05/19/2010 08:28 PM (UTC)
The best thing to do with Raiden, who should STAY, is make him a no nonsense, full-fledged bad guy who thinks all the crazy shit he's doing is right.

Like Chris Jericho, if he was a demi-god who can shoot electricity.

They should change up his look a bit though. When I'm using Raiden I want it to FEEL like I'm playing with a demi-god instead of just some regular guy with a cool hat who.
05/19/2010 08:39 PM (UTC)
I really think Raiden is a major icon of MK and he should probably always have a place in the game in some form. I won't go into a lot of details as to why but I think he should sit back a game or two. Maybe keep him in the story background...I kinda wanna flame myself for saying it but I say Gone.
05/19/2010 08:53 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
I really think Raiden is a major icon of MK and he should probably always have a place in the game in some form. I won't go into a lot of details as to why but I think he should sit back a game two. Maybe keep him in the story background...I kinda wanna flame myself for saying it but I say Gone.

So, basically your actual vote is STAY because if I got it right this thread isn't about whether we think a certain character should stay or not for MK9 (or MK8, however you like it), but for any of the future games... Right?


Anyway, I vote for Raiden to STAY, he's awesome. I just hope they finally stop ignoring Fujin because of Raiden. Keep the "Dark Raiden" thing evolving, maybe even make Raiden as a final boss in one of the future games (not the next one though) and let Fujin do what he's supposed to do as the protector god of Earth.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 25

GONE: 21

Damn, I'm too kind... tongue
05/19/2010 09:05 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
I really think Raiden is a major icon of MK and he should probably always have a place in the game in some form. I won't go into a lot of details as to why but I think he should sit back a game two. Maybe keep him in the story background...I kinda wanna flame myself for saying it but I say Gone.

So, basically your actual vote is STAY because if I got it right this thread isn't about whether we think a certain character should stay or not for MK9 (or MK8, however you like it), but for any of the future games... Right?


Anyway, I vote for Raiden to STAY, he's awesome. I just hope they finally stop ignoring Fujin because of Raiden. Keep the "Dark Raiden" thing evolving, maybe even make Raiden as a final boss in one of the future games (not the next one though) and let Fujin do what he's supposed to do as the protector god of Earth.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 25

GONE: 21

Damn, I'm too kind... tongue

I am speaking in terms of the next games to come including MK9...so I say gone because it would make him an NPC to be just in story. It would be a gone for now but not forever kinda deal. So no my answer is gone. respectfully.glasses
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05/19/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
Stay for sure. After his whole dark era, I want to see where they go with him.
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05/19/2010 10:46 PM (UTC)
uhhh..... STAY!

is that even a serious character to consider? hahaha
05/19/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
Do note though... In the very first game, in his bio, it states that he took form of a human to compete in the tournament... Does this mean that Raiden has some alter form of something? Just throwing that out there for topics.
05/20/2010 12:55 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Do note though... In the very first game, in his bio, it states that he took form of a human to compete in the tournament... Does this mean that Raiden has some alter form of something? Just throwing that out there for topics.

The gods can look like anything they want to look like. They're gods. His true form is probably made out of pure energy or lightning.

Anyway, Raiden HAS to stay. I would've been okay to see him retired after MK4 (and don't get me wrong, I'm still extremely bitter that he stole Fujin's spotlight in DA), but after they turned him into Dark Raiden? Dude's a future end boss now. That story has to be told and it has to be big.
05/20/2010 02:08 AM (UTC)
Figure Raiden will stay regardless. Now they've started this "dark" storyline, I'm all for it.

I can see him eventually becoming a future boss, but I just hope they handle it carefully. Don't rush it and don't turn him into another "evil madman." Build it up over a few games and don't lose sight that all he just wants is to protect Earth.
They can make an interesting story dividing who sides with him and who sides against him.

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05/20/2010 02:16 AM (UTC)
As far as Rayden's story is concerned, I think that he honestly has a ridiculous amount of potential. To me, I see him now almost as a zealot that's so concerned about the mission of protecting Earth, that he's willing to sacrifice that which makes Earth worth protecting: It's people.

