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How the fuck do you all get those giant pictures here? oh well this is good enough

05/05/2010 10:56 PM (UTC)

I absolutely love this character. Everything from the modern sexy vampire look, to the eerrie look to her wings and eyes. The MK team has succesfully made thier first vampire fighter. I think they were very clever not saying much about her leaving us wanting more from this character.

The only thing I have not to like about this character is that it said on her Arm. card it said she was good. That is a big no-no for me. She's more of a loner, only associating with the other MK characters to her own needs.

Oh and just one more thing. If you notice (which most of you have) everytime she's been in a game she's there to fight for her realm. What happens when her realm is completly safe?

Overall though, despite her plot holes, I would love for her to come back and learn more about this fighter. Maybe she could fill those holes in................Oh my god that was so cheesy lol. So I say stay
05/05/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
Nitara has got to be one of the smartest of the new characters. He was able to persuade quite a couple of people(Well, just only two) to do her job and it worked out in the end for her.

I want the next game to involve, if not focus, on Vaeturnus. Shao Kahn learns that a lot of sub-realms are being separated from his rule (Edenia, Vaeturnus, possibly more) Shao Kahn kept trying and trying to get Edenia over and over again. He gets tired of that, and starts to realize he's losing his control. He needs to focus on those that are starting to slip out of his control. He learns of Ashrah's attempt to "purify" herself with her attack on the Vampire realm. Kahn convinces her to help him get rid of those, and he gives her more equipment or ways to help her "cleanse her soul." Nitara must defend her realm and defeat Ashrah and Kahn. She can be allied with Kitana, who share that will to defend their realm. She could also call upon Cyrax's help with the OIA. Shao has Ashrah and Reptile, who is still pissed at Nitara, go to Vaeturnus to raise hell and try to get that back.

So we have an Ashrah-Kahn-Reptile alliance, and a Nitara-Kitana-Cyrax alliance. I just hope that my storyline is only for one game, and Nitara doesn't turn into another Kitana. That what I hope to see.

Her moves and fatalities, although generic to a vampire, are still great. Her appearance looks great. I love all the rock references with her. She's a great character, and one of my favorites. She better stay!
05/05/2010 11:38 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
He learns of Ashrah's attempt to "purify" herself with her attack on the Vampire realm. Kahn convinces her to help him get rid of those, and he gives her more equipment or ways to help her "cleanse her soul."

Considering Kahn once sent Ermac to assassinate Ashrah and Ashrah knows who Kahn is, I don't see this happening.
05/05/2010 11:42 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
He learns of Ashrah's attempt to "purify" herself with her attack on the Vampire realm. Kahn convinces her to help him get rid of those, and he gives her more equipment or ways to help her "cleanse her soul."

Considering Kahn once sent Ermac to assassinate Ashrah and Ashrah knows who Kahn is, I don't see this happening.

He did? Huh, I don't remember that.

05/06/2010 01:39 AM (UTC)
Nitara: I never really liked her. Her wings looked like crap, and her clothes where just too weird for MK. I also hated how they made her manipulate a cooler character named Cyrax. All Cyrax is, is just a tool for Nitara. Dumb.

Verdict: No need for vampires in MK especially if Nitara is the outcome. Gone.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/06/2010 04:12 AM (UTC)
I've never found vampires any more far-fetched than half-human dragons or centaurs. MK does a magnificent job at blending mythologies. Nitara's shenanigans with Cyrax and Reptile were some of MKDa's most memorable moments. She could use a better moveset, and maybe an outfit that doesn't scream "sexy pirate", but the set-up between her vampires and Ashrah is a plot line I'd love to see elaborated on further.

Verdict: STAY.
05/06/2010 10:57 AM (UTC)
I think you could only have too many weirdos for MK and Nitara is a part of this excessive weirdness. Too many gothic influenced characters in a game fucks it up. First, you have Sareena, then Ashra, now this Nitara gal. I dug her weapon style though but I think what the MK team should try to at least improve are the faces of its females. Nitara though sexy looks like a drugged member of an 80's hairbandsad
05/06/2010 12:10 PM (UTC)
Iguana666 Wrote:
Too many gothic influenced characters in a game fucks it up. First, you have Sareena, then Ashra, now this Nitara gal.

