FULL understanding, but you can still get a BASIS on whos goos and whos not without even playing the game and looking at a few videos.

Also, notice i never comment on people that have talk about the combo damage and what not, it's because I DON'T KNOW. I just comment on what i DO KNOW which is usually about the posts that represent fighting games stuff in general that happens to be in MK. So i might comment about the parry, okizeme, throw escape etc.

LOL@ your SF 1 was sooo balanced, I said perfect.Find me a game that's PERFECT you won't because there is none!!!

I can see you have no sense of humor. Remind me not to joke around a bit when your around.

BTW, where's your outdated SF now?Exactly...

And where would MK be without it's gore and fatalities? Exactly.

And LOL@ your well what are you going to do about Dairou's TS, it's still in there WOW, just WOW at that comment.You DEFINITELY never played MK at high level now I can tell.

Here's a hint kid, play smart and JUMP kick.

Oh how i see now! Thank you o' almighty one of fighting games i can only dream to have the knowledge you possess. Please teach me more, as i'm only a kid that when i am at a certain age i cannot learn no more untill i get older.

winkFor your VF and Tekken comments, same that I said to q, this is a MK forum not a tekken forum.If I cared about those games I would belong to a tekken site now wouldn't I?

You seem to care enough about that you write a 50 page rant on how you don't like Tekken when someone was just making a simple COMAPARISON.
LOL, MK is still here though even though the fatalities are oldschool already....yeah, must be the finishing moves as to why MK's still popular..uh huh

As for your was I implying that MK:DA and MK:D were good games, no.And obviously once again you miss my point.I was referring to the old MK's FYI.

Although you are young and post some good points on gameplay, you're also cleary too young to see that NOT every MK game was disappointing.

I recommend you play MK2, MK3 and UMK3 sometime then get back to me.Then again, since you have this negative bias towards MK in general, it most likely won't make a difference in your case.

Now, your tiger woods, etc, etc theories lol.It's not the same thing, EVERYONE in the world knows that Tiger is the best golfer, Yankees are the best baseball team ever, etc, etc.

What's your point exactly?Because you see this is world news suggesting it's fact, which it is.

Where in peoples thinking MK is bad all the time is NOT fact, merely opinion.Big, big difference.Some like tekken, others like SF, some like MK, others like SC.Understand?

As for your knowledge lecture lol, yeah I'm sure you know basic knowledge such as what is a parry?What is a 50/50 exactly?

That's easy to define and anyone can define or tell someone what those are.

What you fail to realize is that you NEED to play at high level in order to back what you say, I've actually have lots of experience playing MK at high level, what's your resume of MK experience?

Some things you need to PLAY for yourself and I don't mean against 3 of your friends, beating them and thinking you're the best.I mean playing a game at high level against good comp.

Your infinite gameplay theory I understand totally, but again the parry window might lead to turtling?Who cares man, lol again you need to play the old MK's man.Turtling comes with the territory when you have the jumping mechanic again, the parry window is fine if you ask me.I think some people in here are seriously overanalyzing this shit, look we got it, so use it.

I knew this would happen though with the downer users in this forum, it's what they do best.wow

Your SF joke, well forgive me for taking you seriously as you always ride SF to the limit, SF can do no wrong in your book.

I never said I was all mighty, unlike some in here that think they know everything, I don't.I admit it but I do know damn well enough to judge MK as I've had literally thousands of matches of experience online MK_K.Take that into consideration.

Most people use this emoticon when you joke around also

tongue or this onegrin afterall, that is the purpose of them is it not?

Actually, I don't care about Tekken I care about MK, but re-read the posts I wasn't the one who brought up Tekken first now was I?That's because I don't care about Tekken.

P.S. yeah, you might want to change your name before people actually think you're an MK fan.

