09/30/2006 05:32 AM (UTC)
dont forget look at the clock, 90 secs like i said. dont no if they hav it set on 90 for practice, or if it will be 90. but in every vid clock starts with 90 secs, let the turtleing begin.

so they add a jump, but half the projectiles u cant even jump over,
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09/30/2006 06:15 AM (UTC)


Check at 24 sec

09/30/2006 06:48 AM (UTC)
I wonder how Quan Chi's weapon steal works, as in if the character loses their weapon for the rest of the match or it's timed, what happens if he uses it on people who don't have weapons, etc.

By the way, can somebody please upload the rest of the vids to youtube that Minion couldn't upload (i.e. Smoke, Nitara, Reiko, Dairou, etc.)? I can't seem to get onto the MK site (as usual).
09/30/2006 06:56 AM (UTC)
Reiko's projectile is ridiculously fast as well.

Sektor's special moves are really good. He actually linked three of his special moves to make a combo. Flamethrower/(Matrix Uppercut)/Rocket
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09/30/2006 12:11 PM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:


Check at 24 sec

Nice, not a carbon copy of any Tekken wake-ups either.

Good job Boon + Co on that one.
09/30/2006 11:01 PM (UTC)
Sweet, mid wake ups that's interesting....

Red, btw you can jump over projectiles what do you mean?Just like the older MK's, all you need is proper timing and anticipation.Not that difficult, unless you're facing a character that has an insanely fast one
09/30/2006 11:30 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Sweet, mid wake ups that's interesting....

Red, btw you can jump over projectiles what do you mean?Just like the older MK's, all you need is proper timing and anticipation.Not that difficult, unless you're facing a character that has an insanely fast one

Like Sareena?

Now I'm not that up-to-date will all these fighting game terms but I gather that if a wake-up is a move that hits whilst getting up and a mid is one that hits a ducked+blocked opponent then a mid-wake-up is a move that's done, getting up that hits a ducked-blocked opponent? Yes? If so, that's cool and should make things even more interesting when it comes to strategy and anticipating.
10/01/2006 12:27 AM (UTC)
man hjs-Q i got mad props 4 u that gave me some good info which i havent seen b4 thanx man!
10/01/2006 03:40 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
Sweet, mid wake ups that's interesting....

Red, btw you can jump over projectiles what do you mean?Just like the older MK's, all you need is proper timing and anticipation.Not that difficult, unless you're facing a character that has an insanely fast one

Like Sareena?

Now I'm not that up-to-date will all these fighting game terms but I gather that if a wake-up is a move that hits whilst getting up and a mid is one that hits a ducked+blocked opponent then a mid-wake-up is a move that's done, getting up that hits a ducked-blocked opponent? Yes? If so, that's cool and should make things even more interesting when it comes to strategy and anticipating.

You can still jump over it, I've been playing MK from the start.As long as you have a decent jump, you can do it.Like the old mk's and MK:A, MK:DA and MK:D has shit for jumps so you couldn't do much against projectiles, you had to either duck or side step more often then rely on a jump since you felt like your feet were in mud literally.

Well, the wake up means a move where you're attacking as you're getting up literally.We saw apparently there's a mid kick that you can do(at least with subby), another vid showed someone else doing an uppercut as he's getting up.

You can also do a low kick move also I believe.Wake up is just more options for your character to do things after getting knocked down, tech roll, attack while coming up, stay on the ground etc.

We'll see everything finally once the game comes out for sure.

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10/01/2006 05:12 AM (UTC)
I didn't feel like reading all the pages and I got a question.... How the hell does the thread maker know what styles every one has? And how does he know how good any one really will be? Sub-Zero possible top tier? He is a fav of mine, but he was no where near top tier in either MKDA or MKD, so why would he in MKA? I mean just some things he said to me really seemed dumb like how some character was this tier when they wearn't in MKDA or this fighting style is just crap when even though not best, was still good.

Anyways I'm just wondering how the hell this guy knows all this when it sounds like he hasn't ever even played the game or any thing. Really can any thing not actually seen ourselves be trusted anyways?
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I Rock

10/01/2006 07:12 AM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
I didn't feel like reading all the pages and I got a question.... How the hell does the thread maker know what styles every one has? And how does he know how good any one really will be? Sub-Zero possible top tier? He is a fav of mine, but he was no where near top tier in either MKDA or MKD, so why would he in MKA? I mean just some things he said to me really seemed dumb like how some character was this tier when they wearn't in MKDA or this fighting style is just crap when even though not best, was still good.

