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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/12/2010 10:44 AM (UTC)
Sektor is a definite stay in my eyes. He an Smoke are my favourite of the cyborgs and Sektor had a brilliant story built up for him in MKTE which progressed nicely into MKA. I'm glad he's made it to the new game. If it isn't a reboot and is a sequel, we may get to see the Tekunin wreak havoc. If it is just a reboot and they ignore his current story then I'll be disappointed.
06/12/2010 12:28 PM (UTC)
Ok so here is the next bunch of the characters i wanna stay:

-Mavado: I think the idea of this guy started off well with his storyline, his looks, his moves, everything. Problem is, it didnt work out in the end. Meaning they screwed him up (as if that's shocking with the way most new characters have turned out). It seems like they left him unfinished! I always thought Mavado could bring sth new to the table and i still think that with the right changes he can! A feud with Kira (as hopefully her enemy "Kobra" is gone once and for all!) would be great, as far as his storyline goes. Now his moves i think are veeery original! The whole thing with the ropes or whatever it was, was sth new to MK and coming up with original moves after so many games is enough for me to say he has to stay but only under some alterations. They could really give him some awesome moves with those ropes i mean come ooon! He can throw them and stangle the opponent, he can immobilize them, he can pull them over, he can bind their legs and swing them around lol! He can do whatever he wants with those, not just a silly sidestep! Mavado stays as long as they make him badass!

-Nitara: I never thought they would bring a vampire to MK but i was glad to see one in the roster; esp a girl! Nitara's looks are great, she has that goth look that fits to a vampire combined with some "renaissance-like" parts of her outfit BUT i wish they didnt make it that revealing! the more they hide the character's body, the more mysterious they get and Nitara needed that. I am also glad that they didnt make her that bloodthirsty beast, that only seeks revenge from some random guy or looks for u know...blood :P I dont know why but with the way her story unveiled made her look like a very smart and conniving bitch (the way she made cyrax do the job for her, or made reptile attack him, or loured ashrah out of her realm) which is awesome of course lol! With some covering up, and her story that can go so many ways from the point we left her, Nitara deff stays!

-Raiden: I dont like him! He is a douche! He is overrated, his story is the same in every game (trying to protect earthrealm at any cost) and his face looks like a foot! The only good thing about Raiden is that he has those cool electric moves and that he turned evil in the last game! finally some originality with him! I hope Raiden stays so that Fujin takes over leading the earthrealm warriors and we get to have this God clash between them...one thing is for sure! I am sooo gonna amputate every possible part of his body with Fujin! Fatality!! :P

-Rain: I didnt really care about Rain until MKA. We find out he is a prince! His moves are all new and imo amazing! His new outfit and look generally is remarkable! I wanna know more about this guy in the next game deffinitely! The can do so much with him, his story, his look, his water powers! I just love the new version of Rain. Deff stays!

-Reiko: He is another guy i wanna know more of! I think Shao Kahn HAS to be freagin dead by now and Reiko is the one to take his place! The whole thing with Shao Kahn's helmet, him being his general and the latter being dead finally (although with MK u never know), i think Reiko could as well become the next big thing. Give him the throne, some great powers, update his looks, and there u go. Screams sub-boss to me! After all i always thought of Reiko as being this very composed, smart and very strategic character, even though he is evil which is sth rare in MK so him taking the throne makes sense to me. Reiko can stay if they come up with a good explanation as to why he is back.

-Sareena: I waited for sooo long to play with Sareena and i finally got to do it in MKA. She has some very nice moves and her quick throwing knives were a good addition. Her story can develop in sooo many ways as she has connections to a lot of characters without even being in any of the games(not counting MKM or MKvsDC)! I like her goth look as well so i guess its about time they let her in instead of some other random new player that becomes a waste of space again! Sareena effin stays!

-Scorpion: I was never one of the huge fas of Scorpion and tbh i wouldnt be super mad if he wasnt in the next game but i cant count him out...dunno why exactly lol! maybe i am used to always having him in the selection screen...maybe i enjoy using him but refuse to call myself a scorpion fan just to avoid going with the mass :P Now seriously is a no brainer. He is one of the most iconic players, he has a good story, he has great moves, he is fun to play with and even though i dont love scorpion a MK game just wouldnt feel right without him or Sub Zero. Scorpion stays

-Sheeva: She scared me when i was young! Sheeva can be an awesome sub-boss in the next game. She was an awesome look, great moves and i think a female boss would be a great idea! After all she HAS a back story with the previous bosses which can turn out in her favor in the next game...like her being treated as shit by Kahn in the past when Motaro was favoured and now is the time for some Sheeva redemption! Sheeva must stay!

-Sonya: She is cool when she does not look like a man. Sonya can stay if they add a cool twist in her story. Maybe with Cyrax as he is now part of the SF or a feud with Mavado/Kira...I wouldnt be extremely mad if she is out but i would prefer Sonya in the game as long as Jax is out!