09/21/2006 09:34 PM (UTC)
ok time for my 2 cents.

mkf ill use your 3 words wake up, parry, throw reversal.

u bash teken, and u dont play sf games that incorporate these moves, so what the hell do u no about them and how they work. these moves require frames to work well. the mk team does not incorporate frame rates when they build games.

did the reversal work well in mkda???? HELL FUCKING NO,,, did the breaker work well in mkd , once again no.

why hav a parry and a breaker,???? dumbest thing ever.... reason breaker is to stop damage, the parry ( aka reversal from mkda) is added as a quick fix, to eliminate glitches they dont wanna test. is the parry good, yes, is the mk parry good no, cause is done half assed, and its purposes are false.

throw escape, u hav parrys, breakers, and no a throw escapes. throws had to much priority in mkd, quick fix will add a throw escape, which kinda was in mkd, it u both threw at the same time, there just changed the frmae rates, another half ass fix job.

and now the wake up, cant say much on this cause havent seen enoug, but it deff is no big deal. can u do a wake up attack after a tech roll??? no one knows. cause if i can just uppercut, which sorry to tell u is the same as qr into uppercut, low lick same as qr into poke. all moves that didnt plant, u had a wake up game to a point. so they didnt add a wake up game, they made all plants techable and when u get knocked down u are pushed a lil firther away. theres ur wake up game, u read into things, but they are moves u never played with. they didnt really add anything to this game.

making no moves plant is dumb.
having so many defensive escapes with a lack of offense it dumb.

this game will be a bigger turtle fest than mk2. cause the attacker will get raped.
09/22/2006 02:48 AM (UTC)
redsaleen02 Wrote:
ok time for my 2 cents.

mkf ill use your 3 words wake up, parry, throw reversal.

u bash teken, and u dont play sf games that incorporate these moves, so what the hell do u no about them and how they work. these moves require frames to work well. the mk team does not incorporate frame rates when they build games.

did the reversal work well in mkda???? HELL FUCKING NO,,, did the breaker work well in mkd , once again no.

why hav a parry and a breaker,???? dumbest thing ever.... reason breaker is to stop damage, the parry ( aka reversal from mkda) is added as a quick fix, to eliminate glitches they dont wanna test. is the parry good, yes, is the mk parry good no, cause is done half assed, and its purposes are false.

throw escape, u hav parrys, breakers, and no a throw escapes. throws had to much priority in mkd, quick fix will add a throw escape, which kinda was in mkd, it u both threw at the same time, there just changed the frmae rates, another half ass fix job.

and now the wake up, cant say much on this cause havent seen enoug, but it deff is no big deal. can u do a wake up attack after a tech roll??? no one knows. cause if i can just uppercut, which sorry to tell u is the same as qr into uppercut, low lick same as qr into poke. all moves that didnt plant, u had a wake up game to a point. so they didnt add a wake up game, they made all plants techable and when u get knocked down u are pushed a lil firther away. theres ur wake up game, u read into things, but they are moves u never played with. they didnt really add anything to this game.

making no moves plant is dumb.
having so many defensive escapes with a lack of offense it dumb.

this game will be a bigger turtle fest than mk2. cause the attacker will get raped.

Again, who cares man?That's kind of the point of key DEFENSIVE elements now isn't it?

And if Midway DIDN'T listen to us, then you would have been bitching about ohhhh boyy another MK:D with more characters, right?Right..

Now that Midway DID implement these key factors to IMPROVE gameplay, you complaining about it being too much?Give me a break..

Why is turtling such a bad thing?Because you can't crowd people anymore Red and bo stick them to the point where they can't do shit if their breakers are gone? LOL, you're more or less saying you'll have more trouble now that the game is fixed from MK:D's flaws.That's what it sounds like.

Second, no I'm NOT bashing tekken, merely expressing my opinion on Tekken.Same as Malone, I don't like it.Why must everyone in an mk forum no less, LOVE tekken.We don't have to and I won't.

Besides, if someone bashes MK you're damn right I'll defend it.Kind of the point of being a true fan, support it through the downs and ups.There is no fareweather shit from me, that's just fake crap that gets on my nerves.

"Ohhhh MK:A will be good now so I'm an MK fan" right.... me, I've always loved MK from the beginning, the good games, the disappointing games and all games.