Anyways I'm just wondering how the hell this guy knows all this when it sounds like he hasn't ever even played the game or any thing. Really can any thing not actually seen ourselves be trusted anyways?

I played this game more than enough, actually, I'm one of the best players to play this game, you are nothing more then a scrub.

Now read this and try to understand (yeah I know it's hard for you cause you prefer blasting at people for no reason instead of reading what they say)

"WOW Im getting so tired of saying this for the 5,602,581 time. There is no tier list, there are however, styles in MKA that were in MKDA and MKD and based on that, WE ARE GUESSING.

For example, Kali Sticks is one of the best styles in the game. Taw Kwan Do is also great. Based on that WE GUESS, Sonya will be top tier.

Sindel for example had a crappy throw and a crappy style and she kept both of them, based on that WE GUESS she is low tier.

Now go make a tier list with Nightwolf at #1 and get out of my thread.

Moving on,

Keith - That's preety much it.

Wake up is the options you have when you are on the ground.

Mid wake up is getting up with a mid hitting move. (there's also a low and a high moves)

noob_scorpion2 - thx bud.
10/01/2006 07:17 AM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
I didn't feel like reading all the pages and I got a question.... How the hell does the thread maker know what styles every one has? And how does he know how good any one really will be? Sub-Zero possible top tier? He is a fav of mine, but he was no where near top tier in either MKDA or MKD, so why would he in MKA? I mean just some things he said to me really seemed dumb like how some character was this tier when they wearn't in MKDA or this fighting style is just crap when even though not best, was still good.

Anyways I'm just wondering how the hell this guy knows all this when it sounds like he hasn't ever even played the game or any thing. Really can any thing not actually seen ourselves be trusted anyways?

There are tons of videos available by now,so we could recognize most of the styles.

No one even said certain characters are top tiers and certain are low tiers and claimed it as facts.All of these are assumptions based on the previous games and the new gameplay elements in MK:A.For example,Scorpion's weapon stance was great in MK:D,so it's assumed it'll be great in MK:A as well.And accordingly based on that,Scorpion could be one of the better characters in MK:A.Is this 100% certain?Of course not.It's just a theory,possibly even a meaningless one.Scorpion's f+1 and d+1 (in his weapon stance) might not even be as abusable as they were in MK:D due to the new parry.Like I said,it's all speculation because no one knows how MK:A will be played one year after its release.
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I Rock

10/01/2006 07:39 AM (UTC)
^ Thank you, well said.

* High / Mid / Low explanation is updated in the first post.
10/01/2006 12:17 PM (UTC)
hey, since this is about gameplay and fighting styles and what-not...what is the real difference between Shorin Ryu and Shinto Ryu? They look the exact same, even has the same "johnny cage" flip up kick...
HJS, there is a forth height:
I would call it Blockable or blockable Mid
Those moves can be blocked high and low,
but it won't be sufficient to just duck them.
So it is actually something inbetween High and Mid.
Only special moves have this Property, for example:

Kabals Spin and his Nomads Touch,
Ermac and Kenshis Slam
(this is a small foult in the Ermac description he still lacks a Mid)
(Shujinkos Teleslam is Mid, I hope they change it)

Hotarus Lava Burst (I think)
I would like to see some more Blockable moves in MKA, for example Barakas Mutant Blades and Ermacs Choy lay Fut X (3). They won't hurt you when you just duck them but one of Barakas Blade goes right through you, which looks stupid.
I saw the new Wakeup in the video, it looks like it could be a mid wakeup, you are right. (You don't have proof, already, do you?)

10/01/2006 08:08 PM (UTC)
So did they just throw out Shinto Ryu or what? I don't see it on the list. But I do remember seeing "Karate" as someone's style in a video. I can't remember who though.

And this may be a stupid question... but did they ever give Baraka back his unique jump kick and dive punch moves? I think I remember hearing something about this. It could have been a dream though.
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10/01/2006 08:11 PM (UTC)
wait, where did u find out that u could stay on the ground using block?
10/01/2006 08:30 PM (UTC)
Tekuninoob56 Wrote:
hey, since this is about gameplay and fighting styles and what-not...what is the real difference between Shorin Ryu and Shinto Ryu? They look the exact same, even has the same "johnny cage" flip up kick...

Shorin Ryu is an Okinawan Karate style and one of the earliest Karate styles to be created. It favors high, mobile stances and uses strikes more than kicks. It apparently also uses wrestling and groundfighting techniques, which I assume come from Tegumi (Okinawan wrestling). In terms of gameplay, Shorin Ryu was fast and strong. D + 1 was a fast, low poke and something to be used often. One big weakness of Shorin Ryu is that it wasn't too big on mids, especially in the combos.