Switch Nitara and Ashrah around. The vampire came before the demon.

I never really considered Ashrah to be Gothic. Sareena, eh, kinda, I guess. I don't think that there are that many Gothic characters in Mortal Kombat as you say. Then again, I haven't played in a while so I need to check it out again to see if there are.
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05/06/2010 01:39 PM (UTC)
Like many other characters in this series, I'm on the fence about Nitara. On one hand, I really dig the idea of having a vampire character in Mortal Kombat, but on the other, I'm just not entirely sold that vampire character should be Nitara.

She has a solid look in MK:DA, even if her 2nd outfit was borderline nonsensical. She has a touch of the man-face, just like most other female characters' in game models for that game. But I can overlook that due to the graphical restrictions at the time... Perhaps (I dunno, didn't seem like a problem for Tekken, Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur back then, but oh well).

Her wings have to go. They just look dumb and out of place. Seeing them stationary yet fully out, almost as if she's in flight while being on the ground, looks bad and right now they don't seem to serve any purpose.

Plus, I'm also not a fan of a large number of "monster" characters. One or two per game as regular characters and then another as a sub boss. That's my limit.

I'd rather they just do something like remove the wings completely and give her more of a delicate but deadly look. Ditch the bikini and give her something a bit more sleek and shiny, slightly revealing (fishnets perhaps) but also covering her a bit more. Some sort of short dress maybe.

But give her a move that allows her to fly, only instead of real wings shooting out of her back suddenly, give her sort of black, shadow wings that disappear once she hits the ground.

I don't have a problem with her being labeled good, but it would also be nice to see her be a bit more ruthless in trying to accomplish her ends. Maybe she gets trapped on Earth after Armageddon and needs to get home, so she has to manipulate others, kill in the shadows to stay alive, you know... The sort of character that wants to be good but has to do bad things in order to not only get what they want, but to survive.

Her story in MK:DA was a little plain and definitely to the side of what was really happening. Sure, her story had large ramifications for the future, but enclosed in that one game, she seemed slighly irrelevant.

I see a lot of potential in Nitara. A vampire character has a lot that it can do. Her blood spit was an adaquate projectile. It would be cooler if she maybe turned in to a bat for a second when she spat the blood. Maybe she turns to mist for a moment to let projectiles pass through her.

Plus, she's a vampire, shouldn't she be able to teleport behind the enemy? To me, the potential for great moves for a vampire alone makes me want to see the MK try to revamp (ugh, no pun intended, really) her and bring her back.


I was excited about having a vampire in MK and a little let down by what we got with Nitara, but I still see potential in her. They just need to add a lot of special moves to her move list and make her more sleek and vampire-sexy instead of just plain old MK-slutty.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 27, saved: 14

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Nitara.
05/06/2010 02:28 PM (UTC)
Nitara was cool and she was smart and cunning and pitted Reptile against Cyrax forming a rivalry between the two, but as far as her story goes in MK:DA she just returned to her realm and got what she came for which indirectly ressurected Onaga.

If Nitara were to return it would be so open, the MK:DA storyline ended with Armageddon so Nitara could do just about anything at this rate. I would like to see more about her realm, is Nitara able to step out in the daytime? How do her people feed if they are vampires? There is much potential in her but I just don't know, although she was featured in one game there are opportunities to see other mythological creatures in MK.

My Verdict: I like her, but I am indecisive on seeing her come back right away, I would like her return to be built up.
05/06/2010 03:12 PM (UTC)
I didn't care much for Nitara all until her MKA bio came out. I still remember that line from her MKA bio "amidst the carnage stood the woman in white", loved that! I definitely want to see her rivalry with Ashrah extended, it's very exciting 'cause it's hard to tell who's good and who's bad, and I always enjoy watching a chick fight :p

I'd like to see Ashrah kill some vampires, collect their blood and then torture Nitara and force her to drink the blood of her fellow vampires if she wants to survive. grin

The weak points regarding Nitara to me are her gameplay and her appearance.