Sometimes there's nothing more frightening than someone that's hell bent on doing something that they know in their hearts to be right. I could see a very clear scenario where Rayden decides to unmake Earth in order to recreate it without all of the corruption and evil that he sees in it, especially now that Liu Kang, the pure warrior of the Shaolin is gone.

Even if none of that pays off and he doesn't go full on zealot and become a main boss, Rayden has a fantastic (potential) foil in Fujin, and it would be very cool to see those two gods clash over the fate of Earth.

I like where his story has been, even if his ending from the first game is basically a throw away. He's been an integral part of MK since its inception and seeing the one game that he wasn't in (MK3), it was very obvious, to me at least, that his absence created a vaccum in terms of a quality character of his look, background and move set.

Speaking of his look, I honestly didn't really like his Deception look that much. The hat is cool, but I honestly think I'd prefer something more old school and exaggerated like that reimagined Rayden image that was floating around here a while back. If he's going to be a boss (like I'd want him to be), he needs to look more regal, or more godly or something along those lines that says he's bigger and better than the regular characters.

As for his moves, I always like some of the little moves they add to him, but it's time to give him something more than teleport, superman and energy ball. Sure, the electrotouch or whatever is alright, but he needs more moves. I mean, c'mon, he's a GOD for crying out loud! The possibilities are endless!

VERDICT: STAY. This is one of the easiest so far for me.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 30, saved: 16

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara, Noob and Rayden.

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/20/2010 03:30 AM (UTC)
No matter what, Raiden never really comes out of a game feeling stale or boring. He's universally loved, has the pip of being one of the original seven, and MKD saw him undergo a drastic, well-received direction change. A big gamble which paid off in a big way.

The only reason I'd want Liu Kang back in a future MK game would be to settle affairs with Raiden for transforming his body into a killing machine. If anyone were to set Raiden straight, and reveal that his actions are the result of a corruption of his essence, I'd welcome Liu up to bat - the confrontation between the two would be great. Jeez, if it isn't enough that Raiden never gets old, he provides for me the one stipulation I'd have for bringing one of the stalest MK characters back. Failing that, they could let Fujin back out of the closet and have him try to set his fellow god to rights. Raiden's pretty much a nexus of plot connections - his presence in MK games just opens floodgates for places on the roster. Another reason to keep him around.

I was slightly miffed that our thunder god struck deals with Kahn and Shinnok in MKA, but I hold out hope that, since he's mentioned to be well aware of Shinnok's trickery, that his intention is to blow Kahn away at the first chance he gets - I hope he's not written as taking Kahn at his word.

There's no decision to make. STAY. I want to see where he goes...and no MK game would be the same without his incoherent screaming during fights.
05/20/2010 06:06 PM (UTC)
I think this is an unanimous decision. Everybody says stay.

I totally agree. I love his moves, his story, his look. He's awesome.

And now, he's dark. That's a major part of his story. He has to stay. It's not like the Mortal Kombat staff can hype up a good character in his ending/story and then just mention him dying in someone's bio in the next game and completely get rid of him, right?
05/21/2010 02:04 AM (UTC)
Rain- GONE.

Raiden- STAY
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/21/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
*Gets all excited and enters fanboy mode!* Raiden is the best MK character ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever! EVER! grin *Exits fanboy mode
But seriously, he is the best! tongue
Obviously I want him to stay. I've loved him since day one and he's always been one of the best characters overall and he ahs grown to be one of MK's mascots and most recognised and well known characters alongside Sub-Zero and Scorpion. MK without him for me would be very weird and I'd dislike it, probably as much as I dislike MK3 and UMK3. MK without him on a wider scale would also be weird in the sense that he has not only been the protector and leader but he's also for the most part been the storyteller. He's the authority in those areas.
Over the years his story has been a little lacking and MKD gave it a significant boost. Unlike most, I'm not overjoyed about it. This new 'dark' Raiden isn't the character I once knew in a sense but at the same time I feel it's a necessary move to keep him fresh and as such it is welcome. I'm not too thrilled with the 'dark' look but the look fits the current intent of his character so it works.
For the future, I wouldn't want Raiden to be a boss like many have speculated. I do feel he is heading towards that route and if so, I hope he's cheap! Like M.Bison in Street Fighter 2 cheap lol. In all seriousness though, if he does become a boss character, I hope they do him and his story the justice and respect Raiden deserves. I don't want him turned into on of these overly boring boss types like Moloch, Goro etc.
Moves and Fatality wise he needs more options. Give his Reverse Lightning from MK Trilogy back and add some new lightning attacks. He's a god! Abuse this knowledge and show off his power damnit! For the Fatalities, he doesn't always need to be about the shock and explode and please don't give him anymore stupid uppercut Fatalities or sacrificial ones.
Attire wise, more regal and godly please. Yet this needs to be crossed with the sense of a commanding warrior as he is a fighter and a leader at heart also.
So yes, I want my favourite character to return. MK is dead to me the moment he's gone. It's as simple as that.
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05/21/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
MK without him for me would be very weird and I'd dislike it, probably as much as I dislike MK3 and UMK3. !Quote>