And how is making NO plant moves dumb?I guess you really do want another MK:D don't you?Like I said you sound uneasy of the fact that you can now be shut down due to the proper mechanics, now you're going back on your word with improving MK.

So, which is it?You want MK to improve or remain a glitch fest so you can own people with broken bo?Come on man, hell I'm happy because that means Dairou and Bo will be fixed and you can actually play more fair matches against them now along with everyone else broken in MK:D.

And you're contradicting yourself again, you know Tekken has all of these elements right?Yet, now that they're in MK ohhh no fair, the attacker will get raped.Are you serious? lol kind of the point of the throw escapes and parries now isn't it?To actually have a chance to escape that shit.

The wake up is a big deal because that means you can actually get away from 50/50's now so how can you honestly say that?

BTW, real fast you're wrong I have SF:A and SFA 3 has these moves so I have played the SF's with them, I also have Marvel vs. Capcom even though I'm not very good at those games I've had a taste for your information, I'm just an MK guy.I've played every fighter enough to see the difference between them all.My favorite is MK.

But back on this MK:A topic, admit it man.

You're just pissed because MK is no more of a offensive game with countless glitches, plants and none escapable moves, it's now about defense and you don't like that.Sorry red...you'll have to deal with it.A tip from me, step up your game like everyone else will have to do.
09/22/2006 03:24 AM (UTC)
plants are a must in fighting games, im not saying everything should plant but u should hav atleast 2 per guy. they didnt add a wake up game, they eliminated plants, thats not putting in a wake up game, the jump alone is enuff to get away.

already proved i dont need bo, sorry subby, scorp, kobra. every one will just be running away, there will be no offense in mka.

mk lacks frame rates, and thats why all the stuff the added will backfire.
game is tested offline, if online lag makes the parry safe, game becomes unplayable. again frame rates, R and R.

yes plants might be in the game, havent seen real footgae, to german guys who spend more time looking at move lists and no shit about moves that are safe, and couldnt land a 5 hit juggle didnt show me enuff. as long as theres 1 plant per guy thats all they need.

real wake up came and how it works has not been showed. exaclty how many frames for a throw reversal hav not been show. and the low parry has not been shown.

u played capcom vs snk,, didnt like it i wonder why..

i bet u used c groove didnt ya???

if u answer yes, than all my questions got answered... and if yes, stick to mk3, cause you are gonna be in for a shock, oh wait u wont cause frames wont matter.
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09/22/2006 03:27 AM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
Wow.You really surprise me,man.I thought I was reading one of MKF's posts.

I don't care that you don't like Tekken since everyone has their own taste,but the reasons you listed feel like something I've read on gamefaqs.com.Tekken has loose controls and bad movements?What the...?Even VF players admit that Tekken is definitely one of the best fighting games in these two categories.You don't like "masher friendly" characters like Eddy?Damn,fool.Eddy hasn't been top tier since Lord knows when.If you bitched about TTT's backdash or Mishima's Wavedash in that game, or about T4's poking oriented system and Jin/Steve, or T5's ridiclous high damaging juggles next to walls or Steve,etc. Sure,who could blame you for hating that,but this?It's like me saying I think SF:3rd Strike is a joke because I don't like the way you parry in that game or I don't like it because I think fireballs should be more useful.I hope that people call me ignorant (or worse) if I every say this.

I don't know,fool.You talk about Tekken as if it didn't have any mind games or any sort of skill or work to be good at it.I personally think you've never experienced high level Tekken play (if you think that anyway).

I hope you take no offense from my posts.I'm just surprised someone with your knowledge would be giving me such ridiculous and nonsensical reasons.

LOL! m2dave, I never take anything personal, besides, this is a friendly debate not an argument grin. What it boils down to is this. I lost touch with Tekken's style of gameplay in favor of what I believed to be a superior game (Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike). I never once said Tekken does not have all of the essentials to be a top level fighter, it is a top level fighter in the eyes of most of the American public. After Tekken 2, I just think that the gameplay left me feeling like, well, something was off you know what I mean. I guess I'm more of a Street Fighter fan and always will be. To me no 3D game has reached the level of gameplay that the 2D games have attained many years ago. Until that day arrives, I will hold on to my opinion.

