05/12/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
Excellent villain, expert deciever, cunning as hell, and always works behind the scenes manipulating other characters like Iago from Shakespear's Othello.

A character like Quan Chi always advances the plot, he does not hold grudges and he's very efficient in getting the job done, it would be a waste to not include him into any plotline.

Quan Chi is a bad guy that I don't want to see get what is coming to him, he's just sly like that he always manages to slip away unharmed even in the most dire situations such as his encounters with Scorpion who hunted him down like a wild turkey, to the final assault in Shang Tsung's palace against Earth's warriors where I believe he himself took Kitana's life and managed to evade sudden death from Onaga and Raiden's suicide blast.

Quan Chi held a fake tournament with the slaves of Outworld for his own amusment and poor Li Mei had to participate.

I love his look, and I saw a fan's concept art for him on this site that rocked and would love to see it be implented in a game. The only thing I can say to improve on this character is give him diverse moves that involve necromancy and I like his fatality steal finisher, but instead I would go with a move steal ability. I also saw a concept for a weapon of Quan Chi's where he has a head on a stick with flies swarming around it, it would be awesome if he can summon magic from it and what not.

I could go on all day about this character who is one of the main overall characters in MK, Quan Chi has all my votes to stay.
05/12/2010 03:36 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi should definitely stay.

I feel they've only scratched the surface when it comes to bringing out the full potential of this sorcerer. There are so many cool moves that we've seen from him in videos, but not put into the video games (ie.e raising a skeletons to fight for him, creating a skull wall, some of his moves from MKMSZ).

It's more than obvious there's a lot of unfinished business between him and Scorpion (if you take Scorpion's MKA ending into account)

Not only Scorpion, but Noob Saibot can stem from his own ending. With Blaze's death it could have done something to Saibot to make him remember his former self. Saibot would turn against Quan Chi and perhaps join with Scorpion or continue his fude with Scorpion.

05/12/2010 04:24 PM (UTC)
I liked Quan Chi from the moment he first appeared. I just knew that he was the character to watch...and he didn't disappoint. In Mythologies alone, we discover he's responsible for Scorpion & Sub-Zero's feud, helped make Sindel's resurrection possible, and pretty much created Scorpion. Of cource since then, he's continued to be the master manipulator of Mortal Kombat.
I also like how absolute he is. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. Even Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn have some hint of humanity in them....but Quan Chi is pure nihilistic blackness. He's one of my top three favorites overall.

Having said all that....I don't think he should come back.

Armageddon is supposed to be the cap-off of the current era and lead into the new generation. As such, the primary, top villains of the current era should go...or at the very least, come back drastically changed. Because if they don't....not much of a "NEW" era, is it? As one of the defining evils of Mortal Kombat, Quan Chi should move aside along with the others.
But let's say they do decide to drastically alter him.....into what? One of Quan Chi's defining attributes is being absolute. If they keep him around, sooner or later they're going to flesh out his background and round out his character. When that happens, he'll be humanized and Quan Chi should never be humanized. And I say that as a fan. You can humanize Shang Tsung. You could even humanize Shao Kahn. But Quan Chi should remain undiluted blackness.
So what else is there? I don't want to see him chopped down into a subjegated slave. I don't want to see him redeemed. No....Quan Chi should pass on and be remembered in the story as a legendary pure evil....like the Great Kung Lao, only for the bad guys.

Another thing; Scorpion's revenge bit....it's got to stop. It's beyond pathetic at this point. He needs to move on. And as long as Quan Chi is lurking around, Scorpion isn't going to move on...so something has to give. Now, while I would gladly take Quan Chi over Scorpion, we all know that's not going to happen.

And finally....sure there's plenty Quan Chi can offer to the story. But how long until it becomes redundant? Sure he'll have different schemes and he'll be interacting and screwing over different characters...but at the end of the day, it's Quan Chi doing what he always does for essentially the same reason. That's the pitfall of absolute characters. They work best for limited times or in small doses. Keep them around too long or use them too much, they get redundant unless you flesh them out....and we're back to what I said about Quan Chi being humanized.

What they could do with Quan Chi is have him killed off.....by Scorpion no doubt, though I'd love to see Sareena at least stand up to him as well....but his essence lingers. Kind of like Sauron in Lord of the Rings...even though he's gone, his influence lives on. And you know, maybe way down the line...assuming Mortal Kombat is still going on....maybe then, you can have Quan Chi make a grand return in a major way; maybe even as a boss, more powerful than ever.

