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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

05/15/2010 01:54 AM (UTC)
I love Quan Chi's 'playing dirty' style of fighting. I was so fucking happy to see the teleport stomp super move back in MKA.

He gets a big thumbs up from me. I'd never let him go. <3
05/16/2010 11:24 PM (UTC)
never cared much about Quan Chi...he's overexposed and he looks like he just come out of a Hellraiser movie. In MKDA, he also kinda reminds me of a white colored Darth Maul and the vampire dude Wesley Snipes battled at the ending of the second Blade movie. Shang played the evil sorcerer type better than Quan could but even Shang himself is overexposed and i'm sick of him myself already (the fact that they couldn't reproduce his old morphing powers over to 3d is just inexcusable, Shang Tsung without the morphing ability just isn't the same). Quan also shares some affinity with MK's crappy characters (Sindel, Sektor, Noob, Nitara, Sareena, Hotaru, too many to mention): either they're a part of some stupid group like the Black Dragon, Tekunin etc., or they come from fucking Edenia or Orderrealm or Take Out Realm or whatever.sleep
05/17/2010 03:46 AM (UTC)
LOL! I want to go to Take Out Realm!
05/17/2010 01:33 PM (UTC)
There is no confirmation Quan Chi ever died during Deception.
If you pay close enough attention to the last few frames before Raiden's explosion, Quan Chi can be seen turning away and running.

We already know Quan Chi can teleport (MKM:SZ). Who's to say he didnt run into his own portal to escape Raidne's blast? Quan Chi already had idea of what madness Raiden was up to when he asks "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

But like I said, no one confirmed his death or survival unless we go by Armageddon's garbage story. But even then, we never got MKA biographies.

I'm hoping MK9 ties up the loose ends of MKA, or just takes place after Deception and pretend MKA never happened.
05/17/2010 03:14 PM (UTC)
Sorry that I didn't change this a while ago. I've been very sick and tried to post as much as I could but, oh well. Still feeling sick, but not too much. I give you the next character up for debate.


Born in Kitana’s former world of Edenia, he was smuggled away from the realm as a small child shortly after Kahn took over. Thousands of years later, he resurfaced. His allegiance belonging to Kahn, he chose to betray his homeland rather than suffer at the hands of Kahn’s extermination squads.

He fights valiantly for Kahn. It would be Kitana that turns Rain against jim. Like Kitana, Rain’s origins come from Edenia. He learns that his father was once a general in Edenia’s army and died by Kahn. Enraged at the truth, he joins Kitana’s side. But his allegiance comes under question when he mysteriously disappears during an extermination squad tack. To prove his loyalty, he embarked on a suicide mission to destroy Kahn and end the menace once and for all.

In Armageddon:

The Edenian race is descended from the gods. That is the reason for our longevity, our nobility, and our strength. But I am more than a distant relation to the deities of old. I am a direct descendant of Argus himself. Only recently have I discovered my royal heritage. Quan Chi, an emissary of Shinnok, revealed to me that I am entitled to great power and control of Edenia. My father hid my identity for fear it would complicate his plans for succession. He favored his sons Daegon and Taven and groomed them to one day replace him as Protector of Edenia. But he foolishly tied this plan to a quest to save the realms from Armageddon, leaving open an opportunity for me to seize the power that is rightfully mine. Though it seems the Forces of Light seek to steal the prize from me, Quan Chi has made plans to assure my victory. He and his allies will help fend off the Forces of Light as I make my way to Blaze. But before this final battle, I must ensure that Taven and Daegon cannot challenge my ascension. I will finish them both before they complete their quest.

I wished that Rain appeared in more games than just UMK3 and Armageddon. Despite that he came from a song, still, he was a good character to play as. I think that we should see more of Rain. I think it’s funny how he goes from hearing that his father was a general that died to where he’s now a child of Argus. Okay?

Anyways, I didn’t like his Armageddon look whatsoever. I just thought he looked too much of a prince rather than what the heck he’s supposed to be. I would like to see where Rain fits into the story now.

And I liked the moves that he got in Armageddon, I just hated how majority of the characters had teleportation moves, and I would only like to see that move disappear in his move list.

Other than that, I think you should stay.