-Sub Zero: I always loved Sub Zero and his moves! He can have a good reason to return (as always), preferably with someone new though...not Scorpion again! I would like to finally see the Subbie-Noobie rivalry unfold! Or if Frost returns as a way more powerful character and takes over Lin Kuei or sth, that would also be an interesting story to see with Sub Zero!

So far 20 players stay in my book
I guess there is room for 5-10 more..
i will do them later smile
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06/12/2010 01:21 PM (UTC)
Sektor is my fave cyber ninja so he's got to STAY.
06/13/2010 11:01 PM (UTC)
Well, with the release of the new trailer, we know Sektor's going to be in it. Whatever. I still say he should have gone.
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"Keep feeding me denial and hate. And from that, I will create".

Dimmu Borgir- Heretic Hammer In Sorte Diaboli

07/07/2010 02:39 AM (UTC)

I think about Kung Lao a lot. He was my favorite fighter in UMK3, and he was my first ever fatality!!! The Tornado Spin I believe.

He has good combos.

Sub-Zero has to stay. The only way I can ever use him is with his freeze move!!!

I guess Scorpion can stay as well since I want to see how this whole brawl against who is the better ninja will turn out.

But anything else is anything goes. I can pretty much find a way to use anyone else I may have forgotten.
07/22/2010 01:23 AM (UTC)
It's been too long for this...

Shang Tsung

Evil main boss in the first game comes back as a playable character in the second one. He lost control of the tournament and promises Kahn to shape events that will lure the warriors to compete hin the contest. He gets his youth restored and allows him to live.

Not only does he turn against the boss, he takes over Outerworld and unbalances the furies and weakesn the dimensional gates between Outerworld and Earth realm.

He was granted more power than ever by Kahn while entering the third game. When Kahn overtakes Earth, he needs Shang to help locate the survivors. His new powers discovers Kahn’s true plan. Kahn will take Shang’s soul after everyone’s dead. He turns against Kahn and he takes all of the souls for himself.

Then the Deadly Alliance came where he’s partnered up with Quan Chi, they kill Liu Kang and Kahn, he turns against Quan Chi in his ending and takes the amulet for himself.

I like this character as a boss and should stay as a boss because he was always such an interesting character. But with the lack of his morph, he just doesn’t seem wicked enough. Granted that he’s better off without the morphing, but still, Shang was really noticeable as the “guy who changes into other people,” in my perspective and I’m sure in other’s too.

His look has never bothered me, I don’t want him to go back to old Shang ever because why? Why should he be old? I like his appearance more in Deadly Alliance than I did with the other appearances that he’s had in the past.

And his moves, well, despite that he has firebolts with him, his at least are different, he shoots out three bolts rather than one, he can rise them up in the air... They should stay. And yeah, it wouldn’t hurt to try to get the morphing back. But I understand and know the reason why this cannot happen, but it seriously doesn’t hurt to try right?

So I say stay.

So let’s debate, should Shang Tsung stay or leave?
07/22/2010 06:33 PM (UTC)
I've had enough of Shang Tsung and I never liked him (or hated him either) anyway, so it's an easy GONE.

I guess I'm one of the few who's happy that he doesn't morph anymore, I never liked it. I just don't like him (or anyone else) using other character's special moves. Like I said in another thread, special moves (especially the trademark ones) make a certain character special, so when someone else can do the same thing, the original character is not that special anymore. One can say that Shang's morphing is what makes him special, and it's true, but I just don't like it.

Other than that, his looks are OK, I prefer his MKDA look the most. His story is OK too, but like I said, I've had enough of him. So yeah, GONE...

EDIT: And there's that feeling of inferiority when it comes to Tsung. First, he was serving Kahn, OK, Kahn was the big boss so that inferiority feeling is logical, but even in the alliance with Quan Chi, Tsung felt inferior to me.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 27

GONE: 25
07/26/2010 05:20 AM (UTC)
I like Shang Tsung, should definitely stay. Keep the rivalry between him and Liu Kang brewing. The only thing I never really liked about Shang was that he could morph into other people. I get how he did it to manipulate people, but I hated that he used his opponent's moves. Like Sub-Zero, he's unique because for a while, he was the only character that could make ice. That's what made him special,but when Shang would morph into him and do subbie's moves, it made subbie less unique and special. That's why I hated Shang's morphing. Same with Shinnok in MK4 and thank God they took that out. But besides that, I love Shang and hopes he stays.
07/27/2010 03:31 AM (UTC)
Best character in the series. Easy stay.
07/28/2010 03:01 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung - easy stay. Other than Shao Kahn, I'd put no other bad guy above him in the keeper category. Hated how he came off like a chump at the beginning of Deception, with Quan Chi getting the better of him. The morphing was probably more of a product of having a gimmick in there for the earlier games, where stuff like that would impress people. I don't mind it being gone. Keep the soul-stealing and I'm good.
08/08/2010 03:42 AM (UTC)
I'd agree with Nephrite. I too feel that essence of inferiority surrounding Shang Tsung. He always has seemed like the 2nd string type of villain to me. He had his time in MK1, but was quickly overshadowed by his master. Then he does a good job reestablishing himself as a "big bad" in Deadly Alliance, but put next to Quan Chi, he doesn't seem nearly as big since Quan Chi is as evil as they come. He just always seems to take a back seat in villainy.