Quan Chi may be one of my favorites, but his time is done. I'll miss him, but he should GO.
05/12/2010 04:48 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

What a beautiful speech. smile
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05/12/2010 05:17 PM (UTC)
I've only started liking Quan Chi since only recently, when there was a possibility of getting him in MK Vs DC.
After seeing that amazing fan made render of him looking so evil and deadly, it opened my eyes to how he could possibly look sometime.
At the moment he looks kinda boring, like a normal man with grey skin and dodgy tattoos. Appearance is important to me in MK.

I'll say STAY.
05/12/2010 07:43 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is such an intriguing character to me. I hate him, but I like him. What I'm trying to say is that I hate him because of his actions- he's that annoying evil character that always has an extra card up his sleeve. I hated him in MK4, mainly because he appeared in almost half of the endings, he totally overshadowed Shinnok who was the boss of the game. I hated him in MKA's intro for killing Kenshi. But at the same time I'm aware that this character is a high quality character.

Even though I like some other villains in MK more, I think Quan Chi is actually the one of the highest quality. I find him superior to both, Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. I think he beats Tsung easily while I feel Kahn's villain dominance has been diluted during the 3D era.

Again, I have to say Quan annoys me, but that's the point. He's supposed to be like that, that evil seed that you can never get rid of.

One thing I liked from the start were his looks and his moves. His MK4 looks remains my favorite- looks really scary, you wouldn't wanna run into him. Those eyes, as if he's planning in what way to kill you while you're talking to him.

It's probably going to be either him or Scorpion. Between the two, I prefer Quan Chi, which is also annoying 'cause he (as great as he is) has no chance against Scorpion, unfortunately...

But, this is my whishlist, and I say keep Quan Chi alive and bring him back in a distant future to annoy me some more. Then, let someone brutally kill him. I wouldn't mind Shinnok being the one to kill him.

So, my verdict is STAY 'cause he's too good to let go.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 23

GONE: 21
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05/12/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
I'm actually really glad that Xia posted his comment because I was somewhat curious to see if there would be any dissenting opinions on Quan Chi. I had a feeling that alot of people would want him to say and I absolutely get that.

He's been sort of a fulcrum around which MK has turned for some time. But as Xia said, if we're actually going to move forward, to close the book on the last chapters (which Armageddon seemed very intent on doing) then the main villains all basically need to hit the bricks.

I liked Quan Chi alot, especially the proposed artwork for him that was floating around here. It's obvious that he has a ton of potential when it comes to both moves and stories as well, but to me, Quan Chi seems to sort of typify the 2nd generation of MK. MK1 through Trilogy being the first, of course.

That's not a bad thing, it just means that, to me, Quan Chi has a definite era that he fits in to and because he's so interconnected into the stories of others and because I'd really rather see people returning do something new, breaking away from Quan Chi almost seems like breaking away from the past in a sense, something I think MK could benefit from at this point given how convoluted the stories have become.

So yeah, great character, and while I could easily see cool ways for him to be "dead but not gone" or something along those lines, I think that, at this point, it would just be easier for him to fade in to the past.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 29, saved: 15

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara and Noob.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/12/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
He's been sort of a fulcrum around which MK has turned for some time.

Quan Chi is MK's story catalyst in my eyes. Story wise he's easily one of the single most important characters there is in the series. I've always liked Quan Chi. He's played the villain really well and like any good villain, he's managed to build up an army of enemies. He looks the part too. I've always wanted him to be a little more sorceror like in game though and perhaps display a little more of his magic.
I agree that he has played his part and he's played it well. He's a character with vast potential, though for the sake of moving on, and for some other characters moving on, he should go. It'll take quite a bit to fill his shoes and if they do away with Quan, I hope the replacement(s) live up to his legacy.
05/13/2010 12:00 AM (UTC)
This was an easy vote until I read the opinions on why he should go. Simply put, Quan Chi is the best villain in MK. He's one of the few characters introduced after MK2 that's gained iconic status and he's yet to be watered down or mishandled to any drastic degree (giraffe fatality aside). Here's the thing though- MKA completely, COMPLETELY bungled the whole idea of wrapping up the last MK saga. It botched everything and left us with even more loose ends than we began wtih. MKA resolved nothing. Even in Taven's own story, which was all about preventing armageddon, nothing is accomplished! The whole point was to either kill all the kombatants or to remove their special powers; neither of which happened. The end of MKA left everyone pretty much exactly as they were and said Taven was still looking for a way to prevent Armageddon.