Thank you. I couldn't agree more. I don't know what genius at Midway thought that MK3 should head to arcades without Scorpion or Rayden, but that original roster for MK3 was just horrifically bad.

The Bride of Frankenstien? Check. The cop and the native american stereotype from the Village People? Check and check. Two guys wearing chest protectors, bicycle pants and predator dreads? Checkity check. An underpowered she-Goro? Sure, why not, check. Sub Zero, Kung Lao and Shang Tsung wearing some of the most laughably bad video game costumes this side of an 80's jazzercise video? Check, checker and checkest.

Oh, and Kabal.


But yeah, aside from the cast they DID have, MK3 was beyond weak simply for the fact that Scorpion and Rayden were missing. I applaud their effort to shake things up, but that game had alot working against it. Though MK4 CERTAINLY has its faults, I was most relieved to see the return of Scorpion and Rayden.
05/21/2010 11:32 PM (UTC)
Like I said if they want to expand Raiden's moveset, all they have to do is read Electro stories in Spider-Man books, or play inFamous.

Electric control can be stretched into shit loads of stuff. If they really wanted to make a cool fatality, make it so that Raiden manipulates people's brainwaves so that they commit suicide, or as a special, use static to stick them to the floor for a free hit.

Edit: Or hell...just pop in a couple episodes of DarkWing Duck
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/22/2010 07:50 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Thank you. I couldn't agree more. I don't know what genius at Midway thought that MK3 should head to arcades without Scorpion or Rayden, but that original roster for MK3 was just horrifically bad.
But yeah, aside from the cast they DID have, MK3 was beyond weak simply for the fact that Scorpion and Rayden were missing. I applaud their effort to shake things up, but that game had alot working against it. Though MK4 CERTAINLY has its faults, I was most relieved to see the return of Scorpion and Rayden.

I agree. I'm not the biggest Scorpion fan but the game suffered from his and Raiden's absence. For me to play, it was incredibly boring. MK4 is probably my favpurite MK game and it was great to see Raiden back when the promo shots for it were released.
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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

05/22/2010 12:08 PM (UTC)

Raiden is one of my favourites, he never gets boring to me personally.
I really hope they stick with the whole Dark thing he's got going on..something tells me they will. I hope he looks as someone has mentioned..much more regal. But in a darker way, as in the colours they use, look etc.

I had an idea of maybe having him shown more as a god, what I mean is less human..like a figure on electric energy..but still with human features..ahh its hard to explain and picture, but think of the water and fire gods in MK Sub-zero Mythologies. They used there element as part of there apperence. Something like that.

Anyway Over the next few games I would like to see him become a boss...yeah STAY.
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05/22/2010 06:34 PM (UTC)
Raiden stays! But make him more Godlike please. If I play against him I want to feel like if I win it was by some form of luck. And isn't he suppose to be like 7 feet tall? They should make him bigger. But not rediculously large. Tall but not extremely muscled up.
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05/23/2010 08:26 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure what to do with Raiden anymore. Reverting him back to his old role would be a step backwards, but the Dark Raiden plot device has long served it's purpose. Boss? That would seem a bit silly to me.

Still, Raiden is Mortal Kombat. I hope the last line of the franchise is "Have a nice day!" Stay.
05/23/2010 11:59 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of Raiden being played up as aboss....not as a "bad guy" per se...but something like Magneto where he has a valid, though very extreme, point of view. It could lead to interesting conflicts with, not just good guys, but "villains" who don't agree with it (and those that do).

