Ohh, it's an air combo blocker, initially everyone said just a standard "combo blocker" so this is rather interesting....
I might use this because my game isn't around fancy combos hehehehehe.
This game is giving lots of MK fans wet dreams man lol.
I might use this because my game isn't around fancy combos hehehehehe.
This game is giving lots of MK fans wet dreams man lol.

About Me
-Courtesy of TheCypher-
Mokap's weapon should have been "Balls Of Steel"

About Me
-Courtesy of TheCypher-
Subzero2 Wrote:
What does that have to do with this thread?
fijikungfu Wrote:
Mokap's weapon should have been "Balls Of Steel"
Mokap's weapon should have been "Balls Of Steel"
What does that have to do with this thread?
oops... wrong thread

So Hj what about the fatality system? Does the fatality system have any buttons that triggers a hit only a certain character like a sig fatality in the system? Btw, whats your impression on Kitana,Mileena, and Johny Cage so far? Also, Isnt shoryin ryu like karate???
Vasculio Wrote:
I'm with the idea of Noob Saibot getting a secondary fighting style.
Fan Zi or Jeet Kune Do
I'm with the idea of Noob Saibot getting a secondary fighting style.
Fan Zi or Jeet Kune Do
Fan Zi: Sure
Jeet Kune Do: has to do with the concepts of intercepting with simplicity, directness, non-telegraphic movements, and economical use of movement; the martial side is Jun Fan Gung Fu, which Liu Kang uses
nintendodude Wrote:
So Hj what about the fatality system? Does the fatality system have any buttons that triggers a hit only a certain character like a sig fatality in the system? Btw, whats your impression on Kitana,Mileena, and Johny Cage so far? Also, Isnt shoryin ryu like karate???
So Hj what about the fatality system? Does the fatality system have any buttons that triggers a hit only a certain character like a sig fatality in the system? Btw, whats your impression on Kitana,Mileena, and Johny Cage so far? Also, Isnt shoryin ryu like karate???
Shorin Ryu is an Okinawan Karate style. I thought I already explained this. Anyway, this is a gameplay-related thread, not a thread about fatalities.
nintendodude Wrote:
So Hj what about the fatality system? Does the fatality system have any buttons that triggers a hit only a certain character like a sig fatality in the system? Btw, whats your impression on Kitana,Mileena, and Johny Cage so far? Also, Isnt shoryin ryu like karate???
So Hj what about the fatality system? Does the fatality system have any buttons that triggers a hit only a certain character like a sig fatality in the system? Btw, whats your impression on Kitana,Mileena, and Johny Cage so far? Also, Isnt shoryin ryu like karate???
I don't know about the fatality system, it really has nothing to do with the gameplay..........
I wanna discuss throw escapes -
1. MK has only 1 throw per character so don't you think it will be too easy to escape throws?
2. Also, Midway said there are about 7 frames to escape throw, online has frame delay, this can really hurt throw escapes........

About Me
Keith, this is a thread regarding the gameplay.
Zha Chuan fits Sindel better than Eagle Claw, which I feel should go to Kitana again.
To mkflegend: One thing I forgot to mention....
About Cyrax and Ninjutsu, well, it doesn't make sense for Cyrax to use the fighting style of the enemy clan, thus why I say Ninjutsu was given to the wrong character. Scorpion is pretty much the only character in MK who should be using it, but instead, they gave him a modern Korean style, a Northern Chinese style associated with guards, and a Northern Chinese style associated with Northern Shaolin and the military.
Anyway, regarding throw escapes, I think the timing will still give a bit of a challenge. At least there is a throw escape, which I'm glad was put in.
Zha Chuan fits Sindel better than Eagle Claw, which I feel should go to Kitana again.
To mkflegend: One thing I forgot to mention....
About Cyrax and Ninjutsu, well, it doesn't make sense for Cyrax to use the fighting style of the enemy clan, thus why I say Ninjutsu was given to the wrong character. Scorpion is pretty much the only character in MK who should be using it, but instead, they gave him a modern Korean style, a Northern Chinese style associated with guards, and a Northern Chinese style associated with Northern Shaolin and the military.
