05/08/2010 08:47 PM (UTC)
If something must be done between Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero, I think that is where Scorpion should come in. Play up the angle that Xia was talking about where Scorpion reclaims a sense of his honor and dignity. Have him realize that living a life hellbent on revenge all the time is slowly driving him towards becoming what Noob is; pure evil.

Then, if Noob is still going after Sub-Zero, have Scorpion step in. Have him honor the pledge he made in MK2 to protect the younger Sub-Zero. Have Scorpion be the one to finish off Noob and put an end to this particular plot-line.

If Sareena gets in the mix, with Noob trying to lure her to his side, have Scorpion be the voice of reason that keeps her on the side of good. Having seen how dangerously close he came to becoming like Noob, he'd be able to speak to Sareena and gain her trust in ways no one else could.

Sub-Zero can either be too preoccupied with other, new stuff (with Scorpion and Sareena having the option of not even telling Subz that anything is up with Noob) or he can be aware of Scorpion's involvement, but not directly involved.

I think it works. At any rate, the whole plot-line with Noob Saibot needs to be resolved permanently. It should've been finished in MKA, but we all know how that turned out.
05/09/2010 03:41 PM (UTC)
i say stay.
05/09/2010 03:44 PM (UTC)

The only biography I could find was Aramgeddon’s. I guess I’ll post his bio:
I had nearly regained my throne as Emperor of Outworld when my plans were undone. My pawn Shujinko had grown more powerful than I ever anticipated. Rallying warriors to his cause, he absorbed their fighting abilities and shattered the six Kamidogu, rendering me vulnerable. Only the amulet I had retrieved from the sorcerer Quan Chi gave me protection.
But as Shujinko landed his final blow, an outside force simultaneously ensnared my soul and expelled me from my host body. I found myself bound to a rune in the Netherrealm. I languished there until I was found by Shinnok, a fallen Elder God. Like me he was trapped in that accursed place, denied domination of the realms by lesser beings. Shinnok offered me a chance at revenge: I would regain my rightful place as ruler of Outworld in return for my unquestioned servitude. I bow to no one, but I considered his offer.
Shinnok was nearing his ascension from the Netherrealm, but he feared another defeat -- either by his enemies or his allies. He would emerge unchallenged if they were all eliminated. To achieve this, he needed an Edenian half-god named Daegon to defeat a fire elemental. The godlike energy Daegon would receive from that victory would bring about this slaughter. However, many other warriors also sought that power. Should Daegon fail, should some other warrior defeat Blaze, Shinnok's plans would go unfulfilled.
Shinnok was most concerned with Shao Kahn, my most hated enemy. He proposed that I feign reluctance, but join Quan Chi's new alliance in order to stay close to the traitor. I would then follow him to the final battleground and prevent him from reaching Blaze. When Daegon finally won the prize, the kombatants would all be slain and I would be given Outworld to rule once more. As an added incentive, Shujinko, languishing in Shao Kahn's dungeon, would be mine to do with as I pleased.
I did not trust this fallen Elder God. I suspected treachery. If all went as he had planned, I would most likely be among the dead. But I accepted his offer in order to free myself from that accursed Netherrealm. Satisfied, Shinnok conjured a portal and spoke through it. He then raised his hands and clenched his fists. With a demonic shout, my soul was freed from the binding symbol and I was released from the Netherrealm. I awoke in my original body, covered in dragon's blood. Before me stood Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and my hated enemy, Shao Kahn.
I will pose as Shinnok's pawn and join Quan Chi's alliance. Shao Kahn will never reach Blaze. But I would be a fool to allow Daegon victory. Once I have slain the fire elemental and have taken the prize for myself, I will have Shinnok's head. Onaga serves NO ONE!

Of course, I understand that many would say go and never return. And yes, I know it’s kind of a crappy character to discuss, but believe me, he’s the last of them (along with Mokap, Meat, etc.)

Anyways, the only possible way for him to return is by someone’s biography. Reptile’s story could have him being somewhat mentioned, as he was apart of the creation of the Dragon King as mentioned in Sindel’s ending and Reptile’s ending in Deadly Alliance. That’s the only thing I can see him return to the series.

Other than that, I find no other use to debate him, his appearance did not strike a dragon look towards me, and I found this boss rather too easy to beat out of the other bosses I’ve fought throughout the series.

So, let’s debate. Should Onaga stay or leave?
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05/09/2010 03:59 PM (UTC)
I like Onaga just fine, but I don't think he's got anything left to do. He was a good temporary threat, but doesn't have the staying power. Perhaps he could be a future sub-boss, but I highly doubt it.

A decent one-off character who doesn't need to return. GONE.
05/09/2010 04:16 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I like Onaga just fine, but I don't think he's got anything left to do.

Sums up my feelings as well.

05/09/2010 04:16 PM (UTC)
Onaga: A badass a boss with the curse of being in a bad story. As far as I'm concerned Shao Khan, Shinnok, Onaga, and Blaze should never come back. I like a new final boss with their own story in each game.

Verdict: So nothing against Onaga, but I want a new boss. Gone
05/09/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
This one is easy- GONE.