And a handy thing...because I know a lot of people figure, when Raiden becomes the boss: that's it, he's done...I believe it was ThePredator151 who had this idea....after "Raiden as the final boss" story has run its cource, rather than kill him off perminantly (because let's be honest, they're never going to give up Raiden), the Elder Gods strip him of his god-hood and we see a de-powered Raiden (but with basic lightning attacks, natch) trying to redeem himself for whatever he did when he was the "Big Bad."

And that sets up a whole new story-arc...which I'll be honest, I would be interested in seeing...way down the line, assuming Mortal Kombat is still even going.

That's the beauty of Raiden and a testament to his genuine iconic status.
05/23/2010 02:08 PM (UTC)
It's getting close to the end guys... Next character up for debate:


Once a general in Shinnok’s armies. He lead the forces of darkness into the battle against the Elder Gods. Once thought killed during that onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth’s forces...

And of course, you know how his ending goes, the infamous Kahn helmet one...

Anyways, I never liked Reiko in the first place. His character never caught my attention as someone I would play over and over again. And his come back in Armageddon was barely anything good. He’s a general, but then why does he have moves I would normally see a ninja have? Such as the throwing stars? Meh, like I said, this character never struck out as someone I would miss if he never comes back.

The appearance, come on... That’s the best outfit you can give to someone who hasn’t been around in the series since the fourth game? Of all the returning characters that hasn’t been around, his comeback was by far the lamest one... Right next to Sheeva, and Sheeva is one of my favorites... Horrible, utterly horrible.

His moves, I want those throwing stars gone. They don’t make sense with this character, of course in my opinion that is... I don’t know what to give this guy instead, he’s not a kind of guy I could see having fireballs coming out of him or whatnot. But if he’s a general, then maybe he should have something that would make him feel like a general? I don’t know, I just woke up and my brain is not that functional quite yet. Forgive some of the things I’m saying if they don’t make sense.

With the story, well, I can’t see what you can do with someone who’s been mistaken as Kahn for hundreds of times by people who go on Youtube and leave comments like they’re the king of the world... Really, you think there are people who don’t know anything about MK, well, go on Youtube, read the comments, and see for yourself. It’s hilarious. Reiko’s story isn’t interesting, his moves needs to be different, and the appearance just isn’t striking me as something I would like to see on a character that could have had potential.

I’m going to say leave, you’re not that much of a loss if MK decides to throw you out.

So, let’s debate. Should Reiko stay or leave?
05/23/2010 03:15 PM (UTC)

I like Reiko because he has something that no other villain except Quan Chi has: a calm, strategic mind, AND he has something no other villain AT ALL has: Honor.

Look at the way he treats Taven in Konquest mode. He's not angry, he's not a bully, he doesn't even begrudge him when he loses the fight. I like the guy's style. Acting like that immediately stands out in a sea of lunatics and barbarians.

In fact, since I firmly believe Shao Kahn's use as a villain was over several games ago and he should be dead forever, Reiko, as a military strategist, seems like the perfect person to rule Outworld next. In fact, he seems like he'd be way better at it than Kahn is. Under Kahn, Outworld is a torn up wasteland full of instability and rebellion and such. Reiko would be like the Dragon King, except not a dragon. He'd rule with order. He might even be more neutral than outright evil.

Of course, because Reiko's not exactly powerful, he'd have to earn it. There'd be a power struggle over who gets the throne in the plot. I'm just saying I'd like to see Reiko as one of the major players in that struggle. Maybe he wouldn't win. Maybe he'd be in charge of what remains of Kahn's regime and his eventual defeat two or three games from now would represent the sweeping away of the last of the old order, as a new ruler (possibly one of the heroes instead of a villain) takes control of Outworld.