Don't ever confuse me with a gamefaq scrub...ever. I am as far beyond gamefaq scrubs as Apocolypse is beyond the mutants in X-men. Just because I perfer 2D style gameplay over what Tekken has to offer does not give you the right to catergorize me with them. I would never do that to you because I know better than that. And by the way, I have experienced Tekken at high level. I was one of the top Nina Williams player during the Tekken 2 days. I never participated in the tournaments held at Family Funtime Arcade, but I did compete against many tournament players for fun and learning.

I agree that Tekken is one of the best 3D fighters in the category, but to me that doesn't mean that much. In terms of 3D fighters, I believe VF to be superior in terms of control and the effectiveness of it's attacks (i.e. wake ups, pokes, strikes, movement etc.). Control is everything for me in fighting games. That's why I don't like MvC2 either, it's too sloppy. Yes, I'm a gameplay snob grin. I like perfection. In my opinion, none of these games will ever touch Street Fighters gameplay, none of them. Honestly, my opinion should mean nothing to you or anyone else. I'm old school, I come from the time when 2D games ruled the arcades. I give every game a chance before I judge them. Whether or not I enjoy them is up to me. I apologize to anyone who I have offended for any statements that I have made.

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09/22/2006 05:26 AM (UTC)
Sorry to interrupt all the back an forth arguing... But I was wondering, in terms of gameplay, which game will MK:A be closer too. MK:DA, or MK:D?

I just remember a bunch of people saying MK:DA was superior to it's sequel, and I guess being a lower-level player I thought otherwise, and hopeing this is more like an improved MK:D, then an improved MK:DA.

Also, is universal tracking gone? If so this means it will be more useful to side step now right?

I never noticed they're was a limit to breakers, although sometimes when people are throwing out uber cheap attacks at me, relentlessly, it does seem that after a while I'm practically doomed. I just thought it was because I lost my cool and wasn't timming my breaks right.

So how many breakers and parries do we have per round? Is there anything else we have that's limited?

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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

09/22/2006 05:53 AM (UTC)
KillJoy Wrote:
Sorry to interrupt all the back an forth arguing... But I was wondering, in terms of gameplay, which game will MK:A be closer too. MK:DA, or MK:D?

I just remember a bunch of people saying MK:DA was superior to it's sequel, and I guess being a lower-level player I thought otherwise, and hopeing this is more like an improved MK:D, then an improved MK:DA.

Also, is universal tracking gone? If so this means it will be more useful to side step now right?

I never noticed they're was a limit to breakers, although sometimes when people are throwing out uber cheap attacks at me, relentlessly, it does seem that after a while I'm practically doomed. I just thought it was because I lost my cool and wasn't timming my breaks right.

So how many breakers and parries do we have per round? Is there anything else we have that's limited?

The breakers introduced in MKD were identified by the 3 lightening bolts under your character's life bar. Each time you use a breaker, you lose a bolt. This will be the same in MKA. Parries are unlimited, they are only limited by the skill of the player using them.

Off the subject:
Contrary to popular belief, the parries in MKA left you open longer that they remained effective for the actual counter. At the E3, if you mis-timed a parry, your character would stay frozen in the parry animation and you could be hit with an attack of the opponents choice (i.e. pop up, dial-a-combo etc.) You had to time the parry at the beginning of the attack for it to be effective.

The only reason why the parry looks the way it does in the videos is because the videos are running between 24-30 frames per second, some even less than that. This game runs at 60 frames per second. Of course with the slower video speed, things look like they take longer, have more recovery frames, etc. I think the MK Team did a decent job on the parry, not the way I would have done it, but it is effective.

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I Rock

09/22/2006 10:21 AM (UTC)
K guys this discussion is pointless and we went off topic.


Fujin's Wind Staff has the moves of Hotaru's Nagatia.

It's a nice weapon. It just doesn't have any mids.

b+1 is one of the fastest and safest pop ups in the game.