Anyway, regarding throw escapes, I think the timing will still give a bit of a challenge. At least there is a throw escape, which I'm glad was put in.
scorpio Wrote:
ohh, so what youre saying is pressing button combinations to do combos=gameplay
pressing button combinations to do custom fatalites = not gameplay
ohh, so what youre saying is pressing button combinations to do combos=gameplay
pressing button combinations to do custom fatalites = not gameplay
We're talking specifically about the actual fighting stuff, not fatalities.
Eagle Claw should go to Sindel, if not Kitana than Sindel just MUST have it.
Scorpio - Fatalities are not gameplay, and I don't care for them.
I fixed some mistakes in the first post and updated it.
Can anyone who played GC explain about Liu He, Tai Tzu, Wrath Hammer and all GC styles?
hjs-Q Wrote:
Eagle Claw should go to Sindel, if not Kitana than Sindel just MUST have it.
Scorpio - Fatalities are not gameplay, and I don't care for them.
I fixed some mistakes in the first post and updated it.
Can anyone who played GC explain about Liu He, Tai Tzu, Wrath Hammer and all GC styles?
Eagle Claw should go to Sindel, if not Kitana than Sindel just MUST have it.
Scorpio - Fatalities are not gameplay, and I don't care for them.
I fixed some mistakes in the first post and updated it.
Can anyone who played GC explain about Liu He, Tai Tzu, Wrath Hammer and all GC styles?
Nah. I just don't quite see Eagle Claw for Sindel. It makes sense for Kitana as it is a graceful and deadly fighting style with a lot of acrobatic moves and lots of grappling techniques. It does use various strikes and kicks as well and especially attacks to pressure points. So yeah, definitely more fitting for Kitana given her background as one of Shao Kahn's assassins.
Zha Chuan is a very graceful, rhythmic style, something fitting for an elegant queen like Sindel. They need to tone up both Eagle Claw and Zha Chuan.
As for Shao Kahn's styles, well...
In terms of gameplay, Tai Tzu is apparently more of a power style with strong single hits. Liu He (incorrectly spelled Lui He in the games) is faster and has more combo hits. Wrath Hammer is strong but slow and unsafe.
In terms of what the styles are all about, well...
Tai Tzu (Grand Emperor/Great Ancestor style) is a Northern Chinese martial art and one of the Long Fist styles. There are many different variations of Tai Tzu.
Liu He is the Six Harmonies style. There's more than one Chinese martial art with Liu He in the name so I don't know which style they put in.
Wrath Hammer is obviously Shao Kahn's trademark weapon.
tai tzu = the absolute worst style in the game i have ever seen
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable

Actually there was a sort of throw escape in Deception as well:
a double hit of both throws due to lag.
Both throws got interrupted in that situation (5 damage each).
But now also free throws could be escapable,
(if they will be possible in MKA)
I think it would be fair to allow some unduckable throws in MKA,
if you would e able to escape them. (by pressing the throw button)
I only hope this will work with lag.
(Ermac would degrade much without his free throws in Choy Lay Fut
Do you have to press the button within that 3 frames or can you mash the button all the time?
Li Mei's Combos are good if you have good skills in doing them.
I could only do crappy 30+ % Combos with her, Kabals 58% (or something like that) was no problem for me. Maybe the reason is playing at 50 Hz.
a double hit of both throws due to lag.
Both throws got interrupted in that situation (5 damage each).
But now also free throws could be escapable,
(if they will be possible in MKA)
I think it would be fair to allow some unduckable throws in MKA,
if you would e able to escape them. (by pressing the throw button)
I only hope this will work with lag.
(Ermac would degrade much without his free throws in Choy Lay Fut
Do you have to press the button within that 3 frames or can you mash the button all the time?
Li Mei's Combos are good if you have good skills in doing them.
I could only do crappy 30+ % Combos with her, Kabals 58% (or something like that) was no problem for me. Maybe the reason is playing at 50 Hz.
Check Wrote:
tai tzu = the absolute worst style in the game i have ever seen
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
tai tzu = the absolute worst style in the game i have ever seen
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
lmao, your post made me laugh.
Do either of his unarmed styles have quick low pokes or do they both have crappy ass poke moves?

Check Wrote:
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
I very much doubt you'll see too many combos do more than 50% in MKA. If you've noticed from a lot of the vids, the damage scaling has been turned way up (meaning the more you hit them the less damage you do) and a lot of characters do a lot less damage. As far as I can tell, the only way you'll see combos over 50% with most characters is going to be through inifinites which are hopefully not in the game.