So, let’s debate. Should Rain stay or leave?
05/17/2010 03:55 PM (UTC)
I think Rain should stay within Mortal Kombat's back story. As far as his actual participation in MK9, he should stay out of it. Though it's hard to say because we don't even know MK9's scenario.

I just don't think there is enough about Rain to bring him into the fight anymore.

After playing through Armageddon, I always thought about this:
- Taven defeats Daegon and Blaze.
- Taven becomes a demigod
- Taven tries to overthrow Queen Sindel and rule Edenia.
- Taven kills Queen Sindel.
- Rain joins forces with Kitana and Jade to protect the throne.
- Rain, Kitana, and Jade kill Taven.
- Liu Kang not only turned down Kitana in his MK4 ending to rule at her side, but Liu Kang is dead.
- Rain becomes King (or Prince) and Kitana becomes the new Queen of Edenia.

So sure, Rain could stay alive, but his involvement should stay for storyline purposes only.

I always thought his Lightning move and Water-based moves were knock offs of Raiden and the Water God. I didn't like that at all. The only thing I liked about Rain in UMK3 was his super round house. That's about it. Ermac was (and still is) more of a character than Rain.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/17/2010 06:50 PM (UTC)
I always hated Rain up until MKA. However, I only liked him in MKA because of his new look, specials and the fact that he was very good to use in battle. Other than that, Rain is of little interest to me as a character. The new look and his MKA story were all to little too late, imo.
Don't get me wrong, the MKA story was interesting. Rain running around proclaiming himself a prince and then discovering he was Argus' third son was something decent for him. Unfortunately, from there it becomes another Edenian subplot that MK quite frankly doesn't need.
If Rain went on to do anything centering around Edenia and its throne, be it trying to overthrow Sindel and pissing off Kitana or fighting with Taven and Daegon about sibling issues and their parents, I'd just become extremely bored of him. The sad thing is, that seems to be all there is for him to do.
Rain should go. He's had his day. He's just not interesting or important enough to keep around.
I am EXTREMELY excited about the next character! wow wink
05/17/2010 07:15 PM (UTC)
I agree with assasSINister for the most part. Perhaps he can stay in story but not playable. Maybe even be a secret character to fight against or something. I think Rain needs to be put on the back burner a bit but don't kill him because he does have some potential to be a cool character. So with that I say Gone...but not totally.
05/17/2010 08:25 PM (UTC)
Rain always struck me as the one ninja too many. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Reptile are given. Smoke was expected. Noob Saibot and Ermac were odd additions, but I kind of understood. Then came Rain. Really stretching thin. The only thing that made me take any interest in him was his story tied to Kitana's...so I was only really interested in him via association.

While never a top priority, I always figured they could maybe make something out of him with a good revamp. And I think they did okay with him in Armageddon. I liked his new look and, even though it sucks they didn't explain what happened to him after MK3, revealing he was the third son of Argus was a nice twist. I also like that he's running around claiming he's a Prince of Edenia now. Being the son of a god don't make you royalty. Rain's a Prince only in his own head.

But I really don't see where he could go or what he could do in the future.
I've no interest in Taven or Daegon's future prospects...so developing a feud there mean nothing. Unless they have him be the obstacle to fuck with Mileena's plans...as opposed to Tanya....I really have no interest in seeing yet another would-be usurper to the Edenian throne. Edenia itself, as previously stated plenty of times, has become a fucking dead zone and they should just torch the place.

Honestly, the only thing I have any interest in regarding Rain is whatever ties he may have to Kitana. I've always been a fan of the idea that he has some sort of crush on her. Now he's running around claiming to be a Prince...could be fun if he tries to make some moves on her. Especially since it's pretty much confirmed he's evil. Could also be interesting if they play that into the idea that Kitana abandons Edenia. Maybe Rain could be the...or one of...the things that forces her out of exile? Not to save Edenia...God no. I don't know what he'd be up to.

But yeah, that's the only prospect for Rain I really have any interest in, and that isn't a strong enough reason to keep him around. Otherwise, they'd be better off clearing the excess baggage.