1,b+1 is also nice to throw here and there.

d+1 is a nice low.

b+2 is ok.

If Midway will add a mid it will be really good, if not this might be a problem.

Liu He is a really bad style.

We don't know enough about him to predict.
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09/22/2006 02:40 PM (UTC)
First and foremost, I applaud your efforts. I haven't seriously been a part of the MK internet scene since my first PS2 crapped out, but its nice to know that the gameplay heads have finally gotten their due, you certainly fought for it and I personally thank you for making MK a better game.

I was wondering though, since the tiers in MKD were basically decided by infinites, universal tracking, plant 50/50 garbage is it really safe to call tiers at this point? Or are we just operating on 'cheap' specials like TS drop, puke, and whose got fast lows / mids? I think Smoke's throw is about the only really cheap shit that could still take place, right? If it's been mentioend, I apologize for only skimming the 17 + pages of this thread.

I weep for Kobra, unless his air kombat options are exceptional, Kickboxing and Ashrah's weapon with his shit throw are a death warrant. Go Scorpion and Dairou I guess. Do the big guys still have stupid properties regarding trap / stun type moves? Also, return of neijin = hot sex.

Speaking of TS drop, does anyone have any ideas on what could possibly be done to make this a fair move? The way I see it, the only option is either make it blockable or make it slow as shit like Drahmin's drop. At E3 had they done anything to fix Scorpion's free damage bonanza, ie: hellfire? Subzero's ice hellfire thing is blockable right?

Lastly, there's like no info on kira in the main post, are her knives the same as Kano's still (crappy) and for that matter are Kano's still like Kano's (crappy)?

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I Rock

09/22/2006 04:21 PM (UTC)
Fenix Wrote:
First and foremost, I applaud your efforts. I haven't seriously been a part of the MK internet scene since my first PS2 crapped out, but its nice to know that the gameplay heads have finally gotten their due, you certainly fought for it and I personally thank you for making MK a better game.

I was wondering though, since the tiers in MKD were basically decided by infinites, universal tracking, plant 50/50 garbage is it really safe to call tiers at this point? Or are we just operating on 'cheap' specials like TS drop, puke, and whose got fast lows / mids? I think Smoke's throw is about the only really cheap shit that could still take place, right? If it's been mentioend, I apologize for only skimming the 17 + pages of this thread.

I weep for Kobra, unless his air kombat options are exceptional, Kickboxing and Ashrah's weapon with his shit throw are a death warrant. Go Scorpion and Dairou I guess. Do the big guys still have stupid properties regarding trap / stun type moves? Also, return of neijin = hot sex.

Speaking of TS drop, does anyone have any ideas on what could possibly be done to make this a fair move? The way I see it, the only option is either make it blockable or make it slow as shit like Drahmin's drop. At E3 had they done anything to fix Scorpion's free damage bonanza, ie: hellfire? Subzero's ice hellfire thing is blockable right?

Lastly, there's like no info on kira in the main post, are her knives the same as Kano's still (crappy) and for that matter are Kano's still like Kano's (crappy)?


Welcome back and thx.

We're just predecting, based on how good/bad those styles were in MKDA and MKD.

Many things can be changed......

Things look bad for Kobra, his throw however, is one of the best.

The big chracters are normal now...... Most don't have a style so we don't know anything about them, Expect for Goro, Kintaro and Shao Khan, which have styles and they are not good.

TS will anyway be toned down in MKA.

In the GC version it was fixed so you can't cancel the recovery time and spam it like crazy.

They'll probably keep it that way and you also have air kombat so now Dairou can't mix up his TS with the fireball (in MKD the fireball would hit you in the air). So anyways, it won't rull the game like MKD.

I still think it should be changed.........

Kira has Kano's knife and they are not good.
About Me
09/22/2006 04:43 PM (UTC)
I understand balancing the boss characters, but it seems as if even if you master kahn, goro, or kintaro, you'd be hard pressed to hold your own against someone who's mastered Dairou.