As for throw escapes, a 7 frame window is already very difficult to use on reaction. A 3 frame window would be IMPOSSIBLE to break on reaction. In Tekken, throws that have 10 frame breaks are difficult to break on reaction, but high level players can do it with ease. 7 and 8 frame through breaks in Tekken you can do on reaction only if you're waiting for the throw. Anything less and there would be no way to break it on reaction.
Also, online play in perfect conditions is 2-4 frame lag. If the break window was 3 frames and you had the absolute best connection you'd only have 1 frame to break a throw. That's 1/60 of a second. Not going to happen...
Throw escapes will work properly for the most part online UNLESS someone has a shitty connection, that's one reason why I'm so happy I have an xbox lol.No offense to PS 2 guys but the online experience is so much better on xbox it's not even funny.
When I played both, compared.I played the PS 2 early on when MK:D came out at my friends house and also when he brought his PS 2 over, the lag on there was horrendous.
Xbox is so much smoother IMO.
Also, to the guy that said there were throw escapes in Deception.No there weren't, that's lag man causing a missed throw or free throw, not a throw escape.Big difference man.
To sub-zero_7th, no man I disagree dude lol.That's storyline combined with gameplay elements man lol.I see what you're saying but most of the users here aren't like you and I with MK where we follow the actual storyline as well.They just care about a good game, gameplay wise man.
But I don't think that's a big deal personally, I mean there's nothing in stone that says from Midway that Ninjutsu is only for Scorpion's clan which is now beyond dead for a while now so who cares?
In that time Cyrax could have learned Ninjutsu else where.Remember man, storyline wise he didn't officially get Ninjutsu until MK:DA at that time he was in the SF, not the Lin Kuei anymore.So, if you ask me the SP could have taught him Ninjutsu, you never know man.
But for the record, it's not a big deal dude.
Scorpion's style though fits him perfectly, that I agree with.I'm very happy though that he got Ninjutsu instead of Sambo, that style I didn't like at all.As bad as Ninjutsu or Ninjitsu as they call it was, I'd rather have that style.
His weapon I hope he gets back the single plasma Sword, if it has the same moves as in MK:DA then I'll be happy.It had good moves, a good sweep, nice poke moves, nice juggle starter moves with
Obviously they'll take out the impales.He had that in MK:DA among others with swords.
When I played both, compared.I played the PS 2 early on when MK:D came out at my friends house and also when he brought his PS 2 over, the lag on there was horrendous.
Xbox is so much smoother IMO.
Also, to the guy that said there were throw escapes in Deception.No there weren't, that's lag man causing a missed throw or free throw, not a throw escape.Big difference man.
To sub-zero_7th, no man I disagree dude lol.That's storyline combined with gameplay elements man lol.I see what you're saying but most of the users here aren't like you and I with MK where we follow the actual storyline as well.They just care about a good game, gameplay wise man.
But I don't think that's a big deal personally, I mean there's nothing in stone that says from Midway that Ninjutsu is only for Scorpion's clan which is now beyond dead for a while now so who cares?
In that time Cyrax could have learned Ninjutsu else where.Remember man, storyline wise he didn't officially get Ninjutsu until MK:DA at that time he was in the SF, not the Lin Kuei anymore.So, if you ask me the SP could have taught him Ninjutsu, you never know man.
But for the record, it's not a big deal dude.
Scorpion's style though fits him perfectly, that I agree with.I'm very happy though that he got Ninjutsu instead of Sambo, that style I didn't like at all.As bad as Ninjutsu or Ninjitsu as they call it was, I'd rather have that style.
His weapon I hope he gets back the single plasma Sword, if it has the same moves as in MK:DA then I'll be happy.It had good moves, a good sweep, nice poke moves, nice juggle starter moves with
Obviously they'll take out the impales.He had that in MK:DA among others with swords.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
lmao, your post made me laugh.
Do either of his unarmed styles have quick low pokes or do they both have crappy ass poke moves?
Check Wrote:
tai tzu = the absolute worst style in the game i have ever seen
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
tai tzu = the absolute worst style in the game i have ever seen
lui he = horrible, just horrible NO MIDS, at least, tai tzu has b1 ( like escrima )
wrath hammer = the worst weapon ever created in mk history, worst recovery ive ever seen, but he moves fastest in this stance, tai tzu is like hes got a rock attached to him when hes walking, like drunken fist
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
lmao, your post made me laugh.