Her special moves are disappointing to me, one is the same like Tanya's (split kick) and her projectile is totally illogical to me- why would a vampire spit blood?
I'd change that in a way that I'd have her to be able to use that projectile only after she has done her throw move in which she drinks some blood. She could use that blood to replenish her energy meter or she could store the blood in her mouth and then later use it as a projectile. In the first option she replenishes energy but cannot use the projectile, in the second option she doesn't replenish her energy but can shoot a projectile.
I'd also like for that projectile to have a stun effect, without taking opponent's energy down. I mean, if someone spits blood into your face, well, that doesn't hurt, does it? It only stuns you...

As for her looks, I don't mind the wings as much, though those could be more dynamic and useful in a match. I don't like her alternate MKA costume either.

Anyway, my vote is STAY, mainly because I want to see that stuff with Asrah explored further.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 21

GONE: 20
05/06/2010 03:51 PM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan wrote:

I never really considered Ashrah to be Gothic. Sareena, eh, kinda, I guess. I don't think that there are that many Gothic characters in Mortal Kombat as you say.

I guess I was wrong about Ashra being a goth chic but Sareena definitely fits the type, with her make-up and all. With Nitara, I guess she should wear an outfit that doesn't make her look like a geisha. Perhaps a spandex cover-all to best emphasize and accentuate her shapely curves better. I would rather she would keep her weapon style from MKDA as she looks good with those. And yeah, as Baraka said, maybe it was excusable during the making of MKDA to create man-faced female fighters but in this day and age of Rumble Roses and DOA, I don't think the MK team has an excuse fucking it all up.

Story-wise, they should come up with a better storyline for her other than have her look for some goddamn orb which frankly nobody gives a rat's ass about. Give her a plot where she's a vampire slaying other blood suckers or werewolves perhaps and she enters the MK tournament as a representative of her species or something like that.
05/06/2010 04:03 PM (UTC)
Iguana666 Wrote:
Story-wise, they should come up with a better storyline for her other than have her look for some goddamn orb which frankly nobody gives a rat's ass about. Give her a plot where she's a vampire slaying other blood suckers or werewolves perhaps and she enters the MK tournament as a representative of her species or something like that.

Apparently Nitara gave a damn about the orb... You do know why she went after that right?

And to be honest, I think giving her a story plot of her acting like what a vampire should be would be a bad idea. It's typical that a vampire would be out looking for blood... instead, they should make her act like someone like Raziel from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver/Defiance, yadda yadda.
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05/06/2010 06:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Apparently Nitara gave a damn about the orb... You do know why she went after that right?

And to be honest, I think giving her a story plot of her acting like what a vampire should be would be a bad idea. It's typical that a vampire would be out looking for blood... instead, they should make her act like someone like Raziel from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver/Defiance, yadda yadda.

Okay, you just referenced my second favorite game series (Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain) and your sig has Sweet Tooth from another series that DEFINITELY makes my top ten. That's both awesome AND awesome grin

As for Nitara's orb story, I think that my main gripe with it was more the fact that it had a very "one-off" feel to it. I guess I'm just not that big a fan of having a character drop in for a one game story. You know, she needs the orb, she gets the orb, done.

Because then when them MK team decides "hey, maybe we should bring her back." They have to either scrap her previous ending (which would be odd since at least part of it came true, right?) or find some other reason to put her back in the series and that reason, whatever it is, will probably seem like BS.

Same goes for Ashrah for that matter. She's a demon, she gets the kriss, she starts killing demons to purify herself, she's pure enough and gets expelled from the Netherealm. Alright, tha about does it.