I'll say GO.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/17/2010 08:38 PM (UTC)
Agreed that Rain's always been that unnecessary extra ninja. I despised him utterly until MKA, which against all odds made him somewhat interesting, and one of the few people said abomination did right by. The problem is that Rain's tied to that bunch of uninteresting Edenian f-tards MKA introduced, and their collective lack of popularity isn't going to do him any favors.

The only way I want to see him back is if he kills Taven and progresses from there to his own ends - unfortunately, I can't think of a single thing he could really do now. He's wasted space, sadly. While a part of me wishes that his plotline would continue, that would likely mean bringing Taven back at least. If that's what's needed, then he should number amongst MKA's casualty list.

At any rate, at least he had his moment of legitimacy, and that was good enough for me. I'm going to say GONE. Further appearances would very probably lead to my hating him again.
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05/17/2010 09:05 PM (UTC)
Rain... The character that never should've existed lol. There are hidden characters that I've seen in MK's long and storied history where I've thought "oh man! I can't wait to learn more about them or use them in a match!"

For some reason, Rain was never on that list. I think that by that time, I was just saturated on the palette swap ninjas. His little Rain ball or whatever in Trilogy was silly looking (complete with silly sound effect) in terms of what it did and the lightning move was transferred to Nightwolf for Deception.

Regardless, I didn't like his look in Armageddon and the fact that he ties in to the Edenian storyline is strke 3 for me. Not much else to say, really. He was an unnecessary character, and while I appreciate the fan service from the MK team in their effort to include EVERYONE, he just never connected for me.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 30, saved: 15

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara and Noob.

tgrant Wrote:
I always hated Rain up until MKA. I am EXTREMELY excited about the next character! wow wink

Reiko? Wait...oooooh that's right grin
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

05/17/2010 10:46 PM (UTC)
Sorry to hear you were under the weather IceBaby, hope you're feeling somewhat better now.

As for Rain, when I played with him in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, I really felt like I was playing as a royal character. I never got that feeling with Kitana or Sindel to be honest. And I like how they took it in that direction for him. But maybe it's not his time yet. I say sit out this next game for sure, but maybe not all together. I don't know, I'm torn. Hahaha! I say go.
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05/17/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
A character thats been around and kinda an "extra" ninja until MKA. I feel he deserves at least one more game to evolve his story. itd be a waste if he just got left in the dust.

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05/17/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
The only reason I say Rain should go, is because he may drag Taven and Daegon with him if he were to be in another Mortal Kombat.

I like Rain as a character, but if he brings Taven and/or Daegon with him, I'd rather see Rain delivering pizzas for the rest of my life.
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05/18/2010 05:19 AM (UTC)
Destroy it. Utterly obliterate it from existence.
05/18/2010 11:38 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
The only reason I say Rain should go, is because he may drag Taven and Daegon with him if he were to be in another Mortal Kombat.

I like Rain as a character, but if he brings Taven and/or Daegon with him, I'd rather see Rain delivering pizzas for the rest of my life.

Daegon is dead.
Since Ed Boon and the team know the fans hate Taven just as much, Taven either dies like I explained in my previous reply. They could give some other reason he dies or he becomes the new God of Edenia and stays in the backstory never to return again in the actual fighting part of the game.

So just because Rain makes a return, doesn't mean his sorry excuse for brothers have to also.
05/18/2010 01:30 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
The only reason I say Rain should go, is because he may drag Taven and Daegon with him if he were to be in another Mortal Kombat.

I like Rain as a character, but if he brings Taven and/or Daegon with him, I'd rather see Rain delivering pizzas for the rest of my life.

Daegon is dead.
Since Ed Boon and the team know the fans hate Taven just as much, Taven either dies like I explained in my previous reply. They could give some other reason he dies or he becomes the new God of Edenia and stays in the backstory never to return again in the actual fighting part of the game.

So just because Rain makes a return, doesn't mean his sorry excuse for brothers have to also.

Just because Daegon "died" in Armageddon doesn't mean that ending is completely true. We're not sure if Taven is the main winner of Armageddon, all we know is that he was the main character due to Konquest, and who knows I could be wrong, or things could be slightly altered.
05/18/2010 03:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
The only reason I say Rain should go, is because he may drag Taven and Daegon with him if he were to be in another Mortal Kombat.