Do their moves and power make up for their lack of good stances?
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09/22/2006 05:04 PM (UTC)
-god I hate this forum software- hjs-q : Things look bad for Kobra, his throw however, is one of the best. Me: I've heard that before, but I don't understand (and this is considering MKD rules), doesn't plant, doesn't launch, doesn't line up any dt strats, how is it good? KJ: The really big guys (Onaga, Mol, Motaro, Blaze) are a tossup, if it's true they have no stance and just a couple moves and specials (think how bosses were in MKT) then they'll probably be garbage novelty characters anyways. (lol @ meat being a more competition viable character than Dragon King) As for the not so big guys, if what I've heard from GC Deception is true, Goro and Kahn don't suck just because they are big, its because their stances are stupid (slow, no mids) and their weapons / specials do dick for damage. I can't say for sure, I've never played it, but presumably they could be beefed up just like anyone else in the cast with stances via tweaks. Didn't somebody say Kintaro or Sheeva was a little bit of ownage at E3 anyways? -F.
09/22/2006 08:29 PM (UTC)
Any info on Kung Lao as of yet, hjs-Q?
About Me

I Rock

09/22/2006 10:22 PM (UTC)
Will MKA be a turtle fest?

I was thinking -

With super fast projectiles and no delay between them.

With 3 breakers.

With parrys.

With Wake Up (no more plants bs).

Dont you think besides special cases like Dairou, won't MKA be just two people standing throwing projectiles, and when someone comes to attack he eats a parry, pop up, combo, breaker etc......

What do you think?
09/23/2006 12:56 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Dont you think besides special cases like Dairou, won't MKA be just two people standing throwing projectiles, and when someone comes to attack he eats a parry, pop up, combo, breaker etc......

What do you think?

Well, it won't be a turtle fest. It's super easy to sidestep a projectile, and jump across the screen, jump kick, and start a combo on them. It would be foolish to try to win by shooting projectiles.

Although Sareena has some dangerous special moves.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

09/23/2006 01:17 AM (UTC)
To be real, I don't really use big combos on MKD. I use simple 3,4 or 5 hit combos. Also, I use special moves alot too.

So I think that in MKA, I will have more of a chance cause you don't have to memorize long ass combos. I can just use short pop up combos and special attacks. Parrys and all that other defensive stuff. Will be just like MKT. grin
09/23/2006 02:28 AM (UTC)
i love turtles there so small and smooth and cool and then there's the TMNT and they just well radical
09/23/2006 03:59 AM (UTC)
redsaleen02 Wrote:
plants are a must in fighting games, im not saying everything should plant but u should hav atleast 2 per guy. they didnt add a wake up game, they eliminated plants, thats not putting in a wake up game, the jump alone is enuff to get away.

already proved i dont need bo, sorry subby, scorp, kobra. every one will just be running away, there will be no offense in mka.

mk lacks frame rates, and thats why all the stuff the added will backfire.
game is tested offline, if online lag makes the parry safe, game becomes unplayable. again frame rates, R and R.

yes plants might be in the game, havent seen real footgae, to german guys who spend more time looking at move lists and no shit about moves that are safe, and couldnt land a 5 hit juggle didnt show me enuff. as long as theres 1 plant per guy thats all they need.

real wake up came and how it works has not been showed. exaclty how many frames for a throw reversal hav not been show. and the low parry has not been shown.

u played capcom vs snk,, didnt like it i wonder why..

i bet u used c groove didnt ya???

if u answer yes, than all my questions got answered... and if yes, stick to mk3, cause you are gonna be in for a shock, oh wait u wont cause frames wont matter.

You know your obsession with frame rates astonishes me honestly, lol you know I can make the same exact point on other fighters online, you know that right?Afterall, online gaming is online gamine despite the game you're playing.Meaning EVERY fighter will have messed up frame rates when you're playing online.DOA I can make the same point, I've played that game online DOAU and DOA 4 for the 360 at my buds house.Guess what Red?Sometimes lag interuped a parry, others it didn't so again red.