Do either of his unarmed styles have quick low pokes or do they both have crappy ass poke moves?
lol sub,u remain my hero
he had d1, same as hapkido but didnt recover as fast as scorpions ( whos did? )
low kicks...he had a shotokan d3 push, eh...
and a b3 nan chuan sweep, only much slower, and much worse of recovery, which led to no free throws. shao kahn had no free throws off any lows.
had a 3 hit combo ( only 1, so you knew when it was coming ) where the 3rd hit hit low, (that b3 sweep )
did we forget his horrible throw that does 5%?
poor kahn
i guess its not so bad.. but tai tzu is fucking dumb. trust me. the best move he had was 2cs which lead into lui he's b1 ( like raidens b1 in jujutsu )
please feel free to own me again in a conversation.
DrDogg Wrote:
I very much doubt you'll see too many combos do more than 50% in MKA. If you've noticed from a lot of the vids, the damage scaling has been turned way up (meaning the more you hit them the less damage you do) and a lot of characters do a lot less damage. As far as I can tell, the only way you'll see combos over 50% with most characters is going to be through inifinites which are hopefully not in the game.
As for throw escapes, a 7 frame window is already very difficult to use on reaction. A 3 frame window would be IMPOSSIBLE to break on reaction. In Tekken, throws that have 10 frame breaks are difficult to break on reaction, but high level players can do it with ease. 7 and 8 frame through breaks in Tekken you can do on reaction only if you're waiting for the throw. Anything less and there would be no way to break it on reaction.
Also, online play in perfect conditions is 2-4 frame lag. If the break window was 3 frames and you had the absolute best connection you'd only have 1 frame to break a throw. That's 1/60 of a second. Not going to happen...
Check Wrote:
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
combo king ( queen ) of mka = LI MEI again, to no surprise, she was the combo queen/king in deception with open air 143% and wall 171%. she will have 90% in mka, im sure nothing will top that. *note* this does not include jinko or sindel or free throw otg combos.
and why? lui he ba fa. no "air combat " required, just basic mkd nonsense juggles.
question is, will she have more than 5 flipkicks in a combo this time? or better yet, wont she?
and the throw escape is 3 frames, not 7, it was 7 at e3 or was said to be, but is mentioned it would be reduced because 7 is too much time to escape, as malone had tried to encourage
and i doubt ALL throws will be escapable
I very much doubt you'll see too many combos do more than 50% in MKA. If you've noticed from a lot of the vids, the damage scaling has been turned way up (meaning the more you hit them the less damage you do) and a lot of characters do a lot less damage. As far as I can tell, the only way you'll see combos over 50% with most characters is going to be through inifinites which are hopefully not in the game.
As for throw escapes, a 7 frame window is already very difficult to use on reaction. A 3 frame window would be IMPOSSIBLE to break on reaction. In Tekken, throws that have 10 frame breaks are difficult to break on reaction, but high level players can do it with ease. 7 and 8 frame through breaks in Tekken you can do on reaction only if you're waiting for the throw. Anything less and there would be no way to break it on reaction.
Also, online play in perfect conditions is 2-4 frame lag. If the break window was 3 frames and you had the absolute best connection you'd only have 1 frame to break a throw. That's 1/60 of a second. Not going to happen...
few quick points..
notice every combo youve seen has started with a 4 hit pop up, of course the damage is going to be 1% for every hit afterwards. use their most powerful pop up, and add those hits, and yea u get 50% or 60% at least for now
but like i said, li mei wont be using those type of combos, she has higher and again mostly just for show. you would need the entire arena to pull off 5 flipkicks and not many people can do it other than me. that i know. most people can do 60%-70% with her. just a point im trying to make. why would it be any different? thats all.
ok, now onto throw escapes, let me make something perfectly clear. ive never escaped a throw, i dont know how they work, ive only played mortal kombat and killer instinct. i do, however, have a good recollection for things said, and it was 7 frames, but malone suggested it be less. thats all i was doing. maybe i shouldnt have talked about things i have no clue how works. just trying to help... i could pull up the thread and quote for u if youd like... or maybe malone can jumpin here and do it for me. sorry dogg.
ill go back to my combo thread now........Blockbreak Owns MKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe

Wake up is a great addition, this I agree with 100%. I really do hope there's a way to break throws, my friends whore them like crazy and I hate the fact that I'm completely helpless against them.