I like Rain as a character, but if he brings Taven and/or Daegon with him, I'd rather see Rain delivering pizzas for the rest of my life.

Daegon is dead.
Since Ed Boon and the team know the fans hate Taven just as much, Taven either dies like I explained in my previous reply. They could give some other reason he dies or he becomes the new God of Edenia and stays in the backstory never to return again in the actual fighting part of the game.

So just because Rain makes a return, doesn't mean his sorry excuse for brothers have to also.

Just because Daegon "died" in Armageddon doesn't mean that ending is completely true. We're not sure if Taven is the main winner of Armageddon, all we know is that he was the main character due to Konquest, and who knows I could be wrong, or things could be slightly altered.

I could see your point if it was an ending to arcade mode... but usually Konquest "is what it is"
I think fan hatred will kill Deagon and Taven more so than MKA's own story.
05/18/2010 04:34 PM (UTC)
I'm very hungry so I'm gonna be quick... Rain STAYS.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 24

GONE: 21
05/18/2010 05:19 PM (UTC)
Rain: I can't say I really like his story. It's just too weird that he was a prince of Edenia and then he worked for Khan then he worked for Kitana. Isn't Kitana the princess of Edenia? And I thought only women lived there. Regardless I do like rains look in Umk3 even though it is a pallette swap. His move list is was pretty cool in umk3, and i'm trying to forgot about him in MKA. One thing that kind of makes me want he too stay is that it was cool that there was so many ninjas in UMK3. If you didn't like one ninja then you could pick another that fit your preference.

Verdict: I like Rain. I don't love him. I think he should be DLC or apart of Ultra MK9 Nitro. Have him included in a ninja pack with Smoke, Noob, Ermac. That way it will give the game some Umk3 nostalgia without taking away slots of other characters. Gone.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/18/2010 05:22 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

tgrant Wrote:
I always hated Rain up until MKA. I am EXTREMELY excited about the next character! wow wink

Reiko? Wait...oooooh that's right grin

Pfft! It sure as hell isn't Reiko! I know you know who it is! wink
05/18/2010 09:57 PM (UTC)
OK, now that I'm not hungry anymore wink I just want to say that I'd like Rain to replace Sindel at the throne of Edenia.

Basically, the people of Edenia would get sick of all the trouble they've been through with the current royal family on the throne and they would be easily manipulated to turn against them- that's for Rain to do.

Here's the catch, I'd actually like for Rain to be a great ruler of Edenia, one that the people of the realm would love and support, but I'd still like him to be an evil or evil-ish character. Maybe he could be loved by Edenians and hated by everyone else. I'd like that touch of complexity.

Anyway, I loved the redesign for Armageddon and hopefully if he returns he gets his roundhouse kick back, I thought that was his signature move.

Oh and, like Xia mentioned, I too would like there to be some sexual attraction between him and Kitana, a both sided sexual attraction though. And since Rain is "evil-ish" and Kitana a good character, that would bring even more complexity to the overall Rain story.
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05/18/2010 10:42 PM (UTC)
Rain was always an awesome character until they ruined him in MKA.
He needs to be redesigned. I think he could be really good again so I say STAY.
05/19/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)

The thunder god, it is rumored that he received a personal invitation by Shang Tsung and took for of a human to compete in the tournament.

Raiden’s victory is no surprised to him. He was never impressed by Shang Tsung’s inferior sorcery, Goro’s brute force, or the challenge of the other contestants. He quickly becomes bored with his mortal competition and soon invites other Gods to participate in the contest. The ensuing battles rage on for years. The wars result in the world’s final destruction. Have a nice day!

Watching events unfold from high above, the Thunder God realizes the grim intentions of Kahn. After warning the remaining members of the Shaolin tournament, Raiden soon disappears. He is believed to have ventured into Outworld alone.

Familiar with Shang Tsung’s lies and Kahn’s brutality, Raiden accepts their challenge to compete in an Outworld tournament. He is well aware of their scheme to unbalance the furies and invade Earthrealm. Raiden vows to use all his might to end their trechery. Winning the tournament, Raiden destroys Kahn and the minions. He destroys the dimensional gates which would have been their passageway to Earthrealm.