I've said this before, I'll say it again DEAL with it because online=always a chance of lag.You puzzle me how you preach on and on about this stuff yet you play online a lot.Why's that?Answer that?Because when ever you win, nobody here's a peep out of you I've noticed on the GG's thread or else where unless it's turbo or killerPC in which everyone knows their connection sucks.

If "lag" and "framerates" bother you that much then why even play online in the first place?

When I played Capcom vs. SNK I used B groove and C and some others which I honestly forgot, it's been a while since I played that game.I don't hate that game, I told you I just play MK the most out of every fighter because I enjoy it the most.I like Akuma though if you must know.

I have no idea what tier he is either, I'm sure Malone would know more then anyone in here.

And a wake up game has been added, this is a fact why in your mind are you denying this?Wake up game has been added as well as removed plants, you're in denial for what ever reason.

And last time I checked you couldn't charge up from the ground with an uppercut or kick when you get knocked down in MK:D nor could you STAY on the ground after getting knocked down.

Besides, the final game isn't even out yet with that many characters there's a possibility there's a few plant moves but honestly if some of the special moves are too powerful then that will make up for plants, example Bo's puke was a plant move, you could do that shit near the corner and nail your opponent every time in MK:D.

I'm not pissed or angry honestly, I just disagree with some of what you say Red.Just so you don't think I hate you or something.But anyway...

I hope that they fix that with Frost's ground puddle otherwise a lot of people will pick her.She's already looking top tier.

Hey I have a question, since the wake up game is in there now with teh 3 moves on the ground, I'm assuming they removed quick recovery.Malone do you know man?You were at E3, thanks.

BTW, for the current topic no I don't think it will be as much as some people are feared it might be.But if you don't turtle with what the game gives you in key situations, that's your mistake unless you want to gamble and perhaps not win the match.
09/23/2006 06:22 AM (UTC)
QR is the wake up game... mka wake up game

d/b + 1 uppercut
d/b + 3 low poke

what the hell u think qr is

all they did was take away the plants. u could qr into and uppercut in mkd.

the wake up game is the same just about, they just took away plants, and prob spaced the knocks further away.
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09/23/2006 06:28 AM (UTC)
MKF, Quick Recover was still in the game at E3. Whether or not this has changed since then is unknown.

Now, on to the topic. MKA will not be a turtle fest, it will be more strategic. IN MKD, you had both skilled and unskilled players who just bulldogged you the whole match with over powered characters such as Bo Rai Cho and Noob-Smoke. You had very little defense against them, so in MKD most players would turtle against characters like Bo, Smoke, and Dai. In MKD, you either turtled the other player for fear of being hit with glitch moves or you totured them to death with glitch moves. You really couldn't choose when to go on the defensive or offensive based on your skill in MKD. If you were caught in a 50/50, chances were that you would lose at least 30-40% health before you escaped by guessing right.

In MKA, the aggressor will have to anticipate the new defensive moves and play accordingly to counter them. If you know someone will perform a wake-up attack after you knock them down, don't follow it up with some foolish attack. You can still keep the pressure on by alowing your opponent to perform a wake-up as long as you are at a safe distance away and can defend it. By mixing up your routine durring a match, you can beat even the most savy parry experts and wake-up attack kings. In games with wake-up options and parries, it helps to learn your opponents habits.

You should only fear the parry when you are dealing with an expert player and for some strange reason, you have forgotten how to throw. If I see that my opponent has become parry happy well, he'd better eat his vitamins 'cause I'm puttin' on my wrasslin' tights and I will throw him all around the ring for trying to parry all day. Hulk-a-mania will be in full effect.

As far as fireballs are concerned, they are useful now with the speed upgrade. They can still be side stepped and jumped over like the old school games. The characters do not move like they weigh 1000 tons anymore like MKD. The jump mechanic was as fast and smooth so I wouldn't worry about fireballs being over powered. Dairou's and Kobra's fireball attacks were over powered in MKD because it was difficult to jump over them.