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 22

GONE: 21
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05/09/2010 04:49 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
I like Onaga just fine, but I don't think he's got anything left to do.

Sums up my feelings as well.


Mine as well. Onaga must go.
05/09/2010 04:50 PM (UTC)
I love the character but u guys are absolutely right he has nothin left to do in the mk universe so as much as this hurts me bye bye Onaga!
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

05/09/2010 04:52 PM (UTC)
Keep Reptile, let Onaga rest. I say gone.
05/09/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
I liked the build up of the character but Onaga basically filled the gap that Shao Kahn had. What Onaga had going for himself was his undead army and he could have been a real force to reckon with. What kind of ruined the character to me was the idea of the Kamidogu and this mysterious One Being entity that was mentioned.

In Deception I really respected the rivalry between Shujinko and Onaga it was a classic story arc on how the powerful villain decieved the tragic hero and Onaga as a villain was defeated in a pretty epic way with Nightwolf venturing the very depths of hell to channel his soul in the dark realm, and Shujinko using the very gift granted to him and with the help of every character in the game was able to defeat him.

Armageddon to me is just a modern day MK Trilogy I hope the creators take a cue and are able to retcon the actual events from the game actually taking place. Onaga was taken out of comission by Shujinko and If I had my way I would have Raiden's ending take place with him killing Shujinko too.

So Onaga should be gone.
05/09/2010 06:34 PM (UTC)
I have to agree with everyone here. Onaga was good for making a big entrance, and that was it. His story's done and he's done. GONE.
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05/10/2010 02:17 AM (UTC)
I thought Onaga was a pretty decent boss.
I wouldn't mind seeing him return as a fighter but obviously weakened to match other fighters' toughness.
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05/10/2010 03:09 AM (UTC)
I thought that Onaga was a decent boss. He definitely had a certain gravitas to him as the original ruler of Outworld. It kind of seemed silly then that he would go from being this unstopable beast that Quan Chi, Rayden and Shang Tsung together couldn't defeat, to allying with Quan Chi but whatever, it was Armageddon and half the stuff in it made no sense.

I never really liked his look that much. He seemed like a reject from the Gargoyles TV show (wow, 2nd mention in this thread! lol) or maybe like Gargos from KI2. Regardless, it seemed a bit over the top for my liking. As I've said before, I prefer the human looking characters, not giant True Ogre rip offs.

The only way I woulnd't mind seeing him return would be as a sort of alternate fighting style or a fatality for Reptile. Maybe Reptile gets to look human again, but he can will himself into looking like the Dragon King, then he gets a 2nd set of DK moves.

Of course, I say that, but I'm not overly sold on the idea or its' necessity. So yeah, as a fatality, I could see that being kinda cool, but as a plot device or subsection of MK's mythos, I think the Dragon King's time has come and gone.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 28, saved: 15

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara and Noob.
05/10/2010 05:06 AM (UTC)
Huh...Reptile having some residual bit of Onaga's power in his body and being able to transform back into a giant Dragon King form for brief periods...

That...I've never even thought of that or seen anyone suggest it before. That might actually save Reptile's character and make him worth bringing back!
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05/10/2010 10:07 AM (UTC)
give him a respectable exit. I feel Onaga was the ebst concept for a boss so far. Tied in well with shao kahn and reptile. But it comes down to being one or the other and I want Reptile back MUCH more.

Have shujinko or onaga take him out. Either shujinko does and then tries to contibute to good despite raidens psychotic temper, or Kahn and goro are victorious. Id rather Shujinko.

Onaga: Gone.
05/10/2010 12:11 PM (UTC)
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/10/2010 02:19 PM (UTC)
I've missed Noob but my verdict for him would be that he should stay.
Onaga I found as an interesting boss in concept and story but dull in gameplay and challenege. I agree with those who say he's had his time. I don't really have much to say about him so I'll just vote. Onaga should go.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Huh...Reptile having some residual bit of Onaga's power in his body and being able to transform back into a giant Dragon King form for brief periods...
That...I've never even thought of that or seen anyone suggest it before. That might actually save Reptile's character and make him worth bringing back!

I've had this sort of idea for a long time and was hoping they'd utilise it to explain Reptile's return. The full story arc I had was that it would tie in with both Sindels and Nightwolfs MKD endings. Though Reptile had been banished from his body and Onaga had taken it over, Reptile would exist on a spectral plain as a ghost like entity. He'd be severly weakened but able to tap into his body to try and regain consciousness and force Onaga out. Sometimes he might even manipulate Onaga's actions.
Upon Sindel moving Onaga's soul back to his original body or Nightwolf summoning Onaga's soul to the Netherrealm, Reptile would be able to help by taking back his body and pushing Onaga out. In the process he would retain some of Onaga's power. As a a result, he would be able to reshape his mishapen body back to his original form giving us the Reptile we know. Or even reshape it to something of his own imagining giving himself a complete makeover, perhaps some sort of cross between his reptilian and human forms. Furthermore, he'd be alot stronger and perhaps more agile. And finally, due to the power increase perhaps, Reptile would be alot more intelligent and able to speak properly. He wouldn't be insane like he was in MKDA. From this he could finally move on from wanting to serve a master and take matters into his own hands. Perhaps he might hunt down his former masters and kill them or choose to try and find Khameleon and mate. Also, he would be able to retain his form and not de-evolve any further meaning Khameleon would not be required for this.
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05/10/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
To the neatherealm he should go and stay!