When it comes to characters and fighting styles, all I can say is that I hope each character retains the fighting style they've had for the longest time.
P.S. Bear with me when it comes to things like 1,1,4 or 1,1,3,L1 etc. I'm still learning them. I'll participate in this discussion from now on :)
When it comes to characters and fighting styles, all I can say is that I hope each character retains the fighting style they've had for the longest time.
P.S. Bear with me when it comes to things like 1,1,4 or 1,1,3,L1 etc. I'm still learning them. I'll participate in this discussion from now on :)
To mkflegend: Actually, Cyrax learned Ninjutsu and Combat Sambo during his time as a Lin Kuei warrior. Btw, it's kind of a big deal to me as I'm anal about these things...but yeah...
To Check: lol...owning you? lol, I don't think that's the case. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, remember?
So that's what some of Kahn's moves were, huh? Sounds like they are the equivalent to a shit dog on a stick sprinkled with dandruff.
As for his throw...
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrrrrath of Shao Kahn! *Shao Kahn does his throw only to realize that he's only done 5 damage to the opponent*
Opponent: Wow...I knew you got weaker, but I didn't think you got THAT weak.
But yeah...at least it does 16% damage now.
Regarding the throw escapes, they were originally with 2 frames, but Malone said they were going to have it be 7.
Anyway, that's all for now. *goes back to eating Cap'n Crunch cereal* Yum! ^_^
To Check: lol...owning you? lol, I don't think that's the case. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, remember?
So that's what some of Kahn's moves were, huh? Sounds like they are the equivalent to a shit dog on a stick sprinkled with dandruff.
As for his throw...
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrrrrath of Shao Kahn! *Shao Kahn does his throw only to realize that he's only done 5 damage to the opponent*
Opponent: Wow...I knew you got weaker, but I didn't think you got THAT weak.
But yeah...at least it does 16% damage now.
Regarding the throw escapes, they were originally with 2 frames, but Malone said they were going to have it be 7.
Anyway, that's all for now. *goes back to eating Cap'n Crunch cereal* Yum! ^_^
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
To mkflegend: Actually, Cyrax learned Ninjutsu and Combat Sambo during his time as a Lin Kuei warrior. Btw, it's kind of a big deal to me as I'm anal about these things...but yeah...
To Check: lol...owning you? lol, I don't think that's the case. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, remember?
So that's what some of Kahn's moves were, huh? Sounds like they are the equivalent to a shit dog on a stick sprinkled with dandruff.
As for his throw...
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrrrrath of Shao Kahn! *Shao Kahn does his throw only to realize that he's only done 5 damage to the opponent*
Opponent: Wow...I knew you got weaker, but I didn't think you got THAT weak.
But yeah...at least it does 16% damage now.
Regarding the throw escapes, they were originally with 2 frames, but Malone said they were going to have it be 7.
Anyway, that's all for now. *goes back to eating Cap'n Crunch cereal* Yum! ^_^
To mkflegend: Actually, Cyrax learned Ninjutsu and Combat Sambo during his time as a Lin Kuei warrior. Btw, it's kind of a big deal to me as I'm anal about these things...but yeah...
To Check: lol...owning you? lol, I don't think that's the case. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, remember?
So that's what some of Kahn's moves were, huh? Sounds like they are the equivalent to a shit dog on a stick sprinkled with dandruff.
As for his throw...
Shao Kahn: Feel the wrrrrath of Shao Kahn! *Shao Kahn does his throw only to realize that he's only done 5 damage to the opponent*
Opponent: Wow...I knew you got weaker, but I didn't think you got THAT weak.
But yeah...at least it does 16% damage now.
Regarding the throw escapes, they were originally with 2 frames, but Malone said they were going to have it be 7.
Anyway, that's all for now. *goes back to eating Cap'n Crunch cereal* Yum! ^_^
I trust you didn't read that off of wiki man lol.The part about Cyrax learning that from the Lin Kuei for sure, I mean according to his bio it makes sense, but unless it comes from midway themselves, nobody knows for sure really.We have to assume that.It doesn't matter to me though either way lol.Yeah I know you like every little nick nack perfect.
I want to eat cereal too, cinnamon toast crunch.
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