In MKA, you will have the ability to switch from victim to agressor, or to turtle based on your decisions and skill at the game. There will always be players who turtle, nothing wrong with that. Remember, if there is a way to turtle, there is also a way to counter the turtle when you have all of the right play mechanics in the game. MKA should provide us with the majority of those mechanics.


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-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

09/23/2006 06:35 AM (UTC)
redsaleen02 Wrote:
QR is the wake up game... mka wake up game

d/b + 1 uppercut
d/b + 3 low poke

what the hell u think qr is

all they did was take away the plants. u could qr into and uppercut in mkd.

the wake up game is the same just about, they just took away plants, and prob spaced the knocks further away.

No it isn't red. In MKD, there were no invincibility frames added to QR to make it a legitimate wake-up game. Opponents who knew that you would QR would simply bash your guts it with an attack of their choosing as soon as you QR'ed and you got hit. In MKA, invincibility frames have been added (per my request) to make the wake-up attacks viable and effective in stopping 50/50's. I dare you to try and Bo-Stick any wake-up attack in MKA, you will get a nasty surprize on October 10th, 2006.


09/23/2006 09:02 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Will MKA be a turtle fest?

I was thinking -

With super fast projectiles and no delay between them.

With 3 breakers.

With parrys.

With Wake Up (no more plants bs).

Dont you think besides special cases like Dairou, won't MKA be just two people standing throwing projectiles, and when someone comes to attack he eats a parry, pop up, combo, breaker etc......

What do you think?

Depends on many things (i.e. throw and throw escapes, parry recoveries, backdashing, and anything else there might be in the game that somehow affects turtling,ect.).Too bad for us the videos that we have seen so far don't tell us a lot since those people sucked big time.

However,people need to know that in most fighting games turtling is the most dominating tactic.The worst case scenario would be that once you are up 35%-50% of life that you don't need to attack at all anymore and pretty much let the clock expire.Hopefully,it won't be that bad,though.
09/23/2006 01:40 PM (UTC)
K, just a few things i wanted to comment on.

First off. I stopped coming here for a while shortly after MK:D was released. Mostly becuase you couldn't get into a proper gameplay discussion with people here. I'm glad to see some posters change their ways and decided to try and take the game more seriously, even though the MK team doesn't. Now on topic:

-Throw escapes. I don't think the escape window is too large, and 7 frames isn't too hard to react to. In cvs2 and 3s have somewhere between 3-4 frames to escape a throw IIRC. And i've seen people tech throws in cvs consistantly. 7 frames shouldn't be too hard to tech if you're looking for the throw.

-Tier list. Yeah, umm it's kind of odd to be making a tier list for a game that hasn't been released. How some of you are making tier lists without playing completed copies of the game is beyond me.

- Parry. As long as the active window isn't large or the active window isn't longer than the recover, parrying should be fine.
09/23/2006 03:15 PM (UTC)
malone, f3 would beat and uppercut, and low poke is no more than 5 %, i would say f3 at sweep has the adv.

so one ever did qr into uppercuts cause the uppercut sucked in mkd, doesnt mean it didnt come out fast. so people did qr into mids.
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09/23/2006 03:42 PM (UTC)
Throw escapes. I don't think the escape window is too large, and 7 frames isn't too hard to react to. In cvs2 and 3s have somewhere between 3-4 frames to escape a throw IIRC. And i've seen people tech throws in cvs consistantly. 7 frames shouldn't be too hard to tech if you're looking for the throw.

7 Frames is great. I doubt they will be in the game anyway............

Tier list. Yeah, umm it's kind of odd to be making a tier list for a game that hasn't been released. How some of you are making tier lists without playing completed copies of the game is beyond me.

WOW Im getting so tired of saying this for the 5,602,581 time. There is no tier list, there are however styles in MKA that were in MKDA and MKD and based on that, WE ARE GUESSING.

For example, Kali Sticks is one of the best styles in the game. Taw Kwan Do is also great. Based on that WE GUESS, Sonya will be top tier.

Sindel for example had a crappy throw and a crappy style and she kept both of them, based on that WE GUESS she is low tier.

I hope it's clear now.
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