I remember reading an interview with Ed Boon where he compared MKA to the final act of Star Wars. He said, you don't turn the movie off before the Death Star explodes. Well guess what, MK Team? You turned the movie off! The entire point of Taven being there was to finally put an end to the fighting and resolve the realm-destroying kombat once and for all. But no. Nothing. Why don't we just have Frodo walk up to the edge of the volcano and decide to keep the ring afterall? Then he can spend 3 more movies walking home and nothing will have been resolved. I love it when a story doesn't progress or go anywhere.

So for me, I would like to see Quan Chi return just this one last time to finally give a proper ending to his involvement in MK. The only way I'd be happy not having him in the next game is if his proper demise were detailed either in a cinematic or big block of text or something. Maybe in Scorpion's or Sareena's bio they could explain how Quan Chi was finally killed and done away with.

If it weren't for MKA completely wrecking everything, I'd agree with Xia and Baraka and say gone. In fact, you know, what, I think I'm going to stick with my GONE vote anyway, but add "WITH CONDITIONS", which I just outlined above.

One last thing. . .

Goddammit, MK Team. furious
05/13/2010 12:14 AM (UTC)
reppy Wrote:
So for me, I would like to see Quan Chi return just this one last time to finally give a proper ending to his involvement in MK. The only way I'd be happy not having him in the next game is if his proper demise were detailed either in a cinematic or big block of text or something. Maybe in Scorpion's or Sareena's bio they could explain how Quan Chi was finally killed and done away with.

This is what I'm hoping for...for pretty much everyone.
Botched as Armageddon was, I really don't want to see them try a "Big Wrap Up Game" take two. Tie up the loose ends in bios, the opening cinema scene(s), and maybe some unlockable pics with text in the Krypt or Tomb or whatever-the-fuck.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/13/2010 02:32 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi is a must he's the best new character post MK 3
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05/13/2010 05:38 AM (UTC)
Ahh, the one shining star in the humdrum affair that was MK4. I still recall the ads for MKMSZ that had his great big tennis-ball face with the slogan "Meet the root of our evil" below. They were so on the money. I've wondered for a bit if a large part of the reason Shinnok sucks so much could be that Quan's very existence undercuts his authority completely. Quan Chi is the Ashton Kutcher of MK: He's punk'd half the cast.

I wonder if it's even possible to kill Quan; the guy's shown himself to be able to escape the Netherrealm whenever he so chooses (though whether this occurred in MKDA as a result of Scorpion transporting him there without killing him directly in MK4 is up for debate); I believe the only way his story ends his for him to be permanently immobilized and trapped; something like being chained at the bottom of a fiery lake, turned to stone, perhaps.

One thing about him ...virtually his entire story has had him depending on that amulet he got his grubby hands on way, way back. Not a bad thing by any means; he's managed to do more while being tied to a plot device than certain other characters I could mention. Ordinarily I'd say that Quan Chi has enjoyed a nice long time in the limelight and it's time for him to be laid to rest, but for two things:

1) AFAIK he hasn't got that amulet anymore; and I'd really love to see what he does without it, or if its absence even matters. Either direction intrigues me.

2) Not once throughout the series has his impact as a villain diminished. You've gotta love how he took on Shang Tsung in MKD's intro and snuffed him. Even the melange of WTF that was Armageddon had him screwing with Orin's mind. He's always pulling strings or kicking ass - and can do either at any time he so chooses.

All that I ask is that he develop a more concrete moveset. He's had plenty to choose from.

Verdict: STAY.
05/13/2010 07:26 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi,one of my favorite characters...obviously in saying that.. I am going to say stay. He is a perfect plot device and to me he never gets old as a personality...As for appearance that is another story. I would keep his original special moves...maybe add a couple new ones and change his attire or something and bring him back. STAY.
05/13/2010 10:06 AM (UTC)
I pretty much agree entirely with XD, especially that Quan Chi needs to die for the good of Scorpion's future stories. The revenge quest HAS to come to a damn end already.

But that said...

I've always thought that since killing him off would never stop Quan Chi permanently, because he already lives in the Netherealm, that the best way for his time as a character to end is for something like the Elder Gods to basically imprison his soul inside the Amulet, which also cannot be destroyed, for all eternity instead. I think Quan Chi is the one character that the Elder Gods would ever break their non-interfering ways for, since, y'know everything that's EVER happened to endanger the realms is his directly his fault. Quan Chi is the source of all instability and conflict in the MK universe and with Deception and Armageddon both nearly leading to the unmaking of the universe, it's about time they stepped in.