The only time I really like Tsung is when it's his rivalry with Liu Kang. Individually I'm just "meh" when it comes to those two characters, but as a rivalry I do enjoy it. On his own though, he really doesn't hold any wow factor for me. I am glad he is in this most recent game since it will encompass events from MK1, but I'm not sure I would really care in the long run after this game whether or not he shows up.

I'm thinking I'd only give out stays only for people I would miss, and I didn't really miss Tsung in MK4 and MKD, so I'd say GONE.
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08/11/2010 11:24 AM (UTC)
Go! I've never really cared for Shang Tsung much. Of all the villains in the Mortal Kombat series I find Tsung to be the least interesting. He's also never really felt like a threat to me. He's always been over shadowed by the other villains in the series.

The only thing that I would have any interest in would be finding out about his past. Was he born in Earthrealm, or was he born in Outworld? But I can't see them taking the time to explore his past.

So I thing that Shang Tsung should go.
08/12/2010 10:17 AM (UTC)
Of course he HAS to stay? Who was the Villain in MK 1?
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

08/17/2010 11:52 AM (UTC)
I have had the tendency to call Shang Tsung the "Cardinal Richeliue/Jafar" of Mortal Kombat series. A refined, hypereducated chancellor/ deputy/ archpriest character always apparently faithful to his mighty overlord, but also always ready to use his cunning for his vile ulterior motives. Only recently, however, have I started to hate the fact that, with all the sophistication, splendour, and intelligent moves... - they just keep giving him the role of a f***ing servant. Well, for the most of time, anyway (I'm excluding MKA intro).

As dear as Shang Tsung has been to me since I learned of him in MK, I think it would be just a bit more practical for him to go than to stay. I think he's had his own major fun: kicking Liu's ass (in MK vs DC he defeated Kang all alone, a gem that even MKDA didn't have!), allying with the only sorcerer who can paralel him, defeating Khan, almost becoming the very leader of the Dragon King army...

Then the pinnacle came when he nearly reached the pyramid top in MKA intro but got stopped by Liu Kang. Evidently enough, it was Tsung who dominated the intro (almost a freaking half was dedicated to him, presenting both him both in battles and non-combat stances: sneering, amazed staring, wailing in agony while aging...; no other warrior was shown in that many various poses).

I'm not quite sure if he'll climb to some greater tier than he did. Chances are he probably won't, as, like already mentioned, he might again be Shao Kahhn's b***tch or Quan Chi's "use and dispose of" pal.

I do love him, but there ain't no feeling telling me he'll come to grow "mightier than ever" or at least independent, as he should actually deserve. Maybe Baraka deserves, and Reptile, and, in a way, even Scorpion since it's for the sake of Scorpion's own idiocy that he keeps allying with Quan Chi and fighting Sub Zero. But Shang Tsung doesn't. He has regal ambitions and a hell of a self-confidence, not to mention the special move-span.
08/17/2010 12:51 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is an easy stay .
09/07/2010 08:22 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is an easy stay. He's a expert manipulator and powerful foe, arguably the second most popular villain in the series compared to Shao Kahn (though Quan Chi is quickly catching up.)

Also, I know I'm late to this party, but I missed out on Sareena's turn... and I happen to care a helluva lot about Sareena.

Absolutely, she must stay. People talk endlessly about how the MK characters got stale and stagnant, how the new characters sucked, and how Armageddon was a huge disaster. Well, that's what makes her so special. She's unique, fresh, original, has a killer story, great character development, crazy amounts of potential, and she was arguably the best character to emerge from the train-wreck that was MK:Armageddon. The fact she was sort of cast aside as a left-over in MK:DA Tournament Edition and MK:A was rather disheartening, especially considering in her few short appearances she had more depth, personality, and character development than Johnny Cage, Kano, and Liu Kang have had in their entire run through the series. I would gladly throw half of the "iconic" cast to the cutting room if it meant getting her into a proper game, putting those quick-knives to use, and allowing her, for the first time, to breathe and flesh herself out as a completely developed, independent character with her own fatalities, movesets, and a proper HD make-over. She's not even a new character; she debuted at the same time Quan Chi did. But her lack of exposure is both a curse and a blessing; it's allowed her to build and amass crazy amounts of potential, a strong and passionate fanbase, and surprisingly effective moves, while allowing future games to take her in almost any direction they want; but that lack of exposure has stunted acceptance of her into the mainstream console games, and her only big debut was on the lambasted Armageddon. But she remains, possibly, the most exciting character MK could utilize, both in terms of her demonic abilities and her storyline. I'd sacrifice Sheeva, Stryker, Nightwolf, Ermac, Liu Kang, Kabal, and Rain in a second to get Sareena into a new MK game.

Month-late rant over.
09/07/2010 09:01 AM (UTC)
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