Shinto Ryu is apparently some kind of Japanese Karate style. People like Chuck Norris have studied this style. I don't know too much about it. In terms of gameplay, Shinto Ryu was almost a carbon copy of Johnny Cage's "Karate" style from MKDA, which actually resembled Shotokan more than Sub-Zero's Shotokan style. Overall, Shinto Ryu was a pretty useless style.
10/01/2006 09:16 PM (UTC)
This is kind of a strech, but looking at Sereena and Reiko's projectiles...I was wondering if people are going to abuse them like how tons of people just use Ryu and Ken's fire ball over and over again in Street Fighter.

I know its true that its 3d and you can just side step the fireball. But Sareena's projectile is so fast.
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I Rock

10/01/2006 09:50 PM (UTC)
Uranius Wrote:
HJS, there is a forth height:
I would call it Blockable or blockable Mid
Those moves can be blocked high and low,
but it won't be sufficient to just duck them.
So it is actually something inbetween High and Mid.
Only special moves have this Property, for example:

Kabals Spin and his Nomads Touch,
Ermac and Kenshis Slam
(this is a small foult in the Ermac description he still lacks a Mid)
(Shujinkos Teleslam is Mid, I hope they change it)

Hotarus Lava Burst (I think)
I would like to see some more Blockable moves in MKA, for example Barakas Mutant Blades and Ermacs Choy lay Fut X (3).
They won't hurt you when you just duck them but one of Barakas Blade goes right through you, which looks stupid.

I saw the new Wakeup in the video, it looks like it could be a mid wakeup, you are right. (You don't have proof, already, do you?)


Didn't quite get you said.

Kabal's Spin is a "special high" if you want, it must be blocked and cannot be ducked without blocking.

Ermac's Slam is a mid. Kenshi's Slam is high.

Hotaru's lava is also a "special high", must be blocked and cannot be ducked without blocking.
10/01/2006 10:39 PM (UTC)
ermacs slam is not a mid, only jinkos slam is a mid, prob wasnt suppsoe to be and wasnt caught during testing.

only specials that hit mid in mkd are, or that i can think of

jinko, slam
raiden superman ?
darrius high dash
tanya flip kick
lei mi over head kick
mileena drop from above
tanya over head fireball
ash over head fireball

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10/02/2006 12:27 AM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
Scorpion could be one of the better characters in MK:A.Is this 100% certain?Of course not.It's just a theory,possibly even a meaningless one.Scorpion's f+1 and d+1 (in his weapon stance) might not even be as abusable as they were in MK:D due to the new parry.

The parry is universal to all characters, which means that it will not affect Scorpion's tier rating based on if f1 or d1 are easily parried.

That video where Sub did a wake up kick move...it did not hit Sektor, and the players who are playing the game sucked. We don't know if the move hits mid or high. I truly hope that there are no high wakeup attacks, only mid/low.
10/02/2006 02:59 AM (UTC)
Konqrr Wrote:
m2dave Wrote:
Scorpion could be one of the better characters in MK:A.Is this 100% certain?Of course not.It's just a theory,possibly even a meaningless one.Scorpion's f+1 and d+1 (in his weapon stance) might not even be as abusable as they were in MK:D due to the new parry.

The parry is universal to all characters, which means that it will not affect Scorpion's tier rating based on if f1 or d1 are easily parried.

That video where Sub did a wake up kick move...it did not hit Sektor, and the players who are playing the game sucked. We don't know if the move hits mid or high. I truly hope that there are no high wakeup attacks, only mid/low.

I agree ^^, a high wake up would be dumb IMO.Can you say, parry a wake up?possibility...I just don't like that, I can already tell this game will be SUPER defensive, no need to go crazy with the defensive elements to the point of chicken, know what I mean?
10/02/2006 02:59 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q: I think you're actually referring to mid attacks that can be crouch blocked, kind of like in the Tekken games. High attacks can be ducked, with or without blocking.

Konqrr: I too am hoping for only mid and low wake up moves. It'd be stupid to have high wake up moves.
Why not have the option of doing a high wake up move?

If a high wake up move is high risk, give it a high reward.

I think every fighter should have Med and Low wake ups as standard, then some High options for for some or all.

The high wake up might lead to a stun combo or some other kind of follow up if not just higher damage or a knock down.
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