I know technically, any character can go in any new direction, but what I'm looking for is continuity, and having these sort of small, separate, one off stories breaks up continuity. Now if they have their own separate feuds throughout several games, that's one thing, but to imply such a finite amount of storytelling depth, I dunno, it just makes bringing them back for any logical reason feel that much more disjointed and out of place.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/06/2010 06:57 PM (UTC)
Nitara is a wonderfully fresh, interesting, unique (in some ways) and brilliantly executed character. She looks great and captures your attention instantly. Her story was filled with brillaint highlights through the course of MKDA and showcased her cunning (amongst other strengths) very well.
Her story was executed well and was responsible for a good number of important events. I like the direction her story was taken in for MKA. A rivalry with Ashrah would have been interesting to see. Ashrah would view Nitara and her people as the perfect way to purify herself but of course Nitara would know the truth about the Datusha blade. Involving Sareena is an idea but seems somewhat predictable. I'm not sure I'd want that to happen if that storyline continued but it makes sense to have it happen.
Personally, I'd like Nitara and her people to become more adventurous. They could start turning the peoples of other realms in order to strengthen their line. This would either be to protect themsleves or to launch an offensive where they exist as the new threat, turning all to vampires. My idea for this stems from a story I worte some time ago where Nitara turned Sonya into a vampire. For their plan, they'd probably start with Shao Kahn, or even just kill him so as to prevent him from ever being a threat again. The Datusha would play a heavy part in preventing their success and there could even be a sub plot to try and destroy the Datusha to ensure their success.
I agree with those who says she needs an improved moves list. I like that her throw gives her health back and it'd be nice to see her wings given more use.
Speaking of the wings, it is these above all that make her stand out instantly. I don't think they should be scaled down as such but perfects they could be folded away whilst not in use. They can open up for when she's gliding, dashing away etc. She could even attack with themor use them to create mini gust blasts.
I loved Nitara's Fatality. It's a shame that the pile of rubbish that is MKA prevented us from seeing more that this vampiress could do.
Another thing I loved about Nitara was her stength! She can kill you in 3 seconds on MKDA. Her Neijin was powerful and to me embodied her vampiric strength. To achieve the 3 second kill use her Neijin and do 3,3 3,3 twice in Fu Jow Pai stance. the first two hits do 66%. Obviously it won't work if they block. She was also the only character I know of that can destroy Moloch without him being able to touch you.
I vote for Nitara to stay. She's far too awesome to get rid of.
05/06/2010 07:20 PM (UTC)
I like Nitara, but I can't see any reason for her to ever participate in a Mortal Kombat plot again now that her realm is free and all out on its own and disconnected from all the important stuff.

Unless they decide to keep this "The Kriss was designed to slay vampires and it might have a mind of its own/possess the wielder" story going...but I fucking hate Ashrah. Maybe if someone else like Sareena got the sword. I dunno, that could be cool.

I guess what I'm saying is, my vote is GONE but I could be convinced to change my mind by the right plot.
05/06/2010 08:11 PM (UTC)
She's a vampire and she rocks out to KISS. STAY. :D

Her look could definitely use an update, but that's easily fixed. She's got a ways to go before she dethrones Morrigan as the queen of sexy vampire fighters. For one thing, Morrigan doesn't have the man-face going on.
05/06/2010 10:12 PM (UTC)
Morrigan's a succubus, not a vampire.
05/06/2010 10:44 PM (UTC)
i really like Nitara a lot but sometimes i wish she had a more modern vampire look...i never really liked the winged vampires concept much but i say stay for her because she is unique. i think she needs some better special moves though and maybe a new look for her wings...maybe give them a look as if they wrapped around to look like a cape/cloak or something. they could also pull a Motaro on her and come up with some story to remove her wings...not saying it would be a good idea but it could happen. i really could not imagine her without wings now though. anyways...as i said before i think she should stay.
05/07/2010 12:40 AM (UTC)
Nitara needs the wings.

"Modern" vampires suck hard, anything that makes the citizens of the realm of Vaeternus unique and different from Dracula, Buffy villains, Underworld, White Wolf RPGs, and Twilight is a positive change.
05/07/2010 09:40 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Nitara needs the wings.