And then the next character to acquire the amulet (which would be Tanya if I were writing for various reasons I won't bother with now) would basically end up apprentice to/manipulated by his disembodied voice. So guess what I'm saying is, GONE, but not completely.
05/13/2010 11:19 AM (UTC)
If Scorpion's revenge quest is over, his soul can rest in peace.
Therefore he has no reason walking around as a spectre ninja anymore.
So I guess he shouldn't return either.....
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05/13/2010 02:50 PM (UTC)

But he needs a change in his look. Maybe he needed to be severely hurt somehow by Scorpion. Such as burn marks or a disfigured face. Maybe he gets saved by Noob because Noob wants to use him in his plan for hell domination. Thus causing a Scorpion/Noob rivalry. And I definately think Scorpion should end up with the amulet making him change his stance on trying to kill Quan Chi.

I like Quan but he is almost too lucky. It should change without the amulet. I believe he should have a shortlived alliance with Noob, but I don't know where his story should go from there. But I like him. He's an awesome character. Definate stay
05/13/2010 03:03 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
If Scorpion's revenge quest is over, his soul can rest in peace.
Therefore he has no reason walking around as a spectre ninja anymore.
So I guess he shouldn't return either.....

He could always find....a new reason to exist.
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05/13/2010 05:28 PM (UTC)
I just think Quan Chi is a total bad ass all the way around, in every aspect. He is nothing short of pure evil, not neutral, not ever switching sides, just one evil dude. I say stay.
05/13/2010 05:29 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:
If Scorpion's revenge quest is over, his soul can rest in peace.
Therefore he has no reason walking around as a spectre ninja anymore.
So I guess he shouldn't return either.....

He could always find....a new reason to exist.

Yeah... I guess. I hope they are creative enough to make the excuse acceptable.

If we're all so sick of old reasons, then it can't be because of Quan Chi, anything related to the Lin Kuei, the Elder gods, his family and clan, or any other reason used before.

That seems very challenging. I'll be impressed if they can pull it off.

I can see a better back story for Quan Chi returning than I can Scorpion. Don't get my wrong, Scorpion is my #3 character in MK. I'd hate to see him not return.
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05/13/2010 10:50 PM (UTC)
I have a lot to say on Quan Chi, but I am incredibly tired.

Although I REALLY REALLY hate him, Stay. I would say more, but it hurts to think.
05/13/2010 11:03 PM (UTC)
Scorpion's nature changed when he became Champion of the Elder Gods, and he still has those powers, even though he was using them to fight Taven and try to betray the Elder Gods in Armageddon.

Therefore, ending the vow that his Spectre powers are driven by would no longer allow him to rest, and besides, it's Hell he'd be resting in and one can only assume he'd probably rather atone for his sins and get to Heaven when he dies for good instead.

And anyway, an argument could be made that since Quan Chi ALREADY died in Deception, Scorpion's vow is ALREADY complete, even though he wasn't the one who did the killing. Any future chasing of Quan Chi wouldn't be because he HAS to, but because he WANTS to...and that's just redundant at this point.
05/14/2010 05:50 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi: I liked his story in MK4 and Deadly Alliance, and I think its cool that Scorpion is out ot kill him. However, my problem is that he is too similiar to Shang Tsung. Both are evil sorcerers, and they both have similiar motives and perosnalities. Not too mention that Quan was the big villain in MKM and MKDA. I don't really know what else they should do with him after Armegeddon.

Verdict: I'd rather see another old character on the roster than Quan especially if Shang Tsung is back. Gone.
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05/14/2010 06:14 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is my favorite character, and I'd definitely like to see him back. He has clearly shown himself as the biggest prick in the series. Shang Tsung is cool and everything, but I've always liked Quan Chi more.

Plus, it sucks when your favorite character has never had a Fatality that you liked.

However, if they are going to say that his ending in MKA was canon, then just leave him out.
05/14/2010 08:39 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Plus, it sucks when your favorite character has never had a Fatality that you liked.

Wow. I've never met someone before who didn't love the Leg Rip from MK4.
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05/14/2010 10:35 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
Plus, it sucks when your favorite character has never had a Fatality that you liked.

Wow. I've never met someone before who didn't love the Leg Rip from MK4.

It's just too silly for me. Beating someone with his own leg isn't exactly brutal; i've always found it fucking hilarious, but that's why I don't like it. I don't like funny things in Mortal Kombat. Johnny Cage is all the comic relief I need.
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