That's what I'd do if I were writing the plot anyway.
Well, that and I'd explore his backstory. When we were first introduced to Reiko, he was Shinnok's general. He was a dead man (almost certainly a wraith just like Noob Saibot judging from his Brotherhood of the Shadow markings and hair streak, blue eye-glow, and special moves), leading an army of the dead in the realm of the dead. It was only later that we found out he'd been Kahn's general first (and eventually comes out of hiding to go back to work for him in MKA). So how did Reiko die the first time? What kind of wars was he involved in, in Outworld's distant past, that made him so notoriously good a military leader that Shinnok picked him to be general? Here's a possible example, just off the top of my head: what if it turned out he was the one responsible for the extinction of the Cryomancers, like he led the sieges that wiped them out or something?
05/23/2010 05:52 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I like Reiko because he has something that no other villain except Quan Chi has: a calm, strategic mind, AND he has something no other villain AT ALL has: Honor.

Look at the way he treats Taven in Konquest mode. He's not angry, he's not a bully, he doesn't even begrudge him when he loses the fight. I like the guy's style. Acting like that immediately stands out in a sea of lunatics and barbarians.

In fact, since I firmly believe Shao Kahn's use as a villain was over several games ago and he should be dead forever. Reiko, as a military strategist, seems like the perfect person to rule Outworld next. In fact, he seems like he'd be way better at it than Kahn is. Under Kahn, Outworld is a torn up wasteland full of instability and rebellion and such under the rule of Shao Kahn. Reiko would be like the Dragon King, except not a dragon. He'd rule with order. He might even be more neutral than outright evil.

Of course, because Reiko's not exactly powerful, he'd have to earn it. There'd be a power struggle over who gets the throne in the plot. I'm just saying I'd like to see Reiko as one of the major players in that struggle. Maybe he wouldn't win. Maybe he'd be in charge of what remains of Kahn's regime and his eventual defeat two or three games from now would represent the sweeping away of the last of the old order, as a new ruler (possibly one of the heroes instead of a villain) takes control of Outworld.

That's what I'd do if I were writing the plot anyway.

Well, that and I'd explore his backstory. When we were first introduced to Reiko, he was Shinnok's general. He was a dead man (almost certainly a wraith just like Noob Saibot judging from his Brotherhood of the Shadow markings and hair streak, blue eye-glow, and special moves), leading an army of the dead in the realm of the dead. It was only later that we found out he'd been Kahn's general first (and eventually comes out of hiding to go back to work for him in MKA). So how did Reiko die the first time? What kind of wars was he involved in, in Outworld's distant past, that made him so notoriously good a military leader that Shinnok picked him to be general? Here's a possible example, just off the top of my head: what if it turned out he was the one responsible for the extinction of the Cryomancers, like he led the sieges that wiped them out or something?

Awesome thoughts. Especially the last idea you mentioned sounds intriguing.

Anyway, I too like Reiko, a lot actually. I loved playing as him in both MK4 and MKA. I'd change his moves list a bit though. Even though his teleport was superior to Saibot's in MKA, I'd leave that move for Saibot and give Reiko his circle teleport back. Also, I didn't like that they gave Li Mei his Flip Kick special, that was one of my favorite specials overall and to give it to another character was quite frustrating to me.

I thought his MKA primary costume was great, though maybe his chest could be a bit more covered.

Anyway, this is a rather mysterious character that I'd definitely like to see more of and I'd like for him to be heavily involved with the future Outworld sub-plots.

My vote is STAY (again, lol).

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 26

GONE: 21
05/23/2010 10:53 PM (UTC)
Reiko: I actually like Reiko. In MK4 his outfit meshed well with the other characters. It was simple, it had a unique color, and the eyes made him supernatural. I actually like his story as Khans right hand man. Khan may have monstrous minions, and sorcerers but he doesn't have a loyal guard that is human like him. He strikes me as the type who would be loyal to Khan to the bitter end. On top of that he must be a bad ass if he is Khans general. It kind of reminds me of Darth Maul. Silentl, loyal, and deadly. I do think they should give him some new powers. I like to think he is the same race as Khan so give him some green shit, and give him the axe as a special move. I like to think he idiolizes Khan so he would mimick him with his own personal flare. However, I would really like to make sure the MK1 and MK2 cast returns, and there are slots open for 4-6 newcomers. So if they have room I would say yes, but I'm guessing there will only be 32 slots.

Verdict: I like him, he looks cool, but he is a little too obscure. I say put him in a DLC pak. Gone.
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