The Thunder God returns to Earth after the defeat of Kahn but finds a new threat when Shinnok’s forces led by Quan Chi attack the Elder Gods. With the Heavens in disarray, Raiden exists as one of the last gods of Earth. He must come to the aid of his elders and put an end to the reign of his ancient enemy.

The Gods were fully aware of the potential damage the Deadly Alliance posed to the stability of the realms. Yet even with this foresight, they stood firm on their decision not to interfere. All except for Raiden. The former God pleaded with his fellow Elder Gods to take action but they refused. Disgusted, Raiden relinquished his Elder God status and returned to Earthrelam to gather support against the coming storm.

Raiden returned to Earthrealm to reunite with his comrades and inform them of the impending thread. Those that accepted his call to arms were instructed to me him on Shang Tsung’s old island fortress. Once there, Raiden explained in detail the dire situation that faced not only Outworld, but Earthrealm as well. He then summoned Shang Tsung’s Nethership from the ocean depths and with it transported them all to a celestial portal known to only sorcerers and deities. They emerged in Outworld ready for battle.

Once again, the threat to Earthrealm has been vanquished. The Deadly Allinace is no more. What dangers lie in the future he can no longer foresee. The Dragon King will, in fact, return. Perhaps the depths of the Neathrealm will spew forth a legion of Oni. Or even the Vampire people pose a threat to peace now that Outworld is in chaos. But Earthrealm must be protected. He has abandoned his status as Elder God to aid the mortals.

He was well aware of Onaga. Kahn had bee his advisor until he poisoned the king and stole Outworld for himself. But Onaga had somehow returned, more powerful than before. Even the might of the Deadly Alliance combined with his own power could not defeat him. By the time his energies reformed in Earthrealm, he was aware of all that had transpired. Disgusted with the doings of mortals, it was Shujinko’s vanity and desire for glory that led to the return of the Dragon King. He will no loger allow the wil of men to determine the fate of the realm. They will fight for it or he will destroy them all.

His patience for mortals has worn thin. If he is to protect Earthrealm, he must punish those who would threaten it. Shujinko had let himself to be deceived into believing that he was working for the greater good. He was in fact an unknowing tool of a greater evil.

Shujinko undid his mistake and destroyed the Dragon King is of no important. Those who place Earthrealm in harm’s way will pay with their lives.

I simply LOVED what they did to him in Deadly Alliance. Why? It was the first step into becoming what he became in Deception. How? The Heavens of course. They knew what was going on with the Deadly Alliance and yet they did absolutely nothing to stop them. Raiden was not happy so he ditched the Elders and became a protector of Earthrealm. And since Earthrealm was in peril of the Dragon King, he tried everything he can to stop the threat but failed to. Blamed Shujinko for the mess and killed him because he harmed Earthrealm. Raiden, to be perfectly honest, has to have by far the only great story a character has had in the series. At first, I thought Raiden was an evil character in the first Mortal Kombat game, but then we see that he’s a good guy after all... Then he somewhat turns a little dark in Deadly Alliance by turning away from the Heavens to save the realm of Earth, then become a total badass just to protect the Earth and show those mortals that you don’t fuck with Earth.

But, now it comes down to one thing... What are we going to do with him now? Raiden had basically served his purpose for far too long. What is there left to do with him? What would happen to this character if the next game is a direct sequel to Armageddon? I’m just throwing this out there mostly as a “what if,” kind of thing... but what if Sub-Zero’s ending came true and he became an Elder God himself. Would Raiden go after him after trusting him to help out in destroying the Deadly Alliance? About the other alliances he has with his friends? I just don’t know where his story could actually go now unless it’s just that I have too much other things on my mind that’s blocking out the Mortal Kombat theories and such shit like that.

His appearance, I would keep it, I would still make him a dark character but he’s not really evil... Just a pissed off former Elder God who wants one thing and protects a realm from stupid people who makes stupid mistakes.

The moves as well I would keep it too.

I’m going to say stay because I know that there’s some things left with this character, other than that I’m going to shut up because I know that all of you have something to talk about with Raiden.

So, let’s debate. Should Raiden stay or leave?
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05/19/2010 08:18 PM (UTC)
Raiden has to stay, he's a classic. I doubt they would ever get rid of him.
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