"Modern" vampires suck hard, anything that makes the citizens of the realm of Vaeternus unique and different from Dracula, Buffy villains, Underworld, White Wolf RPGs, and Twilight is a positive change.

actually,Underworld had a winged vampire in it. winged vampires are not a new concept at all...the newer Van Helsing with H. Jackman had winged vampires aswell. its cool and all but i prefer the traditional vampire because the wings make them look more like demons rather than immortals. if you read my post you seen the statement "i really could not imagine her without wings now though". me saying that means she should have wings lol. what i said about removing them was a random thought that i spoke of out of being on the line about. And what i mean about the wings wrapping around...i am thinking on the lines of the gargoyles cartoon.

Goliath,the purple male gargoyle in this pic has his wings the way i am talking about.
05/07/2010 12:43 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Apparently Nitara gave a damn about the orb... You do know why she went after that right?

Of course but I think it was such a mediocre storyline for her and as jbtrash said, it turned Cyrax into a mere errand boy. I like Lycanthropic Illusion's idea though, her wings wrapping around her body like a cape, that could suit her just fine.
05/07/2010 05:46 PM (UTC)
gone. not really interesting with her typical,boring story and special moves. i hate her apperance too. the wings the head ban, the bikini.......stupid. keep her in the background and give us a playable male vampire. and what did kahn want from the vamps anyways? he had their realm bound to outworld but why??
05/07/2010 06:38 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and what did kahn want from the vamps anyways? he had their realm bound to outworld but why??

Kahn's a power hungry warlord, he had dozens of realms under his control before the series even started.
05/07/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
I'll keep this next character up until Mother's Day... Hope you all got what you wanted to say about Nitara, here's the next character.
Noob Saibot

Hidden character in the second game, Noob comes to us as a playable character in UMK3.

He emerges from the Netherrealm, belonging to the Brothers of the Shadow and worships a mysterious fallen God. His mission is to spy on the events taking place in the battle between the realms and report back to his leaders.

Noob does not have an ending in UMK3. (Do not show me MKW’s ending for Noob as it’s clearly Smoke’s ending with Noob’s picture in the background.

In the fourth, he returns to serve under Shinnok again after aiding the Earth warriors to overthrow Kahn. He returns to serve as a General in Shinnok’s army of Darkness.

Again, he has no ending.

In Deception, under Kahn’s rule, he hunted enemies of his throne. As a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow, he did Quan Chi’s bidding. All the while serving shinnok. His masters are gone, he is long last free to pursue his own destiny. Outworld is where he begins.

Deep within the labyrinth of torture chambers and prison cells, he finds Smoke, inoperative. A war trophy of the late emperor, Smoke has lain there since the invasion of Earthrealm. Reactiving his nanotechnology, he reshaped and repaired Smoke’s body.

Creating an army of cyborg demons with Smoke, he returned to the Netherrealm. He was unaware that they were being followed by Sub-Zero. He was surprised to see how much stronger his brother became. If he was still human, he would have shown some pride. But his soul became tainted when he died at the hand of Scorpion. He ordered Smoke to assis him in slaying his brother, his first act as ruler of the Netherrealm.

Kind of lame to have this character appear in a game with no ending... Would have liked to see what he did in UMK3 as he did became a playable character. I doubt that Noob became the ruler of the Netherrealm. Since the rivalry between Sub-Zero and Scorpion is through, I’d like to see these two clash up, maybe even throw Smoke in there for a three way battle. But of course don’t combine Noob and Smoke together as one character. No, I thought that was just stupid.

Noob never really appeal to me as a striking character with appearance. He’s a shadow, nothing more nothing less, he should look like a shadow not some kind of weird ass looking character. His costume for MK4 where he looked like he was some invisible man with a hoody on was just horrible. And giving him skin with his primary costume just doesn’t make sense. If he’s a shadow, then he should be pure shadow. No skin should be showing.

His moves, I don’t like the throwing stars, but I did like the clone moves he had in UMK3. I’d like to see that return if it’s possible.

I’m going to say stay with this character because I can so see a sibling rivalry start up. Yeah, we have that already with Kitana and Mileena but, they’re not blood related siblings, Sub-Zero and Noob are, so... stay.

So, let’s debate. Should Noob Saibot stay or leave?
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