05/11/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
i am on a line with Onaga...i don't know why but i think he should get one more shot for respect and than shit can em'. so i say stay.
05/11/2010 01:07 AM (UTC)
Onaga had a nice build up and I think he could've gone somewhere as an antagonist. The biggest problem was they didn't do enough to differentiate him from Shao Kahn.
The only thing we got that separated them was Kahn ruled Outworld is chaos and war, and Onaga ruled with a strict iron fist. They also dumped on his impact by having him defeated quickly and quietly to make way for Armageddon.

No sense in making him playable and we don't need repeat bosses, so I don't see much purpose in bringing him back. The only thing I can see them doing with him is keep him around in a strictly storyline, non-playable part. Maybe have him successfully regain control of Outworld after Armageddon and...I don't know. As said, a crucial thing is establishing how he's different from Kahn even though they're both Emperors of Outworld.

I'll say GO.
05/11/2010 07:40 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I thought Onaga was a pretty decent boss.
I wouldn't mind seeing him return as a fighter but obviously weakened to match other fighters' toughness.

I was going to say "gone" until I read this. Having Onaga as a weakened and altered boss (maybe smaller, on scale with the other fighters somehow) would be a cool idea, and maybe his lust for power in this weakend form would help contribute to the story further.

But if he returned as-is, I would say gone.
05/12/2010 01:47 PM (UTC)
Wasn't that kind of Kahn's story for the last few games? Defeated emperor of Outworld trying to build his strength up again, yadda yadda yadda
05/12/2010 02:11 PM (UTC)
Well, people said what they wanted about Onaga, now it's time to talk about a different character.

Quan Chi

He’s a free roaming sorcerer, who’s powerful in the black arts. He uses his power to free Shinnok from his confines in the Netherrealm. In exchange for his services, Shinnok granted him the position of arch-sorcerer of his now expanded Netherealm.

In the ending, he tricked Shinnok with the amulet as he has it and took out Shinnok with a mighty blow.

In Deadly Alliance, he teams up with Shang Tsung and helped him kill Kahn and Liu Kang, but before that happened, he was stranded in the Netherealm, persistently tormented by Scorpion. But with the help from Moloch and Drahmin, Quan Chi discovered the truth about the amulet that he took from Shinnok. An ancient runestone bearing the likeness of his amulet revealed new information that would allow Quan Chi to traverse the realms through a network of ancient gateways. Evading Scorpion’s wrath, he escaped the realm and emerged in a tomb in Outworld.

He stumbled upon the ancient mummified army of the Dragon King. Writings on the King’s sarcophagus had revealed that the army was invincible and could be revived. He struck a deal with Shang Tsung to resuscitate the army in return for the constant supply of souls the amulet could unlock from the gateway to the Heavens.

Once the army was finally revived, Shang Tsung’s endless supply of souls was shut off. Kano was instructed to assassinate Shang Tsung. Quan Chi thought that Kano would suddenly turn against him so he killed him. But one of the lingering souls that were wondering out had gone into Kano, and of course that lucky soul happened to be Liu Kang’s.

I almost forgot what took place in his Deadly Alliance ending, I would have liked if Kano made a return in Deception, only as Liu Kang... That would have been so hilarious to see... But anyways, getting back. I liked Quan Chi, I always have. I would like him to return since he’s got so much hatred going around him. He was the one who killed Scorpion and his family, he tried to kill the Original Sub-Zero, he turns on his partners that he worked with throughout the game... I would like more to come out of this character if possible.

I like his appearance, I like the writings on his head that suddenly came out of nowhere. I like how he’s very evil but in a very mysterious way.

His moves are okay, but I would like to see more use of that skull power. He should have this wall power that he summons that is made from skeletons... It appears for like a few seconds, the opponent has to fight through it. More black arts from this guy if he’s such a powerful sorcerer. And of course, change that ridiculous fatality he had in Deadly Alliance and return the leg beating one.

I would like this guy to stay, as there could be more to do with him than what he’s been through so far. There’s a lot of people out there that want their revenge against this guy, maybe it’s time that they get it? Yeah, I say stay.

So, let’s debate. Should Quan Chi stay or leave?
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05/12/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is easily a Chacter that needs to stay. Being one of the drivers of the series and plots. He has been around behind the scenes and pulling the strings since before MK1. Tied in with scorpion, subzero, shang, raiden, shao kahn, onaga and shinnok. Hes almost liek the "spine" of the evil side with everybody branching off of him like ribs.

He made his rise slowly and gained the position he could. Then pounced up and took his chance in MKDA. Had a valliant exit. And i guess we will find out whats next for him soon.

He is most deffinately not leaving anytime soon.

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